HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-02-19, Page 8'T'HODSANDa of men aro prisoners of disease as securely as though they were confined behind the Lars. Many have forged their own chitin' by the vices of early youth, exposure Si Contagious disease, or the excesses of mwhood. They feel they are nut the men they ought to be er need to be. The vim, vigor, and vitatty of manhood are lacking. Are �n nervous and despoadett? tired in the morning? have yea to force yourself throngs: the day's work? have you little am• bition and energy? are you irritable and excitable? spat Minken,deprueed and haggard looking? memory poor and brain fagged? have you weak back with dreams and losses at night? deposit in mine? weak oeznauy?—you have 111 trims Debility .red Seminal Weakness. 5 Our NEW METBOD TPEkTWENT Is roara need to Cur* or We Pay. 18 years In Detroit. Bast Deourtty, mew's of quacks—Consult old established, • reliable _physicians, Consultation Frss. Beoka Fres. writs tor Question Blank for Roma Treatment. it it & K 1 CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LiST Anyone accepting any of the below clubbing offers will receive a copy of TRH TANDARD CHRISTMAS NUMBER f ruse. The seindard and Daily Globe.,so 2b rph,' a idardand Daily Mail and 4 25 Elupite The Standard and Scientific 8 American 60 The Standard and Evening Mail and Empire ,, . 8 26 The Standard and Evening Globe 8 25 The Standard and Daily Free Press,.,, 8 25 The Standard and Daily Witness 6 ou The Standard and Hamilton Daily Times 800 The Standard and Hamilton Daily Spectator 8 00 The Standard and Toronto Daily World 8 00 The Standard aid Toronto Daily Nowa 3 00 The Standard and Noon Free Prean 2 75 The Standard and Evening Free Press,,,. . Y 2 75 The Standard and Toronto Dail Star 250 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser .... 250 The Standard and Toronto Sun- day World 2 50 The Standard and London Daily Newe 200 The Standard awl Hamilton Twico•a-Ween Spoetat.or 1 75 The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun 1 75 The Standard and Farmer's Ad- vocate 1 75 "'he Standard and Weekly Free Pfeaa 1 75 'ehe Standard and Hamilton Semi - Weekly Times 1 75 The Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire and two pictures, "The Doctor" and "Content - men." 1 75 The Standard and New York Thrice -a- Week World 1 75 The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and two pic- tures, "Alone "and "Purity". 1 75 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser and Farming World 1 75 The Standard and Chicago Week- ly Inter Ocean 1 70 The Standard and Word and Works and Hicks' 1008 Alma- nac 1 70 The Standard and Weekly Globe and picture of the Governors of the Province of Ontario since 1791 163 The Standard and Weekly Wit- ness 160 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser 1 50 The Standard and East and West, a paper for young Canadians.. , 1 60 The Standard and Canadian Boy fife asine ... 1 50 The Standard and Toledo Weekly Blade 1 50 The Standard and Northern MeaS- enger• 1 25 The Standard and Christmas Number ,,. 100 The above rates are for new subscrib- ers and also old eubacrittera who pay a year in advance. Cash must accom- pany each order. A11 weekly subscrip- tions must he for a year. Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT. —The Parkhill chief of police le paid $220 a year, and his duties include everything from arresting a burglar to nutting thistles cn the back streets. —Messrs. Prior & Armstrong, of Exeter, two of the moat extensive hog shippers in these parts, during the month of January shipped 1044 hogs, aggregating in weight 218,586 pounds, and for which they have paid the far - mere of the immediate vicinity 512,- 218.45. alwasewais Township Mnet Pay Damages. An imports tit judgment wag given at Ovgoode hall, Toronto, on Monday last that will be el much general interest. Isere is the report:— Hogg v. 'Township of Brooks.-=Judg- ment(it.)ou appeal by plaintiff from fiudgment of Falconbridge, G.J. (1 0. W. t. 688) dismissing action to recover damages for injuries sustained by plaintiff by reason of the alleged negli- gence of defendants in permitting an accumulation of snow to retrain ou part of number 9 side road, in the third concession of the Township of Brooke, in front of one Pillow's farm, by reason of which it wag alleged the highway became out of repair and unsafe for travel, and owing to the bad and den germ's state of the highway the horses drawing a wagon in which plaintiff was travelling became imbedded in the snow, and warn unable to proceed, and plaintiff in assisting the horses to get out of the snowdrift was stepped upon and thrown down and his ktwe serious- ly injured. Held, that it was nnneces- enry to determine whether or not defendants would have been chni geable with actionable negligence fur not removing the snow from the highway so as to make the usually travelled part of it fit for travel. Not only did defendants fail to remove the snow from the travelled part of the highway, bit having in effect provided and invited the public to use as a substitute for it a way of the aide of the road which they knew would become dan- gerous to those using it for the purpose of driving over with wheeled vehicles, as soon as a thaw set in, permitted it to remain for three days in a condition dangerous to persons so travelling, a ,'taw having set in, making it