Greater Goderich, 1918-05-16, Page 1GREATER C1O1WRICH N E STORE Published Daily During Campaign for a Modern Board of Trade No. 8 GODERICH, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1918 "Greater Goderich" Meeting Greatest Success of Its Kind Ever Held in Western Ontario Distinguished Visitors Amazed at the Great Spirit Shown ly the People Here -Meeting Makes Resolve to Work Continusously for Growth of the Community \V -:t yeilt get hien together tae,' to the \\ • -,fere, Canada Flour :Mils Co., fat • tl.e-aa differences disappear. war was the first speak. -r. lie .aid he had t11e eletunl 1,f one of the-l..•akers at been .1 resident of (;1derieh at three the "Greater 4 oderIett" dinner at the different peried>i of his life and for Bedford Hetet on Wednesday night, the pat se\ente.t•n years had been one and the ettirit of unity and en -opera- of our eitiL.'ns, and had noted the dif- tion in tht' determination to put Uode- ferent ewe-) in the progress of the rich on the map w\•hieh was 1.e evident town. 11 had assisted to advanee the at that gathering, was itself a proof Inate•rest, of the town and was a mem- o! the statement. The gathering \was ber of the committer whiett got the held its the inaugural of a campaign present movement started. They had for members. in the new Goderich ;et first met with peasimisni and such Board of Trade, following ttte cam- statemeents as "it can't be done ; • "you paign cif rdueation which the Town are tttruww•ing away y't.ur money:" etc Dew-topment people have been putting but all that was chanted no and he on in UcHteriele and was a most en- be.spoke for the canvasser- for menl- thnsiastie tone. Representatives from bership a +rood reception when they. Stratford, Hamilton, Guelph and Lon- started out next morning. don Boards of Trade gate very en- J. W. Lyon, president of the Guelph eour.tging dceount.a of what was being Bostic of Trade, said Guelph and Gode- eteeempll'Ju'd in their cities. and the rich were partnere. In fact the re- sUKwesti•au tor co-operation aarni.ng the littionship Haight be tenuriared to the Beards of Trade of Western a ►Mario "marriage tee and the +;ut'lph and Gude -in ao!rtngg tatter the war problems was 4ich Rlihvay was the marriage ring. • retteently thrown out, showing the ,;ueIph staa always hetet read' to .ase• Wi.etom of e.;.catertch in getting organ- list Gutterieti w t r \we went to lied ,! •Ilg the right 1 'order to (alta ra tear harbor improvement. its 'proper part 401.1 used our sail an(d we used art: their Agricultural College and winter r► Bala was- given L►» He's- fair. and Goderiet4 probably owed to 01 11i11 after \which the ••reatelent Guelph the extern+ion ,•f the C. P. R. ad tie- Platform of .\etititiel; pre- to the lake. Guelph had agitated for pored rtes the local Board of Trade. it for e30 year- and finally undertook In 1;e Awning remarks Mr. Parsons tp geL►,it1e tree ri(rt t of ww,t. which '0 itis sati factinn et etteing a brergtht ;abets til• buileiillt: of the iteetietii:urices C: ... u- tt1 - to , 1'4ta11•'4 present, sled ate have t.tlw,-- fruit. ,ether cities Jtr. 1,• e.il congratulated t;o.J.•raeh 1,14 vice deel.eladetl and which Ice- the ••xr•'lte'nt Program we had outlined, tended ton ur there t•+ araldr''4s the but one thing twas lacking. that wwae like an i'nabrellti ,tr•••k in vw.