HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-22, Page 6r%IVat111f1111V W
I Boon IJIi-
Tam lv y" t.$•4J yucnl,al la
dealt watt In a abuwer which le not
onig entertaining but useful by a
*OM sottytatent autuority to the
Chrletel,aa number of the Pull Muir
Magaaise, and dloubt Certainy bo
oo*Wulted by those who are proposing
tuke the leap in the dark. We way
repent a little of the advkle hero.:
'Above all thinge, avoid the girl
Who openly boasts that rte does not
like children, and o.unot boar the
*hi of baba, bermes , If elle mean,
"Mart site eayq 3110 cannot bo a litre
erotism, east U silo does not elle Ie In-
(dneers. A alLrt Le not to be despiser,
for she la not actuated by eel, mo-
tives, ea is a eoyuotte, but la none the
waw. (Or her harmaes love of athnir-
Won, and btu no d,t..iro to, mate-
plhsrballe speaking, ,shod your'
j ('e blood, but merely to amuse
"Beware of the girt who Invariably'
goota her mother, for nithougit at i
Moe girl should do all that her
,bother' ane taught her, the term
'Motblr stye' 1s often a term of ng-'
Er'avatlon, used for your 1001(11:-
'Uon rather than as a oign of filial
'Above all thugs, I advise you to
choose a eyrnlmthctie girl, ono who
'rill rejateo ;,t your joys and weep
at your eorrowr,; a:ai one who has
tultivated not Ws mush hes' tnlente
tee the Metered virtues of sweetness '
and sympithy. Coo an intcll.„'nt,'
hut Dot an o'er•lutelgent woman,;
for the over-educ:tted woman le'
meeuat for nit:nu'ation rather than
love. Not the bcmpttous a.nd loud -
'Yoked wom 1r for ear Ls a horror ;
nor tho coquette, for elle la a terror.
"A coquet(' el•rnya remind') me of
a cockney ,purism in, who Smote for
a 'beg,' not. for pbamu•e, but for the
sake of being able to rely how much
be has killed."
,�� RUTS
A Poser.
"Don't boat about the bush. An -
ewer my questions, 'Yee,' or 'So; e
shouted an excited elector at a poll-
t.loul meeting."
Wch," a id the 0ardldnte, mllliy,
"perietps m1' friend dowu there w4l
allow Me to point out that thorn are.
some (liOstione which cannot be nn-
Marod 'YaL' or 'No.' "
"Both 1" et ll ,roped the elector, with
wtthrring rice:.lm,.
"I um prepared to prove my ewer -
tion; aoewel'el the oars lidato. ".Now,''
he c0ntinutaj turning to his Interro-
gator, "the question I will put to my
Mem las a tact le this—lace you
left off beating your tette?''
'lee,' or 'No .'" shouted the de -
1 ted asd'enoo; and the excited
eotor Lneontincntly collnpeed.
We neer One Hendred Dollars' Reward for
aag eaaaetCntsnhthatcannot be cured by
flsn'e Oatarrh Curs.
P. 3. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
We, the anders(gned, here known Y.3
(Serie, for the iset 10 years and believe him
perbetly honporable Is 1111 bailees* trans-
action§ aid 1lefinr)alty able to Barry out enc
4�yllganoss made h their firm,
Wise s 2ar•ax, by
Druggists, Ts.
lade, 0.
W Lnrpe, IErmeae a Maavie, Rhoteu.
Draggle* 'Foleds, 0
Rat's Catarrh Cora I. liken faternallmeca
log dlr.etly tom. the Mead and mal lr.
face el the amen. Testimonials sent hes.
Prbr-7110 per bottle. field by all 4rug'1.1..
Heol'§ Family 1111e are the heal.
r A Non -committal IteJentien.
David—Tou don't moan to say she
roieeteet yonr proposal t
.aonatkan—Hardly that ; she was
*orb of 'ant -committal, .o to 'peek.
fate saki when ohs felt like making
a 1.01 M herself 'he'd let me know.
