HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-03-05, Page 7011001
"A Free Sample Packet"
of Delicious "SALADA" Ceylon Tea
(Black, Mixed or Natural Green) will be
sent to any person filling in this coupon and
sending it to us with a 2 -cent stamp for
Write Plainly and mention Black, Mixed
or Natural Green
Address .... ..
Address "SALADA" TEA CO., Toronto.
� fortmne tellers Certain JewH who
Stirday Schools went about from plea, to plume pro -
`7 lull J( J L( feeeing by ahntms and xpi Ile to cure
_ i diseases+' i.xotriste-Men, Who, t'y
INTERNATIONAL, i,1eSsON NO. X. ; the authority of the name of some
MARCH 8, 11)03. powerful hying solemnly steamed to
require the demon to depart so et-
fecttvelV as to be ob0Yed.-Wbeflon.
Paul et Ephesus. --Act. le J320. dludy
Call over them-Knowin'e =hat Paul
oast out demons thtvuglt the name of
Josue, they thought tlutt by using
COMMENTARY. -1, More prima- i
keg aoJ nitres es, w,. 8-1O. Paul went
tate the synagogue ami Mpaku bold-
ly for three months. During this
time no opposition WAN offered to
Itim, and tllo apostle was permittutl
t0 apeat with the utmost freedom
and weenie*. But a crisis finallo
arena and a (Uvlelon took place. ;
The majority of the Jews hardened
their hearts against the truth, and
at length the Mailers proclaimed
their hostility and reviled Chrietlan-
ity y�t14110.y in the eyn(g0gu0. Tlii3
(*admit Induced the apostle not on-
ly to renounce, on ids own part, all
feia0walsp with. the 'yl I.gugtuc,but'
Wee to withdraw tho whole nwm-
dter of the Christians from it. He
then oboes the lecture r:wru of 3man named Tyrannies, as a gait-
a171e paw fou• Elea rel,ginus teaching.
»Uliug tbeee year in Ephewua Paul
ina'Je a pro.oulkl Impression and all
Agfa was et,rred. "Wel by hie faith -
fat !slow ministers, and perhaps by
Itis ooneenrated twelve (vo. 0, 7).
he wad not only thunder the law
and the gospel from the academie
maul tall of Tyre.nnus, but 1n the sur-
rounding territory and even
10 many points In the Stator of Cali-
fornia, Oregon and Washington.
"E1 4on lettere" were small slips
of parchment In etlk bage, on wbloh
were written ;neaugo words and sou-
teucee, and were carried about on
the hereon ae charms or amulets to
vete (rot' danger, or to procure
gond fortune. -Schaff. Books -There
were no bookie then 1001 as we have
now; these books were parchment
rolls which conUdned their mysteries
and described their heathen practices.
Bulliedthem, eta-Conleseloct le
cheap, but reformation in often
costly. A Wise penitence would have
raid these books, and kept both the
1110110.1 stud the credit for piety.-
lehrelon. Such a ,burning pile m000
have attracted great attention and
emoted a commotion in Ephesus. Be-
fore nil men-1'ubllely'. Fifty thou -
send pie:ee-The etcrlfiee WAN very
great. "The (,0,000 places of silver,
111 reckoned In Jewirh money (shekel'),
1 wouhl be about $37,01)0; if In Greek
(drachma),. as So inure probable,
about $11,300." --Vincent. "Ilut this
ghee no flet of the purchasing power
of the money." A day'0 wages then
was only a penny, end at this rate of
wages here, the sunt would amount
to from 450,000 to 4100,000.
20. 80 -Tits one word "s0' ie a
divine "amen," n testimony of aP-
proval coming from heaven. -Lange.
MIghtlly-" i� Ith overpowering force
and strength which nothing could re- same chase. 4, Special innnrfeetatlou0
Hlet." Grew -The truth grew la favor of power among Clore people. 11.
with the people, and there were many healing of both coal and body In
cwnrersiune and n0000810ns to the pnrttcular cases. 0. Recognition of
.mac). "The word of God lute' in (hod's power and working even by
power and Intensity and led tdmar- these poemeaeed of evil spirits. 7. The
_._.00.,11_ ..
