HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-03-05, Page 2PORTE4E:PAIX, IIAYTI,
Townef.About 9,000 Inhabitants
Obliterated in One Night.
Cape Haytlen, Hayti, cable: A
d(vgnttnh received here Iron Erns
Morro toeing announces the coral late
destruction of Port -de -Pala Ilayti,
by fire last night. Moly the se:setae
belonging to the Ilaytleu Company
dere Rawl,
Purt-ae-Pals is a maritime town of
llnytl, on the strait between that
'.]'tali and Tortuga Island, 3a miles
from Cape Haytien and about 100
Milos north by west of Purt Au
Prince, the capital. Vessel,' load and
dlsoharge at Portde-Falx by means
of lighter'. It has a papulation of
Meat 9.000.
Stat Antonio Submerged.
San Antonio, Texas, March 2.—As
the result of an unprecedented rain I
fn4L San Antonio last nlght was par- I
tlatly imbmorgot, and mucic lose of
property ha' been retained by the
rising of the San Antonio River. So
far no loss of life has been reported.
Many houses along the river were
swept away. Tile water reached its
ll1gbest point yeeteritay morning, a
stage about equal to that of the
flood of 1878, the highest ever re-
corded. The lose of property 1n the
city Haid country will approximate
$300,09J, not lucdudhtg the Toes to
N,euragua Yelps Honduree.
1'aname, itttr. 2.—News has been
received here that forces under the
command of General Nicaelo Amatte a
Hent by President %playa, of Nicar-
agua, to help 1'reoldevit Sierra, of
Honduras, to cope with the revolu-
tion begun by Senor Bonl.la, who wtc+
elected 1'reeident 01 Hondurus, but
whose election wax afterwards dis-
puted by President Sierra, have occu-
pied Choluteca city. Tele place le 68
miles south 01 the Honduran capital.
General Ortiz fax invaded Honduras
to twist Smith Bonilla. Bonilla, him-
self, lx now i vanehig towards San
Antonio Dal Norte to attack the Hon-
duran departtnhnts of Comayagua
nod La 1'az.
Tweed About Like hie•.
Obelie, Ohio, March 2.—A car on
tho C.eveland & Southwestern Elec-
tric Railway went over all encbtu:k-
menl twenty feet high lent night at
Henrietta, five 'Miss west of Oberlin.
Twee were 20 passengers i boost d,
Horne of whom were esverely bruiecd,
but the greater number weal e h with-
out. regime; Injury. The car fell on Its
Hale ht ianding, and the passengers
were thrown together in a heap.
Complains That Germans Pillaged the
Vessel Before its Return.
New York, Mar 2. Tho Venezue- eel oven copper clasp'. from the
seep'.. +1410'.
I The machinery was purposely left
out of order. It was necessary to
emp'i.,/ mechanical engineers for
twenty-four 'Inure in order to place
the Reetuurw:or In a condition fit to
Lk) to se::. The pillage of the ship
was scandalous,"
authorities at Puerto Cabello,
says the Caracas correspondent of
the Herald, after recr-lting the war-
ship Reetauralor, which had been
seized by the blockading {ewers, have
mado au official report regarding
the transfer. Phb'l report result In
part: The Germans before deliver-
ing the Itestnuraelor had sacked her
lin a ru!noue manner. They carried
off silverware, 00%0F0, curtains, elec-
tric light globes, kitchen utenalle,
German officers declare tent the
charge of rho Venezuelan autitorl-
tlep Ls Mise and assert that the ship
was not robbed. On tho contrary,
they s.c11 that Germany had spent
$1..]000 In repairing the Rcstau;ador
and lad left 150 tons of coni 00
board of her without asking a cont.
lith School Principal Shoots
Whin Attacked.
Co:ambus, S.C., Mar. 2,—IteuDeu B.
Atte, Principal of tho leman High
school. about fifteen miles from Spar-
tanburg, is to Jull charged with kill -
Folder, 17 year old, one of
Ida pupils. Pitts 1s a young titan, a
grnaluate of Fancan University, and a
eon or Bupti:,t inhibitor of this
State. Ile took charge of the Inncan
school six meatier ago and las lad
dllflculty iu managing fume of the
larger mountaineer', who bear been
attending the school.
