HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-02-26, Page 2The manufacturers Life
For the Year Ending 31st December, 1902.
llttpremlums nn New Yolfefee
erwnl Prrmlume
4887,658.0 55
Total Net Premiums
Total Income
Matured Endowments and Investment Policies/old An-
nuities 4 88,608.60
Death Claims 174,965 20
Dividends to Policy -holders and Surrender Values 02,11:17.98
Total Payments to Pollcy-hold ars 1318,888.83
Expenses and Office Furniture 2111,412 41
axM 11,1107, )7
vtdends to Sto:khnldors 24,000.00
intoes of Income Ovor Expenditure .......-• 800,083.12
T otei 11, 240,889.83
1982. ASSETS.
Menleipal Ilebentiiros, ponds and Starks 42,415.822.89
Loans on fetaentur"s, Bonds and Stocks 257,S00,00
Lortgaget ou heal Estate 971,07/1,41
et Premium Outstanding and Deterred 216,142.49
tMY on Eland and In hunks 75,926.94
Total Assets 154,406,329.19
Neal Fsult.
bonne on Policies and Lite Reversions
fflee Furniture, tens 20 pr. written off
Agents' ()went Arrounts
iyatereet One and Accrued
Pence Reserve. (nnx'ernment Standard) $3,78'1,899.00
411 Other Lb, hilltlen 45,318.63
urplunan Poticy-holders' Account (Including Capital Stock Pada Up,
4800,000) 007,118.56
NOTE :- 14,408,329.19
For Security of'Polley-holders the Company holds
tal Burnam asabove $ 007,118.56
(10 Reserve as above 8,758,1402.00
(o) Uncalled Capital Stock 1,2.00,000,00
Total Security to Poiloyholderb, $16,661,010.66
Applleatlons r •ceiveit for insurance during 1902 46,542,380.00
diff (Belug an Increase over any previous year of mutts than
Iednrance In force December 81st, 1902 930,162,888,00
The death loss for the year was exeeedingly low, being only 6G.$e per 81,000 01
tisue:wee, while In the Temperance Section It was un:y 43.re 1.1' G( (((((1 01 insurance.
The average, rate of Inter,'at ou the mean amount of all iuvrsled assets (ledger value)
,11/118 1.08 per rent.
The tbllow big Directors were elected for the ensuing year : --
ew Assurances Issued during 1902 0,082,N:16.00
N. 0E0. W IL099, Toronto.
if UT. -COL ii. 11. PE:LL.trT Toronto,
YO HAItltl8. Erg. Hrantt'ord.
F. J U N Ii:1.V E -q.. Toronto.
R. W')lI). Erq., Toronto.
.1. LE1NOS. Esq., Taro to.
J WiLK Fs, E• . 10 C. Brantford.
ROF. JA tIE:+.111.1.', Onnlph.
L PA'I"I'EIIS I.\ E+c�., Tom'lto,
N.J. A...11, mEr, Metro 0.
R. MCLENNAN, Net, Ouruwall.
WILJ,I 151 STr1Ac1IAN, Esq., Montreal,
RJhratT Alt('ll E(t, l:+q., Montreal
10)'., .1 U Ip11,1,.1 ,� a lontreal,
110N. V, W. L ARUE, Quebec.
D. 11. MANN, E q., Toronto.
L1 LCT'('OL. J to. MASON Torouto.
10;BERT .11!NIi1N. Esq., Toronto,
S. 0 BEAI'TY, Etat., 'i'om'oo.
11, F. PE \ It8ON', E.q, Halifax.
A. P. BA It.v BILI, E.q,. St. John, N.B.
WM. MACKENZI6:. hsq., Toronto.
At a subsequent meeting of the Directors, the following officers were
re-elected ; President lion. Geo. W. (toss ; First VIee•Prrsident, Mout.•
Cbl. H. M. Peliatt; Second Vice-Preeldent, Idoyd Itarris, Esq.
Low death rate, low expenee ratio, and high Interest-earning
power, nil demonstrate the sound Mein on which tbo company Is dp-
beg buatneed.
