HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-02-05, Page 7W.'L7'1-11'0"1.-1y_q (1773`YtiJi London, ,inn., 11114:1.-1femory is when Lite cake walk k nn estnblishrd aft to prove a fickle, treacherous,I;wre cal the Ifni" 1(oudn'0 e11(er- tuluments? and we are told that it lo looming on the soeln1 horizon. There are some sweet little ,hoes made of lace °ter ,shite wall(, 01' over 11 color to ma 1011 the dress, with just a paste "Wale,' to finish the toe; others :are he+ferkcd with artificial flowers, to accord with tem costume. bat though pretty 11 IN a tiresome,'tncon'enteut fashion, fr end 1n thin busy, rustling age of ours, but if for 01100 It Is to be trn•,t- o!, I think that any last letter le y ou contained little or nothing of it sar- torial nature, so -"place aux Ueuneal" Ono stare fuel Ina been gradually borne in on my iniud, slimly, in,:hl- leerily. and that Is that, whatever las they cate.h ou eceryllling. The 1'ashlun papers, tailors, dree+!111![10,'0 pr,'ttlral yet are those in golf or and artists, nay contrariwise, the :Alter tissue, on the slender May mucic boomed short skirt le not really fair or ((reek slap,. Lace Overdresecs. and truly with no, and my firm bellci Is, it will not bo for ever so long t 11 Is a fact that coquetry, vanity - 11 you like to be cruelly truthful -tare du4llualt notes in the feminine ,ba r - There IK a greatfurore at present for the lace or net "fom'reau" m• overdress, a loose, ethereal affair, very useful to slip on over a some- what fatigued evening esisWlne, ,is outer, and it 10 eoneed0d by all ar- it gives It an entirely new note nail tl.stic souls -of 00111.011 not by dress LH eery becoming; to a slender figure reformers -that Its one looks so [specially. The lua•k is 11111,11 bIOMId graceful, elegant, mod svelte, .n A Short Skirt trails and liu,gnislcs io out it Is narrow between the shoulders, and mucid wider down be - as went 1011011 low where it floato iuk'pentlently sad swishes ns the ,v ar"r walks nod 1,11d gracefully 011er the n+le ,dress, moves. Tile desire to please in strong- the deroRet,ge Is edged with small 11),,1111(14 nutas 1 1 1 r •.your ami it (lowers, or co:llues of velvet or satin has to go to tutu wall to obtain the g sere '? iso -ll n1„,kly lycatuer, is bloat butterfly boIn front. In Murk with' the elf vet Is yore civic and 00in 14(11111011 practical ,'0411111044 artrsc 001111' soft ,lairs, or else a wide old or [111',1 ribbon is brought from under the arm: and (led in 11 object, who can find the heart to be rho 111 Illy over t jaded I•la' k or unite heavy %'inter materinis--aur slender silhouette(' bold 11,010 own. thanks to a few extra laches of skirt -length awl -straight -fronted Purls rur'acts' (Lieu ealeadu, the litter i1 nu dm- porkult laotor indeed!) One, 08.414" of t1I (•[Q tg skirl's tennd0410 bold on life is tae nature ud style 0'1 fesiliun- ablo trk r»1ugs and arrWsgements, wbit i4 is complex and ornate. There is u great feeing for loading even •t alluvia useful material with rich trlmu,fngs ; the llventoro of the lat- ter most have versatile la11111s, for every day brings out sunletitittg novel, original, rind Ho tempting that 0110 feels allured to have a 441'1' frock to put it on ! .1 fashionable alylo is The Tonto Nkirt, Which must of cuur04 by bor,icred with pnssrtnrntel•le, or gul(114. 1u - stead of nue shaped 4(00ttce, our 010108nt° swat have at least two or three, and each must be embroider - (01 la chenille, incrusted with lace, or hemmed with fur, or something. 