The Blyth Standard, 1903-02-12, Page 1VOL XVI. FEBRUARY CLEARING AT „ NM al �aL are, BLYT$r Stook -taking is now over and we are prepared to take Photos up-to-date in every style at reduced rates for the Next 30 Days Photos from 75c a dozen up, and we can snit anyone in pricee. Enlargements at greatly reduced prices in watercolors, eepi and crayon tones. We also carry a full line of Photo Huttons, All work guaranteed. H. R. BREWER PROPRIETOR. C. 'JEROME MANAGER. HURON tIOCNTY COUNCIL. 1 -- The county council met in the coun- cil chamber, Godericb, on January 89th. The clerk celled the council to order at three o'clock. All the members were present except Mr. Bowman, Each member subscribed to his de- claration of oftice. The clerk directed attention to rules governing election of welder, and asked the members to elect a warden for this year. Merits. McLean and Miller moved that Mr. W. H. Kerr he warden. No other nominations were made, and, at the expiration of half an hour, the clerk declared Mr. Kerr elected warden of the oounty of Huron for the year 1908, and conducted him to the warden'e chair. Mr. Kerr subscribed to his declara- tion of office before Hie Honor Judge Holt. The warden expressed his thanks for the honor done him, and hoped he would have a plesaant and eucceesful year. He was sorry to report that Mr. Bowman was in, and not able to be present this session. Messrs. Spackman, Young, Ferguson, Lamont and Gunn were appointed a etriking committee to report on stand- ing committees for the year, STANDING COMMITTEES. Executive and Special,—Meesre. Con- nolly, Bowman, Milker, Spackman and Hicks. Finance and Ednantionel—Mesar. Lockhart, Durnin, McNaughton, Mo - Lean and Gunn, Road and Bridge and County Prop. erty.—Meters, Partereon, Cautelon, La- mont, Young and Ferguson. Equalisation.—Whole council. Warden's Committee.—Meesre. Can- fit felon, Patterson, Lamont end stiller. House of Refuge.—Messre. Bowman, Lockhart and Hicks. The following gentlemen applied for the ppoositiou of county auditor: Meeere, N. Robson,Clinton; G. Woods, Gob - rich ; T. . Hays Seafurth ; Wrn. Clegg, Wingham; P. W. Scott, Bel - grave; W. S. Lawrence, Clinton ; F. Morley, Whalen; J. H. Lowrie, Unto ton ; J. C. Morrison, Winthrop; H. W. Ball, Goderich; 1). E. Munro, Au. burn, Messrs. Clegg and Hays with- drew their application', Meeere. Mun- ro and Lawrence welt elected. Applications for the position of county examiner were received front Meaere. J. H. Cameron, Musette; Wm, Geiger, Zurich; H. W. Anderson, Exeter; J, M. Field, Goderich, Meters, Cameron and Anderson were appointed. Letter front Hunter Bridge Co., Kin- cardine, giving mesons for delay in conte+act of bridge near Wingham, and tneteer one near C1intom—Filed, tanb BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1903. No. 27. vagrancy. He asked the enun consider Rome cheaper mode of heating cid to ing exhibitions in 1908.—Sent to exeou- the jail than at present in use. Hent to county building committee. The following is the amount of insur- ance on the different county buildings: court house, $12,000; jail and resl- dence,112,000; house of refuge, $8000; contents of house of refuge, 12000; outbuildings, 1900. Sent to county property committee, INSPECTOR ROMPS REPORT, Mr. Robb, inspector of public schools for East uron, reported that In his inspectorate there are 88 male teachers engaged at an average salary of 1888,84, and 88 female teachers at an average salary of 1292.80. This ie a decrease in the average salary paid to male teachers and an increase in the ealariee paid to female teachers. There has been a steady advance in the professional skill of the teachers, and although a change of teachers is always a set beck, it is not eo touch so now as teachers use almostthe identical system in teaching. At the entrance examination, 880 can- didates wrote and 262 were successful. Very satisfactory work ie being done by the continuation class schools. Two of these, Wingham and Brussels, are doing quite as good work as many- of the high schools. Each of these have two teachers doing high school work exclusively, while Blyth has one teacher doing the same work. Owing to more attention now being given to composi. tion, penmanship and reeding, a pupil who remains at school until he has completed his fourth class two -k, is fairly well equipped educationally for the ordinary business