HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreater Goderich, 1918-05-07, Page 3GREATER GODERICH, MAY 7, 1918 Housecleaning Time is Here WALKER, the Furniture Man is fully prepared with two stores full of the best -selected stocks west of Toronto. if what you want is not in one store it will be in the other. WATCH OUR AD. EVERY DAY FOR INTERESTING NEWS, ften the Cheapest always the Best -,.; W. WALKER Undertaker Phones Res. 97 Store 89 Th tant 111111111111111111114111111111111111111111 111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111M rich cress et� GROCERIES 1 a ]till good at PO WE Letl' S �ttftit;irla Your credit it OINIM aifthM 01000 0001. ammilm mimim Telephone 91 TOWN COUNCIL A Larne Ronne of Sobjeuts Iri-e•u..ed— I'he Mayor had a Rin Prourate ' netted for signature, anti we t•r•re,at,- menet the! ce.ntraet br seined rte, te•rial le it, d••ie e•t•e-d between \I.rtl 1. et1e and 1i11> lel. The .epe.191 committee reeeau]e itele'd that the billiard -noel,, ,vete' howline- altey lieenee of \Ir. F. 11. Weed-. 1, renewed upon t/aymeer e.r ire ,i. re- quir•• el by h}•i;tvv. 'That the e'hairtm:en of this tee mrd tree the cit:airni an et- Ile• test.!-t,s 01111- [11i t cern[11iftev' ;.flet the c'ler'k, be ;e tempi litle'e with power to ie:ete prepared and printed a folder or circular aet'e e•rti,- in_ the advantages of the: been. Ch.7.e' reports were all ;o1.pte.1. r nuncillt.r Robertson said the pe.liee informer' hire there were only two life preservers on the \vette dont anti there shuuld be more'.—Referred tet harbor cnmmittee. Councillor Wilson mentioned the matter alt an enlargement of the water work, at the cemetery and, on hik motion, seconded by the Reeve, the matter was referred to the cemetery and parks committee to report. The Mayor volunteered the informa- tion that there \vie some talk of pump- ing water for the cemetery by elect ricity. The collection of ane taxes carne in for some discussion, the Deputy fleeee e introducing it. Councillor Story thought the assessor was dotnlr' very well. The Mayor thought the assessor should use his discretion and suggest- ed a motion that the eorlcctor proceed to 'gene warrants vehere necessary and report to the council from meeting to meeting. A former t•esolutinn of the couticil was looked up, passed Fe4. 1•ith, in- structing the collector to collect the taxes forthwith, and, on motion of 'I Councillor Robertson, seconded lay the' Deputy Reeve, a resenttton was passed instructing him to carry out the in- structions of the former resolution. Couneiilor Wilson thought pressurie should be brought to bear on those furthest back first,. The lluyor called the attention of the chairman of the finance committee to the collector's statement that he expected to have the roll returned in two weeks and sked if the chairman Th., regular meeting .If tete town eoutneil was held on Friday night laet -\cith Councillors Wallis and ttavis as=1 the: absentees. - Collector Campbell reported ale tilt :$12,000 of arrears of collectable taxes, 5400 of #915 taxes, Weed .e.3,000 of tete taxes and between $6,000 anti $9,000 - of 1917 taxes. Ilei suggested the ap- po'nlnaent of a erenunittec from the euuro it to go over the lists with him and ace. ie." as to action. In answer to an inquiry from the Mayor Mr. t;aampbell rtated that he \\ ould have the roll ready to return is about a fortnight. The letter from the Trustee of the :West Shore Railway \xttieh was pub- lished in last week's issue, which re- ported the amount of money- paid by the Hydro -Electric Railway AeeoctatIon _ • to the Toronto General 'frust.;, was read. Petitions fur sewers on Wilson street between Britannia road and Gayle), streets, on Hineks street between tires Baldwin street and the south end of Hincks street, and on Cayley streets between Wilson and Warren streets. were referred to the public works WS L committee. A request for renewal of billiard and pool room license from +.raigie Sros. E was referred to the special committee. A request from 1i. R. Murray for a permission to pasture two cows on $ Agricultural Park was referred to the public works committee. A request from the Chief of Police for suits and caps for himself and S Svergt. Moore was referred to the spec - a Tal committee. A petition with forty-two signatures of business men and ladies asked that a bylaw be passed 'losing all stores, except drug stores, 4'estaurants and pool rooms, at 6:30 an the evening, M, except on Saturdays, days preceding • holidays, fair days and the week before Christmas. Councillor Story moved that. no Wilson if he had heti any Millie. .a eq:]il ie - .e- to the ae.r'I'ecinese .•t the weigh .v -ed in town, to which Mr. \\'i1on I''phed that he had not. The elayeer keret 1e.-, hiinseir had, and M- enthe] to fiat.• the pone. weigh some Id the leereele .seas delieery rigs to see if tiu•y \',e•l'c ' rlee•I. 'rhe ere '.1 't '. n Tete Mayor's pro- _r.,11\‘:e. 11,1 I 1 -oe•k moth. tie sug- _e•ele•e1 !nom.: elle omen Zook after each Work to '- (het the property owners cleaned the tree ; in front of their property. He also suggested that the chairman of the parks committee get. in toueh with the er'ioolteachers and the Horticultural Society to secure their eo-operatl.