HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-02-05, Page 2ORDER NOT DELIVERED LED TO A COLLISION Terrific Crash of Trains Running at High Speed. Thelon, .'tris„ Feb. 12. -The oak - impel train" which collided with the Sunset Limited at Fall's Station yes- terday Wald In charge of Conductor 0. W. Parker and Engineer Jack Bruce, one of the oldest engineers hi ArtUlna. The conductor 1313(1 ellt,in' •r were furnlsluel 3)1111 ()reties to pass un ellst-lxlund f'clght trttiu at (171 - mol Marion. There was another order 1)t Vail'o Station -nue to meet tho train knotv'lI ae the Crescent City 3 pees(), east -humid, Itt Eemoud. Thin order, which tens the Important one, the cmerator failed to deliver, and the i,itelted passed out without (lit right , or way and with no orders conce r1)- 1 fug the approaching train. 1% hen slx miles west of 1'ailsburg, running at a speed of 50 utiles nn heir' and rounding a sharp curve, alto' west -bound trail crashed into the Sweet Limited, running at 45 miles an boar. So great was the Intlatct from the two flying trains that the two engines were hurled upon end and crushed the hollers. The ours' in the rear rushed upon the mars of heated Iron and plied up lit an In,leserlu'able Wall frightfully tangled' mal *d. Fire broke out at once. The flames followed by the oil from the broken' tanks of the engines, quickly coo- mudcated to the cars, and the whole mase Wile s0011 111 flames. Thos who were able to escape from the ear* 1n the rear of the drains quickly came to the rescue. But all their offorts wore for little, for the pile of debris was 00 heated that the worker (add not approach near enough to work. .A Pullman sleeper 011 the rear of the (met -betted trnii1' vas d1tudanl ('0 the. force of the collision awl rail dote n the grade Into Tucson, crash- : hug Into a ow -(11'1I engine. Moth the t1giue and the sleeper were dam- lgod. The :lesiva! of the sleeper teas the first news of the accident to reach Tucson. .1 relief train Wad quickly made timely and surgeon' were her- ; reel to the scone. Sixteen of the worst injured were brought to Tue- sun w the ratllr)nd hospital. Sl)C of these were seriously injured and are not expected 'to recover. The hotly of the engineer was terribly burned, only pieces of It remaining. The only mesas of Identity Wad ills watch found sudor the body. lily fireman, Jas. M('.Gr•nth was found lying by his side. Engineer Wilkie, of the east bound, Was under the engine orb, his body burned to n crisp. Id- enntiflcatlou was by menn13 of a watch chain. One body pulled out from the burning wreckage had In the charred hand Ia pocket knife, with the name on .the handle "Mor- rie 1. Willard," The bodies of two women and five men were taken from the wreck, but there were no manna of Identifi- cation, end except that of I(• M. HII- 1o1, of Cambridge, Mites., it le lin- possible to secure the names of the dead passengers. Supt. lytoufe, of the Tucson (110'41011, exonerates engin- eers Bruce and Wilkie, and coldue- tore Striver and Parker, who, he says, did their duty. Ile places the entire responsibility upon Operator Ciough. The loss to the railroad In rolling stock, 1* not lees than 11100,000. Operator Clough las admitted his failure to deliver the orders. PRIEST WAS TORTURED TO DEATH Shocking Revelations of Doings of U. S. Officers in Phili9pines. Washington, D. 1'., Feb 2.. -In the formation from the War Depert- Seanto ynsterdny Mr. Itnwlltto (pent., u;eul•. Proctor . 