The Blyth Standard, 1903-03-19, Page 2CANADIAN GIRL PRISONER IN A DOCTOR'S HOUSE. Queer Turn of Affairs in a Truck Driver's Strike in Kansas City. Priettishlp, Mtreh 1:1.-1)t'. Joint took her et the stnlion. 111 100li Curry, who lives abort a mile and her Lute' Miss,lehantl then wrote a letter a hall from this village, tva" oar- to her sister, Lalling of her trouble. rested yesterday, charged with as- Tee Ichor lraa m0i{'d by nae of th, mutt with intent to kill. Ile tos0 a The _Pieter. nlstn, Afiss 1'`trl} n Johnson, arraigned before W. II. Seotl, julaile° Irrivel hero yMi erdey from \lagers of the peace, and was held for the 1:'ails Centre. she lvrut Ln Dr. t'urry's grand jury. Later in the flay ho was house and demanded to see her admitted to bail in the tame of $500. sister. ]1r. Curry refused to tt)loty Dr. Curry came to this village from leer to sru the h girt, trod it fs raid «•hen site persisted 11e ejected er the west about a year ago. About a from the house with force. fortnight ago Ile advertised for a boss Evelyn ,Johnson rano to the young women to sittdr mwlti'fus. villa go and swore out 0 warnn,t for Mlle Marie Johnson, 4)110 lives in ih'. Curry's arrest. Niagara Fails Centre, Ont., answered Women In Strike Trouble. the advertisement, and a few days tater came to ties v ding,. Site Wats met at the station by Dr. Curry and taken to his home. Miss Johnson had not been at the doctor's bowie more than a nary when she decided Nile would go home. Dr. Curry, she t{nys, would not let her 10040 and tool: )tart of her clothing away from her awl locked her in it room One day last week usiIN 111,1', Mo., liferel. 10.--T1vo wumt'1, Airs. U. B. Evans and Mrs. Ii 11 Mryors, took the planes of their husbands, non -anion mt.n, yesterday, and drove tl'ucks about town in defiance Of the strikblg drivers. They met no interference, but indeed the men lifted their hats as the «•1111.11 drove by and cleared the way for their vc)tic;rs, About 110 nriditIOIIOI men went out Was Johnson got out of the house during the day, making it total of and, dressed 1n an old goat and a 255, and as but low men 11ere hired pair of rubber boots" walked to the in their places, the bubinet:: ar trnus- raiiroad station in the tillage. I)r. for commodes was practically at a Carry followed the girl and over- standstill, MARGARET I.. SHEPHERD IS DEAD Professed Ex -Nun and Anti-Catholic Lecturer a Victim of Cancer. Detroit, Mich., March 16.-11 11111 josh Ix1en kernel that the 110101`i- ouA Margaret L. Shrph:erd, alleged ex -turn and anti-Catholic lecturer, del to Detroit at Ilar'per Hospital on March 8th, atter an illness of fourwe.11:n. The wcrosn was Bufferin; with cancer, and, diel a few minutest alto,' 1 Mitt; talon from the operating t0gtI nt the tic pital. She 1001 recently retm'ued iron Atiotralla, after Labatt' spent throe years do the lecture platform. She Lard no rriatives in this cit;;, but Mr. au'l Mrs. I„x>nard wort:. frien'lls, and file came to nutko 1hem la vii,lt preparatory to t;ving on all- { other 1 01014) tour. PRINCESS' VERY SUDDEN DEATH. For Her Prince Bernard Renounced Royal Rights and Rank. Berlin, Morel) 16. -Princess Berea rd of Saxe-Welmtar