HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-02-12, Page 5Stook -Taking Is Over .. We quote you as below : LO Ings McDonald 5c Chewing for 25o. 21 ,glass care Upton's Jam for 15c. 1 90o tin of Heintz Pork and Bean,,10c. 910o glass jars of Honey for 15c. 1200 tin Fresh Scallops for 100. 1 i/e tin Fresh Mackerel for 10e, These are snaps. Do you want them ? BLTTH% UP-TO-DATE STORE, T. W. SCOTT Fish for . Winter The best can be found at R. R. Douglas'. Just received from Lake Superior Trout and Herring Come along and get your winter. supply. Fine Fresh Oysters always on hand, Fruits, Confectionery, Bread Stuffs, and a NU line of Groceries of the best quality always in stock. Come along and prove for yourself. Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange. R. R. DOUGLAS ...BLYTH TOWN TOPICS. —Wes Edna Hamilton spent Monday with Clinton friends. —Mise Mary Mitchell, of Clinton, visited Blyth friends this week. —Mrs. James Slam and children are visiting with Brimfield friends. —Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Jerome are visiting with Ttilsonburg friends. —Mr. W. W. Taman, of Exeter, *pent Monday and Tuesday with Blyth Mende, —Miss Ella Graham, of Brimfield, was a guest at the home of Mr, James Sims last week. —Mesre. George Blatchford and D. D. Crittenden were Exeter visitors from Saturday until Monday. —Mr. George Denetedt and Mies May Dsnatedt, of Gorrie, were Blyth visitors for couple t,f days this week. —Messrs, John Denholm and Wm. Bell left on Thursday last with two car loads of horses for Manitoba. —The bylaw to take $25,000 of stock in the Huron, Bruce and Grey electric railway was defeated in Colborne town- ship by four votes. —Mr, James Stewart will leave on Saturday of this week for a three months' visit with friends at Toronto, London, Komoka and Detroit. —A unique program will be given at the mission tea to be held at the resi- dence of Mr. J. E. Coombs on Friday eyening of this week. The admission is 10 cents, —Mr. John Esteban, of Bruceield, sold a pair of two-year-old geldings last week to a gentleman from near Tavis- took,for which he received the hand- some price of 1800 —The Grand Trunk railway la offer- iig cheap fares to points in British ;-Columbia, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana Oregon, Utah and Washing- ton. Tickets can be secured any time between February lath and April 80th. —Tuesday last wits monthly fair day in Blyth. The day was a beautiful one and the attendance was very large. Tweet), horses were sold and the prices ranged from 1125 to 1200 each. The next ,fair will be held on Tuesday, Marsh Sod. —The I .Y.P,A. of Trinity church will hold their third social evening on Wednesday evening, February 18th. An excellent program is being prepared. There.will.aleo be a lecture on The Sights of 'Old Logdon." Everybody welcome. Admission, 10 cents. —Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson moved from Morrie to ,Blyth last week, and are now ogcupying their new home on Ring street, recently purchased from Dr, Jerome. Woe welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jackson to our village and trust they will long be spared to enjoy their residence eplonga5 us. Wheat Wanted. Highest Market Price Paid Blyth Flour Mills. C. H. BEESE. Barrister Jackson made a business trip to Seeforth on Tuesday, —Mies Mattis Watson is spending this week with London friends, —Miss Maggie Fawley, of Ethel, is the guest of Mr. James Stewart. --Mr. U, Cunningham, of Exeter, spent Sunday with friends in Blyth, —Mr. Joseph Irwin has returned from hie visit with friends at Brampton and vicinity. —Mrs, C. W. Vail and her mother, Mrs. Sterling are at present visiting in Strathroy and Sarnia, —TRE STANDARD goes into the homes and is read by the entire family. An adv. in its columns pays. —Mr. Hugh Somers left on Monday morning for Brantford, where lie has secured apottier' in a bakery. —Mr. E. T. Eseery, ex -mayor of London, will be one of the speakers at the 12th of July celebration in Blyell. —Mr, Frank Bennett left for Brant- ford last Thursday morning, where he has secured a good situatiou. All hie friends wish him success, —The annual meeting of the Black Knights of Ireland of Huron and Perth will be held in the Blyth Orange hall on Friday, February 20th, commencing at 11 a.m, —A union meeting of the Epworth League and Christian Endeavor socie- ties will be held in the Blyth Presby- terian church on Tuesday evening, February 17th. —The Bruce &aunty treasurer report- ed the receipts for 1902 to be 179,885.68, and the expenditures 172,815.22, leaving a balance of 17050.47. The sum of 125 wee granted to the East and West Bruce teachers' institutes. —An audit of the books of the town of Oakville, of which Mr. Thomas How- arth, who committed suicide, was treas- urer, shows that there was deposited in the bank of Andrew it Howarth $7888, and 1206 in the bank of Andersou Jt Son. —Mr. George Smith and bride, of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, ware visit- ing at the residence of Mr. S. Herring- ton