HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-03-05, Page 1th nb fb.- VOL. XVI. EAST WAWANOSN. Tente-Mr. end Mrs, P. W. Scott rn the lossoftheir Infant son, Who on Tuesday of last 'week ....Mr. meg Menzies and Miss .Menzies; Mr. Ild Mrs, Jame' M. Lind, and Miss malls Lind attended the Metcalfe— 'whin wedding of Gienannan last Meek ,Mr, Lawrence Cudmore, of ctinton, has engaged with Mr, James ilifethery for the summer months, ... We sere very sorry to bear,of the serious Glues of Mrs. Wm, Scott (nee Miss Annie 8ackrider), who underwent an rtion for tumor s few days ago.... r. Arthur Kingsbury has hired with 7i r. Rkhard Corley for the summer month'. COUNCIL MLtsrcLNa,—A special meet- ing of the council was held on Tuesday of last week; members all present. The meeting was called by the reeve, Ohs object being to select two delegates from the township to attend a meet- ing tinder the auspices of the county council to be held on Wednesday, .March 4th, at Clinton, in the mat- tsr of securing for Hurou county a kir share of the grant set apart by the Cntarlo government, for the purpose of improving the roads generally through- out the county, Moved by Coun. Bee- croft, seconded by Coun. Manatee, that Reeve McCallum and Coun. Ellie be Appointed to attend this meeting in the dnterests of, and on behalf of Eaet We- wanosh townehip—Carred. The noun- pil then adjourned. LONDESBORO. Btexsas.—A young son of Rev. John Kennedy met with a painful accident An Monday evening of est weak, by .which he had one leg injured. He and other boyo were getting on to a sleigh And one of them shoved hint over and his lag got fast. The injury is as bad Ate a break and will lay him up for quite a while....Four cars of livestock were 'hipped from Londeeboro station last week.... Ur. Charles Meyer is shipping least and mutton to tendon Mr. Wta. Crittenden hu moved to our village.... Mr. R. B. Jaffrey, our station fragent, spent two weeks with Cleveland iends. His place at the station here Wu filled by ayoung man from Exeter, . Mr. John 8tephene on is moving to dirsy township.... Mr. F. Gibbs hsa gone to Belmave to be fireman for Mr. Wm. (:eddes....Some of ottr timber men have 'one to Clandeboye to work. Mr, Howard W. Adams made a short visit home last week, coming on Wednesday end going Thursday. He hes severed his connection with the Moleons hank at St. Thomas, and goes to Chicago to a more lucrative position. .,,It is rumored that some of our townsmen who are away for a visit will return soon with permanent partnere. Mr. and Airs. James Webster, of Velvet re formerly of Londesboro, mourn Ahs loss of their infant son, aged it dere.... Mr. R. G. Webb hes the saw mill running again— .A few lends of coal have been brought to the village ssoently, which was the first tide season, .Mr. Wm. Canton, of Kippen, is shipping hay from the station, ST. HELENS. BMUtse.—Mr. J. Saunders, of Ash - told, who butchered for the beef -ring hers last summer, is still supplying the 'village with fine tender beef. ... Mr, T. 'Toddy mill is running full blast now and logs are coming in freely ....A social evening wee enjoyed recently by the members of Bethel league at the home of Mr. George Webb.... Mr. and lira. McKenzie (nee Min F. Simmons), ,of Leagside, have been visiting friends around here.... Mies C. Rutherford, of Dungannon, is visiting friends in this yloin ... Mr. W. J. Todd recently .disposed of a heavy � horse for a good ligors.... Mrs. R, K. Miller was the „guest of ffriende in and around Goderich last week.... We are pleased to know ;that Mr. Robert Taylor is recovering -rapidly from the operation he under- went sometime ago. We tiust he will goon fully recover Mr. and Mrs. .Donald Murray made a recent visit with Ripley friends Mr. Thomas Pennell has returned home from the .west. Hel,wksas if that climate agreed *with him.... Mr. Frank Todd is break- ing in a fine blood colt.The concert du the hall under the auspices of the ,public librar • was of a very high order. ,dingingby Messrs. Stalker and Watson And Mtge K. Mclntosh, of Lucknow, and recitations by Meta Campbell, of Lucknow, and Mr. McKay, of White- church, .were much enjoyed by all. We are sure they would have a good audience again should they return. ecitatewas and choruses by the boys and girls were executed. Rev. Charlet, Rutherford, in hie usual style, occupied lbs chair and kept things moving nice- ly. Proceeds amounted te e2t The papers, masexines, etc., were