died suddenly Wed- nesday near Ifinnovor She was seized with cottvuleicns NON. driving 01111 her husbnpd, end expired two hours later In a wayside cottage, The prin- cess was of obwcuro origin, and Was born at Lubeck. It was for her that Bement, second son of la I li00e iIirniemi of eta xo-lteimnr, re- nounced his neons and royal rank about two years ago, and received for himself and Ills male descendants rho mime and rank of Count von Ceayenburg, The deceased princes W.1114, before she Inarr)tt,i i`rtacn Ber- nard, the widow of the Marquis l.u- ehesrinl, an Italian. 82100 PianoFREE RO ' LUBE i NEURE• Theron! sell of mixed pp or In•nl:le 1 I; litre stint^ I a1:01t, wlmn ,..r, retry oil -chord epeenewton (bar different l •s 1 h 1 v r7 a If. e' 1' 1. I OP yr rte Il a i.ttera to lb& proper order 00 de to i 1 the color. desi:,• I I hey are I. e 0 11 1. vol..; man the name. of laei0i 01.1 o•lattei of Ithe s 0).ierrt aldlelpl 1, cam )tr tl tl0.i 11 lekxlto) and 11 alp (Otto rommonnal 11 a Ila g! I' len Miring the ale t' f 00 t .1t nut tl Or,'e e ns of ttfe four rninr.11f 111000 rot ,allay un I r t 1 .1111 NV, 1001 nab And a dull Genuine (Amor' r p ,ghl Piano, vale, l 1g / ' II t+ t y er n. el FR 03h. In making lin we -de the 10100! 0:1 le nwd only In Om 1 ur v 11 t r Sit 1 l t 1 1 all Remember that tine cordln'..11(te:1\e 1LOB1 YOU A(I,0l, Ili I.', sy ndluon ta0tg4mp1 4 w7 tbn'tnd d asmsi0en e.hY 1r1161alR'1' r1Atyy5,,hpn➢ywu w11mnnp=1tt0l.0..')• '' I11r I1n1rL01w41e007br a0ua1r. ln1 ayla nnI31.\1 111 3 ,.1 1v1 0 0' r0t (r0v.ial yqan1T7d, .milm SOIIE OF OUR RECENT WINNERS nasimas PUN() IyIN1S0I: a. PIANO 103 (11111 Choi 0INSE.a The walking sick, wl a crowd of thein there ai L;. Persons who are thin ane weak but not sick enough to go to bed, "Chronic cases" that's what the doctors call them, which in common English means—long sickness. To stop the continued loss of flesh they need Scott's Emulsion. For the feeling of weakness they need Scott's Emulsion. It makes new flesh and gives new 111c to the weak system. Scott's Inlulsion gets thin and weak persons out of the rut. It makes new, rich blood, strengthens the nerves and gives appetite for ordinary food. Scott's Emulsion can be taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time. There's new strength and flesh in every dose. W'e will be glad to send you a few doses free. I'e sure that Cie pi tart '(: tho1 ,u of aI:ael r. ml i6n 1 e 1 rev bottle Of cion you bay. SCOTT & BOWNIEe, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. Re and $1! all druggists t' ekVn.iK% VNN9•" i NEWS IN BRIEF FALLING LIVE (VIRE KILLS A MOTOR1AN. Enveloped Him in a Sheet of Death -Dealing Flame. rJ4.10/VNVee ssAllislAiii• CANADIAN. 1'h;ule0 Cote, or Windsor, hanged himself at Walkerville. Mr. Robert `.tarts wild =(1?I1 111 his house near Kh hogs en and is dead. New Pork, Ifn•oh 10.