HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreater Goderich, 1918-05-08, Page 2GREATER GODERICH, MAY':8, 1918
Published through the co-operation of FORMER GUUEAICH BOY SEES BIG POSSi6t-
the Board of Trade, the Goderich Signal
and the Goderich Star for ten days, The move that the Goderich Board of
beginning May 7 in the interest of the Trade has started, with a "Greater
campaign for an aggressive and well- Goderich" as its objective is getting oar
financed Board of Trade. friend, W. G. Coutts, of Big Stone Gap,
Va., working for Goderich, and be it
CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE some booster. ("The best booster
G. L. Parsons C. L. Moore Geo. Porter know," is the way Mr. Boykin put it
when he was in Goderich.) W. G. is a
former Goderich boy and is brimming
Local News Items for Greater Goder- over with enthusiasm, also with sug-
ich should be left at The Star office gestions of ways in which Goderich can
with Mr. Naftel. launch out.
Advertising copy should be left at I am starting in," lie writes,,, to
The Signal with Mr. Robertson. agitate the Buffalo to Goderich Inter-
national Tourists Automobile concrete
Letters and suggestions for the
Greater Goderich campaign should be road. It means big things to Buffalo,
left at the office of the Board of Trade as she is the gateway for all U. S. A.
in the Masonic Temple, or mailed to Canadian tourists, with Niagara Falls
that address. so close.
` Detroit will still get the $2 a day
teacher class of tourists, but if Gode-
MAY 8 1918 rich watts the $10 a day class of
tourists she will have to made a high -
MY CITY FIRST way for them to get in via Niagara
Falls. Of course it would not cost
The "Greater Goderich"campaign is Goderich one penny. The Government
a call on the people of this city to all inand togetherprovince and footandthe the counties bill. Soajoin
pull together for the common cause. has to start it.
Every man, woman and child has it "I am writing"the Buffalo fellows
within his power to help build a larger about doing. theI big things you fellows are
City here. Simply "making the town hand. Theyfeel are
sure thethey gatewaywilltake anda
a good place in which to live" is one
way to help build it up. The women
of a city are of special value in build-
ing up local business, for eighty-five
per cent. of retail buying, it is esti-
mated, is done by women, so it is
within their power to make the busi-
ness of a city bad or good.
If the women of Goderich would
each preach and practice the doctrine
of home buying, and help spread the
economic value of home buying to the
country people, they would quickly
see a great change in Goderich.
There is too much mail-order buying
in this city. The country people have
the mail order habit to a far greater
extent. They help build up the big
cities . hundreds of miles away and
they keep their nearby cities from
growing. In doing this they are really
working against their own best inter-
ests for as their neighboring towns
grow in population and commerce just
in proportion do the value of their
holdings increase.
Let us begin a great drive to show
"ihae value of buying at home. Every
usiness man in Goderich, every pro-
erty owner, and in fact every family
n help put the town on the road to
rogress if he'll just preach and prac-
'tice the doctrine of home support.
Some years ago Oakland, California,
had little or no retail trade. Every-
body went over to San Francisco to
buy, and in fact to work. Oakland al-
though a city of 200,000 people, was
called. the "bed room" of San Francisco.
But the people there desired to be in-
dependent of San Franeisco. They
wanted a big retail center of their
own. So they got together and or-
ganized. (Organization is always the
first step in any great achievement.)
They appealed to civic pride. They
adopted a motto, and that motto was :
"My city first." All over Oakland that
motto was written, and soon the people
began to think of therr city first when
it came to spending money, and inside
of a year a number of great stores
were built, a retail center was estab-
lished, the street car lines were re-
routed; and soon the business of Oak-
land became almost as great as San
It was the old, old story of the
power of organization. Oakland would
still be a "bed room" today if some-
one had not led the way to getting all
the people to act together. We can
do the same here in Goderich.
metropolis to all of Western Ontario.
Why wouldn't they?
"I am advocating making the mem-
bership 800 instead of 400. Don't forget
you have the biggest organizer in the
U. S. A. Don't forget you are setting
an example and inspiration to every
town ip North America. You are the
first town of your size that has ever
tackled the game on the big scale—
making Goderich the Chicago of Can-
ada, also the Garry of Canada, also the
gateway for the C. P. E. to the im-
mense Canadian West, also the real
Highlands of Ontario tourists center of
Canada. Also build a dozen big ships
to help out in this ship crisis. Also use
every means possible to speed up the
shipment of grain to the boys at the
leant. Also take the initiative in gett-
ing some modern roads in Canada, so
the tourist who is lousy with war
profits can get over to Canada and have
a look for himself. Also go after a new
Collegiate Institute in mass formation.
