The Blyth Standard, 1903-03-05, Page 6ODD FACTS AND FIGURES. n man to flirt witty the teachers or ono making it f( miedontennor for pupils 01 n weeding' wet tot 1 a feet- islattalegislator, one compelling women to wear a okirt which does not ln. unch the ground; Montana )ogighttel', one to appropriate rill; deet-"ee eelceeeeeert 000 for trlplols horn In Bette ''its le Kangaroo (tare b an known to jump a rfaspin'tioh of 14114/11 pal 3 '1' and Praisewrorthy rrxultix." r In r a height of 11 fleet. A deer's best re' aired le 0 foot 6 Nelms. Chaperon originally' meant the hood of cloth which wields wore In the fifteenth century. Olt of every one mineral founds of peQer mannf;tcturfel in the world ugly itis pounds is made into books. ID 1810 0:1 Rounds ant of every 100 of Sugar were made from cane Ta day only II1 pounds are so made. The world's record sugar planta- tion contains 13,030 tiered, has 30 hales of railway, and employs 1,500 people, Oreat Britain Inns 1,000 steamers of over 3,000 tone; Germany. 127; the United States, 120, and France end, 00. MealyNty of a pound of ehlmney Hoot has showed that it retained Iron, pnrtii'ulare, rates and folders can bo frothing eontrast (» 41 hilt preseut- ccl by the 'mama a member of the Utah Legislature providing that "no enu(li(lato 14(311 buy for enter», beer, 1113'isky, or any 30431X 101111tig drinks, cigars or tobarre in nay form, lend them memo' or pronike them YAK" Its olij-'et is to pre01•111 bribery 431 elections. Novortilrless, women aro too emo- tional turd intpratilic1( to 11,11,1 of- fice or 0nga,te I1, politics.—N. Y. Sus. Settlers' Low Kates West. Via Chicago and Nortllwostern Rye every day from February 15111 to April 80111. Colonist 0110 way see• and -cines tickets at extremely low rates from stations hl Ontario and Quebec:, to pointe i1, Colorado, Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Callfornk; nlep to Victoria, Vancouver, New Wcetmin- titer, Nelson, lloozie1(d, !eta. Full ('atotem nickel manganese Tepper obtnturnl from 11 1I, Bennett, General and silver, Agent. L' East King (troet, Toronto, Ont. SSo111a6n Disortlers The PertIoned City. If you want to enjoy each meal to eliteeei Tribune. tho ntmodt extent and feel that your " 11('o' for are we, from Chicago?" etomnoh le taking filo good out of nekel the passenger with the skull tbo food you eat you elmuld try cap, w•ip;ng the moisture frotn the Dr. Carson's Tonic wlnlntrs of 1111' sleeping car mei glanclug out. Stomach and Constipation Bitters The poosenger with the cropped It will give feet to ,vour appetite. beard raised ills brad and spilled the Our pamphlet on the ase of this Huperlor air. tonic tent In exchange for your enure nue :mew'.. en pest ears.Mt per bottle lot drum:feta or twid, pre- 1b.,ut forty mgrs, 1 judge," lir sold. pnld en 00001p1 0t pr3Pe. BnmPle tent on r:r,ipl of de. (stamp) to corer .((stage. in CARSON MEDI&nib GO. TosoNt0 Hleiah(nr; ane Slaying. t twain) News. The Drug„ tet — have you done much sleighing this winter, doctor? Tbo Doctor trlbeenily) —No. I have ((tat only one patient so far. ]kart. C. C. illehatl(s A Co., Yoe - mouth, N. 8.: New Sort and Itoslon Via New York Central. The numerous 100(1(1. the excellent service, the uniformity' of Its trains, its four tracks, and the location of its repots 11, 1 134011 and New York, mnk0 the NOW \or13 tiniest the fav- orite line to those points. Ar, ticket agent will cantina the above. Dent:omen,-1u January last Fran- A HANDY PANACEA. h 1 e (t1a Leclolr, one o' t ( u c Ttt stn- ployo:1 by nm, working In the lum- bar hood(, hail a. tree full on him, crashing him 4rtrfully. lie 101(3, when found, reflood on a (led rind talion home, where (entre [tare were entertained for his reeovery, his Mos beim: badly brulstrl and hie body turneel black from hie ribs to hie foot. We use 1 MINARD'S LINI- MENT an lilnt Iruu't> to (IMAM) 1110 pain, and ells tie, %s0 of three bot- tles ho was completely eared and able to return to Ids work, SAl. VEUR DUV.IL. Elgin Pond, L'Iset Co., Que., Illy 20th, 181)3. 111 Ithaca, ('coned Widow. A Miss le as good as a vele—for really It's only n differetes to the number or laps, anyway, CALIFORNIA Tho success of orange culture in Central and Nortnorn California for ten years past suggests the climatic unity of the State. Some of the most successful orange groves are 60Q pollee North of Los Augeles. The long summer, the warm and dry at- mosphere., the alwndance of water, and the low price of land, make these ffelde in the San Joaquin and Sacramento valleys very desirable for oranges and all kinds of [arm- ing and fruit growing. Just now the rates are specially low. From Feb. 15th to April 80th the rate from Chicago will be $33 to California points. If you are Interested In Cali- fornia, smelt publications as " Tho xand of Opportunity" and "Callfor- tlia for the Settler" will be helpful. They are free, and may be had of F. B. Choate, Generai Agent, South- ern Pacific, No. 120 Woodward ave., Detrott, Mich. Freak Bills. Within the past week or two a New York legislator half introduced a bill to tux bachelors; a Penney't- satda !oglelato•, one to lax spin- sters over 05; it elisseurl leglslator. Don't 1'lonkey with a Cough. Just a little tickling cough may not suggest any trouble but it is often the fore -runner of very serious lung disease. Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum soothes and heals the irri- tated membrane and the cough passes away. Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum is a carefully compounded preparation and is a specific. remedy for all th roat an d lung affections. :5 cents a bottle. One bottle will demon- strate its virtue. Cara 's Syrup y �p of Red Spruce Gum GLASGOW HOARY WITH AGE Strutkb Metropolis Was Founded 1 ,300 Years Ago. \Cr h(':o• n. get at deal in these day IV 10 maims of (130Ngmv as It truly model city and of itu nnnriu:ip�Ilizhlg in the interest of the ('11(301(5 110:1rly tory puhllc fratlrhisr. 'nut Is 1111 true ;Mil tlin0unrty highly merits+ ail era lee bestoW..rl upon 11. 1t present, however, we would briefly remhht our reederO of Glasgow 11, the oiden l rove--hulliireds of y extra lefore•St ob- tained iia present state of peefe.0- tiou—;Ind 01 which w•e now rarely hear a word. 11 is about 1,800 years since (Ras- tas' Ives founded by Kelrligeru or St. Aluugo, but the city dirt clot am- ount to much until after the net of union between 4eotland anti 1'tngland (llx,ut 2011 3etrs ago. It was that net Wit 1011 Clio idol the )1lercll413(t ad- venturers of tiinsgow to semi out their ships to Virginia and Mary- land deco for c+u•g(w'e of 'tobacco leaf. Thus tobacco manufacture 1vae the fleet important forvlgn trh(lo and home industry est:Lenora": by Glas- gow enterprise. Very 00011 the city lacame the cen- tre or 1110 tobacco traffic. For a long l31110 thereafter the "tobacco lords" of OL1sgmr--l1( their scarlet rebels n 0(d on their own privileged belt; -w,'ru almost cue etrohgly mark- ed figured In (theory 115 ware the morello n1aof Venice. When the Am- erican co!onieo revolted nail the U.S. republic 40.1(1 re-e0lltbli1he(t Glas- gow lost its f1o111'iotl«g tOb11CCO trade, but some of the "tohaeco lords," who held heavy et0ck5, nude enor1310110 fortunes by the rise in prim e. These fortunes formed the fou 31(1(313(1(11(11 larger mit erprieee else- where. nal lll1 begetting of the nu- IDerOne "merchant print's" that ti0011 characterized Glasgow. When driven front Virginal the ad- venturers established trade with the West 10410e, Where sugar ImeCeeded tobacco 130 the staple of trade. Then came cotton Ind next coal, which Watt 140011 folk/Mal h,1, iron. 