11, by chance, she chooses an lin- floune(al skirt, thou its seams must be lrantcked with' lot,'ly torn stlt'hery, hairpin :York, or feath- ering, done in ;.oft, thick embroi- dery silk. EV011 then the seams opal tit the beat to showa pleating pok- ing its head (mt In a 1r0n-rruu fastest. 11'e sill( favor the flower- ahap.+l skirt, a sort of graceful h'ai11' 11 design, olatnl;t fitted round Aire hips and thence spreading out gracefully to rest In a blllow•.v 1111108 est tial 'ground. I set many gowns chenille netted fringe, (a whichwith l looks deep 0mt'- if ,'Lie, but strikes one as more suitable for a f4cepttou eoslnuu' than t4 street dress, 1 met a very smart and original ak4ting frock at Prince's, built in soft, dark brown sotto cloth, the short bell skirt, edged with brown aur, two bands, at intervals. rite dainty tit- tle Russian blouse was of browlt plush, and it teas turned book with wide revere of 0e1•bie satin cloth, With stropping W white, lard 0u in battlements, the deep wide cuffs earning out the solus idea. Tile new, :nil W0111(1 s,dt One of 1lie pretty young Hamilton matrons. 1 saw a lovely 'Murrell II," for example, In ivory .\leucon net 00er pial( WWII, hl a delicate Frngon rd tint, whleh wax quite lovely, with a long traail of tit- Queen of Flowers panned art 011e etas of the deep, 0111)11, neek, and floating down over the front of tit!) skirt. 'then a black Imre over - gown had the short little l.odiCe forme(, of two huge let butterflies, nt book and front, resting transparently nn folds of cream m,nowwilne de sole. ivory satin eaupua(af the gown underneath. The only substantial (7) touch to these ()ter -gowns IS the frothy mass of pleated chiffon or net (rata which sets eat ihrlr hem all round. To leave the flowery mearls of dress for n (brief interval, I am gong to tell My net.fall reader. of some ['harming Little Song's in their luuthrr tongue, for it is rather ;1 treat to ('1)lue ae'I•u:•ts du"I1 fu these days, when et cry other language bat English goes towards the emrslructlon of a concert pro- gramme. ' Cont'a(111," Iteglnall SulGran 11.1104111 & Co.), It charming pair of son.glets, as different from emelt other as light and allude : "Thr ,!Ards Ito North," by ,,Tilley (John ('(lurch ('oil, ' Nit:Iko ale. In the Wool," and "You and 1." You May have come arenas then ; if 80, forgive ant for- got ! Then If you fuse not read "14[y 14111)' leggy Doerr to Town" nod "The ('alt of I'luffonn," nay ndv1Ce is-.lu! parted -P'aul'a stay In Athens tend 'Mt: Oyster Scare olorl, awl he (41(01' rtlurned to tae Over here 81111 (0111.4 nu. Icau't think ray. Intellectual Iireece had scorn- w'aat 1100 got (((to I.11 0,1• b!val(-,,e, hilly rejected the gospel m8Hsage (00 11is 1,01 III (fit part el Ito. United 1,nd 11l'llec100.11 1111 n1101111, 4141411.1 Kingdom alone that they are pro- store fruitful fields lune to COl uouu0ed unsafe. Song It will not be the courage of "the matt who at•' the first paster" that le extolled, hull that of the man who to -day dares to ladle an p ng1u11 native, the tinned species being long shoe beyond the pale. Soma (cry sail (1x80811!043 Como under nq nnmrd,ale notice of typhold traced to rating oysler8, but ate all ooloring wits exceedingly success- oyster bods I(•e now under sanitary tale especially UM 1110 (,011141(1111 sup,'rvision ll is to be hoped that our Mrs. Emmons, saved from an operation fur Ovaritis, tells how she was cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "I am so plcaresl with the results i obtained rem Lydia 1S. 1111 1C1111111'8 Vegetable Conpound that 1 feel it a duty and a privilege W write you about it. " I suffered for over Live yearn with ovarian