•ryttting else. tier. 1)r. Rutledge, a-rer ci hune•r.,u- drive at Guelph, spoke on the r••-port- uibitily of citizenship. We tow -ed it t., Uoderieh tet talk it up and give it our enthusiastic support. :Henle people seemed t,• think that they were sent into the \wt•rid to talk things. aloe n,b111 %we thuet frit t'I1 or go under, ai- Lloyd - George said. We must get in ..r get out. We inust lift the town tip. E'te•ryone could do something elle Board of Trade in 04 wwas In be 111.' Intl Ofl 4 0d1t•ieli Some people in Tette lltat would tri\ e- their immortal soul lel {ret into the .'dill t•f '1'oru.i,o, 1.11t yen e'e,tilil get int() the ;00 of UoderieIt nor 32.4. The next thing to de was to !seep on lifting. Ile• had kno\vn many ar itiote(e- nlent fail becausje the people-t•,t.p.d tht, .t1One F. ereb..tly should buy tioeterich. -You con snake t.odt•rit•II bet- ter than you dream toe If y''il ui. the right wt:.r Abunf it, wvieh it long rootlet -tiding pun and ;t pert artogettler" ;►ll•. 11 (I. \\'t•ialit, w tet• pre,ai.le411 ..4 4 itie Stratrord lHi,aart1 t.f Trade, wits tit , next speaker. In the Classic City' are aa.lwanre was due to the Board of Trade The plalferm aadopte, ill 4;1;derieh 'wa- ttle most 1«r•t.trres iee he tsad 0.1.1' r•`al.t I and be had n.•wer attended .t mere en i t It usiastie l31 •aid 1.,t a r t, t.r 1,,e [aeteret What 114' vw(Mid (1'• ntt4rt 1.•• art •11) t 4i.ty f toiler t1.e%t= h.re l,f.n✓ , +t ..,1 14'4 tn. i atn.i t.lti.•:at i.•a1. Ill Stratft•rt1 they u«Tel• had rens.•--ntative. Of the farne- ita rt.lnln1111i1, in their ice, ird 1..1 Trade. There was the f.•elilts b\ tee gathering }ie read a letter fr•tlo the our patriotic duty. It whteuld be the tawnier many place.. that the town first duty of Boards .•f Trade tot twin loan vvas getting the better rtf iI1III. Kitchener Beard el Tract• e\1'ert•seing regret at their inability to. -. fist :a man ww.r. The manufacturer felt that be vete tothis tt.ewn:wt, but ;,.-iiririg the Ten or eleven years :ago Guelph was l.•i11 based hit ui tett high price of C;otie'rich Board .,f eel-op.'r.ati '11 Ill any in thedoldrums and that hoard of rawmaterial. and t71r pr.tfesaional possible way. Trate. met the members. and deeili- sotto felt he wee the \te'tim ui ht,ih. 11►s \\"tet -hip, mayor evirtile, .,n be- ed lu purttlase 400 acres for free fat- \1.,11 earn tiis;'cense wwitll ail th.tt fel>Itt11r half of the citizens id- oto- te.\wll, ex- ti.r•y site•.. The land ,las bought fey\when you ge•1 alae nl•'n tare t«, (acre. tended as 1\eeleol►lt• to itte ti,it.•r. and $60,000. et large nulltb.•a• cif faet4.ry +rte. 'lila •o-1,1«.•r+etiw•• .p•II:1' would he the congratulated the committee iill bring- \tree given away free Some .1.f the haste '.f all t.1a1' eueet --. Ina -etch a fine gathering together, and land was sold for $70,000 and hw,s third- AWhat woo. going tet happen after the the lady who selected the .I„gan for of the land remained. end the popul:a w\ .r 1f the 13•,.rits of 'Prude• 11,1.1 1,•- the 'u\% -n. \\diel► \tai adjudgedby the tion had been increased by 8,000.- The a;' -trier :anti made lritar." C.,r :after ttu rotntttitt' 1. t'• be the best submitted Board of Trade had been at the bottom \\.ar they et•u1,1 '4• t ,Isr,;e .i I.,t 1.r de_ and won the :1a prize offered by Mr. of every step of pr..