HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-02-19, Page 4JAMES IIICMURCHIE thy f 1# th Panbarb. BANKER, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. BLYTIi, ONTNR1O. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Sale Notes a specialty. Advances made to farmers on their own nous. No additional security re - attired. INTEREST OR DEPOSITS at Current Rates, We offer every accommodetion con- sistent with safe and coneervative banking principles. ONWiIiTED PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for sale. Rents collected. CONVEYANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Aesurance companies, and re- spectfully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS : 10 A.M. to 8 P.M, Businees Bards, E. L. DICKINSON, BARRIKTIsw li(LIOITOR, ETC., Hamilton. to UMW, OMea,RayerbleaWinm. J A. JAhit5ON, BAR1tISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Oouverensar and Noor r'ohllo. Solialter for n of birth sod bank of Hampton. OMoes, Pie.oiia blot, over Powelt's More, blytb. Roney to lend. J 1. JEROME, L.DB, DENTIST. Olen In the Prrturu block, Blyth. Special attautlm Paid to the preservation of the net Wal teeth. All prices AS tow as fo oontlalent With good work. Gold work *specialty. J 0. LINDSAY, N.B. PHYSICIAN ►ND SURGEON. Steamer to Dr, Telt. Graduate of the Doi. versify of Terumo, Member o1 Collage of Du. Selene and 5005.00. of (nterto. Formerly of +p�ada. Ee+land and EdlnbargtiAmtland, hos. vitae. Dr Talea,d reh4enae,wayaWatt lately ca W F. MILNE, M.D.O.M, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. M.D.o.M„ Vniv reity of 'Trinity College; M.D , ftisn's University; Fellow of Trinity Nadbel 11 e, sod of member Collage of Pbyelebaas and Burgenoe of Coterie. Coroner for the °suety of Huron. Office, one door north of the Commercial hotel, Queen street, Blyth. T J. HUONSTEP, BARBER AND TOBACCONIST. Chole stock of 1'oha000e, OLaars and Pipet on band *trot, forth a Parham, Steam Laundrl. C HAMILTON, AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. Lead, leenand Inearanne Aetnt. Ocoee, on Queen oma Wrest, Myth. rewire p promptattention. tlxax. A.S. BRADWI`1, STEAMSHIP AGENT, The Hlder.Dempater liner repreeenled. Ocean tleke' sold to any pert of Nnrmw. Low win- ter rates now 10 fora. Names of steamers and $dM.ao�lolinng areI Bmeibed on applloatlon to Tea paOP. B. L. TAU/1E, MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN AND EYE SPOOIALIST. All triode of Speatgiest and Eyeglawas made to order. Spade' attention given to fitting the a a Cyders by nali ptomptly attended to. !la of parties tains my name as I employ no travelling ageute whatever Satisfaction guaranteed. Established 1818. 014 Rtobmr,nd eked W., Toronto. ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE $t. Thomas, Ont. A. E. BRADWIN, PDBLrasn. TBa BLYTH STANDARD, published *very Thursday morning, is s live locel news- paper, and has a large circulation, in Blyth and surrounding country, making it a valuable advertising medium. Sub- scription trice to any part of Canada or the United St.ttes only One Dollar per annum in advance ; $1,50 will be charged 1 nut so paid. Advertietng rata on application. Job Printing neatly and rileaply executed. Correspondence of a seway nature respectfully solicited. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1908, 81R OLIVER MOWAT. Sir Oliver Mowat, the aged lieutenant - governor of Ontario, met with an accident a few days ago that will pre- vent hie appearance at theopening of the next session of the Ontario legis- lature. His injuries, while not very serious, yet at his advanced age will incapacitate him from any public duty for some time. Sir Oliver will receive from men of both political parties the deepest sympathy in his misfortune. For almost a half century his bee been a prominent figure in the legislative hullo of the province. He first entered political life away back in 1857 and ever since has bleu a prominent figure. His active career was unbroken by defeats. He was a member of Hon. George Brown's cabinet, which existed for a Bingle day, He was a prominent advocate of tha confederation of 1867, and for nearly 80 years was the head of the Liberal government of Ontario. His term as premier of Cauada'e moat populous province has no parallel in constitutional history. During all that period he showed himself a statesman of the constructive type, progressive and cautious. The statutes of the province will be a monument to hie legislative ability for many years to come. In 1898 Sir Oliver left the arena of provincial politics and joined Sir Wilfrid Laurier. He aesumed the portfolio of minister of justice, but remained in once only lung enough to see the new government well under way. He went to Toronto as Houten- ant-governor in 1897, and is at present iu his second term. Few Dublin men who were contem- porary with Sir Oliver when ha began his public life remain today, and this fact emphasises the seryices he has rendered to the country and to the province. He has proven an eminently successful lieutenant -governor. It is the prayer of all Canadians that his life may long be spited. (TWENTY-SECOND YEAR) The farthest