HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreater Goderich, 1918-05-10, Page 1411
Published Daily During Campaign for a Modern Board of Trade
Man Power anNorking Capital
• Major Objects of Campaign
Citizens Must Unite to Support Home Interests,
and Money Must Be Available for
Persistent Effort
PThere are two major objects of the first make an investment. The farmer
)"Greater Goderich" campaign. The
+,first is to unite the people of our city
into a strong, business -like organi,-
'2ation to work to definite ends. The
other is to raise a fund large enough
clic) keep the organization going per-
'#manently with an experienced man at
wits helm, and to secure new industries.
If during the first year of the new
Board of Trade only one factory is
secured for our town, the campaign will
have been worth while.
The new Board of Trade, however,
will do more than work for industries.
It witi work continuously to put the
city on the map as a summer resdrt
and there are big possibilities in that
line. It will work to increase retail
trade by building up the trade of the
,farmers. It will in co-operation with
the people of the city distribute many
thousand pieces of Goderich advertis-
ing yearly. It will endeavor to build up
tie dairying industry, stock raising,
truck farming, and fruit growing with
the idea of increasing the number of
people in the farming territory
tributary to Goderich. This is not im-
fpractical As it has been done by hun-
'dreds of towns, both large and small.
But it takes work to do these things
and money, and a man on thejob to
.keep the work going all the time. The
results, however, are usually big in pro-
portion to the cost, and the first year
or two are always the most difficult.
: The fund raised through membership
,dues will largely be spent at home.
f' It.will in many ways come back to the'
people that invest it, and the chances
:are .that it will come back with big
dividends. •
How much is Goderich going to in-
vest in its own future ? Every one
else that hopes to • make money must
in\ests in his land and then he invests
in the seed and his time and that of
farm laborers. He to :es a chance on
every crop and on' every purchase of
land. The merchant invests hisimoney
before he sells a dollar's worth of
goods. The bank invests its capital and
. lends out its money before it gets a
dollar in return from interest. The
professional man invests thousands of
dollars in preparing himself for his
profession and then invests in office
equipment before he takes in a dollar.
Yet, we business men, a few of us,
of Goderich, have been putting up $1
a year—one-third of a cent a day—to
build up this city of 4,000 people and
an assessed valuation of $2,328,566.
Is it any wonder trial our city has
not made greater progress ? Aren't we
to blame for -our situation ourselves ?
We have been so engrossed by our
own private affairs that we have left
the city to drift for itself.
The purpose "of this: c'artiOign is to
raise from $5,000 to $10,000 a year to
increase the value and business of this
$2,328,566. It is a pretty' small sum after
all. Many business houses with a capi-
tal of $100,000 spend more than that
every year for advertising alone.
Does it pay to invest money in the
future- of a city ? Los Angeles has in-
vested millions in its future, and its
returns have been marvelous. Port-
land, Oregon, gives its Chamber of
Commerce $200,000 a year to build up
that city. Toronto, Montreal, Winni-
peg, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver
each year invest tremendous sums to
build -up their communities. Smaller
cities do even more RI proportion.
Many small cities support their com-
mercial organization:, at the rate of $2
per capita of population.
How much is Goderich going to do ?
"Booster" Coutts Says Former
Goderich Boys Should Help
The 1,000 Goderich old boys are to be
given a chance to get in the Greater
Goderich movement. One is already in
for four memberships.
Colonel Roosevelt when he was boost-
ing the Panama Canal met with a stone
wall of opposition from Organized
Railroad Interests of the whole Nation.
Then is when the Colonel made his
reputation. He said, "I will have the
canal or bust the whole Government all
to hell I We must all tape off our hats
to the Colonel as the sing booster ; as
the Panama Canal has proved to be the
biggest boosting stunt ever undertaken.
Louisville, Ky. Board of Trade raised
a million dollar factory fund and five
days after it was completed they landed
the largest wagon works in the world.
Louisville's factory fund has been a.
wonderful boost to Louisville.
U. S. A. is the money bag of the
world. Canada is bread bag. Both
countries should encourage a closer
I urge a reunion of the members of
the old - citizens' committee, who,
twenty-two years ago raised a booster
fund of four hundred ($400) and put
Goderich on the map as the gateway to
the 'Canadian West.
Paducah, Ky. boosters organized a
real drive to secure the million dollar
Armour plant. When they saw half
the towns in U. S. A. were after it,.
Paducah boosters decided to get in the
race after the plant. So instead of the
delegation going to Washington they
Give Us a Slogan
The slogans are coming
This morning's mail brought in the
first batch of slogans in the eontest for
a permanent slogan for Goderich. The
Five Dollar prize is only part of the
reward. The honor of composing the
winning slogan will be a great one.
Here are a few slogans which the
writer can recall :
Ostend, U -Boat Base, Is Closed
Tight in To -day' s Attack
Zeebrugge Is Also Attacked By Powerful Air
Squadrons. ----Germans Delay Offensive
Ostend Now Closed
London, May 10.—The Admiralty an-
Rochester—"Where Quality Prevails." nounces that operations designed to
close the Port of Ostend were success-
fully completed last night when obso-
lete cruiser Vindictive which had been
filled with concrete for the purpose
was sunk between the piers across
entrance to Ostend harbor. TheBri-
tish light force which carried out the
operation returned with the loss of
one motor launch.