A full rcfxrrt will bo sent to all policyholders. hooklets regarding
the insurance plane of the company and sepia, of the annual report
ban he had 15y application to head Office, Throat°, or to a.ny agent of
The Company.
Ir 1.• Aulf0.
The Ontario Legislature will meet
on March 10.
Councillor Bond, of Toronto Junc-
tion, bus beer. confirmed bl lila Neat.
Guelph has dcciueu to close the
barrooms at 9 o'clock.
A cross petition has been filed in
the North Norfolk election pro-
Slx email boyo have been arrest-
ed, charged with shoplifting, at
New Zealand tN having difficulty In
Nocuring the 110W 0011011 pounds loan
in London.
Judge McCflmmon beard the evi-
denee In the charge against P. B,
Carlfalo of impersonation on Dec.4,
Dr. C. R. Maclean, Surgeon -Lieuten-
ant-Colonel, and ex -Mayor of Ecu-
ford,Is dead,
Fire dhlstf'oy'el Ilaulleld'e carpet
warehouse at Winnipeg, calming a
loam of over $100,0u0,
A fire at Quebec did damage yetl-
matel at 190,1,0U, Three firemen wore
hurt by a falling wall.
The Lord's Day Alliance will make
efforts to stop elleesen:ekiug on Sun-
days 111 Oxford county,
Mr. W. R. Nowell, of Toronto, de-
clared higher crdticiem "Ilio work of
the devil.' That ought to Nettle it.
President John Mitchell of the
United Mine Worker$, will be in To-
ronto on tho first Monday in April,
The Toronto Public School By-laws
Committee would make Inspeotol
Hughes "Superintendent of Education
of the Public School Board"
The Ontario Lumhermto'e Associa-
tion adopted a reeolutton against an
export duty on pulp, uad urged more
ease in selection of new land for set
Bon. Mr. Fvanturnl Is 111 with peen
mule, at Ills home In Alfred. Ile
caught eon while addreseang a me, -t-
ing at at. Anne do Prescott last Sun-
day week.
no wasb)ng plant of the Domin-
ion iron & C"al Wrnpaly at Sydney,
N. S., was destroyed by fire. Loss
about 161.,0,000.
Argument before the full court on
the C. 1'. 'R. land taxation case Mee
coneluded, and judgment in oxpeoted
011 March 7th.
A. Martineau, a clerk In the Mil-
itia Department at Ottawa, was
arrested on a charge of theft. Il
IN said hie defuleetiuu anountN to
Ilon. E. J. Davis and Mr. T,. Herb-
ert Lennox were nominated for the
Loglslattvc Assembly for North
York. Mr, Muuns, prubtbittenist,.I8
out of the field.
At the Brendan electric light Sta-
tion it. B. Cu rile, of Seine, walked
head 'lest Into lir; great driving
wheel, which was revolving at a
rapid rote. Ile was probably fat-
ally Injured.
The Department of Militia has
authortzel the '.1101lttament of a
provisional Sell Sol of lnf:autry In-
Itreattol. at Ottawa. 'tiro Ncliool
will IN1 opened at the drill hall In
April, and probably emlllnue fur
Iwol months.
Tiro Toronto Public School Board's
ostomate, total n the5,u1.it, an bo-
ci'ett0e of $101,8:10 over last year,
The Boatel adopted the Management
Committee's report on the mettle-
1nont of the inspectors' chargee and
otdore 1 the report expunged from
the rcalyd8.
Surveys nee again Mein; made in
the vicinity of Dunnville for the
new railway. A lino favored by the
engineers on account of abeenenof
grados and cheupnoMs of con0truc-
tlott crootes the 'river about three
miles 101000 Dunnville, and passes
two or throe miles north.
Three more atmloots of Cornell Uni-
ventlty died of typhoid fever, which Is
epidemic at Ithaca, N. Y.
Sir Willl'un Van Horne said the
C. 1'. R. was negotiating for the par -
chase of twelve to elgutoen of the
Eider -Dempster Company's ships.