danger- ous for three days before the accident to plaintiff. In those circumstances it was the duty of defendants to have made the highway reasonably fit for travel, either upon the usually travelled part of it or upon the substituted way, which could have beer, accomplished at a trifling expense, or failing that, have stopped the use of the road or given warning against the danger to those travelling upon it, and in omitting to do this they made default in keeping the highway in repair within the mean- ing rf sec. 606 of the Municipal Act, Red are aneworable to plaintiff in damages. Boswell v. Yarmouth, 4 A. R. 858 ; Savage v. Bangor, 40 Me, 176 ; Stickney v. Maidstone 80 Vt. 788; Page v. Buckeport, 64 Me. 51 ; McKel- vitt v. Loudon, 0.R. 70, and Leduc v. Exeter, 97 Mich. 450, referred to. Ap- peal allowed with costs, and judgment to be entered for plaintiff for $600 and costs of action. T, G. Meredith, K.C., for plaintiff, G. F. Shepley, K.C., for defendants. District Dotage. —Rev. M. J. Wilson, of Nile, has accepted en invitation to become castor of the Ontario etreet Methodist church, Clinton. —Kincardine's financial statement shows a balance on hand of 116811.13. As a consequence some civic saiazies will he raised. —Last week Mr. James Matthews, of Acton. celebrated his 49th year as com- missioner for taking atadavits. He has been postmaster for 48 years. —Ontario street Methodist church, Clinton, has proposed a union with Turner's church, Tuckersmith, near Clinton, and itis said the invitation is likely to be accepted. —Rev. Dr. Langford, pastor of the First Methodiet church, Owen Sound, has received a call from the congrega- tion of the Central Methodiet church, Stratford, and will accept —The debt on the Clandeboye Metho- dist, church, amounting{ to $1400, has been wiped off, An exchange remarks that thie has been a record-breaking treat for the extinguishing of church debts. —At a special meeting of the Presby- tery of Maitland, held in Wingham Pteebyterian church, the resignation of Rev. R. S. G. Anderson as pastor of Wroxeter Presbyterian church, and the appointment of a new clerk were con - PREPARING FOR BABY. WArBRIT N C `. AMERICA Ali Druogists D Chad Price laCanada: !ai.CU; jiIs WOO' lar WOO e CJhen a baby is coming the ex- pectant mother needs to take special cart of herself, for upon her health depends to a great extent the health of the unborn babe. If diet, ttc., etc., etc., is not watched, the start in life of the future offspring will not be a sati,.factory one. It is a mistake to take liquid medicines at this time, for they all contain alcohol. Their steady use has the same effect as habitual liquor taking, consuming the vitality and hardening the tissues. If you are weak you need a tonic, not a stimulant. Don't take medica- ted wine or alcoholic medicines; but take ST. JAMBS WAFERS, they ate a tissue builder and a reconstructive. ST. JAMES WAFERS help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accom. plishes much. "7 have aired @Llama Waite* for year*. None better." Dr. R. 3. Baddo:, Loadea,Xag, St. Juges Wafers arena, a real remedy: to Cie Romero.. tiortorraM commending farm to their pawns: we ma,1 tee Jorrneia epee repeeet, Where dealers are not selling the Waters, they arc mailed open r.• ceipt of pnce Si the Canadian branch : at. lamas WUns Cc, Iris St Calhrlie 51., MentriU. BLYTH LIVERY and SALE STR3LES • SR 0Q) GO 0 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. t➢ 00 GG OS E First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates. Beet of accommodation to Com menial Travellers and others requiring rigs, Veterinary office at livery stable. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLUTB, eidered, MIr. Andercon'e resignation was accepted. The matter of eeleeting a new presbytery clerk was left in the hands of a committee to report at next nieeting of the presbytery in Wingham on Mere)] Bid, —Editor AMOR, the newly elected mayor of Bowtntuivilie, get even with those who elected him by perpetrating on the long suffering public en in- augural address almost four columna in length. —Mr, Win. McMullen, of Lucknow, had a very successful operation per- formed in London last week in the re- moval of a growth from one of hie eyes. Mr. McMullen is doing as well as can be expected. —The quarterly official board of Main street Methodist church, Exeter, hoe unanimously extended an invitation to Bev, W. Godwin, of Grace church, St. Themes, to succeed Rev, R. Millyard in the pastorate, —A farmer in the western part of Ontario bought a farm and fenced it with rails that he purchased at three cents a piece. During the coal famine he manufactured them into mage wood and sold them at the rate of 17 cents each, .