HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-03-05, Page 5We Return Timis to farrnere and others for the very liberal patronage given in the past dleiteon. We are 4ttlll in the market dor all kinds, of °rain, Butter and tT.ggs, Poultry, .lite. We offer you no trade, but the highest price in .ash. Wishing all the compliments of the season. Store to Rent. M0MILL'AN & CO. Oiateigy street w Blyth GIVING UP BUSINESS 'Raving secured another nposition I now offer my entire stook at greatly reduced prices. If you want snaps come quickly, as the stock may be sold in bulk any day. Our new spring goods are arriving, and they go on the market at cut prides. Produce at sash price oniy. ,BLYTH'S ITP -TO -DATE STORE, 1.- TOWN ~ T. W. SCOTT TOWN TOPICS. —Guelph has decided to close bar - .rooms at nine o'clock. —If your adv. is not in THE STANDARD ,you are missing trade. —Blyth school board will meet on /Friday evening of this week. —Mr, John Leith, of Gorrie, spent Sunday at the home of his parents here, —Brookville is to ask Mr. Andrew Carnegie for a grant for a public ,lib. eery. —Mr. Alex. MoCreight has added a new Champion chopper to hie mill plant, —Miss Maggie Miller, of Toronto, is visiting at the reeidence of Mr. John Moffat. —Mrs. Haigh McQuarrie is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. M. Babb, in .'Teeswater. --The Ripley Express .aye that Mr, John Putland, formerly of Blyth, has purchased a very handsome horse and ,cutter. —Mr. Thomas Bland will hold an auction sale of /arm stock and imple- ments on Saturday of this week at Si lot 8 non. 9, Morris. —Mr. David McGill, who has been a e'aldent of Blyth for the past three yearst is removing his family to his farm in East Wawanosh this week. —Messrs. John and J. 13, Kelly, of ,Goderich, were in Blyth this week. ,They had been in Morrie attending the luueral of Mrs, flaunts Agin, sister of Mr, John Kelly. —A good roads meeting was held in the Clinton town hall yesterday. ,Owing to want of space we are unable to give a lengthy report in this issue but will do so an our next. —Mr. Robert Somers, jr., who has , been working in Stratford at the bakery business for the past four months, hen given up his position there and is at present visiting his parents here. Mr, H. V. Holmes, Mr. P. H. Douglas, Mies Grace Edmonds and Mise Edna iHamilton attended the concert given lay the Hawthorne Musical Club, of ]loston, in the Wingham opera house , on Monday evening. —At the annual convention of the Auburn 'ffeion Sabbath School anemia. tion, heldt Auburn on February 20th, Rev, J. Edmonds, rector of Trinity church, Blyth, was elected president. ,We extend congratulations 1 —Mr. E. Livingston was taken to St. Joseph's hospital, ,London, on Friday last, and repprts received from there eines state that fee is already showing .great improvement. This is chi ering news to his family and host of friends bare. —The Epworth League of the Metho. djat church will conduct a series of evangelistic meetings in the basement of the church every night during next week. First service Sunday night after the sermon. Week night services will commence at eight o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all young people, —The grand Orange lodge of Ontario West will meet in Winggham on Wed- mesday,'Thursday, and Friday of next week, A public meeting will be held in the Wingham town hill on Wednes- day evening, when addresses will be delivered by Dr, Sproule, M.P., E. F. Clarke, M,13., Rev, Wm, Walsh, E. T. Eseary, and inhere. Bro. John McMil- lan grand master of Ontario West, will occupy the chair, In addition to Wheat Wanted Highest Market Price Paid Blyth Flour Mills 0. H. BEESE. the speeches there will be vocal and instrumental music. Anyone wanting to go to the public meeting from Blytb, ran do so for single railway fan and proouringof a certificate from the agent here. The certificate must be signed by the .secretary of the meeting at Wingham, which will entitle the holder to a free ticket home. —Chief Game Warden Tinsley states that 181 wolves were killed in Ontario drring 1902. For these the government and the municipalities paid $2716 at 816 a head, the whole coin being paid by the government when tho animals were killed in the unorganizeddistriote. At this rate it will not he long until the species is exterminated. —Over a year ago Mr. Fred Haggitb was thrown