HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-03-19, Page 4,,..e..ewel..e... JAMES McMURCK1E 1 the otos st BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED BLYT I I, ONT xHIO. NOTES Sele Notes a specialty. Advances pude to farmers on their own notes, No additional security re- quired. INTEREST 01 DEPOSITS at Cement Rates, THURSDAY, MARetiis, 1903, anbarbe conference, which is to meet In Wing - A. E. BRADWIN, Punusm. THR BLYTI4 STANDARD, published every Thnrsday morning, Is a live Oscal news- paper, and has a large circulation in tllyth and surrounding country, making it a valuable advertising medium. Sub acr;ption price to any part of Canada or the United States only One Dollar per untminadvance ; $1,60 will be charged d not so paid. Advertising rates on application. Job Printing neatly and tdpeapIy executed. Co'reepondenoe of a *away nature respectfully solicited. We offer every accommodation con- sistent with safe and conservative bankine principles. CLOUTED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest. ER ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected, CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and re• epeotfulty solicit your account, OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. to S P.N. Business ay'ctrels. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC., Solle1tor for Bank of 0®emowoe, Mblock Wloghein. Lou. ilton. Money to 1 A, JACKSON, B.A., BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. item -sneer and Notary Buhl lo. Solicitor for Ntings o1 Blvtb and Banc of Hamilton. Offices, Pretoria block, over Powell's ettie, Blyth. Motley to lend. J e. JEROME, L.D.S , DENTIST. O16oe la the Pretona.hlook, Rtytlt. Speelal attenUos' peed to the preservation of the net ural teeth. Alt peen is low es is consistent let% good work. Gold work a specialty. J 0. LINDSAY, M.E. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Rneoaser to Dr, Tait. Graduate of the tinl- snotty of Toronto, Member of College of Pty gblaag and autgeone of Ontario, ,Formerlyy.ot pitman. 'Baa and reeeidd epoe Mist lately 000u - pied by Dr. Tait, Blyth. W J. MILNE, M.D.O.M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. IS,D 0.ItLy University of Trinity College; M.D.. la U41nnitp' Fatima at Talonsy Medical I an 01 member Oolle a of Pbyelatena end ttrgenns of Ontario. VDroner for the entity of Huron Ogles, bunAAoor north of tbe Comunsnoid hotel, Queen street, Blyth. T J. BUCESTEP, BARBER AND TOBACCONIST. Choke stook Of Tobaeeoe, tigers and Pipes 011 hand. Agent for the P.t4elan Steam lAUndry, Qtaen'trwt, Blyth. rc HAMILTON, APCTION'yEK AND VALUATOR. Land, Leen and Insurance Agent. Office, o0 outaan 020r wllirliv aloe prompOrders t attent tion. bran. A.E. BRADWIN, STEAMSHIP AGENT. Tbo Elder -Dempster linestrepresented. Ocean ticket+. sold to any part of 1'urope. Low, win- ter ratesnew la forte. Nem"sse or 'reamer. and (Wee of .alling furnished on applieatlon tc Teta SI'e4DRRD dace, Blyth. .. ?nor. S. L. TAUBE, MANUFAC1 5141NO OPTICIAN AND w.wrm SPECIALIST. All klub of•SecetseIee and Eyeglaenee made 40 odor. Special attention glen to fitting the eye. Orden by man pptompny Weeded to. awaw of puttee using ley name as 1 employ n0 travelling agents wherever. batietaotlou guaranteed. Established 1878. 2.54 Richmond street W., Toronto. ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE St. Thomas, Ont. (TWENTY-SECOND YEAR) --- Tho farthest south, and one of the largest and best equipped in Canada, Preparatory studies. Graduating Courses-M.L.A., ilf.E, L., Piano, Organ, Singing, Violin, Pine Art, Elocution and Physical Culture, Domestic Science, Commercial. Healthiest location. Moderate char- ges. Write for catalogue to REV. Pleb. WAIINEIIt N.A., B,D, An excellent time to commence a course of ebtdy so as to be reedy to nee a 100,i position In the fall. ALL SCHJOLe ARF. ROT ALAIE. 48ET OUR CAIALt10UE HEFttal: ngCIDIN44 TO 00 EL8EWHF,Itk,. Mail t 'ourees iu lbort- head, Book•keeplug, Penmauebip, Etc. • 11'. J. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL A. 0. Um Wm Mirth lodge, No. 115, Ancient Order of United Worlmren, ideate in the Work:eon 6111, Milne bioeoptt,, on the end tote 4th Theesda" in every LnOnth al debt p,oe vl"lt104` brethren ore eatdtuiy Invite;. r come, w.tt. T, J. Hors. eeiar, klteo'lPIL di, KIPPER. Goof CATTLE. -Mr, George Taylor, the veteran cattle feeder and dealer of this place, recently sold to Meteors. Cronin & Biggins, dealers of Seaforth, one of the best loads of cattle that ever left this district, These cattle were all sleek, fat and in first-clase shape, They were shipped from Hensall on Monday of haat week. They averaged 1525 pounds, while several of the number weighed 1005 pounds, and one very choice steer tipped the beans at 1810 pWilds. Good judges of cattle said that tine steer could Dot he beaten were united iu the holy bonds of sour within a radius of 20 miles of the kraut by the quart or barrel. Mr. Grand Trunk railway yard, The price Frown ht a well-known young cod fish paid for these cattle was a good one at 10 conte per pound, while the bride, considering the way the markets are Miss Gray, has Rome nice pigs' feet thie spring, but notwithstanding that, which will be sold cheaper than at any we understand Mr. Taylor has lost other store in town, money by feeding them. -The Palmerston Pork Packing Co. --- -«-• is before the courts on winding -up pro - AUBURN. ceedings, with liabilioios of over 650,000 DR, TURNBBULL DHOWNEO.-An et- and assets admittedly insufficient to tempt to run the Maitland river from meet them. The company was formed Auburn to Goderich in a canoe resulted in 1898 with a capital of 699,990, in IU) on Thursday in the death of Dr. Frank shares, of which $75A0 has been Turnbull, a clever young physician, subscribed, $57,000 paid up in cash, and who had been practising in this village 6)8,000 in notes. The Bank of Hantil- for the pest twe years and a half. He ton is a creditor to the amount of 6891100, had recently gold his practice, and was and the Campbell Shearer Co., of Lon - about to go abroad to prosecute further don, England, far 820,000. studies in his profession, and before -lir. Andrew Pattnllo, M.P.P. for leaving was anxious to perform it feat North Oxford, and editor of the Wood - ,which lots frequently been undertaken stock Sentinel -Review, told a geed by some of the yoeng men of Huron story on himself during a very clever county, the navigation of the Maitland epeaoh in the recent bye -election cern during the spring floats. The river pltign in Centre Bruce. He said he was broke up only a few days ago, and the at the Orillia asylum for imbeciles and icy current was towing with great wag asked to address the juvenile mem- rapidity. Thursday morning et 10.80 bets of the institution. Mr. Pattullo he started from Auburn to make the did not want to speak end Dr. Beaton hazardous trip of 40 miles ber winding river d own t he t' to Goderich.Howor of theOntar o leg eleture. Mr. rip that as a of 4 where the accident occurred is not was just the Ulan to epeak to idiots. known, but an upturned canoe with a This was one on Pettullo. In introduc- man clinging to it was seen from the ing hint to the assembled inmates, Dr. Grand Trunk station at Goderich at Beaton told them Mr, Pattullo had not 2,30 in the afternoon. The river from been in the habit of addressing such this point takes a broad sweep around good looking and intelligent audiences. the town. The news WAR telephoned to This was rough on the legislature. the docks, the whistles were sounded -Notice of application for a bill to and soon there were scores on the look unite the two parrs of Hanover town in out to save him. The canoe was stop- Grey county, instead of being ee now, peel near the breakwater, and the half in Grey and half in Bruce, 50 given doctor taken off, but so firm was his for the coining session cf the Onterio grasp of the veseel that it required legislature, The question involved is of etrong pressure to release hie lingers. much interest to the people concerned. He was quickly conveyed tate the office Two years ago the Bruce end of the of the lumber mill, and though hie town passes a bylaw providing for this,r heart was beating he was unconscious but the Grey end, for eome reason, and soon died 'from exhaustion. All would not agree to the change. Han - the medical 'nen in Goderich were over isoneof thedargeet furniture mane - quickly summoned, and though they featuring tow'ne in Ontario. and now the worked with all their skill for two Grey people have changed their minde lucre to restore circulation, they, ware and want to have their fellow -citizens of unsuccessful. Dr. Vurnbull, of Gode Bruce come in. The Bruce people are rich, was soon at his brother's side, but