south, and one of the largest and best equipped in Canada. Preparatory studies. Graduating Courses—M.L.A., M.E. L., Piano, Organ, Singing, Violin, Fine Art, Elocution and Physical Culture, Domestic Science, Commercial. Healthiest location. Moderate char- ges. Write for catalogue to REV. PRiN. WARNER, M.A., B,D, TNOUSANOS Of POSITIONS ARE OPEN TO THOSE WHO CAN FILL THEM. CENTRE BRUCE ELECTION. The Kincardine Review, edited by Major Hugh Clark, the Conservative candidate in Centre Bruce, whose elec- tion was voided, makes the following comments on the campaign and Ontario politico in general: "The campaign in Centre Bruce was as clean a campaign es was ever waged. The petition would have gone to trial long ago if the election had been other- wiso. It was among the first filed ; it was the last to go to trial. A govern- ment detective and several machine lawyers scoured the riding looking up evidence, We are in possession of facts which show that inducetnente were held out to witnesses to swear falsely and that they were schooled to give the bort of evidence required. The election was voided on evidence that four supporters of ns-. Stewart had got liquor from a life -lung Liberal who had turned spinet the government It few weeks before the election because his liquor license had been taken from him and given to a wealthier Liberal. Agency was established by the respondent's admission that he had heard that McClure was working for him, but that although he had mat him afterwards he had not checked or chided him for it, "The Ontario Controverted Act is now nothing but a weapon used by the political parties for political warfare. The parties go on the assumption that any election can be voided. Therefore proteste are entered before there is any evidence of corrupt practices. The clean ones go to trial; the dirty ones are sawed off. If one man's election has been corrupt he can usually find another man on the other side in the same position, and both anxious to saw -off. The party mauagera, anxious to avoid disclosures, do the rest. Only clean elections or elections in close ridings are allowed to go before the courts, The Centre Bruce election did not go to the courts because it was corrupt, but because the majority was small," Canadians, and evidently created a most favorable impression, The Sen- tinel -Review, in commenting on his speech, gays: "Such addressee as that which he delivered cannot help proving of the greatest value in broadening Canadian ideals end bringing about increased national unity. The people of every pert of the Dominion should be brought se far air possible to appreciate the standpoint al those who may differ from them perhaps in language or in race, but are one with them in regard- ing Canada as their home and the object of their fondest hopes. Visite such as this paid by the public men of one province to the people of another will do much to dispose of the spirit of sectionalism," Properly prepares students far good pow Gone ipuo0I by Mail in book.keepwg, Shorthand, NMI/31011111p, etc., are Given rd those who earth it attend our wins-:. This college le web.kuown from nae end r.i Canada to the other for In etri0tip i, r.+�. ,,,ass wore. Circulars free. W. J. f.il.i07T • PR/NC/PAL A. O. U. W. 'Myth lodge, No. 146, Anrieut order of United Wurkm d,, unite in the Workmen hall, Milne ttlak ..n the end and 4111 Thursday in *very �aptoo�ptw 11 111111/ {m vut1t'4 bntbran .re eattdl'aely lnvitel N Olnttxa, W.M. T. J. Hwa• etas, a..conD111, 48 —For many years the Canadian government has tried to preserve a close season for fish in the Canadian half of the international waters, and the result has been that Uncle Sam has played sharp on it, hie people working away fishing while our fishermen were forbidden to hang out a net. That sort of thing couldn't go on forever, and after using all reaeonable means to arrive at an understanding the Canadian department hair told our fishermen to go ahead. The fish may be destroyed, but if so Caladium will have a share while they last, —Aid. 0. B, Sheppard, of Toronto, is quoted as saying: "Municipalities should be placed in a position to take over any public enterprise at a reason- able valuation without reference to the worth of the franchise itself, No per- manent rights should be granted to cor- porations of any kind, because no one can foreee what contingencies may arise," The disposition of legislatures to dispose of civic franchises ie creat- ing a feeling of resentment which is finding vent in such expressions as those of Ald. Sheppard, and is giving strength to the demand for municipal ownership. —Hon. David Wark, in his 100th l ear, expects to go next month from his home et Fredericton, New Bruns- wick, to Ottawa, where, in the senate of Canada, he will take the seat he has continuously held lines that body was first called together at the making of the Dominion in 1867. And unless the weight of the last year added W his burden of years has greatly changed him, he will take an active part in the proceedings. He was a big man in his prime. Slightly above the average height, he was 70 years ago a burly, bread, straight -standing, solid, mus• cuter