HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-02-05, Page 6++++++++++++4444+++441.
Almighty dollar, 1 h actual.
Ballast, beans, brash, brass, bus-
tle, fobs, bunts, fatlsam, bits, bunch,
bonus, blunt, bullion, bones, bills,
Coat, eldps, choke, currency,
change, coin, chicken(eod, cash, cart-
wheels, Coln of tho realm, capital,
chink, roll, case& clinkers, canary
birds, oireulating medium, certifl-
oates, collateral, coupons.
Dust, dough, ducats, dlmmoek, di -
early, dirt, dyratufie dolt, dibbs,
damage, derby, dues, dingbats, dross,
Funds, Out, feathers, flimsy, fees,
filthy lucre, fodder, tare.
Grease, geld, greenbacks', gilt, gent,
Wavy, hnr.xenails, hoard, hard -
Jingler& John Davie.
Kelter, Klondike, Kitty.
Legal tender. long toils, long green.
Mun, meek, mammon, mean e,
Metal, nineteen, mopusuee, mdse.
Neeeesatry, nuggets, nest -eggs,
notes, needful.
Ochre, ointwent , Oof.
PaIin-oII, p owtel', p:caytine, pony,
pleCOe, plate, paper. Peter's pence,
pile, pelf, price, pleeters, plunks, pay,
Boot of all evil, raga, reds, rowdy,
Rhinos, ready, the, revenue, roll,
mks, Beatty John, Itnp.
Sun, Siege, Soap, eawdnet, shigs,
Makers, shot, sinew's of war, scrlpt,
stamps, spoil, sant, silvers, silver,
scales, a eondullx, shiners, quit,
shekels, e1tinp:aetet's, epeeJe, eteke,
sugar, salt, soft, Spanish, speller,
etumptmtl, goatee, shall settles.
Tribute, tin, toll, tax, tithe, tow,
tester, tip.
Value, velvet.
Wherewithal, wampum, trod, we lge,
wind. wagers.
Yellow bops,
No Chaperon Needed.
Chlengo Poet.
"Bat 011p110er." saidthe eastern
girl. eupppOse, when you're out
alone In the evening without a
chaperon, some man should accost
you 7"
swat him par;' replied the
western girl calmly, "and that's
more than the chaperon coal('do."
Feed pale girls on Scott's
We do not need to give all
the reasons why Scott's
Emulsion restores the strength
and flesh and color of good
health to those who suffer
from sick blood.
The fact that it is the best
preparation of Cod Liver Oil,
rich in nutrition, full of healthy
stimulation is a suggestion as
t owhy it does what it does.
Scott's Enlltlsion presents
Cod Liver Oil at its best,
fullest in strength, least in
t +ste.
Young women in their
"teens " are permanently cured
of the peculiar disease of the
lOood which shows itself in
paleness, weakness and nervous•
nest., by regular treatment
fifth Scott's Emulsion.
ft is a true blood food and
Ivnaturally adapted to the cure
I o►: the blood sickness from
which so many young woolen
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that them Isal lens! onedrrn,lyd dIo, i,o
that science has been utile to cure a+01 lis
stage* and that Is Catarrh. tall', Oat 0rrh
quro le the only positive pare now knnwa to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh, being a con-
stitutional diaense, motions a runsiftntlnnnl
treatment. Halle Cntnrrh Cure is token in-
ternally, acting din'etly upon the blood anti
maeoua saint,* of 1Ito system, thereby de,
towing the foundation of the disease, and
get ing the patient oteength by building up
the conetltution and n paid l ng unto re In doing
rte work. The proprlet ora hn yr aoameh faith
In its curative potters that they offer One
Hendred Dollars for any ease that It halls to
ears. Fiend for 11,1 of testimonials.
Addteas F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tole!! 0. O.
Bold by druegl.t4. 7:e.
Hall's Faintly are the best.
Talk of the Hardware,Harvard Lampoon.Burglar (to aecontpiteeh-Screte up
your courage, Bill ; we'll get nailed
If we don't bolt.
Dear "Hire,—I was for *Peen ye:tru
a Stutterer from Bronchial trouble,
and would he go hoarse at times that
I could ecatcely speak above a whis-
per. I got no relief from anything
t111 I tried your Ai1NAUD'S HONEY
BALSAM. Two bottles gave relief
and six bottles made a complete
oure. I would heartily recommend It
to 'anyone suffering from throat or
lung trouble.
