HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Loyalist, 1850-07-18, Page 4J.
Mechanical Arts anti 2s.•ie_aces.
Have in Course of Publication, in, Parts,
Price 25 cents each.
Of Mackines, Mechanics, Engine -work, and
Edited by OLIVER ' BY'RNE, formerly Professor of
Mathematics, College of Civil Engineers,Lon-•
don. Author and inventor of the " Calculus of
form," the new and Improved system of Logar-
ithms," "The Elements of Euclid by colors,"&c.
711 HIS work is of large 8vo: size, contain-
ing nearly 2,000 pages;up wards of fifteen hun-
dred plates, and six thousand wood cuts. It will
present working drawings and descriptions of the
most important machines in the I. S. Independ-
ent of the results of American ingenuity, it will
contain complete practical treatises,on Mechanics,
Engine work, and Engineering with' -all that is
useful in more than one thousand dollars' worth
of folio volumes, magazines and other• books,
among which may be mentioned the following : -
1. Bibliothque des Arts is Industriels. (Masson,
Paris;) 2 Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal.
(London;) 3. Engineer and Machinist's Assistant.
(Blackie, Glasgow;) 4. Publication Industrielle.
rmengaud Aine, Paris;) 5. Jamieson's Mechan-
ics of Fluids: 6. Treatise on Mechanics. (Poisson;)
7. Allgemeine Bauzeitung mit Abbildunged. (Fos-
ter, Wien;) 8. Organ fur die Furtschritte des
Elsenbahnwenens in technischer Beziehung. (Von
Waldegg, Wiesbaden;) 9. Sherwin's Logarithms;
10. Byrne's Logarithms; 11. The Mechanical and
Mathematical Works of Oliver Byrne; 12. Silii-
man's Journal; 13. Allgemeine Maschinen Encyc-
lopedia, Hulsse. (Leipzig;) 14. Cotton Manufac-
ture of Great Britain and America contrasted; 15.
Holtzapffel's Turning and Mechanical Manipu-
lation ; 16. The steam Engine. (J. Bourne-) 17.
Eisenbahn-Zeitung. (Stuttgart;) 18. Tredgold on
the steam Engine; 19. Pike's Mathematical and
Optical Instruments; 20. Dictionnaire des Arts of
Manufactures. (Laboulaye, Paris;) 21. Sganzin's
Civil Engineering ; 22. Brown's Indicator and
Dynanometer; 23. Origin and Progress of Steam
Navigation. (Woodcroft;) 24. Essai sur ('Indus-
trie des Matierres Textiles. (MichelAlcan, Paris;)
25. Macneill's Tables; 26. Griers' Mechanic's
Pocket Dictionary ; 27. Templeton's Millwright's
and Engineer's Pocket Companion; 28. Lady
and Gentleman's Diary; 29. Marine Steam En-
gine. (Brown30. Weisbach's Machanic's and
Engineering; 31. The Mathematician. (London;)
32.b Barow on strength of Materials; 33. Hann's
Mechanics; 34. Mechanical principles of Engi-
neering and Architecture. (Mosley;) 35. Journal
of Franklin Institute; 36, The Transactions of
the Institute of Civil Engineers. (London;) 37.
The Artisan; 38. Quarterly Papers on Engineer-
ing. (Published by Weale, London;) 39. Im-
perial Dictionary. (Glasgow;) 40. Student's Guide Office Bearers for the Year 1850.
to the Locomotive Engine; 41. Railway Engine
and Carriage Wheels. (Barlow, London ;) 42. W. Chalk, Esq., President.
Recueil des Machines Instrumens et Appareils. Vice -Presidents.
(Le Blanc, Paris;) 43. Buchannan on Mill Work;C. L. Van Egmond, Esq. Mr. A. Black.
44. Practial Examples of Modern Machines.- G. Gouinlock, Esq. Trea. G. Thompson, Esq. Sec.
(G. Rennie;) 45. Repertoire de 1'Industrie Fran- Committee.
caise et Etrangere. (L -Mathias, Paris;) 46. Treat- Mr. James Dickson Mr. Robert Scott, B. S.
ise on the Manufacture of Gas. (Accum, Lon- George Sproat Robert Cana
don;) 47. Setting out Curves on R'ail'ways. (Law, William Chartiers John M`Kernon
London;) 48. Hodge on the Steam Engine; 49. Sci- Robert Hays Walter Amos
entific American; 50. Railroad Journal. (New Robert McCartney William Chesney
'fork;) 51. American Artisan; 52. Mechanics' Andrew MCaa Aug. Van Egmond
Magazine; 53. Nicholson'§ (Peter) Dictionaof HE HARPURHEY BRANCH OF THE
Architecture; 54. Dictionnaire de Marine a VoilesT Huron District Agricultural Society will
et a Vapeur. (De Bonnefoux, Paris;) 55. Conway hold a Meeting for the Exhibition of Farm Stock
and Menai-Tubular Bridges (Fairbarrr�) 56. Brees' &c., &c.. at r. GEO. Hicx's HARPURHEY on
Railway Practice ;-. 57. Bar low's Mathematical Friay, September 20, 1850, for the purpose of
Dictionary; 58. Bowditch's Navigation; 59. Greg- adjudging and awarding Prizes for the various
cry's Mathematics for Practical Men ; 60. Engi- Animals and Articles hereinafter mentioned,:
neers' and Mechanics. isncyciopedia. (Li/a1 1�,r
Z- ---- _
bert ;) 61. Patent Journal, London;) 62. Brees' FIRST CLASS.
