HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-02-19, Page 7............... alaIMMIMMACi. (f� Don't forget the old man with the fish on his back. For nearly thirty years he has been traveling around the world, and is still traveling, bringing health and comfort wherever he goes. 'To the consumptive he brings the strength and flesh he so much needs. To all weak and sickly children he gives rich and strengthening food. To thin and pale persons he gives new firm flesh and rich red blood. Children who first saw the old man with the fish are now grown up and have children of their own. He stands for Scott's Emul- sion of pure cod liver oil -a delightful food and a natural tonic for children,for old folks and for all who need flesh and strength. SCOTT & BOWNE, Cheminte, Toronto, Ontario. 60o. and $1.00; all druggists. St1I?day School. INTERNATIONAL, (44',tit1N NO. Yet 1''llllttAitY t., 11103. Chrietinn Lore. -I Cor. 13. head 1 Join 9: 7-'-1 .Commentary. -At the conclusion of tbo preceding chalkier 11Ls apostle proposed to show the Corinthians a more excel.ent way than that In which they were proceeding. They were so uistrnetod Rich ecualntimm, divided by parties, (114(1 4)01.10118 of 044.1-8 other's g,(1a, that unity was nearly -destroyed. This cans a full proof that unity to God and nide Wan wanting ; and wlthent this their numerous gills and other graces 'Moro nothing In the eyc44 of God; for it was evident that they dW not levo one another, which 1e a proof • that they did not love God, and, 0o0soqu_ntly, that they had not (true :edgier. Love superior to trifle (vs. 1-3). 1. thcugli 1 epenk-The objector In- state that the (mime cited In 1h10 and the two fol.owing verses could never occur, but this has nothing to do with the apostle's argunurut. lie does not stop to ellscuse whether It would or would not lee possible for these things to actually take place; but even if 11 were possible, yet with- out charity (here would be no profit. Tongues, etc. -That is, though I were able to speak all the languages gpoken upon earth, and With the elo- gnene) of angels, and though I have the gift of tongues bes(owed by the spirit of Pentecost. But have not iOvo-That love to God and man which Is shed abroad h1 the regener- ated and sanctified soul by the Huly Ghost. Glft of prophecy -The knowi- edge of future scents, and also abil- ity td speak God's word (chap. xis, 8). All mysteri o -Th nu,gli I understand the meaning of all the types and fig- ures of the Old Testament, and all the secrets of nature, and the dark things In Gaps provldencee. All BINDER TALK re our last home we spoke, of some important features of binder con- struction. This subject is of tluf- Aclent moment to Justify (ler pur- suing It further In, the inlorests of our farming readers. Wo spoke of the advantage of the floating elevator as used on the Massey -Harris Binder. We retreat that It le very necessary to success- ful harvesting In heavy crops, Antler Important point k the con- ltruetlon of the Malin Frame of the Nader. A railway bridge requires a 801 1(11 foundation, and a binder re- galrea n strong frame. This is an- other place where the Massey -Har - rte Binder undoubtedly exeelis all Its compciltoro. The frame on the Maeney-Harris Is epiendli .y truss^d- it will stand all the strain that It 1s called upon to hear. We believe title b tho secret of the stieeeseof this Machine. If you are buying a binder this ymr we tulvlan you to carefully �a0k into this feature You well be well repaid for so doing. And we do not speak without knowledge of the isimember what we have said Igbnpt tho Massgy-Murrls, !mowhdlgc-Every human art and rci ilea, 1 (RI(\e mountains -bee dt,tt. Nail. LO, axl, .i. "Removing u:cnutaina Ina phrase used to signify th. mooing or conquering great el fi• Ili H getting ticouth perplex - id Tie ugh 1 tile highest. kind ul• filth nal rould i1(0414pi1811 the greatest possible results. But have nut love - Notie ,1 Hatt Paul does not as:,'r1 that one could have thele thine,: midfoot love, but says "1t" he c�vhld• lam hotting -"Nothing in no spit', nothing un the, sight of lied, nothing In the church, and lfocxl for welling to mankind 8. :111 wy giwds-Though I distri- bute them piece by piece with the greatest carr. Doily to las hernial- -Milt will fight for Christianity or Me Mr Christianity who will not live Its spirit, which is love. without the soul, trod rejects ell ekes, and so re- jects the rutin, who is therefore profited nothing." II. Tho qualities of love (v4'(. 