Page Woven Wire Fence
with lee continuous coil (not crimped) el Lite
hest stockholding fence made. Pago No.
7 wire le a nes a 3,000poumitt' xtreln-common
No.7 wire, only 11,700 pounds, Common wire
will not coil-tt straighten* out a 1n -it
hasn't a spring temper -Page wire has.
rhe rate W ere Co., Chatted,
WaB.meft.! eaa, K.e. 11
Hontnd,P.QQ., � anA
mon were weak be was strung. Men
everywhere reewg'liteal the foot that
God Tao whit 11191. 110 llimsnif ex-
perienced protottnal satisfaction and
deepest solace to title bh'e ed ussur-
((nee. God Was 130 "refuge and
atrongllt," No (ander that 110 Wax
010 10 0(1(11000(1 all lite eneiniee.
Working In tau•mony with Godia
will, Ito found that thid'e kingdom
Taus working In trim and for him.
The glorious presence of the Holy
Spirit, 1. (lave ,warmth to lam affec-
tions. 2. Powerfully, stimulated him
intellect. 3. Gave cogency and pol-
ish to his reaNcmteg powers. 4. Fired
his Imagination. ii. Qulckone,l his
memory. 6. F•nergfttel his will. 7.
Kindled within lam the altar-flreo
of worahip.
The usual marina of a great revival.
1. Fe'trheel and permeate( preaelling.
". Hardening of hearts among the
impenitent. 3. Opposition by the
s.r�na veletas deeds of self-renuncla00 as
Tine Union Pacific will sell One-way t1complete detest and eontnnfon of
Colonist Tickets at the following well art to the manifestation of great those who seek to imitate God's
rates from Miesour► river. terminals: solemnity and joy." And prevailed- work. 8. Thorough ronfesr•,ion of
425.00 to fan Francisco, Log An- It prevailed. ; evil deeds among the penitent. i). In-
gele)) and many other CaliforniaThoughts.-Tho faithful and per- tense eonvlallon among all clashes
pointe. Tickets on gale Feb. 15 toslstent preaching of the gospel of people. 10. T1ot•enug+h reformation
Juno 16, DMbringe meets.Thom, who oppose among alt µ01(o "(100 vurtous arts"
____ Cn*ist or H's gospel will ultimately 11. Proyrees of the work to migiity
420.00 to Ogden and Salt I,akeClty. '0(1(0r defeat. Neese echo would be power.
$20.00 to Butte, Anaconda and 13e1- true followers of t'hrlot must bo peal the rtrvivn1Wi. This remark-
' able to marks great sucriticns tis' able servant of (led lived in the at -
Him, even to =offering the toes of nnrsphern of blessing. Ho enjoyed the
$22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchee, all things. Among tho worst th`.ng't htpplareslt of hoilaiess, the rapture of
Werth. t in the workt too boll Lecke, end the heart purity. Tie fait profoundly
$25.00 to Everett, Fairhaven and yt o er they aro committed to the stirrre1 earl move l by the spirit of
New Whatcom, vla Htrnttngton and (lime the b l luollnese. IN words.
425.00 to Portland, Tacoma and 9e-
425.00 to Ashland, Roseburg, Eu-
gene, Albany and Salem, vla Port-
Tickets on sale Feb. 15 to April liohdness. Paul's ministry at Ephe- The Detroit Journal recently le -
80, ib08. 110 end 014 tettor the tty»agogue ten- Joined an arileits written by 11r. H.Jr1D013 Building, Toronto, F. B. CIIOATE, 125 Woodward avenue, , In Windsor, Ontario. Among othernot. wittingly opened nod by "I° eome
y better. Romances, love- s hle looks hls
books and Immodest and unchaste acts wore all Instinet with the spirit get 01. I hact palm* in my back and
hems often tlnd their way into the and the power of truth. He could In my right hip se bad that I had
Ilbrarle.e of profeesed Christian pee- preach, he coned pray', lie could weep to tem te stick to walk and I bad
pie, and lis all such mute public -all In the Spirit. no comfort lm sleeping. I could no
shaken by spiritual grief, cry like
Infante over the atonement service
at the burning of the white dog, and
Iletened to some touching ululations
nt cerernontttls in the uplands of Mex-
ico, Even the eolorntl camp -west-
ing has Its tearful side; but the Per -
slang' doinge In memory of what hap -
petted to the Imans make those seem
llk0 chtldren'e troubles.