TDs t.on&tc culminated to -day when
Poster awl three other large boye
were ordered to remain niter (*chose
wau dismissed. The side of the da-
shing has not yet bean told, us tato
brought the first information con-
certing the sheeting to Spartanburg.
He says that five 'Hoye had been in-
eubord,0ate, particu.arly Fouler, and
after dcvmlesing ad the four ring-
leadere Ire announced to them that
he would whip Foster.
Leaving three boys In a classroom
lie took Foetor Into Ills private of-
fice, locked tho door, produced a
"hleko:y' and attempted to app y It ;
hut Footer refu,eb to ba whipped and
pulled the rod from the grasp of tit'
teacher. At the same moment the
throe young men lett in the rine: room
IN1ret opts' the door and rushed at
To defend bimitelt from an expected
assault 1'Itie says lie drew a pistol
from 111e pocket and levelled It at the
young men. Foster wan within a few
feet of him, and lie struck the pistol
with his head, knocking It down.
Pitta had his finger on the trigger
and the brow discharged the weapon,
the bullet going Into the etu+teut's ab-
domen, Inflicting 0 mortal wound.
The teacher summoned n phyefelan
and then Nurrenderrd to Covetable
Frank A. Metcalf, and they drove
serosa the country to Spartanburg.
Pitts' reason for carrying a pistol
is that, being physically unable to
acme with the larger boys, he needed
a weapon for hie protection.
Trier to Show the Court That Her
Dismissal Wee !Legal.
Washington, Mar. —Mlsx Rebecca
Taylor, who was d'iesharge.l !Tom the
War Department for publishing se-
vere erIticlms o1 the AdminiNtra-
ttpn'N policy In the Philippines, ar-
gtse:l her own 01100 before Chief Jus-
tioe Bingham, of the Dlstriet Su-
preme Court, in an efort to Secure
a writ of mandamus to compel See-
eerotary Root to reinstate her. Pro-
ooedines for a writ of mandamus
were begun a year ago, but since
thou Mise Taylor's epeeee wb1hirew
from the cast, because they differed
from their client at to the manner
in which the 'seem should be pre-
sented. Miss Taylor then announced
that she would conduct her own
Mr. Morgan H. Beach, United
States Attorney for the Dletrlet of
Cohanbal, appeared for the Secretary
of War, batt ho had no opportunity
to -day to display hie ability against
Ms feminine opponent, as she occu-
pied the entire afternoon iu arguing
the points na!sed by her, that her
diemiseal wee in violation of civil
Nervier, rules. In tones sometimes
tremulous with excitement, Mies
Taylor read her argument from a
type -written copy, She will con-
tinue to -morrow.
Dutch Government to perm a hall
road Brigade.
Rho Hague, Mar 2.—Premier Kuy-
per introduced In the Second Cham-
ber of the States -General to -day
three bills In connection with the
recent railroad strike. Ho explained
that the Government considered It
necessary to oppose any unreason-
able attack on yooiety which would
sacrifice the well-being of the peo-
ple to the dewire of a certain class
for influence, and to political ty-
ranny. The Government, therefore,
proposed to dorm a railroad brigade,
to emir° a regular service of trains
in case of need. The just complaints
of railroad employees would be ad-
justed by a Royal Commiselon, which
would be entrusted later with the
settlement of the eltuntion from a
legal standpoint, as well as regard -
Ing the conditions of service of the
employees. It also would have to de -
•tilde what constituted orhulnal nets.
The Government did not desire to be
reaelfonary. It only aimed at et-
foctieg social rolorme.
Ono of the bills provides for a mod-
Iflcation of the Penal Code, with
the object of affording a surer gear -
an tee for the personal freedom of
labor, and preventing State officiate
or persons engaged In occupations
affecting public interests front ab -
seating themselves from their duties.
Good Tropes Brought by Pedigreed
Cattle at (i nal ph.