troubles, cathing an un- pleasant discharge, a great weakness, and at times u faintno,,v would come over the which no amount of mediciae, deet, or exercise seemed to correct, lour Vegetable (harpoond found the weak spot, however• within a few weeks -rand saved we front an Operation -all my trembles had dis- appeared, and I foetid myself once more healthy and well. W",rds fail to describe the real, true go:,h•fnl feeling that is in my heart, and 1 want to tell every licit and suffering sister. Don't daily with medicines you (+now noth- ing abut, bat tale Lydia 1:. Pink- hant's Vegetable Compound, and take my word for it, you will be a different tvo(nan inn short time."— Mos. LAt'tti 1011MONS, \SnikercMe, Ont. —$5000 forfeit If 6,15/1111 of Oche, (cite, prcuing gemaneneat canal be produced. Don't hesitate -',o write to Mrs. Pinkliant 11' there is anything about your case which you do not understand. She rill treat yowl with kludges and her ad- vice Is free. No wonluu ever re- gretted writing her and she has helped thousands. Address is T,vnn. 'Mass. and `Ai n, (rout Berra, Their arrival e1eene.le, '1 Paid. 118 now learned that tits rlu l CM, be hull formed erre .t'uunhn(; (41x1 ill 11e {'4111.1,08 1,1 ala, to aril, hi+ (trot le1t:'!' 10 for 'I Iasi., Ionian awl nu011 4(1,41 a 40101,1 1. tier to guard 01(1(41 Lies( supposing Iluit l'lti'I"t's see- , 1 . (''ening Ica1 near al hn(O. III hl; tient , rtf ie hr write: of hie "diatn'.-. ;1 11.1 at(li,tion" while In co, -11,1 it. IC- ,'•till ((11114 tel Aho ls'nllles bra. a- 111. (1. opt 04. 1 Ihrnw'ites--Thr word implies crry' sl 'ong oppnvl110n, 4111 Of a fore, drmwu op In battle array. Itwas ria ol'41ll feel uppuei1l0n.- I'nn1. Rip. Thr more. 11in, usually (folent npIosilion of the de41.8 W116 no dealt( stirred up bt 1Ile Intense earnestness of Paul Ili his work, af- ter the arrl,a1 of Kilt.; 1141.! 11810- (11y, lm(w(1 , when hr Dns "pres4(al and eetn- '.1'ailr1l by the ,real." ---Schaff. Illas- plien.ed-61(10141. 111,1,' nail fn 1601,',' of ,1,=14.1 1'hri.t awl Ws gospel, charg- ing them with practices and ,loc- lriacs that they salaside, or de - , 'maimed t-.l'0lonbet. Shook lOs ral- ntent- hellca ting by this that ❑o further 111008 'tisle.1 between them; that their rebellion arparated them, reu•Icdrr it 401111; for Paul 111 make any farther effort in leadlllg them to 19nist : that he wonhl allow' noth- ing that prrtahlrd to then) to cling to him. 7. \ certain nan's (Ions,-,'se1 for trading and worship. her him own lodging be still refill mile,, arid! Atta- lla lural l'rise'illn.-('1110. lllb. Wor- shlppa1 ((eI .1 P"''°'lyte, not a few by birth. No doubt 11:•inr,v4114(1 hrls- 1b1.8, Nothing- more to known or .1es- 1a4..10not the 141nttgegnl'-3, stand- ing; protest to the outwticf of 'tire ,Ira's. It would draw In loony who would b" cnuliIItr t0 1141' synagogue. 'Pie owner was 14 (lentil,. and would (tin the attelchiner of I.he 11:'tellies. 8. ('rbpus-itis fir81 roliVert Ara 14 1110 ruin' of ihr' 0yllageg11' lie 11141 left. 1110 OCrlled coarse road, the COMMA of 01hera equally dea•idet.- Iltustrator. Chief rider -.1 maul of leaning and high c'h,,r-ter ills cony:wal a% took 1111)) nut of office in the Jewish, Church. .(11 his how: - The first recorded 111011tw'e of the (ainversion nt an entire Jewish family. litany. rte. -The power of the' gospel wale able to reneh the idola- trous and IIlenlious Corinthians. ll. Then soak,' the 1.0141-11 is 111,7e- ly (hot Paul 11118 411 11114) 11111' nmrh ,111ressed by the violent upposi- (1on of the ,Jews, and probably Ids life wa,a in dila^e• 1 111111 140 might 1,111.4' Peen el1ertihlimr ,'prions thoughts of eensing to preach or of [00,vfng Corinth. 