from a load of logs and had hie feet so badly injured that he has since been unable to work. Ho carried a policy in the Canada Accident Maur - ante Co. and the other day received a cheque from them for 1200, the same being for 62 weeks disablement at 15 per week. An accident policy 1. not a bad thing to have when a fellow is earning. nothing. —A correspondent in Clandeboye Benda us the following: "St. James' church concert given in the Temperance hall, Clandeboye, on Thursday evening, February 19th, was a decided success, The beautiful comedy drama, Diamonds and Hearts, under the direction of Mrs. McQuillin, was a surprise to the audience ani pleased all wild saw it, the different characters taking their places as perhaps few others could, 'rhe selections given by Mre. Oruro and Miss Cameron, of Lucan, gave much pleasure, Miss Berfordresided at the piano throughout the plat, rendering selections suitable to the different parte, and Miss McAndles, of Ilderton, gave instrumental numbers for the evening. The stage which was tastefully arrang- ed and well lighted lent a charm to the performance. The hall was filled to its utmost capacity and about 160 were turned away. In order to give those who held tickets an opportunity to USA them, the concert was repeated the fol- lowiug evening. The proceeds amount- ed to 180,70." Bank of Hamilton Changes. Another change has taken place in the management of the Bank of Hamil- ton branch at Blyth. The new manager is Mr. T. W. Scott, who, for many years, has been one of Blyth's most progressive business men and one of her moat highly esteemed and respected citizens. Mr. Scott entered upon his new duties on Tuesday of this week. The directors of the Bank of Hamilton made a wise choice when they selected Mr. Scott for their manager here; he ie a gentleman of wide business experience, is capable and energetic, and in every way qualified to become a successful bank manager. We extend to him our congratulations upon the well deserved tribute given him. He will retire from the store business as soon as he secures a successor, negotiations being at pres- ent under way. Mr. II. V. Holmes, wko has been manager for the past six months, has been promoted to the management of the agencies at Gorrie and'1'eeewater. During the short time he was in Blyth he made many friends and was exceed- ingly popular with the custontere of the bank. Our best wishes go with Min to his new position and may he always be found advancing. Mr. P, H. Douglas has been promoted to thetpIler's cage, a position he is well adapted for. Blyth Council. The regular monthly meetingof the Blyth council was held in ndustry hall on Tuesday evening. Present— Reeve Sims, in thechair; Comte. Sloan, Stothers and McNally. The. minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and con- firmed. 'Coun. Stothers moved, seconded by Coun. Sloan, that the following accounts he paid:—J. G. Moser, supplies, $1.45; J. E. Coombs, wood, $14.00 ; J. W. Bell, salary as tax collector, postage and stationery, 841.50 ; Tlfa STANDARD, advertising abstract statement, 80.42 ; E. Livingston, electric light for Febru- ary, 199,00, less $9.06 for lights not burning, 880.54; James Barr, eatery for February and meals for trainee, $25.80.—Carried. Coon. Sloau moved, seconded by Conn. Stothere, that Reeve Sims and Coun. McNally be delegates to the good roads meeting at Clinton on Wed- nesday of this week.—Carried. Coun. McNally moved, seconded by Court, Stothers, that the reeve and clerk sign the lease for addition to weigh scale building on Grand Trunk property.—Carried. A communication was read from Mayor Lewis, of Goderich, stating that the council of Goderich was asking the Dominion government to make erten- eivy improvolnents in connection with Goderich harbor, and asked for the assistance and co-operation of Blyth council in the matter. Coun. Sloan moved, seconded by Coun. McNally, that we sign the peti- tion, re Goderich harbor improvemente. —Carried. Council then adjourned. yresT WAWANOSH. NOTES.—The late thaw has left the roads almost impassable and those who have teaming to do will have a hard time getting it done.... Mr. Robert Medd, sr., delivered 22 head of export steers to Messrs, Watson & Emigh, of Blyth, on Wednesday. They were ' good cattle and brought the top price and a little more.... Mr. Wm. Miller 8013 a tine young horse to Mr. A. Brunedon, of Auburn, for $195 Mr. John Welsh was around looking for fat hogs. He says they are going to come down in price.... air. Leddy sold a tine horse to Mr, 1l in. Bell, of Blyth. Some of the young people of this section took in n party at Mr. David Hamilton's. They report having had a gool time. WORTHY PIONJaiRs.