-.tn ovorhrna) trolley «ire In the Iirenx broke lest night, falling on a an,tornlaa, u'hu was 1nsftutly killed by the current. The motorman fell over the doti1orrrd of the ear. which passed oral' his body, The cal• w11s'0nntlopevl in a sheet of Lille Mime, but the c.anductor and the sole passenger escaped in- jury, The tasty of the motorman could not Ix; extricated from beuoath the car 1111111 the current was shut oft at thea power house. War Lit ItondertO. Chicago, Meech 16. - :t ti ieri:N from Sew Orleans says: The fruit steamer Duncan, of th'e Vaeeuro 1,11x', renrhrd quarantine last night ivom Ceiba, Ifnnduras, with the most significant War 110«') since the outbreak of tha Bonilla rebellion. A battle was fought at Ceiba. Oto night of March 6th', anis the forma; of Bonilla defeated the Govern - meet forces, killing 6, wounding 14, and capturing the fort (11)01 town.-AIIIerican Vice -Consul W. C. 11'lldt sent a message by one of the passengers, asking that a war- ship be sent to protect U. S. In - termite. (2 err l• SU fords ('nee. Erie, Pa., M'trci\ 10. -Geo. Papp, Josephine M.ofl'1u•, 0 three-year- old child, was killed by It street ear in Toroati, t Divisional Court Ions delivered a judgment uf'hatldiug the validity of the recent rotereudun. 'fie Toronto Property Commit- tee decided to report ill favor of It e'101)) c;lld storage plant. 1:ome Toronto merchant tenors It; ir accepted the wage shale risk- ed by tha journeymen's 0111,01. a pouter artist, cut hi:, throat 111 a room et Ida hoarding douse, No. 1:1:1 West fourth street. Ile 141100 fount dm11 anent 10 o'c'.ock, whim a servant wont to the room. Popp haul been iu Elio may about two weeks, having come from Bergen, N. J., where Lis wife and two children aro living. Popp tt'OK 811 yours of age. In this city he duel bro'O working for a litho- graphing amt show print comfutoy. Ile toad talked w1111 dbJlertupt persons concel'nhtg stdcidc, a11;1 is said to have 1 tteselnd a meeting in State street, Saturday night, where the subject, "Is Suicide n Sin?' was free- ly dob+tlOt. Ifo then glove no luthnat- tlou of attempting his We. lllack. Day lilt 01 anew. Shairokitl, in., March 10. -While tapping wat+'r from a breast at Ster- ling' colliery, Alfred Daniela, fernier glair( of the fire department, and Wli- 1ia111 1'rlcl:hnuu1 w'el'0 drowned yes- terday. Benjamin Power won killed and three mon were injured by a rash of coal Into a 11111, whIle ,101111 'Intik met (10011 by (0111ng coal at lilekory lodge, Prime 1011 11 It1111411:10 is Deed. Ilonolnlu, March 16. -Prince Albert ICakallinoku Kunuiaklca le dratl of consumption. The prince was the last descendant of Iaaheliameha the Oreat and some day would have been king of Ilawaii 11 the Iialtebameha (dy- nasty had lived. Preparation for a state funeral, to take place next Hun - day, Ix being rondo. The (Meal Committee of iho New Turk State Senate favorably re- itortel the thousand -tun barge cal- m project, cltlliug for an expenditure of over 1d 100,000,000. Interviewed at Queenstown, Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, President of the C. T. Ji., said he holed the At- lantic mall contract would be set- tlel before he returned to Canada. General Plummer, in giving evi- dence before the War Commission, said lint in order 10 get full value out of the colonial 'troops it was Imperative to have the regular of- ficers. Elinbeegll Town Council, after a heated Is,t-ss0ka11, has reversed the de ivlon to allow Sunday, concerts, turd refused to grant a hail