'ro prevent this 1,11,1 eomrort bunt (1m1 4441'. ni(alsel111 ghe 1111 111 1111.0 '1141411. --Clarke. Be mot ah'nld-1vole tion Irot,' Ills own 'am- ple, phyalea1 weakness, nal the !dote- .' nem or the people to believe, heeldee, • the danger of sudden p1rseention or death, made Pan' questl'11 the w•Is- ' 110111 of iurtler effort in Corinth, 11)101 In other places hr 111111 fill - •,drawn when opp01ltlon cline. ,I 1(1. Milt 1.11r. -'r(1 sustain thee In , tried, to give ullertinve in the Spirit, 1 4 to give point (lull (atgr to (1,7' word0, to protest then from hostile ene- I i I t1 1 t>r l only 1hal people ora found wool log in ps>lllrurs'1, us alfa Ill11e story will pru(o • a certain editor, English tldvtime, reel 11ell a contite:Lion for ills laspeethua from a, leilY who wade lhnt it it weir 1101 dr,anod suitable for 11b1 pernsPeaI 5h"w0111! l . glo i to forward articles Oi a different nature, AN she luul ''811.1,)1 irons in 1110 fire." "Jladaule." lie re. plied. "hating perused your contra button 1 nd110.4 yon to pat it with your oiler ions," Poor Lula In Paris, as you know', they 1104 very greet or. christening Ned on these festal (53emsious tar Intolt lien Id 10 offer ,',tell gucat 1 souvenir in the 0[1411,, of at lovely box of bon -bons with Miss or lhl•aer TROUBLES OF AN EX -REEVE Were Easily Disposed et by Dodd', Kidney Pilis W. U. Cragg, of Dresden, had In11a.m- nudol•y ltheumotl+m, and was Cared Stick ntr(1 Chau. Aretuteu, (int., ,fan. 111,-1SpeciaL1-- "Oedd's Kidney !'ills cured me Stick and clean of (1rr rlte+unatlxm:" rays N', O. Cragg, ex -Reeve of thin town. "It was tine Inflammatory llhruuta- 1i0n11 hod, awl 1 think D dd's 1'111 aro as fine a remedy for that ILN• 1. want. 1 (44,4 us 110111)11 as a bell now 80 fur as lthcumalldm i0 (1011 - opened," This is Mr. (•rnggs experience, and it is the same as ninny cohere. People generally hero aro learning tba+ Rheumatism( i11 simply a result of Kidney Uinease-that if the kidneys do not de their (duty and take the aria acid from tho blood, It crystal- lizes nt tho muscles and Pinta and 11111141'10 111080 tOrtw'ea too many peo- ple know- too well. '•I had heal troubled with lnfirnm- inatory Jtbeumntism for eight years." tout Innen the ex-Iteel'o. "1 c0u1d scarcely get around to do my duties in my store, I tiled doctors and meei►- ein(e w 11108 getlhig any benefit, tl I heard of lltsid'a Kidney PIlis. Sly boxes cured me completely." Cure the kl(tneys with Ilodd's Kid- ney Pilin nal your Rheumatism will rare 1(ot'l(. . are to follow the 1,004'8 guiding hand, A word of command, with 11 Drotn1ell of help, settled all doubts, and gave courage. for the undertak- ing. Year and xis muuttlM-llnrIOg 11110 thus he wrote the second let- ter to the Thessalonians, Teachings. -It Is honorable to la- bor. fearful retribution is certnln to mono to those who oppso the truth and blaspheme. 11 is right for preachers to leave those who refuse •to accept the gospel. "Note the Se - reel. of ministerial success; (1) Much prayer, (8) much patience, (11) tnueh trust 1❑ ((tx!, (-1) 1118011 dlligenec lit work." Sooner than allow his faith- ful followers to become (discouraged. A Strange Photo. (tar of the strangest photos the hate seer; for some date teas Shown us the other day 14,1 M 15sey'-lretrels ('u1LYu11-. ,haite 1. It true a co of i 1 r copy 11,, e. rtificate of the Rus0lnu Oovei'u nu'ut Osumi 10 Massey -Marr(, Com- pany Limited, 144 connection With a. ffell trial held there last June. The 10, 11(11 elmractera stake