HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-02-26, Page 41 f RUES iIlcIURORIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. BLYTII, ONTARIO. MOTES DISCOUNTED. Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to formers ou their own notes, No additional security re- quired. INTENEST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates, We offer every accommodation con- sistent with safe and conservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest. 1UL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for ule. Rents collected. £ONVETANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. Aif$0EANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and re- epectfttlly solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS ; 10 A.M. to 8 P.N. DuSITIRSs Cards. L DICKINSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC., 3 Owed, Maytor eekbigot, Wmehun. of Hamilton, my to IA, JACKSON, ILA., '1 BABI;IHTEB, SOLICITOR, ETC. Otoveyeneer and Notary Pabllo. Solt ttor for Vnlags of Myth and Renk of Hamilton. Mee, ppry�et�ppda block, over Powelri store, Blyth. Mosey to Isnd. J 1:BROWN,L.D.B., DENTIST. Offiee !s tbs Pretoria block Blyth. Special NMotloe paid to the preservation of the pat. Seal Meth. All prawn w low as is cou.*0 eat WO sad work Gold work a opeolslty. T 0. LINDSAY, M.H. J PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ssaeeaor te Dr. Tait. Graduate of the Unt- ynity of Toronto, Member of College of Pby- tlteLns and Surgeons of Ontario, Formerly of Loaders, Maitland and Edlnbargh,SnotLnd, hos owls. OB Dr. Te alk sue reesidenoee, tet lately 0000- W. J. MILNE, ILD,C.M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, D.O.M., University of Trinity College; M.D.. lea University; Fellow of Trinity Medical ails do and of member College of Phydofae. WI Surgeons of Ontario. Coroner for the Gouty of 'Huron. 011ioo, one door north of Abe flataa/arolglltotel, Queen chest, B,yth. . J. BUCgSTAP, SARVER tank) TOBACCONIST. Choles stook of Tobs000s, Cigars and Pipes on hard, ,spot for the Parisian Steam Laundry, poses *Ma Blyth. C. HAMILTON, AUCTIONEER AND N'ALUATOB. Laud, Loan and Iosurano• Agent Office, on Ain omo. will rewire prompt atteotton tiTlat- A : BRADWIN, STEAMSHIP AGENT. TW Elder -Dempster sloes reprepseented. Ooaan ter rates now in force at Names of steamer@ aw nd dosed galling furnished on application to Tea pTANna*P office, Blyth. pilot, e. L. TAUBE, MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN AND EYE SPECIALIST. All kinds of Speotec:es and Eyeglattes made to order, Special attention Rivet, to attlugg the eye Orders by wen promptly ettendod to. newton of pulley using my user. es I employ po travelling "onto whatever. Batieleotion guaranteed. Established 1,976. 954 Richmond Street W., Toronto, ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE st. Thomas, Ont. (TWENTY-SECOND YEAR) The farthest south, and one of the largest and hest equipped in Canada. Preparatory studies, Graduatinc, Courses—M.L.A., M.E. L., Piano. Organ, Singing, Violin, Fine Art, Elocution and Physical Culture, Domestic Science, Commercial. Healthiest location. Moderate char- ge. Write for catalogue to REV. PRIN. WARNER, 14.A., 13.D. THOUSANDS Of POSITIONS ARE OPEN TO THOSE WHO CAN FILL THEM. Properly rowel' etudrnts for ,sod pnsttione. Letirue h.y Mall In Pook.seoping, Shorthand. Paamaoehtp, ete.,are raven to ;bolo who cannot attend our school Thin mince Is well.knowu tram one end of Canada to the other for its strictly first o ars wore. Circusere free. W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL A. 0. U. W. Bloch lodge, No.145, Anntent Order of Unitedneed for him to take a large range of Workmen, meets In the Workmen hill, Milos etudi s, not' does he need to take a Welt, en the 2nd end 4th Thoreday lu every womb. at eight p.m. v,Deing brethren era single examination, unless he seeks to W se qualify as a teacher, or to prepare for (the Vieth Iltattbarae ea' A. E. BRADWIN, Pommies. es Tan BUTTE STANDARD, published every Thursday morning, is a live kcal news- paper, and bee a large circulation 113 Blyth and surrounding country, making It a valuable advertising medium. Sub- scription price to any part of Canada or the United States only One Dollar per annum in advance ; $1.50 will be charged J not so paid. Advertising rates on application. Job Printing neatly and cheaply executed. Correspondence of a away nature respect4ll9 solicited. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1908. BYE-BLECTIONB. Three bye -elections to 811 vacancies in the Canadian House of Commons were held on Tuesday. North Grey elected a Conservative by 13 majority ; Terrebonne a Liberal by 282 majority, and Two Mountains a Liberal by 128 majority. North Grey is a loss to the Laurier government. At the general elections in 1900 North Grey returned a Liberal by 91 majority; Terrebonne a Liberal by 267 majority, and Two Mountains a Liberal by 182 majority. Bye -elections for the representation of Centra Bruce and North York in the Ontario legislature are being held to- day (Thursday), Major Hugh Clark is the Conservative candidate in Centre Bruce, and Dr. J. M. Stewart the Lib- eral candidate. In North York the candidates age Hon. E. J. Davlp for the Liberals and Mr. T. Herbert Lennox for the Conservatives. THE FARM LABORER. Mr. W. T. R. Preston, superintendent of the Canadian immigration depart - anent in Europe, says there are two classes of Britishere seeking places on Canadian farms in large numbers, vie., the agricultural laborer with a family, and young men who would take email wages in order to learn Canadian farm methods, with a view later of taking up land of their own. •The former would only be suitable for farmers who have a cottage on their premises, who, of course, are rare in this country, so long under the old system of single hired men, and the opinion is that the construction of such cottages would help to solve the farm laborer problem. In fact, as Ontario grows older the need for old country methods seems to inereage. As to the latter, they tend to depreciate wages, and, as a rale, are unsatisfactory help. The Canadian immigration officials do not loolt for much improvement in the agricultural labor famine in ODtario until wages are increased and hours made shorter. Although the scale of wages for farm hands is much better now than it was a few years ago, it it still not high enough to induce men to work on farms if they can possibly find anything else to do, especially in view of the openings in the Northwest. The lot of the farm laborer in Manitoba is very much Letter than that of his On. tario confrere in every way. Not only are his wages much higher, but his work la not so incessant, and there 1x ever before him the chance of saving a little money, taking up land, and pretty soon becoming in his turn a hirer of other laborers. In Ontario, with low wages and high-priced land, there is no such incentive to ambition as this, and consequently a general desire to be anything else on earth but a farts laborer. 'j'he immigration department claims to be receiving enquiries con- tinually from all parts of Ontario as to the conditions of settlement in Mani. toba, and expects to see at bigger rush there in the spring than ever, The scarcity of farm help in Ontario may be estimated, when the Galt district alone is applying for from 500 to 750 laborers and house servants. THE EDUCATIONAL GRIND. There have at times been some complaints against the Ontario public school system on the ground that the aurriculutn was loaded with "fads''— the censors meaning by thet term studies that were useless, or that displaced studies of much greater importance. 9luch of thiecritciem was unfounded and due to either the preju- dire of the critics or their' ignoranceof actual conditions. The public school course, up to the time of the pupil's taking the entrance examination, le not a very wide one; indeed itis hard to see in what way it could be much narrowed without doing an injustice to the little ones, Once that examination is passed the curriculum is largely a matter of the choice of the pupil or his parents, a* is also the tiros over which his course shall extend. There is no eordielty Invite 1. Conwo, Iran, Raeoapaa the university course. In this respect our school eyetem is specially liberal and quite unlike that of some of the states in the aeighboring republic to the south, which critics of our schools sometimes laud. Under the heading "Grammar 100," the New York Tribune gives thin interest ing matter :— A bright little girl of scarcely 14 years, belonging to a family of intelli- gence and culture, writes with evideut pride to a relative oncoming her standing in scholarshlp in the public school which she had .been attending for a number of years. She reports that