HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreater Goderich, 1918-05-14, Page 2BROWNIE NOW IS THE TIME to take snapshots of the kiddies Fond• remembrances when they grow older KODAKS AND BROWNIE CAMERAS JAMES A. CAMPBELL "Central Drug Store" 'Jhpne 90 Goderich, Ontario t* Furnished House to Rent for summer months. Apply to Mrs. R. C. Hays. FOOTWEAR The:newest models of Oxfords and Pumps are now being shown in our windows, land they repre- sent the very best efforts of' the successful Shoe manufacturers. Each style is designed to include perfect comfort as well:as good looks. The prices are most reas- onable. Geo. MacVicar GREATER GODERICH, MAY 14, 1918 MORE PRITCHARD POSTERS Returned Soldier Contributes Drawing to the Greater Goderich Forward Movement Tom Pritchard, the Princess Pat veteran, whose talent as an artist is unanimously recognized here, has drawn several large cartoons and posters for the "Greater Goderich" campaign. They were put up in win- dows on the Square yesterday after- noon and immediately attracted much favorable attention. One is posted at Porter's, another at Edwards' restaurant, and the third at a vacant store room next to the tele- phone office. Take a look at these posters, for they are well worth it, and each has a "punch." Celebrates 9511i Birthday A very pleasant social event took place on Friday last, May 10th, when relatives and friends assembled at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Green, Trafalgar St., in honor of her 95th birthday. The venerable lady, notwithstanding her great age, retains all her mental facul- ties and general health but since the unfortunate accident last July, when she fell and broke her hip bone, she has been unable to walk without as- sistance. She is probably the oldest resident in Goderich, having come to this town in 1834 with her parents. Fire at North Pier Lighthouse The fire alarm sounded about 7 o'clock on Saturday evening, the top of the lighthouse at the outer end of the north pier having been found to be on fire. It is not known how the fire started but presumably was caused by the light, which is acetylene gas. The town fire hose, of course, would not reach to the end of the pier but the tug Forest went out and assisted by 5C5C•Ct>tArcXt[ it[lttfklAcXXX THE WARM DAYS BRING TO MIND THE DELIGHT OF EDWARDS' ICE CREAM xxxxxxxxxxxx ;lire& FireCo is the name of the Range that is the latest thing in Range construction. In this range one bucket of coal will do your baking more satis- factorily than two buckets in other ranges. This is a strong assertion, but it has been proved and you can prove it for yourself, and if this Range does not do as represented returned. it can be Stop that awful waste of Fuel CHAS. C. LEE Phone ZZ, the firemen, put out the blaze. The interior of the top of the Lighthouse i was burned out. A temporary range light has been put up anis repairs will be made at. once. TEAMWORK "It ain't the guns nor armament, nor funds that the ' can pay, But the close co-operation, that makes them win the day. It ain't the individual, nor the army as a whole, But the everlastin' teamwork of every bloomin' soul." KIPLING. THE WHY OF IT Why should I become a member of the Board of Trade ? For the friends I shall gain. For the fellowship of co-operation I shall experience. For the opportunity I shall have to share in the big affairs of the town. For the broad visioned business in- telligence that will come to me. For the satisfaction of that spirit of progress which will be mine and which is a measure of my good citizenship. For the civic pride that should be one of niy chief possessions. For the duty I owe to the town with which I am identified. Those who "wait and see if the move- ment is going to get results" will re- tard the movement and will keep down the results. If everybody in town waits to We ghat is gping to result, there won't be any result. Now is the time for ALL the people of Goderich to get together to build up a real city. No real community -wide effort has ever been made to put the town on the map, so let us all get to- gether now and make a big success of it. Women's Institute Bazaar The Women's Institute will hold a bazaar in the D. 0. E. tea room on Saturday afternoon and evening. Lunch will be also served. No admission fee. Read the War Bulletins The latest afternoon War Bulletin will be received each day by this pub- lication by special arrangement with the Great Northwest Telegraph, Go. Editor Robertson of The Signal will accompany the bulletin each day with a War Summary. THE SANITARY MEAT MARKET ON THE SQUARE Special for Wednesday only Choice sugar -cured rolls of Pork, our own curing, by the piece 33c ib. And smoked at 35c lb. Our own special brand of Short- ening at 32c lb. H. A. Brand Oleomargarine 35c lb. Armour's xxx 37c lb. THOS. LEGG 'PHONE 2 JUST IN An artistic line of new STAND and SWING FRAMES In Antique Gold, Mahogany and Circassian Walnut. Very appropriate for photographs. Also two new shipments of the latest designs in mould- ings. Bring in those pictures you want framed, without delay. We will frame them suitably at small cost. SMITH'S ART STORE East Street 'Phone 198 D. MI LLAR u SON ALL TOGETHER FOR GODERICH Great interest centres around our HOUSEFURNISHINGS SECTION these spring-cleaning days. Marquisette and Voile Curtains from 82.25 pair. Novelty Swiss Curtains from 83.50 pair. Nottingham Lace Curtains from 99c pair. Curtain Nets, Scrims, Marquisettes, Voiles, Muslins, by the yard, from 10c yard. Carpets Congoleums Linoleums Oilcloths See our stocks before buying elsewhere. A Greater Goderich A Greater Scotch Store "Watch Us Grow" Phone 56 Millar's Scotch Store INTERESTING NEWS — FROM — WALKER'S TWO STORES STORE No. 1 The Furniture Store Space will not permit to give you in detail our many specials. We will quote special prices all through this ten-day campaign on ' Linoleums, Oil Cloth, Congoleum Rugs, Furniture Coverings, Cur- tains, Cretonnes, Draperies, Etc. 1 Often the Cheapest Always the Best STORE No. 2 The Music and China Store 1 only Dinner Set $15.00 1 only Dinner Set 917.00 1 only Dinner Set 826.50 1 only Dinner Set $25.00 A few bargains in the Music Department 1 only Square Piano by Marshall & Wendel of New York $85. 1 new Piano, special value at $150 on easy terms W. WALKER 'Phones Res. 197 Undertaker Store 89 IIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII HHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIHUHIUIHL GROCERIES XXXXXMCXXXX xYour credit is xX X still good at X XPOWELL'S X MCXXXXXXXXX Telephone 91 mIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIII(r The Food Controller TELLS US TO TELL YOU to Eat More Vegetables To help save the supply of wheat. Here are our reduced prices : Potatoes 25c per peck Carrots 25c per peck Turnips i5c per peck Onions 4oc per peck The Carrots quoted are specially good. DEAN BROS. Canada Food Control—License No. 8-4858.