The Blyth Standard, 1903-02-12, Page 6HOW MEN MAY WALK WELL There lean Art In the Exercise That Should Not be Overlooked. Tiee9 euggeetione for the. benefit Of petleatriaas are made by a writer on hygienic matters: Not every mon t/at be a great walker, but every Dormal man can bo a good walker. There Is no better exercise. Even slouchy walking is good, but IL is easy to drop tho slouch part and 'slake tho every day walking one of the beet of health 11c Ipers. Every nor - real man does miles of walking each day, regardless of cars' and carriages. Let him mako his walking a little store careful, a little more thought- ful. No need to take an extra step unless the delight of It inspires the effort. Walk with the heltd tit, chin down, s'Jouldcrs back, abdominal muscles tense and ending each step with a too tip. 'Too out" slightly, bend knees without a wobbly motion and avoid pouuthtg the pavement with heels. Carry head end shoulders steady Without any Aldo swaying. If unused to suds effort it will require much thought at first to keep from lapsing into careless ways. Alter a few trials the ease, comfort itud Inspiration of snob a walk will encourage persist. once. Breathe deeply, slowly, and through the nose. llatk when you can, bearing in mind that perhaps "be who rides in a carriage rides to- ward his gray." Po not Kit hunched up at a desk or it tahl0. Ilold the upper body as in walking, Bend at the hips and at the neck w1) m neces- sary, but never hump the back and Shoulders. Give the lunge room, keep theta filled with new air and do not let the backboue curve either to the right or to the left. Sleeping on the right tilde is be.'t. On the back is the snoring position. Tnko plenty of ideep; to rest In bed Is this best of nerve tonics. Worries aro e'ep starers. Minard'e Liniment Cures Colds. etc. Just As Had. Blto—Do you believe nutomobileo aro as dangerous au they aro said to bo? So --Oh, surd! :\ fellow can get en- gaged In one of them as easily as he used to lu the old-fashioned bug- glal—Puck. Minard's Liniment Cures Diph- theria. Slight Hescrnblanee. Tom—Have a smoke, old man ? Jack—Thanks. Don't caro 1f I llo. 'Boni—You'll find that Is something Like a cigar. Jack (atter a few puffs) — By George, there is a slight resemblance! What is it? $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of t paper will he Weaned to learn that there is at Isn't enc d rrn,le,l di:ea se that xdeuee 1),m hrwr uLle to ctn.,: n, all he stages end that Is ,marsh. 11,)Fs C,,,nrrb Cure Is the only rotative cure now known to the mei teal fraternity. Catarrh, being a con- stitutional ilio t s,•, requires uconstitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure In taken In- ternally, acting directly upon the blond and mucous cnrfacrs of the sysnnn, thereby dee- troy.Ing the foundation of the disease, and siring the patient strength by building up e constitution and neotstingnature in doing Its work. The proprietors haves, mach faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Huudred Dollars for any ease that it galls to cure Rend for iiot of t otlm,uhtis. Address F J. ell l 1115 & CO., Toledo, 0. Bold by druggists. Toe. • Hall's Family Pills are the best. Tho unwise man tnike without thinking; the wino mall thinks when talking and the wiser men thinks and is ellent. I was Cured of lame back, after lntfering 15 years, by MINARD'S LINIMENT. fl;wo Rivers, N. F. ROBERT ROSS. I was: Ccret of Dfphtierin, atter doctors Inllotl, by MiNARD'S LINI- MENfI. Anttgollsh. JOHN A. FOREY. I was curet of clearnetlon of mus - eke by MINA1,D',e LiNIMENT. URA. RACHEL SAUNDEItS. , Dalboutle. Pointed Paragraphs. A stout calf maketh a full )toc•king. The matt who has but ono suit of clothes has no redress. The atmosphere of eoelety Is apt to make a green man turn rid. There is plenty of room at the top of the greased pole of sueeess. When a man's temper gets tha hest of him It shows him itt his worst. Many a fool man mets R eltadow On his lino by standing in his own 11ght. A man usually makes a lot of new Snacks Ln attempting to cover his old ones. When they overtake a horse thief 1n Arizona they call