}ree in t;uelpll,as- pr.'sei•'n after the war, if Intl) wv,•let• Fe'11 the phutiigrapher- Thi--1•.gan, sisterd in the location ..f the .'4,grieul- stet to tw.,rt, at o..t.ttl fes.. The 411.l.,, '.Nlir.,n'• r;ol.len +;sat,,' wee d1-.l,layed tural ettltege, the winter fair and fae- radial. \\+mitt he ready tI, toned°. aa'r•.-: the end..1' the 41111441+:1•.1.•04, and furies, et,', last winter bought 50 cat•- large moniker .4" men. Street \w,.a'k Irl will bre need .in ec.untlese pieties of loads of void to relieve the fuel short- 1011)5'4 vv,•tttel tak, mot•,% Anti in a literature ,aetwerti-ing the town which age and undertook t1,• raising of mon- \,'r7.' short i•erti.,l a ;•'r the war 4w.• twill he thetribilied in the terming .'y for patriotic, Y. M. 1:. A. .Red truss would see ,. er.'.ter eerier! 1.,t pr.-- yrs and suchpurposes. Tho- Board of Trade pt^sit . 114.11) • \.ea' before., tr;,tf.•r,i Mr. it \1.•g.-sv-uperinten.fe'nt of \teas a great outstanding feature, and \could he la1.,artil. 431:td of :city . L•1.1.-- 1,4 t• WI 'tI'ilt 154:4k,•. Frank Mauldin, brother of 1►r >l,tel- Roll of Honor !`+,I1e,\wir►fi ss the 11tit of individuals, nrI11 and ee.rperations that were sigh - e•1 up f..r membership in the rF-r,rseri- :u,•tl Board of 'Trade rue pllr- i«;• l'I''re neerllher-11i11- : Tltiirsday, May 16 Baak(er, W. J. a Brephey, .1, Black, Chas. Bingham, F. E. Campbell, J. A. Cooke, H. J. • ib Craigie, J. W. '2t. . Colborne, G. E. Chrystal, Edwards, H. T. ., • Fell, J. T. 3_ ; Green, G. 11. Galt, John Hutchinson, W. H. Hunter, A. C. Horton, Hannah Horton, Kathleen Hill, Geo. C. }lathe, J. P. Hunt, F. Jordan, F. Jackson, G, 1.. Kidd, Jos. Killoran, J. L. Lawrence, J. A. Lane, \\`nr. Lee, Chas. Lauder, J. H. Leitch, J. H. Lloyd, R. \laeklin, A. H. \tuber, L. M. Mitchell, T. 11. Marriott, J. .loore, C. L. \1egaww, R. J. 0t»Derrnid, R. C. tteI 'tvan, J. J. M"Vicar, Gee. \Irlutrlald, D. Neia`n. Pt.rt••r, i re.. . Platt. .1. s. .9 . Panton-. 1.. It.y nol.l -, ti . , tLt.11erl;-+,n, \i» Revell. 11. K Reid. reap,. .Iar.,1. • •• 1. • •t eww shale -Ilan, \\'411. Smith. Pi.annalt Saunders, 1:. eneoLi tntl. A. \\'. Rory, J. 1:tclt►r. -\lea. .1.:0 loe. ,I. \V \an,itt.•r. .l. When you have read this copy of "Greater \\`uu�, F. \\"aa I k, r, \\ \\oil -..1. .. i - line bathe. etc., such le �Pecne in of Bays" district in the Highlands of \\'i_It , F:. lt, _seal,. :anti develop iniiril baths. ..-,:1- Ontario_ The concise description Mount Clemens or an Calt•d«tnia : given and the interesting pictures 111;1't:L(tP 1.11( 11. 1ti;a011 lt>k:t:!• spring - reproduced from direct photographs 1 Skate visited almost etery summer - tell the story of a very charming reettrt and wwirrter resort troll' the Gulf resort that is reached through sir. Au ill.• l' illitl'ai,tll for :a 4;r•t'alter it( \11•\t1..o to the White Mountains in Huntsville, Now is the time to tt,t.l.•ric•PI it eerier,. t,. In,' we should mane. and llndd that Ctadterie1i posses- think of your summer's vacation. nest flew eloo t.tir uwwn natural re- see n.; mere draw backs than any of Take a free trip, a mental little ,..,,laves that ,114'1' rtti it urs 1 spoke tlieesr, with tate 'neer Mesta of rail anti journey through the "Lake of Bays" stater f:teilitie.