HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-02-05, Page 8Cf farmers were largely represented at the
�' n p I Barman' 111 meetings held at
Brussels. 'Thehe shortage
h eh Or ameege`,appeared to be
in the young leen, it being remarked
during the afternoon at the {./tt,�,treponder-
Business i:thee of g1oz the
yo111fln, Experience
is coed Inch rho youth should also be
instructed .... Mr. Alex. Clark is asking
for tenders for the election of a new
brick reeidenee....Mrs. Agin, who has
Leen seriously ill for aonletime, ie
Now is your time to buy
Cheap China,
and Groceries.
All is to be cleared out in the next
three weeks. Come at oilce if ,you
want cheap goods. first come get
their choice,
1 have s Safe, one set of Scales weigh -
jug 12eu wands, and a set of Platform
Counter Scales weighing 180 pounds,
which 1 will sell cheap.
Diooley Strut BLYTH
OBITUARY. --Ar midnitht of Wednes-
day of last week the spirit of Lucinda
Ferric', relict of the late Win. Conary,
ported away to the unseen world. Mrs.
Conery took ill a week ago with a cold
which turned to inflammation of the
lungs. Deceased was bo n iu 188,3 and
hu lived on the 6th lino of Morrie for
over 40 years, Her husband pre.
deceased her 29 years ago, A fancily of
nix children survive. They are Mrs.
Herrington, W innipett t John, of NN Ing-
ham; Mrs, George Parker, of hun-
Bhiue; Wm., of Hiawatha, Michigan;
Charles, of Guelph ; Mrs. John howler,
OC Wingham Junction, The deceased
WV lived with her daughter, Airs.
Parker. The funeral took place on Fri -
afternoon. Service was held in
the l4unehine Methodist church by Rev.
A. H. Brown, of Belgrat'e, Interment
we. made In the Sunshine cemetery.
The death of Mrs. Thomas H. Bol-
ger occurred on Wednesday of last
week at her home in Morrie, heart fail-
ure was the cause of death. Her name
was `Trersia Blanche Christopher and
she WAS married two years ago next
March to Thomas H. Bolger, Two
weeks ago she gave birth to a child.
The sympathy of the community will be
extended to Mr. Bolger in hie affliction.
The funeral took place an Friday.
W.enos,—Mr. James Bowman was
upeble to attend the county council
*melon last week, owing to heving
Mapped on a rusty nail the week before,
And which has since given hint a very
peinfnl foo-. His many friends hope
he will soon be able to resume hie usual
routine of life. Similar accidents have
often given aerie's trouble but we hope
this will not he the case with Mr.
Bowinan.,..'rhe township council will
meet next Monday ..., Mr. Albert Crooks
is hauling brick for a new residence to
he built on his fern' next Beason....
Among the many from the prairie
province, we again notice the once
familiar form of Mr. George Miller,
who is accompanied by his wife and
daughter, and is enjoying a reunion
among his many relatives and friends
of this locality.... Mr, Wm. Wilkinson
is preparing to veneer his house with
brick.... Mrs. Mark Cardiff was in
Winghatn lent week attending her
daughter, )bra. JAtnes, who was rack
with quinsy et the annual school
Meetingis connection with the Ander-
son scool, Mr. James Bowman was
ehoeen truetee as successor to Mr.
t,nintou Anderson. Owing to the
change in the law making it impossible
for a person to be either a member of
he comity or township council and a
sehool trustee, Mr, Bowman has declin-
ed aoceptenee of the latter and a now
man will Lava to be elected.... ttoirie
Nares.—'Phe officers of the Hallett
grange for this year are as follows: --
Mester, Mr, John Manning ; overseer,
Mr. James Southcombe' seorstary, Mr.
Wm, Gray ; treasurer, lair. John Cunt -
Ing; lecturer, Mr. James Snell; chap-
lain, Mr, ,Tames Shobbrook ; steward,
Mr, Wet, Snell . assistant steward, Mr.
H. H. FLIT ; gate keeper, Mr, H. Snell ;
Ceres, urs..' Ctnnin1a�� ; Pomona, Mrs.
Win, Gray; Flora, Mrs. ;lames Stiehl ;
L.A. etoward, Alre. Ed. Bell ; auditors,
Meseta: James Stiell and \Vn1. Snell;
executive committee, Messrs. N. Cum -
mg, W. Shepherd and James Shob-
brook,,..Mr. It. 'Taeker, of the 3rd con.,
hes been the subject of very severe
affliction during the Inst few weeks,
He lost a brother in Hullett and a mar•
vied sister in Manitoba; his tether,
who resides in Harpurhey, has been
bedfast with typhoid fever, and is only
now getting better; and hie eldest son
is at present laid up with eongeetion of
the lunge. The latter ie also on the
mend, we are pleased to say.
