HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreater Goderich, 1918-05-16, Page 3GREATER GODERICH, MAY 16, 191S
Published through the co-operation of
the Board of Trade, the Goderich Signal
and the Goderich Star for ten days,
beginning May 1 in the interest of the
campaign for an aggressive and well-
financed Board of Trade.
G. L. Parma C. L. Moore Geo. Porter
N. Y., which aa.- \isited by a dale- 1 � ■
a;ation from Guelph was pleasing t.1 Arranging for Five Million
4410• leaders of tIi campaign niuvemeiit 1 •
the I
1 ] 1I %. a iars,�„a*V on / t est Front
Via\, t
Local News Items for Greater Goaer-
ich should be left at The Star office'
with Mr. Naftel.
Advertising copy should be left at
The Signal with Mr. Robertson.
Letters and suggestions for the
Greater Goderich campaign should be
left at the office of the Board of Trade
in the Masonic Temple, or wailed to
that address.
MAY 15, 1918
.1 Historw-{faking %leeting
orgatized an the saiiia plan ars is pro-
pused in this campaign, wit ti the
bureau farm of organization, 'three. 1
year plan, .tad all.
There is really a new spirit born in
t;oderich. Last night's meeting was
in fact a turning- point in the !•,guar
Now, let us niaake the campaign a
hundred per cent. ..uccess, and that
can bP d•.ine if every man and woman
aha an afford the dues will join now.
\ll together for Goderich, Huron's
144.1den mate.
tel together for a.oderich.
All for one and ..ne for ail for a
r.reater 1 .Trish.
The man art+, waits now "to see
now it xuines ..tit" is a Tacker. He's
nut doing his bit.
Let us strike while the iron is hot.
The advertising that Goderich has re-
ceiweal already from this movement
could not haw a been purchased for
thousands of dollars. :Sow is our
chance to snake a 'en strike. Let us
hake such a successful Board of Trade 1
that the world will beat a path to
our doors to 'see how we operate so
The London, Hamilton, Guelph,
and Stratford representatives at the
dinner last night were amazed at the -
great showing Goderich is making in
this campaign. Goderich in fact Is
taking the lead in Canada in putting it-
self on a business basis, and all the
Dominion will look to Goderich if we'll
just go ahead now, and make it a 100
per rent. eampaign.
That was sure a wonderful meetitic
at the Bedford hotel. It was a "Great-
er Goderich" in every sense of the
'word, and every citizen was proud of
the spirit of enthusiasm and deter-
mination shown. The speaking was
of a high order. There was no elo-
quence of generalities nut there was an
eloquence of facts. Wally one doubt-
ed the power of organized effort, that
meeting last night should has., quickly
dissipated that doubt.
The evidence presented by the out
of town speakers concerning their
aehievemeiits through live -wire boards
of trade was conclusive. Especially
impressive was that or Mr. J. W.
Lyon, of Guelph, who told of the suc-
cess in that town in locating indust-
ries. His description of the work of
the Chamber of Cun.,nercu at Batas+ ia.
1,< ruuua A:t ill 1 oneentrattion
hells\ a as... 14, . despatch Irani
IIatuhur- s4 Iv ed in Geieva may - 111.•
a•nlire German Baltic fleet ewe.pt for
light cruisers aas retsina] last week
hi Niel. V. here 1nap..rtan1 naw al fares,
are naw beim: rnn.'eulrate41.
Going Right 'rltrniijih Thi. Time
London. \lay t•'.. , d• sla:atrh fi'111n
French head•1u'cars says !..'guan
newspapers ar r l' ire: :1t the French
(runt contain a..'nr,.u. • 1,1 Ili.' Ger-
main people that when the ,.flensi\e Is
resumed it will cutniIrue without stum-
ping until the war is 041,1. •1.
Russian'' Gist. tits Finland
London, !•lay l6.—;A despate•Ii from
laelsingfars says the Russians ha'e
+. a'ua 14.1 all Finland a it h the excep-
tion of argue-„ In.., retreating as far
as Kr..n,tallt. They also have glwen
up the railway lines from Kalkea:.-
sart to Petrograd.
Inti; after She end of the present Ilst'aI 1
year, that is. until after \iiirch:11, I:al:a-
Hurt Carrs
T•-.1'v)tu. Alay 14.,- .Aee'ur.tirig to an
�•rd••r-In-I:ut:tnril pes+rl un April 30.