'Minu- tiae there had been n. continuous development. of trade with India, with China, with youth America, with I(3)11'101x are an 1400110in Aril Won) fire Pains. Hot fomenta(ems prove an rlceept' able "Cure [or itches 11114 3)4(1133" dm• - Ing the told elate," day's, when the very ntenttou of Wdritktli smears soothing to (eneitl111 urt(ve, and it Is ourprlrl11 (o 4111(1(1 at extent this antidote fo" pain is nun' preecrilmd. Wiwi( a fomentation !r carted for by a pie%ei(Ltu, 0: when it ahllll sent to be the prop.'r thing 131 the 3nitn'g- (ney of ('01404(44 Internal polus, a flannel (10311 141E3' lot folded, rut of hot water, and tweeted direct- ly to the skin. 'O vertheieee, It is r I )th Letter eller wliilg.n„ cut the e as dry as drnlrl d to fold It in a dry Haenel cloth of one or two thleknrr.0) before up;aying it to the malted. A little ti'nr Is required for the h"1,t of the tem: Mantel to petal rate the dry flannel, and thus the skin Is aliow01 nn 0pp0:tunity to acop3trr tolerance of the (mat, and 1) greater dogrel of temperature, can be borne than If the motel cloth Is brought (directly in coal/ et with the surface. Tho outer fold of dry flamed will oleo servo to keep the cloth warm by preventing evaporation. 1 fcnp'n(ation Is 5nnl0time0 needed when no hot water Is ;t hand. Soak the fitopeel In cold water, ringing ns dry ns desire,(, fell In a news- pap"r 11141 111y upon the stove, or wrap It alxut the stove.(.^. In a. few minute» it will he fie warm 10(t tile malted can bear. The paper keeps the pip(' from being moistened by the wet flannel, and at the name time prevents the flan- nel from being wetly"' by contact with tee pipe. Fame stations thor- oughly applied will relieve most of the local palms for which liniments, Lotions and pou'.tiCCI are generally applied, and aro greatly to be re- ferred to these rcmedtee, since they are cleaner an:1 aid nature more effectually in restoring the parts to a pound condition. M'nard', Lininu•:nt for wile every- where. Froo—Gratis—For Nothirt0 Yoh CANNOT LONG loot, A WO11AN, When the white man wants the Week eau's laud ho approaches the (moment blase with "presents" of Wade, colored cloths, ribbons, and other useless trinkets that catch the eye of the poor black—but that are no earthly use to him. These are all " gifts—tree—gratis—for noth- lag ! t !" We all know who soon owns the black man's land. Yet this system of conciliating the innocent is not practiced alone on the negro. How many women read that they can get a certain present" with a certain purchase and forthwith they make the pur- chase to got the " present "—free-- gratis—for nothing! 1 ! The pres- ent may or may not be ueeful—but io this twentieth century are there those who believe they have not in the pllrchaso paid for and often dearly paid for the " present"? When you want a horse you can- not buy hie teeth at ten cents a tooth, and get the horse thrown Into the bargain. When you buy a dress you do tot buy the buttons, and have the dress thrown tn. Aud 0e more than you Can thus get the present of a horse or a dress can you get a " present "—free— gratis—for nothing --of diamonds, gold, jewellery, and cutlery, with the purchase of a bar of common soap. When you buy Sunlight Soap you are presented with pure quality In the soap itself. You do not pay for loading refuse at the price of soap, You