HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-03-05, Page 8BLYTII LIVERY
nice GAS Gee G
1)r. J. N. Perdue, V.S.
t➢ ince tine nice 1
First-c1Res Horses and Rigs for
hire at reasonable rates.
Best of accommodation to Com
menial Travellers and others requiring
Veterinary office at livery stable.
DKATH OF Mos. AGIN.—On the morn-
ing of Saturday, February 28th, there
died at her home in Morris, a woman of
true, honest and trust -worthy prin-
t :plas
rimt:pLas in the person of Annie Kelly,
relict of the late Dennis Agin, who pre-
deaeased her some 19 years ago. De-
emed was me,,,. highly honored and
rr pected throu:.s'ut the country in
which he lived. Mrs. Agin was born
iu '11ppeiai•y county, Ireland, in the
year 1888. From there she, with the
rant of the family, moved to Carleton
count y, Ontario, and resided there for
emus sie years, at the end of which
time they moved to Morris township
whirl[ wait then an almost unbroken
Nese Before coming to this township
deceased w e married to ha late hus-
band in the city of Kingston and
through almost superhuman effo to
hewed out for themselves and fanily a
comfortable home in Morris where they
both resided until death claimed them.
Deceased was a great favorite among
her neighbors and could always sym-
pathize with with 1 hose int rouble, She
was the mother of eine children—three
boys end six girls, one giri dying when
net four years old. Her sons are
Chtlrles, of Saginaw, Michigan, and
John and Patrick on the homestead,
and her daughters are Mrs. Ldward
Armstrong, of Grey township; Mrs,
Joseph Kinahan, of West Wawanosh;
Mrs; F. W. Heard, of St. Thomas;
Mrs, Andrew• Gonghlin, of Strathcona,
Alberta, and Bridget at home. Her
family all had the pleasure of being at
her bedside during her late illness, with
the exception of :Ire. Coughlin, who
could not attend. Deceased bore her
sickness with great patience while her
family did all in their power to ease
her sufferings, but all wan in vain.
The funeral, which took place on ,Mon-
day, March 2nd, was one of the lelle.t
and most imposing ever wirneeaeld in
the county of Huron, and the large line
of conveyances filled with sorrowing
relatives and friends which followed the
remains to its last resting `)lace in the
Roman Catholle cemetery, Morris, tes.
titled to the greet respect in which the
deceased was held by all who knew her.
The pall -bearers were her five brothers
—Messrs. John Kelly, of Goderich
Daniel Kelly, of Blyth; Michael Kelly,
James Kelly and Wm, Kelly, of Mor-
tis, and her nephew, Mr, John B. Kelly,
Of Ooderioh.
ITExe—Mien Maggie McCall enter•
tafned a few of her friends on Wednes-
day evening Irwin honor of Miss Lizzie
MacKa of Moncrieff, who is visititig
her..,. We are sorry to report that Mr.
Frank McCntcheou has been laid up
with blood poisoning in his left hand
Ir, started from knocking off a bit o
akin on his arm, Mere favorable pro
gross is being made now we are glad ti
say,,,. Between four and five o'clock it
the afternoon of February 17th, the
house of Urs, George Smith, lot 22,
con. 6. was destroyed by fire and little
or nothing was saved outside of the bed
clothes on ehe led. Fire originated et
the stove gips, there being no chimney
on the house. There wag no insurance
and the loss will foot un to from $800 to
$100 or thereabouts. The house was e
log one and tete built probably 30 years,
and while not of greet value was quite
cosy, Mrs. Smith had bought the
Canternn farm last year and movede
house from it to this farm but it wag
not ready for oecupatian yet. She was
clone at the time the fire took place, ber
son being at Brussels with a load of
loge. The many friends of the family
iyympathize with then' in their loss.
Had the fire occurred at night there
'night have been lose of life to recount,
owing to the boisterous weather the
fire goon did its work in the destruction
of the house. The first intimation Mr.
