HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-29, Page 7Some Stunning Toilettes. The hoildgy *weave iuvarlably brig& about a falling off in the at:endancc of smart folk at too theatres, soya Lady !latish In Town frOplos. Neverthele9H beautiful tollelteH have been conspicuous at setor;rl pl yhouseu during the past fort- night. Of one of thoao the lett was t.h most striking feature. It was ver large, of white fur felt, and It wt 4101081 covered with chrysanthemum Of the Lia pinkish slate variety, wit undercur,ing petals. ;t. threc-tluarter cont of whit br,udeloth partially covered a white net gown, garnished with velret flowers. The coat was tucked all over, save where there were wide lmter- tiotln of Brugea Ino,, 0, cascade oI which also conn men ted rite enitee length of front. IA woman In a scarlet gown matte ht chnple Princeee style wore in oharudog contrtutt a. mown chif- fon cloak unit hat of brown lit felt.. The hat was tilled to Just tai right atlle by meting of a clustt of rest rosebuds, which were tuckc', snugly under one side of the brine '!iso top trimmings were also re, cht:ion. ribbon and rohro. It was 0 curious combination of colors, but most effective, Itis. Bourke ('orktnn reverted tau handsomely gowned women to t box at lith Bijou Theatre a few; 001111 Lige ago. One wore a white spangled 004 Dune, made in the most pxlraordl tutor maaner. It toad thane -inch wI.1e Ineertloul of black Jetted lace, noes std X -fashion over the boat rut front. The e;fect was eu moot an, ehikiug that the toilette toe:pedtit OAP. The hat was to white, :,oft twa- ver, colored with ded rlientely lin orcid le in pink and white. 'i'riut- toed among these. wet a twisted i.11 blue main ribbon, with coda falling just over the hair. There were alto flowers and rl'.t- bors:' tomer the left side of the iron, where it turned slightly tiway ion, the face. One of the most delicate, becom- ing and ravishing costumes 1 have seen this winter 1a to silver-gray (cepa de chino front one of tate best Parts houses.` It is trimmed, the bodice only, with silk natique Jaen. This is tett int a very shallow Itointol yoke, and again at the waist line, for a depth of about two inches, It is visible. The finest of ham! shirring, alter- ntrtin.g with closely stitched hands of crepe de chine, fortes the boat 01 tit,e 10a1vt, as wt11 ne tido tops of the sleeves. Dangling grey silk ornaments de- eorate the front oatt i slaves alto. The latter aro qua to desert, e. Below the ahlrrt.l top ulinera molded slightly, as was alto flu; Lady of tato cloak. It had n struighl, loose bark, showing the flowers in clusters, and war about 44 Inched long. A white gown, with silver span- gles land a Hu erdtbutottnce of Jewess, salt worn under thio gorgeous affair. It would he ocld to predict a revtvnl of spangles anti solid jet gowns, Mut indleatlont really seem to point that a way. No leers than a dozen of these Hbrilliant creations were sprinkled „, clout the horseshoe at every opera It performance title week. licitel of the gowns had designs wrought mut in the Irl n:seek bits of anal. Ball gow to tire mode as filmy anti clinging 110 pogothie, with plenty of fullness about the bottom of the skirt. All are resplendent with illu- sion lace, flowers, amt 11o110i; a 111110 f rl none. Although one 4e`0 army polishes anal scintillating wangles of all va- rlehles. tin gown lttelf must Ile soft WI tt tdllotvy, with this sort of or- nonrntntion to -el tt-ith roaring illt- r urethan. Yellow net over sills, with a. pail- ' lotted border of gold a foot limp, :1101C0/4:1101C0/4a Ftturlillg toilette for dnr•k- i hotrod woman. Hands and Peet, lintels should it ter.ye be rubbed wiih nn emollient after 1t•a8h- lug, and if frt'yuently' wet, be pro- s torted from the action of water 114 rotas ns ixpsetble by the one of oils. When In(lemed, friction with alt of turpentine or ettnlphor;tti'd vasellut s beneficial, and n caro is hastened il' they are wuotiI in 0. warns do- ' coctton of walnut 100004. After do oily substances ars rubbed in, ,brat , with thio 110101100; Chilblain Powder. Salicylate of 1•isnmlh, 2'.; dram 1. I ofdertd