W. J. Dixon Cured of Rheums•
tient by Dodd's Kidney PLie
He Could Hardly Walk or Sleep, But
is now Strong and Hearty Once More
Barwick, P. 0., Rainy River, Feb.
10...(Special)-'1'h ha dehlpe endur-
ed by the settlers of a new country
so often bring on 1111;-umatism that
any well authenticated cure is
eagerly dleeuuetd and carefully lo-
veetlgated In dais neighborhood.
For We reason the recent cure of
William John Dixon has created a
seneatkni. He wax a familiar ng-
ure limping around whir his stick
and the euro was so speedy and
complete that it Is little wonder
people are looking on Dodd'e Kid-
ney Pelts as something to swear by.
"1 had an attack or Typhoid
Fever," Mr. Dixon says la telling
hie story, "and after I got over it
end stunted to work Rheumatism
bonfire.) would still ba lu order.
For fair Information nail on 00 ad- Sun WAS cltttractorled by bolt -Weft sunt a 01,0010 export number. It con-
_ n__ -a_ 1 idly and take a hack seat. No, 110 C. Morris, the Unite;! States Consul
dream I1. F. CARTER, T. P. A.,
Miss Alice M. Smith, of So.
Minneapolis, Minn., tells how
woman's monthly suffering is
permanently relieved by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"I have never before given my en-
dorsement for any medicine, but
Lydia E. Pinkltom'e Vegetable
Compound has added so much to my
life and happiness that I feel like mak-
ing an exception In this case. For two
years every month I would have two
days of severe pain and could find no
relief, but one day while visiting a
friend I run across Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, -
she had used it with the best results
end advised me to try it, I found
that ,it worked wonders with me; I
now experience no pain, and only had
to ase a few bottles to bring about
this wonderful change." -Mise ALICE
M. SMITH, 804 Third Ave., South Min-
neapolis, Minn. -$l000 forfeit If original of
abase fate peeing genuineness cannot De produced.
Many women suffer silently
end see their beat giftefade away.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound makes the entire fe-
male organism healthy.
Mrs Pinkharn will give every
ailing woman expert advice en-
tirely free. She has helpedthou-
sands. Address Lynn, ass.
Detroit, Mich
the carne name they could produce
the Hume effects. Adjure you - We
11191 you by inn oaths; WO command
you ate und0r the solemnity of ,run
earth. Bader. Whom Paul preached
--No doubt they Sud often heart Paul
1) 01111Int the divinit7 of Christ in
the hall of Ty'rauuniu.
11. A chief priest -"Chief prl^et in
the Now 'l'estluncut usually refers to
mon of the priestly order who were
:11015 rulers in the Nauludrin. This
man 1(110 u. Jetvihlt chief priest of dis-
tinction ;eel had 11(1,1 two office of
a ruler." rime
l.i. Evii spirit unstvcrtel-The evil
spirit 111 the man spoke through the
man. Compere Mark 111. 11. ;Jesus I
know vie. -Teat la I know His
poser and authority anti I know I aul
as Ilio servatnt. N'ho are ye -1011
hurt' no power 0r authority, you aro
not Itis followers, and so only pre-
ttnotle's; 111 the use of 111H mane.
