Greater Goderich, 1918-05-07, Page 4GREATER GODERICH, MAI" 7, 1915 xlrxliiiiili iiiixxlixxxrir>. iliOliirxxrixx>.11ixlrxiixx UNiilixxnr•lxxiiIMIUMxxxMx>wrxx 1 x x THIS IS THE » Weekof Sales 1 x 1 x x x • ) 1 1 x 1 1 1 11K x x :1 DIRECT IMPORTERS X X i' KIONNX 1111KxxxxxlKlI>rlr)KXXXX1K>r lKX•X••XXI [IRIr XXXXXIA>M>AXX1RX>R>RR)r lK)tiCXXX.>[XxxxIIIxX There of unusual are special selling events interest that each x X x x x x x 1 x x )tette X x x x mean real money saved for advantage of them. and 1 1, t The Suit Department Is Selling Splendid all -wool Serge Suits in black and navy at.$15.75 Pure -wool Serge Skirts of sterling quality at $3.65 The Coat Department Is Selling Misses' spring and summer Coats at $5.75 Some good serviceable Raincoats at $2.98 Your choice of a dozen Raincoats for Exactly Half -Price The Rug Department Is Selling Pro Brussels Rugs at $12.75 Union Rugs at $6.50 Axminster Rugs at $27.75 Two -yard -wide Linoleum at 59c the square yard. A special price on Runners, Verandah and Rag Rugs. take The Curtain Department Is Selling Splendid Lace Curtains at . _ .. 69c Better ones at , . 9$c Aud better ones still at 81.59 per pair The Waist Department Is Holding the Biggest Sale in its History And selling beautiful Voile Waists at 81.38, $1.88, $.l8 and .. $2.38 And some really handsome Silk Crepe Waists at $3.98 The Silk Department Is Selling A splendid natural Shantung Silk in good washing and wearing weight at .. . ... 48c per yard The Millinery Department Is Selling New Panama Hats at ... Bargain Prices These are just some of the miry big values that melte it worth your while doing your drygoods shopping here during the month of May. HODGENS BROS. GODERICH, ONTARIO x x x x 1K x 1� x JAMES LLOYD & SON Wholesale Fruit and Grocery Sundries XXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXX X X X 110 XX X Xi�cc X X X X X Filial will win the war. DON'T WASTE IT 1 This is Wall Paper Month Have you ever thought of it Wall Paper is just as reasonable in price today as it was before the war We are making a specialty this year of 15c Papers, which are suitable for any room in the house. Wealso carry a full line of cheaper papers and also a splendid assortment of higher -priced papers at 20c, 25c, 35c up to 75c per roll. Watch our show windows for new ideas in Wall Decoration. TOWN COl'NCII. ' Concluded from Page 3. i;ouncillor Wilson, a committee to bring in a report as to wnat the faults were, so that it would not occur again. I'll do that off my own oat." Disposal of garbage came next. The Mayor said the town was employing two teams and surely we could be progressive enough to look after cer- tain garbare. A motion that the !Medical Health Officer be asked to issue certain in- struction with reference to the collect- ion of garbage was passed, His Wor- -hip suggesting that householders ,houhl be instructeg as to placing of izarbage in tins covered with net, etc. His Worship suggested that the Hospital Hoard be asked to open a tree clinic. This was a progressir a step and the local hospital should show some benefit to the community in re- turn for the grant received. The county council would uiei•t the first Tuesday in June and His Worship suggested to the representatives of the town on the county council hoarse that .in invitation be extended to Sir \.lane Deck to come and address a plibli,- ineeting in town while the rounei1 •_ in session. A resolution to this effect teas car- ried. The Deputy Reeve thought It was time the pubttc works committee should see to the completion of the -ewer It was slated it wax still ton wet but should soon be dry enough. The Mayor announce.' that a bylaw would be Introduced at the next meet- ing to comply with the Statute with reference to ttie utiliza Inn of Narant Juts. .t< Wrinkle in Sock knitting Here is a wrinkle for our tiode- rich knitters to get 00 to. We don't know how the trick is done, but we reproduce the item which tells of +the feat of knitting two socks at kI onee from The Vancouver Daily Province and submit it for what it is worth. The item was sent us by Mrs. Evans, of Vancouver. Lethbridge has liroduced a com- petitor for the typical benefactor who makes two blames of grass grow where one grew berore. This is a 'lady who knits two socks where one vas knit before. She knits them both at once with the same needles. I Che process can not be described i here but Mrs. De Veher, whose hus- band is a senator, knows the trick and has become a great social 'centre at Ottawa by teaching the art to all who will uze it when they . learn. The inventor is not applying `� �`_. -- for exclusive rights, but is trying SPECIAL SALE OF to make the rights widely inclusive. By way of stimulating the curiosity id craftswomen who have not been introduced it may be said that when the two stockings have been knit- ted at the same time, by the same woman, with the same needles, one sock is found inside the other. It is reasonable to suppose that the inside one may regime a few retail stitches, so to speak, at the Inc. The Germans are paying a tre- mendous price per acre for a mere- ly temporary rise of some French soil. 11 is probably the h ighest rent ever paid for vacant land in the world's history-. —Toronto Star. a It always safe to send a Dominion Express Money iird'r. Fis e dollars costs three cents. WE DO Amateur Developing and Printing PROMPTLY, NEATLY and ACCURATELY SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Also Kodaks, Kodak. Films and Supplies. JAMES A. CAMPBELL DRUGGIST Goderich Ontario Slightly used Pianos --AT— Thomson's Music Store One "Williams & Sons" $175.00 One "Dominion"190.00 One "Dominion" --al- most new 215.00 These Pianos are all in good - condition and real bargains. Call and see them. James F. Thomson Agent for Heintzman & Co. 11 Smith's Art Store 1 is the place for you to visit for those new is the place for you to visit for those new Window Shades you need this spring. SMITH'S ART STORE East Street East Street 'Phone 198 'Phone 198