last week. They are also accom- panied by Mr. Smith's father of that hlace. For the last six weeks they ave been visiting in Toronto, Arthur and Blyth, and intend visiting Simone, Niagara and Toronto before returning to their home in the wesi, —The twelfth annual convention of the Auburn Union Sabbath School association will be held in the Auburn Presbyterian church on Friday, Feb- ruary 20th, The following gentlemen will take part in the program:—Rev, Elmore Harris, of Toronto; Rev. 8. M. Whalley, of St. Helens; Mr. George Fothergill, of Marnoch; Rev. T. B. Coupland, of Auburn; Rev. J. Ed- monds, of Blyth; Rev. J. L. Small, of Auburn ; Rev. J, G. Burn, of Benmiller, and Rev. J, C. Dunlop, of Clinton. The program will commence at 10 a.m. and continue afternoon and evening, —10 speaking before a recent meeting of the Chicago National Housewives' emaciation, Rev, Jenkin Lloyd Jones said: "A girl who cannot make and bake bread, compounds pudding and wash and iron her own shirtwaist is a fraud upon young American woman- hood, and you mothers and housewives' are to blame for the common feeling of your daughters against kitchen service. This servant girl question is becoming more vital than trusts, tariff or any- thing else in the nation's category of unsettled things. It affecte the home and family, the most sacred institutions in the land, and has much to do with the unhappiness of the nation. The idea that kitchen work ie menial must be corrected and the lessons must begin at home—in every home." The speaker further expressed himself in favor of a large school of domestic science for girls to offset the manual training schools for boys. Rale Register. Wednesday, February 25th, Farm stock, implements and household furni- ture. Lot 42, oon. 18, Base line, Hui - lett: Ephraim Ball, proprietor, C, Hamilton, auctioneer. Wednesday, March 4th. Farm stock and implements. Eli lot 27, con, 12, Hullett, Sale without reserve. Pro- prietor has sold his farm and is retiring. Isaac Barr, proprietor. C. Hamiltou, auctioneer. WAkirED.—Girls to learn Millinery. Apply at the Great Cash Store.—D. M. MCBEATn, Blyth. 25d GIRLS WANTED.—Girls wanted at once to learn the tailoring business. Apply to S. H. GIULEY, Blyth, Ont. 27 CLEARING SALE.—Our sale continues till March 1st. Mrs. Weiler won last week's $5.00 Prize. tUEo. E.' Km, Wingham, 27tf LOCS'WANTED at Wingham. WE ARE PREPARED TO PAY FOR: First-class Maple loge $14 per If First-class Soft Elm logs $14 " First-class Rock Elm logs..,816 " First-class Basswood logs .,1t5 " First-class Beech logs 112 " All kinds and grades wanted. Call and get our prices. Silo Canada Faraitaro ilii'roll Limited OPERATING The Button k Fessant Chair Factory Wingham, Ont. THE OR /SOLE. STALIKIR.—In East Wawanoeh, on February 5th, the wife of Mr. Dixon Stalker, of a daughter. MOCA1,I,.-1n East Wawanoeh, nn Jan- uary 29th, the wife of Mr. Thomas McCall, of a daughter. THE TOME. CUNNINOHA6f,—In Morrie on February 6th, Matthew Cunningham, aged 80 years. BURNS.—in Blyth, on February 9th, Elizabeth Richardson, relict of the late Robert Burns, aged 79 years, 10 months and 10 days. Cedar Posts For Sale. The underelgaerl baa a large number of Mar poste which be will ae11 reg.00cble. They aro at W 1 it lot 86, eon. 4,East Waweaoeh. W.LTRn BDOTT, Belgrave P.O., Ont. gid Farm For Sale. gat The undersigned offers late farm, lot 87. eon 8, East Wawenuan, for gale. The farm ooutefoe 100 core., 90 gores cleared, balsams good hard- wood bush, 26 scree ploughed, 8 urea of fall wheat, 6 urea of orchard; good barn with stone stabling and cement floor, 66160; good .5021. hog pen with driving house over, 69:98; two good walla ; frame house, one and a half storeys 11151. with good atone ostler and Gement floor. The farm la well watered by a living spring Greek and is well adopted for stook pnrywroa. It is three miles from Blyth and half mils from It wheol. For full particulars apply 1., Gaoaos Qmwoe on the pending', or address Blyth P.O. Good Farms and Saw Mill For Sale. No 1—Wi Int 86, Don. 6, East Wewanosh, 001- talning 10) 10,11,60 acres ensued and in • good state of ouldvatlon, 2n acree partially cleared and 10 urea of timber land. The soil is a good loan, There le on the plane • good brink dwell. log harm. 20184, one and a half eturey., with timber ettaoher, woodshed 80180, and atone cellar under full Mee of house; good otetern; *Jot well and windmill convenient to home and out -buildings; frame baro 60165, with .tom stables underneath; two frame dwellings 18196, one and g halt storey.; a steam saw mill 80160, two Moron, with boiler, engine and all neon. may machinery for menufaotoring (amber, lath and shingles, all In gond order. No, 2-4 lot 64, eon. 6, Ease Wawano,b, eon - taking 100 gore', 00 acres cleared and Im a good state of cultivation, 60 aorea of timber land. There 19 on ',be place a good frame boor 40100 and 20 feet nigh with stone stables under the full dee; iota frame dwelling 9198, ons and a half .roreyo th one storey kitchen attached. No. 6 -tri lw�ot 38, con, 7, Bait