ConiOLESCE,—At the regular meet-
ing of the Hullatt grange, No, 290, hold
on January 1011', a CoInluittee was ap-
pointed to draft a resolution of condol-
euoe to sister and brother John Claming,
in their sad bereavement in the death
of a husband and father. Resolved,
whereas it has pleased en RiI•wlse
Providence to take from our midst our
much beloved and highly esteemed
brother, John Coming, who, after a
somewhat painful and lingering illness,
borne w'itll Christian fortitude and
grace, has joined those who have washed
t heir :otitis and made them white in the
Blood of the Lamb; and while we re-
cognize divine enthority and power,
we desire on behalf of your brothers
and misters of this grange to extend you
our heartfelt sympathy in the los of
your loving husband and father, and
while it is difficult at all titnea to see
the hand of a loving and merciful
father, in the dispensation of God's
providence, and that while onr floate
minds may not be able to eee the wis-
dom of these affections, we are never-
theless assured that God in his infinite
wiedoin orders and directs each to the
fulfillment of Hie heavenly will, and
Fish for
a Winter
The best can be found at
R. R. Douglas'. Just received
from Lake Superior
Trout and Herring
Come along and get your winter supply.
Fine Fresh Oysters always on hand.
Fruits, Confectionery, Bread Steffe,
and a full line of Groceries of the best
quality always in stock.
Come along and prove for yourself.
Butter and Eggs Taken
itt Exchange.
• .. BLYTH
YGlyt yTRyNG1NT0'
�NI leienot e.M t
atsild°41fierd054Ba i°
011 pruggisis 6 Chemi
Prise IS Canada : 81.00;
' e41= bottled for S$.00
No remedy covers so large a field
of usefulness as ST. JAMES WAFERS.
They are indicated whenever there
is a weak condition, as they tone
up the 'different organs and bring
strength to the tissues.
Palpitation of the heart, poor di-
gestion, sleeplessness, weak nerves,
anemia, and chlorosis, are quickly
relieved by ST. JAMES WAFERS; they
also repair the waste caused by hard
work and fatigue.
ST. JAMES WAFERS help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health andstrength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accom-
plishes much. '
"St. James Wafers Weigh s
most powerful evidence of the
vastly increased power of medi-
cament by combination et judi-
cious pharmaceutic prepara-
tions. I have used them with
good success when any patient*
seeded strength."
Dr. Charles Hall,
Liverpool, Eng
S!. Jame, Wafers art not a secret
remedy; to rl;, mortes. dodore re-
canetnrndiag thea, 10 their JatienU
we mail the formula vpon 7(90131.
Where dealers ore not selling the
Wafers, they are moiled upon re-
ceipt of price at the Canadian
hranch: St. Amu Waters Co., Inge
St. Wholes St., sontrsel,
B 00 GO GG G
Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S.
First-class Horses and Itige for
hire at reaeonable rater.
Best of accommodation to Com
merciel Travellers end others requiring
Veterinary office at livery stable.
while a momentary sadness tnay he
catieed an our hearts by the death of s
loved one, the knowledge that we sha'1
meet again beyond the vale of tears,
where parting is unknown and where
we may all join in singing the praises
of him who heat redeemed us, fills our
hearts with joy and gladness. We
trust that in your affliction yon may
realize the sufficiency of divine grace,
and be able to experience that being
touched with a feeling of onr infirm-
ities, he knower)) how to succor and
mist those that are troubled.
BREnzgo,—The Goderich Board of
Trade looeutly asked the postofficede-
partnteut to appoint two new stamp
vendore to take the places of the old
ones, also that the uostotfice be kept
open on rho afternoons of holidays an
hour longer than has been the practice.
Postofice Inspector Hookirk went to
Goderich to investigate mattere, and
the recommendations will probably be
adopted. He will also try to arrange
to have the mail, which reaches Gode-
rich' on the early evening train, dis-
tributed the RRI110 evening Miss
Lillie Webster sprang an agreeable our -
prise batt Thursday evening on her
ala8ocietes of the Thimhle club, They
had met at the home of her uncle, Mr.