a halt, then mai for a halter. If peop"e, were compelled to follow• the advice they give there would i soon bo an advice famine. Would bike to Experiment, Brooklyn Eagle. NI read the other day," he Bald, "of ,1O& fellow who hypnotized a girl and .Met hinged her." "You're not a hypnotist, ore you ;tieorgo?" elm asked. , "No," he replied. "Why Y" ' "Because," die returned, wistfully, t1 Delleys I'd be a splendid eubjeot." ASSESSMENT SYSTEM "HEAVEN BLESS THE MAPLE LEA b' EOIfEVI• 11." Canadians are pnt.rIotb+. Canadians rue,., u n, ge Canadian enter. prise. This In fully exemplified by the wonderful growth of TheCANAOIAN ORDER OF CHOSEN FRIENDS Just loo!: it this recur,', It in hard to bent: len? 1887 1888 18811 1890 1591 1892 189;1 1894 18115 18110 1897 1808 1899 1009 1901 :So, of members 175 ;147 1,852 1,8116 2,1in 0,1132 7,81(5 9,71)) 11,164 12,603 15,007 181,450 18,21)1 20,1117 22,574 There are 400 Councils of the Order in Can- ada, thee the a\',a•age i, over 511 members to each Council. These memhcrn nro paying 1.175,000 nn - moldy to 110• widows end urplutns of de- ee,srd Canadlms. Just notice the emelt amount neeesanry from each member to meet the death rites and also set asid,. it Llai• tar extgendee— Amount Monthly At ut luxus- Monthly As,....,... Age once. noes meals 10 $Lean 70.21 70,58 21, 1,1)15) ,111) '2 1,000_ ,,1'i 21 1,01)1) _ ,(15 2n 3,000 ,n0 "s 1.000 ,(11,4 10 1,000 u .70 Join now. For tualer Information Nulty to the nearest Connell or 10 V. 0 Re- corder, I'tanttiten, 0Montagu. or t , tr o Il.tCamp- beil, (:rand Organizer, 1LunlRun, On), Organizers Wanted: liberal 1 ernes. Henpecked. Poor old Lehman—the fellow evert talks as his wife dictates. Minardl's Liniment cures Distem- per. WHERE OLMF CAME FROM. Dlystcry Surrounds the Original Hc - sop Holies 0, 111nny Precious stones The natives of India. up to the be- ginning up to tl c be- ginning or the eighteenth century, referred to reek crystal as "an un- ripe diamond." At that time Indht wan thou ht to la the only land which prolm•td that procious stone. It was not, therefore, until the sirs- coleys' idcotery of India that the diamond was known to us. Yet as far back as 50J D. C. to 'setactie. history" of precious done:4 wile written, and In 1'iny's time the supply must have leen Ornate:. as 1)0 wrote, "We drink out of a cross of genie, and our drinking reasele arc formed of em- eralds." We are also toll that Nero aided Itis weak sight by spectacles made of enterable. nut It Is very difficult to deter- mine whence all the gems came, as tllecoverers took cora, to leave no lowed. The nations who traded in them were afraid of their where- abouts t-ing known, and even the vuoet out'l'et merc'hants tvoul'.l not disclose any definite locale. All Sorts of myths hate accordingly sprung up concerning the origin of gems. " Dia u1rond was the name given to 0 youth who was turned into tha Imrd- ust anal most brilliant of substances to preserve him from "the ills that fleet, 1:, heir' to." Amethyst was to baautlful nymph beloved by Bac- chus, but Navel from him by Diann, who ch'nngel Amethyst into a gem, 1-v191t i pia Ibtechae turned the. gets Into wine color and endowed the wearer with the gift of preservation from intoxication. The pearl was thought to ise a dew drop the shell had opened to receive. Amber was 0)11 to lie homey melted by the roue dropped into the mea and conzoaltd. Aeeolvling to the Talmud, Noti5 had no tight in the ark but that whirl camp from precious stones. No Leek of Parsons. A Scotch divine took one of his par- ishioners to task for his non -attend - onto at kirk; the man said; "1 dimer like Lang sermons," The parson, with some wrath, replied; "John, yell dee, and go to a place where yell not have the privilege of bearing ioig or short sermons." "That may be" gold 201m, "bot it winna by for lack of parsona"—San Frattcisco Argumtatt, AIIIMIIMMassimgmegiam Cure Your Cold with the old standard reme- dy that has stood the test of lo years experience and is more popular to -day than ever before. is carefully prepared from Red Spruce Gum, retaining, all its healing, so,xthing pro- perties. It is pleasant to take and is always effectual. as cents. At all Druggists. EXTRAVAGANCE GROWS. America Has Not Yet Developed the " reelect Spendthrift." Yet, ueeronulnic:tl tad extravagant Uri We are, wit have not yet developed tho "perfect speudtu•t11' ats ho Is to bo found on the 011100. slit, u1 the At - tan Ile, It seems at times lie fl' he uttlet be a prodoet of nil alder, 11 mere "ef- fete' civilization. Tao Winn, either young or old, who runs througlt a largo fortune quickly is a rarity with us. lligh as aur standard of living, and of the ordinary expense of living is, our standard ui what might bo culled profligate ethvi0agauce is by n0 Iuculls HO high. Of course pretty largo 011 IBS are wasted In various forms of dlssipation, hero a8 else- where. But that is not the point. To take the eingle Item of gambling, how often do we Lear of it man's belug ruined by it here? No doubt we hear stories of treestulttous sumo lost and w•on ; but sucli 8u11)8 do not meow either "to make or to break" any- body. For men whose incomes urn reckoned by the Hundreds of thou- sands ur minions to play hundred - dollar poker io no great recklessness. But host of ti 0 do wa Sec young men, of the small -salaried sort, punting a thousand or two thousand dollars at 10 time at baccarat, ma you can any Lilly in 1'r.tuet' 7 IVe 11110(1 nut the in- :thn't to 8)00 11,11,1 scrape for eleven months lit the you', and then shell out all Our Hatlgo In tt fortnight. I (111111 met lin Prance a young man of old proviueLll family, Lugltlmst to the bnckl niv, proud, and Very Imus ; Ila was /4 1)011 twenty-one, modest. thoroughly "correct;' ns good,Inno- ctent to young fellow its one would acro to meet ; ihr sort of young man Who seems to have been overlooked and lift out iu the cold by French fiction, though by no n1eane 10 great rarity fu l'rcmh revel life. I happened to axil film min day If ho ever played aode. Ile said no, lie did not care for that sort of War, ,n„1 le-sld•s, lits uma.ns Wen 111 not permit It. "I never go Otto It mutat.i,:�,-.r,L.ua,' said he, "a7 into the card -room of a club; some tlants 1 nu1y join In a 1111' game of poker among friends, just to 41a50 the (lee, loll Oil1y a very small game, never wore than alols Itei lit" .A louts Built 1 wonder what. club- man, out of the n1 111lo11110 ,hiss, In New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or any of our large rnxtern eitirs would call four -dollar poker a "very small" game !—Front "Ties Point of View," In the February Seribnr.r's. 3ltnard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. Concerning (Japitl. "I suppose black and red and yel- low people know what love Is, us well us we 1" "0, yes; love is color blind]" Sick Stomach is working -- Sick Owner is idle ',you will rive your digestion • rest, it will get along. You can d• this by means of DR. VON STAN'S PINEAPPLE TABLETS which digest your food and rest your stomach. You want relief and cure. Pineapple relieves at once and cures quickly. No stomach can be cured except it can rest while diges. tion goes on safely. The patient eats heartily while taking his cure. ' It strengthens the weakest stomach. Pineapple is nature's simplest and quickest cure—Price, 35c. In five minutes after using Dr. Agnew s Catarrhal Powder the healing has begun, and it continues till the work is quickly complete. New health, comfort in breathing, new vigor, and removal of danger of consumption or pulmonary trouble. d Poor Old Dad. Yo kin cca'eo pick up a paper An' its "poets' corner' greet, 'Copt yell see er plrty poem 'Bout the mother, saintly sweet; But t'e'll hnvu a time a-sru'chln'•.. Eyesr wilt be er-achln' bad Ere yc'11 overtake er poem At this time for pore ole dad! No. It tan't willful In 'em— Them that write of mother (Isar— That (bar's nefcr notice taken Of her ole man settle' near ; No, its never meant to slight him. but hit looks a little sad— AlI the bouquets made for mother, Not a bloom tor poor old dad! Tree, our mother watched above us, Till her dear old eyes wad ache, But ofI tied, he humped to feed no, Till his back soul nonrly break. Mayor crooned above, tate oradil, unv0 devotion