HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreater Goderich, 1918-05-14, Page 4GREATER GODERICH, MAY 14, 1915 1(11110011x1111x1111xx110111111101(1111111311111.110 xxxlKU■(xxxxxxxxx*xxxxl[xxxxxx»( xxxxxx » x x x x x WED. IS THF? THE WEEK OF F RTH DAY BARS Here are some of the big ones that are saving people money : Men's Cotton Sox, fine quality, Children's White cotton Hose, Two Ends Summer Coating, JUST ON I: GOOD QUALITY BRLS- Long Lisle Gloves, black only, black, Penman's make, seam- fine rib, seamless feet, excel- cream ground. Just the right SEL BUG 634x9 feet. Good extra good. Size 6. Special less feet. Sale price lent wearing quality. Practi- weight for summer wear. Spec- colors and pattern. Saturday Sale per pair 29c 2 pairs for 35c cally all sizes in stock. Per pair ial clearing price per yard only morning it goes on sale at 25c $1.68 $12.95 Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose. real Llama, size 84 only. Eng- Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves, Two Ends Striped wool Skirt- Two Ends Coating. Not too lish make, seamless feet, pure extra good quality, one of the ing, shot effect, very stylish heavy for spring or summer wool, worth double the money. best makes. White, white and material. Two skirt lengths 112 wear. One sand color, the other 16 pairs only to sell at per pair black or plain grey. Per pair each piece. Sale price per grey. Decidedly a bargain, at 47c 89c yard $1.45 per yard $2.19 DIRECT IMPORTERS I-IODGENS BROS. ACCION 110110101010100xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX•LOOK x»xaxxxxx» Grey and white wool Voile Dress Goods. Will make a cool and serviceable summer dress of exceptionally good style. 42 inches wide. Per yard only 68c GODERICH, ONTARIO x x x x XXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXXXX Does Organized Effort Pay ? I What is it that Builds Towns ? JADES LLOYD & SON ` 1 �organized effort pay :' Is i Inc worth while to invest Four money in a X]Ii Wholesale X x FRUIT O SPATCH COMPANY IMPORT THE BEST POINTS ABOUT BANANAS They are wholesome. They are nutritious. They are delicious. They are cheap. They are easily digested. They are always in season. They are always available. They are available everywhere. They are all meat. They are easy to handle. They are convenient for the dinner pail. They are good food when cooked. They are good food when not cooked. They are the poor man's food. They are put up and sealed by nature in hand has caused logically -located towns ��tt sink into oblivion. X Board of Trade in the belief that it will A hundred years ago Goderich was a more logical place fora great city than X j build up your town -and that you will a dozen greater cities that could be profit from the expected growth and named on the Great Lakes. Cities with out i prosperity ? good harbors and goo.t locations have Xk I There are thousanus of cities in the stood still while other cities have XUnited States and 1anaua that would dredged out their harbors and become answer with an emt.natic "Yes !" great. After all it is men that build Xk I Organized effort. backed by mom'y cities—organized manpower. X!built Chicago on a uninviting swami,. Charles M. Schwab, head of the Beth - I built Los Angeles s. e -brush lehern steel company, and no* head of desert. It built Galveston on a' sonny the Emergency Fleet Corporation in the island, subject to tidal waves. It built United States, once said : wKansas City on high hills and deep "Give me my choice of one hundred \ alloys. It built Miami down in the men, and I could place them in the xe`i-erglades. middle of the- Sahara uesert and in ten It settled up the Salton desert, irri- years they would build a city of one rated the land and make it blossom million people." X into the famed Imperial Valley. se; It has taken eros:, • oadstowns and germ -proof package. a X1t',tirade cities of them. It has laughed at They are produced without drawing on the x logical locations and built cities there .Nation's resources. Int there was no reason for them to be. x� Lack of organized efforr on the other. XScXXX1 xxxxX1c`txxx XX ======XXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxx xXX xxxxxtf'Itxxxxx X NEW WALL PAPER X Will lighten your heart and brighten your home. 0 It is tonic to winter -weary walls. Right now, when the rugs are up and the house is disarranged gener- a ally, have those rooms re -papered. Our stock was Xnever larger and prices more reasonable than at the X present time. Very dainty papers at 10c, 12%c, X 15c, 20c and 25c. X 1 Save filo* and Help to win the war. X X 0 SPINDRIFT Continued from page -t -- If we men of Gouarrch will get the right vision of our opportunities ;ind start work_ we. can_ build a real city here. But We must first have faith and confidence, and then stick to it Until success comes. RILED POTATOES HELP OUT •- FLOUR . Freshly cooked potatoes, put men are more necessary than food right through a ricer, or forced through now it is poor policy to try and force their hand to do something for the sake of a single class even if it be the largest numerically in the country. It is not to the credit of the United Farmers of Ontario or to individual Farmers' Clubs' to send deputations to Ottawa to at- tempt to obstruct the course of Govern- ment. We have not. waked up to the f, el yet that we mutt win this war or 1 .. country, production, 'homes, s>cial ties and everything else, to Germany. If we hold back our men to save our crops, And by doing sq lose the war. shall we not also find our cr'opsseiz, I by Germany just as she seized the riots in Ukraine, and shall we not be forced to work in years to come in order that Germany may 'grow fat ? 'DERMOT MCEVOY. OO O • No subscriptions for member - a fine strainer, can be used in place of part of the flour in batters or doughs. Cold, left -over potatoes may be used, but are not so easily blended as the fresn hot potatoes, nor is the flavor quite as good. • PIGS AND POTATOES Grow potatoes and vegetables in every vacant city lot and feed pigs on kitchen refuse—there are two ' ways of doing something to help the present food crisis. 0O11O0000000000▪ 01tOOCOD0 0 0 0 00 O 8 a o° O What Lithuania Gets London, May 14,—An Amsterdam de- ship or other pledges will be snatch says Emperor William has is- asked at the "Greater Coder - sued a prgclamation regarding Lithu- ania,- tn., which .iie., sNys it asst me,d ich" dinner Wednesday night. (44t .I ithuanla Winparticipate in Ger- many's war burdens. a —G. L. Parsons, Pres. Board If Goderich goes over the top iin . t of Trade. • campaign, all Canada will hear about it. 0.00000000000000000 NOTICE 1 New Victor Records. --AT— Thomson's Music Store Yesterday we received 500 new., Records, selected by special' choice from the Victor Catalogue of 10,000 of the _world's best selections. If you are interested, call and have a look over these Records, and you will be amply repaid. Something to suit every person. Think of it—an opportunity to hear the world's best aitists.. James F.Thomso MacEwan Estate Sole agents for the D. L. & W. SCRANTON I COAL_ Xk1[]icyfltXkXk The Standard Anthracite' E Phone 98 ++.11111111h111111111444