J. C. Martin, and were being enter-
tained for an hour when the program
was agreeably interrupted by the ar-
rival of a number of young gentlemen
friends, who had been invited es a sur-
prise party for the cltth. Needless to
say the evening's enjoyment weecom-
plete...,'1'he reports in circulation that
a human brute has insulted Ione v+omen
about town by putting his arms around
their necks le quite true, and it is much
to be regretted that the women assault-
ed failed to recognize their assailant,
The attacks in the cases enquired into
were in the south half of the town, and
long after nightfall, and the rogue wet
alone.... Mr, and Mrs. F. J. Pridham
are visiting with friends in 'Toronto,
Montreal and other places Mr.
Thomas D. Hawley, who hits been laid
lap for nearly two months with an
attack of angina pe,, toric, is now able
to be around again and feeling very
well ....The annual meeting of the
shareholders of the Goderieh Knitting
Co. wan held on Tuesday evening last
in the office of the secretary, Mr. R. C,
Hays. The motel routine business was
transacted, including the reception of
the flnaucial /txtetntint for the year,
and the election of officers. There wall
but one change in the directorate, Mr.
E. Downing being elected to the hoard
in place of Mr. Charles Sheppard, The
officers are the same ai for 1902.... Mr.
A. M. Polley has sold his livery bue-
ness to Messrs. Gundry Bros,,,,A new
and modern ['eight shed will be built
by the Greed Trunk at this point....
Mr. J./B. Hawkins has purchased the
handsome residence of Mr Sandford
Stokes and will !nova to it in the spring.
....Dr. and ;;M rs. Whitely attended the
wedding of Mins Ela Fisher at Jack•
son, M ichlio n, last week .... Mism B'r
aha Farrow has returned home, from
Blyth Public School Report.
Below will be found the standing of
the pupils in Birth politic School for
Div. No. 1.—Class II.—L. Holmes end
C. Slater egwal; E, Jenkws, K. llhr-
nhall, B. Tay,o•, A. Cowart, J. Bell, R.
Sellers, 11. Armstrong, N. Stewart, A.
Gosman, D McLean. Class I.—E.
Mason, W. Sellars, M. Barr, A. Wil-
ford, F. Armstrong.
Div, No. 2,—Close IV,—Annie Stew-
art, Florence Somere, Yenta Bennet'.
Mabel McWilliam, Iva Govier, Maggi
Cowan, Nina Begley, Evva Stuthrrs,
Stanley Buchanan, Miller Begley, Peti-
ole Mason, Euphetnia Steinhoff, Andrea
Sloan, Fred Jackson, Pearl Gidley, John
Watson, Willie Watson, John Potter,
Willie Nicol, Cecil Vail, Clyde Het•
rington, Robbie Brown, Charlie Taman.
Sr,- Class 111.—Fred Somers, Clara
Holtzhauer, Herbie McElroy, Annie
Bell, Sophia Barr, Charlie Willows,
Jessie Hirons, Lizzie Carter, Edy'th
Gidley, Marvin White, Andrew Coombe,
Lena fllaetzer, Leon Scott.
Div. No,3.—Class III.--t",eorge Leith,
Muriel Chel ew, Robbie Wanless, Roy
Sims, Roy Denholm, Rose Wettlauler,
Ruesel Denholm, Melvin Nitride, Clare
Copp, Bernie Edmonds, Rome Brown,
Henry 1Vhite,Essie Bell, Sr, Class 1I.
—Lily Wanless, Birdie Kennedy, \Ve?•
ley Campbell, Grace Stewart, 'Albert
Somers, John Emigh, Myrtle Nicol,
''rank Plummer, Mary Carter, Etruria
Leith, Eva Campbell, Eva Mains,
Pearl Plaetzer. Intermediate Class I1.
—Tom bloom Welter WOW, Lily
Wetzlaufer, Tester Bell, Milton Nlc-
't'illiaru, Evvy McClomtnins, Edear
I3egley, Jr. Class IL—Olive Me bili,
Wiles Maine, Welter Cnw•an, Herr;
Herrington, Sam McLaughlin, Archie
Wells, Leila Begley, Stanley Chealew,
H'allle Mcon, Hazel Bennett, Willie
Cheap Groceries!
We know our customers are eagerly watching
this space, so not to disappoint you we are goilig to
quote a few of the many bargains we are giving,
which are worthy of special notice.
A lovely Golden Brown Sugar 81be, for 25c.
Choice I'Rpiocn 8lbs. for Inc.
Nice Fresh Lemon Biscuits tl lbs, for 25c.
Nice New Figs, just arrived a lbs. for 25c,
Nice Fresh Raising 51bs. for 25c,
\11e bought our Groceries early before the advance in prices,
so our customers are reaping the benefit thereof.
Highest market cash price paid for Butter and Ec s.