for a Salvia concert 011 behalf of the un - Iemployed. The rush of British emigrants to Canada Is no great that it is impos- sible to book either cabin or steer- age passages until May. Tllounantln of intending emigrants are unable to secure passages. In Liverpool a license has been ob- jected to because, drink was sold on errxiit, or "chalked up on the slate.” The bench granted the publican ,an- other chance, bat stated this offence Wit s "ane of that most rerioua that a licensee could commit." 'i'Le ''Alttnuitclaret's' Associattet pau:eed u. r,•s.ulnti,tn favoring a gen- eral twee ase in tariff rates, Mr. 0. T. Congdon wart sworn in as govetnor of the Yukon, at Ot- tawa, 1311,1 telt for Dawson with Ills family. AL Belleville assizes James Oliver was sentenced to one year In the Central Prison for shooting Bert Skelton. Robert Lawrence, a young Irish- man, was killed by a falling tree while working it the woods near Kerwood. Dr. Frank TUrnbull. of .Auburn, tvnr upaut from a canoe near God- erich, and dlt-d atter 11111133; t1ltea • 'lull 1111 hater. The Golern reent will .appoint 11 rawml-01.11 10 iallulrc unto Lille. euh- deet 113 11.ueep:etutwn, matt Sir Alll- loan Caul Corse is mentioned as 1'101 i 131;01,. nu ;mmour.ecment nils recelrrod 111 (01 teWil 1Itt the t;tealer Stnah't. IL .1,1 gut clear of the 1011 pack, si0 miler4 Pant of Cape Cad, and Is now mall;olde the Minto. 1.2.111 Ill sensation 1010(4 caused 111 Che Alhit) a Hotel, Toronto, yester- day morning venal it was iututd that one of the guests had heel) asllllyxlatcd. TWO victim was W. W. Peeve ex -reeve of Newmarket, and tit., I,i:.eovery Wats maul)) about 7.110 :1. no. 11y Wm, iloldcraess, a Iwo of this proprietor, who) had noticed a so time: 101111' of gas escttptog from I1g1's roma. Upon opening tin' door 112 beheld Pegg lying 'across) the 1.o 0, fully dressed. The Kan jet 1(110 open, and the room fall of i;,1 . 1.Ne 1011 11 them extinct. Hia'itt:SU AND FOREIuN. sir CII'erles Wyndhan's new thea- tre, said to be the most beautiful and comfortable In London, was for'mall,y opened. It is reported that the budget speech of the British Chancellor of the Exchequer will coutaht an- nouncement of a deficit. The reduction of Interest neat mouth and the forthcoming Trans- vaal loan are held responsible for tt10 (nit 111 Dritisit Cens011. Mq. t:, E. ZateteRaan ayia Man. r., r. rl entrx Nr'. Lf. 30. 14,1103 IlreetItlteg, ken. Mi retMOn.,11110. 10811 n, 10wa Fre. R,rhel antler, 0, inter. d e ; K:u'rr'n' PI.prr, et Pa I t A11)' , `1.1.: t'Perte T11,, .l'111,010 ., New l.o n 1•1.;. w Il In chlq Melrose, 34 ' rpm.*tl 1,'uuel Ft It t ' 1, dui chug, aorta, 111, Mrs G. O. InternW. And ( f '' f 1 t to .. I t 0 . F I .1 MITA A M. itwaolf, 11 I.1 Fal Ni,“ Hva 11.11 d e l Jour., 1 kleatooler, 1 t 1 t 11•'7 G0ag1er 11114 1t 3 J1n. r Nene.. AI I u t N . i J d, A t 1lurla .N. 111 001. 1 f d1l Allll MUa:5‘,.1 a to t I - 1 0t 1 nr bum, MN. t( ollleluw, 1 a lwrl Id, Union, It 1, ( Al ,,.r Il.k e 1:,3 ltcrcl a' 1 .1 to 11. )1.• 700101 I, (0'. l r «an:nl 11 , Int, 04 Fn sell 1 a re I I: 1 l l t 11 0. 