Greater Goderich, 1918-05-16, Page 2p KODAK AS YOU GO is a good motto for spring Make snapshots of the many pretty scenes. Kodaks and Supplies Developing and Printing JAMES A. CAMPBELL "Central Drug Store" 'Phone 90 Goderich, Ontario White Sewing Machine for Sale. in good condition. Apdly at SIGNAL OR STAR OFFICI3. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. To ensure change of advertise- ment for tomorrow's Daily, the copy should be handed to the printer THIS EVENING. Send all copy for ads. to the eignal Office. FOOTWEAR The- newest models of Oxfords and Pumps are now being shown in our windows, and they repre- sent the very best efforts of r the successful Shoe man ufacturers. Each style is designee, to include perfect comfort as well:as good look. The prices are most reas- onable. Geo. MacVicar Greater Goderich Meeting c<,ulinucd from GREATER GODERICH, MAY 15, 1918 ii biggestand best port on Lahe Huron. farm and ft,'le•r�. \\', e.11111 helpi;• °p rlrvt111on Ir) method, ni'ganizationigiving the Conservative leader a Mr. Russell T. Bella?`. l,r,'sid, ni of down the .rd\r1- 1411 11tr. of lr:,.byl• � .and system, her painstaking pre -1 majority of 47. :lir Wilfrid Laurier the Hamilton Board u- Trade, said he buying oto• 0v.11 a„'•,1-. _mads n.+„ le ill 'inflation and unswerving deter- carried the Province= of Quebec by ulnation to leave nothing to chance. a majority of 11, but Sir Robert 1^)orals. :1s the war goes on, and veil after Borden carried the Province of Orl- in Ila111n ur lis II. said they yell is torn aide. there is iltselosed tario by a majority of 60. Tto were aettin. ,.•I'tion'. on 1200 a.•r•'s 4 Paid' time fresh evidence of the other provinces, lumped together. re a miles (101st the rite with the in- extraordinary network of silent gave the old Liberal chieftain a rr1a- t,•nii,.0 "r divi•din tbi- Ire )oto lat< Preparation, of clogged persever- jority of 2. ft is therefore clear anee . unanimity of purpose and than Sir Robert Borden's large nla- i f 1:1 it,•)°••, :,11 ,.,kin.• tete r„n,•rnnterit unparalleled sacrifices. in these jority in 4911 carne from the elec- t„ poll so r,=t11r11.,1soldiers then' with there are useful lessons for us also, tors of Ontario, tha West heine at Iwo „r' Ito•,',' •'vii"rt he'n t'• twang and if we profit thereby as we that time very inadequately r'et)rt'- sented. Laurier's followers from Quebec numbered 38, and Borden's 27, of whom not more than 20 by the widest stretch of imagination could be described as Nationalists. Several of them, indeed, not vera long afterward repudiated Nation- alism ; but if the whole score had elected to shift their allegiance to Sir Wilfrid Laurier at the session of 4912 they would still have left the Prime Minister with a majority of 7, So much for a widely credited political myth. The Nationalists were never strong enough even to hold the balance of power, let alone furnish a large majority. It is high time Canadian editors and political orators brushed up their arithmetic. --Saturday Night. untitled land in Western Ontario d he thought a move shr,uid he made to get the Government to settle returning soldiers on this land insteau of .ending all to Northern 1ntario. Here they would tlnd a ready market toad have the advantages of being clear centre, of civilization. .Mr. Bridge quoted figures showing that in eanada we had a very kw production in sheep, cattle and swine, and no doubt in other lines and touch more could be done by intensive farming. Goderich he pre,Iir'tr••) would put this thing over and was hound to be- come a big progressi\„ ell.. We roust forget the all -for -nit) stuff and we was burn ten miles away from the boundary of Huron and 13101'•'. 1n his opinion (0411 vvaa going to Ir• <lne 01 the ;,iPeal tartars in \\inniLr11 the vv,tr. 'rhe lines could sway b.o•k •n.1 r.rth in a radius of tell or ;,;x,',•11 mil's fret' a tong lime. In 'Hamilton they Itad .1 fanners' section of the Board of Trade with 1I1 members and meetings for farmers. Ile had known roderich fur pairs as a plae'r of summer resort. 1li-. granrd- fatlrer %vas one of the first settler, in \\-Ingham. H,' himself wen! 111 school in Clinton and ptaye,r lacrosse in all the towns in this district and them was no liner farming cal,ntry than in Huron. We must have good roads. If eioderich went after the highway from 1loderich to Buffalo through llieln It Vv:is ai,lxl'iling to think there v.,+s enurh g.„,11 ian'i 4I0.allahle in old iintirte. Ir•. K''lI'•a eeneluded l,y wl I.in, the ,:u't' cad) Board of 'rratl• 1:•.,1 !11r, 11. is 1;anlr•1•'+Il, former president. of the Beard of Trade, told of lh,• diI1 ulti'•s in the past of hold- ing tate Board 1.,_.