.',alit' ,•f '•Iiieli was received in Toront••
4,,110'., ,til men claiming not to be in
•'las, anis rimier the Military Bernice
_\et must hereafter carry paper- at all
I in, s iw ing proof that such is the
raise. '1'h.• required papers ntust be
either a l.irth 4.4riI1110 a or a marriage
Labor Trust. President Wilson
1.0)11.414, \4:.t' is, Arthur Henderson,
reader .af the Labor party, addressing
the Manchester -Salford. Trade Council
last malit. said British labor would
1 trust President Wilson ti. secure a
•Ienrocratie peace and would aid .A)ter-
iean !altar in harking hint up. Mr.
Ilen414'r...n1 airs 1444(4anspaiiieti by thre..
member. .if the .tmerican labor dole -
The Official Statements
London, May 16, Tu.lay's War 41111x..1
statement says British Iruups raided
German trenches last night in the
neighburhuud of t.ia'reila, north-east
of Arras, taking prisoners. The ssrlil-
lery was at•tive at different paints.
parti.•tilarly in the valleys ..f t'.,
Somme and Ancre rivers.
Paris, May it., --The Frenal NS al'
Office reports an artillery duel in the
Hailles-Castai sector and the failure
of a (German raid wwe-t of Montdidier.
The Star to Jan. ist, 1919, for 15c.
New Victor Records
Thomson's Music Store
Yesterday we received 504) new
Records, selected by special
choice froth the Victor Catalogue
of 10,000 of the world's best
selections. If you are interested,
call and have a look over thest
Records, and you will he amp
repaid. Something to suit every
Think of it—an opportunity
to hear the world's best a; Lists.
MacEwan Estate I
Sole agents for the
'The Standard Anthracite
James F. Thomson Phone 98
When Travelling
Be sure and get
Down -Town
your tickets at the
Ticket Office
Open until 8 p.m.
F. F. Lawrence & Sons
1Al.PA!D_UP, $15,000,000
SIR JOHN A!RD. General Manager
H. V. F. JONES. Ass'L Gen]. Managor
RESERVE FUND, . $13,500,000
A Savings account will assist you in the patriotic
and personal duty of conserving your finances jThis
Bank allows interest at current rates„ and welcomes
small accounts as well as large ones.
Goderich Branch - - GEO. WILLIAMS, Manager
Italian% Raid Pula
Rome, May lt•,--It is ofllcial]y an-
nounced that Italian naval forces made
a dash into Pota Harbor Tuesday and
sank an _\ustrian battleship of the
Viribus t•'nitis type of 20,000 tons.
'While the naval operation was pro-
gressing an Italian seaplane fore.' en-
gaged Austrian battleplaties above
Poli. Two of than Austrians were
brought down and several others were
e.mp•Iled to descend out of control.
The Italian anaehinea all returned
%fore• Hum Plotting
\washi sst.ur slay 1G, .An official de-
spatch to the ilali:tn .mhasly repurts
the seizure at i'ltrieh of revolutionary
anemia—Ms. I1.114a11s 7(1111 firearms of
German origin intended f••r distri-
bution iri Italy.
ttitrriran Plans 4tnnien.e Force
1.•,).l•an, May 14a, Horsy K. A . Brit -
lain, secretary e4f the F:Il,.lish branch
of the Pilgrim's Club addressing thy:•
Royal Colonial Institut • last night .le -
scribed American pre paratiuns on the
western front as "amazing in their
immensity." Plans be said were being
read. a. take care of the 40111 .11 Vale:
lease lmama was,.
to NatictnitIl.' the !.rand Trunk
Ir.tavwa, May 1•:, ti.•ti. lrlltui
tleifit.•n and Hon. .L. A. t.atder, ft t-
learned today, ,it'e the \linister"i wwl..
mall have e barge a.f the ne'g•itl (tia1
far tete nationalization of the Gras, .
Trunk and Grand Trunk Pacitl.'. Th
'i11 accurnpany sir Robert li.ar.lxn
11Igtand few t11.' purpa.'0.
% **Reasonable Peace \eat in Sight-
L.•n.l. n, 'alt. 14, - 11..n. 1. ,1. Balfour.
Fur.'ia:ra !^• r:'••1:,t'•y, in response 1.a
tluesti iais in the li..ttse of t:urn)wns
today regarding \ustriai s peace user -
lure's to France, a- resealed in the
letters of Emperor .;Harries of Austria
to Prince 'r\t o. of Bourbon, said there
was Ha •'wt•lelae nus ••r ,(t any prev-
,,us time that a.• r•na•4(1' eantenalrlated
the pus»ihill1y •.t 'toil the Allies
Floor Coverings
Onr stock of Linoleum, Oilcloth and Congoleum Rugs is
complete, and we are able to give you good advice as to
the best covering suitable to your floor.
