HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-03-19, Page 3Sur 1lnurkoo 14 very prowl of his 111111 th111k0 trot the Leet part of
roof+ pain, Ile like]; to point out her life lies b0ueadt .illi hefr;>y'i
the old•Itteltluned roses that have white grav(stpn0.
bloomed here as long tie lie can But today Gipsy's rustic seat In
remember, and aro 8R rare Anal of the rose garden la unocceseed. The
as much consoquence now as the bhteling blossont4 are unseen by
Chippendale chairs and the Queen her eyes; the faint, lovely perfume
Anne teapot at the easthe. The coming from tete hearts of a thou -
tenpin did duty in tho nursery, and Rand roses 18 borne away by the
the old rosea wore torn ruthlessly soft breeze over lite high garden
by 101e own baby hands. Both aro wall, Tho sweet little lady with
too valuable to be t01l011txl now. 1 fall 41se and ample proportions,
IDs mother's modern reeds aro as' white -gapped and white-aprouod, ap-
nothing compared with the old pears to have taken ]oseesslon of the
boowtics. She removed u dozen castle. Sir Maurloo finds himself the
leads of theta to the dower house, object of a sort of amused pity and
and Sir Maurice lolled the gape contempt, and the Dowager Lady
with •a lavish hand, raid every Dermot has driven over from the
breeze that blows is heavy and dower house with a whole array of
sweet in the quaint old garden. , boles, Hud has taken up her quer-
It Is Gapoy's favorite haunt. Site i ters us, a matter of course.
l0ve0 the flowers and the sweetness, UPdtalrs hie little Gipsy Ices be -
81M, above all, tho peace and the tween life and death. To Sir Mau -
quiet, the utter restlulneos of this rico Dermot the time is 8n agony',
world of roses. Iiet'o 8118 +ola every pulse -beat seems an hour. On
Gia(pe Blake ofteai sit for hours in his kneed he prays fee his wife's lMfe,
idle, pleasant oompuanionhhlp, sed talk and voce that in all the life to come
to each other of thoughts and feel- he will never speak even a hasty
Ingo too deep and serious for the v 0001 to her again, leo has been up all
tow, work -a -day world. Here, amiebt night, end anxious and haggard ho
the bade and blossoms, (lladye learns TO M
HO\{' :1Ri; BABY SLh;V;P.
to know and lovo the 0h1y, re-
served little Lady Dermot—learns to --
Understand her nature, at once 00 You rail Make Why 01(11, by Whine;
obhldlike, and Yet filled with a. kind Ihi81 laudanum or the 'soothing"
of unworldly Wedeln.
Giptfy would fah/ soar above the
treadmill of every day life ; She td
a veritable gypsy, with a pudelot} for
Ids, a keen love and appre-
tion:' for the world of nature.
Ilrougbt up beside the never-cndlug
roar and murmur of the waves, hours
and hours alone, it to email won-
der that she has grown up as she
10 1
Gladys smiles, and 81g118, too, to
see how totally the wife 14 wrapped
up in her husband. She smiles for the
sweet happiness of the picture, and
Highs when she thiake of what her
life also might heeo been If Jim bad
"And I think," alpey said once, in
stuffs which Invariably contain opl-
ntos. Vett no sensible mother will Ilo
that. Tho way to mako baby tdiep
happily 81111 In 'comfort le to take
away tow cause of 114 wakefulness.
This cause le located in his little
huskies --nowhere else. Babies 4Nd0111
Lave anything the matter with them
but their steinneltn, and 11 le Safe
to day that the baby who erica un-
$eeleotabiy Is coioplaillitl.g of his
etoutach. There lo 110 ailment of a
lmhy'o 410111uh that Baby's Own
Tablets will mut cure right nway.