Glossary of Engineering: 63.. Encyclopedia of For the best Entire Horse •
Civil Engineering. (Craoy;)' 64 Craddock's Lee- 2nd do.
tures on the Steam Engine ; 65. Assistant Engi- For the best Brood Mare and Foal
deer's Railway Guide. (Haskoll;) 66. Mechanical 2nd do. do.
Principia. (Leonard.) For e2ndbest Twod-Oscar old Fillyo
The great object of this publication is to place Fier the best two-year old Colt -
before practical men and students such an amount 2nd do: do. -
of theoretical and scientific knowledge, in, a con -
For the best Span of Horses
densed form, as shall enable them to work to theP -
best advantage, and to avoid those mistakes SECOND CLASS.
which they might otherwise commit. The For the best Bali) - - - - 1 10 0
amount of useful information thus brought togeth- 2nd do. - - - - 0 15 0
er is almost beyond precedent in such works. In- For the best Milch Cow that has had
deed there is hardly any subject within its range a Calf since the 1st of Jan_, 1850 - 1 0 0
which is not treated with such clearness and pre- 2nd do. do. - - 0 10 0
cision, that even a man of the most ordinary ca- ' For the best Two-year{ old Heifer
pacity cannot fail of understanding it, and thus calved after the 1st Jan., 1848 - 0 15 0
learning from it much which it is important for 2nd best - - - - 0 7 6
him to know. For the best yearling Heifer calved
From the annexed list of the principal authors after the 1st Jan., 1849- 0 15 0
and subjects comprised in this work, it is self evi- 2nd do.. da. - - - 0 7 6
dent that all citizens engaged in the practical and For the best yoke of Four-year old
useful arts, &c., may derive essential advantages Steers - - - 0 10 0
from the possession and study of this publication; For the best yoke of three-year old
the following may be especially designated : Steers - - - - - - 0 10
Millwrights ; Moulders and Boiler makers • For the Fattest Ox - - - - 0 15
Artificers in Brass, Copper and Tin; Cutlers and 2nd do. - - •0 7 6
Workers of Steel in General; Carpenters; Brick- For the Fattest Cow - - - - 0 15 0
makers; Workers in Ivory, Bone, and Horn; Civil 2nd do. - - • 0 7 6
Engineers, Railway Contractors, and Contractors THIRD CLASS.
for -Earth -Work and masonry of every Descrip- For the best Ram - - - - 0 15 0
tion; Architects and Bridge Builders ; Builders, 2nd do. - - - - 0 7 6
Master masons, and Bricklayers; Ship Builders, For the best pair of Ewes having
Masters of vessels, Ship carpenters, and others suckled their Lambs till 1st of July 0 10
connected with Building & Docking and
Block 2nd best - - - - - 0 7
and Pump makers ; Hemp Dressers and Rope For the best pair Ewe Lambs - - 0 10
makers'; Manufacturers of Linen and Cotton Fab- 2nd do. do. - 0 7
ries; Manufacturers of Spinning machines, Ro- For the best Tup Lamb - 0 10
ving machines, Card breakers and Finishers, 2nd do. - - - - 0 7
Drawing Frames, Willows and Pickersetc., con- FOURTH CLASS.
Machinery; with Cotton, Flax and Wool ., For the best Boar - - - -
Calanders, Bleachers and Calico Printers ; Cloth 2nd do. - - - -
Folders and measurers, and persons interested in For the best Sow having had Pigs in
Sewing machinery ; Anchor and chain cable 1849
manufacturers ; Cutting and Turning Tool ma- For the 2nd best Sow having had pigs
kers ; Pin and Needle makers ; Nail and Rivet in 1849 - • - - - -
makers ; Bolt and Screw Bolt -makers ; Nail Cut- For the best Wagon made within the
ters ; Coiners; Leather Dressers and Curriers ; limits of the Society - - -
manufacturers of Great Guns and Small Arms; For the best Plough do. do. •
Candle makers ; Biscuit and Cracker makers; For the best pair of Harrows, do. do.
Lace makers; Ribbon Weavers; Stone cuttors and AGICULTURr�L PRODUCE.
Marble masons; Dyers, cloth Washers and Scour-
ers1 ; Coopers'; Cider and cheese manufacturers ; 2nd bushels. do. , Wheat 0 15
Ci.lvrvu, ...,,,,..-t. ----1 ,t.,4,, f•''-,<. rr,ntzprc•. Su^•ar Z w. "--1---n t_•_,.t..:7.,„F�;•,rir.`r 'WI, est 15
Boilers and Refiners, with Proprietors of sugar 2nd best - - y - - 0 15
Rlantations ; manufacturers of Railway, Rar, For the best 2 bushels of Barley- 0 10 0
ound, Ribbon and Rod Iron ; Wheel Axle, and 2nd do. do. - 0 7 0
spring makers; Engine Drivers and persons con -
For the best 2 bushels of Oats - - 0 10 0
nected with the Locomotive generally ; Engi- 2nd do. do. - - 0 7 6
neers and captains of steam Vessels; Managers of -
stationary Engines; Lumber Dealers and Owners For the best 2 bushels of Peas _ - 0 10 0
of Saw Mills ; Veneer Cutters ; owners of Pia- 2nd do. do. - 0 7 6
ning machinery ; Corn Millers, and persons con- For ttre best bushel of Timothy0 7 6
nected with Bolting and Bran -separating Machin- 2nd do. do. - - 0 5 0
ery; Buhl Workers, carvers, Engravers, and Orn a- For the best 201bs. of Clover seed - 0. 7 6
mental makers in general ; persons employed in 2nd do. do. -0 5 0
the manufacture of Gas; makers of copper and For the best 12 Roots of MangleWurtzel 0 5 0
Lead Tubbing; Linnen. and straw Paper makers; For the best half -bushel of Apples - 0 5 0
ship Owners, Harbor masters, and others interest- For the best half -bushel of Onions - 0 5 0
ed in Dredging machinery; Well sinkers; Astrono- DAIRY PRODUCR.