1 1, f, aj root, Arr. , Io1M0,0ho. LI .. say N. ' ottAgOo,w411 Wane t lnd \ N e tun e d Iileld, Aunty Pa;\Irr.0'. Illtdden, 1W llrllr,0`I, Petra, 111 Alma sais 1nel mon AveP1.11.11.A, III.: 11.00 uldloC a t'one el Aye.,( ISu•t, w. 1 Aagars II.I ,i, lel d fro I 1 r 0 1.1111,. ,,jtowl. Nanton. l'aplar truce, nt; Lir.. trance. t. ,, nd 0 e , Ave le 1 n r n.. 11 . Fele. I,enarn, Tat Fie .Innen St.,rl'l An. III, 3Iwtllrnrmintlurla . Pm., Pllnl le.: l,:ual ui,,r.t0 WWnaater tee. 1)ifo'ai:n, tit; NI:. Imo 'slang. Hagen, all,; 11re. retry Kin. on, }fox 1:0, ren Sadao, Cal.; Nhuthe' trnoaler, l'aereris. I .0.; 101. I mOdom. '7 I. er. !Wigton. 'frt., and many .sera. WacouldIre the Main re 1 • fn4 t w w t110 Nod ill; prerone 1:els milrnan$ Lag le!nary fhouw,rd0 of do.lars, taa the Al eypr e n ore enough lormlr uI ueth eatble end deial.aewe,av {Sea pl it to 0,4,1 to lav ^Ou Info,re of on! of item,' but t7 V.,I1,e Circa be pm to enelnee a.al.lprd ens 11 1 1Or II -.r reply. We ply all prl;:r1 and 111 p plena r0 ..,111 e s percale. $500.00 -FORFEIT. WHY DON'T YOU TRY? Lpswill PA7l fora of •400.00 ik'Cda 010 pans named 011010. Mee and throned. 0f onlel win. een If lout. tan prone Ihal nen have re.•e:r«i thole:ands of u01•tul and vulual,e prier peanuts, MbOt hot ted 1111 .es prone ,u hug 1:181..0, Uptl;At rooms, Pne 1?ngh,h Tea Ret., edver feed :41,114,47,74,.nd le l,Ondt'r11r 11'ry r,., 04,10 II' 11 Orem ratan, re. Sle'rrwnre, {,etches, t'am0ma. of (, or that 8,01101,. 1('.,:10' -re, Air aline, etr eta. Thw ere is nn r1on l•Lyy 001 shoaldtol dads of tatimnnlale on Me .003rd,1Or0l.0Of the 0narreiu 41100010(1101,01.01. Ill hal 11,3* to do 110. =noa notgennine, drop Ove. 111',,p11'y. I1 a :nen noon hundreds of vac: lydimomale tram .: o3e who f e stt 1a11s pars coon p01 z -v 1l mar 00nouI 10ntate, 031 showing n,nt we Always do x00.04* c cash ('000,0 and thousands of d, µaro' .rod h of .ren alga Merrlanted In is( nlee ler leaf Would on es: pe. late a port urkht. Nt(,1000.a(r ora Minn 0. rlrht Plnnol If 10 re If yen gamut solve lht *Inst.ipti . llyhdfl down sod Cody It ootid onto,imd von youril ohonaandlwenail 011.10 ,at 5000 //bite, 11 r. 111, eon.et nue or rot Now it a. our eliaere. Write as at onto. Andras, Wood Poblishing Co., Dept, 82 291.3 Congress St., Box 3124, Boston, Mos, A ptomitc +f` cis'. h woman, Li lips. fa f.:irtt!, of St. Joseph, y'sich., tails how she was cured of fading of the womb and its accompanying pains. "1,311' hooks dors: indeed when a weevil t 1,0 11 that her strength is sap- pim,' ;.way a,ud site 111011 no hopes of ever being restored. Such was my feel:tag a ('1'10 mouth: ago when 1 W7130 advised that nit poor health was raesc•,l by p r0lap n'; or falling of the womb, The words hounded like a knee to me, 1 felt that my sun hall act ; lout Lydia E. "Inkhorn's Vege- table Compound same to and as at choir of life; it restored the lost forst, Imd buil) ine 1111 until my good h:aiih !lammed 1, rte. For four 30,1'10 I. tads the medicine daily and tacit do'., added health and strength. I ant so thankful for the help I nbt3.iuctl through its use." -Meas. V1.1111101(13 DAravtarn, 1007 Miles Ave.. .14.01)11, AI icll.-$5000 forfeit If orlgrnal of alma ret ter pror;ny penulnoi sa cannot Ue produced. 