HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-22, Page 8SINFUL HABITS IN 'YOUTH MAKE NERVOUS, WEAK, DISEASED MEN. THE RESULT of Ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mled and bade Induced by lust and exposure are constantly wrecking Shelini and future happiness of thounaoda of promietng ycang meg. bouts fade sad wither, et a0 early age, at the blossom of manhood, well* others ere forced to drag oat a weary, truitleas and melancholy existence. Others reach malt, may but fled no solace or comfort there. The victims ere fogad In all stations of life—the farm, the office, the workshop, the pulpit, the trades and the profession,. Mervin De8Illty eel Il a leaf Westsen are guaranteed cared by our ibw Lase iraetasal M Ne Pay. You rue no risk 2.5 years In Detroit. Back security. CURED INNER All ELSE FAILED. Me ewe eyed wltheal wrltlee eeeaeel. "1 am 33 years of arra and mauled. When yosar 4 led a gay lite. Karly indiscretions and later 'mum made trouble for me. became weak and nervous. My kidueya became &Seated and I feared Hright'a Disease. Married Idle was unsatisfactory Med • y my borne anhspppr. I tried everything—all failed till I took • treatment from r ,. Kennedy & Hergan. Thele New Method built me up mentally, physically and aeseaill E feel and act Mrs a man In every resp act. They treated me elk years ago. an heaest, skill al and roapoesible financially, so n by patronise Quacks and F re wtaa yea can be cured by reliable doctor9 ' —W. A. Bettor:. CODES 60111N1EED M 10 Pit. CH31 I NH Frle-1161 Fr l- OiesIs Fmk Boli ireful Drs. Kennedy Kagan, 1488SSfteluby Sip LOOS WANTED at Wingham. WE ARE PREPARED TO PAY FOR Firer -class Ataple loos $14 per Ill First-class Sat Elm logo Slt " First-class Bock Elm logs$16 Firer -Aces Basswood logaPI rt Fleet -clan (leech logo ens All kinds and grades wanted. Call and get our prices. the Ca* rtraittme Kirsh, Limited OPERATING That Batton k Fessant Clair Factory Wingham, Ont. CLINTON. Mr, James Keane died on Thursday- las'. at the age of 70 yew's. Deceased waian old resident of town, Where tie commenced his career as a clot in the firm of Coats Bros., and ser was an assistant in the works at sir's mill, where he remained till his ..th 11r. H. Cole, of the Northern Lift Insurance Co., after Vpending his holidays here, has returned to Toronto. \lies H. M. Hill completed her good work iu these parts with her well ren- dered lecture in St. Paul's school house, and in Goderich on 'Iliiirsday evening jaet, Mise Hill is a clever woman, and ie doing a good educational work.... Tile -coal situation in town ie becoming aunts —.The bnwliug club concert on Friday evening %vas very good, but peeing to the storm was very poorly attended. Mr. McGregor has a fine baritone voice and his Scotch conga wtare excelleptly rendered. Mies Grace Nesbitt soprano, was altogether charm- ing. Miac Edna Sontherlaud, elocu- tionist, was exceptionally good in the •r►udering of Dr. McClure. from len Maclaren. Mr, John Ranaford, the genial president of the club, made a very appropriate speech, which caused much laughter. LONDESBORO. HAPPILY WBnurn.—A Kirkton cor- respondent sends us the following ac- count of the marriage of 11r. George .Mona, of Londesboro; "A -tery pretty wedding was celebrated in dor village un New Year's eve, when Mise Martha Ellen Tufts, fifth .laughter of Mr. Thomas Tufts ee of the most popular young ladies ,Kirrkton, became the bride of Mr, George Moon, of Loudee- hero. 'rho ceremony was performed by the Bev. S. Anoerson, the happy couple standing under an arch of buuting, trimmed with myrtle and decorations of bowers. hisses Alice Moon and Phoe- bie Tufts, sisters of the rnntracting parties, were bridesmaids, while Mr. Nyman Tufts, of Winnipeg, supported the groom. Two littlenieces, Miss Jesse Ross, of Londesboro, and Miss Kath- leen Bryan, of Iiirkton, were the flower girls. Congratulations accom- panied with rich presents were sant from Belleville. Vininipeg, London, Lindsey, Petrolie, St, Marye. Seaforth, Londesbern, Varna. S'affa, Greenway. Medius, Woodham, Farquhar, Kirin on, end vicinity. A the ceremony the *teats to the nutnher of about 100 sat down to a euniptuogs repast. A very pleasant evening was spelt in music, singing and ntuusentpnta. On the Fri- ..,.._ day evening after the wedding, quite e. largo crowd Resembled In the basement of the Methodtat church and JOTS a reception to Mrs, George Moon, After nu i l ii'eea was road by Mr. Hugh i-laielwood, Mico Moon was presented with it handsome and t.aluahle silver tux set, The reeipeut hes Mee been an active