niers; Philosophers, and others using Ph.ilosophi- For the best 251bs. Salt Butter - - 0 15 0
cal Apparatus and Instruments ; Miners, Engi- 2nd do. do. - - 0 10 0
neers, and others interested in Pumping Engines; For the best 5lbs. Fresh Butter - - 0 10 0
persons interested in canals and A qu'educts; Ware- 2nd do. do. - 0 7 6
housemen, and others using Hydraulic -Presses, For the best 251bs. Cheese - 0 15 0
Dynanometric cranes, Jack. screws, common and 2nd do. do. - - - 0 10 0
Feed cranes; Workers in Metals and Alloys; Tin ' DOMESTICS.
Plate Workers ; spring manufacturers ; Wheel i For the best 10 yards fulled cloth - 0 15 0
is rights, clock makers and Horologists; etc., ect. 1 2nd best - - - - - 0 10 0
The publishers have expended a large sum of For the best Ilk yards Flannel, Mill -
money to get original drawings of machinery in ' dressed - - - - - 0 10 0
practical use in this country, and have procured For the best 10 yards Flannel, un -
almost every work on the subject, whether pub- dressed - - - - - - 0 10 0
fished in England, France, or Germany, the most ; For the best pair of Woollen Stock -
essential parts of which being comprised in this Tugs - - - - - - 0 7 6
Dictionary, render it as perfect and comprehen- For the best do. da. Socks 0 7 6
sive as possible._ The publishers have endeavor , For the best pair of Woollen Mitts 0 7 6
ed to use great economy in type, so that each page' For the best do. do. Gloves 0 7 6
of the work contains at least four times the num, Fbr the best pair of Blankets. mill
ber; of words found; in ordinary pages of the sante dressed - - - - - - 0 10 0
size. This has also; secured 10 each plate work- 2nd do. do. - - 0 5 0
ing drautings: of ample size and clearness, so Fbr the best home made Counterpane 0 10 0
that a mrclianic- may construct accurately any For the best 201bs. Maple Sugar - 0 10 0
machine. described. 2nd do. do. - - 0 7 6
The publirshers arc, in short, determined, regard- The Society's Ploughing Match will take place
less of cost, to make the work as complete as pot- in October,
sible ; and it is hoped every one desirous to obtain
the work will procure it as issued in numbers,
and thus encourage the enterprise.
The work will be issued in semi-monthly num-
bers, commencing in January, 1850, and will pro-
gress with great regularity.
The whole work will be published in 40 num-
bers, at 25 cents per number, and complete within
the current year 1850. A liberal discount will be
made to agents.
Any one remitting_the.publishers $10 in ad-
vance, shall receive the work through the post
office free of expense.
Notice to Proprietors of Newspapers throughout the
• United States and Canada.
If the foregoing 'advertisement is inserted five
times during the year, and the paper containing
it sent to us, a copy of the • work will be sent
gratis in payment.
A LL Persons Indebted to THOS. DARK, of
1-3 Goderich, are hereby notified that the Sub-
scribers hold a Power of Attorney, enabling them
to 'sue persons indebted to him, and unless some
immediate steps are taken to come to- a settle-
ment, the Subscribers will be obliged' to com-
mence proceedings without favor or delay.
Goderich, June 12th, 1850. 2-tw
n 1 HE Subscriber will sell cheap, for Cash, one
1 YOKE of OXEN, Five Years Old; also, an
Excellent Milch Cow.
July 9, 1850. 3-tw
WHEREAS, on Wednesday, June 19, 1850,
some person or persons wickedly Cut,
Maimed, and Killed the well-known Grey Mare
of the Subscriber. Whosoever will give such in-
formation as will lead to the detection of the
offenders, shall, upon the conviction of either or
all of them, receive the above reward.
Colborne, June 22, 1850.
FROM the Subscriber on or about the 20th of
April last, a small BLACK COW, with a
White Spot in her Forehead. Any information
will be thankfully received by
Goderich, July 5, 1850. 4-d
Huron District Agt icultural Society.
£1 10 0
0 15 0
- 1 0 0
• 0 15 0
• 0 15 0
0 10 0
• 0 15 0
• 0 10 0
0 10 0
1 0 0
0 15 0
0 15 0
0 10 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
0 10 0
r 0HE next Division Courts for the United'
I Counties of Huion, Perth, and Bruce, will
be held at the times and places following
1st. Division. -Court house at Goderich, 3d.