11(' Pr t (1' V Utah) made a speech greatly •e- t. tip., I•) said that bumbling those dclnarcd by Wm Mist year, alleging murder and cold- bloo:lcd cruelty- by American offi- cers. He referred to the death of Father Augustine, "w110 was tortur- e(),' seed Mr. liawlino, "until he cilcd, for the purpose of extorting Information regarding money In his posseemlou; and this wets done, ac- coriing to the affidavits I have scam, on the orders of an .A10ariean of• floor." Mr. Beveridge demaud,-d to know the Hume of the cold-blooded mur- derer, Mr. Cnrmack (Dem„ Tenn,) amid that: "0f 'ill the miserable, 311311, mean Ike that crawled through the laet campaign the meanest, low- est anti dlrncst • was the charge t11e1 we Were nsooleng the tumor. Jake Smith Is no more the Aimee - can alrtiiy- than the senator from 10111' 1)e le the Anwri, in Senate. and not half its Innen as be thinks he ls." A revitlar pol'ry of supieeas;on heti beer fo,iowetl in the whole Philip- pine eu 1110,', said Caret telt, and .l (el beea,'sc lin had returned and wa* - to named In the Rawlins resolution as Meng charged trltl the murder of Father Augustine, was a Vernlett oDicer, and one of the best he hid ever known. Captain Brownell's vol- untary statement to the Jmlgend- vocate palmed regarling the FatherAupustlte affair Wad rend. In this statement Captain Brownell tells of tuln4lnistering the water cure to leather Augustine, After' trying for days to obtain from the Kleist by peaceable means the information w'aatecl, and tate lesergent papers In 1114 poeseeeion, the water cure was administe)-cd. Some of the piper() were found on the person, but he de- clined to (11Helose the hiding place of Sala. a muclt-wnnto.1 inset gent, and the cure wee again administered. 3d The priest dtet from the '(1 a of It. There was no secrecy etyma it, livery officer and every man, 110th in my regiment and of every other regiment with which I screed, kn..c It was given, and I was never end - dent by any officer while in the service for adnthdotering it." Mr. Tillman (Dem., S. C.) Anil an nhserilty oxielel if en officer taint - 11113 -1111)1 committed .murder in the Philippines end could go uupunieh- wucue Captntu Cornelius M. Brownell, who hnpo-a. Iblc 10 got (thy ut- ImeOte:-d out. _ _________ _ Lrer.VgV��VCV'n� lishmeut of 11 n "Honorable Order of Ikmieslir ;;orrice." i.{ NEWS SI N BRIEF rV 4 V111.1 \sllebe..tts,1. CANADIAN 3L. llu10(3)111' Laurier, a nephew of the l'rentier, died at Sl. Lin, (ane. '1`,10011 to will employ special conn- ote! to 3 raft a clutrter for submd13131un to the Legislature. Deputy Sheriff Franchesre, of Mon- trcnl, was fatally' injured in u rail- way occident near liIchelicu. • Dr. Shea rd will reatmnend that the city of leoronto establish an ab- attoir. Mr. Arthur J, Maltose] was elected Preoidint of the Montreal Board of Trade. Hon. .1. lsrncl Tarte says the e(lu- eatloa o,'alcm of Quebec (13 in a de- plorable condition. The la rge flour mill and elevator ow)al by Robert Muir & Co., 1)t Glad- stone, Mau., were totally destroyed by fire. Election protests against Hon. ray - mond l'relouta hie, in Malsonnenvl', and Mr. J. E. Leonard, 111 Laval, have been diemtssed. The Short Horn Breeders Associu- t on voted $1,500 for prizes at it Do- minion Exhibition in Toronto this year. Mr. A. 1:. Antes, retiring l'reslde'nt of Toronto Board of Trade, delivered an address reviewing the business outlook. Dominion iive stook breeders, at their annual meeting, reported re- ceiving notices (rota British Income tax collectors. The Toronto lore' Connell of Women aro considering the estate It 1,' reported at Quebec that the Camelia/1 Northern IN negotiating for the I'urchns, of the Great Nor- thern ilnilw,ty of Qulwe. The 011 lark) fleet Sugar .tevocle- tin well ask the Ontario 10 Vern - 1111.11 for mole aid for their Roles- 11•i(•'N. Nineteen Chinamen, who, It le nl- h•grd, entered the United States (!