771e ritoord of Lydia E. Pink- hanter; W a'getable Compound eon- oot be equalled by any other wt'dleino in the world. u FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN," Women would save time and 1110010 sickness if they would write to Mrs. Plnkbaln, Lynn. Alass., for advice as 111011 as any distressing synnptouts appear. I N t.`l:r J J N. - Thirty l'au'ndianl,;x.boWie sStrapped oa the Way ttome. An Ottawa despatch says: The 111',11111 t:epttrtmont has receivo't a cable otatlug that thir:r' Inombcrd of 1130 South Africa constabulary front) tetinee1 aro stranded In Lon- don talthost nay Meld and u'ftble to pay their way- to Canada. They called upon the Ilft;lt Commlaslono1 and laid their case afore him. Lord Stratl,o•ona cotumunlcrtttxl with tho ;outlast llee lube, and the matter WAS 111111 1101ore tl:t Minister of the In- terior. Mr. Sltton has arranged to hriog thein to Co nada as distressed Pauo11a114. There 101 tt fund 1n the lmmigrnt'.on Department for thio )lu rpo.o. O. T. R. SHORT EINE. applimamu 11,r11 Line From Gratett- inlrna lo 4,0 helve. MOO U'aaI,'Que., March 16. -Tito o!- itclul application to Parliament of the Olrtod Trunk Peelle Railway o111ertor Ions born amended so as to include :a road from Oravenhurst, Ong, to Quelsoe. R. R. Logan, ea- sistiant to 1'. M. 11a.vs, Oonoral Manager of the OrandlTrunk, states that tin obJlv't or the ch101430 td to pornbl00 11 shorter route to the toad roar tel. CHANCE IN WELLAND) CANAL, lint rnnet to be Made 10 Old (at:;tl !'rout the New llatattvay. i'atharine 3. Ont., March 16-A 11111nrtr 1111 Ming matzo ,at too entraul'c to Um Wellan..1 (Jamal, Port Dalhou- sara, 1:011)1 will mutat consideral:lo to the Government and also to the few fouls which use the canal. The condition of took 1, old canal, 18 1111011 that it. is o irtrel,y safe to sea It. anl,0 flirti.Cr, and III order to admit 1essels to the oil (anal without tte,b1l3 this lock the caisson in the' steno retltin:ng 4011(1 1reLwosf the first levies of the two canals will hat to he remove!, the boats thus eut..rulit tEOM 1110 new 'i0 the old strut As the nivel o: lir new canal tit this point Ito 18 inches higher than the oil, anis will he oveteome by towering the sill: of {oak 2, new mina]. sly bo doing the. wa11r in thin 101111 stn Be lowered DI tncLus to the old ("anal level and yet allow Matta to the fall new O'knal draft to pees through,. This will also do away With the Arnie on the big retaining stone wail. Work has AI - wady teen tstarted, a fence of men 3013113 engaged pumping, out lock 2. The Itltcratiol's 141.1 hr' competed b' • tore the opening of mitigation. 'COMB OF ST, MAF F1un11 Burog the I+Ae.l'11(1on4 of the 1'aldlonlbs ur Si. Cecelia. t,onr, Murch 16.-E0nL4atioae in the catacombs of St. Cecelia have rt. )(shed whet is believed (el be a301011e oindergrenad basilica that was used by the early Christiane. Traoo of an altar and episcopal chair Warr found. There were also found In a 10tato or excellent prese.rvatlou u number of excellent paintings, Includ- ing a Greek portrait of Christ. Three tombs that were discovered aro de- ehlrr:t by local archaeologists to be those of 8t. Mark, St, MarceltnuO, !early red by Diocletian, and the fam- ous Pope Damascus.