HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreater Goderich, 1918-05-11, Page 3GREATER GODERICH, MAY 1I, 1918 GREATERGODERICH 1f'orusetshefor 4taheetoerimeps loyteheesmasneldvebsuildIihng,ys XXXXXXXXl5X 141 Published through the co-operation of the Board of Trade, the Goderich Signal and the Goderich Star for ten days, beginning May 7 in the interest of the campaign for •an aggressive and well. financed Board of Trade. 1CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE G. L. Parsons C. L. Moore Geo. Porter Local News Items for Greater Goder- ioh should be left at The Star office with Mr. Naftel. Advertising copy should be left at The Signal with Mr. Robertson. Letters and suggestions for the Greater Goderich campaignshould be left at the office of the Board of Trade in the Masonic Temple, or mailed to that address. MAY 11, 1918 FORWARD OR BACKWARD The people of Goderich are going to meet the test in the campaign for a ,greater community. Indications all point this way. Each day shows a distinct gain in public sentiment in favor of making the campaign a big success and creating in our city a Board of Trade that will use the most modern and persistent methods for building up the community. Apathy and doubt are giving way to .interest and belief. In many quarters •genuine enthusiasm is apparent. The; movement is forward and by the middle, a next week when the eitizens will be -put to the test, there promises to be an -enthusiasm that will be without paral- lel in this town. The whole question before the .pegplee of the town now is whether or not it is going forward or backwards. Noth- ing stands still, so the question before us is whether we will make the move- ment toward progress and prosperity or toward retrogession and adversity. It is a question that should interest: every man and .woman who has a dot:- lar ot-lar invested in or near the city, and every man, woman and child that .ex - Teets to live here in the future. In :fact it is a time for sacrifice, ifr sacrifice is necessary. If the Board .of Trade after reorganization proves a success with its modern management and an_experienced man at the helm, the investment will be returned to the city many times over. It can't prove a. failure because a community can't fail when :its people are organized intel- ligently to go forwad. If the new Board of Trade should not accomplish anything more than set our people in the habit of buying their goods in town, thousands of dollars which now go to build up other cities would remain here to build up this city. But the new Board of Trade will ac- complish more than that. Today there is a tremendous movement toward the establishmentof branch industries in communities such as this. The big .cities are overcrowded. They lack Picture Frames are right if we make them. It's our business to help you make a proper selection. We make any and all -sized Frames to order. 300 of the latest designs in mould- ings to select from. In Circassian Walnut, Mahogany, Mission Oaks, Antique Gold and Silver, Bright Gold, Grey and Ivory. Bring your pictures to us, and we will frame them artistically at a reasonable price. SMITH'S ART STORE East Street 'Phone 198 can't even get labor • to put up n.c buildings. But it is different in the smaller communities: Labor is avail- able. Now, in fact, is the ideal time for. Goderich to make a tremendous drive for new industries. More new factories are being located in this country and the States than ever before. To wait a few years from now may be too late. ORGANIZATION There is a very old story which still has force enough to bear repetition. A driver on a western stage coach in the old days had remarkable facility and accuracy in the use of his long - lashed whip. One day a tenderfoot was riding on the box witu him and the driver proceeded to display his dex- terity. "See the left ear of that first off mule, stranger ?" queried -the driver. "Yes." "Watch me." , The long whip curled and sang and the lash daintily and accurately flicked the top of the ear of the first off mule, somewhat to that beast's amazement. As they proceeded the driver con- tinued to display his said by • flicking a red leaf from a .tree, a grasshopper from the roadside and other small oh- jects at a considerable distance. Final ly on the overhanging branch of a tree ahead the stranget noted a great gray ball. "See that thing ?" he remarked. "Can you hit that, drrver ?" "Sure, .but I am Rot going to try,"• replied the driver. "Why ?" "Son," and the driver spoke slowly, "that is a hornet's nest." "That is organization." NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. To ensure change •of .advertise- ment for tomorrow's Daily, the copy should be• handed to the printer THIS EVENING. Send all copy for ads. to the Signal Office. HELP GODERICH GROW by using and recommending to your friends 8entrovato Mentolatone Once used will convince you it is the best. Sold by all Druggists. ,fepsan j pue Supuow 3 .V3H1 ,3aoIAI gill ]r; 'gin;aid uIC.vpto9 u SIEU ul ingap a.tnlard: uotlom .t=)4 saxnm `piaom aril at urmom lnogn pa`ilnl Isom aril 1 1 `tiorup9 RJLW wadi THE COLBORNE STORE HOSIERY We specialize in Hosiery Ladies', misses', boys and children's Itiosiery in many qualities to choose from. Ladies' black and white Silk Boot Hose, in all sizes, 50c and 60c a pair. I tis es' 'Lisle Thread Stockings, in white and black, ribbed, 45c a pair. Boys' .heavy ribbed Stockings, in all sizes, in black, •45c and 50c a pair. Children's fine ribbed Cotton Hose, in black and white, at 45c a pair. UNDERWEAR Larlic'' and children's Underwear for warm weather. Ladies' fine Lisle and Silk Garments, from 25c to 858 a garment. Children's Underwear in many qualities and all sizes, at from 15c to 35c a garment. Let us join hands and boost for Greater Goderich store ltgn" J. H. COLBORNE House 'Phone 235 ARE YOU IN THE GROUP ? UNITED "Behind every successful business Successful community effort is unitgd there is a personality of a man, and effort. And now is the time for the behind every • magnificent city there citizens of . Goderich to unite for ''a exists some group of men with vision." greater Board of Trade. When Travelling Be sure and get your tickets at the Down -Town Ticket Office Open until 8 p.m. F. F. Lawrence & Sons mans of saum3 c tis uewoAt snouted so XXXk pow C XXXXXxXX vv -n Look up your supply of Office Stationery and see if you are run- ning short of BILLHEADS LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES ADDRESS TAGS or other printed supplies. Call Telephone No. 35 for Fine Commercial Printing AT A FAIR PRICE The Signal Printing Co., Limited. "Chevrolet XXXXXXXXxxxX Speaks for Itself THE WARM DAYS BRING TO MIND THE DELIGHT OF EDWARDS' ICE CREAM :11tX>Z<XldlrX:00i t C We are now open for business in our new garage, with a full line of CHEVROLET CARS. Also a new Bowser Gasoline Outfit, which gives only pure Gasoline. Have your tires pumped by our new up-to-date electric air pump. A complete line of Tires and Accessories. This is the place where you will get the service. Auto Livery in connection. T. M. Davis, Garage South Street Goderich Bring Your = across the street, we'll fit 'ern 30 Men's uits Present values $i8 and $20 On Saturday $14.50 Men's Cloth Raincoats regular $I2 to $15 Feet Saturday $6.95 SHARMAN THk SHOE MAN Walter C. Pridham D. MILLAR u SON ALL TOGETHER FOR GODERICH RAINCOATS FOR WAND CHI DR N No woman's wardrobe is complete without a Raincoat. They are ideal for rain or shine and for motoring. They come in Poplins, Parmettas, Tweeds and Checks. From $5:00 to $15,00 each. Misses' and Children's Raincoats and Capes. From $2.95. A Greater Goderich A Greater Scotch Store "Watch Us Grow" Phone 56 Ws Sh Stm