The Legislature of Jamaica auth-
orized an annual subsidy, of $111,600
tow atea eshiplls rvic a new fast lir- Bio T - f'
oct role eNta service withnew Cantina. K Y K
The Austro-Rusafsn note demand-
ing reform In Macedonia hat been
sent to the powers for approval be-
fore being presented to the Porte.
Former Secretary of State, J. W.
1'bstcr, has been eeloctei to take
charge of 1110 United Slates ease
before the Alaska boundary coin -
Two Chinamen have been arrest-
ed at Darjeeling, India, on a charge •
of criminal conspiracy epithet the
ed InjuredSixSeriously
Chinese Oovertnnont. They I1,1 IT been
deported to Chine. I1 is bell em 1 there
that the conspiracy against the
Chinese Government Is a large one,
and that there aro ramifications of
It In Singapore and Hong Kong.
As the stranlshtp Graf Walderseo
neared the flock at Hoboken yester-
day a twelve-year-o:d Russian boy
became greatly exalted at the pros-
pect or seeing lite parents, who came
to title couetry several years ago.
Ito Naw! Iris father and mother waft-
ing to greet him, w'teel a signal to
them, and fell doted on the deck.
Hon. Edward 111 k' II 's dr I'"' tit
accept the Woe of the Canadian
Government to art as massed ,ue
('nnid:t before the Alaskan boundary
-Nobody Killed
As the result of a fire at I'ul-
1ovtoa, iu the Government. of Polo -
Ila, Ruse i1, twelve persons have lost
tit 11. lives, and two hundred houses
have been deetroyedd.
Loeser & Wolf, the mall toleteeo-
nists, 01/10 own 50111e flay stores lu
Be:lin, deny the rumor circulated
yesterday that they have sold out
tit le btioiness to the American To-
bacco Co,
.5 despatch from Fez, dated Feb.
11111, announces gull a column of
troops, under the commnn.1 of 1:1
Mrnehbl, the Moroccan War Minh
ter, 1111, defeated a eeetioo of the
Hirano tribe. 11.ny hea is of the kit "d
love arrived :it 1'ez to decorate the
city', gate,. The reports of the de-
feat of the Sultan's troops (0' the
ilt_Iln3 tribe, are 0001' ronheelletad.
Premier Balfour', prond,e of legit: -
tali 111 ug.dmt :Inti ar eases
410.'11 the British Government from
defeat on n mo;fon regarding non-
prosecution in the Loudon Glens
Finance Corporation's cage.
The famou,l !Vest .11'1 icg stoup,
which was dh,eovered forty years
not. 111 the ruploard of a eherrh-
w'as 8012 at a hale at Cbrlstle's, Lon-
don, yesterday, for 1,47.0 gtline',o. I'
111(011 1;81, stand, nine and a heir
Mehra high and is five hetes In
Owing to the prurience of sharks
In tho Bay of Biscay and around tit
Spanish coast, there is a tit*arth of
fiele this winter. It ds thought that
the earthquakes and volcanic dle-
turbancee In the Weet Indies have
c'luecd the ,harks to migrate to the
European aide of the Atlantic.
It 114 learnel that eight students
at Eton, who are scions of tho most
aristocratic families in Groat Brltnln,
were recently expelled. Most of them
were In the sixth form. It la said
that the youngsters who were ex-
pelled were accused of offences which
on conviction wonhl render them II -
able to imprisonment.
Irritates Cattle at Stockyards With
Red ilandherahiell
Chicago, Fob. 23.-.t ileal of steer,
at tho stock ynr.l3, frightened by a
rot 1.,nalkcrchef, tramped upon art I
fetidly Memel J. H. Russell, of
111on000, Miele, at noon ytlaterdny.
hutesell '1101 at the Englewood Union
HoepItul four Lonna later. Russell
had entered divislo'1 D of the yards
to fnepect a herd which he intend-
ed buying. like drew a red halkl-
kerchkf from Ids pocket and one
of the stecr3 orale a moth toward
him. The herd started running
around In a circle, anti Rue-
eeil, tabu was nearly 70 year, ofd,
wee knockell down and trampled up-
on before he could 1.9 rescued.