Thry make baby cheerful and happy
and give him sound natural sleep—
not the drugged sleep produced by
mouthing stuffs. Mrs. Wm. Smldt,
L(stowol, Ont., save: " My lathy'
solemn eerlous tone&, that there 08e+1 to bo very restless and eleep-
aro arse trouble& than death"-- lone, but einem giving him Baby's
thinking of her own niter Sibyl,
whose sorrow 0811 never be any
Ino; '
"I know," anetvered Gladye, soft-
ly, with aid eyes, looking away
among tho roars,
the can never bo leoO fond of
Jim; and yet Gladys is peritops
nearer happiness mourning Iden as
dead than oho could ever have been
had she been his wife. She blushed
for him often, bore much from him the wiotlul brown eyes de not here
and much for him, wept moro than to -day. The rosea and the sunshine
stilled during their courtship, felt and the birds have all their own
shame and grief often becauee of way to -day. A robin spends
him; and yet, with his dying kiee the whole morning in Gipsy's
upon her Ilpa and her arms about olmir, and every sigh of the south
Aim, all the past unhappSness wag wind breathes out fresh sweetness in
forgottolr and forgiven, as only it 0,11(2.
wonwn can forget and forgive. She At Drumeneen Castle a aulxined
4fts with Gypsy among the roses, excltement Is vlcible .A personage of
!coke In the goodly rays of the gun-
eldne. At last the stuuyeloor opens,
and his mother Domes 1n, gracious
and Important.
"Gooch news, MIlurlon 1 Set the bells
In the tower ringing on the birth of
Seer son and helyd"
"And Cipey?" lie Hake, with hie
haggard, anxious face flushing. "Dow
is my darling?"
"01, elle is ell right!" answers
Lady Dtwmot, carelessly, looking up
at her sten: "My dour Maurice, what
a mon you aro! 1 410 believe you
have been erying."
"My wife i4 all 1 have," he says, in
a low voice, thinking of the blank life
would have been 1f elle hail been
"Well, you huvo a 0011 stow," re-
joins Indy Dermot, ohoerfuhly—"a
(cry emelt !miry, but a boy ; that is
a good thing."
Iiy and by the husband, with n face
grave with a groat love and tender -
nese, stands besldo his wife, and looks
thrwn nimoat reverently on white,
Own Tablets he lo better natured,
eleep8 betterand is better in every
vane." These Tablets cure all the
nattier itilme1t4 of Tittle time, and
can bo given to the very youngest
14ube. You cane get them from any
druggist, or tney will be ernt post-
paid at 25 cents a box by writing
tlireet to the Dr. 10111intne Medicine
Brockville, Ont,
GIRLS, w"n1d ‚10(212110 to have this
Ire,u'tiful dressed doll? 1f so, send us
peer 11'1111e and address on a pOSt card
old stn will cold you 01(0 doz. large,
!4:_utifn0y colored packages of fiweet
Pea Seeds p":stp,.td. Sell thein at
104. each,rottan ❑a $1.20 end wowill
immediately send you the most
beautiful Loll you have ever
Seen. Dolly is Iully aid fashionably
dmayed, including a stylish hat, an.
dem car tnnlnled with lace, stockings
and sato little slippers ornamented
with silver hackles. She has lovely
golden curly hair, pearly teeth, beau-
tiful 0x18 and jointed body.
( so 1, Ales, be,, iti • tolneter, RC rid: " r re.
eehd . you, pretty Doll taut moves) mutts pias 1
wh h it. Olen p leer 0910117 and far .010(0 .1 mr
,l1a d thin twos, See Pr;nat"1 watted
1111,11S1 and think 11 a I See 1Y. u,iaua lin the
le,. next 1(„n I h.,,e ee.-r vow:
it."' ee,'need heti 011 rev, no„'rt (0441,'
tun neve
t at. Port meet l'or lay xnunlul lNrli, I
a.., 1(..,o iri;m jdnaana wall ha."
Grohs, lust stop and think what
a truly wonderful bargain we aro
airing you. You can get
this lovely big Doll
completely dressed for
selling only ONE DOZEN
packages of Sweet Pen
Seeds. 1'iaclt package is beau-
tifully decorates! in 12 colors ami
00111801042of the rarest, prettiest
and most fragrant varieties in
every imaginable color. They
are wonderful sellers.
veperste Steel*. Shelburne, On., S:' 1 bakt61112 tbuyshe seeds in aloe
0110,01101. 1s, i, a elea.ureto 1,11 them."