•tber and appealed to .111 to seize this opportunity to put f',oderieb en the wrap. The difficulty in the past wa" that things had not would win more than we thought we. Hamilton, Hamilton would do its part. been carried on in a business way. The stocks of the manufacturing 8r•(ore the rlesin.. ,.f the program by those who are now the strongest were losing, and make Goderich the i supporters of Union Government_aty countries, which-,Xe.Co^ az war, would atu•riff Re)not+. ruse 1.1 sa.y that (hale - to much depleted after the \\ars During the elections of the early rich owed , •Litt of gratitude to a winter it was uttered as a "tu quo - There would be readjustment for a \•ouns plan who was formerly :t re:i- que” argument in answer to the re - should, the commercial and indus- trial future of the 1'nited Kingdom will be assured.—Kelly's Monthly Triple Review. The Myth of Nationalist Assistance Of many popular fables that have taken hold of the Canadian public perhaps non' is more baseless than the story Ilial Sir Robert Borden and the Conservative party were re- turned to power in 1911 by the Nationalist party of Quebec. This was, indeed. the boast of the Nationalists. and if speedily was ac- cepted as gospel by Liberal news- papers in all parts of Canada ; even • i i JUST IN An artistic line of new STAND and 1 SWING +♦ i 1 FRAMES In Antique Gold, 'Mahogany and Circassian Walnut. Very appropriate for photographs. Also two new shipments of the latest designs in mould- ings. Bring in those pictures you want framed, without delay. We will frame them suitably at,small cost. SMITH'S ART STORE East Street c rt- e war was oc” fro e that Bourn, sa was support- -II"' o .after the r a h ha few months PP r and t, whom v r r In dot hr, 1 and after that a real busy lime tele idehterl. for the gathering that night. -Ing Laurier ; and still one encount- 1 e Canada. For )'rats h. had been bombarding Our debt was piling rep and could Goderich residents with leltees and at only he met by our production of last had got the hall moving. He call - 1,4 for three cheers for Billy Coutts. and they were givnu with a vim. C 'Phone 198 "I 9 2C ptX 0XXX THE WARM DAYS BRING TO MIND THE DELIGHT OF EDWARDS' ICE CREAM rf1sXXXXXa'1 XX'> 'XX moireo. FireCo is the name of the Range that is the latest thing in Range construction. In this range one bucket of coal will do your baking more satis- factorily than two buckets in other ranges. This is a strong assertion, but it has been proved and you can prove it for yourself, and if this Range does not do as represented it can be returned. Stop that awful waste of Fuel CHAS. C. LEE Phone 22. HELP GODERICH GROW by using and recommending to your friends Bentrovato Massage Cream Once used will convince you it is the best. Sold by all Druggist,. Boys' Suits at about half present day prices Good strong tweeds in double-breasted style, bloomer pants, at $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 Walter C. Pridham Phone 57 FOX PRODUCTIONS O\[ING HERE The Model Theatre an- nounces for Fridays and Sat- urdays, commencing May 1 and 18, Fox pictures and Fox two -reel comedies. Fox features and corned les present such well•known and tal- ented stares as Theda Bara, William Farman, George Walsh, Tom Mix, Hank Mann. Dustin Narnum, June Caprice, Anuette Kellerman, Virginia, Pearson, Charles Arling and Gladys Brock- well. On Friday and Saturday this week, see Gladys Brockwell in "CONSCIENCE" also CHARLES ARLING in a two - reel comedy "A Footlight Flame" Nuff sed ,i MODEL THEATRE NW/VW Ii "lir. Lyons ruse again to suggest Mai ,olg1•!ph and itnderieh, whlch \vera linked together in what he had des- cribed as a marriage tie, should cele- brate two 11 rRte the honeymoon, that the t ) Boards .•f Trade should visit rldh others town during the summer and what V\ A:, being done The invitation was cordially- accept - ,1 to President Parsons r,n behalf of 111 ll,.artd and he then railed fur three clu'• res ;and a tiger for the :nreess ...f lh.• 111ov,,13writ in 1;,,derirh, and these .ver,• : i\•'11 r..usingly. kr\ li. a:. eller 11 prnnaun'ed tin' hem -die -non and the National 'lrtlherli sone- W.. Ilne\\.' algid not unlit to mention It. ••xr,•Ilenre of the t10'nu pro%i,lyd t the dinner nor the ,plen.iirt 11114,i. ren'lt'+•d daring ow 1,�.1.�1n,.} h. 1 4 , i.•rl'll t) •••h' sl ; Read the War Suttetins Thelatest tat t.t afterno un i\'ar lludl ti n will be received each day by this ' pub - ors itfrmmtime to time in Canadian hcation by special arrangement with newspapers. 