16 -Both of then -It appears that
on;7 two of the seven eons Were Pres-
ent 00 tlds occnslon. Travelled -The
nam in whom the denten W'as raging
One off their nettling and w'ouuded
their bodies, so that they fled to the -
grave from his presence.
17. Tele became known -Gradually
the nerve was spread aimed. Fear
fell -This occurrence caused a great
Hensel i:e•� ,end produced a fear of
tlrat loos power which was
userii,.. ., the name of Jcsuo.-
Langr. "'lite Ephe'ians were so bound
up in belief in magic that it seemed
necessary to Wee( that the Gospel
was mightier than those other low -
ere, which came from Satan, the
father of deceit." Was magnified -
"Ties transaction e)iow0.1 that the
miracles performed. In the name of
the Lord Jee to by Peel were real tend
yr. v sl th d merino h • trug;.t. Hn104-
tore could not work t110.1 miracles,
and those who pretended to do so
only exposed themselves to the rage
of the evil splrlts"
III. Many converted (vs. 18-20+. 18.
That had believed -These: were either
professed C .rletlanx whose conv, 1 -
Moe had not born genuine, and who.
consciences were now so powereely
wrought upon that they were ltd to
confess their sine; or new converts
to Christianity who, be'oro this time,
had not received the light on theme
things. Caine and ccnferrsed-Whin
the 000001011(0 io truly awakened
there will always he a humble con-
fession of sine committed. Declaring
their deeds -Thu y tod how they 11011
teen (o n et d w.tii super' til'oue
practises, and had Indalged t i witch-
craft and eerecry, which were not
consistent with Christianity.
19. Curious arts -Arts of practices
req thing skill and cunning, such an
magic and el 1 h( of hent(, which are
pre !deed so extenulvety In enstern
ceu drier. Su^h arta were very popu-
bn• at Ephesus. The celebrated
the other great Asiatic 01 1134. Tiouo-
andi who came to Epheeue to wor-
shlp In thew temple of Diana, acme to
hear the gospel of the eaclour In the
mime) of Tyrannus. Ot-:er thousands
hamlet that same gawprl from the
apostle's faithful neesionaries; so
that lltermlly all ARIA heard the word
of the Lord Jesus."
11. Vseaband Jews d0 entad (vs. 18-
V?). 18.-Vagalond-strolling- They
were ohnUar to moder 1 gypsies and
au as IN me ism ER NE ow um am EN No al
..- wit imam I isim-- NM -
woe umtlllEaim sower ----- .
IMO Mil Mill MOrIMP I/ IIIIIIIIIIII 1111111r1111111'.
simiNNIr- 1I- ileat NM 11111111 -Intl Nal
mw - mil waahaahr am
. ....--veer mem rolumeleaetr.nr
eon. eneen neue. oar NNW IMMO 111•01.001.
..1..nla.err,eari =ju.,rwjere jus.- _n
The Prost 10 Wire and 6 Stay Fence
is the strongest and heaviest wire fence made -good openings
for good agents ; write us at once for terms. Ask for catalog.
more than dress myself for nearly
two mmitirs, (011(1 for three or four
WWorth+ I could trot lace my right
shoo or put my right leg on my
left knee
"A brother of (nine advised mato
try Dotk1's Kidney Pille, 'and atter
a.,,p �mn v •�•••••w cnmgn, he
taking three boxes I began to walk
HO peehal through doors that wore 'It Is OOmme9ly known lu're that around and 010 my work and face
'Six boxes cured me con letel
very energy' 01 111,1 ministry cumpell- United States, In order to undersell I P J"
nil men to hear. 1 ltukl,,,'0 In it- Imre have shipped Into
self attracts s- m
the attention of mumpethers;
er ,
kind. 2. It crokel the udntirutlon Canada machines of a former andI
of Lusa, ween It is exhibited In any older pattern. Tole American farm -
good came. d. It Moe the atteu-, cr will buy nothing that le not strict -
tion of the auditors upon the par- `ly up -toe -date, and at tit end of ev- 1
Ocular principles that aro eepons.3d. , ery Reason there are left over HOMO
1.lt haw In itself n dynamic form mnehinos hint will bo a ,year old
that is calculated to Incrcaso con- the next season, and these maclt-
vl(1ttuu. 5. 1t is elm. "e needed Int 11101* may leek 0O1110 1WWI innovation,
currying on the work "+'1 ro- 1 but will dui the work and aro just
fot•ntatime 0 It it; 111v11 as 1 its goal as the 11p -to -date netchlne;
elenumt ut personal chancel-, .11 a' and these im1chines-beck numbers -
champion 01 Clirlvtlutity. I are thirtyl Into Canada at a emelt
Perei•tctcy. Ntis was 41, valuable minced intofee value, thus Having
element wh{eh entered into Peelle ' duty, and they aro just UK acceptable
mioictry, ito kept at the work In to the Canadian farmer nig any 1011-
1,4 -Meow for more than two years, ebbe."
