HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-02-19, Page 6ASSESSMENT SYSTEM
graham are patriotic.
salsas encourage Canadian enter.
. prise.
Thiele tally exemplifed by the wonderful
growth of
Jest look at this record, it le hard to beats
r. No.ofinembere
111 1 170
u R•47
099 1,862
899,.••.• ",145
994 9,710
695 --
in 12,69 3
(098,.... 16,450
1900 18,23
0 20,197
01.. 22,674
There.460 Connell, of the Order in Can.
ado, thus he average le over 60 mernhcre to
each Council,
Thep members ere paying 0115,000 an -
overly to the widows and orphan• of de.
coined Canadians.
Just mouse the small amount ueceeenry
from each member to meet the death rates
sad also set arida a little for rxfltenrlee-
Amonot Monthly
of luaur- Monthly Asecas-
A Race, Dues menu
1 $1,000 00.5 90.58
1,000 .25 .60
1,000 .26 .(12
'2 1,000 26 .04
776 1,000 .26 .60
78 1,000 .25 .GR
80 1,000 .25 .70
Join now.
For fuller toformn'lon apply to the neareat
Connell. or to W. F. lleutague Grand Ile.
Border, Hamilton, Ont., or to W. F. Camp.
bell, Grand Organiter, Hamilton, oat,
Organisers wanted; liberal terms.
Columbia Jester, """""'..'.".
Pol10e Ifagfetrate-You ley you
aro celled Lily. Where did you get
that name?
Tho Tramp-Bocauen I toll not,
neither do 1 ruin.
Murder Liniment Cures Distem-
A National Air.
MIMIo Commercial.
"What Is the banal playing ?"
asked a now attache to the diplo-
matic corps ata recent reception
In the White House. "Our national
hymn," responded one of the most
popular belles and wits of this win-
ter's gayety. "And what is that,
pray?" "Gad Savo Mrs. Roosevelt 1"
wee the solemn reply.
Lever's Y -Z (Wire Head) Dieinfeclant Soap
Powder is a boon to any home. It dials.
feet and cleans at the same time. er
The tical Tldng.
" Pardon m6, sir," began the ped-
dler of mtppiles, "but may I ask what
Is the style of your typewriter ?"
" Right up to date," replied the
business man, enthuslastically. "El-
bOw Waives, Ince ineert'on shirt waist
and all that sort of thing."
MSnard's Liniment Cures target
1n tow's.
New York Lite.
Judge -Your wife hart shown 'tier
braise* to the Jury. What have you
to say that sentence shall not be
pronounced upon you?
Prlsoi0er-1 can prove that for the
'last three weeks she has been do-
ing her holiday shopping.
Grand Central Station, New York.
Tire only station In the city of
New York. Thos le the depot of the
New York Central, the famous four -
track line.
Fare same RR by other lines, when
tickets are purchased In Canada.
Take the hest.
Of One Mind.
"I shall pot marry, Miles Ilicho af-
ter ail," announced young Jenkins
sadly; "her family seem opposed to
the match." "Bang the family 1" ex-
claimed a sympathizing friend. "Go
to and win, all the same, Jenkins t
!What do you care for the famllyta
opinion, so long ns the girl le will -
tag?" That's just It," exclaimed
Jenkins, etlii more sadly. "Miss
Riche seems to agree with them!"
Down Sick with a Cold
If we could only convince you how easily
you could cure • cough or a cold by using
Bray': Syrup
Red Spruce 'lam
time would be leas pneumonia and eon-
utrtaptlon. It will cute your cold as quick.
ly u yon caught it.
All Druggiaat 23 Kale.
A Fool ('hl'ngo Jury 'Thought to
Ilan it.
Bagpipe music ho "teullerod greatly
throe{;h 11t effort hi of well-ntr'nulug,
but zuielakrn people 10 lift it oul of
118 prup,'r place and graft it 011 to
city Ilio :uta It .4 inside entertalt-
Rants" To compare its masle with
"view -Mot pro te th e's" Is "Ilkus com-
pnrlug'tati^s awl herring with wine
6.trs." .1 ihirago Jur,v om'.e derided
that the bofpdp,• wax not musical
instillment at all. But why quarrel
with a definition? Enough that It
has lived through some bud crises.
When that phase of Ilfe In which it
was born told brought up peones'
away, It declined to be moved into
the backgound. In short, it had the
will to IIIc without the a.dventitioux
aids of cranks and of coagressex, be-
cause Lt answers a primitive want.