Mary sip,'rell, Hetet Sills, Out., veld: "14010one arm( no per.
eel man lhad all Ole sod arid. Th'y wont like 014010.'
A Me certificate Bee with each package. Girls,
write us at encased arae beoatIf l Dolly will be
Lear very owels **hostess:.
Prise Sa.d Co.. Dept. 75O Toronto
111(411.14,4,111(121(1(11411'o1,g by 11,, ('w•01'
I)r. Williams' fink I'UUle.
Weak lunge neon O'eak health, eon -
lineal couglus auto colds—touches of
grip and bronohitlr, then deadly
pm,umonla or ling0ring, lruprless C0ll-
sumptloa. Weak lunges aro duo to
stook blood. The one sure way to
strtngteen weak lenge is to build up
your bland with Dr. A'1111anue 1 ink
1'lll8, livery dose makes licit, red
blood, mei every drop 01 rich, red
blood adds etrougth, vigor and deo
mom -retesting lower to weak lunge.
Teloasanrhs of weak -lunged, narrow -
chested men and women have been
Route 0x011141, healthy and happy by
the use or lir. ,VII11in18 link Oils—
eed they will do the same for you.
Mrs, ,i. D. Naisu1lt11, Winnipeg, Mbit.,
rsays; "1 coattracted a severe cold,
which developed into bronchitis and
pang trouble. The boot of doctors
stud ninny Ito"(emit kinds of medicine
faiic,1 to help mie, and my (Mende all
taught I was going into rapid con-
sumption. I had no appetite, was
forced to take to bed, and felt that
only death would release me. My
brother urged the to try Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink PlIlo, and to please him I
begtut them. A fent boxes proved
they were helping me, and I began to
got real streeigth. I continued the
use of the pills and twao soon able to
leave my led and sit up. I grow
stronger day by day. Theo cough that
had racked ono almost beyond endur-
ance (Reappeared, my appetite re-
tuned, and I am again strong and
healthy, much: to the surprise of all
who saw me while I wag 111. Dr.
Williams' Pink fills cured me niter
other medicines failed, and I shall al-
ways praise them." •
Bear In mind that substitutes and
ordinary medicines will not cure. See
that the full name, "Dr. Williams'
Pink l'Ilis for Pale People," ig print -
Oct 4'e the wrapper around every box.
Sold by all medicine dealers or sent
post paid at 500 a box or six boxes
for 82.50 by writing direct to the
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brock-
ville, Ont.
wife so paaeaonately, it would
break his heart d she died."
Flora uutkes no leer good a tuoul
Mall usual because the lair and
young Iady Dermot lies nt • death's
door. Airs. Blake helps 11(41481? 01 lin-
ly to limb outlote and green pats
beloru Hhe nnstvere.
'Ate Maurice would marry again n
In n. yen ; peen aro not 111+3 models '
of couHtaucy you imagine. 1 hardly
think his poor wife can live; 14124'
woes dreadfully wottk yeeterdny. I
KIutll drive over Ole afternoon and
hgyu rue" n
Tu some peoplo there Is somctluig
11101041 exhllaruti, n lu oho mtsfor'
tunes of others. There 1H quite a
11r00e841on of carrhnges on tie road
to primum en Duette, en route to
learn the latest bulletin, and the
oceupunte discuss every scrap of
"Sir Mt/rico half out of his mind
—tolegra.phing for fresh advice—the
child dying, too I"
".111 ureadtully sad. Poor 1.iir Mau-
1'oxople weak kindly of elipoy now
that alto Is dying, eta/piing um1(1 tete
uluefowe of the borderland. And seine
aro sorry they were not kinder to
her. lout 110 more earnest prayers are
ufftroc1'up tluw the tremuling words
that fol from the lips of AL's. flvhtn.
Vary- near to lino river of death
does t11e y'ou'ng mother approach, and
her husiktnd's l0vo and prayers se0m
1 VI'rlyds to keep her back. She is
alippi:,g over the brink, :1111 111' in
powerless to si8e her.