of life. An excellent brick eehool with basement, furnace, new device, eto„ was erected in section No, 8, McKillop, in 1902. A similar school will be erected in No,11, Howick, daring the coming year. Sent to education committee. REGISTRAR'S REPORT. The number of instruments registered during the year was 4188. There were 1024 mortgagee registered during the year, the aggregate amount of which was 11,558,877.56. The net earnings of the registrar were 12888.61. Sent to finance committee. Tenders for the erection of Benmiller bridge were received and sent to road and bridge committee. Moved by Mr. Lockhart, seconded by Mr. Hicks, that Messrs. Spackman and Lane be auditors of criminal justice account's,—Carried, Mewed by Mr. Spackman, seconded by Mr. Miller, that we regret the ab. senoe of Mr. Bowman, who is unable to be present owing to personal illness, and hope he will soon be restored to his usual good health, and we would re- commend that his name be retained on the pay list for this session, and the clerk be instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to Mr, Bowman.— Carried, Moved by Mr. Connolly, seconded by Mr. McNaughton, that we the county council of the county of we, desire to convey to you our sincere sympathy in your bereavement. Mr. Lewis, the late crown attorney, has been a familiar ire fur a very long period of years, d we learned to esteem hint very ighly indeed, coming in contact with hint as we have during tho varioue ses- sions, and we resolve that the clerk be instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to the family of the deceased. —Carried, Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Miller, that we, the comity council of Huron tender our conxretnlatiotle to Judge Doyle on his promotion to the senior judgeship of the county. We are satisfied that the faithfulness which hae characterized your work hitherto will still be shown in your mote honor- ed position. Resolved that the clerk he instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to His Honor Judge Doyle. —Carried. Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Spackman, that we, rhe council of the county of Huron, tender our con- gretulatioue to Judge Holt, who has for many years been are worthy and efi- eienLr tneinium of our council, on hie ele- vation, We appreciate the fact that the honor conferred was a wall deserved one and trust that he may livelongto perform anderesduties eddthatw'the clerk the instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to Judge Holt.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Cantelon seconded by Mr. Connolly, that Mr. James Scott be Repainted trustee of Clinton collegiate inetiture,—Carried, Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr, Gunn, that Mr. James Scott be trustee of Seaforth collegiate institute, —Carried, til number of tnemoriale were read. ...ed referred to the proper committees. Amounts were presented and sent to rthe finance committee. ROAD cOM41asi0NRR'e REPORT, Mr. Ansley, comity engineer, report - .ed that he led advertised for and had received tenders for the erection of the {Benmiller bridge, which with the plans :,and specifications were hill before the council. He had examined the etalne walls at the Wroxeter hridge and found then[ to a safe condition. He noticed that the atones at the base of the abutmentaof the Maitland bridge are being broken to pieces and aro falling out. He was of the opinion thst they 8hoeld be fixed with concrete early in the , coming summer. It is probable that three bridges will have to be built during the conning mummer, but he did not think it would be neeeesary to do anything before the June meeting. it will also be necessary, se usual, to procure some material for bridge floors during tide winter. Ordere to the amouot of 1180.98 had been issued by him since the Mat meeting of the coun- cil. Sent to road and bridge committee, JAILOIIb REPORT. The jailor reported that there are at present 11 prisoners in tho jail, three of ,thein insane and 'eight charged with horticu Moved by Mr. Durnin, seconded by Mr. Young, that Mr. John Acheson be trustee of Goderich collegiate institute. —Carried, Moved by Mr. Hicks, seconded by Mr. McNaughton, that the several grants he made to the public libraries in the county.—Sent to executive committee, Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Hicks, that the usual grants be made to the farmers' institutes.