"She begirt neve, finds that the Mlle aro
Mira drawn en the arm of Wife, Children
er Friends."
toy man should tarry samrl.nt insurance
pleat hls loved once, end to Insure to
the forme they enjoyed during his life
Are your lewd oaew fully protected to the
event o'. you being celled hence?
This lea pertinent
p question, nal one that
hey ere not Tilly protected to then the
will provide lust what you require.
Look up your ,tgr, .tu1y the figures given
here, and you will and at what. a ,moll coot
you can CMr7 another8500, 81,000, $1,580
er *0,000 et insurance or protection.
Apo or 61100nn Ott
X1000 61500 69(1)i
gn an 60 nn 61 t
0 02 0 113 124
0 84 0 96 1 28
0 66 0 90 1 82
0ax 102 Ina
070105 108 1400
74 111 14
0 6
076 114 152
o nn 1 20 1 Ou
19 as 70 ... 0 An
21 " 22.031
211 " 24... 0 32
!a " 26 ... 0 38
!7 " 90 ... 0 34
0 " 80... 035
81 " 82 ... 0 80
61 " SR... 040
AO " 40 ... a 48 0 88 1 2m 1 72
41 " 42 .., 0 47 0 04 1.41 1 88
48 " 44 ... 0 52 1 04 1 (6 2 08
46 " 46 ... a 82 1 24 1 88 2 48
47 " 40 ... 0 77 1 54 2 81 8 08
40 " 80 ... 1 00 2 00 8 00 4 00
Should yen also de.Ire a "penman! benefit"
during 'lane* then by paying the follow -
tag monthly conulbutlone you *111 receive u
benefit of 05 per week and In the event of
death, a Newel benefit o1$50.
Mara et
16 Me 20 60422
0 " 26 0 44
u 45
" 80 0 46
0 47
" ▪ 66 0 50
• 42 0 64
0 M1
e 67
" W 070
11 98
11 82
" 40
" 4
A `
t .— er woes teas* apply to th4learnt
•, 7. (N7 QUZ. erase aaeereer,
W. P.=AXI*a LL, Grafi 0rgantrrr,
*13A018318 WANTttp
The walking sick, what
a crowd of them there are:
Persons who are thin and
weak but not sick enough
to go to bed.
"Chronic cases".that's
what the doctors call them,
which in common'English
means—long sickness.
To stop the continued
loss of flesh they need
Scott's Emulsion. For the
feeling of weakness they
need Scott's Emulsion.
It makes new flesh and
gives new life to the weak
Scott's Emulsion gets
thin and weak persons out
of the rut. It makes new,
rich blood, strengthens the
nerves and gives appetite
for ordinary food.
Scott's Emulsion can be
taken as long as sickness
lasts and do good all the
There's new strength
and flesh in every dose.
We will ho glad
to send you a few
doses tree.
Re me that 110h lOctsre 1.
the tamnl a label 11 on 8.
reefeof every battle el
L.,ulu,o yea Sur.
Toronto, Ontario,
Sic. and SII all dnjlhta
Ruler of the Moslem Nation IAtoke and
Actal as if He Was Haunted.
Tho lot of the Sultan of Turkey
1s not a happy ono. Probably no po-
tentate on earth is eo continuously
bauated by fear of death as is this
dirk-luee1 despot. Ray Stewart
Maker, who re: eptly waw Abdul Ha -
mkt at Coostantimople, says "1 biro:
"I stood on Uao palace terrace Ma-
im( above the late roadway down
which on Friday the Sultan ventures
forth to any his players. 1 saw the
extraordinary precautions taken to
protect him --the gathering of all his
(,0O0 troops, the stoppage or traffic
by walls of armed men in every road-
way irading up to taw plane, then
the surroundln,as of the few hundred
yards of roadway which the sultan
meet traverse from his palace gate
to hilt mo0tue by rows 01 soldiers
knee-deep. It was a strange, gor-
ge�us incongruous spectacle.