starch, ounces. \Chen the ehlibinina ore ulcerated and broken apply the following lo- tion three times daily, bandaging will. limn or rt istptic gauze when necessary, nhltlrwivn dugong tit;` in- flamed purls with the powder; Ilorntnl Chilblain Lotion. to fou ehai:orate tato f 1p left entire to the elbow, where It t9 ata•:Irt Into to Willi) kimono -like mull of lace turned back, stitched and adorned with the ornaments. Below this Is still another more modest fullness or puff, ending In a handsome pointed lace cuff ; the lat- ter 1s feather -ironed rata perfectly' ftul shed. The skirt le a gem. It hoe a short, hip yoke and slender front panel rnacldn" to the bottom. 'rot tows Of onset Land shirring aro Jolnod to tide yoke on each side of tho panel, and these alternate with !'ands of eictaely stitched crepe to form the entire sides and btwk a of the skirt. There are no lam titan ten 'writs oI ehlrrings and stitchings on either Ado or it. About the bottom le a gradntitai and very full accottlepen plaited flounce of crepe de clone flitiette4 with several rw hin.ge. The skirt ha' nOt a partlebe of trimmings state this PXgnls,te hand work, turd it Is beau- tiful. .The noir Jitpaneoe cloaks for opera and evening wear aro another fea- ture of the new styles for winter. Those are Just as gorgeous as the orientals wear them, and only slight- ly modl:l'xl In shape. One worn at the opera last week on two different occasion' was of ppasto yellow silk, elaborately 010- broldered in large red poppies and green leaves. Its wide sleeves, not so loose no the original at the armhole, were Eider flower water, 7 nunrt'H. Tincture of entrain, 2 ouucee. (ittecrin'. 2 ounces, la -track! acid, ;t drains. lioth the abase rr1110dieo err 1040 effe+ilv0 for the 8.1 Iuo trouble in the fart. FOR THE COOK. ]` .t good and an in•;petsive break - fast sweet Is apricot ❑ul.rmuhtd0 tnado front canned;Lorieots. NlnnaUrr ' the fruit, nail to wieli pint allow three fon Lit of it phot of sugar. Cook over n slow firs, tttirri 1 nne,•t n 0 while until the cutrmal.tde It 0 floured board; toll thin and !hike ill 0 quick oven. Gingerbread Cnkrs-Tr la' one cup of Ntfv Orleans mo;assts; one cup of sonar; ono cup of sour cream; one entail cup of Matter; there. eggs; When the Lamps arc L11. Tin children like to got nu ;Utrnr- the }took to read after supper of d0 the old folks sometimes. We have pleasure In Informing our f'ra'ming readers that by sending their mune and address on a post -card to 11ta- 00y-Barrio CO., Ltd., Toronto, they will bo sent the \fa000y-llarrlo Illus- trated. free of charge for one year. 1t is n. bright little magazine, ron- t:Uning many new picturto uud 001110 good reading. Don't forgot to men. Gen this paper, or you may 1101 re- ceive the journal. three cups of flour; one opoonftl Inch of stoves, cinnamon, ginger and baking soda, flake 10 two loaves In a moderate oven. Doughnuts -Cream two cuptult et sugar with ono -halt cupful of butter, add ono -half cupful of milk, two eggs beaten light, two models of (lour in- to which has been sifted a teaspoon. ful of laking powder ;fait flavor with vanilla. work in t:ucugh flour to mako a soft dough. Moll out Into For Goodness Sake Wear Granby Rubbers The Rubber that has the largest sale in Canada, simply on account of its goodness. Made from (7i' 00.04 ) new rubber. \09 "Granby Rubbers wear like Iron" anal WEEDS Consumption is a human weed flourishing best in weak lungs. Like other weeds it's easily destroyed while young; when old, sometimes im• possible. Strengthen the lungs as you Would weak land and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork is good too, but it is very hard to digest. The time to treat consump tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Others see it, you won't. Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. If it isn't really consumption so much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump- tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat- ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best treatment. We will send you a little of the Emul- sion free. tie tore that this picture to the Corm of a label a on the rapper of every bottle d ttrnulsioa yoe buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. Sec. and AG all druggists a sheet nearly rte inch thick, and cut Into shnpcs with n cutter. Pry in dredt fri. I"or Ginger Snaps --f'1. mat, tt cup of butter with one of sugar, beat in a cap of mohteses; etlr in a cup of water, a tablespoon each of ground ginger and elrtnnmon, a table - 01)00n. of ;tllepiet, fundi a icrtnt 0110 of coda. r.lfhal with ti pint mid to half of flour- Add enough flour to make 0 dough lint can b0 rolltvl out; roll thin, rat Into rounds end drake. For 1 tiingerbren,l-ileal one cup of Nat• Orlennn molasses over n. pan of int wetter; add half a Imp - rut of butter to it; when the butter fins Incited remove the bowl from the water: add ono tn.bletgtoon of ginger; distnite lull n teasloot of rode in it little boffins; water; add it to the mob) isnnt; fall' In flour to nuela'_a rather stiff dough; toss ou ;Irick. Suday INTPatNa'1'1ONAI1 LCtieiON No. V, 1'Iailtt'Altt' 1, tooa. Paul 01 Arts IT: 22;it 0tudy Verses la;u, ('t)yl\IENT.,IIY.--1. Paul tit Atli - ',nu (vs. 13-21). As usual, Imr6e- cutio11 the new re• II„ion at lIoret, and Paul, leaving Slot anal Timothy (0. 14) to fob - lo;.' his iotas, hastened secretly on till he ca n1y 10 (hu 10111003 citt' 01 Athens, the enpatib of the. Intellec- tual world, as Home urns of the po- litical, and dertttlletn of the relig- ious. While Paul walled for the cowing; of Silas and Tuuothy, hu em. 10,1el his time 1n sp:.viking la th, s,t 1uagogtt t to the Jews, rand Ira tit., inarke•L plates to those whom he not. The lenders 10 pllliosophy au, reiiciom were attracted by lbw!, and hell Conversattions with Mai a bans 'hat r0t.gion. 'Tire, Epicurean, anlirely denied a providence, 111;1 Mil that the w•Ortd sats the effect it; mere i'hanee; ae*t'-rtittg that the annul and !oily (lied together. 'Pit tito.1.; Iva 1.1 that matte' was ster- n:l;. that all things were govern- ed by Tate; that virtue was as own reward, and sloe Its own punititntent. Il. Paul's ntldrooa on illus' Iii I (vtt. 3 I 22. Paul stoat -yam sp,,k a iu that open air. liars' 1t.1. -tic Arto• pannus --This hilt lvns to the seat o Auopolit, 411141 syn a tit1 i tt lllg 1111/4 1l3 o' the Athenian coned!. To this It Il of !Gars the piiiloaophnrs le: St. haul that he nil ht morn coir vonlctttly nddrems a large' nu lienee, -Cam. Blb. Ye men of Athens -II was nalbt'tiIng limn o; high 'Mellor- taut utellor-trio i pooere. Tit l; city w -ad the most renowned in the world for iltera- tura, :tat and pittio•tplty• It lino a wort.! -wile r palm 0 11 or tni1itt r talent, ',mural., 111511nn a and cul lure, but was wholly gi001 to idol atry. 28. Yonr devot'an -"e' I1 V. Tlt apostle had Loheld their altars and w'or'ks OI art I'll ,:.rf` •a' ion. To am unknown Heti-That no deity might pnnixh them -or n ;;L' 11:1 Ills worship, or renuti0 unhn vo'tnl in rrk n - rt,' ['teeth(^s 0, not only erected o'iar; to alt the gods named or known among them; but, diatrnst,ul stol lost they i light not comprehend fully the extent of rifts suh,ect o.t a0.1 dip n41en 0, ;hey erected then alto to any other god or ixrwer that mit,;ht eX,et, nith Nigh as yet unrevettlesl to tient. tenor - natty worship -der- It V. The apostle dues not Intend to say dont their 1000S111 11 wa4 of tut igneranl charac- ter, but that they ofterttI it In Ig- norance. 111111 declare 1-"11 sus death for any pit rate 11010011 10 disturb the religion of the State by the Introduction of any toieign god that haul not been publicly recog- nitett. 21. Gat that mndr-1. Ile opposes, indirectly, their op.nions that there were many gods. 2, Ile opposes the opinion that matter 1H eternal. 3, That aft tidngt aro meltrolh•d by fates 4. That the world woe formtel by an accidental throng of atoms. And those were the doctrines of Ida Inst rers.-f;nrime. 