toll she bad; Stili, that iv wet any eInc4s Al this time for porn We dad 't Do riot take one line from mother When ye write the soul -sweet song, Rut If time's n word for father Now rind then it won't be wrong. Pore 0'0 sole' IA''s hent awl wrin- klxi, ,An' 1 know 'twodl,' m kr him gtttd It. whl'e .von Ire oral I.1)' mother, aomrtlllr' u' 1 for nitro 0'd 1'd' Common soaps destroy the clothes and render the hands liable to eczema. REDUCES EXPENSE Ask far Ike Ganges Sar HI A Compliment, Detroit Erre Press. "Does she favor bee father or her mother 7" "Well, 1 should say mho sort 0' oompliments Both o' them." New York and Boston Via New Yolk Central. The numerous teems, the exeetlent service, the uniformity of Ite trains', its four tracks, and the location of its tippets in Boston and New fork, make the New York Central the fav- orite line to those pointe. Ary ticket agent will confirm the above. Precocious Youth, 'Montreallferatd. Walt er (aged al—Papa, when I grow up may I get married ? Papa—ply son, I regret to we you nntielpatlit trouble 00 early in life. Set (lent' Low Rates West, Via Chicago and Northwestern 11y., every they from February 10th to April 'flOth. Colonist one way sec• and -elves tickets at extremely low rates from stations In Oularlo and Quebec, to )tents In Colorado, Utah, Montana. Nevada. birth'-. Oregon, Washington rind California: also to Victoria, Vancouver, New Westmin- ster, Nelson, Rooshuul, lett. 1.1111 particulars, rates and fez dr 1'm nen bo obtalnc 1 from It 11 Bennett, General Agent, 1, st Klug street, Toronto, street, Ottt. FRIGHTENED BY A SNAKE. East India Newspaper Relates a Harrowing Tale of Wor. 3n tho latest copy to hand of an Indian contemporary le au interest - Ing example of Balm loquacity It takes tho familiar form of a "Letter to the Eliter," and rune art follows; "llonorodl Sir; 1 should like to bring to notice of the public, through widely scattered co:unan of your valuable journal, a peradventure that overlook my persouaiit,v while tak- ing; nocturnal perambulations on West dont road, in order to caution !Show citizens against simultaneous dktugcrs. Whilst wending my way along said thoroughfare On the evening of the 22nd innta nt, and pursuing a. e0ilrme as crow flies to- ward my humble abode, I wits mud- denly end instantaneously confront- ed with mo11strOue hlssiag and mlie 11 confounded row in Immellato vicin- ity. 1 first remained notto voce, and thou On applying close scrutiny of my double optics lo spot whence proceeded above said disturbance, I was mucic horrified and temlorau- couely paralyzed to lo and behold a. mighty enormous reptile or cobra do capello making frontal attack. "D1y pedal appendages being only clothed In wooden sandals, I there- upon Immodintely took to nether limbo and beat 'hasty retreat (as stated in war telegrams), or, In other words, made rapid retrograde move- ment by Locomotion of lower shanks though personally much courageous. 1 would Ilko to indignantly question, What aro our newly elected city fa - there cogitating that they should not tako commensurate steps to rele- gate such carnivorous animals to limbo of oblivion and Insure safety of pedestrians and footpads? Please answer mo this Inscrutable question, famous sir. Praying for your wel- fare, and increase of filial bonds, I am, moat obelilent sir, your ever - obedient servant, "Intim Chowdnrl Bhosc. "N. I1.—If this epistle 1s consign- ed to wnsto paper basket and no notice taken of fay above humble complaint, I shall memoriato In other tapers." Whet washing Many dishes r r pots and pans, Lever's Pry Soap (a powder) will remove the grease with tho greatest use. ae London Pollee Methods. This is the modus Operandi of Lon- don's pollee: Two citizens engage In a, street fight ; crowd gathers to see the mill ; four "bobbles'appear, working thele' way through the press with a "by pour leave" or "kindly let me pass ";they have neitherbll- lies nor guns. Two seize, each com- batant, lending him aside with no rough hands and arguing thus In chiding tones: "Aren't ye 'shamed o' ye'eelf? What's the good o' figitt- tn' ? Ltave scraps to dogs. Now, run