Wholesale Hates.
Mnglstrate — Ten dollar* and
ecetsl ']]Ills Is et least tiro tenth
time l'o'o had to rite you this y'car,
rend—"Inebrinte—well, soy, judge. ought-
n't I to telt wholesale ratee7"
Stomach Dlsoraars
If you want to enjoy each meal to
,tho utmoirt extent and feel that your
stomach Is taking the good out of
the food you eat you should try
Dr. Carson's Tonic
tIe will re glad to send
a sample to any sufferer.
reeon Mat thin picture us
the (sou et a label to 011 the
wrappp.r of every bottle el
1444adatan y014 buy.
Toronto. Ontario.
1'ruw the Smart. Set.
"nate you any oljcettons to 'my
taking your daughter to the thra-
trc, elr"":
"No: not 4.0 Tong as you don't lot ,o
her l,et the play."
('uriuua 1hn1'µe Aga lad a Nan
Ar."r,;t'al In Purr,
There Is 4.L present III the 1'en-
tI'd I I'olie- 1011tliou Of ihlris It 11l'1 -
0o1;1•1' uumr,l ('allot, 11110 14 ku4wu
114 th„ -2\11 II with lin' titer) 1huldn."
lie rolls a.rreeled on a curious
rhnr)f'', which will have to he con-
strued [is all 1(84.111111. Cltstet went
to the Blriml Ilospitol aid 14041
10 110 M1111111 441 ItM It pn110111. 110
ryas examined hy a resident medi-
cal student, who said that there
was ael)l(1t; ally matter with the
nppliennt. C'astot then (oak one of
oily student's halide in his and ac-
tually crinsh'lsl the young Medical
Malts fingers. It was like the grip
of the (enema taier'e statue In the
and ellan of the rake, 1/an ,Irian.
The student cried for help, and
the naso with the Klee) Molds was
an•reeled by the pollee, to whom he
enb(11y staled 111411 lie crushed the
doctor's, finger's as a token of
thnuks for doelating hint to be In
perfect health. At the pollee sta-
tion ('aat01 broke a thick log of
W004.1 ill two, beet, a pelt' of }ducat's
whit three of his fingers, mid snap-
ped a rope tied 111 tenfold thlck-
res,+ around a (leek, All this (vee
done (the Loudon Telegraph's Dario
correspondent tells ns) to show the
remarkable strength of tilt hands,
but he will hate to :,nswcr 'ill the
Bann' for Inning I(11aulted the
medical student.
'111 vale! in valealways fn vain."'
Elle me:mal.
"What, is';" Inquired the bcm'vo
lent old gentWSW II, as h" passed.
"The letter" 't','" she cried.
Far up the etrrel, a pin 13'1l4 R^'ted
10 (oil n'il11 a 111()1, t<teketang th,td;
the. ail was (4(1-11 _
Mother (to her x10111-yl'at'-cid son,
William. w1(0 tuts INN'S growing free
01 epi li)--billy, dear, I will give ,3011
tea 01414(4 +t day for every day you
don't tiny "darn foul."
Harold (little brother of the, wltlt
superior 1111')—HtlmplI : Ii "darn fool"
1t worth ten cents, I guess I know
3(111,1* that nee worth a (Ida elite
A. clergyman told from lite text
now 13autson was barbered awl vex-
ed ;
And told 11, so true
That a man in a pew
Got rattled, and shouted out,
"Next 1"
Stomach and Constipation Bitters
It will glee rest to your appetite.
Our pamphlet. ma the nee of than superior
tonic cent in exchange for your utme
ant address en poet earth
Bee. per hott1• at 1111 dr'tggl,lo 4.r teat pre.
paid on receipt of pit,.
Sample sent on rerelpt of !le. (stamp) W
cover postage.
t_selese QuOtnt ion.
N. V. Sim.
lit—Pity is akin to love, yon know.
Stye --Yes, isn't It ;t pity elm can't
afford that love of 11 'hat for ate.
liewltt—I borrowed a pollcemau'o
uniform, and put It on the other
Jewitt—What did you do then
"1 dol l know ; 1 Lumcdlatcly fell
Afhard's Llulmcmt Cures Onrget
to Cows.
it Annoyed Her.