In these dugs Sir Maurice's mother
forgets everything except iliat her
8cu is nearly 1o41ne the love of 1118
heart, the wife 110 chose against her
wishes; end shots very good to Iden
during the terrible nights and (lay's
when hope seeing dyln}r away,
"lt' itf0, my heart;' Ice gasps, i4' he
1)0(44144 over his wife. Is his little, Gipsy,
h1s love, hie darling, to be token from
him ?
"If 1 [pied ere Siby1," she murmurs,
faintly. with wide, bright eye,
Sir Maurice turns away with a
rush of smarting tears, for ho
thinks that Sibyl Is dead and Gipsy
Is raving. And tho shadow of death
seems to long over tite castle.
Every ono Ie auto eatlefiel that
Mr Mauriee'd wife will die—not tt
few enjoy the proopect of an Mi-
poaing funeral; and the roses in
elpey'e garden rear their heads
and blush and bloom unseen. Per-
Home of the white ones will
be laid on her coffin; some an7
bo even placed In her pale hand8.
But oho Its align Htlll. The sun
rises and seta—another long day of
agony for the husband; yet. when
the shadows Dome ereoptng up from
the glen, Glp8y is still a being on
thls earth. Any bit by bit, 4top
by step, alto retraces her wary back
from tho river of death, bank to
the warm clasp of her husband's
mine, back to the world again, to
learn the groat love of mother-
hood, to learn tho sweetness of
the kiting at her chill.
Sir Maurice's face he radiant dur•
hug those (1.`tiy8 of conealesCOnce.
Ile can look at'thp'baby tore with•
out thinking what a dreadful price
Ito woe HO n0arly paying for ha vim
and heir, and by degrove hie Lace
losee the sharpens!, drown look of
intense agony.
Bulletins are nut pinned up at the
lodge -gates now, '1110 carriages may
drive right ep under the archway to
the oaetl, and 1118 dowager Lady
Dermot rsce1ves a few uholce friends.
and talks Im huehel whlepers of dear
tineers ma 8010114 recovery.
Sho will not oven 'breathe to her-
self that she, too, almost hoped that
her woes wife would (Ile, almost w1011 -
al that lite brown, velvety eyes,
wilier ani brighter with fever, would
01060 forever in the last sleep. She
Tho whitlows stand wide open sad
the hot summer breese floats Lastly
" 1 nm better," she, Rape, 1111,1 41001100:
and her eyes/ go past her hnldtaud
to a ,.malt structure of peek satin
and white Ince which repreHentt the
est of the heir of Drutnaneon Castle.
' Ho l0 nslecp," whispers Gipsy, with
'melt fond 8oftneee that S,r Menefee
kiss04 her raptnrously ; and then, fol-
lowing her wistful glue, ho goeo
softly to too pink and white erection
nil looks down at the tiny face
epoHing on the lace -frilled pillows,
std ilstens oomelacencly to the child's
gentle breathing..
(To be Coni1aued.I
10,000 01"110111 \'ea --'Con I'ee Cent.
e1 l'li 'slalauw
1t lra1441 111,000 periods in this
country are victims of morphlue, and
10 per cent. of Aatrrle:m PhraleIans
are shaves to opium lo nom lora, a0-
eoreing to a statement adopted by
the Medical New:. Ail recent del -
mates, the same authority averts.
moreover, Dedicate that the use of
morphine not onlIy 11$ a (I•rag to allay
lupin, but also las an Intoxicant, Is
daily becoming as increasing evil.
A phy0lcian to whom this statte
Ment was Denoted by a Sun reporter
rx0r1s70tv1 name 4141111)1 1(9 111 oho ef-
trn,t '1 111e evil NO fur OS 1111 uleU1C1al
0'01e441011 Is concerned, but said that
the general cot int to wag rather un-
der than over the (nark.
•Tote, demand for morphine In the
drug etore1 is 1110rrnxing its tilt
111110111 ng rate," calif this plly-siclan.