-In Creemote difficulty le experi- enced in arousing the intermit of rate- payers to nominate a candidate for a vacancy in the village council. There were not two ratepayers in the hall et elty one tine during the hour appointed for nomination last. week. —Metiers. W. & J. Thompson, general merchante, Listowel, have assigned to Mr, Hamilton of that place. The pre- sent firm is an off -shoot of the original one, which began husineaa about 40 yours ago. A meeting of creditors will be held in Toronto. The assets are said to be worth about 515,600. —A fairly well dressed man present- ed himself at the home of a farmer near Embro and asked permission to stay until spring. He got permission. After a day or so he went upstairs to sew on some buttons. He disappeared, and $85 which had been upsutirs dis- appeared also. He did not leave his address, —Knox church, Goderich, held a nue- maul annual meeting. During the year 68 names have been added to the church roll. The ordinary contribu- tions exceeded those of last year by $222. Total receipts were 55809.98, of which $929 goes to missions. The con- gregation have undertaken the support of a miesionary in the Northwest. —Mr, Robert Martin, one of Lis - towel's oldest and most prominent residents, eased quietly away at his home on Friday morning, in his 71th year. Mr. Martie during his career was a member of the town and county councils and the high school board, Ile took an active part in polities en the Conservative side. About a year ago Mr. Martin underwent an operation for stomach troubles at the Guelph hospital, but owing to his advanced years he never regained his usual strength, —Mr. Jamas Shaw, whose farm ad- joins B'rnseels, met with a serious Ions one day recently. At noon nine head of cattle were allowed to go to the river to drink and when they were looked for shout 1.80 were found sub- merged itt the cold water, the ice hav- ing broken down with them, rendering it impossible for them to get out without help. One of the animals had disappeared under the ice and was not recovered. The others were extricated, but were so chilled that before they could be got to the stables two had LOCS WANTED at Wingham. WE ARE PREPARED TO PAY FOR First-class Maple loge 514 per M First-class80ft Elm loge 814 " First-class Rock Elm loga.,$16 " First -sloes Basswood logs $15 " First-class Beech logs $12 " All kinds and grades wanted. Call and get our prices. Thi Canada Farn;tura Dlfrefl Limited OPERATING The Button & FeseaDt Clair Factory Wingham, Ont. . 3===tiiiiiielrit1``. HEADQUARTERS FOR - CHEAP GROCERIES We have Fresh Groceries arriving daily. It will be to your interest to call and see our Raisins, 3 lbs. for Rda. Raisins, 5 lbs. for 25o. Currants, 4 lbs. for 25o. Figs, 8 lbs. for 250. Tapioca, 8 lbs. tor 250. See our New 85c Broom for 28c, sewn with steel wire. We are sole agents for it, Seo "nr Fiatt, the fittest and cheapest in the country, Clover, Timothy Seed and Potatoes wanted. Highest market price always paid for Produce, GEO. POWELL "7".' wB1.VTH Bring In Your Pictures. Special attention is paid to our Picture Framing department. We carry in stock a large assortment of Mouldings ranging in price from 8c per foot up to 25o per foot. Our artist will select Frames that will harmonize with your pictures. We also carry a large stock of Room Mouldings, Picture Hooke, Wire, Giaes, Etc. J. H. CHELLEW -V BLYTH FOR COOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripens Tabules. They are easy to take. They are trade of a combination of medi- cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Ta- bules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day tolke they are a veritable friend in need. Rlpans Tabules have become their standard family remedy. They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc- cessful record, to euro Indigestion, dysp^psta, habitu,.l and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build up rundown systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The live -cent packet is enough fur an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con- tains a supply for a year. R•I•P•A•N•S 1 It k K iV&K Kik K.K&K' K&K K K ARE YOU A PRISONER? Dim, Kennedy fit; Kean, gals IRELBY @TWEET. DBTRO1fe ItJCB. , K K K K K K K fit'\ '(;.K died and four others were dead before night. The loss will foot rep Possibly from $1100 to 535n. —Mr. David Noble, of Brant town- ehip, deflected et the Sailing factory, Walkerton the other day an elm tree which made 6958 feet of lumber. It contained eight loge, the butt log being over four feet through, It brought Mr. Noble in hard cash $111.89. This tree grow on the farm which Mr. Noble bought from the late James Buchan a couple of years ago. It wouldn't take a great many trees of the same kind to pay for the farm, —Mr. and Mae. Timothy Toohey, of Biddulph, celebrated their golden wed- ding en Wedneedey of last week At their home on the Cedar Swamp line, where they hove resided continuously for 50 peat's, Half a eatery ago they had to go from Bidduli h to London to got married. They are the oldest mpr- ried couple in the tpwnohip at the pros• cut time, where both ere living. Al- though past the allotted open of lite, they are hale and hearty. Their chil- dren and grand -children were the only guests and they numbered 40. Besides those present 15 more are residing qut of the township. The happy couple were presented with all easy chair and en address. One of the grand -children read the addroes, to which her grand father made a suitable reply. —Advertise in Tiia STANDARD. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS 1 COPYRIGHTS Arc. Anyone sending a sketch and description m.y inickly ion lie proeth bably patentable. rtain our opinion Tree oho Communise. none r eh invention n tell?) confidential. handbook on Patent lent free. nldeet agency for seeming patents. Patents taken through Moon A Co, receive special notice, without chary, In the Scientific }lmerican. A bandkomely Itrnetvated weekly. Thread ole. minable of any scientific journal. Teruo• n e year four months, 01. Bold bye! newedeetaek. fa � r wr NtaeroW> �