Aug. T. G. Morgan, Esq., Clerk.
2nd. Division.-Donkin's Tavern, Huron Road,
2nd. Sept. Robert Cana, Esq. Clerk.
3d. Division. -Wood's Tavern, Stratford, 6th,
Sept. George Williams, Esq. Clerk.
4th. Division --Quick's Tavern, London Road,
13th. Sept. George Carter, Esq. Clerk.
5th. Division. - McKenzie's Inn, Brucefreld,
14th. Sept. James Gordon, Esq. Clerk.
6th. Division. - School house, St. Mary'$,
4th. Sept. James Coleman, Esq. Clerk.
The sittings of the several Courts will com-
mence punctually at 11 o'clock, A.M.
Goderich, July 18, 1850.
TURER, Dundas Street, next door to E. Adam:. OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
Grocery Store.
IN is authorised by power of attorney to collect
The Subscriber respectfully announces to 11.4
Q,J1utstanding accounts due to Wm. PECK or his
friends and the public; that the business cunne'--wart itors, aitd requests an 'immediate settlement
tion between himself and Mr. F. B. BEDI)OMF ref the same, either with himself or Jas. Timms.
having terminated, the Original Establishment ISAAC RATTENBURY.
on Dundas Street; will in future be conducted en- June 24, 1850. 2-tw
tirely on his own account. He is now receiving
an entire new stock of STATIONERY in every
His selection of Books will be found unobjec-
tionable, and suited to the growing intelligence
of the community, being chosen from the works
of the best Authors. All orders for ACCOUNT -
BOOKS will be Manufactured on the premises,
as efficiently and cheap as by any House in Ca-
nada West. 'Iihe Ruling and Binding Depart-
ment will, continue to be conducted under the
Subscriber's immediate Superintendence. Orders
from Merchants and Bankers will be punctually
attended to. Paper Hangings in great variety !
School Books; Music Books, Muscal instruments,
&c., &c.
London, June 12th, 1850. 1-a.y
FROM the Farm of the subscriber,
Lot 22, Lake Shore, Township of Kin-
cardine, a GRAY MARE, about fourteen hands
high with heavy mane and tail. Lost on or about
the 12th May last.
Kincardine, June 12th, 1850. 1-tw
PERSONS indebted to Thomas Watkins,
either by Note or Book Account, are re-
quested to settle the same with the subscriber on
or before the 16th day of July.
Goderich, June 12th, 1850. 1-c
IFTY thousand pounds of Wool wanted by
If G. M. GUNN, No. 37, Dundas Street, Lon-
don ; for which the highest price in cash will be
paid, or taken in Exchange for Goods.
London, June 12, 1850. 1-d.
MM. ANDERSON would respectfully return
his thanks to the Inhabitants of London
and the surrounding Country for the very liberal
support rendered him during the last eight year;;;
and begs to say that he continues to earry on the
above business in all its branches. He is now
importing alllasstock direct from England, and flat-
ters himself that this will enable him to compete
in price and quality with all others in the Trail? ;
his Establishment being second to none in Cana-
da West.. He would particularly invite an In-
spection of his Stoves. Among the different
Patterns of Cook Stoves will be found 2 sizes Burr
Patent, 4 sizes Premium, 2 sizes Niagara hot air,
2 sizes Hathaway's hot air, and a number of dif-
ferent Patterns too numerous to mention.
Also, -On hand a large Assortment of Box
and different patterns of Parlor Stoves. The
assortment being now complete, those who wish to
buy will find it to their advantage to: call before
purchasing elsewhere as he ventures to say that
ifs Stock of Stoves of various kinds is much
larger and more varied than can be found in any
other establishment of the kind in this part of
the country. And will guarantee to sell as cheap
as any other house in Canada West.
He will keep constantly on hand a good assort-
ment of Plain and Jappanned Tin Ware, which
will be sold cheap Wholesale and Retail. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL
Feathers, Beeswax, old Pewter, Copper and. GROCBRY ESTABLISHMENT.
Brass, Paper -rags, Hides, Sheep -Skins, Wool,
and most kinds ofprothice taken in exchange - Dundas Streeet, opposite the I9lzrket, London, C. W.
Wanted all the Timothy Seed in-Caiia11a,li << r - - SMITH be leave toinform the Inhabi-
which the highest price will be paid: 4` j tants of London, and the surrounding Coun-
London, June 12, 1850. 1-a.y try, that he has opened a large and well assorted
INFORMATION WANTED stock of Groceries, Wines and Liquors, which
he offers for sale at exceedingly low prices.
500 Chests of Teas, from Is. 3d. to 3s. per lb.
50 H'ds. of Sugar, at the lowest wholesale
100 C'gs. of Tobacco, at the lowest wholesale
10 H'ds. of Loaf Sugar, at 8d. per ib.
Also: -50 H'ds. of Wine, Brandy, Rum and
Gin, at 3s. 9d. per gallon, 50 per cent. lower than
was ever before offered.
As the entire Stock was purchased for Cash, he
can afford, and is determined to sell Lower than
has hitherto been offered in London. He would
therefore respectfully solicit a call from intending
Purchasel•s, as he wishes them ,o inspect his Stock
and judge for themselves before buying elsewhere.
London, June 12th, 1850. 1-c.m.
