HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Reporter, 1880-07-17, Page 4AT SATJNDERS' VARIETY STORE You can get almost' everything froma - ,.,,,, NEEDLE TO AN ANCHOR. when you"are;in town DON'T !FORGET TO CALL And see the Wonderous display of JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, THE Picture Framing Department is filled with new LINES OF MOULDINGS, Engravings, Chromos, Etc. kio low as to justly earn the title of THE CHEAPEST HOUSE UNDER, nit SUN, CRABB'S BLOCK .,c , ;tipII ••, It i. —1 WHEN YOU WANT A SEWING MACHINE GIVE J. W. Weatherald. a call, The machines he sells do not make a noise like a fanning -mill, but are almost NoisEr..tss and have all the latest improvements. Ire is also selling Organs at Wonderfully Low Prices for Cash. CALL A1V D:SEE IIW. Office, Sheppard's Book Store, Court fiousc Square, Godcrich. Cg ROBERTSON'. Cabinet Maker and lPpliolsterer, East Street, Goderich Ontario. Imported & Native Wines & Liquors, MANUFACTURER OE Also agent for Labatt's Cel brated Ale & Ports".. JA& A. 1IICINTOSK & co. Beg to intimate to the Public 'that they are' in a position to self, DRY GOODS, Groceries, &C. CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Give them a Catl. Reriiember the nam, Jas. A. McIntosh & Co. July 1•$th, 1S80. Court House 7 uare. W. D. gHANNON, • Wholesale and Retail dealer in Fancy Cabinet -ware. Parlor Brackets, Perforated Seats and Camp Stools. Picture I+raming and all kinds of Rustic Frames. Carpet and Oil Cloth taid. All kinds of Fwrnitu7e Repaired. Chairs Re -Caned, and All kinds of Fancy Goods, Wall Paper & Room Moulding. The cheapest house in town, for Picture Framing, Reath Frames and an immense stock of Toys. Lumber and cordwood taken in exchange for Furniture and Picture Framing. " dive me a call. Knight's Hair -dressing Parlor ! Acknowledged to be the most Complete and Fashionable Hair -dressing Saloo* in Ontario. West Street, two doors east of the Post Office. Goderich, July 17, 1880: ;C Razors and Seissors Ground. READ THIS. GORDON SNERRIFF Being about to leave town offers his stock of select Cloths and Gents' Furnishings at less than cost. If you want a pair of good strong all wool Pants you can have them for one dollar and twenty-five cents, cut out to your measure, ready for making. If you want a nice fashionable hast, in felt or fur felt, you can get it for hall what you will pay elsewhere. If you want a neat cloth or tweed cap, you may have one for fifty cents. When you advertise to sell at cost, do so, don't humbug the public. Sherriff is sel- ling at and below cost. Such an opportunity may not occur again, consequenthr parties in need of clothes will do well to come early and select what they re- quire. You may rest assured you. will be squarely dealt with. Dinna forget tae bring rhe bawbees wi ye -es Without them ye'l no Be able to -get onything. very one should have a rule, if it is only a foot ule, Sherriff's rule is to give Astomers more than • tlhe value of their money. NEXT DOOR TO THE ALBION HOTEL, COURT HOUSE SQUARE, GODERICH.. PHOTOGRAPHS $1.00 PES :r OZEN AT B. L. JOr NSON'S. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS ! JUST RECEIVED ELACK CASII1VIERES, FREXC EUTtNS. Black and Colored Lustres, os ez79 Glotres, Corsets, &c., Which we are offering at VERY CLOSE PRICES FOR CASH, Special Bargains in Skirtings, Cottons, • Denims, . DuCks, Table Linens, T.owlings, cec. Trimmed Millinery; Flowers, Feathers, and Fans At 25 per cent below cost. Term; Cash 033.17 JAMES A. iditIDI Formerly Crofts & Johnston: