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The Blyth Standard, 1903-02-12, Page 7
PROFIT The matter of feed is of tremendous importance to the farmer. Wrong feeding is loss. Right feeding is profit. The up•to-date farmer knows what to feed his cows to get the most milk, his pigs to get the most pork, his hens to get the most eggs. Science. But how about the children ? Are they fed according to science, a bone food if bones are soft and undeveloped, a flesh and muscle food if they are thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia? Scott's Emulsion is a mixed food; the Cod Liver Oil in it makes flesh, blood and muscle, the Lime and Soda make bone and brain. It is the standard scientific food for delicate children. Send for free sample. Ile ems that thio skim le the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle el Eruision you buy. Scott&Bowne CHEMISTS, Toronto, Ontario. SOr• and ell all druggists. Sunday School. INTERNATIONAL LESSON NO. VII FEBRUARY 15, 1003. Christine Belem -at ul.-t Mini: t.11. Commentary. --"The (plstle to the Corinthians bouts 10 have been written in answer to a letter receival from them (chap. v11. 1). Tao church wax a little band in a city of 400000 inhabitants; a gem In t clty o+ iniquity. The early train - tug, tate former hab;ts, the aur - rounding influences of a city which, even ,ht the Gentile world, was fa - moue for distionosty, debauchery and drunkenua$a, made it difficult to live a true Christian life." +1. Perplexing questions (ve, 4-0), 4 Unto 1.iole-neveso portions of ilia animate catered in sacrifice, which were not laid on the altar, and which belonged partly to thane who had offered them. Thtwe emanate were eomotlmea eaten at feasts bele In the temeles or. 10), or In private boaster (chap. x, 27); sometimce noel in the luarketa by the priests, or by the poor. -Alford. "Tae question WOO whether it was right for Urfa - 11000 to partake of food connected with eiolatry." 5 Called dogs...ln heaven -es the sun. moon, planets, stare. Dt earth -Delftod kinge, beasts, rivers, sere petite, etc. The heathen had many fnrt.gina-y gods. The people of Ben -1 gni . acknowledged 380,000,000.- Blrnoy. 0. To ue-Cltrletlans. One God -ATI that is needed, for in him dwells all power and love. Father -The Christian's dearest word for God. Ho is the originating cause of all thintte. Wt. In hhn-In hie thought, rile care. Wo wore created for hint, and our Walled happiness to In living toils glory.-Hurlburt. One Lord Jeeus Christ -The Father's Son, one with the Father, our Lord and Saviour, "through whose mediation are all things, Including the natural and spiritual creation." (John 1. 13; d:ph lit 9). We by him -Redeemed by trim, and again by him to pe glorified. II Knowledge alone not eufficlent (vA. 7. 8). 7. Howbeit, etc, -The Corinthians argued that they all know that an Idol ens nothing, but Paul replied that this was not mtivereally the case, tint some were not yet en• tirely free from their heathen diens. Conscience of the idol -Hee R. V. Cue. tom had wrought in them a rovee- eaoo for the Idol which Christianity had not yet entirely cleared away. A reformed) drunkard walks past a e:Uoou with different feelings from ono who has never itnown rho taste for strima drink. tbueeleleo being wo:tlt-Fr am wont of kno dodge. Not strong enough to grasp firmly tato great truth that tut 1101 le nothing; only able to sae that the worship of bens le sin. 8. nut, eta, -This von'*e, Is to be re- garded as the view tekeu by tate Cor- inthians in their letter to the, apostle. Paul grants their position, but shows that there tiro other points to be considered. Conmcndotit ux not -"Gott does not think any more of us for eating, or for retraining from eating. Its our aharactere, our moral con- dition, oar love; not some formal net of eating or lasting, for which He CAMS. III. Tito duty of guarding the weak (vs. 9-12). ' ' 9. But take heed -Tele verse le Paul's reply to the argument of the Corinthians) In verso 8. "Though you may bo no better or worse for eating or not eating, yet if your conduct InJures °there and lend,& them Into sit you should abotain entirely. This lila erty-Though you aro delivered from superstitious notions, it is contrary to tho spirit of love to hinder another who to not yet so far enlightened. A stumblingblock-A moans of confu- elan, which might lead to the over- throw of faith. 10. If any Iran -If the Christian who 114 ignorant, or the heathen trek - leg light. Sat thee In the idol's temple -Soule went s0 far an not only to eat, but to aft in the precincts of the heathen temple. Phe apostle, be- ing concerned now only with the point of eating, done not rebuke this practice here, but he does NO fully in chap. x. 14r22.Wlllllcott. Be embold- ened -Be built up; bo confirmed 1n tho belief that an Wel le something, and so be led to violate Ids concelen:e and become established hi error. 11. For whom Christ Bled -A pathe- tic and forcible argument, drawn front the depths of Christian truth and feclhtg. Will you not suffer a privation In behalf of the eoul for whom Chriet diel ? 12. Ye sin against Christ-"Ily In- juring Hie children, whose wrong He feels as His own ; by Injuring I -Ila cause, and destroying the work He has come to do, and by lttisrepreaeet- Ing 111s spirit." IV. The question settled by love (v. 13). 13 -Wherefore -Tile is the conclusion of the whole natter. To offend --Cause hint to stumble and to fall into sin. Wll1 cat no flesh -In or- der to Insure my avoiding flesh of- fered to idols I would abstain from all kinds of flesh in order not 10 be a stumblingblock. Teachings.-Knowlalge and love should go toglether, We should be careful tthoitt trying to persuade the man with a weak conseteoco The Reason of It. leo many of oar rondere are inter- ested In farming matters that we feel le/stifled In occasionally devot- ing a little s^,,aco to the, question of farm Implements. As Is welt known, the crepe in most parte of Canada Met harvest were very heavy; t'apeelally was this eo in the Canadian Northwest. We are not n.hlo to foretell what the next crop will bo like. Conecquently it Is dosirablo to bo prepared for emer- gencies. Wo learn on goal authority that the binder which eetabliehed the best record in Canada last year teas the bf assoy -hoer Is. And the roneon that It did so mag- nificently in the heavy grain was that It le equipped with a floating upper elevator. Should a big bunch of grain bo carried by the conveyor canons to the elevators, the upper elevator automatically rises to ad- mit of it passing up freely. There te, therefore, no choking or stop- ping. This Is a splendid device, specially Introduced by the Massey -Barris people, tvito are to be congratulated on rho progressive methods they em- ploy in tho manufaeturo of farming implements. They aro a Canadlan concern, too. which make* us the more proud of their success. to disregard his coneelence. We may reek to enlighten and oontince with the truth', but we should not condemn or denounce. Temperance tnstructlon.-Our les - eon pointe out five principles, which should guide the Cltrletton "1. Knowledge. We know that wine drinking is an evil and that we should avoid tt. 2. Charity. Timone who ants from love le surer than the one who mete from more knowl- edge. Love for God, eureelves and others will lead ire to abstain from all intoxicating l'Iqucrs. 5. Loyalty. Every Chris'tlan Is a servant - n follower of Jesus Christ. Which will please Christ mod(, drinking or ab staining? 4. Liberty. Sotne tell ur that he who cannot use liquor as ho may desire le not a free man, but is under bondage. Ile wit could follow Christ must deny him- self. PRACTICAL ICAL SURVEY. The question dircusded In thlo los. ' eon is whether It was right for Christians to partake of meat of - We make Granby Rubbers and Overshoes out of pure new rubber. Can as much be said of any other make? Granby Robbers cost the maker more, but they cost the wearer les., for one pair does the work of two pairs of ordinary rubbers. "Granby Rubbers wear lithe iron." NO LONGER TO BE DREADED Gravel Permanently Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills Reuben Draper, of !trawl, Givess His Experience, and Ie Prepared to Furnish Proof of what he Says. Bristol, Que., Jan. L' 6.-(Slpeclal).