—Sent to executive committee. Moved by Mr. Lockhart, seconded by Mr. Ferguson, that the usual grants be blade to the teachers' institutes.—Sent to executive committee. Moved by Mr. Durnin, seconded by Mr. Cantelon, that the usual grant of mede to each agricultural and Itursf society in. pthe county hold- tive committee. A deputation waited on the council regarding an increased county grant for continuation class work, Messrs. Musgrove, Sinclair, Hueston and Plum- mer addressed the council on this matter and the question was referred to the executive committee. TRRASURER'e sTATEMENT, Statement of actual expenditures and receipts in 1902:—Administration of justice, 18876.88; gaol account, $1975.911; division court jury fund, $24.40; schoole, 16072.25; school management, 12121.98; grants, 1690; lunatics, etc„ 1906,82; municipal government, 18882.90; sta- tionery, etc„ 1888.04; miecellaneouet $171; county property, 1607,08; roads and bridges, 18520.04. Receipts.— Interest, 1207.82; licensee, 11221; registry office, $1658,45, The net an- nual expenditure on general account is 16999.8(1 less than the amount estimat- ed. Available astete.—Siuking fund investments, 129,872,86; debenture lia- bilities, 178,000, Sent to finance committee, INSPEOTOR TOM'S REPORT, Mr, Tom, inspector of schools for West Huron, reported that in his in- spectorate there were 58 male teachers engaged at an average salary of $881, end 80 female teachers engaged at an average salary of $290. The total amount expended in teachers' salaries last year was $48,62168, The average length of service in the rural schools for teachers was five and a half years and for urban teachers 11 years, while five teachers have taught over 20 years. Mr. George Baird has taught continu- ously in section No, 1, Stanley, for 42 years, In 1902 a new union section way formed between the townships of Stephen and McGillivray, south of Grand Bend. Two excellent brick schools were erected Isar year, one at a mile and the other two miles north of the 2nd concession of West Wawanoah. Three hundred and six candidates wrote on the entrance examination and 240 were successful. He regretted the dis- continuance of the public school leaving examination, as it proved a great incen- tive to good work iu the fifth class of the rural echoole, Forty-five students passed the model school examinations. He thought the certificates granted at the mcdel school should be graded so that a novice could not take a position that should only be held by an experi- enced teacher. He advocated a library for rural schools. Sent to education committee, Mr, Leitch appeared before the coun- cil in reference to n ehtim for damages sustained last fall on the Auburn bridge. Mr. C. Howson, V.S., was also heard on the same matter, and the executive committee wsa asked to report as to the claim, Moved by air. Miller, seconded by Mr. Spackman, that the wardeu be em- powered to get the advice of the county solicitor regarding the matter of the claim of the St. Marys high school for Huronfor pupile from the county of Huron atld also as to the qualifications of county auditors,—Carried, THE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTES, Goderich.—Attendance of county pup- ils, 0718 ; total attendance, 81,477; gross exponditere, 16162.77; government grant, 11021.67; set cost of mainten- snce, 150131.55. Clinton,—Aggregate attendance, 21,887; aggregate attend - mice of county pupils, 10,019; cost of maintenance, $5159 98; govermment grant, $988.20. Seaforth.—Aggregate attendance of resident and non-resident pupils, 18,011 ; aggregate attendance of county pupils, 18,415; cost of mainten- ance, 15649.28; government grant, 1906,.68, Sent to education committee. Moved by Mr. Young, seconded by Mr. Durnin, that the usual grant of $10 fgr the purohaae of flowers to be planted Mind the court house be made. Sent to executive committee, iloved by Mr. Spackman, seconded by Mr. Hicks, that the clerk be instruct- ed to procure n copy of the Ontario statutes for 1903 for each member of the coencih—Carried. The clerk was instructed to order a copy of the Municipal World for each member of council. Letter from county eolicitor, relating to qualification of county auditor, was reed and tiled. The election of auditors was taken up and Messrs. Munro and Lawrence were appointed. air. 1). French, keeper of the House of Refuge, asked for an increase of salary, slowed by Mr. McLean, seconded by Mr. Gunn, that the salary of W. Lane, clerk, be increased to 1900,—Both sent to executive co smitten. A largely signed petition was .pre. rented, asking for a grant for repairing hill at Holmesville bridge. Messrs, Forrester and Snider addressed the council on the matter.