4-7). t. Love -"Having exalted love as 'the golden Secy which open the palace of eternity, he proceeds to ,lescrlbe It. :[lh.a he docs n4) it roan migh'C describe gold, by showing its effects and ter:, marks by which it may be diitinguislhld.•' Sufferelh long -This is the negative side of love. It suffers all the weakness, Ignorance, errors and infirmities of the children of God; and all tint malice and wickedness of the elcld- ren of this world, not only for a time, but to the end, 1s not puffed up -"Is not Inflated with pride, or self-coneelt oa account of any en- dowments or elualificiltious, meeUll or physical, natural or atvluired, civil or religious." 6. Unseemly - Unbecomingly, haughtily, seeketit not her ovn- LoNe is an utter enemy to self- ishness, Charity never seeks its owin to the hart of otters, or with the neglect of others; but prefers their welfare to lie own. 6. Rojoteeth not In urLghteons- nees-It is not love, but its oppo- site that rejoiceth in the downfall or Injury or disgrace of others, and in the triumph of wickedness. But in rho truth -In the vic- tory of truth In the earth. "The truth" frequently moans "the gos- pel." Love Joys in th'a triumph of virtue and in glad when the gos- pel h extended, even though It he through rivals or enemies. See 1'hl, l., 15-18. 7. Iloaretlf-It^p ehips; or eovereti others. Belleveth to believe the, best nntl will credit no on the most positive 0th -Hope is desire, expeetatlost. Ene everything ns from ful airier nil circ r'()hlChl'.a 144111 1111'1!- : the 1 tit tgs of -"Is 0(141' ready nt every Person, evil of any but ev:deuce." Hop - mangled with (urcth' - Accepts m the Lord; 184(43- utusttince0. III. Love enduring and abhl.ng (vs. 8-113, 8.) Never htilntt-It lo ONE-WAY HATES Every day from February 15 to April 30, 1003, the Union Pacific will Bei: Oneway Colonist Tickets at the following rates from Missouri illver $-0.00 to Ogden and Snit Late 1 City. $-0.00 to Butte, Anaconda and Helena,. $.:::,50 to Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash, 845.00 to Everett, Fairhaven and New Whatcom, via Ifuallugton and Spokane. $45.0U to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle, $25.00 to Ashland, Roseburg, Eu -1 egue, Albany and Salem, via Port- land. 8:.5.00 to San Francisco, Loa Ate gelee and many other California pointe. From Chicago and St, Louie pro• portlonately low rates are to effect by lines connecting with the Uuton Pacific to all above points, For full Informatloa call on or attires* H. F. CARTER, T. P. A., 14 Jaime Building, Toronto, Canada. F. 13. CHOA TE, 0. A., 126 Woodward ave., Detroit, Arch. eternal to Its very nature and mast endure us long as God endures, for God 1s love. Prrophucics-The gift of prophecy "shalt 110 (10n' away," The revelation given by (Lod to the, church being completed, the gifts 01 prophecy w1t1 bo no louger metaled. 0-11. In part -Gal reserves for Ills children it knowledge far superior to what he lute. revealed to them Imre. Their greatest discoveries In nature and grace are only the be- ginning Of better things. Perfect - The state of eternal blessedness. A child -"Paul uses this as an illus- tration. The present state 10 a estate of chi (Mood ; aha future, that or manhood. Seeln is the difference between earth alai heaven, 12. For now -In this present life. D1 a mirror, darkly -Ancient mir- rors were not monde of Blase, but of polished metal, and the reflections were very obscure and Imperfect. Face to face -The medium through which we perceive heavenly things is faith, and with It we now see through a glass darkly. In our per- fect vision, when face to taco with our Maker, APO shall comprehend the character of God, the mysteries of providence, the plan of redemption, and the glories of the heavenly state. -111h. Mus. Shall I know -That Is, there will be a thorough, complete knowledge, as the original word signifies. Mysteries will uo longer tt'ouble nB. 13. Now abkleth -Amid thtngo changeable and pertehing the Chris- tian retakes these principal saving graces, boot here and hereafter. Faith -"The vision of the unseen (Aeb• xi• L), with its consequent trust In Clod." Hope -The expecta- tion of future good. Faith and hope will bo stronger and more complete in the next world than In this. "That our happy state will continue for- ever we shall know simply because God has promised lt, that is, by a faith similar to our present belief to the gospel."