Wawanoeh, eon. Minks 100 acme, NI acres cleared and log go d state of cultivation, 10 urea of timber laud. The god Is a good May loam. Oo the place there 14 a good frame dwalhom eh50, stone Bel. ler, with kitchen Weeded 18198. one and a half storey,; hard end slit water; good frame baro 40500, with stone titanium under; frame rtabiee and abed 24100; good Diehard. '1111 plane to well drained and hag a never failing spring run. viae through it. For full particulars apply to Taov*, II. Ur - um, Weatfleld P.O., Out., or to C. HanmToN, Blyth P.U., Ont. 10etf CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBING LiST Anyone accepting any of the below clubbing offers will receive a copy of 'Vita STANDARD CHRISTMAS NUMBER free, The Standard and Daily Globe.., $4 25 The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire 4 25 The Standard and Scientific American 8 50 The Standard and Evening Mail and Empire 8 25 Tho Standard and Evening Globe 8 25 The Standard and Daily Free Press 8 25 The Standard and Daily Witness 8 00 The Standard and Hamilton Daily Times 8 00 The Standard and Hamilton Daily Spectator 8 00 The Standard and Toronto Daily World 8 00 The Standard and Toronto Daily News ........... 8 00 The Standard and Noon Free Press 2 75 The Standard and Evening Free Press,... 2 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily Star 250 The Standard and Daily Adver- tiser .... 250 The Standard and Toronto Sun- day World 2 50 The Standard and London Daily News 2 00 The Standard and Hamilton Twice•a-Week Spectator. The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun The Standard and Farmer's Ad- vocate The Standard and Weekly Free Press The Standard and Hamilton Semi - Weakly Times The Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire and two pictures, "The Doctor " and " Content - men." The Standard and New York Thrice -n- Week World The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and two pia - tures, "Alone " and "Purity ". Th. Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser and Farming World The Standard and Chicago Week- ly Inter Ocean The Standard and Word and Works and Hicks' 1908 Alma- nac The Standard and Weekly Globe and picture of the Governors of the Province of Ontario since 1791 1 65 The Standard and Weakly Wit- ness 1 60 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser r The Standard and East and West, a paper for young Canadians1 50 The Standard and Canadian Boy Magazine 1 50 The Standard and Toledo Weekly Blade 1 50 The Standard and Northern Mess- enger 1 25 The Standard and Christmas Number 1 00 The above rates aro for new subscrib- ers and also old subscribers who pay a year in advance, Cash must accom- pany each order. All weekly subscrip- tions meet be for a year. Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTII, ONT. 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 70 1 75 1 70 1 70 (;r lG, ilk (ern rj VT (.f1 ci li 0n l McKinnon & Co. Blyth. Special Bargains This week we make no comment, but the goods and prices speak for themselves. Boys' Overcoate, made of good tweed, well lined, in odd sizes, worth up to 11, for 81.50 to clear, Heavy Flannelette, bard wide, in a fine range of colors, regular price l2ftc, for 10c. Heavy Flannelette Blankets, in grey and white, with pink and blue borders, in two sizes, very special at 690 and 980. Men'. Fur Coats, in Siberian dog and cub bear, will be reduced 20 per cent to clear. Ladies' Astrachan Coate, lined with heavy mercerized Italian cloth, regular 130, for 828.50. Ladies' Capering and Rnffs will be reduced 20 per Dent. Men's Heavy Frieze Ulsters, lined with heavy plaid lining, high storm collar, worth $ii, for $8.95. Men's Heavy Union Shirts and Drawers, worth 850, for 25c, Grey Flannel, twilled and plain, worth 15c, for 120, Men's Heavy Rubbers, worth up to 81.55, for 980. Flannelette Underskirt*, worth 600, for 89c. Sien's Lined Kid and Mosha Gloves, worth 75o, for 50o. Men's Wool Socks, ribbed tops, worth 15c, for 12jc. Ladies' Mercerised Sateen Underskirts, with four frills, worth 11, a snap at 89c. Mckinnon it Co. VALENTINES All styles and sizes from the cheap one -cent "hit him hard " to the beautiful lace effects from 3c to 3oc each. Take a look at them, We will soon be ready to show you the latest designs in Wall Paper and Window Shadcs. Look out for our announcement. FRANK METCALF JEWELER AND BLYTH STATIONER ._THE POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE,. ♦•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••M•*4 OVR STOCK-TAKiNC SALE is in full swing now, and we are making wonderful reductions ou all WINTER GOODS Did you see our Suits that we are making to order Inc $0? They are wonderful value. Other )'repenters wonder how w'e can make them up at the price. We are selling lien's Ready-to-wear Suite from v3 up. You can save money by buying one of those Suite. OUR FURNISHING BEPRRTJIIENT bas some good values left, but wears honed nor to carry any 1C inter Goode over if we can help it, •••••••••••e••e•••♦ •••64.01•*•• •••••••• S. H. Gidley - Blyth