meptber of the congregation, choir and Magee. After a brief and fitting reply by .dr, Norman Tufts, the happy company separated, wishing the newly harried couple all temporal and spiritual good. On the Monday follow- ing Mr. and Mre. Moon left for their home in Londesboro aid it is not too uuich to say that they carry the best wishes of the whole community with them." CtLURCtf MKEYING. —A very stormy afternoon made the attendance at the annual meeting of Knox church congre- gation unusually mall, The pastor, in lig report, stated that during the year ten persons had become members of the church, all on profession of faith ; while eight had been removed front the roll. The hand of death had taken two, both much interested and very helpful in the work of the church, and both greatly missed Their names are in the Hook of Life, and they have joined the Church above, The ladies of the W.F. M.S., though few in number, have lone noble work for the women tend children in heathen lands; their givingsamount. ed to 889. For the Sabbath school, it was stated that the running expenses had been paid, and that the proceeds of the festival, held on the tiret of July, were still ou hand. This sum, 667.78, will probably be used in the purchase of library books. Mr, R. Adams, secre- tary and tre*aurer of the oougregwtion, stated that the past year had been one of prosperity in a financial sense. Af- ter all accounts lied been paid, the books were closed, with a h&lenee 00 hand of 381.27, Messrs. W. H. Ball and Ueorge Thompson were chosen to take the place of the two retiring manse kers. It was decided to submit to the congregation, at an early date, the question of increased and more comfort- able shed accommodation. WA TL ON. WEDDING BELLS.—A very interest- ing event took place at the residence of Mr. George Grige, on January 7th, at 4.80 pont., when Mies Sara A. Grigg was piped in the holy bonds of matri- mony to Mr. George C. Barrows, in the preeenco of about 70 guests. Miss Jfabel Barrows played the wedding march, The bride was given away by her tether. The groom was assisted by Mr, Ernest Constable, while Miss Gert- rude Grigg acted as bridesmaid. The bride was charmingly gowned in white op./Audio trimmed with lace and inser- tion and was adorned with white car- nations. The bridesmaid was also dressed in white organdie and wore pink carnations. Rev. 'P. Wesley Cosene. of Brussels, a former pastor, Was the offieinting clergymad. After the ceremony the company sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner. The numerous and costly presents showed the high esteem in which the bride is held, Mr. Barrows is a promising young man and has chosen for his life - partner an estimable young woman, who will he a real help mate to him. The apply friends of the young couple wish them a pleasantourney so they travel together along life's pathway. Norss.--Tho following, taken from the Christian Guardian, will he iuterest• ins news to the people of this locality, referring au it does to it former resident of Wilton:—Rev, A. C. Tiffin was sur- prised by the people of the Victoria church, Romney circuit, and presented with a beautiful eddrese, accompanied by en excellent morocco -leather purse, well filled with m'mey. A. series cf very successful revival meetings had been .ecently brought to a close, and many had wren added to the church. This is one of the Ways the good people kava of manifesting their gratitude at their pastor ....The matritnonial fever appears to have quite a oinch on this Price le Canada $1.00; 5lx bottles for $5,00 s Nervousness predominates in wo- men, but men are also subject to it. Excess of vat ions kinds causes it, also intellectual toil and auxiety. S'r. J.1ktEs WAFsRS are peeuliarty indicated in any form of nervous de- bility, as they tone up the entire sys- tem and restore the nerves to their not mal condition. They are indica- tee' in exhaustion, mental inertia and senile weakness. They contain no alcohol, not being a liquid remedy. 'Their effect therefore is tot that of a mere stimulant, but tonic and permanent. ST. JA1tes NVAFFIRS help stomach, digest foots and tend the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strenght, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accomplishes much. "r am ea rti cnlatty steatite with Mt. ami Wafer°. They kayo b enspecially weefattnmyprac- tice when employed /aaenoae troubles." Ar. A, J Crate. Birmingham, Eng. Si Jame, N'afer:art wet a :Kra r e,me.y : !u Rye n a rneruwt dale., rf commending. /hewn !. Sherr jatitnft we mud the fmnala wp.. Peart, Where dealers a re not selling the Wafers, they are mated upon re. ceipt of price at the Camelia branch : It. Jim.s W1hn Cs., Mg St. Cstasrlea St. , nulrN1. [CHEAP READING OUR CLUBBiNC LIST Anyone accepting any of the below clubbing offers will .receive a copy of THE SrAnnaltn GHRIe'CJ1Aa \s, tt;a free. The Standard and Daily Globe... 