- It le with feelings of intense relief that people Isere now admit that the operating knife is no longer neces- sory' to euro that otwo dreaded dle- oase-Gravel. Experience has shown It to bo ono of tito numerous family of ailments arising from diseseed Kidneys, and as such easily curable by tboso sovereign Kkhte,y remedies, Dodd's Kidney Pille. Reuben Draper, well-known in this neighborhood, Is Ono of those who can epoale from ex- perience. Ile says; "I wax taken 111 with what I thought was gravel. I consulted two tioctore, but got no lasting roller, and 1 con- tinued to grow weaker all the time. Then a man udvisai nay to try Dodd's Kidney 1'llie, for, ho said, they had cured his mother, so I thought I would try them. "Just ono week after starting to ueo Dodder Kidney Pills I passed to stone as largo tte a email bean, and 4 clays after 1 passed another about tito also of a. grain of barley. Ttiie gave me grime relief and I began to feel better and gain strength. I leave the stones in a bottle and can shote them to any otto who may doubt what I say. "That happened four years ago and I itavo had no return of the trouble since." fered In saortflcn to idols. The city of Corinth had to mixed population of heathen and Christian people. The idol worshippers dedicated every meal by presenting some por- tlou of It to tho family god. It was also customary to otter sacrifices lu some public temple on the 0C- easlott of to birth or marriage, and after tire lege of the victim, en- closod In tat, and the entrails had been consumed on the altar, the worshipper received the remainder and made a fetet for his friends or exposed it for sale In the mar- kets, the same as other meats. Ono of their arguments was that Gal was ono and that an Idol was nothing, and that every person ought to know tile, and there- fore no harm could conte to a flit -lethal la partaklatg of these thinge. In t.ubctance the apostle answers: Suppose yon musette all the knowledge attainable con- cerning the nature of Welts and idol worship,. yet such knowledge is not a sate guide for your conduct and attitude toward these who differ with you. Tho other position in favor of us- ing the meat alluded to In terse eight le that It mado no difference before Gal whether ono ate or did not eat, ho (vas no better in either case, "for tiro Kingdom of, God to not meat anti drink!' Time tiro groat principle or htw of love le set teeth as paramount and to act without duo charity, even in things) Indifferent, toward a weak brother, le a. sin against Christ and entails guilt Myon him that commits it; In view of which the upeetlo de- clares, "If meat makoth my brother to offend, I will eat no Mali while tho world etandetlt." This principle practieol morn gen- erally by the professed church would produce great changes) in settling many lobated q;neetIone that agitate society to -day. For example, In this age of enlightenment, one cannot be Indifferent to the woes and waste of tho drink habit, if deo consldera- tlen is given to the ravages of its awltl work. Its influence on mor- ality has been strikingly set forth, after careful Investigation, ea fol- lows; Fret generation -Moral depra- vity, alcholic excess. Second gener- tion-Drink monia, atttcica of Insan- ity. general Insanity, paralysis. Third generation-ltslx:choniiria, me- lancholy, apathy and tendency to teenier. Fourth generation-Imbe- cillty, idiocy and extinction of tho race. The licensed enloon with Its fruit- age of pauperism, crime, wrecked homes, blaster] !lyre and ruined men, exlete by the consent of those profeeeing to be governed by Chris- tian motl•ee and principles, In the proportion of about fourteen to one tis compare) twain the number of our churches. The United atatee con- sume twenty -fire gallons of alcoholic drink, 0nnu'tlly, for every man, wo- man, and child. mxoee.c.mccocccascc©cceac SPIDERS ARE REAL SCIENTISTS. g al CaOCCC^CCoa aCtIOCMCCCCCCCa tillost of us, like little Miss Mufflt, rripuvl the spider as a very terrify- ieg ereeture, renterselcse and cruel. Uf the spider UN the victim of cruelty tic iu;uty nothing. But Dr. Delling- er, ,+t the London Institution re- cently, had stories to tell of en- emies of the spider which treat It with a cruelty which in man we . houlr1 c'+11 paaltively demonicni. Tho u Tsps owl the Ichneumons are the utlty rvretehet. Oar l')ngRsh "nuts - en weep makes to, roue tube In which to my its egg; and despoils the webs of many spiders for the lining of the nest. But the lart'a or grub which comes out of the eery rev le living fool It,. is It revenges. fle'+e-er'l"r vote -rat, ^111'o It • nt 11.'"