don't vear out your clothes in halt the time, and ruin your hands with Sunlight Soap, as with common soap, If you want soap, buy Sunlight Soap—Octagon Bar—and you have paid for nothing but pure soap. If 7034 want something else than soap, buy it independently of the soap, and yen 3(now what It has cost you. You may fool some people all the time ; Yon Moe fool all the people some of the time, You (linnet fool all the people all the time ;" Yr" e'noel lone feel a women. els the, United 1-1,i ter( mud ultinritely _ with .1413(00 ie and Ncw Zealand. T111 then the Clyde had been little better than a stagnant ditch, but (ilne(ow by (agrees formed a deep, broad, navigable we leeway, mai then 001110 commove(' and shlpbnild- Ing.—cf'ottish American. FIVE MINUTES AFTER APPLYING Dr. Agnew's Catarrnal Powder you feel the improvement. At once the new vitality that •omes from proper breathing is felt. The cure ir. begun. This is not a cheap remedy, Mil an inexpensive cure. Remedies art but remedies. If a CURE is wha; you desire, it is whiting for you. You just drop the tube into th( Powder, blow it into tite nostrils, and begin to get well at ONCE. \V. 41NFST 1.04134', of West Flamtlan Quebec, States :— "1 hale been troubled wit. Catarrh for several years. It impaired the hear Ing of my right ear. I used Dr. Agnew'( Catarrhal Powder and in a week found i marked improvement. 1 look three bottles am could bear as well an ever: Dr. Agnew's Heart Cure Feeds the nerves and the blood. Itis LIFT: 1. medicinal form. It transforms the weak an, Sickly into the well and bcalthy. It tones all thi vital organs, les the cure, fur you. AN ANCIENT CREMATORIUM. Belies of Pro -Homan [lays Unmet heti 01. bending, England. What the absent-minded old lady (tailed a creamery lilts just been d1e- oovcrod near Reading, says the Wc»t- micstor Gazette. Twenty urns, 0014- tr.ltdnf; etticlncl human bones, have been nnevathed 1(t Sunningdale, nenr Cemet'lry. A mound was being renewed in the construction of golf lines, when three tune were d1Hror- crot, teeter the dlicetkm of Mr. A. C. s,hrule.o:c, F. G. 13.. curator of the Gco:oeical and Anthropological 1OparL mint' of Lite Reading Maseua4, a further coarch was made, aial,isv- enteen more were brought to kill. It le believed by competent antlIori- tles that the mound wee the uite-of an nnolellt orematormm—probably a battleground -11( pre-R"m:1n days Some of the urns are one foot tour 11(11(10 in diameter. Thoy are of an- cient 1lrltlhb make, and may safely be ascribed to the time before Bri- tain aline tiler the llom,n :nflu- ene0. It is cntimltrd that the burlats uwst have 'taken place be- tween 2.000 line 8000 yea044 ago, Some of the 110(14 (4..00 been rent to the British U,teeum, the Reacting lifeeeum, to Oxford and to the Louvre, Parti, ISSUE NO, 10, 1903. Mrs. Winslow'. 800(54ng limp t asel always be used for Chit ran Teething. Is 400(h04 the child, softens tits gum cares Rind in toile and is the best reed? for Mantua. AGENTS WANTED WANTED—MAN Olt WOMAN TO RICP- resent us pelting lamp that make. its own gnu fur one cent a day. Liberal otter to right )),arty. braes lamp free. Ed- do'w Perfect 1,IglwA ('0,, 140 Nassau Knot, New York. $10 3410fsT1:0 eleiA118 taa0. BTART ling Intention; greatest scientific d. (((101')) develops heat, light find power from the sem day or night without tiro, fuel or ex- penw'; In FIXoperation; bund rode of refer euros. Nolsr N'uruaou Ca, Uenvor, oeturatto TV1N'1'i:h-1{Io'reet)e men, nursery stock Ianlentllell `,Y:t • reed. enrr,'etand fill MINI lately wIUI (0(1 04icoM110, /LEL& HAWS - Ti MONTI/. AWS- ToI1NTI/. CANADA. Butter, New Laid Eggs and Poultry Wanted Consignments of Mutter, Poultry and new laid Eggs solicited. Prices firm for cl(ol0egust- tiles. Choice yonmt(''lllekrns,dry pplrlied,c into, selling (10 to 511e per pair. w'lll my 011e per 111, ter 1(1!10811' Aa, delivered Toronto. t'orreepondeare eIlel ted. JOHN J. EEE, BaaiTorno USE 1,000 MILE AXLE GREASE 1t Has No Equal manufactured may by THE CAMPBELL MFC. CO. of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. Fur wale by ell leatti ng dealers. • CURED QV NOSTRUMS. W411111'n Who :Make Money by C icing Trio hnontale 10 Quacks. One would be led to believe from a permed. of the patent medicine tulvertleetnents strewn broadcast Sovrr the land that hall the women in the land had been at one time tvrpelree Invalele, but had been enatele i from the brink of the grave by the nee of this or that noels= !lust Is gunritntced to cure ell the Itie flesh et hzir to. The fact Is thea not a few women (W - rico a good inmate, by permitting the use of their names—frllin('utly accompanied by their portraits — among the leetlmonirtle of the elft- , 01:11;✓ of the drag. -4. A letter of cunt- funledlthm from a governor Or a' member of c0ngrr.,H is worth from IK15 to 1150. Members of elate leg • - Islaturee are gated at from 13110 to 73111. Mayor'n 41,n(1 C41111CHIE:u .1,u 1 4011(17 at absent .y1,, 'there tH 1,139 It 51113(11, 11(11 steady helloed for reeomnlendatLms from pretty women, known to the trade lot nenatle5, wire will furnish strik- ing phrtures to go with the adver- tisement. I'h•.tures of b:•aeties tau d {,0 134 evebblg 12101(04 and without Eats. A short time ago a medicine cony. patty deckled on a campaign to a W,tnt.rru stale. The testimonials of the governor ant' 1(0m0 congress- men were desire!. Atony efforts were made to secure them, but 1111 :allot At last the head of the al- vertising bureau, a bright young woman, took the task personally In hand. The governor' and the oongresemen nil happened to bo 111 Waehington at the time, 8110 went on to the capital and plan- ned a oampalt411 that lasted n fortnight. :'t was most success. ful. The officiate could not resist her feminine tact. She got testi- monlats from n11 (11 them: Chleago Chroutcle, At the Foot or 1110 Pyramids. lluraernnd 13auern galender. Orlde—It took over two hundred years to build that pyramid. Amcrienn—You don't say so? AHI.t have been a government J:)''b, 1 gilts. NtAT0 3)P (344(0, 01(.0 0r• Tol,11,41, I w, Luras COUNTY 1 Yuan .1 CHIENEY 1111(14 oath that hoots the senior partner of the firm of F,.1. CH01011Y a Co., doing business 111 the Cita' of Toledo, County and State aforeeaid,an if thn tsald arm will pity the sunt of ONE HUNDRED D01,- 1,AaN 101• each and every case of CATAnan that cannot he 0410•(1 by the use of 1703128 CA•r.n(m4CuNtc. ]'HANK 3.CHENEY. Sworn to before me unit subscribed In my prise nes, this 11th fitly of December, A.U.,18011. A. W. O LEASON. { sicAL} Notary Public. Iiall'8 Catarrh C'Ire Is taken Internally and surfaces of the systelym n [he Head for and mucous fee. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all dragclste—Inc. H all's Family 1'(118 are the best. Little Jim'. Triumph. James, four years old, lees been naughty to the point of evoking a whipping from his long-suffering mother, ams all day lone a desire for reven(e r.tnkiel In hie little bosom. At len1;th bedtime came, and, kneel- ing leiiore her, be implore:l a biasing or each member or the family Indl- vl:lun[ly. the /lone being oonspicu- 0116 by her absence. Then, rising from his devout posture, the little suppliant Pixel a keenly triumphant look upon ilex face. saying, as lie turned to climb Into bet: "1 s'pooe con noticed you wasn't In It "—Harper's Maeaaine. 