"Traffic In the drug is reetrlettd by
late, but the hew 1s practically lucre
hotted. Any morphine fiend who
(211x114 a supply kuowo how to obtain
It, awl dotty obtain it readily enough
and apparently one ,aver of the drug
makes manly more
'.Before long there is sure to be u
cry for Increased restriction. What
is heeded, however, is not so much a
pew law, but the stricter enforce-
ment of the present one and vigorous
prosecution of 111081, ,who connive at
the illicit traffic In the enure"
Whether or not it is po88lbla to
euro the confirmed morphine eater
after the habit has reached a Her -
lotto stage 1s still tllo subject of de-
bate amotlg physicians. Thera are
*.esu dlffcrancee of opinion 8e to the
beat treatment, although the anther -
Mee agree now that institutional
treatment or the services of a
11'11171041 nnreo to outwit the cunning
erotsed its the patient by the Crav-
ing for the drug are essential to gee -
Broths and exercise In the open air
form an Important part of the new-
est treatment advocated, and it le
11uld down that tonere !s practically a
certainty of a relapse nnle00 the
treatment Is prolonged to three
month4, oftener to six.
The 1n01d011 tvIthilrnwl1 of the drug
by h'iendo or relatives, horror-
striekea over the dlsro'ery of the
dlsraso, has resulted in many casae
iur fatal miliap1,. Substitution of
sono+ other opium derivative hes now
been rejected as uneatiHfactory.
Gradual withdrawal of It or taper-
ing the dome l4 the only choice la a
majority of cases, and In 010010 041810
lessening it by one -sixteenth le 80
unto] ns eon be effected at first,
"It is only In recent yearn' said the
physielnn quoted, "that the treat-
ment of morphine chore has been pro-
perly taken up. Nov such cases are
of comparatively frequent 0c(to-
reno1' In the emetics ;if every nee
heel eau In the city."
0010 Gipsy, holding so lovingly In the
(aoliow of her arm the morsel of hu-
manity that represento the son and
hen' of Drummed] Castle,
The personolge of the ample prn-
portione find the white cap (1004 the
honors of the moaner) royally.
"A line boy, Sir Maurice, heaven
blow blm 1"
And Crlpey, turning down n
corner of Ole white flannel
with the mother -touch that coulee
by instinct, disclose( a tiny wizened
Inco and two doubled -up Ilete,
"My baby I" eho 0vhispscr0. "Mau-
rice, Isn't he lovely 5" And Sir Mau-
rice, with Ills new parentage set- 1 almost wished 1t, until she sate her
ting awkwardly en hili, touches the
small taco, timidly. 1
"A baby with a baby!" he whis-
pers, looking at has two posees8lons.
"Aly daoltng, my wife!" 'Pilo per-
eon11ge twitch the white cap, think-
ing he le getting taro demonstrative,
Dtterpeees with :
"Tier ladyship must be very quiet,
Sir Maurice. I think she will have a
little steep nowt," nod with this hint
she lurrics him ignominiously out of
the room.
In the library he fends Lady Der-
mot, wetting counitl040 notes to In-
form her dear :Heade of the Import-
ant event,
"What a pity ho has brown eyes,
Maurice! All Aho Der/mete have !tad
blue eyes—the Dermot eye."
The proud father '-auglla.
"The Dermot eye! You speak of it
(11 1f it 51844 ere OWUI eye, mother.
"They are always blue," she con-
tinuos, folding up her notes, and
speaking as If it 1001 a (tinct (meat
to the Dermot family to Introduce
brown orbs. "And I am sorry your
reon should take so much after the
mother's 1am1'Iy, He is awfully small,
too ; but we mast bo thankful It
wasn't a girl—that would have been
dreadful,; t"
Tee Howe travels far and wide,
the newspapers announce the joy-
ful event, and, whether brown -eyed
or blue-eyeu, the baby Dermot is a
per4en of considerable importance.
Miss Blake hears the news with a
curious throb at her heart. If Sir
Maurice Dermot's wife should cite?
Women have been known to (Ile at
411011 'LIMOS. A. We given until a life
taken—will It be go?'
