HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-22, Page 4JAMES mcmlRr iIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, BLYTH, ONT BRIO. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Sale Notes a specialty. Advnncee made to farmers on their own notes. No additional tarnrlty te- quired. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS at Current Rates, We offer every accommodation con 'latent with cafe and conservative banking principles. UNLIMITED PRIVATE FONDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of iut,rest, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Persons witihing to sell will do well to place their properly on our list for sale. Rents collected, CONVEYANCING 0f all kinds promptly attended to. !BOUNCE. We represent the leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and re- spectfully solicit your account. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. Business Cards. E L. DICKINSON, BARRIBTRR, SOLICITOR. ETC, Loan. Ocoee, Meyer bdoliellor for Batik locf k Wmgham. to J A. JACKSON, B.A., BABBIeT£R, SOLICITOR, ETC. Ooaveyswer and Notary Publlo. Solicitor for VillP�.r7eetoria Ml o ee lank of iiore,, ii h' 4*Iy b )004. 3e 1. ammo, LD.e. DR: FIST. OMNI in Elie Pretona block, Blyth. Special itteaMan paid to the prostration of the not wet swab. All With pod wort prices work a specialty. consistent J 0. LINDSAY, ►LB, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. i,wenor b Dr. Tart, Graduate of the Uni- versity of 'tomato, Member of College of Phy- slNaaa and burgeons of Ontario. Formerly of Leadau, taetaad and Ed nblrgh,0ootla0d, ho.. pledby O. a re woe, twat lotd7 0o00 - W. J, MILIEE, M,D.O.M, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 18.D.C.M. Uta varsity of Trinity College' M.D. Qoeeo's Untve:.lti; Fellow of Trinity Medical Qello e, and of member Oollege of Physician' WO burgeons of Ontario. Coroner for the *Indy erelal boet wl, Goren knit Blytb.. of the T.J. DOORSTEP, DABBER AND TOBACCONIST, Choke Hook or Tobaeeae. Cigars and Plpss on hand. Agent et, t rthe ParWan Wain Laundry, C HAMILTON, AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. Land, Lag and I eontsi 0 Agent. Office, en PARDstreet, oi willltwelve Orders left NUN- PAD BBADWIN, STEAM9H)P AGENT. TNN Elder•Dempetor lines ro oe0ente i. win Motets sold to any p•t SW rates now to (orae. Namel ofetomero ant eMo e1 Wllaglurolebedon application to Tun 0 0000 o01w, Blytlt. PSOY. 1. L. TAbBE, MANUFACTURING OPTICIAN AND ETE SPECIALIST. AO klads of Bpeotao'ee sod Eyeglasooe made So Wear. Special attention aim to fitting the eye. Orders by mall promptly attended to. Heware of parties using toy name as I employ no Unveiling taobhebodnts 11873er. SatterEuroud WNW W., Toronto. AMALADIES' COLLEGE $t. Thomas, Ont. (TWENTY-SECOND YEAR) The farthest south, and one of the larReat and best equipped in Canada. (Preparatory studies, Graduating Courts'—M.L.A., M.E. L., Piano, Organ, Singing, Violin, Fine Art, Elocntlon and Physical Culture, Domestic Science, Commercial. Healthiest location. Moderate char- ges. Write for catalogue to REY. BIN. WARNER, 11.9., B.U. Money -Making Education I ,e 1' •' 1 I t` I .,*<J�ffi��{.. .a tratfordt.11 Tofu Wen and w.men, woai are you worth? rth to That A busineade ss or 1 ou ort1unnd educat you are ation rill always stable you W got a gond poa.tl.,u but tae education toot be strictly drel-eines. Wee 10 an oppo'tunity W tell you v bat w, are doing m others. Write today for our catalogue. StudeOte admitted at any time, W. J. ELLIOTT - PRINCIPAL A. O. U. W. BNfk lodge, No.1ea, A•eleot Order of Melted Workman, sees' to the Workmen hall, Milne bleak MI the sed and Oh Thursday la every abate, M eight p.m• Visiting brethren are 40uHyyeoo t'e 0,, x Caress W.M T. 1. H (the �lgth gttattbarb. n that d forthis Opin a ware d purpose woull Boon be added to the asylums throughout the province, Dr. 0. A. A. E. BRADWIN, Penman. McCellutn, superintendent of the Lon- don asylum for the insane, says that an insane asylum wee a hos p't 1 f h TRE BLYTR STANDARD, pubitehed every Thursday morning, ie a live "teal news- paper, and has a large circulation in Blyth and surrounding country, making it a valuable advertising medium. Sub' oeription price to any part of Canada or the United States only One Dollar per annum in advance , 51.60 will be charged 1 not so paid. Advertising rates on implication. Job Printing neatly and •llea;'ly executed. Correspondence of • sewey nature respectfully solicited. THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1908, MORRIS. COUNCIL MEEr1No,—'1'he council -elect for the current year: Mr. Win. lshister, reeve, and Niesare. Code, Shaw, Taylor lied Jackson, councillere, met acoord- ing to statute end subscribed the necee- eery deelaret ions of office and qualifica- tion and the council ens duly organ- ized. The reeve occupied the chair, Minutes of last meeting of 1902 were read and passed. On motion of Messrs. Taylor and Jackson, Wm. Clark was re -appointed clerk, salary $180. On mo- tion of Messrs. Code and Taylor, John Watson was appointed assessor for the current year, salary $70. On motion of Messrs. Sackeon and Shaw, M. Bleckand 11. Johnston were appointed auditors, sal - gay 88each. On motion of Messrs. Shaw and Taylor, George Hood was appointed member of the board of health to act along with Messrs. Laidlaw and John- ston, also Dr, McAsh was appointed medical health officer. On motion of Messrs. Jackson and Taylor, W. A. Kerr was awarded the printing for the current yes'', price the same as last 827. On motion of Niagara, Code and Shaw, the clerk was instructed to send for eight copies of the Municipal World for use of cnuncil. Moved by Mr. Tay- lor, seconded by Mr. Code, that 85 be granted for supplies to James Bailie, to be in charge of R. Proctor.