it 1ppeor very grotesque. Thr certificate states that M'a sry-Illrrl' Company, Limited, woe - t, ,vd,ai the 'highest honors for Bind- er. Slower and Reaper, inn competi- tion open to the world. This 10 at ndr., ant to uca (r .err t r , n burl of which, all Canadians mat; Baby's photograph on top, surround- et el v (.0111111.1. I hough na n oppo,r well le, proal. Here's whining mine cd in spangles, rho loxes tied with' 811,1Paine, rune' 1. Will n i t '1 lok the ar 101 1111'- I success 10 JLI•+say-II•u'rls machines sky bolo fora boy, or rose' pink 11. girl i ather a Mcvet Iitib' no• "s<Ilc. a: wan....hnrt the, --No nun, ,demo thee to de - tion" • H11011 oppnnr 01 111 S it day School INTERNATIONAL LESSON NO. 1 1,I0'1ICA1t' 8, 111(13. The 1' hnrch at (brush Founded. --Acts 18: Ill Study 4,10011.10. ('onuu0utu•y.-1. Patd's aryls al at Corinth acs. 1, 0). 0, .111,e the.;, things -The et(n(s 111 41111111)44 ,to- seilbcd II; our Inas lesson. He- potai wpm a pretl.' togas of ger- pct "hors (rot avre" will shortly re- fer. valga brown 18111 taus tali- deem its chnrneter. jttg over tee nide, 'like calf was A well-known hostcos lu Paris -she (A koepltq, and bid a sprig el is not french, Lowers, -woo is re - mistletoe pinned to )1, This cherry nowned for her charming dinner- eplOr Is exceedingly modish just parties, has Just hit on en ingenious now, and we feel grateful 101' its method fur Insuring punctuality on °beeryy unite In the mldsl of the the part of her nand guests -the un - gloomy weather and 10(01'(1 skies, married ours, for the others are re - which Irate been our fate :late minded of the hour 1 In therm days ugly in A. D. :i_, on aceonnt of to (lo anything for her; bolt a Christmas. I fear of afternoon bridge, skating, etc., the 1a revolt in 411d00,-Lpwiu. The.lr(44 bottle of at. ,lncobs 0(1 cured ter. The Canadian t'4utballers }00111; "Parisneu" is apt to were «cry uunn'rous at 11011).1, and \1r. War. Reinhart, Elmore, 11'1.., irate lousily appreciated their eli- Lose Count or Tour, inhabited a separate tll0lrlet of 1he'. reports the case of a neighbor wll•, matte welcome, though other0114). which Is an annoyance to a hoales+ town, on alto baulks of the Wilier, 1 for twenty-four ,rears had 5(11(1r- tisor reception fu (((00(11g circles who likes her •dinners cooked "a '1013 Were often very 1roubl''sonl"'! sal so terribly :with Rheumatism has been of the heartiest and most point- and not kept back for any (111(1 weer. 4101, 011 timed banished 11030 1ha 1, at times, lir could harll0 i I the city. mote; a few bottles of Ot. ,Iuc:4li8 genial turn, 111(1in. h all hope they man. Well, after dun warning, meo II. fief'••' method of work ow. a,.(1, 011 turol hint. '''ra enp the climax," will return, hating had a real good dame stnrt'd ai mens)' -los "pour lee 3. same trade-Pa•11's first concern la/Weyer, Mr. A. Neige,, of Tay11- dlmc, and lodes with laurels to 014 1.1m,' told he 'flu arrived not When he entered Corinth was to Dad title. I'd1., v,n(tos, that his mother, mix aur their maple ns. At tn., 0u ,l i' was rexin0ted to drip a hoar' for idnsoelf and then to ';eek It ho had been al continual sufferer t0 return to our moutons. At 1841,, 0 guidon Louis in 4111 slot'. ew do m( ut 11 hu !81410 drr.11n 1 O Tun would expect that Ma- dame's • churillo5 would substantially, benefit by her clever scheme. Not a bit' of it! 410 now finds her man- ly guests ready' and waiting on Lite stroke of time. 8o introit for tint vntinted 1'nrlsian politcsse, theeon- 0[dera1t011 that was not thought due to their lioste4+ was bestowed 811 their purses! It i,; not in l'r:rnce atrot thee. 11. 