11 25 The Standard and Daily Mail and Empire 4 25 The Standard tied Scientific American 8 fA The Standard and Evening Mail and Empire .............. 3 25 The Standard and Evening Globe 3 25 The Standard end Daily Free Press . ...... 13 25 The Standard and Daily 1Virnees 900 The Stapdard and Hamilton Daily Times The The Standard and Hamilton Daily Spectator 9 00 The Standard and Toronto Daily World 9 00 The Standard and Toon Free Press 2 75 The Staudard and Evening Free Press,... 2 75 The Standard and Toronto Daily Star 2 50 The Standard end Daily Adver- tiser .... 2 60 The Standard and Toronto Daily News 260 The Standard and 'Pronto Sun- day World 2 50 The Standard and London Daily News 200 The Standard and Hamilton Twice a -Week Spectator. 1 75 Tho Standard and Toronto Week - 1 1 75 The Standard and Former's Ad- vocate 1 75 The Standard and Weekly Free Press 1 75 The Standard and Hamilton Semi - Weekly Times 1 75 The Standard and Weekly Mail and Empire and two pictures, " The Doctor " end " Content - men." ... 1 75 The Standard and New York Thrice -e- Neel: World....,..,. 1 75 The Standard and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and two pia tures, "Alone" and "Purity". 1 75 The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser and Farming World 1 75 The Standard and Chicago Week- ly Inter Ocean .... .. ..- 1 70 The Standard and Word and Works and Hicks' 1908 A.1ma- nac .. 1 70 The Standard and Weekly Globe end picture of the Governors of the Province of Ontario Rime 1791 1 65 The Standard and Weekly 11Cea... The Standard and Weekly Adver- tiser 1 50 Tito Standard and Eaet and West, a paper for young Canadians1 50 The Standard and Canadian Boy Magaaina1 50 The Standard and Toledo Weekly Blade 1 50 The Standard and Northern Mess- enger 1 25 The Standard and Christmas Number 1 00 The above rates are for new eubscrib- ere and also old subscribers who pay a year in advance, Cash must accom- pany each order. All weekly subscrip- tions must he for a year. Send all subscriptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLYTH, ONT. 160 community and the probabilities are it has bot run its course yet Mr. Louis McDonald, familiarly known as " Bunny," has gone back to the Toronto school of practical science. He appears to ba cajovit.g hid work.,.. Rev. and Airs, M. J. Jerrow have removed to their home in the Eastern States, the reverend gentleman having resigned his charge here. It ie said by some that the church may not be re -opened. ..The Methodist church are having a sort of " bit and mise" style of supply in their pulpit, since Rev. C. R. Cars- eallen wag taken to the west but we hope a better arid more permanent ar- arrangement will soon be arrived at.... Durh,g the absence of Dr. Irving at New Year's time his practise WAS care- fully guarded by Mr. Frank Neal The latter Nae since returned to college et Toronto and will complete his course next spring. IVe wish him the success he desires, WEST WAWANOSH. LAOONICS,—It has been hard for your eai list to gather news during the past two weeks, owing to the stormy weath- er and snow blockades, and ea itu is in delicate health he must remain indoors during had westher and take the beet of care of himself Mr. Fred Aloes pur chased a fine young Short -horn bull at Mr. Wm. Youngblut'e sale, It is his intention to keep his stock fully up to the standard..,. Mr. C. Clifton, of ProF- parity, sold a three-year-old draught colt to Mr, Win. McIntosh, of Godertch township, for $162.110,,.. Mr. Win. Mc- Intyre sold a bunch of fat hogs to Mr. John Welsh, of Ebenezer.,.. Mr, Wm. Burkett, of St. Augustine, is selling blank aah and soft maple wood at 11 a cord in the bush,,Mr. George Howitt recently refused 1160 for a three-year- old colt lir. Thomas Mason, of Clinton, was throegh this section a few days ago looking for any kind of fat stock. He dieted good prices.... The municipal rulet'e of West Wawa - noel' township for 1903 will be Mr. Wm. McQuillin, reeve ; Messrs. Wm. Cam- eron, John McLean, Patrick O'Connor and Charles Taylor, councillors. Our township has an excellent council for this year.... Miss Gilson, of Blyth, was the guest of Mrs. Mills during the last week Mr. George K. Routledge, of Ebenezer, recently visited