Indeed, uuthing couid be more ironic
than the feet that the military
orgnntzatione which did much to
crush out everything that had made
It a power should have been 80 com-
pletely- estuepn'rea by It that there
nro now two -and -twenty pipe bonds
In the, British army. The bagpipes
has been annexed by some of our
native Indian regiments, notably
those in the Punjab, and It con-
tinuos to spread there as a great
military instrument.-.51henacum.
The Rurresx of orange culture, in
Central umd Northern 0u11f01'0in for
ten pars past suggests the climatic
unity of the State. Some of the
tnoat successful 'orange groves are
000 mil's north of 1,00 Angeles. The
long num nee, the warm nod dry at-
mosphere, the abundance of water,
and the low price of land, make
these !taste in the San Joaquin and
Sacramento vuUeys very desirable
for oranges nut all kinel* of farm-
ing nod fruit growing. Just now the
rates are specially low. Prom Feb
Pith to Apt 1) P1)) , tin rite front
Chicago will I. $33 - to California
Point s, If you oro interested in Cali-
fornia, rush publications aft " The
Iatnd Of Oppor(Unity" and 'Ca!ttor-
eta for the Settler" will be helpful.
They are free, and may be lead qt
F. B. I'ho:ttc, General Agetlt, South-
ern 1'ntdfie, No. 126 Wcodw.trd ave.,
Delrnit, Mich.
)f You're Get the Dough.
Ihurard Lampoon.
"They say bread 10 the Haff of life,
but nowadays 1 think' cull, ge Is."
"\Spit, cull,( la 11 good loaf I"
Mfnrd's Liniment. Cares D:ph-
A Pretty Story of Ging Edward's
Were La, to my mind, enye 1I..t. 1'.,
the flue:,( story of the Iiing's ea.
hounded eyt:tp.tthy for the suffer-
ings re hie eubJ:ets that ham yet come
to light. A young drossm:ker was
threatened trill consumption, fol-
lowing upon long and dangerous
chest trouble, and was left nearly
destitute. The doctors advised her
to obtain 1o!mittanco to an open
air home to iindergo a course [of
treatment. MC:wwhllo she was
taken Into a convent 'and devotedly
!unwed by tee nuns; bat, unfortu-
nately, nil their efforts to get he'
ndmittcd Into a home of tho kind
wore quite fruitless. Then the girl.
learning thnt tlu:•. King was patron
of ono of these institutions on the
south coast, resolved secretly to
write to him end plead for his as -
sista nes. About n fortnight Tater
gentleman called at the convent
and Molted to rye her. Hp gave u.'
name, and ut iris ,aa veal told
that elle was too III to son WM. Ht
then explained flint it was necessary
Lor him to roe her, as he had come
to squire into her case, and 110 10
tin desirability of sending her to
an open-nlr houaso fur the trettt-
ment of consumpLlou. Sho wee aid-
ed dotvnstalro /111(1 he questioned her
toy to what tie doctors' had saitl, and
then Inquired to whom she nod ap•
plied for help. She mentioned acvertl
names, and at last hesitatingly 1111•
mato.l that aim had written to tit.
King. Go then informed her that
lin had come from the King to inquire
into her 0000, ns lits if j'sty lied no-
ticed her letter and wished to help
her. After further inquiries every-
thing was satisfactorily arranged.
and the girl *vaa sent for a prolone-
ea period to the homy, w`.th the *n-
eva that her health W. tit greatly
beneflttvl, rind t hat alio has since
betel able to work.
A Salt Luke 111 Texas.
A;''ait 800 u a:ws srsuthtreat o'
Ilnuston, Te.vne, 1u Hidalgo County,
by cow elahuee to ho ono of tie
nro;( l'uatrial>le at'It lukos In tit
world. TI.Iee take, which contain'
'Wel aeras of pure ea(t, l.o sut'rounl-
et ley a will 1rikte of dense thick
et0. The salt le three to four fee.
deep In a cry,st'tl form and tin
111,10r kir a brine of [Inagua.
M;'rugtl, cryslnt((ting with great-
er rapidity.
pot ,ew p'opio ontoi le of the State
kn.uw of tiie existence of tine take,
toot nettle ud T.'xa,s maps out,;
aMara ill it has been known to
be A O'ouree of supply for local
consumption o'er :0, years Wa,.o
twilit moving in the southwest to
and from Bovnutnville during the
(loil War, hen eel the emit; in fan ,
it was the only supply that 'Pere
hail to draw from during that per-
The property on wlu!ch th'a lair,
Us Attalla.' couplets o' n trust of7
1.,; u• -,s o' land, or'g n known as
'Le Noma de San Salvador dei Tule0
and be clalrrsetl to have been grant-
ed by the (lovermnted o' rp•uJn •.bow
the year 17'tee to one Juan Joie Ltal
"What nee they playing now?"