11e (unliunl(1--Pnul'8 fear, or tiesta,aleuey, was not rebellion. '1'14 know Nat's will leas 111 do it. 111' 1,,1,'x1 not (rims so nr1mh as a fnil- A WONDERFUL RECORD 71107 so.elottal "specifics" and "milrs' fur 111 )lntism late 41 - really been b10111.1 before 111e 1.1110 lie• fait wheel 1(liennn>tisu, Neural- gia and Modred .!lasses hate be- come chronic and 1111'(':1t('.11 serious resells, you may rest assured 11:1t they will help but 4cry little, If any. Although not recoauueuded as "hdallille," tie' pocnif:1r ties 111 St. Jacobs Oh esperiul1 110a 111 11 10 float cases which linty lie leru,0(1 "ChrOmie." and syhiell Lav(+ preViuu010 w 1/11514(01i all Mitt .(bout forty-five miles south- known "0peei(ics" as well as ihr. west 01 Slheus, Here he labored prescriptions of the be.,t pl1ynt afore for ,some time before lila C0- Cines. workers 1,t•rlved. 1'lce and pend- 110 would mention, 1(0 1111 example, guey' abounded, and much of this ilio ease of !,[r. A. Hellmann. of 1lek-edncset and det0lletle'y wild' Pittsburg, who snffortv,l 1YIti1 Ilh,'u• carried oh under cover of thele re- utalism (or tour years, .,floe vatu- ligfotts rl0'o, ,tad yet in (ids wlckcl Iy (401ug n!1 llw' oral rec°u4un'1nl,d eltyllu,1Ladn. goolrotivnl 144(0 es- reu4uhes, 11(4(1 ,'xhuus1htg toe skiff tubilslui n Christian clulrch. of tin most cxpericuced plt,sletuls, 1.1 Aquila -Priscilla- 'Most. de-! without even temporary' relief, it voted frh'ud11 of Paul, persons of mil. 04mrlred only ,fru lottle8 of til. turn and piety lo. _0'. They are .lut:.bs (111'! 1 effect a permua•ut Mensa mentioned together. i" rem cure. 711'. l:. Haunt, a well-known this we cuucln,ie that they N10nfsh MO 2.611 of louugsluwm, Ohio, smut - J. happy ,x(4141111'' of harmony aai rat ler his (0(1,', 4vho (or 0w01 s38410ill'y la ('iu•ist tot life. Claudius )'eau's had been a, constant sufferer -The fourth 110nru1 Emperor. This frim Neunight 114 the bead, the Wall the twelfth year of his ('ely;n. seri tow of the ablest 1411y'01e1111)4 :Imre to depart --This took plus.+. of tiro land, but. they were unable • ai the recent evening cutortain- .mutts x1(0!10 have been r1 tremendous feature and hate receiv- ed Matted attention. Somehow, to Lakin r1 the Ism( dt[rts t;[th their tummy ",!Hies." shoes LZOL) to be ••OC11 `"'£a ev1'i'no " esgJDle,11y at Masa" ,steer, the "-poo de (metre" old ' W11.11nlreeton )bat' bring out "the Ifltle mien." What will 11 is In summer Cm continuou colt Page Woven Wire Fence taloa up Ail fences slarkon in warn; weather and 11111,011110111 lighten in .301.1 -- except the Page Fence, Mete winter season lays 1t back. Page spring colt mks. up the slack in sum - 1111111.011401111/111.111110110.0 leer and leis it oaf in wham, unloose wagging �p��[y� Ia lamaer, no straining or breaking In win- ter. Common crimped wire MCA in worse t6 - tesapered sod Wit slackens it stare slackened; Olt tightens it [0430ionsummerons audwilater. 60.000mi_IeeotPagewirefeasel usever, Page wtre le enow. d u4ae Ju oro the Pap Win Pen Oo., Limited, WalkerNae, OnO Jgontrea1, P,Q., and St Jobs ILL s l Y " 0111 llhenmat>rm 101 the past .J that tins trat,'l-stai(WA man, go- y,';u'0, 1151:41 0110 bottle of 311. .1n- ing frost one tent -maker's door to lbs 011 and wills Immediately re - another, e,'eking for work, was ear- limed of all pain. These are retinas ! rying the future of the world lat. ' (111(1! truly (deserve to he brought heath 1ln' robe T' to public ntftice; hal ih'ey are not 4. Ireasoned,..persnndrd-From the exceptions, tie will he soma by the Scriptures. nail the personal