-Groateet ... le love -Greatest to extent, in endurance, In manifestation, tireatos because without love the others would pro- fit nothing. Teachings -It Is more Important to be good than to do good. Only 440. tion prompted by love aro accep- table to God. Sacrifice without love is 4)4141. Love bears tests. PR,ICTICAh SURVEY. Why tiro Greek word "agape" is Another club woman, Mrs. Houle, of Edgerton, Wis., tells how she was cured of irregulari• ties and uterine trouble, terrible pains and backache by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "A while ago my health began to 1 fail because of female troubles. The I doctor did not help me. I rememberr'l that my mother had used Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound on many occasions for irrcgularitiee and uterine troubles, and I felt sure that it could not harm Inc at any rate to give it a trial. "1 was certainly glad to find that within a week I felt mach bett•r, the terrible pains in my back and stile were beginning to (sea ss, and at the time of menstruation I did not here nearly as serious a time as hereto- fore, so I continued its use for two months, led at the crd of that time I was like a enw woman. I really have never felt harm. iu my life, have not had a siel: headache since, and weigh' 20 pound; more than I ever did, so I nnhcsltatinttly recommend Vegetable Compound:' -Mas, MAY IIA1L1, Ed- gerton, Wis., President Household Economies Club, - in000 forfeit If original o above tatter proair. r genuineness cannot ba produced. Women should remeinber there Is one tried and trite remedy for all female ills, Lydia E. Pink- battt's A egetnbleCompound, Ite- flue to buy any other medicine, you need the beat. tran:Inter]"charity," In this chap- ter u,'l In the rest of the Bible "love'," 1 cannot Yell ; or why rho Greek w,-u•d, "philia;' which always Ilinane soc' form of human love, is trnnelatr:4 by the same word, I do not knew. it (414 (1111 to me,enfortun- rde that It la tee, for there {s noth- ing In common between the two words (-wept flint they Troth may be dominated emotions of the souk and they are posh slx)ntantons In their nction. Tito first we lost all trace of In our forlorn! head by sin; the letter, In various forms, is present in every human brevet. They are evidently placed within u4) for a purpose. end well do they accomplish their object. Divine love Was placed 111 man when ho was formed, for In the "linage of uu.t Wae no made, and he never ^an regain whet h0 has lost untti It 1s »ilea abroad in his heart by the Holy Ghost at conversion. Having the Divine Image makes man nkln with his Maker, and causes men, In 11181111111811re, to feel for this lost world ad Jeat144 did when ho left Heaven to suffer and die to bring us back. This word "agape," love, is more Dilly nnalyzcxl in tide chapter than In any other part of the amoral word. 'rho fact is clearly pre- sented that it person may he pos- scssel of many commendable thinge and yen, be ad 44 sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal, without a particle of the grace of Got in the soul. Thyro hits probably been more controversy over the questtou, Of wlutt d0044 religion consist ? than over any other subject, and It will doubt- less continue until the end of time; and this notwithstanding the fact that rho Lord has condescended in this chapter to make it 00 plain that every school child can understand. It is often enid, "Tho preacher le too stringent In hie remarks, ho needs more love," when perhaps thnt Is the very thing that has Caused him to speak es he has. Rut 11110 ie often a perversion of divine love, for as a rule the more real love a person possesses the closer will lie adhere to the teachingo of the Scrip. turf's. Information About St, John. A few Stncfays ago, to a Phila- delphia church, the pastor was tell. log the children of the Sunday school about the Scriptures and closed his remarks by relating to them the life of St. John. When