„ en tom e0+'19a spider, tar with scientific precislou stings it in a particuitu' ganglion of the thor- at, which deprh•eo it of the power of motion. The poor spider Is still alive, and will live for weeks after being stung, but is it helpless paraly- tic. in ails condition the wasp tum- bles spider after spider Into the dried thud tube which is the nest of the maggot, tt hfeh crawls over them nod greedily devours their living flesh. The spider Is In absolute terror of the wasp. Even the great big tar- antula of Brazil shudders when it hours the loud loon of a wasp there, which glues all egg on its back which will by and by become a maggot that will eat It up from Inside. "Is maitre creel?" Br. Dellinger was lad to oak, and he answered him- self by agreeing with Huxley that Nature is not humoral, but unmoral. title does not teach morality because It Is no punt of her work. The spider, no Dr. Bellinger showed by some striking colored Matures on the screen, le just as much a beau and a dandy as the finest peacock or the brlglitest bird of plumage In the Tropics. Itis beautiful jewel-like spots and metallic lustre and lace like fringe of while we do not notice, because Ile Is NO small, but he takes care to parade them before the lady of his choice with ae retch swaying and bowing and peeing and attitu- dinizing' as the greatest fop of the ballroom. He even kneels to ltle lady love. But courtship in the spider world has often a tragic ending. The lady spider Is much bigger than her spouse ; to hint she is a giant, and site uses her giant's strength to such purpose that her embraces prove Im- mediately fatal. She does not eat him, but embalms him and (lenge him up its an ornament of the home -a sort of portrait and Houvenl' of the dear departed! She is a good and most industrl- ous mother, leys her cage In a co- coon, encloseii Ina vane of wonder- ful strength and beauty, which she hangs among flowers end growing plants by silken curls. Some- times she encloses her co- coon In to cage of sill: net work, and elle by it watching without rest till the little ones come out, to ward of( the attacks of the Ichneumon fly, which would gob- ble them up. When the little splderlinge come out of tho cocoon, perhaps five huu- tiredor a thousand fluffy little things out of a single nest, they speedily spin silken Ihlee here and there to torte a playground whore they can run out and take exereiee, and then they begin to spin webs of wonder- ful geometrical pattern that their parent made before they were born. At first they don't succeed and matte WOW very funny &tapes, but after five or six days the,v learn to do the web as well as their mother. However, there are en many of them-eometimes millions In n. reel• email space -that they have to seek to spread themselves over the face of the earth. And so they do what man is only just beginning to think of-mako thennel'ee balloone, be- ha11e0 they have no wings. One of these linin cplcterlinge watts for a warm and gentle breeze, and then spine a few threads of gossamer, which dtrettut out Into the wend. When these catch wind enough to lift tlto spklerling, it att+u'hee a thread to the twig on welch It eta tido, and lets go, flying up Into the air• like a kite. Up and up It gore, letting out afore and more Oland, till 1t Is high enough, and then it cute Itself loose and goes Miss Alice Bailey, of Atlanta, Oa., tells how she was permanently cured of inflamma- tion of the ovaries, escaped sur- geon's knife, by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " I had surered for three years with terrible pain; at ter time Of men- ntruatiou, and did not l.now what Il,o trou'.1e was until the doctor pro- neuneed it i;blltlmmation of the ovaries, end proposed an operation. "I felt so weak and sick that I felt sure that I could not survive the or- deal. The following wee'.: I read an 'idvertisemert in tint paper of Lydia P. I'inkham's Vegetable Com- pound is tsuclt en emergency, and to L decided to try it. Great was my joy to find that I actually improved after toeing two bottles, and in the earl 1 was cured by It. I had gained cigbteen p9ttnds and was in e.:,v ➢^ub h eeltll." -MISS antes B.tu.rv, 60 North Itoulc• card, n Ce.