David Smith had of the loss was when
he turned his team in at the farm gate.
Mr. Robert J, King and family, of
Whitewater, :Manitoba, are visiting
relative' and friends in this township.
..,.Our country roads ars in a Lad
state, being in many places completely
blacked. The fields have become a part
of the king's highway until H eks
sends us a gond big thew Miss Re-
becca Jackson, of Mitnico, is renewing
old friendships in Morris and locality.
Mies Mina Hunter ie ill with la
grippe but we hope she will soon be all
right....Mr. George Miller, of :fedora,
Manitoba, is visiting at his father's on
the 5th line.... Winter is a poor time to
get married in. We would say so,
judging by the roads In Morris at pre*
ent.,..Miss Gertie Duncan and Mr.
W m. Duncan are back from an enjoy-
njoyable visit with relatives and friends at
Lindsay and Toronto 'Hies Annie
Alcock was quite ill, but is improving
nicely now we are pleased to state....
Mrs, Gray, mother to Mrs. Jemes Dun-
can and hlrs, John Davis is seriously
ill at her home at Lindsay,.,. Mr. A,
McCallum left for the west on Wednes-
day of lest week, after an enjoyable
visit with relatives and old friends.
It t re township of Morris for the past
year amounted to $11,288.52, and con -
Rimed in part as follows: Township
taxes, 510,182.81 ; legislative grant, $301 ;
loans, 3;00; receipts from debe,lture
debt, Slut, The year was commenced
wvth a balance in the treasury of 334315.-
111, and closed with a balance of $3484.
The expenditure for the year Relented
to $10,418, of which the following are
acme of the principal items: Roads and
bridges, $1481 ; schools, $1719; officers'
salaries, 3788; taxes, $195,9; borrowed
money, 3500; debentures and interest,
3740. The assets of the township
amount to $4890, and are made up of
the balance in the treasury, uncollected
taxes, $'265; road grader, $200, and
township hall, 1970. The liabilities are
$4147 and consist of county rate due,
$1917 ; debentures union school section
No. 12, 31800 debentures school Rection
N.•. 6, 3100. tiMe township seems to be
fineneially well managed and to bo in
au sasy end most satisfactory condition.
home, after spending a couple of weeks
with friends in Wingham and Wrox-
liter.,.,Miee Flora Campbell, who hag
been sick for sometime, is not, recover-
ing very speedily Mise Mary A.
Clerk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Clark, was married at the home of her
parents at 8.130 o'clock on Wednesday
afteruoolh of last week to Mr. Lewis
Willis mon in the presence of the rela-
tives of both parties. A reception was
held in the evening at which 100 guests
enjoyed the pleasures afforded by a host
end hostess like Mr. and Mrs. Clark....
The Walton cheese factory is offered for
sale Mrs. R. M. Cummiage has
returned from a visit to friends in
Auburn....The choir of Duff's church
were entertained at tea at the manse
the other evening.... Some of the Wal-
ton young people were at the William•
son -Clark welding reception Sir.
Joseph Campbell entertained is number
of our young people one evening re-
Serrs.—Rev, W. W. Leech is render-
ing efficient services in the Methodist
churches on the Walton circuit. , .There
are Rome pros' acts of the Guelph and
Goderich extension of the C.P R. Some
of the residents of this locality have
been communicated with as to the pros-
pects.... A congregational meeting was
held in Duff's church on Monday after-
noon cf last week, Rev, D. 13. McRae
and Elder Wm. Ritchie representing
the presbytery. Tbo meeting was most
harmonious and unanimously agreed to
raise the pastor's salary $100, making it
3650. It was derided to Reit the Rug-
. men'atioe fund for $75 this year in the
expectation that this will be the last
oecenton of asking as the congregation
expect to become self-supporting....
,doss Meud Ferguson has returneJ
Are many times an indication or symptom of functional
They are in most cases due to functional wrongs, to which
women only are subject.
" OUT OF NERVES" women
are the nightmare of doctors.