along and behave ye'telf. There's a good chap." These words are accom- panied by to pat 051 the shedder and a gentle shove away from the scene of conflict. Rarely is there an lar - rest. A brutal clubbing Is unknown. The London police aro peacemakers. -_ ISSUE NO. 7, 1903. Dim w9oslnw's seething Syrup .1)0,11,1 elweys he used for 1 hOdren 'Teething. It. hooting, the eland. sot! ,11,1 begYumm eared wild L colic and ns the 11e-1. mutely for Dlarrtaeo, TEN COURSES thoroughly taught. Expert. Instructors. Indi- vidual uttenliun. Send for handsaw, 1,nn- h,gnefor (particulars. Correspondence Depart- ment CENTRAL MUSINESS COLLEGE, Toronto Can. )4 Y01)1 TIM hs t"ITLLY OCCUPIED T1110 1 1110'1'1..11'1 1t not, w1' are open for nn honest anti euergeth' men td reorrnvll ns, nail ran 01x,'1 sun In,tproltlnhlrl w1m..c. V1'rllnl'uri nli L:iuppl,y C,.,l'arkd;dr,'l'"run PA Int 14011 SALE A1,Alttl()1 1 17 A(1 4 -1 IMI IMOVE), —10 arms of gr)w Ing timber ntenetarr bnlidings, 1vr1) travel:,', tmnrnbnt tusch"r'. tool churches; Iva miles to station: lowd.rhe- t'nm$ lerornbh•,- Angus 0. Aluetny, 1'o, Muton, Mich. GI 1 al 111ICE01.EI) CLEa114 9250. STA PT k,11, Iing intent lou; great,st sci,•1,111,,,ii covers; develops hent, Iieht. and motor t•an , the etm day or night whine, t lire, Yuri or r,. 111411411; In octunl operntlun; hundreds et 1' to.• encen. Solar l'gruaee Co, Pouter, ('odor,,'.' BUTTER, NEW LAIC EGOS AND POULTRY WANTED e'ons!gnntents of Batter, Poultry and nr.0 laid Eggs xnllcited. )'rlees Iirr1 for ceolcolee liars, ('lulit'o x'uutng Uldrlu•ns.dry plelouLelea, arlllni+ 1)0 In Bur fpr pall'. 11111 pqq :0' Orr lb. for BEESWAX, delivered luroe...,. Corresrondoeve eoileitcd. .1111IN J. FEE, 112 brunt 0t, East, Tora,,t., VICTORIA PROTECTOR 9,h,onlvhyghnfrNa- cWtting, no ladled lines • ne troublei n pleasures" wear It. indorsed 1; thousands of Indira nn'1 )0)y/deli/mi. A 0 EN WANTED. Rnnlldo Inti terms 71,00; 7.,09 it doze)). Catalogue other agent's goo'.., lrEEN. C. W. CANFIELu & CO., flax 301. Dept. 11., London, Ont. 20 MILLION BOTTLES SOLD EVERY YEAR. TRADE MARK. • Happiacrs lc the oh were of rain, and mil- lions have Len male happy through being cured by ST JA, OE: Ott of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, I-IEAD- ACHE, LAMENESS, SCALDS, BURNS, SPRAINS, PR 01.003 m,d all rains for which an external remedy can be applied. It never falls to Otte, Thousands who have beende- eared Incurable at baths and In hospitals have thrown awaytheir crutches, being cured atter using S7. J,tcoss Ott. Directions In eleven languages accompany every bottle. CONQUERS PAIN ►ate•«...e«..••..a......•..e«10e Morse Health is one of the most important things for every farmer to consider. Dick's Blood Purifier will build up a run down horse. It tones up the system, rids stomach of bots, worms and other parasites which under- mine an animal's health. yo cts. a package. LEEMING MILES & CO. AGENTS. • • MONTREAL The bp -to -date Tromp. Chicago Post. Lady of tho Mount,—See here, 'want you to quit ringing thls bell. Don't you darn to come here again. Tramp fa joker)—Very well, madam, as long nap you insist, I'll have my valet ores, your name from my vie- iting Bet. Piles To roc:, 1'o Tau Mob Dr. Chase's Ointment 1s a certain and absolute cure for sash and every forty of IMMIX bleeding end protruding pile,, tho manntactaroln have guaranteed it. Sec tee- it:umials In the dally preps end ask your neigh- bors what they think orit, You can urea and get your money bock it not cured, Wen box, at all dealers or Enua usos,BA'rrs & Co.,Toronin, Or. Chasol's Ointment Id (leo. Diooer, 1'uirbtelt, Minneso- ta, writes: 'MN,. Sophie etellma- cher had an op.rn wound on her foot, trona which She tnrfercl almost 17 years. Thanks to the continued new or Dr. August Koenig';, Hamburg Drops she has now completely re covered and hegs to expr to to you her !wailful) tisane: fa• It." The Tyrant Man Analyzed. Amnrbeua, Oa,, flee, nice. Whet le man? Min that Is born Of woman Is smell cabbage rami few 11 a patch. In Infancy he Is full of colto, paregoric and catnip tea, and in old ngo he Is tall of 01000 words and rheu- matistn.