Brooklyn Engle.
"Yea the widow Is perplexed"
"How la that
"She doesn't know whether it
(((('11114. tenet bel' husband vote a good
nth n or elle is a vixen"
"I dont understand."
"]Wilco hu died, rho papers Rail that
he had gone to a ultppier home."
A Serious Outlook.
Brooklyn Eagle.
" 1 Ree there IN talk of Increasing
the inheritance tax."
"Yee' said 111e rich marls RCM:
gettlflg so a fellow would al-
most alt net have Ills father live,
don't yon know."
Iftnard's Lhdment Lures Diste04.
Minaret's Liietnept Cures Colds,
Bound to Keep Thrn1.
1'Lilnde;phla fres,.
Mamma—Don't be too selfish, Let
your baby Brother play' with your
marbles a little 4(1111e,
Tommy-13ut he ,netuts to keep
them always,
Mamma—Ob, 1 guess not.
Tomm7—I guess yes; he's swel-
tered 'em.
There are few women In Canatla
who have not heard of " free alkali,"
but there are many who do 1101 ender -
stand the term. 'rhe term 1s always
t 1
tort with soap. if
used In eon�te t U at
any think It la meant to convey that
It. Is alkali given free with the soap,
then alhnll is very dear at the price.
But it does not mean that A soap
containing free alkali Is a temp 10
which the alkali is not properly Incor-
porated with the tatty acids used to
the making of soap, and such a tamp
Is most lnjurfous to the clothing and
hands. Free alkali in soap will burn
the nap off wool and the surface off
linen, coarsen the skin of the hands,
rendering them liable to eczema, make
the nails brittle and chip oft. Such
a soap does not possess thorough
cleanable properties. The difference
between a soap containing free alkali
and a neutral soap Is easily tested.
Sunlight Soap is a neutral Heap, and no
one who has once used Sunlight Soap
for any tine? could with satisfaction
go back to any of the common laundry
soaps on the market. Complaints
about the hands and the clothes are
unknown where Sunlight Soap is need.
We put the hills in w tar pocket and take
away the malady. Isn't that just like
buying it?
There's the bunch of money you'll pay
out to get rid of the rheumatism if you
buy prescriptions 'iib it. !Cs a cur, you
want, not prescriptions.
pull the rheumatism out by the roots. No
more doctoring, no morn medicine, money
saved; health saved, life saved.
Quite Different.
Town Topioa.
I•:dltor—You say that Mise Fitz
1am1(1t 14. "as handsome as a picture."
\VIiy a homelier girl—
Reporter—Her father has Just made
1 $7,000,000 111 coal.
Editor—Is that so ? Then give her
e. paragraph ; deaerlbo her Prlrlsian
costume ; say she w'1t8 the Kele of the
eveasioa. I had lost truck of her
In thrr.
Wear ! That's " the greatest thing in the
world,"—in anything that's worn. You get style,
fit and finish too, in
Granb Rubbers
—But the one thing we emphasize is their
Wearing Qualities.
"Granby Rubbers wear like iron."
MIME. EISNER, a trained nurse, of Halifax,
llving at 92 Cornwallis St., writes: "1 have been
a aufrerer for six years from rheumatism. Many
doctors treated me, but relief was only temper.
try, 1 triad South American Rheumatic Cum,
and after four day's' use of the remedy, was Gt.
lively free from the disease."
i ISSUE NO. 6, 1903.
Quid Pro Quo.
Philadelphia Press.
Illstress—You dun') npponr to 11a0e
SS much affection fur the children
no you might have.
Nero° girl—No 7 well, 1 wee jest
thinking I don't appear to 4143,41 1144
much wages its I alight have, ntu'+tet.
New York and Beaton Via few York
The numerous trains, the excellent
service„ the uniformity of ifs trains,
Ito four tracks, and the location of
Its depots 1n Roston and Now York,
make the New 'y mit Ventral the fav-
ortto line to those points.
Ary ticket agent will confirm the
rich In healing powers, relieves bladder and ki&
ney troubles in six hoursand in the worst cases
wiespeedily restore perfect health, 2
An L'ndesh•dble Lora.
"Why are you In mourning
"Oh, for my sins," "1 didn't know
that yml had lost tiny."