111 nar(1' L'niment R Tavel Neural- Minar(1'8 Liniment Cured Burns, ete. ----- The __The Virtues of Women. A Paris paper has been inquiring what virtues are most essential in women. The lineation submlttee to Re traolers brought many tlkoeslIId UMW,. 4E111. litltllfalnese had 8278 voles; economy, 7,430e and onder1i- neee, modesty, dev0(1011, charity stns gentleneee Io low in the order named. 014100line514 bad 3,504 advocates; patience, maternal affection and in- duetry heel (etween 1'000 and 3,000 each, while courage, (lleyretlon, eim- paeity, wisdom, honesty and :min- t Ility were between 1.030 and 2,000. Abnegation came Iasi: i1, the not with 808 votes. Shades of 11. Wagner!— New York Commercial Advertiser. A Common Bred Cow When toned up b Dick's Blood Purl - Ser will give u much and u rich milk asabighly brcdarlatocradc Jerseycowgives MVO la or. dietary feed, and a Jersey cow when given. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER will wonderfully increase her yield of milk. It saves feed too, because a smaller amount of well digested food satisfies the demands of the system and every particle of nout- stahment sticks. 50 cents a package. Leeming, Mlles ek Co., Agitate, MONTREAL rite, 'yr" 'i !, �. 1, ill e , 14 44 ' x I, • ' I t t1 1 Y y' y trI "What Luck!" f.IBBY 1.1' (CIIF.ON9 made ready In ■ few moments. The Wafer Sliced Smoked Reef, fork and Leans, Veal Ioaf, Potted Cheam, and lot. of gad t1::ues to eat Are U. 8. Government Inspected Kee le the holt., for emermnciea—for suppers, Ln• ,and,vichrs --for any time when you want am 03.111e good and want it quick. You family turn a toy and the c:m la open. An appotislag lunch M ready in ail instant. Libby, McNeill & Libby Chicago, tit., t1.8. A. Writ/slot nor Iry bnoldet "How to Make (:1,d Things to Eat." !f`nald's Llnimont Cnree Dandruff. Con,lderhng the number that slip out of them, we might with propriety say "tho holey pontis or matrlmouy." Just the Same There. Meru Mara, Tokyo. "My friend says that her hltir when nuralle11 will [•(141(14 to the floor." "Yee, 1f it Is eat of[:" DR. A. W. CHASE'S o5 CATARRH CURE Lt C(' Is fent direct to the diseased ps0s by the Imprwod aloes:. Heals the. 03(0(0 vicars tholes passrgee, erops droppt , In ttw throat and permanent 04(014 Catarrh and Har rev Blower free. All d"akn, or DLit). W. Chase Medicine Co.. Tomato sad teals. 21( N(x'ern Parlance. V, Y Bun "Why dial sire sue for diroroe?" "She found a perfumed note In his pocket." Ah, 1 ere ; a trust -buster." $200.00 IN COLD GIVEN AWAY FREE LPAPE HREOCA UPML ATSWRYREBR CPAHE J RCYREH YBRAPRBRE ERPA C nyen arra g. d, bove arty of Jumbled ltl i l 11e irmts el eight well knownf h 11 to. YOU CAN 10.011IN II t U(1TRILU71ON ( 1111 Ah(\'I Ohl It , '.y i {lib 1 1 1 )0411 (• every ceY 1.,n bra In k t 60 ti n I' a r 1; we III g¢ the awn of One n r 1)011 1 n.. I u Ng I i.rs tl 4w o(kl(:y pall 1,1,,, pine ..akin(( O. l ars, .O,, tv.iwnwn m4d' i:, ("0th(nege,tnnniwrt,e,.,,nat1went, 0.4, 1 tat 1' 1' a I, _( a n,dw inns (rices Wil I.e dlvldeI between (hem e' I ,, (( t4,. ) 1. ft 11 1 Ily t 1(w lint thane .ns.0l hove la be divided,len,h ,,,,king j(nno)..1,.,Id tbir Iwnotmealle4onlly cWre.,'tart5wets, thewkele spm of kienno vial be eawally divided (rw.(,e.eiving Wow), cud nn en In Ilk,,roj',0'oprovided ided they ply with aAimppl, rnn,lhh n alwt whit we min .file ,.,n as rr..xer; ere ,..clued. w'13 TA/ Inn WANT A CENT ON YI,UR M0N1'.Y 4405 YOU ANSWES 71(14 ADrrp7'Ih[MLN'I. Ilya, no Hake 't rnythlnp I((0 a Complete list w„ t O.t once en, Union .reo4 mamtr Pr 011 mil. Dl) NOT DELAY, wa1ra AT ONCE. Addree, 1001>1AN 114,1)1(11NE (0., 4.oN1N>44, lo,',.10 To, 11'