"The ninth symphony.'
"Dear me! Am I so late?
Pineapples are Especially Good ler
People Afllicted With Dyapepsin.
'rho partaking of a Oro of pino-
epplo after a meal Is quite lu ac-
eonhtnee with physiological indica-
tions, since, though it may not 110
generally known, fresh pieeapplo
Jule° eontnlus a remarkably active
digestive principle similar to pepsin.
TIUe principle has been termed "Uro-
mrllu,' 110(1 no powerful is Ito action
upon proteele that it will digest tie
much DS 1.000 limos Its weight with-
in a few 11011ry. Its digestive ac-
tivity eerie'( lu accordance with the
kind of proteid to which It Ls sub-
jeettd. Fibrin dkeapeare entirely ut-
ter a time.
With the cougnlitel albumin of
eggs tho digestive process Is
RiOW, W11110 with the nllxitnln
of meat Its 11051,011 seems first
to produce a pulpy gelatinous 1111180
which, however, completely dissolves
after a short tlnle. When a slice
of fresh pineapple 18 placed upon a
maw beefsteak the surface of the
steak becomes gradually gelatinous
owing to tho digestive action of the
enzyme of the Juice. Of course, It is
well known that dlgoctivo ngenteet-
l't II IRO 111 other fruits, when con-
sidered tliat an set-er:;ge-sized pine-
npplc will yield nearly two pints of
Juice It wit be seen that the digeeth'e
action of the whole fruit roust be
enormous. The activity of this
peculiar digestive agent Ie destroy -
el in the, cookrui pineapple, but un-
1n1s the pineapple 1. preeervod by
lur:ut there 1e 110 reason why the tin-
ned fruit shcu(d not retain the di-
gestive power.
The aetico digestive principle may
be obtained frons the Pico by die-
055(0ing a largo quant1ty of common
salt in it, when h precipitate ,e ob-
tained peerweutng the remarkable di-
gestive I,awera jnet described. Un-
like pepsin, the digestive principle of
the piurnpple Will operate in an tick),
neutral, or even alkaline medium, ac-
cording to the kind of proteid to
which It is presenters. It Holy, there.
fore, be assumed lint the pineapple
enzyme would not, only aid the work
of digestion in the stomnc1, but
would continue that action in 5116
intestine! tract. Pineapple, It may
be added, contains tench hndigestlble
matter of the nature of woody fiber,
butt It Is quite possible that the de-
cidedly digestive properties of the
juice compensate for this feet.
Wn bellete '.IIIN:IRD'd LINIMENT
Is the best.
Mutt hiae Foley. 011 City, Ont.
Joetph Snow, Norway, Me.
Clots. Wheaten, Musgrave, N. 8.
Rev, R. 0. Armstrong, Mulgrave,
N. S.
Pierre Landry, sen., I'okemouehe,
N. B.
Tholnne Wasson, Sheffield, N. B.
Fent 1111'4 of This Century.
e'hicn„o Jab.
Cowlrss batter, motherless chick-
ens and bloodless surgery.
Heart Strength is Whale Strength
THE level is your life; when it stops
coursing you're dead. If it half stops.
Your pain, your weakness, your eternal wear,.
noes will all disappear if you strengthen your
heart. 11;t you may take special medicine for
Epeeist( trouble if you're in special hurry.
Cheer up I Don't he moping I You can be
cured. Try it and for the first time you will
know rhe true meaning of that grand old word
renews the vigor in thirty minutes after taking
the first dose. XV di resit the poorest heart and
strengthen the strongest man.
W. 0. Mwllry, dreec'st, d Mosso, n, Ont., wiliest
"51r. Thomas Cooke, of Kingston, purchased
Six bottles of Agaow's heart lure and says ha
is cured of Heart Weakness, from which he had
suffered for years."
Dr. Aguew's Catarrhal Powder relieves
catarrh or colds et once and cures forever.
Dr. Agnew's Ointment compels piles to perish
permanently. It gives ease on the instant. Ban.
ashes all manner of skin diseases and eruptions.
The safest and cheapest cure. Price, 35c. 4
The man who Invents hie money 1
in a (lying machine may Ilse to
learn tint riches take bnto them-
selves wings.