—The oldest mar- ried couple residingIn Huron couuty are Mr. and Mrs _ u, Fluter, sr„ of West Wawanosh, the former being 98 years of age and the latter 95, They were both born in Civan county, Ireland, and came to Canada 60 years ago. It is over 57 years lance they settled upon lot 24, con. 2, lest Wawa - nosh, where they have mince contin- uously lived. They were the first settlers on that line and those who followed after them have had many a tale to tell of their hoepitality, Several years ego Mr. and Mrs. Pinker celebrat- ed their gaiJen wedding and their diamond jubilee is only three years distant. Pen children were born to them and itis remarkable that in their nearly 00 years of wedded life death has never yet vacated a chair. Their family consists of: Thomas, of Cal - spiry, Alberta; George, of Carberry, Manitoba; Mrs. Archibald Gilleenie, of Grand Rapids, Michigan; Mrs, 'Phomas Crawford, of Blyth; William, of Clin- ton; John, at home; Mrs. Wm. J. McMullen, of Lucknow; Mrs, Robert Stalker, of Auburn ; Samuel, of Blyth ; Mrs. Archibald Robeson, of Automat. Mr. and hire. Fluker are enjoying good health for their advanced years. That they may celebrate their diamond wed- ding is the earnest wish of the nume- rous friends of these worthy pioneers, gale Register. Saturday, March 7th, Farm stock and implements. Si lot 8, con. 9, Mor- ris. Thomas Bland, proprietor. C. Hamilton, auctioneer. Tuesday, March 17th, Farm stock and itnplemente, Lot 30, eon. 18, Hul- lett. David Crawford, proprietor. Thos. Brown, auctioneer. THE CRADLE. BELL.—In Will gham, ou February 21th, he wife of Mr. I3, 0. Bell (nee Mabel Bell), of a daughter, Ross.—Lr Wingham, on February' 22nd, the wife of Mr. T. H. hose, of a daughter. EtLtorr.—In Hullett, on February IStlh, the wife of Mr. W. J, Elliott, of twin sons. THE ALTAR. JEWELL—ARMSTRONG.—At the semi- dericeof Mr. Charles Howson, Auburn, on February 25th, by Rev. J. C. Dunlop, Mr, Melvon Jewell, of Col- borne, to Miss Florence Armstrong, of Auburn, HtnHES—SowDEuaocx. —At the resi- dence of the bride's father, Hullett, on February 25th, by Rev. John Ken- nedy, B.D., Mr. Wm. Hughes, of Dauphin, Manitoba, to Mabel, eldest daughter of Mr, John Sundercock, TAMBLYN—CALDWELL.—At the resi- dence of the bridt's father, Hullett, on February 25th, by Rev. James Hamilton, Sir, '1'. J. Tambl,yn, of Col- teryille, Manitoba, to Lizzie, daugh- tor of Mr. James Caldwell. THE TOMO. Aotx.—Irl Morris, on February 26th, Annie Kelly, relict of the late Dennis Agin, aged 70 years. Som.—In East Wawanosh, on Febru- ary 21th, Peter D., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Scott, aged 8 months and 18 days. HLYTR MARKETS. Blyth, March I.—Wheat, 6a, to 70c. Harley, 580 to 41o. Pete, ego to 610. Oete, 282 to 90e. Eggs, 19,0 to 190. Rutter, 15,, to 160, Potatoes, Geo to ache Hales, ea to 00. Hay, 80 to e7. lard, 120 to 14o. Pork, e7 to 58. Floor, 51.90 to 5035, Wood, 52.;0 to SO Wool, Ile to 150. To, keys, 110 to Ile. Deese, 80 to 5c. Dank,, 80 t0 10e. Ohlokntle, lie to 00. Apology. To Mr. John J. Mc0anghey, Township of Mor- tle, Blyth P.0 , O,4eri. , Dear sir, -1 very much regret tint I repeated a statement male to me to the effect that you bad taken a false oath to the Hart ogee at Goderieb. I find that that MO meat was and is entirely without any foundetlnn, end is not true; and 1 unreeereeMy withdraw it, end apologise to you for having repeated it. Yours truly, (signed) Joaw LAM Wianeea, (signed) W. ft., MmAE, Town ship of Morris, February 203, 1508. Notice to Creditors. In the Estate of John Curring, late of the Township_ of Hullett, in the County of Huron, yeoman, de- ceased. Pursuant to H.R.O. (1557), Cap. 199, and emend. tug nets, notice 1e hereby gi con to ell persons having claims against the estate of the said Jobe Coming are required on or before the 14th day n1 Lieroh, 1909, to send 0'. mail, postpaid, or dallier to Johu Cnmluq and Edmund Lear, both of the Township of Haden., in the County of beim), the mouton of the estate of the eatd deceased, or to the n, deraigned, rhea