well willing, and in fact quite anxious, Raw that the efforts of hie professional but the county council and the township brethren could not succeed. The death council are for some reason ill-disposed of Dr, Turnbull will be a mournful toward the measure, largely, it is sup - theme for some time to come, ae the poeed, because of the lose they would oat of so;¢ne a young man, so tragi- sustain in taxation, etc. The merchants sally, will be an oft told story around and manafactnrers are all in favor Huron's firesides. His funeral took of the change, and will probably send n place on Sunday from the residence of deputation to wait upon the premier be - his parents near Milverton and was fore the hill is introduced. One of the very largely attended, many old inducements offered to the Bruce people friends from Auburn and vicinity being is a fixes aseesement of $2000 for 10 present. years upon the property of the furni- WINCNAM. ture company situated within their dis- trict, and also freedom from a share of LOCALe,-The hardware business car• taxation to raise certain bonuses gran t- ried on for the past 25 years by Messrs, ed to local iudustries, Smith & Pethiok has been sold to Mr. W. T. Bishleigh, of Hagarsville, who Business Notices. will take poeeeesion in a few days.... WtoEN in Wingham call and gee A, Two of \1 inghaln s wideawake young R SMITH'S naw spring styles at the men, leasers. Charles Skentes and bevid Chisholm Block. 81 le Linsley, have formed a partnership and J CST look at our Hate, Shirts and th will opens furniture store in Colling. Neckwear. Say! Do you weer petits? wood thio month.... As goon as the A. R. SMUTH's prices makes them easy weather ib favorable a molar of to wear. Chisholm Block, Wingham. changes are to be made at the C.P.R. SEED OATS! The Farmer's White station yard here. In place of traine Waverly and New 20th Century aro coming in on the cutanea track they are admitted as Canada's Greatest Oat. to come in on the track next to the Special prices on 10 bushel lots. Tim- plettorm, Other minor changes are to 5th and Clfor sale. GEo E. be made in the yard. The change of 1►lna Winghoveam.r 81t1 the trains coming in next to the station platform will be appreciated by the Sala Register. travelling public.... Mr. foul Mrs. E. C. Friday, March 20th. Farm stock, Clarke have left Winghtim for Moose implements and good fart», Si lot 2, Jaw, Aseiniboia Dr.. Macdonald, sou, 7, Morris, Estate of the late deputy speaker of the Rouse of Com- Archibald McInnes. R, ]it. Dougls, a mons, is In Ottawa attending to his ad:hinistrator. C. Hamilton, "1411n- parliameatery dutiea...,'llue general sal public will be given more room at the Wednesday, April let, House and `w weeks posht office in the 0 userse of a one acre of land ou North street, Blyth, few weeks. The boxes now in nes are One cow in calf, fueniture and other to be place of rd into & different position. articles, C. bloody, proprietor. C. In place of running longtnWiot of the Hamilton, auctioneer. ham the first week in June. He reports success, and thinks he will be able to billet the whole conference more easily than'he did the 40 members assigned to him in Askin street whim the conference met in London, Members of the other churches in town are offering their assistance most kindly and liberally. Wingham will sustain its record of according a cordial welcome to Yititort ,While Messrs. W. 11, Green and Walter Rose were working at the ice at the electric lfglit dam, the latter slipped and fell into the river and was in great danger of being drawn through by the tremendous rush of water. Fortunately Mr. Green was able with the aid of a pike -pole to rescue his assistant from his dangerous poeition. It was an experience that Waiter does not care to repeat. -Racoons, the ring-tailed denizens of the forest, ern becoming scarce, and furriers say that next winter will see a material advance in the price of the popular fur. Hunters have waged war upon these corn patch marauders for several seasons, and numerically they have suffered severely. -An Arkansas printer in making up the form in a hurry the other day got a marriage notice and a grocer's adver- tisement mixed up so that it read as follows: ,Tohn Brown and Ida Gray store, th y will he placed, across the __ store. This will give the public a great • deal more room and should he butter for MYTH MARKETS. all