Breathing Disease.
Intecetoue diseases are breathed
Into the system from those affected
with disease or from bad emelle; yet
how many women breathe daily the
offensive steam from common soaps
made from rancid fats, and keep their
' hands for holds in such solutions,
and the clothing from such soap suds
is worn next the tender skin. No
wonder disease and cezema are
prevalent! Users of Sunlight Soap
-Octagon Bar -know the difference
between that and the pure, health-
ful smell from the vegetable oils
and pure edible fats In Sunlight
Soap. 408
Wounded 1VLtlt a 8 UMW.
New York Sun,
nand -Yea, I enjoy the society of
Ttir. IVexislde, Ile keeps me interested.
lie IR always saying something that
one never hears from anybody else.
Ifeleu-iteally 1 (las he been pro-
posing to yon, too i
New York and Roston Via New York
The numerous trains, the excellent
Reveler, the uniformity of Its trains,
1t1 four tracks, and the location of
its depots 111 Boston tied New York,
make the New 'York Central the fav-
orite lino to those points.
Arj ticket agent will confirm the
Very Lyehelll.
A beautiful lady named Psyche-,
Ie loved by a fellow named 'eche,.
One thing about Yc11
The lady can't lych
Is his bound, which is dreadfully
Nettle)%' Low Rates West,
Via Chicago and Northwestern Ity.,
every day from Feltruary 15th to
April 30th. Colonist ono way see.
ours -class tickets at extremely low
ratter from stations In Ontario and
Quebec, W points iu Colorado, Utah,
Monte nn, Nevaota, Malin, Oregon,
Washington and California; also to
Victoria, Vancouver, Naw Wee -Unite
race, Nelrlon, Roosland, lute. Full
particulars, rate& and folders can bo
obtained from R. R. heunett, General
Agent, 2 lust King etrett, Torouto,
Bow it Struck Father.
"This," Bahl Mr. Justgotit„ who
was entertaining a few friends at
dinner at lila club, "le the charge
d'affaires of the feast."
Hero ho indicated the choicest dish
on the table.
"No, no, father," interrupted hie
cmbarraeecal Hon; "you moan the chef
"I suppose I do," said Mr. Jnst-
gotit; "but the word I used gives
130 more of nn lmpreesion of the
coat of the Well."
Austro- Hungary fins Adopted Means
for Their Suppression.
In every part of Europe bands of
Hungarian gypsies are to be en-
countered. Asa rule they travel 1n
families, numbertag from twenty-five
to one hundred souls and more enr-
rylug along with Cum till their var-
ious and strange paraphernalia
and domestic u6oersilles. In most
countries of Europe laws have been
passed according to which these
vagabonds aro a Laved to stay only a
couple of days or a couple of Ware In
certain provinces or provincial dis-
tricts, velem they are escorted by
"gendarmes" over the border. Their
principal business transactions con-
sist of fortuno-telling, begging and
stealing. They arc especially clover
In the latter branch of bustuess, end
take everythl::g from a pin and
needle to a horse and carriage.
The gypsies have been a real nuis-
ance for Europe for centuries, and
the Austro-Hungarian Government it,
now considering a pine. to force this
most peculiar vagabond race tete set-
tlement somewhere In the vast plains
of Hungary. Most characterletie of
the gypsies Is the fact that they
never work. This le ane of their first
principles. For more then OINI yen rs
th'y have been ream`ne over Europe,
and the up-to-date gypsy Is by all
means the cleverest thief In the
world. Where no cat stets through
tho little brown gypep boy finds hla
way. They Wive no rel'glon. no mor-
ale, no honor, or no fatherland. But
lie IR prouder, perhapo, than a Span-
ish grandee. t10 Iles to perfection and
le the greatest story -teller in the
it arid. Danny other efeo-ts have been
made from time to lime to confine
the gypsies to certain territories In
Hungary, but always without any
The Frost 10 Wire and 6 Stay Fence
is the strongest and heaviest wire fence made -good openings
for good agents ; write us at once for terms. Ask for catalog.
Wlaniego, MAN.
ISSUE NO, 8, 1903.
Mn, Wtnoiow's eoothnde 8yrpp xhooad
always 110 used for Children Teething. 11
soothes the child. Loft ens the gum ourea whet
nolle and 3, the hat. remedy for Diarrhea.
thoroughly toaster. Expert Instructora Ind1-
vi,hutl attention. seal for handsome cata-
logue forattlenlnrs. CorretppndsnN Otpatt-
1.',1811f FOlt BALK
-JO tic rem of growing limiter; 11800001 ry
hulldluge; well net{ aced; convenient to nchonl
and ehnrchenf 1p auto 10 station; low -Pelee;
terms favorable, Angus O. Mackay, Poet
Huron, 0(1c11.