solicitor, a etalewont of their claims with lull particulars of their amanita and of the nature of the aecuritlee (11 any) held by them, all verified by statutory dealarauou, And noti,e le filthier given that after the 14th day of March, 1990, the said eaeeuton will pro. coed to distribute the assets of the estate M the said deceased among the persona entitled there- to, having regard only to the chime of which they shall than have notice ; and that they will not be flab e for the said sweets or any part thereof to 001 person or persons of whom" claims spinet the said estate they shall not then have notice, Dated at Clinton, this 11th day of Febrnery, A.11. 1903. W, Bnrnowo, Clinton, Ont., 250 Solicitor for Eaeoamre. Good Farms and Saw Mill For Sale. No 1—WI lot 35, non. 5, East Wananoeh, eons tat Ong 100 acres, BO scree Melted ,u, d tea good Mate of oublvatiou, e0 acres partially cleared and 20 sere of tmbor laud, The soil Is a prod loam. There is on the piece a good bidet dwell- ing bouse 20194, one and a half eteroys, w,th uitche¢ attaobe', wond-sbed 20130, end stone collar under full else of house; good cistern; good well and ',led mlll eooveotent to house and out.buildings ; frame barn 5+a58, with stn ,e stable, andernegth; two frame dwetlinga 18x"0, one and a half Morey";s steam saw m i 30at0, two storeys, with boiler, eegioe and all nem. eery macblue'y for mutufaoturtng lumber, lath mudshingles, ell in good order. No.0-11 lot 84, eon. 5, Rant Wuwanoeb, oon- tahting 100 aoree, 80 acres cleated and in a good state of cultivation, 20 aoree of timber land. '1 bete is on the place a good frame barn 40x55 and 20 lent high with at me stables under the full sloe; gond frame dwelling 90x28, etre end a Leif er oroy, w,th one storey kltebeu attached. No. 3-Ej lot 39, eon. 7, wast Wawanosh, con- taining 100 tierce, 00 acme cleared nod Ina go d Tshaete Roll ciusltuivagtoid , s1la0 yaSomso9 Otnimhr lead. pito. Were le a good frame dwelll g 22030, atone eel. ler, wish kitchen attached 18028, one and s half storeys. ; rand sod s ft water; good frame barn 40500, with stone stoles unser; frame Rabies and abed 24,60; good Bret, rd. Thin Owe 1e well dralued end nes a nova ta,ting sprneg Otto. 11306 through L. For tali Iwrsleulate apply to THoltap 8, Tsr- ,wa, Westbeld P.O., Out, or to C. iaaMILTON, .Blyth P.O., Ont. 19882 McKinnon & Co. Blyrth. C.4 RPM - A.111' ICI - CURT INS Four months ago we placed a large order for Carpets with the best manufacturers before the recent advance in prices, Since then Carpets of all kinds have advanced in price from 3c to 5c per yard. But as we have stock enough to supply all demands we will sell them at old prices. Our Carpets are all in and ready for your in- spection. Bring the correct size of your rooms and we will cut and match yourcarpets for you. Hemp Carpets, 91 to 86 inches wide, in stripes and floral designs, at 12ic, 15c and 20c. Union Carpets, in light and dark colors, yard wido, now worth 850, for 25c. Union Carpets, heavy and grin, will wear well, yard wide, new designs and colors, 85e., 40c and 50c. Ingrain Carpets, yard wide, extra heavy, in choice patterns, rever- sible, worth 60c, for 50c. Wool Carnets, yard wide, io new reversible patterns, fast colors, at 65c, 75c, %0c and $L Japanese Matt.ings, in new patterns,,a great wearer, at 12ic, 17c, 20c end 23c. Floor 0.1 Cloth, in new patterns, in all widths, at 250 per square yard. Scotch Linoleum, extra heavy, worth 65e, for 50c. LACE CURTAINS. Lace Curtains, in new patterns, at Mc, 40c and 50c. Fine Nottingham Curtains, in scrolls and lacsy effecte, 8i yards long, 51 inches wide, regular 81.25, fur $1. Duplex Curtains, something new, 8i yards long, at $1. Swiss Curtains, Si and 4 yards, at 81.50, $2.50 and McKinnon & Co. Slytl].. Our New Arrivals. Fancy Crockery with views of prominent places in Old London, A beautiful collection, choice for 25c while they last. You should see our beautiful display of Easter Cards and Easter Eggs. STA TIONERAND FRANK METCALF MYTH k 4...._THE POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSES ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••* Welt 414441.40 Watch this space next week for announcement of Spring Goods which are arriving daily. Leave your orders early and avoid the rush. /111.1111111111111♦ 11111111e... •0111/11 Se He Gidley - Blyth `" ``^:`fig `4m=tea ?Ica