- fsaoa f d a5cuo deter prau+y tecai.ncnosa cun.rct td pn• Qaced. The sympton sef Inflammation and distasts of tl:e OVirefev are t dull throb'r'+r,f lead., :weenie ponied by le emu of terderness and lima low thorn In the stole, with occasional ;shooting pains. Tito rcrdc'.t ei 5.0111 as:.ictintcs 61:07:.1; ;: r.;l.. .... floating away over hill and wallea and field and stream. When It sons a sntltablo place for descending ft cute off rte gossamer streamers just as a balloonist lets out gas, and finally descends gently to earth with Duly ono or two threads left of parachute. The balloon le not the only sclan- tiflc wonder the spider has invented; It haw also a telegraph, a tong One stretching from the centre of Its web right to Its neet, by which 18 le arousal by the vibration the mo- ment a fly gete into the web. And whop it catches more Glee than It can es.t at once, It packs them tip In airtight nems of spun web, and places them in tho larder like stores of canned food. How tate solder carries home glo- bule)) of dew for drink, and how It makes traps of wob which It clan drew tight when the fly gete In, wore among the many other mar- vels told by Dr. ballingor to an In- terested and delighted audience. - London News. ONE-WAY RATES Every tray from February 15 to April 30, 1903, the Union Pruritic will soil Oncway Colonist Tickets at the following rates from Missouri River : $:;0.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake City. 8_0.00 to Butte, Anaconda and Helena,. $22.50 to Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash. •$21.00 to Everett, Fairhaven and New 'Wltateom, via IIunlington and Spokane, $3n.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle, $25.00 to Ashland, Roseburg, las- agne, o-agne, Albany and tlalunt, via Port. lane, 825.00 to San Francisco, Los Au, gelcs and many other California points. Prom Chicago and St. Louis pro. pottionately low rates tore In effect by linos connecting with the Uuton Pulite to all above points. For full Information call on or address II. F. CARTER, T. P. A., 14 Janos Building, Toronto, Canada. F. B. CHOATE, G. A., 128 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. Liberty. What man Is there so bold that he should say, "Thus, and thus only would I havo the sea?" For whether Tying calm and beau- tiful, Clasping the earth In love and throwing back The smile of heaven from waves of amethyst ; Or whether, freshened by the busy, winds, It beat's the trade and navies of the world To ends of ase or stern activity; Or whether, lashed by tempests, 1t gives way To eternal fury, howls and roars At all its rock barriers, la twill lust Of ruin drinks the blood of living things, And strews its wrecks o'er leagues of desolate shore; Always It is the sea, and all bow dowry Before Its vast and varied majesty. So' all in vain will timorous men es - snail To set the metes and bounds of Lib- erty. For freedom 'Is its own eternal law, It snakes Its own conditions, and lu storm Or calm alike fulfills the unerring will, Let um not thou despise It when It Iles 51111 as a sleeping lion, while a swarm Of gust -like evils hover round Its head; Nor doubt It when in mad, disjointed times It shakes to torch of terror, and its cry, Shrille o'er the quaking earth, and in the name Of riot and war we see Its awful form Rise by the scaffold, where the crim- son axe Rings down jts grooves the knell of shuddering Kings. For always In thine eyes, Oh Lib- erty' I Shines that high light whereby the world 1'e saved. And thought thou slay us, we will trust in thee! -John flay). .last Arrived From the Island. A native of Prince Edward Ieland had gone forth to see the world. When he trached Boston he engaged a room at a modest hotel, intonding to retrain there while he hunted for work. "\VIII you register "" asked the clerk, handing hint a pen. "Ii, gi eter 2" snit the traveller. "What's that 2" "Write tour name." ''IVheft fol• "11'e tar rr?" ttire•i to keep a record of all )1 gcrsta." 'Pier mute wt'ctte itis name and was ;,lout to lay down the pen when tho clerk utdde.l; \ow th., p:atc, 1f you please h' R hot plan: T "The place you emote from. Where s11,t you Ivo') "I live net the Menet" "W,11, ut what island R" oto el' man looked at him In emaztnaett .Tian he Bald, with an mete:ea.) that. heft INF vlrntht of his fed1111- , "l'e'ase le el Island, man. Whitt oilier id:'It1 is there ?a. V'vu;h`s terrier I erre.