- legally, hove been arrested at Rouse's ILdnt. lion. K II. 111(110 lute given *2,000 toward* erecting a home for the Church of England deaconesses and missionary workers. Mr. it. R. (M1nev, 31,P.1'., Monitou- Iln, 111(3 announced that he will sup- port the Rosa Government,wh!eli now hila at majority of seven, The iklminlo)( Cattle Breeders' (40)1 (ttlon rejected a resolution press- ing for the removal of the British em(atrlro on 1'nuad1mi cattle. Sir. Matthew Kennedy wad nomin- ated by the Liberals of North Grey at Owen Sound for the Con mo3H, 131 *Recess1011 to the late Dr. Horsey. .1 complaint that money wive ueet In connection with the appointment of the poetmasiter et Milton is to 11' m:ede the rmbjeet of an official bemire.. Mr. Miarconi. who iN at Montreal, itay13 that In two months his company will hey trnnlmittIng commercial Nisi - new; between .'England 411141 Canada at ten rent* n word. Two deaths have occurred in the 10111 11 dettleniont near Strath. cleft. One man was lost during n. bllCzard, and was not found for throe de.,N, when he was discovered on his menton frozen to denth'. TI LI fell through an alr-hole 111 one of tho lakes and was drowned before help rrnehc'l 111111. BRITISH Ail)) FOREIGN. The White `:lar Coull.tny''H the )nraest ()tea er in the world, wit make her midden voyage )(ext IllOIltll. The will of the In le .Archbishop of Canterbury wee offered for protein. to-clay. The value of the teat", is pelmet at £I8,e02. It Is said that. Mr. ('arnegitee o, . fes of ✓11::10,000 for the use of inter - tuitional tribunals meetings at the Hague wail rejected, The Empire Review will to-daty say that the angio-Gcruom ulll- ale. in regard to Venezuela was sought by the BritishGotrnment. In oelebt:.t(on of the coronation of King 131w it'd 60,001 poor people were hunquetted at Calcutta. A d1Hpdny al fireworks which follow 1 was wit - needed by abort 250,001) persons, 1(on. Sydney' Fisher will a leve Ot- tawa. to -tiny' for Japan. While du 'Tokio he will see the Mikado. 1t le expected that by July, 1905, all available territory' In the United Stntcs will be Nerved by rural free delivery' service. Finance Minister 1-Illaverde nu- IIo1lnCe) to-diy' that the final re- sults of the Spanish budget of 1902 sltowo a Manilla u( tin m°` 100. PADDY DINNER DEM), o Pollee cum.' Justiceof Tammany -Mail n Stormy Career. New York despatch- Patrick Div - ver 3114741 yesterday afternoon at his home, No. 7 Madison street, in the 51013 year of his lite. The cameo of 11114 death was double pneumonia. Beside a widow, Mr. Dia ver leaves three eons and two daughters. Patrick Diver was one of the 1110st picturesque of the many In- teresting .0gures produced by the Tammany Hall *c11c10e of district organization. No mann who won the leadership of a district in this city under Tammany in recent times, hada more tumultuous political our• ter. but his ability to take knocks gracefully and to give them effec- tively won 0311 for him In many- at hitter contest. Thorn are few things Divver 10,1(4 soler accused of 1)t one time or an- other, but his constituents would Hover believe anything against him, end what the outside world said or thought Was n matter of supreme indifference to him. A MINISTRY OF COMMERCE. Gerald Imidan• Faeshinlews 1:1• mat ton or Mani of Prude. London, Feb. 2. --Til a• Bight lion. (fel'ahI Balfour, President of the Boo rd of Trade, speaking aft New- port, Monmouthshire, to -night, fora shadowed the elevation of the board of Trado Into it Ministry •of Commerce. He personally Najd he favored the. change, and was willing to stand 11(1(11' (40 as to enable the unfettered choice of a Minister of Commerce. The !tight lion. !Torbert Henry .1N- quilh, M.1'., sleeking at hall this evening, congrle(u1,11)01 the Govern- ment 00 the agreement between the United States 1011 Canada to adjust the :Aleekr0l boundary question. 011IN ALBERTA. (hu• Kell Spouts Three 1loudred Barrel' a Day. "1 believe that western Cana -.la lo about to become 41 factor 111 the 011- producing part of the world," said .loin f,luehlun, of Okotoko, Alberta, who is at the Walker House, Toronto. Lhletralt ie the President of the Rocky Moil ntuin Development Com- pany. They have a well spouting 1100 barrels a eny, and others In view. The point Where tle oil hug been Htruck Is known ng Oil (illy. It Is a hundred nelrs southwest of Calgary, Mt the footldlls of the mountains, in I A the 1'lneher Valley. The drill g1)nk down over 1,0(1) feet before oil wad struck, but the qu1111ty in good. Mr'. Linelu m has la lig fat' of the fluid with elm, end it has tho ['erred( 04.101euid color. The company will build a pipe line to 'Macleod whoa other welly have been bored. MONEY IN GARDEN TRUCK. Dawson Man Hai, ClearedSmallFor�unein Busintas BETTER THAN DIGGING GOLD Tacoma, Wish., Felt2.-M1. 1t ll. lley, who probably mad,• more clear money lase, year out of mar- ket garieniug than any other loan in the Northwest, Is preparing for ()nether trip into Dawson. Mr. (11111y thinks lightly 01 his experimee in gardenhtg, and declares that cu• orgy and industry are of far great- er importance than a 1'rhniculcdu- catlon, e'rom a small island at the month of the Klondike he last soar mar *old *18,000 worth of lettuce and such in the City of Dawson, end is preparing to do buoin.ds 011 31 alill larger male the coming Hummer. In preptu'ntlon ho has already rented the gerdcu' iug portion of the large Llnolow'cr dew❑ the river fon d owner, the North Amerman Treeing and Truasportittlon Cunt• puny, paying for the use of the ground for One Iwo Noll the enormous 330114 of ;$1100 an acro In advance. On his owe small lslnnd he le having erected iu Maumee but aence a greenhouse, 1,500 feet long. What business Ito did lost Kummer was done without a greenhouse at all, limiting ids trade to the few short months to the micelle of the mummer, when as frost ie not to be anticipated ouch night. Ile Is now 11) Tacoma to par Blade it large stock of flower bulbs and rose bushes, which he purposes taking 111 over the Ice after the wea- froerdng, thor 141),11 have lnalernted to where lie can protect 11113 treasures (rant Said Mr. Dailey : ''1 s'a by the tn 0'- ket reports of the local impure that cabbage is wiling here at a cent and a host a pound. The least 1 ever got for mine was 12 cents. In doable' out a Job lot of stuff to a dingle custoner Iasi fall for $1,800 I lumped off carrots for 18 ciente a pound and turnips for 10 cents. Even at such prices, the tiny when suet' stuff could be profitably chipped in- to the Interior line gone by. Tile 11)• terior will front this time on eappiy all its orrn garden truck, and owieg to the shortness o1 the season the prices w•111 never be much less than et present. There lo a great craze there now for flowers, and I ant going to cater to the orate" MANN ON MONDOEISMI Says the U. S, Make No Claim to Pdrarnounlcy, MERE MATTER OF STATE POLICY. New Lork. 1.11. _.—The Frbrm.ry number of the Nnidunnl Review, Nay's a (Impanel front London to the lier- : ht, contains an article by Glided° SI:viae on the Monroe doctrine, In which it Ie pointed uul that the U. S. consider It ^essenihtl 10 their Interests and to those of peace to wlthstend the hegtnndngN of a(lion which Might lead to Enron:nil inter- vention in the intoned conditions of America," Denlleg with the fence: elan dis- pute, Cap:. 31t311ao remark,:: "Such an occurrence tui the e.lstiug diffd- (mite' between 1melted:1, Germany end Cheat T,rltaln c'ugagee immedi- ate attention. 