Important Changes at Ontario Agri-
cultural College.
The If:nleter of Agriculture, lion
John Dryden, proposes to slake nn
important change at the Guelph
Agrbcu:tural ('ol,ege this year. Two
aparate departments are to be cre-
ated, one to he cal ed the Department
or Flcl.1 Ifiobandry, In which the stu-
dent will Pte mOre particularly tau,ht
matters relating to the tilling of
the soil, and the other, the Depart-
ment Of Animal ltual andry. Prof.
Day, of the college staff, will have
charge of loth of them, tv(th several
assistants under 111111. Mr Dryden
does not tient that the proposed
011(107 a will 15101011 as htet'eased ex-
Hon. John Dryden stated on R'otl-
neeJny that an amendment w'oul.l be
Introduced at the coming session
al ollsh n t the 0.d ptovis.on al.owing
each country to send one pupil to
the Agricultural College 001.1 year
free 01 charge. He Bala the idea was
to place ml Itu.lents on the same
lash, and now the college received
mole applications than the;; could
She Got the Money.
Chicago Post.
' Ilarry,". she said, "I want $100."
"But, my dear," he protested,
'that's nearly alt the cash I have on
hand at the present moment, and
I had planned to use Et to take up
a note."
00, well," she returned carelessly,
'If you think the man Who hold. the
note can make things any hotter for
you than I can, why, go ahead."
Thus It happened that she got the
money. 1
-.Metal I,lsl .1 ,he Injured.
Toronto despatch -The list of ill
lujured is a, follows;
GEO. LAPPAOE, 6 Arthur street
Toronto, baggageman; injury t
Pend, left ear cut, also cut on let
side top of head and bruise to bone
buck of left ear,
M. CUSACK, 72 Bathurst street, To-
ronto, brakeman; Injury to ribs o
left side and shoulder, fracture o
both tones of left leg.
street, Toronto; slight Injury to face
and injury to chest and side, and
two cuts on topnf haul.
E. A. WILSON, express messenger
ecratch on face, Injury to left .Id
of chest and shoulder and left hand
slightly- bruisod, and slight cut on toi
of Mend.
T. NOELS, Pullman conductor
generuiiy bruised.
street west, Toronto; two cuts on
WM. TULLACK, 93 Cumming street,
Toronto; Meed, hand and ear badly
GEORGE HELLEUR, 811 John street,
Toronto; tabs brutaoi.
J. NEC11T, Montreal to Toronto;
back slightly injured.
MILS. E. D. 11OLDE1, Lowell to To-
ronto; hood bruised.
MRS. JOHN KAY, Montreal to To -
rout° ; body, nose and lip alightly
MISS R. WOOD, 7 Murray street,
Toronto; neon cut and bruised, and
left arm brut/ext.
0. W. 000K, lumberman, Morris -
burg; scall) 11Ound and left shoulder
A11T11UR LAPRAIL, 386 Berkeley
street, Toronto; cut over eye, ane
shoulder brumad,
J. M. SPENCER, 161 Dowling ave-
nue, manager for Evens d Son, To-
ronto; toot cut.
"Tweuty-four other ptsoellgoro,
en route from (matte lu E 1010(11
States to Washington Territory,
were Nhaken'up and bruised," con-
cludes the statement.
Among the latter acre;,
II. T. LieitantY, 1"bx Lake, Wboeon-
sin; head 0111, knee injured. Wounds
dre00ed Itt Eniergeucy Hoopttul.
NATHAN S1'ACK, Clleliest, MANN.;
Mild cut, ear . scraped. Rbunde
dreesed at Emergency 1lo$pital,
D.1VID L. CARVER, Bangor, Maine;
right hand and left foot Ct.."... At
the Emergency Hospital.