parties. An extra window will be 880 10 10a argon Y o6e, ww 0ineseo t ,70o.Oao heti , placed in the rear to frirnish more light egg., 12o to 100. butter, tae to nb. Potaioes, for the post office staff .... Miss Frances see to Me. Hides, 6o to Bo. Hay, e5 to V. Lard, (Ira daughter of Mr. John Gray, was 12010140. Pork, e7 to e8. Flour, 61.90 to 59.46. Gray, g 1 Wood, 42.60 to se Wool, loo to iBo, Turkeys, joined in wedlock on Wednesday morn- uo to 120, Geese, 00 w go. Ducks, Bo to 100. ntg of last week to Mr. Louis -Loose, of Celokene, Oo to 9o, Crandon, North Dakota. The young LIVE STOCK MARKETS. couple were unattended and Rol. D. Taranro. March 17. -There was a little im- I'errie performed the ceremony, The bride wore a gown of white sills trimmed with silk medallions and reerie. Her travelling dregs, was of blue box cloth, trimmed with white felt.... Mr. R. A. Dinsley met with an accident the other day, whitest work in Bell's factory, and had one of his wen severely injured. At first :11 was thought that the sight waspermanent- ly injured, but such .10 not the case. A flying piece of hoard from a maw done the damago..,.Res'. R. Hobbs is et work bilettii g the ministers . and provemoot fu Maine." at the cattle market to- day, though it could not be saki there was much .hangs lu triose. Tbo general feeling wee that prone were steady to strong. There was a bet• ter demand for good export cattle, with About se wavy offering no were welter, so that the prices under sorb eireumetenuee could not ad - vane. The top price gnotnd ter tweet o.ttle today was 64.70,bat the' weeny an exneptionally choice lot of matte. The general rue et export wee about 84.50. Thew woe a better tone in the local butcher Unna for she oboirmt butcher cattle. For lbs best loads and for picked Cattle the prim were perbapa from 10e to 150 Setter then s week ago, but thane wa a latae ptop0ftlon rough oattte offering, Sad those odes; othat nets &nestles was gsin'l othersehte. Trddo, 000-ov'ir, woe fairly good, end very little tittle delegates expected at the Loudon 415 eholoe MON. ft over at e54 to 44.24 05. paid elate oe Here we are between seasons and we have a nice lot of Spring Goods on hand already. But its not quite spring yet. So dont forget that we still have a lot of Winter Coods which will be sold at Slaughter Prices LADIES . We have all the latest effects in Fancy Collars. The Bishop Tab with French knot is a favorite. We have them in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes, from 25c up. J. A. Anderson Makes Lile's Walk Easy A Tile Goadvear Welted Shoe MCI $3 ad $3150 :; , PR1C� $3 as $3160 The Easiest Shoe on Earth • to Walk In. When you buy a pair of Shoes yogi want :-1st, style ; 2nd, lit; 3rd, good service for the Money. Let your eyes answer the 1st; yon know what looks well. Let your feet answer the 2nd ; if there's any grief they'll know It first, Let Good. .year stump on the shoe answer the 3rd; buy by the name. We have been many years in the shoe business. "Goodyear " means "good shoes." When you see it on a shoe you know you're getting the heat your money will buy. The Goodyear Shoe which we show above is an example ; no better Shoe made at any price. We have never Claimed to give.gold dollars for 80 cents. S. Herrington . Blyth aoythfurl extra would he worth frem 6125 to e4.40. There is a good demand for Itu04er0 and Indere, hat there are not Ina y of Ilia emu offering fust at present. TWOS or four loods were and at from 8975 for good stockers toee for ebortkeep foedent For milch cewa the feeiteg is a little easier, with porbape ream mere arm- ing thaw snots wonted, exempt for the beet goel. Ity Price" range alt the way from 625 to 460, but none told today for the latter num, thoege It was milked. There were no outside Legere of miich Howe today. Sheep and lamb" woe arm, with eterlthing sold out. ixoodgrettvfed Iambs ere wanted end are quote i at 66.60 to *0; barn. yard hunts ere quoted at e4 60 to e5 ; meat mama are quoted et 64.59 to a6; beaks, e3 to 85,60. There was a good offering of calves, but prim& were drat for good veal calve" and arm quoted at 84.60 to 80 per owe and from 82 to 58 ea08., 'there was a rather light run on bogs, with prices strougar, The brat 3el.ote nra now quoted at $0.6, sod fine ; lights .td tete era quoted at N to 60.25, TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET, Terooto, Match 77. -The roads ore now in nob thoroughly had oondition for trav'lll¢g that entroely any produce 0110e in 17 toad this morning. 