'Thin Does not imply a doubt of the wisdom and firmness of the Government, bol indiont' 1(1 In- etlnvtivo political apprehension not elicited by greater and Immediate In- tereets 111 qurtrterH external to the Amcricin eonllneuto. "Not to invade the rights of an meelean (lite Is to the li, S. all obligation w'1111 the force of haw. To permit no l:ur0pta4n state to In(la. cnee teem. IN 11 matter of policy. "The. U. 14is inevitably the pre- ponderant 1uu ricao power, but she does not aspire to is pnrmnnunt she doe1 not find the true contnhe m1)t of the Monroe doctrine. in an unde- fined control over '.Amerloan states, eiereised 11y her and denied to Fu - rope. Its correlative le abstention front Interference In questions territorially I':u ropca n.,, PUBLIC NOT SA1•iSFIEU, 1:x.101'14 Telegraph ('ompang Not Pleased With( he N'lceless, London, Feb. 2. -At r4 meeting of the shareholders of the Eastern Telegraph Company', Sir John Wolfe Barrie, declared that people who were best qualified to speak on the sub- ject stili held the Minion that the wirelmle s1913xem of transmission could never be n seridus rival of the ca. hive for long distance transmission. The realm sgiven for sending by re- gular cable the King's reply to Pre- eldent Roosevelt's message had not satisfied the public. WAN'fI-I) F(IR MURDER. Two Men in Sing Sing Will Ile Drought to Alberts. Winnipeg, Fee 2. -Capt. Walker, of the Northwest Mounted Pollee, has left here tar Sing Sing Prison, New York, to hrlug back an alleged mur- derer named 1(org31n and accomplice, Joe. Laron. T'iey aro charged with killing a companion named Wm. John- ston near Red Deer, about two and 11 halt years ago, and efforts will be made to haw. them extradited. The nceu4ed are noted criminate, and are Jest completing aterm at Sing Bing for robbery committal in New. York. It's a put-up job on a man when his wife orders a new stove. m o ler Ho who cannot bear to be alone 1s not tit to bo with anyone else A VICTORY FOR PROVINCE. ( )nuu'lu Pant pled to License inter- mit tonal Ferries. Toronto report; A decision an- nounced yesterday by Mr. Justice Street forms another victory for Prot vhncial ad opposed to Dominion juris- diction, the question at Issue being the right to grant franchises for the operation of ferries from to Preen]. dal point to a foreign country. The particular case came from Sault stn. Marie, the plaintiff being Mr. R. D. Perry, of Toronto, and the ((1( ndunly the .Algoma teetotal hallway Com- pany and Mr. F. If. Clergue. Mfr. Perry had been operating It ferry be- tween Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., end Sault Ste. Marie, Mich„ for several yea 1(4, under a franchise granted by the Dominion but 131st summer the de- fendants commenced the operation of a ferry on the same route ; heure. Mr. ferry Nuel to prevent them run- ning their ferry. The action was ti i 3] before Mr.destico Street at the Soo, and 1)t Toronto In December last, Judge Street, in his judgment, fully sustained the contention of the At- torney -General and held that the 1( - cense relied upon by the plaintiff was invalid, and that the only license which could give any exclusive right to ferry must be issued by the Pro- vince. He therefore dismissed the taction with costs. It is unr'.eI'stood there aro about 15 or 20 of 1beso ferries within Ontario, width will Dome under the decision le this 011430, and the effect of the died - skin will old to give the Province of Ontario another monrre of revenue, IMMIGRANTS REJECTED, Si 'teen o1'Ihe \undid is n': Pr:s�;vtl;ers Sen) Marl.. 1ltl1flx report 1 The rt: Winntiou of hnnligrlwts arriving at thispot•t, totter the new rules of the Inulgrn- tion department, hl very etrictlj coeuencl. !h'. 11)11s, chief mo.11cal ()11ker of the department, Versull- ally examined the 11asse'nge ra who lu'rbVor, on the royal mail 'demerit* Nuulldlnu yesterday, and of the _110 steerage Mental were rejected and ordered to be deported, ow111g WIn• d(catious of trachoma, Dr. Ellisee• jeacs1 tun, five of them young Finns, and tilt; others a Syrian 111lnlly,11011- koting of father, mother 1)113] three bright -looking children. Tile United -Stated Contnllssiotler also' rejected six passcngees, and the w1101e party were marched on bard the etenitter by the Immigrattot gnat Maes. The steerage passengers landed Isere were a fine, healthy lot, many of theta Englishmen, a row for the