disposed et during the evening.... The sincere sympathy of everyone in this village ie extended to Mr. Robert Pennell, an account of the death of his father which occurred at Lucknow a few days ago. DUNGANNON. Letenetod —Mr, Pritchard Milligan, now of Toronto, and formerly of West Wawanosh, is visiting his parents and relatives. We are {{leased to see him looking so well.... Mr, J. E. Tom, the veteran and,popular inspector of public schools, visited Dungannon public school the other day, and having exam- ined the pupils in the various subjects ,of school oarrioulum, aspersed himself BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1903. well pleased with the progrese, efficiency and good order of the pupils, and also the splendid eyetem of tuition by the principal and assistant... Airs. E. Barber, who ham been on s visiting tour to relatives in Uncle Plain's domain and points in Ontario, has returned home after having an enjoyable time....Our genial livery keeper recently purchased a well matched team of handsome black horses, one of which was sired by Texas Guy, the other by Slander, which were tke centre of attraction, many people calling at the livery stable to see them, They were proneunoed to he a handsome pair of horses. Mr. Alex. ,Pentland purchased one of thein and Mr. Richard Reid the other, giving good figures. It is a pity to part them as they were well mated in every respect.... Mr. Jesse Mountain has diepoted of hie hotel property here to Mr, David Crawford, of Hallett, who takes possession on May let. We have not learned what Mr, Mountain intends to do. ,OLINTON. LOCALS.—The Clinton Collegiate Lit- erary society is doing is good work by encouraging thought and debate on im- portant matters. At their meeting on Thursday it was resolved that the statesman does more for his country than the poet. The affirmative won Mr. L. J. Wallis, who has lately returned from the west, purposes to take thither, in a few days, a cargo of horses.... Mr. J. B. Hoover has the contract to put up a thousand dollar monument to the memory of the late Samuel Sloane, of Goderich, the de- ceased geutleman having made provision in his will for the same.,..Mr. John Wigginton, en old settler of Huron, died last Sunday at the age of 64.... Mr. John Whitely, of Goderich townehip, died. last Sunday at the age of 76 Last week the death took place et Den- ver, Coloredo, of Mr. Robert Cottle, brother of Mrs. George Cottle, of this place. Deceased leaves a wife and four ohitdren.... Mr. Henry Beattie, barris- ter, of 9eaforth, has bought the prac- tice of Mr. James Scott, of this place, where he arrived it few days ago.... Mr. W. L. Hellyar, of Cobourg has bought out the business of Mr. P. R. Crews, and will he here in two weeke....The Canadian Order of Foresters celebrated their annivereary on Monday evening last. The Blackstone orchestra from Goderioh, which was in attendance, with best local talent, made a most en- joyable evening.... Mrs. C. E, Dowd- ing, late of Londou, who has been ser- iously ill for some weeks, has taken a turn for the bettor..., Mr. James Scott will be installed as postmeater this week, and will retain se assistant Mr. Andrew Porter, who is greatly liked by the community,.. .The last of it serine of entertainments given by the Ladies' Guild of St, Paul's church took piece at the Town hall last Tuesday evening. It was presided over by Rev. C. R. Glenne. Some good speeches were made on the occasion by four resident clergy- men of different denominations. The trend of all seemed to be a desire to be Ott good terms with the Episcopal church, and they had a very happy way of expressing themselves, The mueic and singing were excellent. Those who added to the musical pro- gram were: Mrs. G. E, Holmes, Mies H. Combe, Stuart and Irene Jackson end the G.T,H.B. quartette, Mise Clara Monteleotle recited a poem telling of her own experience at the " Bache- lor Maidens' Ball," which the attended lest Chrietmat night. The poem is humorous and satirical, and was fol- lowed by rounds of applause, Mr. John Ransford closed the musical and literary part of the entertainment with a comae reading, "The Betting Boy," which was well received. 