Guelph, Ont., report: The annuli'
sale of regret, red stork under the
auspices of the Dominion Cattl^.,
Sheep and Swine Breeders' Aesocia-
tlon took place here to -day, and was
rmhiently sweeeeful. Alxtut NOM)
hundred buyers and sellers were
literati* from all parte of Canada,
and the prices realized were beyond
expectations. The total sum realized
WAWA $6,430. One shorthorn bud:, bred
and contributed by Time. Scott, of
Sutton West, was sold to W. D. Flttt,
of Hamilton, at the handsome figure
of $273. The lowest price paid was
All the animate were young bulls,
ranging to age from four menthe to
two years. Eighty-three were enter-
ed for wait., and all were sold except
two Polled Angus and two short-
horns. Two of the shorthorno were
also withdrawn. The sale Was under
the direct supertlslon of Mr. F. W.
Hodson, live stock rommfeeloner for
the Dominion, and Mr. Thee, Ingrain,
Guelph; George Jackson, Port Perry;
1)1141 James McDonald, Guelph, were
the auctioneers.
(trsr,urcelu 1 Columbus, Ohio, Motor.
Hutu hens Cara Despite Breaks,
Columbus, 0., Mar. 2.—Thu Met car
on the Main street Ilne hist night
watt crowded and the rails were
slippery with ice It crawled along
with discouraging slowness. After
three blocks of tide progreee a fuse
blew out. The motorman found his
'empty, of fuses was exhausted, and
the pnssetlgere contemplated with
disgust the prospect of walking.
The motorman was resourceful. He
entered the car and asked the wo-
men passengers for contributions of
hairpine. He got a dozen or more.
The metal was soft, but 1t was
found that a hairpin would carry
the car four blocks. In that distanoe
it burned out and another was in-
serted. In dile way the "night owl"
finally landed its passengers at their
British Commons 1te1use0 to Admit
('unatibnn Cattle.
London, March 2.—In the house of
Commons to-ihcy Mr. Price, Liberal,
moved an amendment to the address
providing for the repeal of the law
exclu.ling Canadian store cattle from
British markets. The debate on the
amendment occupied the night Nee -
M. Hai:bury, President of the
Board of Agriculture, opposed the
amendment on rho ground that It
would be a dangerous precedent to
admit Canadian cattle, thus giving
tie m preference over others..
plc weld he was anxious to meet
the wishes of the colonlee, but that
99 per cent. of the farmers In Great
Britain were opposed to the admin.
Mon of Canadian store rattle, and
nothing would Induce him to abate
a particle of the preeont art.
The amendment was rejected by
190 vote; to 38.
Kaiser's Son Will Short y Tour East-
ern Europe,
Berlin, Mar. 4,—Thee Crown Prince
)',enrich Wilhelm will bad farewell
to his student days at Bonn Uni-
versity at a meeting of the
famouv Borusstx Corps on Sun•
day. lie will leave for a trip In
Eastern Europe, accompanied by hie
brother Eitel. Tho Oriental tour will
begin a>: Corfu, where the Crown
Prince will arrive on March 5. He
leat05 on the next day for the Pelo-
ponateue and Piraeus, and the next
three days will be epent at Athena,
during which time the Akropolis will
bo Illuminated with Bengal fires.
From Athons he goof to Corinth, and
0a the 18th loaves Piraeus for Con-
Bulgaria Not Satisfied With Proposed
Macedonian Changes.
London, Mar. 2.—Public opinion In
Bulgaria unanimously condemns the
proposed relorms or Macedonia as
entirely loadequ ate The Macedonians
themselves declare they will not ac-
cept the reforms, whlth, even 11 much
more extensive, would require Eu-
ropean control to ensure their be-
ing carred out. Tho extremist news-
papers denounoe the proaet as "In-
ternational eyn'elent" ant maintain
that a Macedonian uprising le now
all tate more certain. They deehtre
that the Macedonians should freak
with Austria and Rueeia and Beek
the support of the other powers.
Victims of Illusion.
N. Y. Bendel.
Mr. Jones—.Dli you read about a
woman who married ono man think-
ing he was another 4
Mrs. Jones—Don't get worked up
over that. Lots of women do the
same thing every day In the week.
The unexpected never happens.
There le always some wlee guy
standing around who Bays "I told
you 10
Fears That the Loss of Shipping Will be
Very Heavy.
London, March 2.—A severe gale
prevailed Mere and aiong the coast
last night, causing much damage to
In tha+ city, trees were uprooted,
walla of building.] In course of con-
etrnction were blown down, and
many houses were unroofed. The
Chatham and Dover Railroad Was
blocked for considerable time by a
brick shed which had been blown
noroeells tracks. It requiem! several
Imam; for workmen to remove the
It le estimate) that the wind at -
alined rt telocity of between sixty
eat seventy miles an hour at thane
during 11 o night. Thio mo, nceg,
I owever, the gale is abating.