testi- 410110010110 Other IPrtf fleates (11)1)1 monies of o•yr-wlLitPBse+. (':nil sheer- till parts of the flnhrd State"- 11 est that Jesus wall the '1 '3 ,!, and should he the ,Maly of everyone 14 Otsl ,stands excel)' to give every one of them n midnigitt 0101011, P11.1t"PIl'AL SURVEY. Pool's) 01410,1(1 IIIloHolIary tour oc- rupia,i more than three years, and extended 140 for (0 Athena and Cm -- lath. 114 idolnl roes .ltlrno bo Rade but L w 00140(1 (0 014 coming to Corinth ho Mak n lsuil1Lod (tail ii .1('10 lie Med .1101 la ,41!1 1110 wife Prt,- e.11la, "and IsxnOse he vr'ao of the Hanle craft 110 abode WI11, them and wrought; for by their occupation they aero teatmnkcrs." ,,'that n. los tac1O I especially for ease -loving, place -seeking', hireling ministers to contemplate. Here Is the Mightiest herald of the gospel nud dcfen-l'r of the faltl that the world ever ituew, a. maul of great ability nn,l learning, who, dusttttd of being sought after by the wealthy churches and Instead of seeking the places of honor and emo!.ument, ie pleased to toll ne a common mech- anic and labor with hie Monde each week day to give himself the op- portunity of preaching the glorious gospel on tho Sabbath. Yet this la the some nuns who warns 1110 son In the gospel that "no man that wnrrclh entatglrth hhuself with the affairs of this life." After the arrival of reinforcements It is probab1t that Paul gave hlmeelf to conlinuou4 preaching, The burden seem:: to come upon him with greater weight. "Pressed in the spirit" -deep- ly moved by love for the souls 01 mer, he threw hlmeelf into the work with all his might. 1(o saw the blindness and hardness of the Jews, he Haw their great danger, he yearned over them in compassion and made strenu- ous efforts to oonvlteo theta that Jeans wan the Christ. now terrible the strain when, af- ter 111110wing omrscICC. 11110 the work will, nil our soup, and after' knowing that the I,001 has assisted us, and after being burdened almost to the Omit of our eaduranae, and after laboring with nil the power of Willett we were e,apo.ble, then 111 hr met by ohstle:At, resistance, ,Ind, instead of seeing immediate trait as the rvsalt of our toil, to see the bitterest hat- red mnnifmted toward ourselves and the ((1)01)01! Ilut such in the 11141ory of Pall 1•:1 labor. for the ronv,',41°14 nt ala .lees at Corinth. Noting (ally dlsollal'g,) itis duty 10 1118 Jewish brethren, he solemnly declares his In- nnvt•noe of their blood, ".1 (1(itls was Christ" : this Ss the pith mead Ilmrl•ow of the UmTrl. "slut, NI' cher tide is n, fart, or not a fact -We mast either accept. It as, true or re- ject a0 fnlse. When believed it MS made the kind of men that 1'au1 was. Il has undo met purr, holy, upright, palfrnt, self-denying, meek, kind, ❑n- srliial, oonacientfous, faithful, and e trustworthy, and (101 or love to wan- the1 t The gn Sol appeals calf tyre attention of llls nufiorfng gnsp0 true 1.0 reason nud good 0,'1441,. The facto friends and neighbors to this won - Paul pre.xvlted showed how reason. deefully effleneams prrpnradoll able It Would be to becomr Chris- espy clally as the lav price of awe. Hb sought out 111. kindred, 11 MI 50 cants per beet!!, pluee•11 1 and MUM 0pp07tunitl(.; to tell withal reach of 1411 pe Noes, etclr them of Christ.t, au.1 poor. 111. The arrival or rolnforcenaents lustrous 1411k of the dress :tool Ira1, .4 %Peru genie-i9llas and Tan. of a deeper sea -shell tint. The demi Otl.y o.rrlte;l together from Mice- trained skirt was trimmed up mor 101111 - Timm• lhr frim Theecalontr:l thaw 11,411 Its length, with rows o f kind.