In the bright sundlght she walks,
and looko at the clear blue sky, and
wonders ltow she would greet the
messenger that came to say Bir
Maurice Dermot's young wife was
"Lady Dermot I4 very hal," is the
bulletin, and Mies Blake goes away
to her own room, 1001 00010 0110
shooed rend her wish in her faoe.
"She Ie sinking," Mee. Blake says,
cheerfully; "and 81r Maurice Inas
seat for another doctor."
White a8 death, Muss Blake bows
her head when, on the following
Sunday, Sir Maurice's wife is pray-
ed for In church. Gladys' eyes are
full of tears.
"Oh, poor Maurlco 1" site says, at•
terward at luncheon. "He loves Itis
Son 4truek and smitten down, going
through the very bitterness of death,
4':e night when the doctor wild there
was no hope.
No hope I Ail her 1110 will Lady Der-
mas remember the awful look of an-
guish in her eon's Dice as he turned
111141 looked at her with tile one
broken er.10 of agony:
"Oh, Hefted], it 0/1111101 be true !"
Ills love for lie dark-haired child-
. wife 010(4 never Dan, never will, under-
et3n11-11 is ino0tltnrebensible,
"My dearest, hurry and got well,"
be whispers, lovingly, laying a half -
blown crimson moo against
her pale cheek, and Gipsy raises
tired, happy e7e11 101118, and bolds
the rose tendert In her waisted
Too foment Cooperation.
The rapid growth of the co-opera-
thvo distributing societies In Great
Drltaln has lel to the organization
of a Traders' Defense association for
the purpose of protecting the small
lhopkelper against threatened ex-
terullnate0n The anti -co-operative
rising Isegan In St. Hale s+, the cen-
tre of the glass Industry in Lanca-
shire, and has already spread to
neighboring towns. Tho antis have
an organ, tho Traderin<an antVShop-
keeper, and have published apnmph-
let with the expressive title "flow to
right the Coop." Their chief weap-
on 01 attack 18 the loyeottt
The Vera 1110 girl to prepared to fir..
cepa oho Inevitable, 11 it wears trona.
A Trying Time
On Feeble Persons
All Who Are in Low Vitality Have Reason to Dread the
Coming Weoks Fortify Your System by Using
If you ~watch 112,• nun'.lrlpctr for
the next few weeks ase will find
that the death roc01-! to a large
one, and made up largely of persons
in advance! .11,11,4 Hai 4'C weak con-
Vitality eosins 1,, he at low ebb
at then time of erns, /1101 lir 1051 -
dell changes of 1rmp.''rolure and hu-
mid Atmotsphere 411" 1110re 1144111 a
vweekenei xee1en1 ave withstand. .t
little over-exertion, 111 111111' nn-
11.41h1a1 exposure, a little neglect of
the lsxly, rend Iixvslth 104 undermined,
physical break down inevitable,
If you could but enallyd1 tho rcr0n-
eitructho end uolmilditee Influence of
Dr. Chaeea Nerve Food it would I'P
ea,.) to coniine you of the wisdom
of utwing tide preparation at this
(Jonson of the year. Wh'n the blood
to thin, weak and watery, Dr. c'hase's
Nene Food enrlu'ho' it by increas-
1,og the number of rod earpusclest
When the rosette) are exhausted, en-
ergy gone end strength decllnlog,
tints groat food cure bulkls up the
system, restores lend POIltallked the
wasted nerve cella +rand rekindles the
strtrk of lifts
No phyttstolnn eon (give you a better
t'a3torative 111811 le'. C'hase's Nerve
Foo:1, tor 1t to prepared In 8c'cor11-
a1100 'With 1lle 1110.81 modern ar4l
most (etenttf1J principled, 118! con -
1a11111 in emelense form the most
pietsett ro'ctonative4 known to Medi.
cat Weenie By noting the inerutse
of weight while tieing Dr. chas'e's
Nerve Food Oen dm prove for a
(eatataty that new, firm 11:011 11101
t.io';uo id gteing adirid to the body►
Feeley Dents 11 lox or Six boxes for
$2.50, et 'all sleders. or F.dmnnsoo.
Ba;toa di Co., Toroolo.