Tbo gale was very severe along
the co.tvts, and it Is feared that a
number of vessels have been lost.
A telegram received early this morn-
ing at Lloyds, reported the Bret
(ilsneter. The British etotmehip
Monadnock, Capt. Woods, hound
from Blythe for Boston, with
cargo of coal. was driven ashore
on the I+le of M un. Her crew were
resmed with much difficulty by the
11fo severs. The vessel le well op,
and it is belietel that she will boa
total loos. Sho was of 2,701: tone
not register.
egsehassaiteesns•Ca.V:ei•ek i were killed and six fatally wounded.
The nen illan Goternment hag
XI In I t ti
i�/.i�'VIV�f Vf,M
Toronto ntavvboys aro organizing
a union.
North Grey complete returns make
,air.•Thomson's majority :102.
The Laurier Chat banquet, at To-
ronto, has been eel for March 23rd.
About 200 men employed In the ele-
vators m at Fort Willi have gone
out on strikes
Musicians have asked the City of
Toronto to vote x3,000 for summer
band concerto. '
• Tho contract for rails; for the Tem-
fakaming Railway has been awarded
Cammell & Co., of Sheffield, Eng.
John Hamblen, proprietor ud' the
Worklegmon'u Honor, Toronto, has
been arrested on a charge of eon-
splring to defraud.
Rev. J. W. M tcMillnn, late of Lind-
say, was Inducted Into tho pastor-
ate of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Winnipeg.
Mr. John Crawford, of Montreal,
las given $2,000 to the Church of
England Synod towards the main-
tenance of clerical sttpende.
Judge McCrinimon bus decided that
there its no provision for punishing
deputy returning officers for (all-
ure to perform certain duties
The Ontario Government's agent In
the Tem1skumiug dIetrlet reports
that there were 175 locations in the
district during the month of Jan-
Tho Canaullan Pacific hallway Co.
has an'ardal the contract for double -
tracking the lino from Rat Portage
Williamto Furl William to Foley Bros. &
Tho Government steamer Maim
manage' to free herself from Melee
In Northumberland Streit, and left
Sir John Terence Nieolls O'Brien,
former Governer of Newfoundland,
is dead.
P1vo hundred army reservists nail-
ed from Liverpool to tako poei-
ttons at Cape Breton.
Tho King Dau conferred toe, Grand
Crows of St. Michael and St. George
on Sir Michael Herbert, the British
Ambassador at Wanhington,
The tuklrese In reply to the King's
speech at the opening of Parliament
was adopto(l by flue British House
of Commons without amendment.
Captain Thompson, adjutant of
the King's Colonia..], recently receiv-
ed notice to retire. Lord Roberts,
however, has confirmed Captalueon'
Tbomps position.
A despatch to a Vienna newie
paper from Conetautlnople an-
nounces that M. Rulong, Ruealan
Consul at Mttrovltza, Albania. has
been murdered by natives
Dr. IT. J. flatting, the Inventor of
the Getting gun, died In Now York
yesterday afternoon, at the home
of Itis son -hl -law, Hugh O. Pente-
cost. He was 85 years old.
Lord Stanley. of Preston, the eld-
est son of tha Earl of Derby, Ince
officially denied the rumor that he
is to succeed the Earl of Moto as
Governor-General of Canada.
At the Colonial Club banquet on
Wednesday night, Major-General
Laurie, 11. 1'., in speaking la regard
to trade, weld that the Mother
Country should make an otter to
the oolonlee.
A despatch from New Zealand to
Time London Times Bays that steps
are being taken with a 0101V to the
formation of a colonial employers;federation, to watch labor legisla-
tion in the colony.
an R,
JohPickle, C. P. R. brakeman,
with his wife and family, were plac-
ed under quarantine at their borne,
No. 41 Victoria irtreet, Toronto
Junction, last evening by Dr. Mc-
Namara, M. H. 0. The 8 -year-old
daughter of Mr. Tackle In suffering
from a mild type of smallpox.