MR. ROSS ROBERTSON having removed
from Clinton, all those indebted to ISAAC
RATTENBURY'S STORE, at that place, are
hereby required to pay over the amount of their
debts, or settle them with the Subscriber, at God-
Goderich, June 25, 1850. 2--tw
GOODS, No. 66, Dundas Street, London.
His stock of Confectionery, both in quality and
price, cannot be equalled this side of Montreal or
Buffalo, thereby saving to the purchaser both
duties and freight; a good supply of Bride Cakes
always on hand, from los. to any price up-
His stock of Fancy Goods, affords the best se-
lection in Western Canada; Combs, Shell, Buffon,
Plain, Back and Side of various patterns and
prices; Gold, Steel, and Glass Beads; Ladies'
and Gentlemen's Pins and Broaches; Dolls, Wat
Leather, Wooden, Dressed and Undressed at all
prices according to size and quality. Toy Horses,
Cats, Dogs, Hens, Whips, Guns, Knives, Soaps,
Paints, Hair Oil, Balls, Marbles, Fancy Hooks,
Violin Strings, Dressing Cases, Work Boxes,
&c., &c., &c.
Hamilton, June 12th, 1850. 1-f.m
Corner of York and Richmond Streets.
JB. MERRILL would respectfully invite the
. attention of the public to his superior stock
of FURNITURE, consisting of Sofas, Bedsteads,
Bureaus, Side -Boards, Tables of all kinds, Easy
and Grecian Chairs.
Also, MVIATTRASSES, with or without
N. B. -Particular attention will be paid to all
orders with which he may be favored.
London, C. W., June 12th, 1850, 1-a.y
Of SAMUEL SIMPSON, an Englishman, but late
resident in Goderich, U. C. His disconsolate
wife would be thankful to any person who would
give her information as to where he is to be found,
or whether he is alive or dead; she is very unwell
at present and thinks her illness aggravated by
not hearing from him. He was mate on board
the Schooner " Shannon" of Hamilton last May.
She received a letter from him in September last,
he was then unwell and living in Manville,
Oswego County, State of New York. Please
direct to JOHN CRUTCH, McKillop Post Office,
Huron, U. C.
[Editors of Papers in Canada and the United
States will oblige the afflicted wife by publishing
the above.]
May 29, 1850.
THE SUBSCRIBERS beg respectfully to in- THIS EXCELLENT FARM, LOT 38, 6TH
form their Friends and the Public, that their Con. Township of Goderich, containing
present Stock of TREES, which will be ready 80 acres, 45 of which are cleared, and 30 free
during the present Spring, 1849, is the the finest from stumps, with an excellent Orchard. The
ever grown in America. land is of a superior quality, with an excellent
Among the FRUITS, of which they have a variety stre am running through the centre of the lot.
of the most approved description, will be found There is a good dwelling house, barn, sheds and
APPLE, PEAR, PEACH, QUINCE, APPRICOT, PLUMB. stables on the premises. The above property is
CHERRY, NECTRAINE ; as well as GRAPES, and situate within ten miles of the Town of Goderich
STRAWBERRIES of a very superior quality. and three of the Village of Bayfield, where there
The TREES are well grown, thrifty; and beak - is a good Grist and Saw Mill, Tannery, Distillery
tiful, and have been selected from the very be t and Stores.
Orchards of Europe and America. Terms : One third of the purchase money down
They also possess the great additional advan- and the remainder by yearly instalments. For
tage of being propagated ane raised on Canadian further particulars apply to Andrew Donogh, Inn
soil, and therefore much better adapted to the Keeper, Goderich, or to the subscriber,
climate than any Trees which could be im- SAIVIUEL SPLAN.
ported. Goderich, May 29, 1850. 2-c.m
From the position of the subscribers, at the head
of Lake Ontario, and the outlet to the immense PRINTERS'
Western country in the rear, with excellent roads FURNISHING- WAREHOUSE.
in every direction, they are enabled to execute
orders with a despatch which cannot be equalled THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD INFORM
by any other Nursery in the country. Printers throughout the United States and
The. Trees from this Nursery are now in full the Canadas, that he has opened a PRINTERS'
bearing in different parts of the Province, and FURNISHING WAREHOUSE, where can always be
upon enquiring it will be found that they give uni- found Printing Presses, with self -feeders, a recent
versal satisfaction. improvement ; Printing Inks of all colours ; also,
They have also on hand, aj
large an. d fine as- all kinds of Metal and Wood 'Type, Brass and
sortment of . Metal Rules, and every other description of
c'T' �T e nTr. RrTA TTREESPrinting Materials at New York prices, adding
Trees and Plants packed in the best st =1 of `Uisl,:.'''''t�rr. '�,-1 ''''' --, ,rv. ,..12-'. ' _'1 4'
forwarded to any port, or inland place, that � lay PeaFlat-Cap, Surface,
emy, Medium, and Common
Marble saand Coloured
be designated.
REFERENCES ;-J. H. Smith Lloyd Town phi, Paper, Bookbinders' Guage Sheares, &c. &c.
G. Powell, Sicoe • Thomas Coleman Paris ; C. Old Type taken in exchange for new.
H. Webser, Guelph • P. Beemer, Coleman,
Sole Agent for the -sale of C. J. Graylor's
p; Double and Single Improved Salamander Safes.