Nile friends. Mr. 1t. Plunkett delivered a load of porkers to Mr. Anderson, of Ooderich, the other day.... Horsemen are busy scouring this uei;ihhcrhport for good ilii~to► rl Cheap Groceries! We know our customers are eagerly watching this space, so not to disappoint you we are going ,to quote a few of the many bargains we are givuig, which are worthy of special notice. A lovely Golden Brown Sugar.... , Choice Tapioca A lbs. for 28e. 8 lbs. for 25e, Nice Fresh Lemon Biscuits Se lbs. for 25c. Nice New Figs, just arrived 6 lbs. for 25c, Nice Fresh Railing ,,,.,....,5lbs. for 25c. 1Ve bought our Groceries early before the advance in prides, so our enatomera are reaping the benefit thereof. highest market each price paid for Butter and Eggs. Bring your Produce to us. 5c per pound for Dried Apples. GEO. POWELL PR ORuBLYTM tx Its 1• f Bargains in Furniture. We have a few very tine pieces of Furniture loft which we are oaring tie exceedingly low plicas. We are offering big bargains in Large Easy Chairs, Couohes, (Morris Chairs and Parlor Suites. J. H. CHELLEW-40110.---BLYTH uM1960/1"17114,1i94114 FOR COOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there le no Netter prescription for men, women and children then Ripens Tabules. They are easy to take. They aro made of a combination of medi- cines approved And used by every physician. Ripens Tx - hulas are widely used by all aorta nt' peoplo—but to the plain, everyday tulke they are a veritable friend in need. Ripens Tabules have become their standard family remedy. They area dependable, honest remedy, with a lung and enc- r cessful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen weak stomachs, build .up rundown systems, restore pure blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules. Your druggist sells them. Tho five -cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con- tains a supply for a year. R•I•P•A•N•$ K K K K&K K& K K&K K&K K&(; 't&K K&K K&K K&K K&K K&i'k K&K r. L't Ft horses... .The body cf the late James G. Smith, brother of Mr. Peter Smith, of Lucabow, who was killed in a railway acliuent at Hibbing, Minne- sota, on January lith, arrived at Luck - now on Tuesday night of Met week and the funeral took place 'Thursday eftor- noon from the old homestead on the loth cop. of West Wawanosh, Mr, Smith was conductor of a timber train u the lumber wooda year Hibbing when he was knocked off and met hie death. Be left here about 20 years ego. Deceased was a member of the Oddfellowa order aur( the funeral wes conducted under the auspices of the Lucknow OedfellONS lodge. —Ontario (armors have a great need of hired men, which cannot be had even for 1180 to 8110 per year, with hoard. These figures are much higher than have ruled in the past, stili it is to he remembered that all wage, have gone up The appearance Is that farm wages will have to go Jee det:1y higher yet to insure good help, and yet it loops a lig tax on the average farm to pay higher for help than 8250 a year, with keep. Good Farms and Saw For Sale, No 1—Wi tot td, eon. S, hast Wawaaaeh, soe- tei, lug 100 sorts, OO .orae Mewed and Inc gr.d state of out lassoo, 8050501 partially 81, and 20 env' of Ember lend. The coil lea pod 1oaw. '!'here is on the phos a good bash dwop- tug house 0 1St, ata and a halt storeys, wr kitchen ettaebe , wood -abed x10, and Moue cellar under full Mae of bourn; seed heirs; goof welt and wind mill convenient to hash tt.ot outbuildings; frame 11111160i15, with stows stable, under *MD; two frame dee haggss 1gkg6 dInd a Dalt ero1eye; • steam SAW seMe, rum two nor. ye, with boiler, engine and alt tams. may maotetbe,y for mauataot&rtog geok*r, lath and shingles, all in goon order. No.9-1-1lot 14. eon. 1, But Wawanah, sou. taming 1W urea, e0 germ cleared and Ina good Date of oultivulon, 20 torn of timber led. There is oa the plea *good frame barn Opo and 10 feet high with erne Mable• angst Sbn full tlss; good frame dwell) ta AOnOS, sae and a ball storeys, w th one Fiore), elleben setaoba& Nu, s -IEE lot se eon, 7, Bast Wawaaoeb; coo. ta1010510 acre', 00 sores ol0Nd no4 bp a goal state of omnv&tlon, 1O Roma of timber loon. The toil Is x good el. y loam. On the pias. WW1 Pi a good frame deatilt,gaaaa0, mons eel. tor, with kitchen uttst .d ISeSO, ono mid a half etnrny0' her,+ cads ft water; go^d Stupe t.1ru Onti', with mons eteoiel and"r; Erica [1,41, lb and shed 00o60; g od oceherd, his plus to well drained .Md &1. a fanlug *mug ruts nine through it. 051.11 Parttoatars apply to Tuan. R. Tex- boA Wa1oeM 1'.0„ out.. ce do 0. 5404132:401,Myth P,u., (01, int Mill