he bol finlshed he wanted to see If the children had been payng at- tention to his address and asked them if any of them could tell him about the life of St. John. .After a fen minutes a little girl to the end of the Sunday school raised her hand and said : "Yes, sir 1 I tin tell you about him." "Oh,' saki the minister, "I am NO glad croute one has been paying attention to my remarks. Now let me hear about St. Jahn," The little girl be- gan: "John, John, the piper's son. Stole a pig and away be run,'" DEBT OWED TO THE NURSE One Physician Who Amiler inted the Lierviveg of Trained Helper. "Now, doctor," said the trained nurse to the great physician, "what do I own you 1"' The wear cud Lear of her calling lent begun to toil, mid the nurse had taken her turn at placing patient. After a dozen visits she had come to pay her bill. The spcciclist looked at her it moment gravely. Then he said; "You know 1 clutrge $17.50 for a prescription." The nurse ga:•0 a little involun- tary gasp of alarm. 'Oh, doctor,"' 810' cxeii,hoist, "you mean for each Prescription ? Why, I've been here 11 fage Metal Single or double -light elven: 1 r'r.�,, mulcal \Vie not Huy t4' act r, I man wife ting lutc10H olden ".rd IA n. d I lull eaa OPCII c r 4'l• wind -no 11I111I1511(11rf1,1,, 4'c„ t. 1 ,4 �l made, Uro Pane r'ence. and Ioull ThoPageWirePoar.Co Lrmttcd W rcLle Ont. montreal,P Q .tad 5t. Jobn 1, n ie pissed into the ,aoterpiece9 01 114' literature. The evidence 1s for strong, and • e0tree from: 100 :41 (4 y rlit.trtern, that the oke wuuratien with biblical phraseology and lmh(gcry and Illue- tralton is a thing of the past. An s orld and astounding Ignorance ha too often succeeded it. Tennyson and Browning, to say nothing of .Milton and Dryden, aro already In need of scholiasts to explain to 1cgmn.0110 minds In school and college echoes anal renl))lso0ncov of the 1)14(10, W111011were eeeond nature to an earlier generation. All lids Is a twice -toll If still sorrowful tale. And there seem) Ito present lope of turning back the 11411. of battle. we can but sadly reckon up our losses. -Century. The " n n It Then 1 illegal upon her that the NO MORE PAIN high-priced speeligi81 might be juk- lug. "Yes," he resumed, with a suspic- ion of n. scute, "yon must pn,t• mu $17.10 for each prescription or noth- ing." oth- Ing." Phare tvus no mistaking his m•an- ieg 114)44'. "1.101, donor," sued ti:" :case, "that seem :lune f;ti,'. dere I've been cooling week after week to see you and gel your mlvrre-yo)) who are so bu:,c, and will, 3) many de- m:unds on your leisure that you scar- cely have,, thin: to rat. Oh, I know, its outsiders do not, huts pr, clOtls ev- ery minute Is to y011," "Rut ( do rat," return '1 this re- doubtable M. D.. "and at n,ttter re. gator hours. Anil I do wan11g1 to put In a gots! night's shop as a rule. Now, how do I mit htege to do this? Preemie of the trained nurse. Do yon think 1'vforgotten the old days before aha came? Don't I know very well that w•Ittnet her the physleln.n's work would he a dog's work. 11 I get the rest tit It I neat and can eel without Interruption it's duo to her." "It's good of you to sa,v so, doc- tor." "It's only decent that I should bear It in mind. flow eau t forget the times when, night atter night, 1 would be called from my bed to visit e0111s patient who didn't need mo at all; swine sick child, Per - hope, who was doing finely, It the mother had only known it': That Is all citengcr1 since tiro nurse 13 on wale') and shares the responsibility. I'm only too glad to have been of Homo eeryice to yep In return for n'l you have done for me." - New York Herald. HAI) TRIED IN VAIN .1 young man by 1111) name of William Kott, coachman, came to my store, complaining that lues feel hurt him very badly. He had In 4'1111 tried to get relief by consult- ing phyulc'ions. I 41111,9 4)x1(4)0 41 a j great deal to tlra cold by his occu-I patio)), Iris feet got worse daily," untie one day he fainted 111 the I street. A few days after he again' came to my store and showed me Itis feet. I have seen a great many sores to my life, but nothing to equal this, and ca118 afraid the poor (011044 would lose his limbs, { Ile asked me for 8t, Jacobs Oil; we I rubbed his feet well with Gin oil, and he took the remainder with him. After nine day's this same man again came. Into my store, per- fectly well, and requested me to i write to you of this most wonder- ful cure; he also slated that two other pe1'801114 had been cured o1 Rheumatism by the EC1011 bottle which helped him. -John Lenten. TtIE LOSS tJF THE BIBLE. 