George Brady, Townsend ; M. Aikman, Barton ;
C. K. Chisholm, Oakville ; N. Hughson, East-
Flamboro' ; G. Cadogan, Walpole ; A. Youjig,
Wyndham: E. Schenider, York ; W. A. Adams,
Albion; W H. Holmes, Puslinch ; S. Clark,
Palermo ; J. Wetenhall, Nelson, M. P.P. ; James
Wetenhall, Hamilton ; J. Jackson, Blenheitn ; G.
Alexander, Woodstock ; David Bell, 'Bell's
Corners ; I. Cramer, Caledonia ; F. McLaughlin,
Mono Mills ; Mr. Hart, Adgelo, P. M. Abel
Strafford, Chinguacousy ; John Aikman, /Incas -
ter ; J. Graham, Mono ; R. J. Hamilton, Ha-
milton. J. B. Giles, Goderich.
CHINGUACOUSY, February 1849.
We, the Undersigned, having had Fruit Trees
from the Nursery of the late WILLIAM KELLY, and
having fully tested them to our satisfaction, can
N. B. Publishers of Newspapers who will
copy the above six times, and send one copy con-
taining the advertisement, and by enclosing a ten
dollar bill in a letter directed to me, shall have
sent to their address, fifty pounds best news ink.
No. 6, United States Hotel Block,
Pearl Street, Buffalo.
Lot No. 1, in the Seventh Concession of
the Township of Colborne, W. D., containing
One Hundred Acres of Land. There is on the
premises a small Log Barn, with 15 Acres under
good cultivation, and well fenced ; the land is of
wilt pleasure recommend to the Public, as worthy excellent quality, and within Six Miles of the
pTown of Goderich. £200.
o: an extinsive Cultivation, by all those who wish Also, Lot 1, in the Eighth Concession, contain -
to cultivate good Fruit. -Signed, Ralph Crawford ing One Hundred Acres, twenty of which are
Eli Crawford, Amos Stafford, David Parker, John . cleared and fenced, with a good Log Shanty and
Wilson, Robert Crawford Abel Stafford. Cattle Shed. £237 10s.
ALBION VILLAGE, H. D, Feby. 12, 1849, , A good Deed will be given and a liberal dis-
Dear Sir, --Some nine or ten years ago, my count allowed for cash.
FathEr-in-law got some Fruit Trees frem Mr. The above lands are well watered with good
Kelly, which turned out remarkably well, and as springs, and an eligible stand for a Store or
I am desirous of a few of a similar kind; may 1 Tavern, being on the main road to Ashfield and
request you, if you should be sending any of your Wawanosh, on the cross roads from the Huron
Agents this way, to forward to me fifty trees. road to the above places, and commands four
Yours truly, W. A. AOAMs. corners; there is no store or tavern from Goderich
The business carried on by the late Mr. to the northern boundary of the County, a dis-
WILLIAM KELLY, is now carried on by the subscri- tance of about twenty-three miles.
bers, to whom all letters are to be addressed. DAVID SMITII.
C. KELLY & Co. Goderich; May 28, 1850. 2-tw
_LI LOT, known as Lot No, 20, abutting on
Elgin Street, beautifully situate, in the Town of
Goderich. Price £50. Enquire of the Publishers
of this Newspaper. 1-d
Established .Fi teen Years.
11 of the most inveterate, and long standing
cases of Scrofula, Cancer, Leprosy, Chronic Fe-
ver and ague, the frightful disease caused by the
mis-use of Mercury, Dry Gangrene, Prolapsus
Ultri, Secondary Syphilea, Cutaneous Affections,
Chronic Rheumatism, Liver Complaint, Erysipe-
las, Ulsers in the stomach, Chronic Inflammation
of the Eyes, Hip complaint; Lupus, or Noli-me-
tangere, Tic Doloreux, Dyspepsia, Piles, Dropsy,
&c., in many instances of `which the patient had
been given up by the Faculty, are ' in possession
of the Proprietor, and have been before the public
in his various publications. In all these com-
plaints and many others not numerated, Bristol's
Sarsaparilla is a safe and certain remedy, and in
some of them the ONLY one that can be relied
on fora prompt And jrmanent cure.
BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA is not one of those
mushroom quackeries, built up on no other and no
better foundation than false statements, purchas-
ed puffery, and deliberate misrepresentation; and
hence while a dozen or more of those medical
meteors have shot up, blazed and gone out for
ever, it has been slowly but constantly rising in
reputation, until now; at the end of fifteen year its
celebrity is almost without precedent, and yet
rests, as everything valuable must rest, on the
solid and substantial basis of long tried and se-
verely tested merit and worth.
The astonishing cures that have been perform-
ed by this medicine -and more remarkable has
never been chronicled -are neither apochryphal or
exaggerated, as the reader, • if he will take the
trouble to ascertain, either by personal visitation,
or written inquiry, will be abundantly satisfied. -
Such investigations, are constantly solicited by the
proprieter, to whose advantage they cannot but
tend, because the statement of cures will be
thus found to be confirmed.
By the slow but certain progress of a natural
and healthful course this medicine has been for fif-
teen long years working its honest way up the diffi-
cult . ascent of public favor, until at length its
present high reputation has been attended. That
it is still, and with vastly increased rapidity grow-
ing in the public esteeem, is one of the best evi-
dences that could be adduced in favor of its in-
trinsic and genuine worth; for had it not posses-
sed an inherent and real value, it must have long
since sunk into neglect and contempt. No im-
posture, and, especially of a medical kind, where
detection is so easy, could long maintain a con-
siderable ascendency over the public mind. Tem-
porary success may indeed attend a bold and in-
genious humbug, but months m=ill scarcely elapse
before the cheat is discovered, and she best spec-
ulation put down.
That Bristol's Sarsaparilla has been in use for
fifteen years, that it has wrought many most sur-
prising cures, that it has never once failed of pro-
ducing the wished for effect, that it has triumphed
over the worst cases and answered the severest -
est, that it has steadily and continually increas-
ed in reputation, that it has secur€ d the commen-
dations of the press, the approval and endorse-
ment of the medical faculty, and the good opinion
of the most intelligent and estimable men of our
time, --advantages which no other medical 'pre-
paration has, and which none can have unless its
value is unquestionable and established upon the
just experience of years, are facts affording secu-
rity for its worth and usefulness, sufficient, at
least, to justify a fair trial of the medicine, when
the best recommendation and proof of itsamerits
and efficacy will be afforded by its own operation.
The patient can have no better e-tUdence than this
-the proprietor desires no other.
BUFFALO, May 14th, 1847.
Mr. C. C. BRISTOL -Sir: -The cure of my
daughter Martha, aged 14 years, has been the
subject of much -solicitude on the part of my
friends, and in -answer to many importunities I
feel bound to give you a statement of another ex-
traordinary cure, performed by your Potent Medi-
cine. In June, 1846, after having enjoyed unpa-
ralleled health, and never having lost a meal of
victuals to my knowledge, and never having
shown any symptons of disease, she was attack-
ed with a swelling on the shin bone of her leg,
with continued and most excrutiating pain, which
confined her to her bedfor eight months. During
this time, she was attended by several eminent
physicians and surgeons, and had her leg lanced
four different times, when it discharged large
quantities of blood matter. The bone soon be-
came loose, and the child took from her leg several
pieces of her shin bone. One piece now in my
possession is about 2 1-2 inches long and 3-4 of
an inch wide, much resembling honeycomb. Du-
ring the time, from a stout, fat, bouncing girl she
. was reduced to a mere skeleton. Doct. J. S. Trow-
bridge attended her from the commencement, for
3 months, and she wasvisited by professor White,
and Doctors Sprange, Barnes, Dellenbaugh.-
Schmidt, Baily and others, who, one and all,
gave up all hopes of cure. Dr Trowbridge gave
-it as his decided opinion on consultations, that she
could get no Jelief unless her leg was taken off
and then she might get well; but had some doubts
if she would live, and that he could do nothing for
her. Still confined to her bed without any hopes
of relief, and the supposition of a cure being out
of the question in my own mind, by mere chance,
Robert H. Best., Esq., of this city, called at my
house on beholding the child, said to me "why
don't you get the child cured? Bristol's Sarsapa-
illa will cure her -it has cured worse cases than
hers." Having no reason to doubt this statement, I
procured "Bristol's" and gave it to her. After
she had taken four bottles, she was enabled to
get out of bed. After she took the sixth bottle she
was able to stand on her feet, and now she has
taken thirteen bottles in all, and is entirely cured
- newer bone growing in the place of the old.
During, the time she took " Bristol's," she used no
3:acr .i i i 'C; cf.r l l 1l jj . 4... rl • �, .. ....� .1,. , I✓., `
to the ulcers, and using a wash of castile soap.
Your serv't
LYMAN WHITNEY, No. 5, Harrington Court.
I have heard the above statement read, and
know the same is all true, only it does not tell how
much I have suffered, and I am so glad that I have
got well by taking Bristol's medicine that I don't
know how to thank him
State of New York, City of Buffalo, ss. -On
the 14th day of May 1847, before me came Lyman
Whitney, and Martha Whitney, his daughter,
both to me known, and in my presence subscri-
bed to the foregoing certificates, and being by
me duly sworn, did depose and say that the facts
therein set forth are true.
- CAUTION. -The public will be careful
not to confound Bristol's Sarsaparilla, with the
various nostrums advertised under the head of
Sarsaparilla, nor deluded into the belief of getting
relief from the various Syrups that are offered for
a dollar a quart. Bristol's is the old original ar-
ticle, that performs all the wonderful cures -the
others are poor imitations got up on the reputation
of the genuine article. See that the written sig-
nature of C. C. Bristol is over the cork of the bottle.
Price One Dollar per bottle, or six bottles
for five dollars.
= Call on any of my Agents in almost any
part of the United States and Canada, and pro-
cure, gratis,a pamphlet, containing one of the most
extraordinary cures, which has ever occurred in
the annals of medicine. C. C. BRISTOL,
No 225, Main St. Buffalo.
207 Main -street, Buffalo, N. Y.
Vegetable Lithontriptic Mixture.
HIS celebrated remedy is constantly increas-
ing its fame by the many cures it is making,
All over the World.
It has now become the only medicine for family use,:
and is particularly recommended for
Dropsy :
all stages of this complaint immediately relieved,
no matter how long standing Vee Pamphlet for
and all 'diseases of the urinary organs; , for th se
distressing complaints it stands alone; p other. etir a.rf,
ticle cari relieve you; and the cures" @'' ; ..,a
will convince the most skeptical----. ,, n��llitet.-- _ -
Liver Complaint, Billiousiliseases,
lever and Ague.
To the Great West especially, and wherever
these complaints prevail this medicine is offered.
No Mineral Agent,
no deleterious compound is a part of this mixture,
it cures these diseases with certainty and celerity,
and does not leave the system torpid, eve Pamphlet.
a complaint of a most painful character, la
Immediately relieved,
and a cure follows by a few days use of this ar-
ticle: it is far before any other preparation for this
disease, or for any other disease originating from
impure blood. -See pamphlet. .
Debility of the Systern,
weak back, weakness of the Kidneys, &c., or in-
flammation of same, is immediately relieved bre a
few days' use of this medicine, and a cure is always
the result of its use. It stands as
A certain remedy
for *rich complaints, and also for derangements of
the female frame,
Irregularities, suppressions,
painful menstruations. No article has ever been
offered except this which would touch this kind of
derangements, it may be relied upon as a sure
and effective remedy, and did we feel permitted
to do so could give
A thousand names
as proof of cures in this distressing class of com-
plaints. See pamphlet. till bt aten down, debili-
tated constitutions from the effect of rneicu'r?i, will
find the Bracing power of this article to act im-
mediately, anethe poisonous mineral eradicated
frour' the system.
Eruptive diseases
will find the alterative properties of this article
Purify the Blood
and drive such diseases from the system. Sec,
pamphlet for testimony of cures in all diseases,
u=hich the limits of an advertisement will not
permit to be named here, Agents give them away;
they contain 32 pages of certificates of high
diameter, and a stronger
Array of proof
of the virtues of a medicine, never.appeareil. Ir
is one ofthe pcculia'Afealu1•es of this` article that it
never ails to benefit in c . and i bone and,
..� a'�!i``f
muscle are left to guild upon let' the emaciated cen4
-lingering invalid
Hope on
and keep taking the medicine as lona as' there
is an improvement. The proprietor would
Caution the pltbli'e
against a number of articles which come out un-
der the head of
Sarsaparillas, �Sitrups,
as cures for Dropsy, Gravel, &c.: they are goad'
for nothing, and concocted to gull the -unwary;
Touch them not,
Their inventors never thought of curing such dis-
eases till this article had done it. . pall iculaf
study of the pamphlet is ea,rnestfy wl'icited.
Agents and_all who sell the article are
Glad to circulate
gratuitously. Put up in 30 oz. bottles, at 2$; 12
oz. do at $1 each -the larger holding 6 oz. more
than two small bottles. Look oiit and not get im-
posed upon. Every bottle has "Vaughan's Lith--
ontriptic Mixture," blown upon the glass, the,
written signature of "G. C. Vaughn" on the direc-
tions, and "G. C. Vaughn, Buffalo," stamped oee
the cork. None other are genuine. Prepared by
Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and sold at the Principal
Office, 207 1Vlain street, Buffalo, at wholesale and
retail. No attention given to letters unless post
paid -orders from regularly constituted Ay e?its ex-
cepted: post paid letters, or verbal communications
soliciting advice, promptly attended to, gratis,
Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of this
article -132 Nassau st. New York city; - 205 Es-,
sex st. Salem, Mass., and by the principal Drug-
gists throughout the United States and -Canada, as
John Mitchell, Simcoe,
W. L. Jones, Mount Pleasant.
A. Higinbotham, Brantford.
G. Brown, & Co.; Caledonia.
A. C. Buck, & CO. do.
G. Hussey, Port Stanley.
J. Winer, Hamilton.
T. Bickell, do.
Elliott & Thornton, Dundas.
T. Waddel, Stony Creek.
Ballachy & Booker, Grimsby.
J. J. Osborne, Bearnsville.
Thos. Scott, Woodstock..
G. M. Hopkins, Dunville.
Winner & Martin, Jordan.
Jos. Meredith, St. Catherines,
B. W. Henderson, Thorold.
.L. i..Iv tt 'tll11 Lo
Lyman, Kneeshaw, & Co.; Toronto.
Hagaman & Co., Zrorfte. `' y
R. Aberdien, M. D., Chippewa.
B. Chadwick, Drummondville.
S. Urquhart, Oak rille.
J. Harvey, Niagara? _,
Goderieh, June 3, 1850.
Is published weekly, on THURSDAYS, at the Offi. e,
in the Market Square, Goderich, by
W. & E. WOODCOCK & Co.
TERMS : - Ten Shillings per annum, to bo
paid strictly in advance; Twelve Shillings and
Six Pence if paid within the first six months, ands
Fifteen Shillings if not paid before the end of tho
year. To the Clergy half price.
Na papers discontinued until all arrears area
paid up.
All letters and communications addressed to
the Editor must be post paid.
Six lines and under, Two Shillings awl Six
Pence for the first insertion, and Seven Pence
Half -penny each subsequent insertion ; more than
six lines, Four Pence per line for the first inser-
tion, and One Penny per line for each insertion
afterwards. A liberal discount to advertisers by
the year.
Advertisements without written instructions
will be inserted until forbid, and charged accord_.
ingly ; and no advertisement discontinued until
paid for at the time of withdrawal, unless by tie,
consent of the publisher.