'Then follow- ed a supper of cake, coffee and sand- wiches, and all went happily dome at 11 o'clock, A tree out down near St. Marys had two large hollow limbs near the top, inone of which was raccoou and in the other a hive of bees. FEBRUARY CLEARING ..AT. VIII ART GALLIRTI 8113. Stock -taking is now over and we are prepared to take Photos up-to-date in every style at reduced rates for the Next 30 Days Photos from 73c a dozen up, and we can suit anyone itt prices. Enlargements at greatly reduced prices in watercolore, sepi and crayon tones. We also carry a full line of Photo Buttons. All work guaranteed. H. R. BREWER PROPRIETOR. C. JEROME IANAUR, BRUSSELS. WALFe.—Mr. tiatnes Ballantyne has been on the sick list for a few days with neuralgia Mies Habkirk is attending the millinery openings in To- ronto.... Brussels salt works have re- ceived the iron for the new pan to be put in the blockMn. Campbell cf Port Elgin, has been spending a few days with her sinter, Mrs, Dr. Holmes. ....Miss Carrie Hingston will leave in a few days for the west.... Mr. Ernat Maunders, who has been attending Al- bert college, Belleville, was forced to return to his home last week on ac- count of sickness.... Mrs. Ham and family have moved to Lucknow, where Mr, Ham has already commenced his work as station agent Mise MiI- hausen, sister of our new station agent, moved to town last week ....Brussels branch of the Upper Canada Bible so- ciety raised 11165.44 this year.... War- den Kerr has been invited to address the Eastern Ontario Good Roads asso- ciation which meets at Ottawa on March 12th and loth. His subject will be "How Huron County Secured Several Hundred Miles of Leading Gravel Roads." Mr. John Grainger has purchaeud the Livingston farm ad- Tjoining Brussels..., Mrs. Kellington, cf rowbridge, is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs, Fred Adams. The village council has given the K.O.T.M. hand a grant of 11100. The band will give a concert in the park once a week during the summer months. Mr. Reginald Fletcher has been appointed agent of the, Great North- western telegraph office in town, since the death of his father... .The manager of our new Metropolitan bank reports business very encouraging, NENSALL. .1prrwins,—Mr. Abner Arnold, of Windsor, is visiting his father, Mr. G. D. Arnold, who is at present quite i11. Miss Lavine Cook is visiting friends in Clinton ... , Miss Alice Petty is spend- ing a few days with Lucent friends.... Mr. $iekie, of Kingsville, arrived in town last week to take the position of paging teller of the Molsona,bank. Mr. 0. M. Muir, his predecessor, goes to the Molsons bank at St.Thomas.... Mr. Rodger Northcutt recently sold his prize team to Dr. O'Neil of London, for $500.... Mr. Pymm, of,Exeter, hes taken the position in Brown it Clarke's ebop recently vacated by Mr. Charlie Menne, who left ou Monday for Car- berry, Manitoba, whore he intends to oontmue hie trade as a blacksmith. His wife and children will remain here until spring,.,, Maeter Melvin Stone- man, who has been ill for about three months, is nett/able to be up again.... Min Olive Sellery, of Kincardine, is visiting her brother, Dr, F. A'. Sellery. --Mr. Thomas Ballantyne and family intend leaving here for Brookedale, Manitoba, about the middle of March. Mr. Ballantyne has already taken up a large section of land for himself and his eons.,.. Mre. R, H. Collins and daugh- ter, Katie, and Mise Kate Bonthron, of Exeter, are spending a couple of weeks with relatives and friends in Hensel!. ,..Dr. J. E. Blackall, of the Queen's hotel le being visited by his father. The latter has been quite ill for a few lays.... Mr, Charlie Chapman, who has been serving as apprentice at the Grand Trunk station here, left on Sat- urday morning to take a situation on the ({rand 'Drunk at Kincardine. Hie successor is Mr. Harvey Whito.... Mr, Thomas Houton intends leaving for the Northwest shortly. AU'SURN. PAINT -rt/ WEDDING.—A pretty wed- ding was solemnised at the residence of Mr. Charles Howson on Wednceday of last week by Rev. J. C. Dunlop, of Clinton. The contractine parties were Mr. Melvon Jewell, of Colborne, eldest son of Mr. Richard Jewell and Mise Florence Armstrong, of Auburn. The bridegroom's father and mother were present, six sisters and a number of outer relatives of bridegroom and bride. 