British Statement
London, May 10.—Following is today's
a live -wire slogan to put on its station- official statement : "A small. portion of
ery and on the stationery of every' a trench which the enemy gained north
merchant so that the slogan can be west of Albert yesterday morning was
advertised to the world. Get busy 1 recaptured in the evening. We took
Oil up the wheels of your brain. Get a few prisoners. Hostile artillery was
out your dictionary. Slogans should be active last night between the Somme
mailed in as soon as written. The con- and the Ancre (in Picardy) and at dif-
test closes Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock. ferent points on the Lys battle trent
Fell, the Photographer, is giving a prize (in Flanders.)
of $5 for the winning slogan. Presi- —
dent Parsons of the Board of Trade will Attack 'Zeebrugge Again
appoint the committee of judges. Send Amsterdam, May 10.—An official state -
your slogan to "Slogan Committee, Box ment from Berlin says : "Strong allied
353, City' flying squadrons bombed the Mole and
athe village of Zeebrugge, the German
went to Detroit and_used c,fnsiderable eubmarim base on the Atelgian coast,:
printer's ink in letting Def t know at noon 'yesterday aid 'again in the
what advantages Paducah hatI. In five evening but no military damage was
days they landed a hundred thousand done. The statement adds that two of
dollar • (100,000) industry and in six the hostile airplanes were shot down by
months four other large comer back- German airmen.
ed by Detroit capital was the esult. German airmen. —
Goderich boosters twenty -o years
ago got out a booster editio of the Gain Important Ground
Globe which has finally re lted in London, May 10.—A despatch from
Goderich being recognized as the big British headquarters says : "Operation
gateway to and from the anadian by which the British regained in a
West. counter attack a• portion of a trench
north of Albert, which the Germans
London, May 9.—"At the close of' took yesterday, while a small one, was
the fighting this morning in the La i important. The position lay on high-
Ciytte-Voormezeete sector," says ground and was hotly contested by the
Field Marshal Haig's report from Bri- Germans.
tish Headquarters in France tonight, French Take Grivesnes
"the French and British positions on Paris, May 10.—The War Office -an-
this front were completely re-establish-; nounces that after a brief and intense
ed. bombardment French troops captured
"Following upon hostile artillery
Chicago—"I Will."
Kansas City—"The Heart of the Con-
Omaha—"The Queen of the Prairies."
St. Paul—"The Gateway to the West."
Oakland—" My City First."
Cincinnati—"The Queen City of the
These are just a few slogans to give
you an idea. The Board of Trade wants
activity already reported, the enemy
launched two local attacks early this
morning in the neighborhood of Albert
and Bouzincourt. In the latter locality
the enemy's attack w.is broken. up by
our rifle and machine-gun fire and
failed to reach our trenches.
"At Albert, after suffering heavy
casualties from our fire, his troops
succeeded in effecting a lodgment in
our advanced position on a front of
about 150 yards. On the remainder of
the British front there is nothing to
report beyond artillery activity on both
sides in the different sectors."
the park at Grivesnes, an important,
part of which had oeen held by the
Germans, and 258 prisoners and lots
of material. Notwithstanding a vigor-
ous artillery fire and attempts of the
enemy infantry the French retain the
captured positions and have
t3 new line.
Ostend Fight ilot
London, May 10.—Despatch from Dov-
erssays.that some of the participants in
the naval raid on Ostend in which the
harbor was blocked have returned
there and report that the engagement
lasted from midnight till 3 a. m. The
motor launch announced as lost had
been damaged and was sunk by orders
of the vice admiral to prevent it from
falling into the hands of the enemy.
London, May 10.—Premier Lloyd
George's position is as a result of last
night's vote in the Commons regarded
as stronger than ever. The majority
rolled up against former premier As-
quith's motion was larger than had
been anticipated. Most of the Con-
servatives supported the Government
while more than half of the Liberals
and majority of the Laborites cast
their votes against the Asquith motion.
Amsterdam, May 10.—Twelve Dresden
members of the German independent
Socialist party have been found guilty
of high treason by the Imperial Court
-at Leipsic and sentenced to varying
terrr.s of penal servittlide. ,
Chicago, I11., May 10.—Reportsre-
ceived here indicate that at least a
dozen persons were killed and one
hundred and fifty others injured by the
tornado which swept over the central
and north eastern Idaho and Central
Illinois yesterday evening. Much dam-
age was done to property and live
stock were killed in large numbers.
Progress on tae Somme
"Local fighting took place also yes-
terday at Bucquoy, in the course of
-which we captured .20 prisoners. Dur-
ing" the night further progress was
made by us in the Somme and the
Ancre. Our new positions in this sec-
tor were improved. Several prisoners
were taken by us.
"Hostile raids were repulsed in the
neighborhood of Lens and Merris. The
enemy's artillery developed consider-
able activity during the night in the
Albert sector."
The French War Office records only
artillery exchanges.
Big Meeting Wednesday Night
Will Be Notable Affair
Make no engagements for next Wed-
• nesday night. It will be the occasion
If you spend your money outside of our city, and
I spend my money outside of our city,
What will become of our city ?
of the biggest booster meeting ever
held in this section of Ontario. It wil
'go down in history as the "Greater
Goderich" dinner. This is the climax
of the campaign. It is the final word
before the canvass for memberships in
the new Board of Trade starts the fol-
1owing morning.
Official representatives of organiza-
tions in other cities have been invited,
and will be on the program for talks.
If there is a -chance to promote a Buf-
falo to Goderich automobile highway
from this city to Buftato, as some have
suggested, it will be inaugurated at this
meeting. -• If there is a chance to secure
industries, the first step will be taken
Plates are going to be fifty cents
each,- and reservations must be secured
in advance.Watch for further details.