L. E. DUNLOP, 1Veouord, Vt.; in-
jured shoulder, cuts on head. At the
G, UOWQUINT, Loa Angelos, 'Nur-
lee to spine,.
H. CARRINGTON, Pulimue car por-
ter, Montreal; scalp wounds.
J. 11. L.ANUIL1.E, miner, 1.2 Gordon
street, Waltham, Mass.; injury to rib,
bruises. At the General hospital.
II. LangHle; right hip fractured. At
the General Hospital.
M1MS ET11EL FR.ISER, daughter of
Mrs. LanglIIe; face and hands In-
jured. At the General IIospttal.
11 Loring street, Lowell, Mass.; right
eye injured, bruises on face. At
the General IIospital.
AMBROSE ALLAN, 11 Loringstreet,
Lowell, Mugs.; left leg injurtxl, ar-
tery cut. let the General Ilospltal.
A. E. SLEEPER, Lexington, III.; in-
jured about head and f.tce,
gage ear parted before the tender
e and locomotive were drapg d down
the bunk. The sudden release of the
baggage car caused It to follow the
day cars 00 rapidly that It bounded
o about tike a rubber ball, finally set-
tling at a dlelnuco- of fully a hun-
t drei feet from the trnek, up'rlde
s down, end literally crushed to match-
, wood. That any Illail could iron In that
ear end live le a miracle, and It to
no wonder that the injuries of Geo.
Lappage, the baggageman, ate very
f severe. The wreck, as It lay film af-
ternoon 111 toe 11140, seuwtd to Its
goneral outline toe conformullaa or
t Ole capital lettere "18," the "1" re-
presenting the lrnck, the upper part
of the "9" showing the position of
the I'ullmnns, 1111.1 the lower dart the
position of the, day curs and Luggage
Ono of the day coaches, No. 1,-
° 401, was lying on fie ciao. The
Pt :II P"Brantford,' Was right side
up, but It haul :t lint of about 40
degrees• Thr, ''Dtcitens' 'was iying
011 Its elle on tho Gide of the em-
; baitment, while the other Pulinar
was Nei le down, All the care were
off their trucks, and the hooey.
wheel.: were smattered in every di-
rretlon. Pieces of Iron right inches;
thlek wore snapped In two, and the
pletlorms, etepe nail couplers on all
the co Ielu10 leery holly teed up, but.
strange to Say, the damage to the
coach-bo;liee wan only trilling. All
the coo meet to Wondcrfu.l,v well
constructed W have suetalncd moult
n ehoek with 00 little effect. Even
the !vin'".owe were but tittle d'tm-
ngo1, not ntoro than a dozen being
I broken on the whole train.
The Isccident,
Stuti00 Agent Hoven was la hie
tek:groph ceder, from which a gots]
%low 00,111 lot obtained 01 the track
both 0/1 ;L 1111 Wart, and teas
welching tL., appro.(cil.ng train
this morning when the (So nter oc-
carre 1. Ho Immtdl-.teby te-le:MoIld 40
Whitby h:• rued:eel attendance, and
In lea; than 11,111 an hoar Ilcu play
del.. no and a corps of wiling help-
er) were at the Hoene ori the wreak.
Tho p.tvxulgere on the tiny oars,
who were not much hurt, wean*
in tho work of 608eue, and the
Wouuutld, ns soon Ile they were
taken from the s11attered oa1e, pare
remo,o.i to the JaticLLm Hottt, what)
I.eu:,lord Dan Ho,ntes peovlded cum-
Rntible nccommmod,ation fur all,
&bout tee °clock auxiliary trains a'-
rhel few Ballet ile and Toronto,
each having on 'marl a large gory')
of (otter,; by the time u; their ar-
rival, however, the Whitby doctors
had atleteled to tiro must of tits In-
Account o1 tltr 1t reek.