The) le Comte Ono very good rea- So, necotsling to 110 105x' n person
cote wily al Istat rho Word of God than 0 ('onsul of the Repulele to
grew 0.1(1 Mightily prevailed.
Tact. Titin w110 uu01ber important
eleutent fu Paul's work at Epbuwatt.
There 111 a world of meaning 1»
the three words, "disputing nt14 per.
the Fuuth of 110, wo ((rmere who
buy Cult( ;l elates; ntnchlnc: are
really baying the ob44J:et❑ netethiuee,
gathered at the United 8tatee 1tn-
piement agcuciro and sthipped Into
eunding.' Otto Claes of tudlvudunlsis Canada. it le not to be wondered
upeclaby fond of argument nod eon at than the. United State:, machines
_ ----. __-
shipped Into Canada do not W Lir or ,
WE HAVE THE RIGHT '1`1) SAY give cvitlafnction like the Cancullan ,
Lupure blood 10 the breeding place implements. One could hardly ex -
for tnnunterable Illnt'Hses. When we poet this to be the case under the
see anybody suffering from rheuma- rather evtraonlinary conditIone cited
by Mt'. Morrie.
item, limping on crutches, or find on
our way a perean covered with
ernes, we feel tempted to call out to
them, as well no to those suffering
from anaemia, scrofula: "Poor matt,
the help 1s witldn• your reach, and
you still continue to aufter 1" We
have the right to say that, schwa we
have known the history of Lite po-
pular medicine; hardly, any other
medicine has succeeded in achieving
such remarkable and thorough cures
1(0 Dr. Angled Koenig's Hamburg
Drops. Facts are e10g110nt. Thou-
sands of testimonials bring news
of cures by these "life drops," as
a grateful patient mated them, and
every day tete net, of them ie Increas-
log. It mus'(' be further amid in praise
of Dr. Angus( Koenig's hamburg
Drops ttutt they are prepared from
piante and roots, without any ad-
mixture of mineral eubstancee, such
Ire 1110110117, tine, etc., nod there-
fore do not have theenepleasant af-
ter effects reeuiting from the use
of other se -salted blood purtfiere and
purgatives, wMelt often remove
stall We and astute touch greater
oaten. We are oftem naked. "When
nook! tete system be purified." Title
must be left to personal judgment,
and we can only reply: When ea-
tuu•e demand* It. The eprkng to gen-
erally cometiered the proper time
for purifying the @ymteta. We do not
waint to upset that theory, but we
mast point out that blood should be
periflel also at other times, when
there are signs that It le not clean
mad wants regulating.
never be fully persuaded untll firmly
cor'bmo1. Patti rccogn:14 tithe fact
(((((10 no doubt cd puted hoelie and per-
' k Lenity. Another class Is mach
more likely to be reached through
the emotions an 1 e7ine three. Theo,
he sou to the 'divine .art of peen] 1-
11011." 1. lllr.11lri 11100 a1(1 p00.1111.