she is pursuing 14 atudiee, at least 11 of them being "solid' ones, and her average standing in alt ef'them, reckon- ed on a scale on which 100 indicates perfection, is no less than 99 6.14. In four studies she ie marked 100, and in only one as low as 96. In grammar she has attained perfection, being marked 100, while in civics she stands at 98, in physics at 97, in physiology at 99, in algebra at 98 and in literature at 96. In the same letter she tells of soros remarkable incidents. "There has been two beets ashore. * * * Papa took Meter and I with him so we could see the boats." Grammar 100" So reads her school report, prepared by a teacher wbo doubtless takes pride in so clever a scholar. It is a pity, of course, that she stands only 98 in civics, a study so easeutial to the childish mind, and it might be wished that she had got above 97 an physics, especially seeing that she has only 11 "solid" studies and not more than 14 in all. She is not yet studying differential calculus, or blow- pipe analysis, or Sanskrit, or the French drama of the eighteenth cen- tury. Doubtless these will come next term. Then she will probably stand " 100 plus" in grammar and be able. to write that "pts and her done it." Then she will be ready for college. "Grammar, 100!" With only 14 stud- ies; and only 11 of them "solids," includigg civics, physics, algebra, phy- siology, literature and two kinds of history. In the name of the prophet, fudge! With @ohne of that most of us will agree. There is such a thing as forcing the child mind beyond its capacity, and there is work to be done in preventing such overcrowding of studies. The public schools should first of all take care of the elementary eubjecte. Of course the collegiate institutes must have broad curricula, to meet the varied demands of the people, and should give a wide choice of courses, But the parent who pushes his child through any couree of education in a way to overtax his powers, does his child a grave wrong. And for any overpres- sure there may be in our educational system the parents are mostly to blame, Even now an effort is being made to load a Iqt of additional studies on the pupils, and a faction fc at tyork to try to place on the shqulders of the teachers the duty of the religious training of the youog, As the Tribune says, "In the name of the prophet, Fudge!" Hints to Newly Married couples. The following hints for newly married couples are well stated:— 'Pry to be satisfied to commence on a small scale. Try to avoid the too common mistake of making an unwise effort " to begin where the parents ended." Try not to look at richer homes and covet their costly furniture. Try going a step further and vlait the homes of the suffering poor when secret dissatisfaction is !table to spring up. Cry being perfectly independent from the first, and shun debt in all its forms. Try to cultivate the morel courage that will resist the arrogance of fashion. Try buying all that Is necessary to work with skilfully, while adorning the house at first with simply what will render it comfortable. Try to co-operate cheerfully in ar- ranging the family expenses and share equally in any necessary self -denials and economies. Try to be cheerful in the family circle, no matter how annoying may be the business cares and Mouse keeping trials. Try to remember that it matters but little lvhat "people think" provfeed you are true to yourselves, to right and duty, and keep your expenses within your means. —Thirty cages of smallpox have been reported in Wilmot township, Waterloo county, since January 1st, with one death. —Mrs. James Wilson, of the London road south, has purchased Mr. Samnei Madge's 100 -acre farm, lot 18, non, 6, Usborne, for 36500. This is considered One of the beet farms in the township. —Mr, Andrew Brown, of the nie th cdpaeaeton, Howick, has diapoeed of his farm to Mr. Wm. Gallagher, of Turn - berry. The farm 100101110 100 acres, and he received 15000 for it. Poesesa;on is to be given next fall. —Mr. Wm. Gibhinge, late of Clinton, writing from Virden, hlanitoha, says: " We had good crops and good prteet this year; the boys had 12,000 bushels of wheat and 6000 bushels of oats and barley. Wheat, No, 1 hard, sold at 68 cents a bindle!. Horses are worth 3100 to 3450 a team, and not too good at that ; land has risen in price consider- ably, as they now ask 36000 for a half section, improved. —Mrs. Alfred Ironsides