"CRANKS" is often the designation
of those patients by physicians unable
to understand the cause of their
irritable condition.
ST. JAMlss WA EKES have rendered
great service to such physicians in
Great Britain, who prescribe them to
nervous women.
ST. James WAVERS afford great
relief, simply by strengthening every
organ affected by the functional
wrongs in woolen, such as weak
stomach — weak back — and weak
ST. JAMI(S WAVERS help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which aceom•
plishes much.
�1�1F,Stir P3rRENGTH10tVF�'.
TonacN,v,CAI(NEAAr0„ !,
�t,, futIcnoNALI'O
LliSICH Tdf 1100tl9STI1fIG
Price in Canada: $1.00;
Mx bottles for $5.00 5
"Dave used at. James Wafers
With each success a to plata
them ea my list of reliables."
Dr. Chas. K. Springer,
Loddon, England.
.St. James Wafer: are Hof a secret
rented?: fat*eC„mtross,todot:re-
commending Mem fn Mar ',ahem!,
as mod Mae formula spas ,[yell.
Where dealers are not netting the
Wafers. they am mailed upon re-
ceipt of price at the Cauedi'n
b'ee'n : at. James Wafers Co. 1121
St. titllenae St., Montreal
COUNCIL MEETING. --Council met in
Mr, Christopher White's residence,
Leadbuuy, on February 18th; members
all present, :Minutes of former Meeting
read end udupted. Moved by `.Vm G.
Smith, secolded by Charles Little, that
the auditors' report he received as
correct and that the clerk get 100 copies
printed for dietributiot.—Carried. Ac-
counts were psased and paid for char-
ity, treasurer'e salary, auditors and
miscellaneous accounts, amounting to
3178.95. Bylaw No. 511, known as
Bolten's drain, was provisioually pas-
sed. Wm. James Walsh requested
council to take his land, lute St 10, con.
10, and Si 11, con. il, froth school
section 5, and pot it in section No. 8, to
be heard at next meeting. The reeve
and John S. Brown were authorized to
attend a county meeting to be held in
Clinton on Sbuvh 4th as delegates from
this township on the question of road
improvement, Aletter from the mayor
of Goderich was read asking the council
to memorialize the Dominion govern-
ment to build a breakwater in Goderich
harbor, Left over until next meeting.
Council adjourned to sleet in Mr.
Christopher White's, Lesdbury, ou
Starch 18th, at one o'clock in the after-
noon, at a co0rt of reV'ebOit oe Bolten'a
drain, and the question of school section
changed in Nos. 5, d and 9 school
sections. The clerk was instructed to
notify all interested.
We have Freett Groceries arriving daily. It will be to your
interest to call and see our
Raisins, s lbs. for 25o.
Raisins, 5 lbs. for 25e.
'urrants, 4 lbs. for 25o.
Ips, 81bs. for 25o.
Taplooa, 8 lbs. for
See our New 85e Broom for '28c, sewn with steel wire, ti'l'e are sole
agents for it.
See our Fish, the finest and cheapest in the country.
Clover, Timethy Seed and Potatoes wanted. Highest market
price always paid for Produce.
ls.. Ott �/'l��w}!'�r
E„`' t:'.,is. Ri✓7:'W7 i .iC.]:57.r=.47 ' r , ' t, tit
Bring In Your Pictures.
Sperial attention is paid to our Picture Framing department. We carry in
stock a large assortment of Mouldings ranging in price from 3o per foot up to 250
per foot, Our artist will select Frames that will harmonize with your pictures.
We also carry a large stock of Room Mouldings, Picture Hooks, Wipe,
Glass, Eta.
WEDDING BELls.—The home of Mr.
John Sundercock was the scene of a
happy event on Weduesdav evening of
last creek, when his daughter, Mabel,
was married to Mr. Wm. Hughes.
Only the immediate friends were pre-
sent. They left on Tuesday of this
week for Dauphin, Manitoba. We wish
them a pleasant journey through life.