'Those who promul-, the Great Northwest Telegraph 1 .: gate this story 11111$t have forgotten Editor Robertson of The Signal v til the election returns of 1911, or are accompany the bulletrn each day vest::; very poor arithmeticians. Certain- a War Summary. ly they arra giving an entirely fie- titinus importance to the National- Toronto is to raise Rs water rates, ist contribution to Ste Robert (tor- That's reasonable. Its people, den's first victory. being debarred from buying A reference to the Parliamentary • whiskey, should he well able to pay Companion for 1912 shows that in more for their water: Hanilton the general elertions of the previous Spectator. September. the people le of Canada it is always safe to send a no - elected 434 supporters of Borden minion Express Money Order. Five and 87 supporters of Laurier, thus dollars costs three cents, \\as \fuel Maintain High 1'roductior► (Inc pregnant 1,•:.011 of the wear is that the strong ant potent in- tdv 4t+111111 of 111.' Br'itisl, rharaeIoi }v.•,! r 01,0 14 01Y ';11111 :1.0v:11.e1, tlr.• sadl.s- IaUur'y solution of Lite 1 t'4Itllerns of reennstrltrtion ; for all through the long and dreary history of the war there has been the story of British rutpro\ Ir:,1 toll at,Jinat email. or- t;anizalu,n. and , \etas have proven only loll fully 111e costliness and tardy fl`uili.,11 or :111 -. sterns of inl- pr10\ wing. \\hen. 1lie war ends. 1110 rchllilltin_ 01 „lir It. utl 11 broad :144•1 Iia -t-- 1111151 (101)011, 1lp- 11141.1 404 1ralh'• 111.1 the development and extension of profitable trade. 111 the Hays .•t tierce eiimpelition which lie before us. ran Dilly he attained by highly- oreanizeel arran.40110uts through whirl* producers at'd consumer. are brought inlo quirk and certain re- lation,. 1 INTERESTING NEWS — FROM - WALKER'S TWO STORES STORE No. 1 The Furniture Store Space will not permit to give you in detail our many specials. We will quote special prices all through this ten-day campaign on Linoleums, Oil Cloth, Congoleum Rugs, Furniture Coverings, Cur- tains, Cretonnes, draperies. Etc. STORE No. The Musk and China Store 1 only Dinner Set $1,1.00 1 only Dinner Set $17.00 1 only Dinner Set 826.50 1 only Dinner Set 825.00 A few bargains in the Music Department 1 only square Piano by Marshall & Wendel of New York SK:,. 1 new Piano, special value at SPA '11 lilt easy ter•Ins Often the Cheapest W. WALKER 'Phones Always Res. 197 the Best Undertake- Store 89 �! 1 JIIIII III III IIIUIII IIIIIIIII111111IIli11IIIUIII IIIIIIIIIIII 1I11IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII111111IIIUIIlIL That industrial ail commercial restoration is l,o..ihle !las ben pro%rd to the hilt by the extraor- _ Binary resili'n•y of 1- I'itish irl- 4ltlstl'y in the Norlli. where. ,le.l,ite tiover•nnrent restrictions and halldi- ra11. necessary, pr'rhal;�, in time = of war. lint intolerable in pearl' . despite lahur shortage and .11111- 1111111 despite the prevailing; I1' - eland• 441 Illtrllithin5, despite 1Nle = embarrassments inseparable from = war -time transport and transit on land and sea, yet British maim- factoring and 41ver-'as commerce --- has leas herrn carried on with t'onspicu- = (4115 •1m'r.•s., to the trellmenlrlus ad- = vantage of our financial situation. what is the result 0f our "Stock-- ,_ taking;" tins 4•4,nnerl14111 '' liuv\ = 11:111ri. remark:tide continuity ot•,= in,lnsto toeen possible in 1111.111= lime, and in spite of such ferritic GROCERIES X xrfYryf'Se xxtttlrxxrfhtx xYour credit is x X still good at X X POWELL'S XXXXXXXXXXXX Telephone 91 alIMMF handicaps :' The only answer hes IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIi1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIINIIIIIiIIIIIIIIHhIIIililllr in a roraltdartson won peace lines. • lee the great disadvantage of the latter. l4 a Elie inevitable ronelusion is that ,< 111 111,1111111 pre-war Vines our 1)I )- duralv0 energies in labor and brains ware only vviokiug at halt' pressure. all that nt lour national activities - there was an enormous margin of waste ; if suet) were not the case. it wntlld have been a physical irt, possibility to produce the rest:.: of which we have seen such elu- anent testimony ; tnese results cart only hase been achieved by the" utilization of great resources of alt- o -LIMA rat 1 1 lt..rmltliArat11 ' abilit.' and lab power hitherto lying dormant ie neglected, What we must .1. therefore. is to oppose with ev•- tiiore of vigor we possess any 1r1•grade idea or movement l„ t effect that when the war is of e: the necessity for this sustained 0'1idl will have disappeared, for such a feeling, if allowed to become, prevalent, will surely mean a return 1 to the old pre -wear dead level of 1 low prod,ur111111 and diminished wages. While we are consumed with loathing and abhorrence on the means adopted by Germany in her persistent striving for world- I power and commercial domination, yet we cannot be so blind as not to observe her outstanding zeal and The Food:Controller TELLS US TO TELL YOU to Eat More Vegetables To help save the supply of wheat. Here are our reduced prices : Potatoes 25c per peck Turnips 15c per peck The Carrots quoted are specially good. Carrots 25e per peck Onions 4oc per peck DEAN BROS. Canada Food Control—License No. 8-4858. xx 1 0