'rhe bride was beautifully dreesed in whits, carrying a boquet of flowers that could not be surpassed for excellence. The bridegroom is a very enterprising and well-to-do young termor of Col- borne. The young couple start life with the very brightest prospects as far as this world is concerned. Their many friends unite in wishing that the same abundant happiness together may be theirs. ConvaNTtoN,—The 12th ar,nual con- vention of the Auburn Sunday School association was held in Knox church on Friday, 20th ult, Forenoon session had a barter attendance than ever while in the afternoon and evening sessions the standing room was at a premium at the doors. In the forenoon session Mr. N. Campbell tonk the chair as president and After opening exercises Rev. T. B. Coupland emelt() on "The Sure Founda- tion," This and an address by Mr. George Fothergill with discussions receiving of reports, the appointment of Rev, T, B. Coupland, Rev. J. G. Burn end Mr, T. Anderson as nominating committee took up much of the fore- noon. The election of Rev. J. Edmonds as the new president with Rev. J. G. Burn as vice-president also was gone ou with, and Messrs, John Wilson and D. E. Munro were again returned to their respective positions es secretary and treasurer, owing to faithful dis- charge of these dtitiee la the past. Throughout the convention regret was expressed owing to the enforced Absence through illness of Rev, Elmore Harris, No, 30. BANK OF HAMILTON Capital, all paid up $2,000,000, Reserve, $1,600,000. Total Assets, over $2o,000,000. JAMES TURNBULL, GENERAL MANAGER. BLYTH AGENCY. Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued. General Banking Business Transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $t and upwards received and interest allowed compounded half yearly. T. W. SCOTT, AGENT. THE GREAT CASH STORE New Goods New Goods New Goods STILL THEY COME Have just received a magnificent range of ,NEW SPRING HATS for men in the very latest style. A look through will convince the closest buyer that he can save money by purchasing his Spring Hat at this store See our 8pring'Prints. .The range la large, but the price is email &e the new patterns in.Linoleums and Floor Oils Dont mite the snap In Lace Curtains for .spring. Never before have we.ahown such a magnificent range of beantifni cur- etting •We have some excellent value in Ladies' Whits Underwear Try our Black Tea and Breakfast Coffee. They are excellent ...ids will be cleared opt at room -making prices. D. M. McBEATH PRETORIA BLOCK . . of Toronto, and a letter at the evening session was read tram his sorrowing wife expressing their regrets at being compelled to disappoint the Auburn convection but promising to come for the next one. It was decided that the next convention be held in June, t104. Rev. S. M. Whaley, owing to blocked roads, was prevented from attending and his absence was regretted. The pastors of the local union, however, taking in the situation, went resolutely to work to fill in the lick and by united effort made the convention quite in- teresting and profitable. At the after- noon mission. After opening exercises Rev, J. Edmonds the president-elect, took the chair. May. J L,.Small took the topic, "A Study in Acts" which Rev. Elmore Harris was to have taken, He also conducted the next Sabbath school lesson teaching with a clam el ten the subject, "Christian Jove." Rev. J. Edmonds spoke on " What the Sunday School Has Done for Me." Knox church choir furnished the music for the afternoon session, Collection, discussion, song service, etc., took up rest of the afternoon. At the evening eesaion tee chair wee ably occupied by the newly elected vice-president. Ex- cellent music furnished by the Westfield choir in song servke. Rev. J, L. Small took as his evening topic "A Study in Philemon" end showed the compara- eively little known book to his hearers in a new light, Rey. J. C. Dunlop followed with a question drawer, the answers being discussed by various Sunday school workers. The billeting committee looked After the people'e material wants at this great annual epiritnal feast in en able manner And after votes of thanks, etc„ the 12th annual convention was brought to a close. CONSTANCE. purrs. --Mr. E. L. ,Parnham paid a recent visit to his uncle in Wingham. .Mre. Albert McGregor, of Cypress River, Manitoba, recently spent a few days in ounImre Mr. Charles Roger - fumed a pedigreed he,fer st Mr. W ar, SneIPs wee.... Mies Mina MaRore Mut returned to her home in Warwick, after spending t couple of months with her sister, Mrs. R. W. Jewitt.... Mr, Wm. Knox is moving the barn home that he recently purchased in Morris... Miss McKay, of Egmondville, was in the village for it few days visiting iter consiu, Mr. J. E. McGregor. --Mrs. Wallace Campbell's twine, Albert and Edward, born. on the King's corouation, ditd iu Hamtltott within a d: f