21. With men's hands -The apostle Il;nslrates the character of the true (toil still farther by another contrast between Ilio and the deities of the hrntheu. Gal Is independent of lfis er11Uurem, lie• needs nothing from Ihem. T!m heathen considered it mOrtt(trlout l0 bring costly gifts to their Idols, and encu offerings of food anti drink. P_G. One bland -God !tart made of one Iltn'1'H tor, or 111:` nuw•ee, or one family, all nations. This bays upon 04 the duty to help all torn, and to treat all men justly Mid lovingly, even the lowest reales of men. tireeks bell that the fliesl then had sprung up In Altlra, IIkO molt Iris; that, oke flowers and trees, every nation was the prcxiact of its oven soil, and that they were the eristoc•racy, all others le Ing barbarians. 27. Shcnld Berk the Lard -The whole ()Wet of the Divine, t'rovi• donee, In His dealing~ with uniform anel 111dicidunls, Is to bring then to a knowledge of IIIc ono true God. Not fur -Ile is hard to find; nut be- cause He withdraws from us, but because we withdraw from )tint. Onr iniquities separate uH Iron Mut. 'y. Offspring of tiod-By creation after the Image, of God ; by regen- eration through the incarnate, .on of lied.-Thoinek, Ought not -"If we, Intelligent, moral, rational beings, are the offspring of tied, we ought not to think that the Divine One Is Tike a. dumb, dr;nl, senacieta idol.' - St lf1pr. 30. This IgtOralct-2'tt'e 11. V, "Slut committed In ignorance are differ- ent front those mimed It ed agalnst ligltt alai conscience." Men cannot plead ignor:ntre who nre living In Ow presence of un open Bible. Over- looked -In the tvord "overlooked" lie (maser's of merry for those who Ilvell ht till/ tim''rt ut ignornaee.- .t (ford, ;11. Ire will Jndge--'rhpir character foul delete were to he cuatutued, and SAVED FRUIT THE GRAVE What T. C. ftiarsh Says Dodd's Kidney P1114 Did for dial. Storey o1' a N'nva `;010111 3111 II wb0 had Abaosi (oven 1 p Hope ever hrbtk lfa•II Aga 111. Central Econuut,r, 't. S;, Jon. 12. -S{u•riall-"i ir,, n,; if badd'rs Kid- ney 1'itis Il•tst saved tie from the grave," k lit' way T. C. harsh, of this place, tall:•: of those wonder - fel e.vteriiOnatt r: of the painsand tcbt•.s arising from Ido: used 1CId- (0,1 0. And lir. .51:0%11 nhouut know 0II Ot,r h lu -i d ire $1-04 under 1110 six Lot. tare for ICldney trout plana for some time, !.ud, despite thele bfforth, t antlhun1 to grunt worse. 1I v. -as almost iti stespttir when ,t friend advised itim to use tkxld's Klaney !'lids, hl such 0 se- vere ease the progress towards re- covery was n:tturalby slow, but he persevered, alai tits ti • teas Jus- tified in using the some::: wtu'ds (mutest above. lir. .1Lu'. h thus des- cribes his case: "1 'vias under the doctor's care, but didn't spent t0 gat Rey bet- ter, only worse. 1 was advised by to (r11`111.1 to use Irodd't, Kidney .!(ter I had no-r+l them for a time 1 began to ieei IL tliff(t•.10p, stud 1 never stopped nand 1 1t id used 22 boxes. I suppose 1 Neill have to 1180 s'ttna'thtng us lona ors 1 live, hilt 1 feel as if bo,ld's i idnpt !'ills had saved me from the grave." "I have rnccuntcttded ll.nlu't Kid- ney Pills to everyone because of what they lune done for uta•" the reward or puniehmunt due was o hr awarded b,0 the amigo Paul's reference w -ns apt, Id 1100 hr, watt standing ht the ghee where judicial if n01nlOs were wont to be an- nounced.-Bemsel. In riglttemtsnest- ' Every decal %a tv ll bet al'olutely fight awl correct. There will be no bribery, no covering up. Tho rlght- emttuet8 of the judgment is what n 11, 11 Urtlbin to till! emu;ofeto'," IIi. The effect of 1'cttl'e address lvs. it). 112. Senn. mocked 1 t t tt:tlea h . , p'e0 ce 01 shah tiered t'h.tt it t 11 le was ,all. Others aild, etc. -Wiw- i her tc. \Ciu'- her seriously, or merely to courteous refusal to hear 111*thi g further, ie uncertain. Thoughts -we shiuid be eou•teons to suitors, bat full of cone ,go in speaking to them of their slit. Nolo three princlpnl diviclonn to the ser- mon t 1. The r'l ltinn of Go 1 to the world. (I) As (1rettor. (2) ,tat Lord of hrev;°tl nits earn. (:i) As filling lanmcn'o.ity with H1tt presence. i4) As .nodi-suffielent. (Gl :1a 1 h r.enrev of 'ire nrd LhM;i:tg. L. The dignity and lrstlny or 'ra'.n.:I. The doctrine of Christ and file en 'ration. PR.1L"rICAL SURVEY. Athens. This wee one of the most rioted cruse of the world. Of great antiquity she ival famous :or tier 1e1ruing. h:'r s"lnt:arshtp and for PAINFUL PERIODS are overcome by Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound. Miss Jlennrd cured after doc- tors failed to help her. "Lydia E. 