"1'rerdtel by lila women la fleeted
carriages, eevernl of their eons mid
01000 eighty grunt generals and offi-
cers of the army marching on foot,
chino the Sultan himself. He was
driven slowly in an open carriage
facing forward, with hie Minister of
War sitting oppowlte, and this le
Abdul Monist L., the absolute ruler
o! 25,000,000 people, the defender of
the faith, mouareh of the Hukymet-
1-amnize, the glorloos government, va-
riously known eieewhere a* the "sick
mon of Europe" and the "groat as-
snesin." Every splendor of general
and trooper 1e forgotten; every
eye Is fixed on the Ilttle, old, round
ehonlderod roan in the carriage. A
shout—well-trains] and evidently
long p:oetind sholrt, cnrieunly laek-
tn'.; lu fire or e'pontenelty—goes up
from the troops. The old man raieee
hie hand In ,,flat he wrare a reel
fes; his face 1s sickly white, like
parchment; the now ie that of an of l
eagle l;ng, te.oked, tegli (ridged—th"
American noon, ills subjeete will
whiep"r in contempt. Ilte ryes, what
Wm *ea of them, for he turne hie
head neither to the right nor to the
left, aro deep set and Mack.
"Those who know him best any
that ho has n peeullar way of mos -
hoe 1119 eyes without moving his head.
st Ir the were nlwaye seeking to took
behind hien, to pry out secrete, to
eurprlso hidden motiv,vr. 111, teard
is deep bine-black, as are Ills eye-
brows; naturally they would be
gray, but he dyes them, for the Sul -
tail nowt never look old. To Ude
Generate he leaves all the pomp and
dl -play of kohl lace and tinsel; for
himself he le clad wholly in black,
lik,, it Pannell. witteset ornamenta-
tion or any land. 'The Raven' he has
been rail NI, n01 the raven he look,.
The Sultan is not really old, and yet
if there is one impression above an-
other that he dere, It le that of age
and great weariness.
"Poor old Soltln."
11e Took No Rieke.
He—You want Ooe of those bur-
glar alarm gongs on tiro front of
the house? Noneenee.
She -Rut, my dear, 1t w111 be worth
a yeast deal to es.
He—Not et all. It will oily serve
to /Ittrar.t bunters en -1 make them
think we're got ps"ethtag worth
Ohs—Perlin/el, but 11 will make the
neo-hbors thlak we tete—Philadel-
phia Pram
foray lle Yelled icier.
'Fire" In Einaimh and "Omer" In
Braman are 1.,aiounced a'<men,h.i1
t111,, find thin came Lear tluxlu; it
Int,.lr nt a New ltetra; edlebratio,i at
o.u8 of the Seem'n churrbet. The (1 r-
eale "11:1111' in :Alla to eeleal'ate. Tile
each ut tale p chat ca I, oup-
puartl to he Ycry ilne, end the beak
o; the entrrtatement fail to it.
In one of the ,inter nue the I, noro
and Popettnos slowly meant the •nnu-
10:1 *rale uutil they dyne to "t"
obese tile,torr. That's petty high,
and nil the Iristtmatt who was op.
pro:ad : g could hear was the -fetter.'
H0 eild not wait for tut explatmtlen.
but ran down the street yelling "tire"
at the top of his voters lits cry was
taken lip and cur excited lnditbt011
turned In an alarm. The firemen. too,
hertz') the choir unenbere serlekieg
"irurr" rand they thought that the
church wax burl litg. Th:' antl•'eM w::e
flciehed Jmst all the foremost fireman
pokht a eoezle through the window.
111htatnl's Liniment Cures Oarget
111 Cbwi.
Sir Philp Burnt. -Jones Didn't Know
Kir )'hi ip Burne -Jones, of "Yam•
piro" fame; who plaved poker on
the onean, "sinal pat" on two
do free, Co you Nee:
A fool there was, and he lost his
(I4ven as y011 and Ii,
On tt pair of twos, for he didn't
They would only beat are high.
Mlnard's Liniment Curse Colds,
f ft • p in Binglc Meds.
(The Fa.mlly Doctor.)
11 eltgl,' Lela were thole numerous
limn they ate a great many people
would be better off When out le
tired, sick, cross, restless, out of
aorta, he or else ou„ ht to sltep
atone and not communicate by
proslmity the maladie, that affect
Ulla. The brute creature& when sick
go away by themselves till they oto
or fret over their troubles, and this
instinct a great many human beinge
hate. Those that have It are best
anion Indulged In It—not to the
ellghtest degree of rlegloet, bow -
ever. Where two children In a
family must share the same room,
In n groat many cases they would
Inc Letter off to have two tingle
beds rather than one wide double
bed. We can share a groat many
things with (Imam we love, but moll -
hale cliuge to we from birth to death.
Wo come luto the world *lone, we
must go out of It alone, and we
live in It ,lone, In a certain Impor-
tant souse, and to get and keep
our "bearinger we must sometimes
be left alone.—It le good that we
ebouli be.—The Family Doctor.
Indigoetton, congested liver, Impure
blood, constipation, these are what
afflict thousands of people who do
not beer what 1s the matter with
them. They drag along a miser-
able eiletence; they apply to the
local doctors occasionally, and some-
times obtain a little temporary re-
lief, but the old, tired, worn-out, all -
gone, distressed feellug always comes
hack again worse than ever, until
in time they become tired of living,
wonder why they were ever born,
and why they are alive unless to
endure constant suffering. To much
eufferere there le & haven of re-
fuge In Dr. August Koenlg'e Ham-
burg Drop's, which eau (Uncovered
more than BO years ago, and which
le a wonderful medicine. One trin/
will convince the meet eceptloal that
any or all of these difficulties may
bo removed, anti a perfect cure ef.
rotted, by taking Dr. August Koenlg's
Hamburg Drops. Get • bottle at
once, before It 1s too late.
The delver Liming,
"Do you never eonekier," asked
Rev. X. Horter, "that even prison
has its bright side 7"
"Sure," replied the convict, "and
I can't help thinkln' and loogln' tan
'For what 7"
'The outaide."—Troy Times
Lever's Y.Z (W iae fi.•dltbetefeeteat Bean
Powder 1. better than ether soap powders,
ea i1 siva set* sea disinfectant.
Racing New..
Princeton Tiger.
Mr. Bug—How many entries
there for tat. scratch event
Mr. (lent—Two, Willie flea
M. 1:o ,LuIto:
flonkey with
a Cough.
Just a little tickling cough
may not suggest any trouble
but it is often the fore -runner
of very serious lung disease.
Gray's Syrup of Red Spruce Gum
soothes and heals the irri-
tated membrane and the
cough passes away. Gray's
Syrup of Red Spruce Gum
is a carefully compounded
preparation and is a specific,
remedy for all throat and lung
affections. 15 cents a bottle.
One bottle will demon-
strate Its virtue.
Gray's Syrup
Red Spruce Gam
What made your linens
coarse ? Common soap 1
Sunlight Soap saves linen.
Ask tar dm Oetagea war. .ter
Nicarnpua'e New 140101 Law Aee'me
10 Make Strike* impossible.
The Loglelature of Nicaragua
posed ion June tea 1'(101, a law that
canoed general consternation ILonoug
all claming of society. 1t was ouo u1
the most remarkable etllcte for regu-
lutlhg and defining hiller in lie real -
Dome with otpltul ever promulgated.
The popWar voice at 0000 declared
that such an edict could never be -
enforced. Two months ago, however,
the (iovte'I, n nt put the law into uf-
ftet, sun, according to the reports
from M ca.tµtwt, everybody 1e becom-
ing, reaottcleei to 1t, ,.0a rho menthe
cte:m to he thus fat' bmleiietal.
Thu law defines a laborer ue any
prs'eon, tulle or female, over 18, who
hats nota capital of 000 pesos, which
1e about $100 to our currency.
It then declares that every lnlx,rcr
meet have an employer. Anyuue tram
le found to be uummployott is to be
atrreetctl tit ot01, imprisoned for
twouty days and mode to labor ou
pub,lo worke while awaiting an ctn-
When an employer hires a person to
work, the (employee masa buy a small
book from the tiOvtt•ument In which
to rtgleler the mime, age, descrptluu
and gtIurai characteristics of the
pp�cirsou anot'ooudlUous of the con trout.