QAIC-FA LIS?, 40 ACRES 111011 LAN)),
0 with *10,111 buildings ; price 91,450; easy
terms ;wsneo,i,o at nue(; entnlogue Ute.
Clark 0 Son, Doter, Delaware, U.S.A.
reeent re selling lamp that
make, Its own gas for nue cent ad ay. Literal
offer to right party. liras lamp free. Ad-
dress Perfect. Light Co., 110 Nassau strsut,
New York.
SIek INVESTED Cl.EAIIN 9250. START�1' ling lnveutiou;neon text ,rl'atlttedle-
eover y, - de r
y, kopx hent, light. and power true
the sun any or tight without lire, fuel or nr
penes; la neon/1l oVera.tlan; huudredo of refer
cores. (Solar B'ulmace Co , Urticer, Colorado
ounsi;gnments of Butler, Poultry and time
ball Eggs eollcited, Privets firm fiforrbnicetnal-
ities. Guice y0m;g Chickenu,dry pkrkcd,elenn,
selling 00 to Fur per pn!r, l'l1I pay Ito(
per lb. for 1111)10102x, delivered 11trontu.
Correepotalenee vo11c1t,•11
.30118 J, FEE, 02 [Front St. Rut, Toronto
The Flow of I111k
will be increased.
Why go teal! the
trouble of keeping
cows and get only
about half the milk
they should pro-
strengthens the digestion and invi-
gorates the whole system so that
the nutriment is all drawn from the
food. It takes just the same tree•
ble to care for a cow when she
gives three quarts as when she
gives a pail. Dick's Blood Purifier
will pay back its cost with good
interest in a few weeks.
50 cents a package.
Leeming, Miles @ Co., Agents,
What lie Thought.
Chicle° Post.
"What wart the first thought that
e.amo to you when your automobile
collided with the lamp -pont?"
"I thought 1 was in a football
ecrimm:lge, nn l lnmed'ately began to
give the college yell."
DR. Ar We CHASE'S 25
Is tent direct to the diseased
parts :.y the Improved mows.
Beals the ulcers Gears the see
passages, stops droppings In the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay Fevea011owee
ace. An dealers, or Dr. A. W Chats
Medicine Co. Toronto and lloeala.
The Proof' Lacking.
Chicago Post.
They were exchanging confidences.
"No" sho Raid; "he's not et all
"In that 031006," returned her dear-
est friend, "how can you tell that he
le In love with you ?"
$100 REWARD, $100.
The renders of t paper will bedenesd to
karts that, thereto al, least one d , eared thou"
that pelmet hail been utile to c,. ro In till {to
Mom and that. to Catarrh. Baa a Cat tint
Cure to the only positive cure tow (bows to
the medical fraternity. Oita rrh, betas. aeon -
emotional disease, rrqule,n it mow .Ito &tonal
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Il rr to taken In-
ternally, acting directly upon the blood and
muenne emitters of the system, thereby ilea
teepee the foundation of the dlocase, and
giving the patient stangth by building up
the coustitutlon and neelettng nature In doing
Ito work. The proprletore haveeo much Mitts
In he curative powers that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any rase that It falls to
cure. Send for Ilet of testimonials.
Address I' .1 MENET & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists. Vic.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
hod the Girl Turns the Crank.
Rnrvnrd lampoon.
Softly -Levo makes the world go
round. )
Shortly -Yoe, there's no crank
equal to a lover. 1
Minard'a Liniment Curve Colds.
The Milky Way.
'Twee a warm Octob:,r night and
th r silvery (noon cast g rnmering
shndowe about the woody glen,
through which the rippling brook
tumbled on toward the Raritan
Cana►. Ho was but a freshman, tied
sh ,-fair 000 -was the buxom rhtuph-
ter of a tiller of the soil. They,
bad met at a harvest home.
"tbeuneey," she Eve 1, with the
sweetest of Jersey accents, "why do
they call that the Mliky Way r"
And she turned her light green ere
towards the he arena,
" Llzsle," he cried In ardent tones,
as he clasped her to hie boyish
breaet, "It le bemuse the stare ars
condeneed there."
Just then the mown went beblsd
a deuce -Princeton Tiger.