--- - an
Mrs, la ho0thing Syrup old u
always be need for Children loathing, it
soothes the child, Roftenethegum. Duren wind
talc and ns the bort tamed* for Dlarrhma,
TEN COURSES BY MAIL Lefession.'"''"g
thoroughly 1ought. Expert Instructors. 1nd1-
cidunI111ton lion. head fur handsome eat:,
logne for pH COrreafOndt1108 Depart-
std utgre In
1'mi:oh to all made to ,"ensure LAM BS'
84,14, .Lae kris nod Skirts; goedeomin NNIons.
Crown 'i'alloring 1'u., Caund:ti $ Largest Tail-
ors, Toronto.
A Place of leterost.
Nearly every depatation or con-
vention vlelting Toronto snake a
point of ini*pco1411g the greet lntple-
nteet works of Afaoocy-Ifvrris Co.,
Lust week tee curlers who have
been touring Canada, (paid a visit
to the w',rku, and were much 0114-
prisul, not only at the extent of the
same, but lit the wonderful methods
of mtulufnetul0 employed.
The plant le (Teti -Only Eelendllll,v
egelp}wol for making the world's
best hat vesting implements•
WANTED AGENTS '" "r"^ ""
r stud vllluge uq
Canada tole MEN'S ordered clothing; g,
cumudns; moat, label, Crown Tailoring
co , 1 uo"in's I nrg 't 'Pallors, Toronto.
111111 TIME 11 LI.Y (h'(i! PIED THIS
WINTER? If not, we am open for on
honest and energetic man to repm,rut
IN, 111111 own ate rt you in a profitablohnswae$.
V,'l tl'. l'ortrai t Supply t o., 1'arkdale,Torout
A t't'n1'N'('M t'0l,l,I''l'UD—CANAIIA ANI,
stall's—n" ehorge unitise eu:eee,tul; rr-
tnbllshed 1 years; referrnra0cheerfaay gisru:
('meet. 7'ornnto, Ihu111ou, London, Th,
Bodiless Alliance. Toronto.
1.e'l'IAM110 .t'('M FII It SA1.11011 TO RENT--
the x ten inert. "City of I'eterhermlgk"ami
"Witter 1.117." For roll particulars apply t e
11. C''deutl, l'ct,•rhoro, tint.
//''111 EA)' AND 11',Atil1 Pit 1.4 I.I ti HT Fol:
ll atoms, pelt -ate retldrums, churrhes, ho•-
torleo, ere. Chcnper that oil, more beautiful
than coal gas oe electricity, Put in year own
Want. and be Indeprwlcul. Every "Pert,,.
tau" machine Iputnunterd, Ilndurwnu•n.'
rer(Jllente. Agents wa"tcd. The ('tophi ou.,-
MUDI,Iy Co.,
Ltd., OlUl sta.
lie is not. l'nw'orihy.
If one has failed 1.0 reach the end
ht• s,:ught,
11 out of effort no great good is
It is not failure, ii the object be
'rhe brttertneut of taut; 101' all that
Ilya don(' stud auffercd 18 lot gain
To those 11 ho follow evoking to ut-
'rhe end he Nought. 1Hs effort's they
Will find aro g''lincpost1 ml the way
To that necem)lishmcnt which he,
For 801110' 1'141' Purpos0, could not .be
The factor he. There Ife a need
Of unsuta'es»fel effort ; 'tie the seed
whose mission Is to lie beneath
The soil that grows the laurel
.And sly Is not unworthy who
Falk struggling manfelly to do
What meet iee done, In titre dlstrees,
Tint otI ere any obtain 013000ee.
--William J. Lampman, in February
MInatvl's Llniment Cures Diph-
Any 'Amain,. Iran dol 111 11,0110.
1IIghrxt itric„ pnld. 1vr1Ur at, once.
t'unslgumrn la 01 Baiter, Poultry laud new
laid Eggs solicited. (trines firm forcholcegna1-
ides. Cholla young l'l.lekeuO,dry 1dckea,c,co o.
selling e0 to Mac pair, (1111,11 Pu,.
one lb. tar 11EESW.AS delivered Toronl'
Cor'reOpowleuve oolh•th,l.
JOHN .1. TEF:, fig Front St. Past, Toronto
Her Cruel Mother.
Town 'fomes,
Ella—Mother doc"n't want me to
Stella—Dees elle sty R07
Ella—No, but oho ielle everybody
that at my ago saw poked Just 0e
I do now.