Provinces, but most of them for 01- tervllle, Ont„ and Winnipeg. They included pattern -makers, corpen• - tors, farmers, butchers, etc. A Syrian family were bound for Stratford, anti there were 40 Finns for Hat Portage, loplmr Cliff, Port Arth,u', Alberta and Winnipeg, and 50 for Michigan, Duluth, San Frtwelsnoand other United States pointe. There were 15 Norwegians and Swedes for different points. HOUNDED Hill TWO YEARS James Wats,ln, Arrested in Toronto, Taken to Guelph WANTED IN ST, LOUIS FOR TRIAL Toronto report ; I(Lgh Constable Mcrrlwea(hor, of Weldugton county, tarok Junes Watson to Guelph yes- terday, where he wilt wait oxlradl- t1o1 proceedings. Watson 1s the man who was arrested on Wednesday by Deteetive•DnVIN, lle Is charged with stealing *1,700 from Caupbell & Co., wealthy horse doalere of St. Louis, Mo. The charge is two years old, but during all that time 11'atsa1) has been diligently hee(eel 1Itroughout the whole of 11 macre Canada, uutll he, was at last run down while driving with two well-known cltizeu13 In a cutter on the Luke Shore. road. The complainant* In the case are drsorlbed In the Information as lnll- lionalroe, it u1 they helve lit ttad Watson hunted for the amount of m011cy they ask lent 10 account for. They have a number of mets In *curl- ew.' parts of the States buying homier for cash and It is necessary to trust these men with Targe sunl13 ol'money. If 1,1(y 11nve. 11 defaulter it is their policy to truck him down, no matter what It costs, or how lung it. takes, and have hit punished us all nsam- p1a to others who may be tempted to breach of trust. When they charged Watson with the theft of *1,700 he had got away and he was heard of in Guelph. They sent word to Coislablo Mere'. weather, and the extradition papers were provided, but 111 the meantime Watson didn't wail. He has slam, been located, Ina ra tittle bit too late, in Lindsa;y, I10w1»auvill,, 0111Ila, Petrolea, buffalo and numeruti other places. Watson dropped out of sight for nearly n year, but un Wednesday 1n- Hpeetor titlark was notified that he wad likely In Toronto. Detective Dnv113 found news of him In the east end and Otero -81,41d took as carr out West., with 1114. result that the man was 11nilel within n couple of hours of receipt of the message. The prisoner would not at first admit to the officer that Itt was the nail wanted, anti he took his arrest very belly. Eventually he remarked that after two petrel It was pretty tough to lei taken. 1 -Ie would fight extradition he said, If his oounrel, Mr. Robinette, advised him to do so. Mr. Robinette will go to (luolpb to- day to look into the ease. Watson said that during the past couple of years he ha tlbeen all over Canada. buying horses Detective Davis says the man told 11110 that when* he got *1,700 be had been drinking heavily, and instead of going out to buy horses he came to Can- ada. He said he woe nearly caught before In one town, but got wine and left In a hurry. ONE SUPREME COMMAND. Gen. L)3lelton to Command All l' oret,N in South Africa. London, Feb. 2—It 1m announced that Feb. tot the whohp of the British forces in South Africa, from the 7.anlbed to the Cape, will be under a single and supreme eummuaed, to which 1.Ieut,-Ren)'ra.l Lyttlelon will ins 1ppohtted, with his headquarters at Pretoria. Thio 'Opp lo regarded as an important Innovation, as significant of the Intention of the imperial Govern- ment to treat South Africa ad whole, incl Its giving a strong pro- bability of a similar political ar- rangement at 14010)' future date. It is also held to point to the future transfer of the centre of power from Cape Colony .to the new col- onies. Like Father, Like Son. Ianstln Transcript. Mrs. Flleker-Johnny, Margaret says you swear like a pirate. Johnny Flicker -I suppose she mast mean dad. Rather tough on him to call him a pirate, ain't It, ma 7