Vi-hilby Junction despatch - The
west-e0un.f Grand Trunr rx1.ross, 118
here this morning at 7,15, to Tying in
101 tnoxtrkl1Lle tangle in a Baht
about 1 (k) yarn; Cast of tl:o station
lend Cully 80 feet below tee level of
the track,
There Is some doubt as to the cause
of the accident ; ;oma say a 6(16110(1
rail, others a broken axle. Judging
:rom the general appearance of the
track the latter theory le moo prob-
alde, and it IN 10 11118 tiro NectiOnnten
Tho train was oompomel of an en-
gine, a baggage ear, two vestibuled
shay rare of the latest model, and
three Pullman sleepers. Ii all there
were about 150 passengers on board,
and as a result of the accident forty-
four parsons were more or less Ner-
louoly hurt. About twenty others
wore considerably shaken up, and the
rem!thder etsmped scot free.
The most peculiar thing about it ell
Is the very light Inst of casualties.;
The Position of the Wreak.
Just before reaching the Whitby
Junction station the traok takes a
wide curve. It was at the western
extremity of Bile curve that tate ac-
cident occurred. The experts believe
that the strain put upon the 'cars by
rounding tho curve at each a high
rate of speed caused the breakage of
teen axle on day coach No. 2,018, the
third froth the ongtnte'file car imme-
diately Jumped the track, and slid
down the embankment, and as the
00nptisg held, all the other cars were
forced to follow suit. Even tho en-
gine and teildet were pelted off the
track, hut, fortunately for tho train
crew, the engine coupling to the bag-
Ilerote Self !)ental.
Dr. McGillivray, of Whitby, who
was; one of tiro (fret to resuh the
Junction Hotel (where the injured
were being brought in, roLt tell (eat
evening ata wtel'es,ing incident whIeh
is but illustrative of the Self-deuial
and the heroism dsplayed by mµny
of the wounued. Teo de>,tor had been
w0rklllg fur fully two hours, bond -
aging eats, seltOlg fractured bones,
and Making 1410 unfortunate a. 00m-
fortablo !w be eould, when a lady,
of sligat build, who had been Sitting
In the room til morning, called him,
"Doctor," said she, "wee.: you have
finisltod with all the °there, !wish
you would examine me; my log Is
hurt," She added that there !vers
me many who were more badly hurt
tbeui she WAN, that she del not men-
tion the matter until they were at-
tended to. The doctor Inunodl ttely
made an examination, and discovered
that the, Lely, whose, name was Mrs.
Bessie aLngtll, was suffering front et
bud frartlu'o of the hip. 8.1e must
have been in groat pain, bet she for-
got hereof( entirely In her solicitude
for others.
The doctor told ;:also of a yonrrg
Englishman, whose namo he could
not learn, who hien eualained a very;
4011001 amt nn the back of h1a hand.
Although urged to have it dressed,
he ubeolutely rdueed, ,aytng, "1
won't allow pots to look at It until
you have attended to all theao poor.
devils Imre." Owing to leo persist-
ence, the wound ,was not dreamed
until ho hoe on the train whioh
brought the first batch of wounded
to Toronto.
The most of the woitndis which
came 011(106 Dr. McGillivray's notice.
Warn cuts caused by brokon glass.
Several of those were of a very dan-
gerous elutracter, particularly that
of Mr. A. if. Allan, of Lowell, Mass.,
from whose log a very large piece of
gn.bos was extracted.
The most serious can: of alt is
that of George Lappage, the beg-
gar;0ma.n, whose head was Injured.
The man W°, able to walk about,
but his mental farultleo were im-
palre, and 110 was continually
Berme -ling and calling rant, "My c'tr
le erre' Upon examinathn, 1)r, Mc-
iGlllivray 50010(1 that his ear was
all right, bat that he had a frac-
turo of the skull jest behind the
ear, and that ho had lost a good
deal of blood from cute about the
Mr. J. IL Langlil, husband of tho
lady of whom Dr. McGillivray spoke,
W101 rather bully injured, tut their
daughter, although found under-
neath: the emergeuey stove, bad
only a few unimportant bruises on
her fingers. The family are on their
way to Portland, Oro., and room
welt enongh to leave here yester-
day afternoon at 4 o'olook.