713.,e were a frw enemies of eggs and butter by expreen. Pride, generally Mare steely all wand. Ideate -Supplies light, with prices , nonanYed. The pm4peot5 are that dressed hogs will go still earner than the prexeut quotations, Re It le reported teat there ie a eon,ld arnblo amou¢t of 'Lull beteg ahippo) to the Buf- falo m,reet, Light bogs are now quoted et net w 68.76 ; heavy dreamed hogs, 87.76 to efiele Root, 61-90 tr.6190. Lamb, Bo ite4V,eI, Na to 100. Rage, w laid 14e. cooking l20 10 14o ; chem.,, l2u to 14c; butter, pound roll" leo to Iib, croaks 140 to leo, tube loo to 150. Greater 12e to 140, memory 915 to 990 for prints, 200 t0 9Io for tubs; oblokena leo to 13e per pound ; 1005, 80 to 80 per pound: duets, 180 to 140 per pound; geem, 100 to 125 per pound. linins -Boccie .o bed flet very little Name in. The melee were: Wheat, white, 100 bumbrla .470140; goose, 50 haabel% at 67 190. Barley,100 bushels at 441.90. Oats, 200 bushels at e7c to 57 1-9o. Hay mud straw -Good bay still manna, with prices tan. There wore about 20 loads with one load of scrum. 'rbc plots were: 612 to LB for Rood loads of timothy ; mixed loads, 85 to ee Straw, 88. Baled hay, 68 to 60.60 un the tiara. Seed For Sale. Seed Pete, (loose Wheat end Peed Pear for "me in Inrge or small goautitiee. Apply to JOHN POrrtit, Blyth elevator. 89d Building Lot For Sale. One d the best building lots in Blyth is offer- ed fur sale lit. R bargain, It Ir Ina residential 00001 0, 30105 wi Dmeley treot, b.,: aeon Queen end 105101.0 etruete. Full palliat1148 at DIM $29.Nne5 blyth. 02tf u. House For Sale. A nomtortoble briokhouse And four Iota (one acre in a10, with good frame stable and a num, bar of fruit true. This property is Bitwaled on the north .ids of Mosley street In the Village of Myth. Con veulent df.ltoee from H.R. Ite- tiou, post Meme, oberahee end school. Alen tea lata westef mud adjoining the el) GI brick yard. For further ...Woolen apply to the understgood. N. 10. Pound. m96f Farm For Sale. site The miderelgned offers bis faun, lot 87. eon 5, Nett Wawenocn, for mete. The farts waren 100 acro., 90 sores oleared, laden, good bud• wood bush, 26 acne ptnughed, a acrn of fall wheat, 6 sone of endued; good bare with stone atabling and Dement door, 66150; good atone hog pen with driving hone over, 69x981 two good wells ; frame bottle, one and a half storeys nigh, with good 010ne miller tied oemen) tear. The firm 1s well watered by a living $rine erne end is well adopted for stook purpowi, It la three melee horn Myth 104 half tulle Irina a 10600). For felt peeteenlare apply to Gemmel QUINN on toe premlae., or address Myth P.O. Good Farms and Saw Mill For Sale. No 1-Wi lot 06, non. 6, Eut Wawanoah, eon- taiuing 100 sera, 60 roree eleared ander a .good state of cultivation, Sl sores partially eloped end 20 acres of timber land. 168 toil Is r good Ionm. There U on the place a gond briok duall- ing bons. 200:4, one and a half storeys, with sitolisu attached, woodshed 2000, and mane cellar tinder full Slee or h0uta; good 01tern; VIA w, It and windmill aoaveotent to bones amt out.buildmgi ; frame barn 60,65, with 04onn "tables ender ieatb; twotrame dwellings 15006, one and it half atoreye; a steam sew mail 30005, two storeys with boiler, engine and all neon. nary woolliest) for manufacturing limber, lath mud ahtugfea, all in gond order. No, 2 -el lot 84,00n. 5, Beet Wawanoeh, con- talotng 10e 00r00, 80 acres cleared and In m good state of cultivation, 20 name of timber land. There 1a on th. place a good frame barn 40100 and 20 feet high with stone stables under the full aims; good frame dwelling 40028, one and a half storeys, with 000 stores kitetteo attached. No. 3 -Ila lot 50, 000. 7, Rut Wst'snah, oon- tatnfug 100 amen, 00 urns cleared said In a NO d state of emanation, 10 awes of timber land. The soli le a good clay luau, Oo the place there le a good frame dwelliog 23130, Ston cal• ler, with kitchen numbed Hoge one and mall stoma : teed and 5.18. water' good tame barn 40980, with stone stables under; hams Wakes, and abed 94060; good orobard, This plana 1t well drained and sus a near falling spring run. nail; through 1', 141.0 full partiaobtre apply to THOMAS R. Tat, teat Westfield P.O., qpw, pr L0 0. lienteirme 1Stytb P.cee Ont. Ignt .