HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreater Goderich, 1918-05-14, Page 3GREATER GODERICH Published through the co-operation of the Board of Trade, the Goderich Signal and the Goderich Star for ten days, beginning May 7 in the interest of the campaign for an aggressive and well- financed Board of Trade. CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE' G. L. Parsons C. L. Moore Geo. Porter Local News Items for Greater Goder- ich should be left at The Star office with Mr. Naftel. Advertising copy should be left at The Signal with Mr. Robertson. Letters land suggestions for the Greater Goderich campaign should be left at the% office of the Board of Trade in the Masonic Temple, or mailed to that address. MAY 14, 1918 THE VALUE OF COURAGE A faint-hearted -man never lives a really successful life. A faint-hearted business firm never gets anywhere in business. A faint-hearted people could never build up a live city. It takes faith and courage in make a "go of anything, and all the really great achievements of life nave faith and courage for a foundation. It would probably be easier for Gode- rich to go ahead, pursue the even tenor of its way, and trust to luck. But the chances are a hundred to one that a :4 -Peat him -4y of its people would not want to live in such a town and would move away. There is a large class of people who want progress and are willing to pay the price for it. We have here in town both classes of people. We hope, however, that the faint-hearted are few, and that when the time comes that even they will prove that they were misjudged. We have played at tne game of build- ing up our town in an unbusiness -like way in the past. Consequently we have not -had. the results we hoped .for acid have 'had many disappointments. This time, however, with our lessons learned, we are proceeding on a busi- ness -like basis. Business priii iples will. govern ourevery ger. Every pro- position will be judged cold-bloodedly on its merits. We are not going after the big impossible things, but will con- centrate on the smaller things that -are GREATER GODERICH, MAY within our reach. By the aceummula- tion of small helps to our town, we expect to grow and prosper. We must MODEL THEATRE realize our limitations, and strive only ror those things that are possible. I -If all our people will just show 1 courage and faith, tne new Board of JI Trade will surely not disappoint them I because it is being rebuilt along busi- ness lines and it will be' run as a busi- ness institution. PARTNERS ARE WANTED The Board of 'Pratte should be a big organization. Partners are needed and wanted for this business organization right now. Througn the "Greater Goderich" movement a ground -floor opportunity is given for such partner- ship. An opportuniti is given /or a Goderich citizen to become a partner in the biggest and most important business .enterprise in the city. The citizen as a partner invests use- ful service, enthusiasm and belief in his city. The dividends include increas- ed business for the partner as an indi- vidual, benefits derived from community -improvement and the accomplishment of things needed for the city and the satisfaction of living in a city that is actually doing things and of being a member of a live, effective commercial organization. 1 HELP GODERICH GROW by using and recommending to your friends Invictus Hair Tonic Once used will convince you it is the best. Sold by all Druggists. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. To ensure change of advertise- ment for tomorrow's Daily, the copy should be handed to the printer THIS EVENING. • Send all copy for ads. to the Signal Of ice.11 o ifl C"lo •Issonlik/Welft When Travelling Be sure and get your tickets at the Down -Town Ticket Office Open until 8 p.m. F. F. Lawrence & Sons tUE OFCO Eacs, Sik EDMUND WALKER C.V.O., LLD., D.C.L, President SIR JOHN AIRD, General Manager H. V. F. JONES, Ass't. Gent. Manatee CekitikEND_UP, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, • *13,500,000 SAVINGS BANK BUSINESS A Savings account will assist you in the patriotic and personal duty of conserving your finances. This Bank allows interest at current rates, and welcomes small accounts as well as large ones. Goderich Branch - - GEO. WILLIAMS, Manager. `doming Mildred Manning —and— Wallace MacDonald "The Princess of Park Row" A love drama of newspaper life. Wed. and Thurs. Special Offer to New Subscribers The Signal to any address in Canada or Great Britain to January ist, I9r9, for 75c. To United States addresses 81. This is your opportunity to serve your city and your best interests. The Board of. Trade wants more partners to share in this enterprise in the big dividends to . be realized. If the report is true that von Hin- denburg is dead, there is great ex- citement in hell over the distinguished visitor who has come to take up per- manent residence. 14, Goderich should make a great show- ing tomorrow night in honor of ,its visitors from the leading cities of West- ern Ontario., "Chevrolet" Speaks for Itself We are now open for business in our new garage, with a full line of CHEVROLET CARS. Also a new Bowser Gasoline Outfit, which gives only pure Gasoline. Have your tires pumped by our new up-to-date electric air pump. A complete line of Tires and Accessories. This is the place where you will get the service. Auto Livery in connection. T. M. Davis, Garage South Street Goderich 1918 T1IE COLBORNE STORE Floor Coverings Our stock of Linoleum, Oilcloth and Congoleum Rugs is complete, and we are able to give you good advice as to the best covering suitable to your floor. Linoleum 2 and 4 yards wide. Oilcloth in all widths from i -yard to 2- yards. Congoleum Rugs in all sizes. Curtains Are here in the newest designs for you to choose from. Lace and Scrim Curtains ready-made, at all prices. Curtain materials by the yard at all prices. Store 86 'Phone J. 1e COLBORNE House rPhone ■ xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxrlxc Zartk of TLontrea1 �c X1t �iqct X5c rfk ��cc � X'k Xbt�cc Goderich Branch—A. W. STRICKLAND, Manager. xcc X1c x x Safety Deposit Boxes to rent Further information may be had on application. Xk x A general banking business transacted. Xk x x��tt��ecr�t�xx��ee�,�tt��ct��ccs�tc�cc�cc�i�ccii��cti�tt�ccttett �tt�c*r X1rX1rX�rX:�ck'1ex�'kXkX�tXk xxxxxx xxxX}cXXXX ex Established 100 years (1817-1917) Capital (paid up) $16.000.000 Rest $16,000.000 Undivided Profits $1 664.893 Total Assets $403.980.236 I Reports reaching tho Board of Tr je indicate support of this movement from unexpected sources. When working men and some of our women volun- tarily come forth and say that . they are ready to join, it is going to be diffi- cult for some of on,. wealthier people to refuse their support. of them have advised their towns to get busy along the same line, and if the campaign is a success, it will undoubt- edly influence all the leading towns and cities of this secotion to get busy. It will be the best way to start a big for- ward movement for the entire province. Goderich in its forward campaign iias Our newspaper editors report that the I a great opportunity to take the lead "Greater Goderich" movement is being in many movements that would effect watched with much interest by news- I the prosperity and development of this papers all over Western Ontario. Some entire section of the province, Fleet Foot Shoes Are all the Rage Cool, comfortable, sanitary, inexpensive, cozy, neat, fashionable and long -wearing We have this particular Shoe See our windows SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN Leave your order FOR A SUIT —Ob' - 20th Century' Brand OR Art Clothing Strictly high-class city tailoring Do it now. Prices will be much higher later on Walter Ce Pridham Sole agent