• by asking for this handsome pub - the ether evening ,.f the geld mine „f }trrhaps the ho,. -tea' will consider 1ication. Take the w\t ;,IIII beneath our fret. `alt, with thee. `tletgeeetir.ri, journey some after supper with your :all its by-products. wvtiteh are being door IiID[l. wife and children. then slain the nl.,.le in tha .litl',1t 1,t parts .;f America - door on the doctor for 1918 by tak- alt the prr.e«ret time, can in. sau,•e,i. :1 tiL 11%1ER PARADISE ing your family on a real journey fully pru.luee.l in Goderich. Ttie .,41t 1 haihi�.'ti booklet, artistically through this ideal summer piay- ground, nod! in (;od.•rirtt i- tine purest in the printed and illustrated, has just been A postal card to C. E. Horning, worm. The bell ie tone hundred feet issued by the Grand Trunk Railway - i'nion Station, Toronto, will prompt- d«1.p and tit brine i- not irntert'pn:ttet9 tel@inir ..f the beaut!es of the' "Lake• ly bring a copy of the booklet, wall earthly otelorides, as it t- in other localities. 1 epeak advisedly he- N•.N♦ ♦N1MN•.... 4-4-11-4-:- :t ..g..;»s.:'..,.•:-- : ••i--11-t-a-•fie4-1,--a-••eese-•i-•4.1-+•3-••1••1-:-.: -1 • ::--.e•- I••.4.4 .�' � 1111, „( 11.1x\11, tsar ial..t psi...«•Ill fr.lh eall.e ill r►1y` king .'«•tits' Pxp,tie1,ee• in trat(urt1. and •}l«,E,•' bri.•tly 191. si.ld t1,. .alt hi nt' 1 .. ww tlu' '4:,11 1.rn- \when \I r, Wright ' 4I.1 h. feel It•w•r 'jrlrr.l b. .tltl..), ••w«•r•• e`.•altttry in the UNION BANK /� CANADA A DA • F- ....... t�f1\ i\ D 1\j1 1�JE 1�j,i i=e . �_�., _- -_ . been al a mere ••nttru••.ia-tgr• neer,' ,,f twutl. ��� "' Trade banelil,'t he feet read react liana- ...nnVia» I t. .1.i. a1-.• 1.11114 1 1141lit a'1.- incorporated 18ti � f -� � � f.•r h«• tl:arl beton :+l iata[iy Iiarutllt !..;:.«trice• 'fruiay til•• eirlftlth bland iia-:- ia�/I. TERINGBANK \\'e w\:ult1.el omit r the lit>tugtalt leo, „hid, t stns+ t.wwru tl z •f „ra11izati+1. of ;y i- tPli' t '-'are1� ui' '1'tati* +,t \\' the timber on. is \s.+1 t1, .t rhilliuta tl•.P- eetere t lar- '•- OF (� �'� A L tJrtt, tai's feat 111.• ..iI1't :11iii Lr o,..1 it e•,ti,- :U t ti,lrlr. \11. have ,rl :ihlltad:,ll+'+ 1 •{- - .+, • 114. John Itri+lge, wire pr«,a.te[It ttf arl•J \ir, 11.'u1 4- ser'aw,l in Ibis I�tratal. the L..ndon Board of Trott., f:aertiouely i rie 1.,f \\Illlri..ta'. purchased. . em -- -i- referred t., hlna.etf .a. the they they War Bonds and other attractive invest - yeti Fall � ktaowv, ttr1. .A�ttt•ill 314„petty with a. had sent 1«• l.akt' the place 1.e elf the tweet_ view tt, ' .1,111 twit, e•tuld not euro,. In Lendun getting the gravel from there '4`r:1. ore ret is f+rai l;ia'.all} in ite infancy rnents are open to the roan who systernat- ltlew hla.i nut owl>r :30u rne'llltl,r. of t1, }it,ardof �'[•:14°1 ,;till he s.tpll1.el# �1 panti 1:t1•4i. eittr. like 11etr,•i1, 131:111.1“:1:1'; 11a+lo, i 1 14. ticI in H.d.-' inn. in @..Indt,n the. r;1. eiand, • test are* restating .1111 111 alt lcally sates his money. Such an investment found tllry rll11st Haws tit, ,•„- directions fur ut'aw«'1 s[•h x. G•.+letyrlt • operatio[1 j♦e represents what the thriftless man spends of they aariettltur•al claeses and p.rofe-- puase'tSes' \\e hip)). al-•, limestone rusk .urr.ntnding ups that in some • sional eta--t�- and must tri\(s a pr.- parte of United Slates 10.1.4:- - • in unnecessary trifles. Open a savings gressive, wide awake Cit., twith at- \ eloping int., a stat many ,a-« - r thetion ie ttte e1. milional and ir-- It event.