—Sent to road and bridge committee. Mr. Barr appeared before the council end stated that certain proceedings, re- lating to union School Section No. 11, Wawanosh and Mullett, were illegal,— The council took no action. Moved toy Messrs. Lockhart and Young, that this council call a meeting of representatives from the different tnunicipalitie4 to confer with thin conn - cif on the advisability of participating in the grant to public highways.—Sent to road and bridge committee. Letters of acknowledge.were received BANK OF HAMILTON Capital, all paid up $2,000,000, Reserve, $1,600,000. Total Assets, over $20,000,00o. JAMES TURNBULL, OENERAL MANAGER. BLYTII AGENCY. Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued. General Banking Business Transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed, compounded half yearly. ^�yr � nfrr H. V. HOLMES, AGENT. ===i2aiil=Ts i i rar+fWs_f THE GREAT CASH STORE It may seem a little early to:talk about Spring Goods during the stormy weather, but it will soon • be over and we have the goods for fine weather. We have ful Emb oidei its, Insertiust ons largeanLaces that we have ever roent of the most beauti- ful iu Blyth. Also an immense range of Lace Curtains, having im- ported these curtains direct enables us to offer them to you touch Wider the usual price. We have also added to our stock a fine range of consisting Drawers. Ladles' white Underwear of Under Shirts, Night Gowns, Corset Covers and Another shipment of New Boots and Shoes for spring at rock bottom prices, ALL WINTER11 GOODS to be cleared out regardless of price as we need the room for spring. Dont miss the snap in Ladies Cashmere Hose, regular 85c and 40c line for 25c, D. Mr McBEATH PRETORIA BLOCK . . o._BLYTH_� from Judges Doyle and Holt, and directed to be printed in the minutes. Opinion of the @elicitor relating to liability to the St. Marys collegiate institute, was read and filed. SPECIAL COMMITTEE, The special committee recommended that the warden and clerk be authcrized to sign the memorial from the county council of Grey asking that the legis- lature extend the term for members of municipal councils to two years. ID the matter of the memorial from the county council of Waterloo, asking for an amendment to the statute regarding the adminietration of justice, recom- mend that the warden and clerk be authorized to sign it. In the matter of the petition to the legislature asking an amendment to the Public Highways Act, recommended that too action be taken. Regarding the communication from John C. Morrison, clerk of Mc- Killop, we would recommend no action. The report was adopted, FINANCE COMMITTEE, The finance committee reported re- commending the payment of the differ- ent accounts submitted to them. They also examined the registrar's report and r recommended that it be printed in the t minutes. The treasurer's letter and statement had been submitted to them,, They 'lad examined it end found o correctly and sery efficiently prepared The report was adopted. t(Dtle ATI ON. COMOIITTEE, ed Thhe education at no delegate be appointemittee d to recommend se Provincial Trustees' Association, They recommended en increase in the grant to echools doing continuation class work, Three applications for the position of county examiners had been received. and they recommended the appoint meet of Messrs. Anderson and Cameron. The report was adopted, COUNTY PROPERTY. The county property committee re, ported that they had examined tie, different county buildings and foun,l them all in good order. They recent mended that material be purchased for e ladder for the jail; that blinds he procured for the windows in the court hoi tee leading ,to the council chamber, and that storm windows be purchased for the judge's room, et the back of the court room. The report wan adopted. EXECUTIVE ootineege. The executive committee reported ecoutmending the grantping of $20 to he Siren'sl. In the matterck ildif a {grant to the Prisoners' .Md Continued on pap Y.