"Let us be optimistic and very en-
thusiastic. Let us throw the bars clean
down to progress. "
All together for a Greater Goderich.
Sweet and glorious it is to die for
one's country. If we cannot do that,
let us LIVE for our country—help
make our own town a better place to
live in.
We have been waiting a long time
for something to strike Goderich. Are
we just getting on to the idea that
we ought to do the striking ourselves ?
To ensure change of advertise-
ment for tomorrow's Daily, the
copy should be handed to the
Send all copy for ads. to the
Signal Office.
Let's all get together and shove.
kinds.state Telephone the Star office, E This publication desires news Of all
and that it is forG
Greater Gode-
The committee in charge of this pub-
lication, and both newspaper offices
received many compliments today for
the quality and general make-up of The ideal place to
Greater Goderich. It seems to have refresh yourself on
made a distinct hit all over the eij.y.
the hot days.
Most of the advertisers changed copy
today. Read the advertisements and
buy goods.
The anvil chorus - is - growing smaller
each day. It's better to be a confirm-
ed booster than a cohrirmed knocker. Pure Ice Cream
Every day new industries are being
located in Canada. If we'll just get
into the business rignt, and invest a
little money, we can land a few for
It takes men to build a city, and if
Goderich is ever built into a city, it
will be through the efforts of the men
of Goderich. Don't expect the Cana- SHOP ON THE CORNER
Cooling Sodas
(Han Pacific or the Grand Trunk to
tome in unsolicited, and put our town
on the map. Let's work together to
get things moving 'forward and bring
the railroad officials here to show
them that here is the place for them
to invest their money.
Bring on Your Announcements
This publication desires to be of
service in aiding all patriotic and pub- -,
lic enterprises. Announcements con-
cerning these matters will be publish-
_ ed briefly without charge. Leave
them at The Star office with Editor
War Decorations Presented at Toronto
Toronto, May 8,—The Duke of Devon-
shire this afternoon in front of the
Parliament Buildings, presented four-
teen war decorations, among them a
Victoria Cross, five Military Medals,
Model Theatre
Wed. and Thurs.
The most famous actor of the
modern stage, in
"The Man of Mystery"
The drama of a man who returned
from the Valley of Shadow.
"The Fighting Trail"
Episode No. 10
Look up your supply of
Office Stationery and
see if you are run-
ning short of
or other printed supplies.
Call Telephone No. 35 for
Fine Commercial Printing
The Signal Printing Co.,
Speaks for Itself
We are now open for business
in our new garage, with a full
Also a new Bowser Gasoline
Outfit, which gives only pure
Have your tires pumped by
our new up-to-date electric air
A complete line of Tires and
This is the place where you
will get the service.
Auto Livery in connection.
T. M. Davis, Garage
South Street Goderich
White voile Blouses in dainty designs, with the latest style
effects. They come in a variety of qualities in all sizes and
range in price from *1.25 to *3.00 each
22c a yard is our price for Ginghams in a large variety of patterns in
all colors. Also plain chambray in many colors. Just what is needed
for summer dresses.
Dark and light colors can be had in this cloth for dresses, blouses,
rompers, etc., at 30c a yard.
You°eannot1 boost with a hammer, so buy a horn.
Let us all work together for a Greater Goderich.
Store 86hone' 1 u. COLBORNE Housee''Phone
one Distinguished Conauct Medal andson, sister of the late Sergt. Hobson,
two Military Crosses. The Victoriathe first Toronto woman to win this°
Cross was presented to Florence Hob- honor. •
When Travelling
Be sure and get your tickets at the
Down -Town Ticket Office
Open until 8 p.m.
F. F. Lawrence & Sons
Why Not
Investigate ?
And convince yourself that we can
1111 your wants in summer Footwear
at most reasonable prices.
No trouble to show you our Fleet -
foot outing and vacation Shoes.
known from coast to coast
Bob Long says : "My Over -
alis and Shirts are the best made,
because—they save you buying
so many in a year. They simply
don't wear out on schedule
time !" Ask for Bob Long's
Big.11—the big grey overalls—
the cloth with the test,
Sold by
Walter C. Pridham
High-class Spring Coats
at $1630, $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00
"Watch Us Grow"
Phone 56
Millar's Scotch Store