.A happy event took place et the
home of Mr. James Caldwell at 12
o'clock noon on Wednesday of last
week, whoa his daughter, Lizzie, be-
came the wife of Mr. T. J. Tamhl,yn, of
Coltervilie, Manitoba. '1'118 ceremony
was performed by Rev. James Hamil-
ton, in the preemies( of a number of
invited guests, principally relatives end
immediate friends of the contrecting
parties. The bride was attired in a
beautiful gown of cream crepe de chine,
trimmed with silk lace, applique, and
orange blossoms. The wedding march
was played by Miss Mary Parsons.
The house was beautifully decorated,
and the ceremony took place under an
arch of evergreens, decorated in pink
and white. The bride and groom were
unattended. The bride is a well•known
and popular young lady, appreciation
of whom wail shown in a tangible way,
and the groom is en old Huller buy,
who has prospered in his western
}Ione, After partaking of it wedding
dinner, the happy couple left, amid
the congratulations of their many
friends, for their home in the wear.
They purpose visiting on the way in
Guelph, Toronto and other places, and
will not reach their home until ebout
April let.
BRIEFS.—Mr. David Crawford will
hold an auction sale of farm stock and
implements et his farm, for 80, cog. 18
'on Senility, March 17th. Mr. Crawford
is giving np fanning and going into the
hotel business at Dungannon, where he
has bought Moue tai n'e hotel ....Mr,
James Snell has rented the farm of his
brother William on the gravel road for
a term of two years, and takes posses-
sion April let.... Mr, W. A. Killough,
who recently moved to the Sanderson
farm on the gravel road, has rented it
to his neighbor, Mr. John Garrett. Mr.
Klllottgh has e. very successful sale of
fermi stock and impleinenta,coudnrted
by Mr. C. Hamilton, of Blyth, lent
Saturday. He and his father have
bought out a planiug mill et Exeter,
and purpose moving thereto.... Me.
James aleohbrook sold a boll the achet
day to Mr. Andrew Laidlaw, of Morrie,
for 3100. , , . There has been considerable
sickness on the 8th and 9th cons. lately,
Master Charlie Carter wits laid up with
pneumonia for two weeks but is now
Almon better. Master Clarence Noble
is else laid up with the Same trouble
sod id not yet out of danger. Misses
Winnie Sundercock and Laura Stewart
were also quite sick fora Mew days but
are now able to be up.... Mr. W. Mc -
Burnie was in the townihip last week
calling on old friends, before returning
to his home in Hartuey, Manitoba .,.
Mr. John Harvey hes purchased a tine
Polled -Angus cow.... ...On Monday even-
ing of last week, at a token of apprecia-
tion of her services while organist of
the Londeeboro Methodist church, Miss
E. Carter was presented with a hand•
some, well-filled puree. The presenta-
tion was made by Slr, Wrn, Moon,
while Mr. M. Braithwaite made a very
fitting address, in which he noted the
faithful service she had rendered during
the two year's ehe had held the poeit ion,
and also regretting that on account of
the inconvenience of distance elle had
found it necessary to resign; in cure
elusion, while tendering ber the best
wie Me of the congregation, he risked
her to accept the gift at a merk or
eata,•m from them as 0 whole. In a
brief, feeling reply, Miss Carter thauk-
To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription
for men, women and children than Ripens Tahe)es, They
are easy to take. They aro made of a combination of medi-
cines approved trod used by every physician. Ripens Trt-
bules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain, everyday (hike they are a veritable friend to need.
Ripens Tattles have become their standard family remedy.
They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc-
cessful record, to cure Indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and
stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism,
sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen
weak stomachs, build up rundown systems, restore pure
blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody
derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules.
Your druggist sells them. The tive-eent packet is enough
for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con-
tains a supply for a year.