Bring your Produce to us, 5c per pound for Dried Apples.
Bring In Your Pictures.
Special attention is paid to our Picture Framing department. We carry in
stock a large assortment of Mouldings ranging ill price from 3c per foot up to 210
per foot. Our artist will select Framee that will harmonize with your pictures_
We also carry a large stock of Room Mouldings, Picture Hooks, 'Wire,
Glee/, Etc.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription
for men, women and children than Ripane Tabules. They
aro easy to take. The; are made of it combination of medi-
cines approved and used by every physician. Ripane Ta-
bules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain,,evo'y-day folks they are a veritahle friend in need.
Ripans Tab es hove become then' standard fatally remedy,
They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc-
cessful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and
es stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism,
sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen
weak stomachs, build up rundown systems, restore pure
blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody
derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules.
Your druggist sells then'. The five -tent packet is enough
for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con-
tains a supply for a year.
K&K K&K'KthK K&K K6,K Kr:,K
TM Leading Specialiste of America. 26 Years In Detroit. Bank Security.
Niue out M every ten men have been guilty of transgression against acture in
their youth. Nature never excuses, no matter bow young, thoughtless or ignorant
he may be. The punishment and suffering corresponds with the crime. The only
escape from Its ruinous results isotope,. scientific treatment to counteract Its effects.
Th. DRAINS, either by night) ieakeo, or secretly through the urlue, must be
stopped—the NERVES moat be built up and invigorated, the blood mast be purified,
the SENDAI. ORGANS must be vitalized and developed, the BRAIN must be
nourished. Our New Method Treatment provides all these requirements. Under
Its Influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all pimples,
blotches and ulcers disappear; then become strong as steel, so that nervous.
Oslo, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, the face
full and clear. energy retards to the body, and the moral, physical and sexual sys-
tems are invigorated; alt drains cease—no more vital waste from the system, The
The various organs become natural and manly. We invite all the afflicted to call
and consult us confidentially and free of charge, Cures 0 teed or no
Pay. We treat and cure: Varicocities, Blood Diseases, Stricture.
Oieet, Emissions Urinary Drafts, Re
permatorrhoa, Uanatn•
Fal Discharges, ludcloy and Bladder Di
If enable to call, write for QtUESTIOX BLANK for Home Treatment.
K&K K& K K&K- K&K K :&tr1 Kt:K
Putter, Myrtle Pullman.
Div. No. 2.—Sr. Pt. II. — Willie Pull-
ing, Rhes Etnieh and Ebner Ni vine
equal. George Burling, Jimmie McCom-
mine, Phillip Willows, Willie C pp,
Gwendoline Edmonds, Wellie Holtz-
hauer, Jennie Marshall). Jr, Pt. 11.
Dorothy Tierney, Birdie Davis, Jimmie
Hirons, Jennie Kennedy, Maggie Car-
ter, \Valter Mason, Eva Henderson,
Sem Goyim-, Mary Ann Butler, George
Hammitt, Neruten Holtzhauer, Sr. Pt.
I.—Gtttie Jiatehell, Ella Wettlanfer,
Reseal Gidley-, Laura 1Vettlaufer, Med-
icine Tynan, Doris Scutt, Gordon Mc-
William, Carl Etuigit, Alfred Haggitt,
Annie Butler Jr, Pt. L—Rena Bred -
vel, Eddie !Rains, Johnnie Cowan,
Reggie Carter, Annie Robntenn, Joseph
51c sughlan, Emma 'Taman, Gurdon
Holtzhauer, Wilford Nivins, Cwn1e
—The other day while travellers were
floundering through the snow drifts of
the northern part of Frontenac county,
they found tltemeelvea before a tog
shanty, 18x20 (rot iu s1z_, near \i:,nn
Lain Grove. The hut was occupied by a
map, his wife and 2i children, At titer
they thought they had come acmes s
school ]rouge, but were assured that
the children were all brothers and
--11 your adv. is not in THE STANDARD
you are missing trade.
Anyone sanding a sleet oh and description may
entekly ascertain nue op'mtnn free whether an
Invention 1e prnhnhly prr tentelee. ('nmmnntose
ttnnsatrlctly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Most agency fur securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn A to. recants
'pedal notice, without charge, In the
Sdentiiic .Nmericane
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lsreett cir-
culation of any eelonitcc ourhnl. Terme, eb a
seer; tour months, 5L sow blah newetsre,
MUNN ftCu Ss16roadw,,.
ew deYark
Branca es. tan F St. Waelyagton, D,