IL Got Around a Mena(" s Neck and
Strangled II iu1 to Death.
I was told a true lost -ring story
the other day which I believe has
never been in print, aitheugh such
may be the case. A well-known so-
ciety woman eudd0nly missed a vela -
able dlnmond ring from her linger.
It w':s n ring she seldom removed,
bat all that could be remembered
about It wtla that 01111 had Just tvasll-
ml her hands. Fearing It had slipped
off In the operation the plumber was
quickly calledin and all the traps 1s
opened, with the faint hope of find-
ing the jewel, but without avail, and
sorrow reigned in the household, for
the diantona was not only intrinsic-
ally valuable, but a dearly prized
sotiveuh'. ISOM,. time later the set
bowl In the bathroom had to be re-
placed, aid when it was removed, to
and behold, crowded In behind the
water plpee was the sekleton of a
mouse, and round the skeleton's
thread of n. neck hung a diamond
ring. Identification was Immediate
ami the mystery tpdekly cleared up
by the pour lit U^ beast 111 heel
feasted on 0. box of bran which milady
kept to whiten her fair hands, end
into which the undoubtedly dropped
Ole ring. Igoe r -ie, through vanity or
accident, Woo a l It over his head, but
In trying' to escape with the loot he
died a felon's death.—Boston Herald,
Like Bather, Like 51111•
Sexton Transcript.
Afra. Flicker—Johnny, Marger •t
soya you swear Ilk': a pirate.
Johnny Flicker -1 euppoa1 she must.
mean dud. Rather 1011 thon , ma 7 him to
call hon n pirate,
and heals
the sore
and weak
lungs. After a few
doses the cough is re-
lieved, and the soreness
passes away.
Gray's Syrup cures
to stay cured.
At all Druggists 25cts.
A Common
Bred Cow
When toned up by
Dick's Blood Pun-
fier will give as
much and as rich
milk as abighly
Jersey cowgives
upon or.
feed, and
o J eraey
cow when
will wonderfully increase ber yield
of milk. It saves feed too, because
a smaller amount of well digested
food satisfies the demands of the
system and every particle of noun
alshmcnt sticks.
50 cents a package.
Leeming, Mlles & Co., Agents,
The Baby's Picture.
Boston Journal.
" Thi" isn't a very good picture of
your little baby brother, Is it 7" said
the Visitor.
" No, ma'am," replied five-year-old
Elate. " Bet then he ain't a very
good baby."
MI. A. W. CHASE'S 25
fa tent direct to the dlaeauat
parts dy the Improved btowe,
Heals tae ulcers. clears theme
passages, stops droppl sin the
throat and ppeermanent tures
Catarrh and Hoy Bove tower
free. All dealers, or Ur. A. W. Chu.
Malicia! Co.. Tomato sad latbl&
A Yankee's Yarn.
We have 11101'ay8 been given to
understand lust America 15 It big
co)H(try, and that everything In 11
is bigger, better and more curious
than 11118 side of the Atlantic, but
we presume that even in the land
of the ~furs and Stripes there are
not ",any animal, as described be -
(011. 1t appears that Nome 1(18(1
were relating their experiences of
wonderful II1t1nu11s, and it came to
the. Ynnkce's torus to speak. "I
never had any very remarkable
animal," he drawled, "but I once
had a goat that gave thea let of
trouble. 1 got NO Mad With 1110
things it did, I threw things at it
that would have killed any ordinary
goat, and 110W at,d again, in the
hope of reeling myself of It, I had
a shirt at 11 wllh my rifle. It did
not Ream to mind. One day when
Its behavior got past endurance 1
got a friend to help take it to a
precipice a couple of miles off, and
there In the early morning we
threw it over the cliff on to the
rocks 300 feet below. Well, we were
sitting at breakfast at hour later,
when we heard a noise In the yard,
and looking up, Raw the goat gam-
bolling about, pulling the washing
off the clothes line and chewing
up it flannel shirt. That was too
much. INC dragged it to the rall-
w'uy track (tear by, and fastoued
it firmly to tlte call, then waited
till the express came up. As the
trail came tearing along, what do
yon think that goat tilt! 11 Just
coughed up that red flannel shirt
and waved It tor a danger signet"
—The Golden Penne.