HomeMy WebLinkAboutGoderich Reporter, 1880-07-17, Page 3ktitw that be was only carrying out the
Wishes Ind instr'Ctinas of the committee.
Ali right thinking and honest minded persons
will admit that the Secretary is entitled to
the gratitude of the public for the trouble
bs took, and that to his efforts is a great
m'oalure is due the\\satisfaction and success
of ttlit day's celebration, which all admit
wail the most satisfactory witnessed for
many years. The Secretary can afford to
smilelwith all other sensible people, at the
SUICIDAL and eIaLLOW editorial devoted t_e
hie castigation,in which the "Signal" admits
tee plainly seawords can do it, that because
the Secretary did not gree it the little
wetter of prin>,ing amounting to four dollars
nobody was permitted to know anything of
the proposed celebration 'and consequently
Dominion Dee' this year was scored out of
the celandtir; by the "Signal." In other
words the "Signal" which has been support•
ed and patronized by this _town for the last
20lor 26 year, is prepared on the slightest
provocation even for the paltry sum of
a4 00 to sacrifice the best interests of the
Town 1 Is it not due to the business men of
ibis town who advertise in and patro ize the
"Signal" that public matters calculated to
benefit the town should be pointed out, and
is it not due to country eubileribers that they
should be duly ldltdrffied of the amusements
and attractions here on public holidays, that
they may avail themselves of them? What
do they pay their subscriptions for, if not to
get the news; or jrlaj What does the -Sig-
nal" profess to do if not to convey the news
to its subscribers ? Uufortunate subscribers!
you get a scanty, little bit of news when it
Pleases the " g(gdil " to give it, which is
generally too late and too much adulterated
with spleen or falsehood to be of use to any-
Unprincipled Journalism.
At the last sitting of the Town Cdun-
eil, on the 8th inst., Mayor Doyf A called
attention to the ;Mt that his remarks
on ti et Colborne petition asking for the
abolition of the market fees, had not
been correctly reported by the "Signal,"
end he stated that what he did say in
reference to the people of Cdlborne was
"that it should be remembered that
"while vee could not afford to do without
"then1,.they could not ad`ord to do with-
out tie." Whereas the "Signal" report-
ed hi -n to have said that "we can do
without them, but they cannot de with•
"eat us."
lir. Doyle said he felt it Wan due to
the town, not to say anything about what
was due to himself, that this correction
should be made by the "Signal." Re ap-
pealed to the trtetiebers of the council
present to sustain him it he had stated
the facteorrectly.
The editor of the "Signal" was present
and he asked the Mayor to do him the
;justice of telling the council that *hen
his attention was called to this mitt -rep-
resentation before the couneil nfdeting
he at ones said it was a mistake, and he would
correct it Did he correct it as lie prom-
ised, and as any honrable man would hare
done when his.attention was called in to
marked a manner?
To deal fairly and honorably would be
contrary to thtlguiding principles of the
In the first place the matter was not
referred to at all by the "Signal" in its
last report of the proceedings of council,
where it should have appeared : it was
purposely omitted there in order that the
people whom the first report was intend.
ed to prejudice should not obseffid's the
correction, and it was only mentioned in
another part because they dare not omit
it. How do they correct the admitted
misrepresentation ? By repeating it in
in aggravated form. They say that the
Mayor did say what both he and the
Council say he did not, and to give the
"Signal's" baseless assertion the setnb-
Lance of truth they, as usual, when
stating what they know to be deliberately
untrue, shield themselves behind "some
Who were present," taking care however
not to adduce any tangible proof.
It will be very singular thing indeed,
if the Co ncil allow this matter to pass
without farther attention, as it is one
which seriously affects the rights of every
Member of the Board, namely, the right
to he reported carrectly when at all.
velocipede upon a wire stretc 1e,.
air, walking the wire blindfolded, wneelit
a barrow, walking upon stilte, eta. eta, and
concluding by dashing head downwards
sortie fifty feet upon a net spread below her
lofty wire was beheld with almost breath-
less snspense, but applauded without mea-
sure at the conclusion, upon observing that
the whole had been performed in safety
The electrio light, the wonder of the world,
constitutes another of the great attractions
of this the greatest of great shows; Al an
expense of $20,000 it has been added to the
Aggregation, and will be exhibited after-
noon and evening, in entire modus operand:.
The Zoological department is probably
the most complete travelling exhibition in
the wotld. It eomprises most of all animals
that live, among which are varieties never
before exhibited on this continent and pro-
bably never will be again. So great is the
number, that to secure more than a passing
observation it least ten days would require
to be taker into consideration, thongh Mr
Forepangh has his arrangements so com-
plete that in visiting the Show one can
gradually pass along and et a glance oh -
serve all of those animals natural in life
though not in their ntttiirell element. The
Aggregation comprises a wildern es of wild
besets and exotic birds, everywhere pro-
nounced the most enerthous gathering of
animal life since the primeval d'ye wher
Adam christened creation. 'he grand
Colossal Carnival Circus c'intains more ad -
tors, acts and areni:: wonders than any
Circus in the world ever had—perfnrmere
receiving double the salary of the President
of the United States. Mr. Foeepaugh hes
expended two million dollars in securing
this great combination. No one should fail
in attending. It will be an opportunity
never before offered and probably never
will be again in Goderich. A'mission as
low as charged by ordinary travelling
concerns, whole there is twenty times the
attraction. Be sure and visit it on Mon-
day next, 19th inst.
There is no doubt but that the largest and
most interesting entertainment ever witness-
ed in Goderich, will be produced on Mon-
day next, 1tth inst. Adam Forepeugh's
Colossal, Zoological and Arenic Aggregation
will then be a hibited, and from all we can
learn the like of it was never before seen,
and possibly *ill never again be seen in
Goderich. We had a conversation last week
with a gentleman who had recently visited
this great show, and be told us that it was
impossible to dsscrioe the features in detail
He particularly mentioned the firing of a
man from a cannon, which he said was per
formed true to advertisement, though while
being execnted created a thrill of suspense
upon the audience noticeably painful. Ye
the feat was executed without accident, fol
lowed avjth round upon round of applause
41, le Elle Zuila also held the audience epel
bound.. Her evtrsordinery feats of riding a
Toni WottingL.
PIRseSAL. — Richard' Martin, ksq.. of
Hamilton, is in town visiting his old friend,
ire Lewis, Esq., County Attorney.
COURT or CHANCEay.—The fall sitting of
the Court of Chancery for the County of
Huron, before Honorable Vice-t'hancellor
Blake, will be held at Ooderich on Tuesday,
14th September.
Pmasovere—His Honor, Judge Toms, has
been absent during the week, attending the
Greind Lodge, Grand Chapter, and Wind
Preceptory, A F. k A IL, of which grand
bodies he is a distinguished member.
PIRCONAL. —Messrs R Radciffe, W. M.
of Maitland Lodge .Vo. 112, A. F. At A. M.,
and Harry Bolton, Vlr, it of Goderich Lodge
No 32, have been in attendance a' the Grand
Lodge, in Guelph, during the week.
Ho! Y■ Sisoxiits.—deo. Cattle begs to
inform the smoking public that he will have,
in the course of a week, the finest lot; of
imported Havana Cigars ever brbugtit to
town, rangini it price from 5 cts to 15 cts
each ; also, Domestic cigars of the beet
EXAMINATION Or TpACRsas.—Exam inations
for 3rd class certificates began on Tuesday
morning last. The examiners are J. R.
Miller, Inspector of West Huron ; A. Dewar.
Inspector of North iluron ; D. M. Malloch,
Principal of Model School, Clinton, and T
Gregory. Principal of Exeter Public `chool
One hundred and twenty candidates write.
The result will not be known under a couple
of weeks.
HAIR Derisive —Gentlemen requiring any-
thing in this line will find Knight's Parlor.
on Wert Street, two doors East of the Post
Office, one of the beet in the Province. It
is just the place to go for nobby hair cnt,
and a clean shave, with all the other etciete-
ras. Knight claims to meet the moet fashion-
able requirements of the day in his line of
business, and he don't want you to forget it.
Tam BAND —We are glad to notice that the
band bas been re-siiecitated, and is once
again prepared to discourse sweet music
when occasion requires They" acquitted
themselves very creditably on Monday morn-
ing when leaving for the Orange celehr-tion
at St. Marys. Mr. B. Armstrong has the
boys in charge, and they certainly could
not be in rater hands.
feeecexY.—Martin Hen ry end Wm. Blain
of Po -t Albert, were committed to j 1 on
Tuesday. charged with stealing a watch,
chain and Feet of earings from Mrs. Graham.
They were brought before Judge Spier on
Wednesday and elected to be tried witkout
fury. The Judge premised them his at-
tention on Saturday, 17th.
Asyramxavon WANT.—It has become pretty
well known that almost anything reqired,
from a neenle to an anchor can be obtained
at Saunders' Variety Store, and also that he
maintains his reputation of conducting the
cheapest house in the County Of Huron.
i Hts stock comnrises a wonderous display
of jewelry and fancy goods, including moul
dings, engravings, chromos, kc. See advt.
.-. .W Macmatts: Mr. J. W.1
Gbt.: herr informs ue that he is doing a
good business in the above line. He has now
been eight years in the business end br hon-
est, straight -forward dealing hes worked it
up to what it is. See his adverti3ement in
this iesue.
WAxrrD.— The Seaforth "Expositor an-
nounceea ce1ebra&on in th,,t town en the
27th unon which o•'casion the town Council
ar• to be drawn i t precession by sir mules.
We hope our Seafo•th friends will gite nu
the loan of those mules when hey get
through with them, in order to cart out of
town a couple of worthiest newspapers,
besides other rubbish.
Seamus Aconesirr.—L A. Hicks, Esq., of
the firm of Blake k Co., of Detroit, Exeter
and Itintail, met with a very serious accident
here a fed• days ago He was at the station
to see a friend off updi1 the train, and upon
returning the horse took fright at the cars
and became unmanageable, upsetting the
buggy, pitching Mr . (licks out, through
Which he sustained injuries of a very severe
character. The horse ran away and smash-
ed the rig considerably. Mr. Hicks continu-
ed afterwards to get around but there was
no hoodwinking the fact ttiet it was with
a great degree of exertion, attended with
pain. •Hie head was badly cut, and bis
arias and his thigh sprained. We are pleased
to learn, however, that no serious results
lnterveaned, and that he is agate able to
attend to business as usual.
Poymeev —A few weeks ago we noticed
aparagraph in the Signal of a somewhat
uncourteoua nattire towards someone in the
vicinity of Exeter, because he was endeavor-
ing to establish himself ie �business while in
adversity. The patagrepli was credited to
the Exeter Tithes, and, if true, that paper
certainly exercieed a lack of leas brains than
claimed by that renouned headless rooster on
exInbirion last wffiter, when penning such
an article. The 3'ignal, of bourse, net rally
emerging upon idiocracy, republished the
article. It might be said in reply, however,
that if poverty vias a passport to heaved the
Signal man could hare been trtindled there
in a wheelbarrow, upon s slack wire with
ease, quite a few yearn ago.
FATAL CCIDSIIT.-nn Friday last. 9th
inst., Mrs Margaret McGuines of this town,
met with an accident which resulted in al
mots i stent death. She, in company with
her son and another lad named Hale, had
been out picking berries, and on returning
home were overtaken by the storm. They
were hurrying along the railroad when the
afternoon train was coming in, and pro-
bably through the severity of the storm did
not hear its approach The lads jumped and
barely escaped, but Mrs, McGuines was not
so fortunate. She was struck by the engine
and hurled a distance to the side of the
track. The train did not halt but proceeded
to the station, and after dischargit.g the
paseengere returned to the spot, where the
unfortunate woman was then breathing her
last. An inquest was not deemed neceesarv,
as the circumstance was considered purely
accidental. Deceased was interred in the
R. C. Cemetery on S"ndav last, a large con-
course of people following her remains to the
grave. Much sympathy is felt for the
family. which is quite large and in a measure
wee dependent upon her for support.
Tovis Couteett. •-A special meeting of
the Town Council was held on Thursday
evenfng, tor the nurpo=e, of extending the
town limits so as to Include the westerly
h if of Lot No 2, in the 1st Con of Goderich
Towr.shrp, ilia prof erty upon which Mr.
Kidd proposes to erect a sawmill sad for
Which he i3 asking a bonus from the. Town.
As the property ie wit' out the muricipality
of course no bonus could be granted, thus
the occasion for .nov'ng to bring said imits
Within the corporation, which req'tires to be
acted upon by the Council before the 15'h
of July. Ae the said meeting took plice
and was acted upon on the 15th it remains a
questron whether tie ot3e3 will be passed
or not. At the ab •ve meeting of the Coun-
cil Mr. Ga•row gave notice that Capt. Cox
had a hill of com 'lain. against the corpoe-
a'iou for njeries receiv d through the Dat-
ing of a circus bill -board. Mr. Sloane
moved, seconded by Mr. Campion, that a
committee composed of ?desire. Dancey,
Elliott, Mitchell, Johnston and Sloane be
eepointed to investigate the matter respect-
ing Ce pt. Cox.—Carried. Considerable
dtseussion took piece upon the various
natters bought u» at above meeting, but
space will not allow an extended report.
PASTING.—For cheap printing call upon
Cathcart & Aldrich. Their prices are re-
duced to li'9ing rates. They heve broken
up th'e double, heck action, patent corn-
• bination, and have compelled the news
papers in town' to work at honest prices.
Fancy the "Star" and the "Signal" charging
$85 for a little,job of about five average
days' work. Cathcart k Aldrich did the
t same work this year for $18 45 and made
- money out of it. If it is doubted, bring
• along from one to -a hundred of just such
1 jobs, at just such rates, and see hot soon
thee Trill be gobbled up:
0. xers' tee
SOM'WHAT MUDDLuD.—We noticed in a
town paper last week a personal, c ttigratu-
lating Messrs Charies McManus, of this town
upon having made a very eloquent eddrese
on the occasion of the distribution of' prizes,
and Mr. J. J Dbyle, son of Mr. Jas.. Doyle,
proprietor of the Merchants' Express, for
having received five first prizes in Engish,
grammar, book-keeping. penmanship;. Chris-
tian doctrine, and in the commercial class,
in L'Aseumption College, Sandwich. We
congratulate ot.r young townsmen upon
their marked distinction, at the came time
we may' remark to that town paper that in
announcing honors of so distinguished a
character -to- our young townsmen they
should not have so m,de a farce of it as to
have added the following most ludicrous
paragraph. "For two young men from God-
erich to carry away so many honors in one
of the hundreds of colleges in the United
States, is a credit to the town, of which we
are happy to make note" We mayrema,k
that for a' Goderich editor to publish sucL
au absurdity proves only too clearly that
the town must have a lunatic on hand and
is only patiently waiting for on opening to
eonfiue him in the Asylum. What school
boy does not know. where Sandwich is? If
that editor is not muzzled he will next an-
nouuuce that Bayfield is in Egypt.
Surgeon Dentist.
and residence. West Street, ' Three
below Bank of. Montreal, Goderich.
McWilliams & Peatman, Prp's
First•class accommodation., Newly Furnish•
ed. Charges Moderate.
General dealer in
Groceries, Wines. and Liquors
VegetAilek and Provisions.
(Clrool wry einhel (llgaz witra '
Brandy, Wines an Ales on Draught
and in Bottles.
Palmerston Lager in wood and bottles al-
ways on hand,
On shortest notice and moist reasonable terms
Huron School Book Depot !
Cheapest Booi Store robe County,
Schtif&l Supplies -of every kind, at
lowest prices.
A large assortment of
Fancy 4511-oods,.!
Will be sold during the nett three months
at cosh.
the Oldest Eistablished Store
in ,the County,
TILL IN EXISTENCE, and has theThett :•
t,, value in general Hardware to be found
in the County. The stock consists of Bar
Iron, Steel, Nails, Glass, Paints, Paint 011e,
Machine Oile, a first-class etock of Agficui`-
tural Harvest Too e, of good value , House
Builders' Stock in good supply, and all goods
generally kept in a first-class Hardware
GROCERIES.—Teas and ,Suffafs' eapecial-
ity, Japan Duet 25c. per pound ; Good
Young Nylon Tea, file lbs. for '$1.50; a'
really good Young Ilyson Tea, 50c. ; best in
the market, 60. to 75.; Black. 40c ; Japan,
from 40c. up ; all other Groceries in pro
po rtion.
DRY; GOODS, in first-class value. We
make no window show : just drop in and
price our goods, and ask for whae you want:
We do not pretend to Bell for less than cost;
we buy well and sell ata small profit.
Gt'deritii, July 17, [885'.
Are selling
They are not so'ling off at cost, hut they
will give as good value as any house in.
town And as they are only TEN MONT
in business they have no OLD STUFF TO
OST RID OF. All new goods bought for
cess in the best markets and sold
The Highest Price paid in cash or
trade for butter a ld eget
Robertson's old stand, Goderich.