The otgtdoyor moat give hu employee
u receipt for tine book, which the lat-
ter can produce ON a pruof of his good
standing whenever arrested by the
pease on utspiclou of being kilo.
When the Liberia' has completed hie
coutract with ono eaapluycr uud de -
vireo to go to another ho must give
hie book of labor to his pori employer
emus take a'rooelpt for it.
If the laborer wants money 10 Ma
'ranee ale 1vnp oyer' 0011 give It to him
oa y ne a loan without 1n1 'rret, to be
paid by retaining ono -half or tho gal.
'try or wages until the debt le can-
celled. It nIaborer leaves his employer
without paying ata debt he wld be
imprisoned. tined, and obliged to re-
turn and work St out.
Any person employing inhorers
without tide book of labor will be
flood about 810.
It looks to editor's of Nicaragua
newspapers, who have been studying
this law, ea though stakes cannot
thrive under It, for laborer' who
throw theneeelves out of employtnent
by striking aro likely to bo at once
arrested for being out of work.
The main porpoise of the law, how-
ever, le to prevent employer' from
advat:cttyr wages to laborers on a
contract, which made the laborer a
slave until he settled his account, end
'leo to prevent ldlenese by obliging
everyone without capital to be em-
Ilnnard's Whitest Cures Diatom -
ilipiaoe Only Beginning to Under-
stand Prnent Day Customs.
Things of the nineteenth century
have hardly been known fa the Philip-
pine 1861unde until very recently. The
people there got along with eigh-
tetetb century methods and mate-
rials untlr Americas occupatloa
made then realise that the twentieth
(watery was here. Willie ilving over
rivers of 011 they bad • sestet wp•
ply imported from Ruewla. Now weds
litre leeu sank and the natives are
getting a little light on their former
Ignoraace. Shine ere landing on the
14540de machluery that truly estop -
'shoe the natives,. Whore they have
been scratcluug the moll to raise pour
crops they ore r:ow ploughing deep
Turrowe and getting womething near
the value of a productive roil. Edged
toole without edges and with temper
uncertain as that of a Spaniard hare
bean pet aside for axes, picks, chisels,
He Told Him.
In a Pertheliiro village school a
boy complained to the teacher that
lbs" Smith had beep 'swearing. The
teacher, wlehtng to know the truth
of the boy's assertion, que*ttone(1
him as to what Tom had said:
"Please, ver," replied the accuser,
"I don't ewear, and 1 am afraid
to say the word he need." "Why,
my boy, you need not bo afraid;
TIO harm well come. Just Widsper
the word to me, and I will punish
Smith for "swearing. "Come, now,
what did he say 7" "I would rath-
er not, air." "Dut," Insisted the
teacher, "how are I to know that
Tommy BBm.th swore it I don't know
the word he used" "I'1) toll you
how," eakd the boy, brightening up.
"You say over all the swear words
that you know, and I'll tel) you
when you come to the right one."
Jadged by btodern Standar.
;Warner(' Nowa.
"A nngnifloent work, late latest
story, you sty?"
Magi Lloent I Why, It's the finest
starry that baa been publllrted this
04(1tairy 7"
"Ihtleed ? Hbat'a the general idea?
"Oh, half -morocco, gold or email
edges Moth edition, flaasted is test
colon, with Ilitleleated pais' to
ever? eha'6Rea'•"
ISSUE NO, 4. 1903.
Mta W1e,:ow's bootees 4yr11p.alot&d
Cwt.,* be ueod tar Cheers' 7sstaloii' �g
metes the ddW, tofteesibegusta wires wtev!
eolc sad le the bat ramedY for Mahon.
thoronahly taught. Expert Intrusion. tela•
videel etteunuu. need fur banmoa
deae t
loan, fol particulars. Correspponds's'
swot CENTRAL 6(610586 COLLEGE, Tsr.io;T
WANTED, AGENTS 2,4471.1.0114
Canada to sell made to measure LADIall
Sults, Jackets end Skirts; good cummlWigqaitp
Crown Tailoring Cu., Canada's Latgs0S '114
urs, Toronto.
WANTED, AGENTS .u)1 ry I "wl;