- tee 1ne that in ori account in the Union Bank of Canada. A .g, thetie rifler. There mus; be eiwie itn - paign our first duty should to. prove'illPnt a' M. ell as industrial pro Settee encourage :1[189 assist our town help to thrift. gress. Noma- industries. It \would not make In Landon they had a rilt.t\.er1[ent onnmore difference to Godirieh if the to get the Boards 0f Trade 4.f \\'e •tet rl Goderich organ Company, the D.arnirl- Ontario together in London, to forma iun Road Machinery C.i. Knitting 1�;• a Greater Ontario Association 1,S and National Shipb;tildir>g Co., empL.. Beards of Trade, and the speaker ask- ed three times as many people, a- . we brought newindustries inti tote: ed a;e,derictt to help arrange dates and \\•e have the Goderich mineral watt•: n,,., . f� 1.___ Committee Secures Seventy - One Members in Greater Board of Trade Campaign 'Fhis!Means $1,775 for One Year, and $5,325 for the Third Year Period ---Committees Go to Work Again Tomorrow to Continue The Canvass In two hours' time this morning Joseph Kidd eleven committees In the Greater Committee No. 2. Goderieli Board of Trade campaign J;•eph Bropltey, Chairman signed up seventy-one ntemberships J. A. Campbell j, w. Vanatte•r Cunt for the reorganized Board, and there- (;,,mmitte', No. 3. by secured 1;11775 working fund for the Re'. +;e(•. C. Hili, Chairman first year 0f the new organization, or r'. \\"uo1eornbe -t. $5,325 for the three year period. The Alex. SaundersSaundersnuttrt' tio. campaign will continue tomorrow and T. }i. Mitchell, Chairman the leaders are confident that the 200 P. L. \\ alton membership goal will be reached. W. 19. Robertson There was a 100 per cent. turn out Committee "tea 3. Chas. A. Reid, Chairman of the committees promptly at 9:30 C. K. maunders o'clock this morning dt Me Canoe Club Chas. A. Nairn rooms and a number of other volun- Committee No. 6, teNrs who offered their services. After Frank E. Bingham, Chairmau Het. .\ Clarke nstruetion. had been given, the mem- L. L. Knot. bers of the committees signed thena- Committee No. 7. selves up for memberships, and then C. L. lack•t•n, ytlairInaa went to their districts in all parts of . S. Platt .t. W. Craigie the city. At noon they went to the Committee No. S. British Exchange Hotel for luncheon. H. T. Edward., Chairman. Here the reports were made amid great Wesley Walker G. E. Colborne enthusiasm.J. T. Fell Tomorrow morning at 9:30 the corn - C;ornmittee No. 9, nlitteee will meet at the Canoe Club Chas C. Lee, Chairman the .eeent1' time and will get their W. Powell r1,ateri dfor their second date's work A, \\ Strickland Committee. No. 10. They will meet for luncheon again at T. 4'.. German, Chairmen. 1, can id the Etriti-h t:wrtlan e> 1)r A. I4 t1 _ i'teog-Ws'.L .l , ,t+.+w,iMM a rte , -t: r r 1 4141 'W """" •"" tie -a :' '�t1 ti .Spec•' 1St (:..la.rhtttPP. i« llt,ww- i G. h. Par -.sty-, chatr•lereo - e }ealall.111 »' \•! 1. I ,«e..teee Porter Pt. e . 11• - I: 1.1,, 121,111'111,AI. r -. \\1 d [[1.141,-' I I. >t...:,r. 1 \t•• .ww • 1 • Goderich,' a mail it to some friend out of town. Save for Investment 4. War demands that we speed-up. Sterling Bank service is meeting war needs. -r * Goderich Branch C. L. JACKSON. Manager. I Goderich Branch - F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager I pl,t[t;, There were thousands of acre- wwiltl all exeellent name and inin.'r:ai water bubbling out of the ground. t,•. , y,.,�t,,l„t,,�,d,,t,,:,,4,•J„i, ,ti°r� Concluded on page - \\?tw lett place title industry ona large �•♦•��•�•�a•ar �f•� �