K&K K&K K&K. K&K K&t K&K
THE RESULT of Ignorance and folly In youth, overexertion of mind and body
induced by fust and eapoenre are constantly wrecking the11,0.
and Were happiness of thousands of promising young matt. Sego fade and wither
It nip early age, at *abloom of manhood, while others pre forced to drag oat a
weary, tmarl. rattles; and melancholy ezistesce. Others reach marl.
many fret fled no solace or comfort therm The victims are found
In all matinee of life—the farm the pie, the workshop, the
pulpit, the trades and the professice
ons. Nervstobellltty sad WWI
%Meoure guaranteed cared by oer New SOW Trestmee ,r Ns
P.. Ton run no risk 35 yea's 1a Detroit, Bank security.
CUMD 111(0 ALL AWL FAILED. M mess aced without mines need
"I am 33 years of age and married. When young E ted a gay
life. Maly indiscretions and later erotism made trouble for me,
I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became adected and I
feared Bright's Disease. Married tate was uusatiefacto and
my home anirappy, 1 tried everything—all failed ti11 I took
treatment from Drs. Kennedy dr Kaman. Their New Method
like a man Ines built me up mentally, physically and sera►11 , I feel and set
111 5111 and mooning* nes ect.floatThey
so me six years ago. They are honest,
can be cared by reliable dactors.'7� W. A yBelton. Quacks sad Fakirs when you
CORES CRERft EED OR DD PEC, OssonaI ffs3d '413 frae-Ooosam Mak RR la f"I Trot
Drs. Kennedy & Kcrgan,
K&K K&K K&K K&K K&tt K&K
ed them heartily for the kimluess and
good wishes that had thus been exteu:l-
011 to her.
Couxctt MEETTNo,—Council met oil
February 14th; members all present.
Minutes of previous meeting rend and
mowed. The following RCCOmnte were
pnid: Corporation of Huron, balance
due, $89 20; James Rose, gravel, 32,:c ;
Wm Rivitt, cutting ice at Crausford,
$2; A Finlay, plank, $18.97; M. Dal-
ton, overcharge in statute labour, $3;
John E. Sullivan, repairing road, 76c,
Moved by John Barkley, seconded by
Wm. Kickley, that Bylaw No. 6, to
loan the sum of $70(0) to John P.
Schoenliala, for the purpose of building
a roller mill in the village of Port
Albert, be submitted to thr, rateeayers
on Wednesday, March 18th next.—
Carried. A letter wits rec.'ived from
Mayor Lewitt, of Goderich, re improve-
ments to Goderich harbor and break-
water. Moved by Mr. Melntyre,
t ocotided by Mr. Stothere, fiat the reeve
be iestric'ed to answer acid letter aid
to commyticale with the eoveruuteat
is regard to maid hnproverneeta.—
Carried. The auditors then presented
their report, and after a careful exam -
nati.ol by the council, on motion of
Mesas, Barkley and McIntyre, the
report was adopted as presented. By-
laws Nos. 4 and 5 were finally passed
appointing a local board of stealth and
five road commissioners. Bylaw No. 6
was read twice, Pathmaaters potlnd-
keepera and fenceviewers will be ap-
pointed at next council meeting, which
will be held on March Stet.
--THE STANDARD oes into the homes
and is rend by the entire family. An
adv. in its columns pays.
Farm For Sale. 9710
The undersigned mars hie farm, lot 37. orm,1,
Eset Waw wont, for sale. The term oontatne
en note+, m sores cleared, belshhen good hard-
wood ba.h, 25 acres ploughed, 8 erase of tall
wheal. 5 sr:vas of (trebly d; goad born with stone
.tsbLng sod cement floor, 00x00; good stens
hog p.n with driving bene° over, 00005; two
good weds ; frame house, one and a bell storeys
bleb with good stone miler and cement Soar,
he fi.•'rn ie w..D wagered by a Mug spring
ser, end is Nell adopted for stook purposes.
It le three mitre fe m 4109 ant pelt tette truw
s01,0:. For ten pps.tieulars apply w oaowr
QatNM ea the mashie , et adirese 1117112 r.0,