Linoleum 2 and 4 yards wide.
Oilcloth in all widths from f -yard to Di yards.
Congoletim Rugs in all sizes,
Are here in the newest designs for you to choose'! from,
Lace and Scrim Curtains ready -trade, at all prices.
Curtain materials by the yard at all prices.
'I4( •- .l'hone.
House 'Phan11
in Italy only one-third of tete
army 'is being maintained on the.
battle lines, the official explanation
being that there is not sutlicieni
foot!. '('he strong Austrian army
facing the Italians is said to have
Russia is paying a heavy penalty
for letting peasantry grow up il-
literate and therefore subject to the
wiles of international confidence
men. ----Chicago News.
The Germans ars' paying a tre-
mendous price per acre for a mere-
ly temporary use of some French
soil. It is probably the highest rent
ever paid for vacant land in the
world's history. --Toronto Star.
No Change in British 1114)11 Command
London, Alay lr;--Chancellor Hamar
Law, in the Haus.. .,f Gammons today,
declared there was no truth in rumors
in . irxulatinn 04 the effect that a
chapae in the British high cunun:and
in France gas ininarent.
No Patriotic Fund Canmpaign% this Pear
Ottawa,, \1iy I';, --Tire National Exe-
,1111'e of lite Patri.atic Fund tteeisled
.:41 a (fleeting today that there shall he
114 further rainala1tics1- f..r thi: fund
Speaks for Itself
_ \Ve are now open for business
in our new garage, with a full
= Also a new Bowser Gasoline
Outfit, which gives only pure
Have your tires pumped by
our new up-to-date electric air
A complete line of Tires and
This is the place where you
will get the service.
Auto Livery in connection.
T. M. Davis, Garage
South Street Goderich
Firing on lu/tr Announcements
This publication desires to be of
service in aiding all patriotic and pub-
lic enterprises. Announcements con-
cerning these !natters will be publish-
ed briefly without charge. Leave
them at The Star ()MCP 1‘11.h Editor
lion 'r,4nr. 1 pr's.: \Logy'~ Or-
'.•x iw 1J.a11ar• costs three
11 11111 omminimMilelli 1
There is a Time
and a Place
for everything
Now is the time and
Sharman's is the place
to buy your outing and
summer footwear.
Now is the time to
boost Goderich by sub-
scribing liberally to the
Board of Trade's sub-
scription list.
1'111; -11 F 't 1 �
Special Offer
to New Subscribers
The Signal
to any address in Canada or
Great Britain
to January Ist, T9T9,
for ; /5c.
To 1' ri i ted States addresses $1.
111111111 11111111111111 I■
Established 100 years (I$Il-1917,1
Capital (paid up) 1116.000.000 Rest 316,000.000
Undivided Profits 11.66l.893 Total Assets 3103.910.136
Those living at a distance from any
Branch of The Bank of Montreal can trans-
act all their regular Banking By Mail, with
the saine safety and convenience of a personal
Goderich Branch— A. W. STRICKLAND, Manager
111 01 a
� . N I LLAP u SON
Of special intere-t these day!, is our splendid showing of hand-
some spring and summer Coats, for women and misses,
at $12.00, $16..50, 8.0.00, $22,50 to $35.00.
Handsome black Silk Coats, black Moire Coats, black Bengaline
Coats. Most suitable for elderly women's wear.
From $12.50 to $27.50.
See our stock of I)r. Jaeger's Automobile Rugs.
The Scotch Store. The ideal store of "Huron's Golden Gate -
"'Watch Us Grow"
Millar's Scotch Store
X XXXXXXxxxx XXX Xxx xxxxxxx
All Together for Greater Goderich
"Hl'Rt:)N'S GOLDEN (_.ATF.,
(load Values in Household Stationery
Lotus Lawn Note Paper and Envelopes, 25c per
quire and package. Holland Linen Note Paper and
Envelopes, special for a few days, 25c per quire and
Xpackage. Correspondence Cards 25c, 35c and 50c
Xper box. Immense assortment of Letter Pads ranging
X in price from 1Oc to 50c. Ink from 5c per bottle to
a large quart at 81.00. Mucilage and Paste from 5c
X a bottle up. Complete stock of Pens, Pencils,
X Erasers. Carter's and Waterman's Fountain Pen
514:Ink, etc.
Save loud and help the fighter fight.
a=MxxXxxxxx XXX xxXxXXXxx=
Get Your Job Printing at The Star