•n. Deputy Reset, Clare suggested hav- ing the street irtapeetoe secure a man for earl] ward. .A motion was passed in accordance %c'itb the Mayor's suggestion. The lire at Mr. Chrystat's boiler shop, the elayor said, was the subject of iiineh continent.complaints being made as to water pretesure being poor, the the team being outside the fire limits, etc. "1 beg," said kers Worship, "to appoint the chairman of the finance committee, the chief of police and action be taken. was preparing h s so that Councillor Wilson moved to refer the rate could be struck early. BE this to the special e.ammittee. p suggested that the 166 Hit} vvorshi su � His Worship intimated he wished charged against the hospital board this laid on the table till next meeting shook] be disposed of. Last year the night, when both those in favor of the grant to the hospital was increased; petition and against it could be heard. by the amount id the taxes. Deputy = On account of the Board of Trade Reeve Bark suggested it would be' meeting that night a number of mer- better to reduce the grant. = e'hants could not be present at the -rhe matter was referred to the tin -- C meeting nf the town council and the' ante committee. NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIINi11111111NN1111111011111111IN1111111111N111111111111111111111r th- eme said he had promised to sive them an opportunity to be present. X Look over your supply of the following lines which we are still selling at the Old Prices English Breakfast Tea - 60c Regal Brand Japan Tea - 50c Our Special Blend Coffee - 45c When we have to buy these lines again they are subject to the new war tax, which will increase the price considerably. No better quality on the market anywhere. Dean Bros., Grocers Where you get the fresh Lettuce Ice understood some of 'lou le who had signed the petition now wished their names removed. to I t.:ouneillors Story tend Robertson "x ineved that the matter be deferred to the next meeting. The printing of the auditors' report was referred to the tlnanee committee. 't'he. finance committee recommended the payment of a number of accounts, that the treasurer's statements fee January, February and March be 111 reported having $34.io added as inter- est on the $'2,000 on special deposit in the flank of Montreal. The committee reported further : We also find a balanec of $7.56 still at tate credit nf the Lakes Disaster Fund set 1913, and as considerable eef this fund was spent in erecting a monu- ment en the sailors' plot in the ceme- tery, we recommend that the balance be placed to the credit of the eenaetere fund to be used in he,ping to take carer of the sailors' plot. In the matter of arrears owing by the Kensington Furniture Company on their mortgage, we *late received a letter dated April 6th, 2918, from Mr. harrow, enelosint;, a ?eater of the same elate from Mr. F. 1 i. Rumball asking that the council allow Mr. Rumball the privilege* of paying the balance owing in instalments, $1,000 June' est, 191$ : $1,1100 Dec. 1st, 1918 e $1,000 Jnne 1st. 1919 : and balance by Dee. tet, 1919: and also offering to turn the factory site over to the town at a valuation of $2,000, and your committee recommend that the solicitor be instructed to stay any legal proceedings in the matter. We recommend that the letter front the Ontario Municipal Association with reference to joining their .&ssociatlen be filed. The cemetery and parks committee reported having visited the eemetery and recommended that the grader xvith an extra man be placed at the disposal !of your committee for one or two days to do some work at the cemetery, also that the fallen trees and brush in the ravine at the cemetery be cleaned up and removed. The committee reported having pur- chased 200 maple shade trees at the sante price as last year and would have them planted at once. The committee recommended that the look -out in harbor Park be rebuilt. The public works committee report- ed as follows : In the matter of a supply of cord- wood from Algonquin Park, we have obtained a price of $6.75 per full cord f. n. b.cars there for maple, birch and beech, and we are taking the matter of delivery up with the railway and the fuel controller. With reference to tank car of Tareia B. now on order from the Barrett Company, a contract has been sub - grin t e estimate Thr \laver next brought up the ques- tion of a First of Jule celebration, .vita the idea that an earn aunmtneemeut Wetttld heat' off other attractions, for that day. .1 resolution was ad+eple•rl. oft unction of the Ileputy Iter\'e, .ecnnrl•rI he Councillor Wilson, that iiede•rich haul a First eef Jul; celebration, The elayeet• then a-ke'el Iaeuueillnr f eintinued t]n Page i. FOOTWEAR Tins newest models of Oxfords and Pumps are now being shwa in our windows, and they repre- sent the very best efforts of the successful Shoe manufacturers. Each style is drsigneci to include perfect comfort as well as good looks. The pride. art most reas- onable, Geo. MacVicar When Travelling Be sure and get your tickets at the Down -Town Ticket Office Open until 8 p.n. F. F. Lawrence & Sons CLEVELAND BICYCLES Now that we have the long evenings and you are anxious to get home to do your gardening, why not get a Bicycle, as every minute saved on the way home and the time put to production is .doing that much more for your country. The Cleveland is a wheel that hat std the test and is a wheel that is fully guaranteed, Call and see them at CHAS. C. LE