type of vigorous country -bred manhood ; red of hair and beard, ruddy of lace, and strong of voice. Now he le stooped almost to the level of childhood, his cheeks have sunken, and his kneee, losing their sturdiness, carry the still massive frame haltingly. —Some of the Tories in the constitu- ency of Manitoulin want their repre- sentative, Mr, R. It, Gamey, to resign because he has intimated that he will take an independent stand in the legis- lature and occasionally support the Ross government. At a meeting of the exeoutive of the Manitoulin Conserva- tive aseociation at Gore Bay on Mon- day, Mr. Gamey contended that his duty wee to his constituency first, and that he had only done what he con- sidered in the beet interests of his con- stituency. Ile particularly asked them to suspend judgment for the present. He also expressed an opinion that the executive SitRil no power to ask him to resign, and said that he would be pleased to have a convention called and abide by their decision, as he knew from lettere and interviews the great majority of the people were well satire fled with bis recent action. NO'T'ES AND COMMENTS. —Mr, Charles Matcil, M.P. for Bona - venture, delivered an address in Wood- stock a few days ago under the auspices of the local 'Young Men's Liberal Club. `He spoke on the subject of tly French - —A sad grafting wax is made of four pounds rosin, one pouted of tallow and one pound of beeswax. Melt all together over a Blow fire, and when melted pour into a vessel of cold water and pull as with shoemaker's wax. When wanted for use soften with warm water, —Subscribe for THE STANDARD. Western Advertiser A Weakly, 12 Page, 7 Column Paper Sent t0 any address in Can- ada or the United Stetee for Seventy-five Cents a year in advance. Valuable picture premiums sent to all sub- scribers YS And no mistake we are headquarters for bargains in Dress Goods, Etc. . Until stock -taking which will be in about 20 days. An almost reckless cutting of prices for the sake of clearing the left -overs. --- e A FEW PRICES $4 $8 and $8 Coate for $1, $1.50 and $2. 100 Wrapperettes for 80. 124c Wrapperette- for 1Oc. Some very special lines in Dress floods worth 50c, for SOc, Etc„ Etc. Come and see. J. A. Anderson LiWitakItV%13%1%. ter..-.�LYTH You'll AIire Our Fano Shirt: The Western Advertiser and Farming World sent for $1 a year, in advance. *Dpommm: WESTERN ADVERTISER DODOS, ONTARIO. We certainly have an exquisite and varied gathering of Fancy Shirts. The patterns number well into 'the hun- dreds and we control them all. We chose them months ago—and we left none of the good ones for some one else. Come and see what 5oc, 75c and $1 will buy. We never load a cannon to kill a fly. We are shouting because we have something to shout about. S. HERRINCTON - BLYTH THE CRADLE. FEAR.—In East Wawanosh, ou Feb- ruary 12tb, the wife of Mr. Wm. Fear, of a daughter. THE TOMB. SvMINGTON.—In Colborne, on February 16th, .Mr. James Symington, aged 79 years and 4 months. PLITLAND.—In Toronto, on Jo unary 80th, Mr. John Purland, father of Mr. John Putland, of Ripley, former- ly of Blyth, in his 81th year. Sale Register. Wednesday, February 25th. Farm stock, implements and household furni- ture. Lot 42, con. 18, Base line, Hul- lett. Ephraim Ball, proprietor, C. Hamilton, auctioneer. Wednesday, March 4th, Farm stock and implements. Ell lot 27, con. 12, Hullett. Sale without reserve. Pro- irietor haesold his farm and isriftiring. leac Barr, proprietor, C. Hamilton, auctioneer, WANTED.—Girls to learn Millinery. Apply at the Great Cash Store. -1). M. MOSEATB, Blyth. 25d GIRLS WANTED.—Girls wanted at once to learn the tailoring business. Apply to S.11, GiDLEY, Blyth, Ont, 27 CLEARING SALE. -0u0 sale continues till March lot. Mrs. Weiler won last week's 85.00 Prize, tlRo. E, KING, Wingbam. 27tf BLYTH MABFI1TS. Blyth, Fob. la—Wheat, apo to 70e. Barley, SSD to no Pena, 68u to filo. Otte, 80o to 010 Eggs, 160 to 180. nom,* to 170. Potetae, taw w 010 Rides, 6o to in, Hay, $6 t,11. Lard, 180 to lie. Pork, $7 to SS, Flour, 01.00 to ea80. Wood, 88,60 to SI. Wool, iso to 180. Tu,keye, Ile to 180. risme, 8o W ea. DoOke. 80 to 100. Chickens, go to W. —As the miniver in Cobourg Metho- dist ethsdiet church was speaking of the birde chirping h the praises God, a ro gird R R. DOUGLAS wh ich had been perched on the organ, as though appreciating the reference, r commenced chirping, and afterwards flew towards the front of the church. BLYTH We Return Thanks to farmers and others for the very liberal patronage given In the past season. We are stall in the market for alt kinds of Grain, Butter and Eggs, Poultry, Etc. We offer you no trade, but the highest price 4n cash. Wishing all the compliment& of the Beason. Store to stent. MOMILL' tN & CO. Olnsley street • Slyty Fish for Winter The ,best can, be found at R. R. Douglas'. Just received from Lake Superior Trout and Herring Como along and get your winter supply. Fine Fresh Oysters always on hand. Fruits, Confectionery, Bread Stuffs, and a full line of Groceries of the beet quality always In stock. Come along and prove for yourself. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange.