HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-29, Page 1Y
No. 25.
NoTas.—The Epworth League held
,it. annual election and elected officers
for the coming term as follows :—Presi-
.dent Mr. Frank Campbell; first vice-
president, Miss Laura Carr ; second
vice-president, Mr. Marvin McDowell;
•third vice-president, Mra, Frank Camp -
belie fourth vice-president Mies Al-
berta Carr; treasurer, Mr. Roy Stack-
house; secretary, Mr. Frank Carr ;
missionary tteasurer, Mr. Wesley
,8tackhousee; organist, Miss Hannah
Steakhouse. ...Quarterly meeting will
the held here next Sunday.. , . The quar-
terly officlal board will meet Monday
•following to transact business done
,during the last quarter.... Mice Minnie
Currey, of Nile, is ataylnb with her
sister, Mrs. James Hoover, this week.
'Mr. end Mrs. Robert Buchanan
;,hated the latter's sister at Sunshine
on Sunday last.... Mr. Whitmore, of
Egmondvflle, is visitink hie grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H Densmore,
and Mix Cummings, of Wingham, is
the guest of Misses Annie and Phoebe
DensmoreMiss Laura Carr is pay -
Ing s visit to (deride at Blyth and
K.trkton....Mr. Martin Waugh and
bride of Wingham, were visiting
friends in this vicinity last week....
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Cook have returned
,home atter having a lengthy visit with
relatives near Galt.... The managers of
the beef ring held a very successful
meeting last Saturday for the election
of officers. Mr. Wm. Steakhouse was
, fleeted president, and Mr. J. 11. Mc -
.Clinton secretary, They have engaged
Mr. Robert Tenney to act as butcher,
'The beef ring will commence business
about the middle of next June.
$Qgips.—The quarterly meeting on
the'Apburn circuit is aunouneed to be
told at Westfield next Sabbath et 2.80
o'clock,and the business meeting on
Mondaat two o'clock ....Rev. J. L.
Small, B.A., is home again, after at-
tending the marriage of a friend at Col-
lingwood Miss Lizzie Coupland,
niece of RevT. 13. Coupland, is visit-
ing at the parsonage. She will return
to her home near Toronto in a few
days... .some of our young people got
their feet and ears fr-gzen the other
night whileekating on the river.... Mr.
Joha,nlicholeon, our popular harness -
maker, and hie apprentice are kept
very busy ttesu days. He has sold a
lot e{ harness lately.... A returned mis-
sionary from 9hine gave an interesting
lecture last t ednesday evening in the
Presbyterian .church here, which was
largely attended.... We are pleased to
*Ate that Mrs. Johu Shauna is recover -t
Ing from a severe cold....Miaa Effie;
Knox hes returned from a visit to
Bruosdeld, having en oyed herself im-,
mensely , ... Mr. Johu ?hillips has taken
poaeseslon of the blacksmith shop
which he hes purchased from Mr. John
Fergusob. We wish him success....
Mt. J. Cumberland spent Sunday at
Bruasels...)Lr, Wilkiuson, of Ssaforth,
spent Sunday with Mr. Dewson....The
akiting rink is largely attended now
and we expect to have a carnival in the
near inters,... Mrs. flowed of Lon-
don, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cald-
well.... Mr. John Symington 1. recov-
ering from a severe attack of brouehitia.
,.Bowe of our prize-winners—Messrs.
Homan, Arthur and Askwith—attend-
ed the poultry show itt Goderiah last
Thursday Miss Cora Ferguson is
attending the Ottawa normal school. , . .
Railway awakening beyond the river ;
about time thie sleepy country shook
Itself and awoke to the fact that one of
Huron's greatest hindrances to progress
le its lack of railway facilities, so send
the electric and etir things, and do not
let us always be back numbers.... Mra.
Wm. Downs, of Toronto, is the g"ast of
Mr. Joseph Lawson since the funeral of
*ter sister, Mrs. George Beadle, sr....
'Mies Lelia McDonald has resumed tier
.studies at the London collegiate Ineti-
,tute. -. Mr., H. Malloy, after an eb-
xnoe of 18 years, is renewing old ar-
uafntaooea and visiting relatives here.
She pow resides at Kalamazoo, hlichi-
who have been visiting ingthe; Sclater,
for a time, se guests] of Mr. Wm.
Robiason and others, have returned to
heir homes in Seaforth.... Mr. John
Mo8hamnock, of Manitoba, is visiting
Meads around this part again.
Jo a —The many friends of Mr. Mur -
die Roes are pleased to learn he is re-
oovedn from his recent illness Miss
Kate Webster has returned from a
week's visit In Grey township
Messrs. Wm, Taylor and L. Thompson
bad each successful wood bees recently.
.,Miss Lily McCool, who has been
dressmaking in Clinton during the past
Summer, has returned to her home..,.
Mr. McLean, of Pilot Mound, Mani-
toda, who at one time lived near Sum-
merhill, renewed acquaintances here
lest week. He expecte to take a car
load of horses back with him in the
Aerate Mr. Mal3urnie, also of Pilot
Mound, Manitoba, is .renewing at-
.quafntances around Londesboro this
week Mies Minerva Carter, of
Whitechurch, is visiting her cousin,
Mise E. Carter lie and firs. George
$nose rejoice at the arrival of $ boun-
.eing boy.... Mr. Russell Sunders ck re-
turned from Dakote last week after as
*bones of 17 month,. lie looks ,well
and returns sometime in March. His
cousin, Mr, smith, who accompanies
him, was never In Ontario before,And
WE Sally en apple ,tree until he yaw
Coun. Moon's large orchard near Lon-
deaboro.... Mr, Wtn. Richardson, who
has been engaged with Mr. W. Fear
forthe past few years, expects to leave
shortly to join some friends near Toron-
to. We wish our young friend success.
....We understand Coen. Warren con-
templates moving into Londeaboro in
thesprieg....Dame rumor says thata
young man of Londeaboro is expected
to soon settle down to the aterner
realities of life on the Oth concession..,.
Horses still seem to be in great demand.
Messrs. G. Cockerline and R. Carter
each disposed of fine animals et good
figures recently ....Mrs. Neil McNeil,
of Lakelet, has been the guest of her
son Dan and her baughter, Mra. L.
Peacock.... Mr. Henry Freeman has
bought the old McNeil farm for his son
Robert, who, now having the cage, no
doubt, will be staking ready for the
bird. Mr. Freeman takes Mr. Hunter's
place. In the latter's departure we lose
a good neighbor.
(Mutton Mwino. —The congregation
of Burn's church held their annual
meeting on the t4th inet. The pestor
reported an addition of six during the
past year, while death had taken away
three and there were other losses
through removale. Tho total amount
raised for all purposes to 1902 was
11721.29. Of this sum, $041.75 misspent
in building a 60x120 closed -in shed.
This accommodation was very much
needed and is a great credit to all con-
cerned in its erection. For religious
and benevolent schemes there was paid
1858.49 ; 1192 of the latter sum was the
annual thankofferiug of the congrega-
tion; 169.76, the amount raised by the
auxiliary of the Women's Foreign Mis-
sion society, and 128, the giving of the
Sabbath school for mission purposes.
All the treasurers reported a balance on
hand, the united aunt being $194.52.
Through the very great kindness of the
congregation, the treasurer for stipend
shared his balance of 167 with the
lpastor, giving the latter, however, the
ion's share of it and thus reducing the
whole amount on hand to 1154.52. The
pastor wishes to express his hearty
thanks to the congregation for Ng act
of thoughtful kindness towards himself.
The treasurers, auditors and managers
were re -appointed and the manager@
were commissioned to make any repairs
at the manse that might be thought
necessary. The ladies added much to
the interest of the meeting ny their
presence, by the interest they took in
the business and by the lunch they so
generously provided.
LoOAts.--Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown
entertained a number of young people
at their home the other evening. Mr.
and Mrs. Brown are royal entertainers,
A honey social under the auspices
of the,Ladies' Aid was held at the resi-
dence of Mr. Jaime Hinahley on Tees -
day evening. There was a good attend-
ance and a very enjoyable time spent
by everyone Lir. and Mra. Peter
Papineait and daughter are at present
the quests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. Clark, and Other friends.... Miss
Maggie McDonald has returned to the
village after visiting at her home in
Staffa..,.The Epworth League met on
Sunday night instead of Tuesday night,
owing to the honey Kleist, . , . Miss Mag-
gie Bell has returned to her hotne in
Berrie, after spending the past month
with her cousin, Sties Ida Adams....
The following officers were elected in
the Canadian Order of Foresters lodge
here for the present year : Chief ranger,
James Hinchley; vice chief ranger,
Charlee1logerson; recording secretary,,
Charles McGregor ; financial secret ary,
George Stephenson ; treasurer, Richard
Anderson; senior beadle, Richard
Hotham ; junior beadle, Robert Arm-
etrong; senior woodward, Wm. Clark;'
junior woodward, Wm. Thompson ;
chaplain, Wtn. Lindsay; past chief
ranger, John Smith ; auditor, John,
Britton ; court deputy, Wm. Dunlop.
--Mr. Andrew Carnegie has offered
Toronto 8850,(510 for a library building.
We have just received all the Latent
Up-to-date City Styles in Photo Cerda,
Buttons, }lack Grounds, Floor Cloths
and Tones, and we are now prepared to
turn out work as good as the best,
We also Enlarge Portraits from the
dullest photographs in Crayon, Water-
color and Sepia tones.
per see -For bargains call and see
our samples.
Gallery will be open every week day.
Call and see us,
All work guaranteed.
TOOTS.—Mr, George Kschne, who
spent the past two weeks visiting at
the home of his parents in this town-
ship, returned to Berlin on Friday.
Our young friend holds a good position
to the sugar beet factory at Berlin and
is doing well lir. Wm. Jones la
engaged hauling wood to Wingham for
Mr, D, Scott.... A number of the 0th
line farmers have been losing grain out
of their granaries lately, and the per-
sons who are acting se dishonorably
may look out for a warm reception
when next they visit the same places.
....Mr. Jeha McDowell has sold his
black mare to Mr. Wm. McBurney, of
Marnoch.,,, Miss Mary Taylor, who
has been visiting friends in Lucknow,
has returned home ....Mr. Horace Sow -
lar intende taking a course in ithe
Goderich collegiate institute Mr,
Richard Noble has returned to his
home in Clinton, after a pleasant two
weeks' visit here with his brother
Tames,... Ex -Reeve Currie is able to
be out again after a severe attack .of
quinsy. ... Mr. Henry Wightmatt is
very low at present; old age and a
general breaking up of the s •stem seem
to be the ailments.... Mr, Wm. Howlett
is having water sent up to his barns by
means of a ram which is quite an im-
provement.... Messrs. Charles Mason
and I. Snell have completed theirob
of cutting 100 cords of wood for ler.
James Noble.... Mr. Robert McDowell
and family were at home to a number
of friends and neighbors the other
evening. Quite an enjoyable time was
spent.... Mr. J. B. Nicol and family
Intend taking their departure for Cali-
fornia, where they expect to make their
home in future.
WAirs.—Mr. Walter Sharp has gone
to Goderich, where he expects to be
employed for sometime. He is an in-
dustl'ioue steady -going young man who
should do well.... A large »umber of
friends gathered last Wednesday even-
ing at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John
VanCatnp to spend a social evening.
After a bountiful dinner, consisting of
fowl and other dainties, was served the
evening was spent in games and music
until after midnight. The guests all
went home well pleased. Mr, and Mrs.
VanCamp know how to entertain their
friends.... Mra. John Manningg ie visit-
ing in Cranbrook Mr, Lawrence
Wheeler has been on the sick list with
la grippe but we hope he will soon be as
well as ever. , .. The White farm, lot 19,
7th line, has been sold to Mr. George
Readman, of Morris. The price paid
wale 14000.... Mr. 1t. J. Sharp, of Crya-
tel City, Manitoba, has been limiting
relatives in Morris and Brussels. He
will holiday in Ontario for a month or
so.... Mise Sara Malilling, who Made a
pleasant visit with her Barents on the
5th line, has returned to London.
PenseerarioN,—Friends to tl o num-
ber of 70 met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Wm. Jackson on Friday evening
last and presented them with an oak
sideboard and a well -worded address,
Mr. Jackson cede a suitable reply on
behalf of himself and Mrs. Jackson, and
thanked all present for their kindness,
Following is a copy of the address:
'1'o Ma. AND Mite, WM. JACKSON : Dear
Friends,—We are assembled here this
evening as an indication of the gond
fel lowebipexisting in this neighborhood
between you and us. For long years
we have enjoyed your Mendable and
now have many regrets over the fact
of your expected removal in the near
future. That you will be greatly missed
is a certainty and especially will this be
;felt in connection with the church,
where, in the Sabbath school, as super-
intendent and teacher, and in the church
services as leader of praise, you so effi-
ciently, faithfully and punctually pre-
sided for years. We may not have
spoken as many cheery words to you
Ill the past as we ehould have, but we
certainly appreciated your valued and
earnest efforts and will, carry with us
pleasant memories of your devoted
work. As a tangible proof of our esteem
we ask your acceptance of this oak side-
board end hope it will often remind you
of the true friends you have in the
Jackson neighborhood. It is a pleasure
to know that your new home will be
located nearby, thereby often giving us]
the opportunity of meeting; with you as
the years go by. We wish you many
happy, pleasant years in Blyth and trust
that when these earthly friendship;
are severed, we may have so spent our
lives here that the happy ties will be
re -united in our Father's house on high.
Signed in behalf of the community by
Wm. Taylor and G. R. Stubbs."
Beam®s.—Many are wondering who
is to be the new postmaster when Mr.
W. L. Ouimette severs his connection
with the village. There Are said to be
three parties watching developments
very closely. We would be pleased to
see it retained by one of the citizens....
Mr. Wm. Radford has given up farming
and has bought Mr. T. H. Cole's house
and lot in illis village and will move
here in a short timeMr, John Phil-
lips sold a colt to Dr. Perdue, of Blyth,
for 88.81. This in the third colt Mr.
Phillips has sold this year for the same
price ti r. 14 Crawford has sold his
150•acre farm on the 18th con. to his
son George fur $7000 ....Mrs. Boyd,
who spent her vacation with her par-
ents, Mr. end Mrs. 1t. Adams, has
returned to her Fiume in Chicago....
Miss Rose Riley has gone to London,
Capital, all paid up $2,000,000, Reserve, $1,600,00n.
Total Assets, over $20,000,000.
Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued,
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sums of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed,
compounded half yearly.
_..__BLYTH —
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January Sale of
Wink Goods
still continues. All winter goods must go at
slaughter prices, as we want the room for spring
. shipments . .
Men's Heavy Driving Mitts, worth $1, sale price 68c.
Men's Fur Caps, worth $2.75, sale price 82.
Men's Fur Caps, worth $2, sale price $1.25.
Men's Fur Coate, worth $18, sale price $12.
Ladies' Australian Coon Cat, worth $25, for $18.50.
Ladies' Wolf Ruff and Muff to match, worth $18, sale price
Ladies' Sable Ruff, worth $10, sale price $7.
Ladles Jap Bear Ruff, worth 86.50, sale price
Ladies' American Sable Ruff, worth 84.75, gale price $3,75.
Ladies' Natural Oppossum Ruff, worth $6.50, sale price 85.
Grey Lamb Caperine, worth $12, sale price $8.
Grey Lamb Cepa, worth $3.50, sale price $2.50.
Heavy Wool Blankets, worth 83.25, sale prim 12,25.
Men's heavy Top Shirts, worth 81, sale price 75c.
The above mentioned are only a few of the
bargains that await the buyer.
All Millinery at
Slaughter Prices.
where she has securrd a good position. sented him with a gold headed cane
. Mrs, Neil, of Stratford, who has and nicely worded address,
bean spending the past two weeks itt ......_��
the:home of Mrs. Whitely, has returned WEST WAWAMOSM.
home... ,Mrs, W. L. Ouimette was Cotrxep, emeriti. met ac-
vieiting friends in London fast week. cording to statute on January 12th.
.. Messrs. Holmes and Morella have The newly elected members After sub -
commenced their duties in the store scribing to tho necessary declaration
here, which has been occupied by Mr. and qualification import, took their
Ouimette for the past 26 years. We places et the board. The officers of last
wish them every success. Mr. Ouimette year were re -appointed at the usual
and family leave thie week for their salaries, W, E. Gordon and B. J,
new home in Alberta. They will be Crawford were appointed auditors.
much mien(' Isy their many friends The following checks were issued;—Col-
here Mr. J. Jamieson entertained a borne Township, work on aonth boon.
taunter of his friends the other evening. dary, 116.27' W. S. McCrostie, electiau
Mr. L. Brigham has returned to expenses and supplies, 81); Peter Witt -
the London medical college .,..Rev. son, repairing bridge on north bump.
James Hussar, j3.D.,.of Holtnesville, dary, 81 ; W. S. McCrostie, registration
preached missionary .sermons in the of births, marriages and deaths, 81(1.40;
Londeaboro and Kinburn Methodist J. McLean, gravel, $14.90; court room
churches last Sunday. ,.. Dr, L. White- et'ou, t dation,11u; collectors salary,
ly, who has been practicing in .Sudbury 873 ; George McLean, grovel, $8.56 ; Si.
for the past six months, is liome at Helens public library grant, $20;
present, but will laevo in the near Auburn public library grant, 910; Dun -
future for 'Texas, where he iuteads to Kennon public library grant, *10' Reeve
p,practioe....Mr. Thomas Tamblin and M q uillu", one day on financial state -
Mr. J;,mes Motldlin, of Manitoba, are meet, 8S; J. Whyard, nails to path-
ppayiug it visit to their friends Erre, meters. 81.10; R, Moou, drain on con.
bIr. Moddlin intends taking a car load 4, 14. Council adjourned to meet on
of horses back with hint....A large February 18th at 10 o'clock,
number of Str. Outntette'a cid friwrde
iu this ueighhotbood fust at his late —Melly persons were killed in a rail-
resideucol en Tuesday evening and pre- t way.wreck near Westfield, New Jersey,