01d Saturation With Biblical Imager) Thing of Past. One cannot well deny that the bat - tie has gone agalust the Bible us the only great literature On Ilux- ley's phrase) within reach of the comma!) people. Too many archers have pressed it sora Cheapened and multiplied newspapers and maga - saga and books of 1.11 kinds have fal- len In with, If they have not fos- tered, 1111 extensive 111 the plane of an Intensive rending (habit, so that the Bible must now struggle for ex- istence 110 literature, Instead of he- Iug the "ono book." Bible reading has been bowed out of the Public Schools, while the home, to which it cans again kindly commended, has politely passed on the unwelcome guest to the Sunday School. But that institution, with the best wi11 in the World, cannot recreate the heaven which lay about the infancy of those, who, at a mother's knee, made their young imagination fam- alar with the racy, piquant English of the King James version, and with wealth of Oriental trope and alleg- ory and parable and pastoral and drama, which, from the Bible, has IN THE BACK Chas. (Jilchrist, of' Port Hope, Cured b,, Dodd's Kidney Hits. Ex-Fi:hcry Overseer in Splendid Matti' at Seventy -tour --What Ile Has to Say ot'the Matter. 1'ot•t Boy, Ont., Feb. 2.-(Spoelal)- Everybaly ie I'ort trope kuuw4 Mr. Chas. Gilchrist, for-fl(tena years Chief of Police and afterward Fish- ery Overseer of thI Dominion Gov- ernment. fie is seventy-four years of age now, and a healthy 111118, But Ire has hail 1111 share of oufferin'g. For ten years h0 was afflicted with Dia- betes and Kidney, Disorder. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured hien. Speaking of the case recently Mr. Gilchrist said: "I have need Doad's Kidney P111s for about five years, oft and on. "Whoa I get a pale In the back and my urine la full of brlok,1iut I take a couple of Dotld's Kidney Pelle and I? aha all right. I generally keep them 001 hand, dor there is no medicine {Ike them. "When I commenced to take 00x11'8 Kidney Pills I was In a fear. ful state. They have made me a new man. I have about one-quarter acro to a garden. I dug and planted 1t Last spring. When I first took Dodd' Kidney Pills I could mot have done tt to save my life. "I beltevn I would have been dead Only for Dodd's Kidney Pills." It le mes8 like Me that are giv- ing Dald's badnoy Pills their popul- arity. Collected Humor. Thu Debtor -Do you believe in im• mortality, sir ? 'Phe Creditor-Asseretny, sit. "Then, as you are in no hurry for the money, 1'11 make this note due or the tiny of the judgment." First Bee -She was a mighty pretty git 1, but, I couldn't help alleging her. 13txond Bee -Well, there's a divin- ity that eltapos our coda "Love has a strange effect upon Bom0 111 ,." "In %bat way 2' "Why. the more they snake of 1t the less they have," She -1 wish I had known before we were monied that you wore going to treat me this way. He -But don't you suppose 1t hurts me it:44 11111011 as It does yuu? I'm not naturally eruct "Papa, what is the ballot box?"' "My con, it 14) tho place where the pr4oplc decide between rulers that the politicians 801104." "The worst thing about Kipling to that you can't always understand tum." "And the: worst thing about Al- fred Anstuh Is that you always can'• " What does It moan to be a Wit?" "Why-, when any one gets off a good thing, to have the reputation of saying 1t youreeIL" She -What does your love amount to anyway?" lie -It's overdrawn my salary IOW st, molithe. I'roprtetor-I'm sorry I can't glen you the bridal chamber, sir. It's occupied "What else have you got ?" "A fine sample room." 'Defiant -The cellar of my !muftis full of water. Landlord -Well, you mlts(n't mead that. The ground is responsible. "But this came down through the roof." Why do we wear Granby Rubbers and Overshoes Dealers all over Dominion say they give better satis- faction than any others. 1 he people say they fit better, look better, wear better.-Uecalse they are honestly made out of pure new rubber. "Granby Rubbers wear like iron."