'Inkhorn's Vege- table Compound cured me after doctors had failed, and I want other girls to know about it, Dur- ing menstruation I suffered most intense pain low in the abdomen unit in my limbs. At other times I had a heavy, depressed feeling which made my work seem twice as hard, and I grew pale and thin. The medicine the doctor gave me did not do me oto bit of good, and I was thoroughly discouraged. The doctor wanted me to stop work, but of course, I could not do that. It finally began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and felt better after taking the first bottle, and after taking sir bottles I was entirely cured, and ant now in perfect health, and 1 ant so grate- ful for it." -Miss Ggonarr BIENAar), 137 E. t ilnd SL New York City. - 16000 forfeit if or:gral of above tatter wooing eenuinenws cannot beprodaced, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable (:onrponnd cures female ills when all other means have failed. the number and magnificence of her public buildings. No city could boast of enroll it list of names, including scholars. poets, philosophers, States- men and warriors. She was Justly re- garded art the literary centre of the world, and such was her domin- ating Influence In this respect that tho Greek huIgmigo became almost exclesively the literary Language of the vt•orltl. Paul. In tin providence of (rod and at tsuolt it time as this, the apostle Paul canto to this city. Ile had been ,driven by bitter persecutions first out of Thessalonira and ttten out of Berea. It great f'on the [account given its that ire had no special de- sign or ubjer.t in going to Athens except to arida the danger of re- maining at Berea. Hie 1(tlignation. Pani himself was tel educated Mian, and 110 doubt a profound scholar. In such a city ao Athens lee would find very many tondltlone that world naturally at- tract and interest Min. The very at- tnospliere would have an influence on such a titan, tLld the tendency would be to enter Into that part Of Ito enjoyment which would not violate I to etenerionce. I11H tuio:stonary spirit. 'PION allowed 1isol1 at once to be the mainspring of his life. I 11 Ile cannot tL at n t wall for n suitable time, Now is his tltne. Be can not wait for opportunities, he cre.ttet theta. He evidently first he- ron with the ,Jews. They were al• ways the enemies of Jesuo, but they, WON' God's chosen people and Pitt- 1%111011 nk1%111011 must first be offmred to them. 'They were nleao opposed to the Idol- atry practised in that city-. Ills tact and prudence. Paul was a MOM, Intrepid missionary, and knew no friar of thtnger In Ids 0.111 for souls. Ills account of what he tui• tore'', shove this. He Intl heel bea- ten, stoned and shipwrecked. Ile had been In perils from waters, robbers. ,Yews and heathen ; In the city and in the tvihtet'ness; in hunger and thirst ; 111 cold and nakedness. He teas, however, a prudent man, and never an iconoclast. He did not get himself arrested and put in prison for breaking Imngrt, destroying al - tarn or insulting pries'::. He wisely took Hominidng they admit- ted and allowed, and front tilt de- duced and taught that which they opposed. Ills address. Aa noon as 1t was discovered that he tens a mite of parts, and that he ta-aght a new religion, he soar brought to alarm' hill for an address. This lie ninde with great skill and with ttimpie yet irrpststible logic. Ile shows them there is and can be bat one tree and living Gad, that they etre Ig- norant of that Gal, and need to be instructed in the knowledge of flim: that they de not need more religion TIN they are already tat religious., tat Ilea they netts it better kind of religion. The strongest •11,1 heaviest Wire Fence mode. If we are not tepresemted in your district write us :a mice about the agency, Good oper- ingaforgoodmen. Otd:'eseavily , taken. limit, satlsfartory, firma WIRE (EKE CO limited, Winnipeg, M. . . Welland, Ont. r ,t titA rrtrG SVOrWeS' 11'0/