1 kni
1111 filly boot be *0; (ly empleya.1 b1
w i ming so 1l _. 110111 01 y ut ut-
q lral b fere Indhltn 1 toilet are
moi for 'hitt. 11. I l liar 107''t
t10- 1 b" w Ley tenet 1 In droller
ill h 1,, i Null close 1. tetitec i;c
Ild.,y to p eve en In 111 lit rt e „
1' lot rlten bd be to • mee'llie foto
of the eel. P.
Spiritn'I', 7 6.
plowed. 1r o
One of the Most Conspicuous Charae-
terlotice of the Persian
'Tee Persian's Imagination Is one 01
hie strongest characterletics, and it
ham found full pity In his religion,
When he spilt with his Turkish bro-
ther over who should be successor
to Mohammed he did It with the fan-
atical cnthusiaem with which he doom
everything -except tell the truth.
The offspring of Fatten were hence-
forth the uttered embodiments to him,
and when tho 'Turks and Arabs with
alin04t equal fervor disposed of the
!metes of Va010118 111000,10 of mur-
der held to let polite 1u tltoee days,
the regime Wit compdrte. The gulf
between Ndiliin and Sunnite Ives flo-
od lar all time. It 1104 never liar-
rowol. To this day, In periods of
street betw'en the mecum, the Persian
accounts it a greater virtue to have
killed 0110 Sunni than a whole com-
pany of Chri'tians, and his condo".t
at all times, witether In war or busi-
ness, eh0ws et what value le' holden
the Chrtsttan.
The cultivation of title rcllglous
(tension, century after century, has
wrought upon the PPI•1311111 tempera-
ment like n. corrosive nchl. To the
original fertmila1' he 1100 01011)d on
horrors end deprivation. hunger and
laceration enough to mike' nn or-
dluasy oaragr tern pile. I have
reou gent4'mrn of Icella 11 tribes,
My illother'x Good 010 Times.
I remembered vv'ii'n I wandered o'er
the hills lis boyish glee;
And the dinner horn's lung eobo
brought no hotting thoughts to
I was young and I was happy, and
my stomach neer went back
On 71 single proposition civet my
teeth would dare attack
Never th:ntglrt I of (lyspepeta as I
charged the illy cake
And the old corn beef and cabbage
that my mother used to make.
But tho yearn have brought prms-
perlty. The eorvtwte in my
Keep their straining ears a -quiver
for tho faintest of my calla;
I have eaten of the fattest ; I have
drunk the richest eup-
Just to realize nt last that thew
have usetl my stvau(ch up;
And Pd give my vast poeseestonsto
able to partake
Of the old corn beef and cabbage
that my another used to make.
All the years I've sought the dol.
tar, struggled upward slow and
WLth my pocket growing wealthy
and my stomach growing
Every year I tend my table more
with luxuries replete;
Every year L find that fewer are
the things that I can eat
Till the pathway back to ch Idhood
oftentimes I yearn to take
To the old corn beef and enhbage
that my mother need to make.
And sometimes le blissful moments
I will tall asleep and dream
Of the rueeet buckwheat steaming
and the sorghum syrup's
Dream that once more I am living
where Welch rarebits are un-
And the, noonhour unacquainted
with the sad, dyepeptlo moan;
Then I Jeer at pepsin tablets and
forget my stomach actio
In the corn beef and cabbage that
my mother used to stake.
-Lowell Otus ileeee to Leslie's
What to Necessary.
"You neves can make that kind of
dog fashionable," said the export.
ewes not?" asked the novice is
"Bet -1100,' rapped the expert, "he
Isn't «mall enough to be useless,
e;tup'ei enough to he utterly worth -
lies or usly enouglt to ba interest-
T1114 man, 11 011(7 be said, had made
n 01urfy of the pets of (nettle!).
Wear ! That's dt the greatest thing in the
world," -in anything that's worn. You get style,
fit and fini h too, in
GranbY,i' ' gbh err
-But th • 'r,t, thing we emphasize is their
Wearing Vuedifies.
areal "r.'aitt+"' r..t)bbers Wear line