and four children, of (wanton, who were in one of the Pullman cars which rolled from the track down the embankment at Whitby Junction in the recent Grand Trunk wreck, have reached their home in safety. They appeared to have been Here we are between seasons and we have a nine lot of Spring Goods on hand already. But its not quite spring yet. So dont forget that we still have a lot of Winter Goods which will be sold at Slaughter Prices LADIES . a g, We have all the latest effects in Fancy Collars. The Bishop Tab with French knot is a favorite. We have them in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes, from 25c up. J. A. Anderson LaWMIX-r•-4(�T L` DSD` ,. 0 AT HERRINGFTON'S. Cravats that are sturdy, in silk, honesty, true in tone, and made to stand the pulling and punching all cravats are bound to get. White, dark or brilliant in color ; striped, figured, dotted or plain. Some ready tied, others ready for you to tie. Ties that rea'eal in fold and wrinkle their true silk worth. Put in all of one day making the selections and now have a display for your choosing—the very latest creations. Bushels of new ones. I offer you at 5oc, Ties that are selling in the cities at 75c and $I, while my $1 Ties are retailing there at $1.5o. It's so all down the line. Had good luck and you can share it with me. Dressy Ascots, 25C, 5oc and 75c. English Squares, 50c, 75c and $t. Tecks, 25c and 5oc. Lorraine Puffs, 5oc, 75c and $t. Batwings and all the known,ashionahje fads and fancies. "The Good Goods Store " is the way we heard ourselves described the other day. S. HERRINCTON - BLYTH in that car which suffered the worst Jesuits, having rolled over three times, and yet they are comparatively- unin- jured. Some ;light seratche.,are visible on them, but no other evidence remains of the disaster. --The Stratford newspapers contain lengthy obituary notices of Mr, Thomas Bell, one of Canada's railroad pioneers. He was horn in England 82 years ago and initiated into railroading in the Glasgow division of he Caledonian railway. Ho came to Canada in 1856, was on the Grand Trunk at the opening of the London branch in 1858, and took the firet engine through to Sarnia in Fish for Winter The best can be found at R. R. Douglas'. Just received from Lake Superior Trout and Herring Come along and get your winter supply. Fine Fresh Oysters always en hand. Fruits, Confectionery, Bread Stuffs, and a full line of Groceries of the hest quality always in stock, Come along and prove for yourself. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange. R, R. DOUGLAS ... BLYTH 1859. Thirty-two yearsago he removed to Stratford. On May' 15th, 1902, lie and his wife celebrate their diamond wedding. In 1898 Mr. Bell left the company's service to take a well-earned rest. 114 whole railroadcareer was without a fault; many imet! he had received rewords and rec,1 nin.ndationsi. '1`o have had his hand tolhe engineer's throttle for 40 years and never lost a passenger 45 the countless thousands hit carried, to have had not a blemish on his record and to he spared to a green and hearty old ago to celebrate his 60th wedding anniversary, Is what falls tis the lot of few men, oven of those wbo, liko Mr, Bell. have lived lives that are acknowledged ae models. —Town Treasurer Rankin, of Mitch- ell, was in Stratford last week with his books, where tho provincial auditor spent three-quarters of an hour looking over them and pronounced theist well kept. —Master Wilbert Prouse, of Goderich. township, has secured a $20 prize In the oat clave of the Macdonald seed, grain context. This fs the third year in succoerion that hs has been euc- cessful. —If your adv. is not in Tux STANDARD you are missing trade. Sale Re It sa.P. Monday, March 2nd. Farm stock and implements. N(t lot 80, con. 6, Eaet Wawanoeh. W. J. Killough, propri- etor. C. Hamilton, auctioneer. Wednesday, March 4tb. Farm stock and implements. Efr lot 27, eon. 12, Hallett, Sale without reserve. Pro- prietor has sold his farm and is retiring. Isaac Barr, proprietor. C. Hamilton, auctioneer. BLYTH MABRETS. Blush, Feb. fgt.—Wheat, baa to tea, Barley, Seo to 47o. Yeas, 66o to 61a. Cate, Rte to 660. Eggs, 14e to 16a. Better, lea lo lea Potatoes. Guo to ®Oo. Hides, 60 te eo. Hay, e6 to el. Lard. lie to 14o. York, e7 to SS. Flour, SLID to etas. Wood. 60.60 40 05 Wool, 111a to leo. Turkeys, Ile to 12e. time, tt to 9a Duke, ea to 1W. Obieknn, M to Da