Eleven Judges of the High Court
at Ate, Finland, the State Attor-
ney, and other court officials have
been diemleuel without penitentsbe-
Meleethe court Instituted proceed-
ings against tyre Russian Governor
of the Province on the complaints
of peewee wh were affected by
the Governor's action at the Bret
disturbances there In April, 1902..
Vienna 1s ttreateneJ with a strike
of chimney sweeps.
u(x Hui a one to a number of rep-
reeentattv'e Britton M. 1''e to tour
Candia In the autumn.
Lord Strathcona and Lord Mount
Stephen have received thewa.rmest
pert;oltnt thanks of the Prince of
Wale+ for their munblcencotowards
King Edward's hospital fund.
Orders havo been kneed by the
Archbishop eaf Wolhynla, in Hussein,
forbi.klhng his clergy to continue the
practice of incepting intoxicating
liquors In payment for their minis-
Before the. War Commly+Ion on
Tue'iny General Stopford, who was
Military Secretory to Sir Rodeo``'a
Buller, to Natal. pralsel the InCnlll-
genoo and capacity of the nes of
etrathooua's Horse.
The Grand llucheee Anastaefa of
Mecklenburg-Setwertu suddenly lett
for Ruusla, whore ehe Is reported to
be In retirement. It 1e common re-
port that the Dowager Princess is
Infatuated with her hair -dresser.
Pictorial rovtatr(is, which givesm-
ploymodt to thousands of portents
In Germany, aro now to have a sppy�-
alai department in the Berlin Pos-
tal Museum, for which artietlo sam-
ple] from all over the world are to
be collected.
"Evac,the chimpanzee perform-
ing at the London Pavilion, having
duly primal medical examination, has
Just *tad les life insured for several
tl.oumiel pounds, a portion of the
OA being taken by members of
Mr. end Mrs, Chamberlain embark-
ed at Cape Town ye4terad'ty after-
noon on tho Union Line •steamer
Norman, for Sonlhnmpton• Immense
crowds gathered at the docks, and
gave She Colonial S erelatry an
enthuslastio send -oft.
By tho explosion of n soda water
fountain tnnk, which WO) being
charged with carbonic gas, at a
store in Lewba street, New York, yes-
terday, the man who was charging
tho tank had ono leg blown off.
United etatev Consul McWnde, at
Canton, reports that an American
physician Dr. Adolf Razlag, bas
dtscovn'ed "Deane of curing and ex-
terminating leproey, and has put
It into practical uvo near Canton.
It coedits of minute 0114 prolonged
sanitation and the tae of highly aa-
tiveptic drugw.
Is in Earnest and Does Not
Think He is Impertinent.
Washington, Mar. 2.—Representa-
lave De Armond, of Missouri, is quite
eurn.et In his propoaltlou to have tyle
United Statee annex tht, Dominion of
Caamda, and le quite hopeful that
Congress will take the llret legiela-
tive step to that direction beton; its
adjournment tot March 4. 1114 resolu-
tion authorizing the ''resident to In-
vestigate the alvh,ablhty of tuts na-
tion absorbing British North Amor-
Ica la now hp committe0.
Sptvtkmg of this great annexation
scheme, lir. De Armond, who le one
of the leaders on the Democratic side
of the Houle, said to -night:
"If we nave to grow, let us grow on
our own continent; not southward,
but northward. It is far better for all
to expand here than to take posses -
Mom far away from our own shores,
In other continents and Henn.
"My resolution requests the Presi-
dent to aseortaln on what terms, if
any, Great Britain will code to the
United Staten all or part of Cannata,
on honorable term.], of course. Ii the
report made by the ]'resident should
be encouraging, and 'how that Great
Britain In willing to part with Can-
ada, and that the people of Caueda
are desirous of joining hauls with
the United Slates, tbeu annexation
may bo brought about with compara-
tive Daae.
"ln a reasonable time the Dominion
could be dlvideelInto States and the
people wonhl have the wame right.]
and privilege.] as the cltiznnn of the
United States. In fact, they would
be made citizens of t',le nmentrv. 1
sincerely true* that favorable adios
will be taken upon thhe resolution."
Smacking the tips may be Taigas
In a fight between miners and cher- at times, but of course It depends on
Ufa at Charlestawa, Va., three men whose lips you smack.