—Carried, Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows :—R. Proctor, collector's salary, 885; James Logan, tile, 88.87; Cor- poration of Mullett, boundary line ex- penditure, 888.80; George Kerr, gravel, $2.26; Duff & Stewart, lumber, e0o; W. Clark, nomination expellees and posting financial statements, 85; W. H. Kerr, balance of printing contrc^t tt7; M iso Fleming, refund statute labor tax, $1 ; Ell Elliott, work on west boundary and tile, 87.20; Municipal World, su beer; ptions, $fktO On motion of Mewl. Shaw and Jackie I, the coun- cil then adjourned to meet sgaiu on February 9th.—W. CLARK, Clerk. Death of James McComb. There died in Blyth on Thursday evening last Mr, Janes McComb, one of the early pioneers of this 'action. Mr, McComb had reached hia 77th year and lately had not enjoyed the best of health, the cause of death being asthma and heart failure. Mr. McComb was born in Paisley, Scotland, and came to Canada with his father's family in 1841. They first settled in Quebec, then they moved to Hamilton and later to East Zorra township, Oxford county. Thir- ty-seven years ago next April they moved to Morris township and settled on lot b, con, 9, where deceased and his only brother, John, remained until two years ago, when they moved to Blyth and purchased the residence on Dinslep street belonging to the late Richard Irwin, Deceased was an industrious, hard-working man, and by his prudent and thrifty ways gathered together oousidersble of this world's goods. He was a man who was highly esteemed and respected by his neighbors and friends both in Morris and Blyth. Be- sides his brother, he leaves three sisters —Mrs. James Craig, of Morris; Mrs, John Cameron, of Grey, and Mise Mar- garet McComb, of Blyth. The parents died in Morrie over 80 years ago—the father on October 80th, 1868, and the mother on June 22nd, 1871. Mr. Mc- Comb nor hie brother never married. He was a Presbyterian in religion, being a member of the Blyth Presby- terian church, and in politica he was a Liberal. The funeral took place from his late residence on Monday afternoon and was very largely attended, many old pioneers being present. Interment WKS made in the Uniou cemetery. The servioea at the house end grave were conducted by Rev. A. Mci.eau, Reform Needed for Married Mao. Married m n ,Land decidedly in want of reform. They are incorrigible flirts for one thing, and when there are nice girls about the poor bachelor does not stand a chance. We maintain the para- dox that if there were not to many mar- ried men there would be fewer Niche - lore. Married then seem to know how to make love better titan the untnerried. They have so much practice and ex- perience to go upon. And they always seem anxious for opportunities of dis- playing their skill. They are like the amateur tenor, who is not satisfied with bleating for the worshipping ad- miration of the family circle, but, is always ,yearning to bleat yearningly in other people's family circles. So the married man appears to weary of home pra"tica of the amatory arts, aid to cultivate them at the expense of those who have no homes in which to peso - time them Then the knowledge that he is married, that he cannot be sus- pected of "intentions," gives him a courage, a reckless dash that compare with the trembling timidity of the bachelor much to the disadvantage of the latter. True, the bachelor may re- taliate, or try to, by whispering soft nothings to the married men's wives. But he lacks the audacity, and is by nature too moral. Answers the Chief Justice. In reference to Chief Justice Mere- dith's criticism of asylum methods, and Iris statement that the asylum rather Hour the jail was the proper place for the detention and examination of per - sous charged with being Insane, and a ort e reeetlnent of mental dingle, not a refuge for the aged and infirm. He did not think the chief justiee'e enggeetion possible, for the wimple rea- son that the majority of those sent to the asylums by way of the jail were old people lacking a home, and once in the institution it was impossible to get rld of them Dr, McCallum thinks that the remedy is to be found in rhe establishing of suitably equipped wards in the various county jails t rouehout the province, The c6906 per county are few, and the cost would be small. They should, of course, be separated from the criminal words, end the inmates better fed. 1)r. McCallum considers that in its ad- ministration of the insane asylums the provincial government is doing splendid work, nearly one third of the revenue of Ontario being devoted to the care of the insane. —The Wiartoo e g r beet factory is running eplandidl,y, slicing from 850 to 870 tone of beets every 24 hours. Two thousand barrels of sugar are now in stock, representing between 616,000 and 816,000. —Messrs, G. Carter, Son & Co,'. new cereal mill at St, Marys will be in opera - Gott this ween, The mill will have a capacity of 100 harrels a day, and ie said to be one of the most complete in Ontario. —Mr. Thomas E. Hay has been ap- pointed poet master at Listowel, in suc- cession to the late Mr. Hacking. Mr, Hay is an old county councillor and ex -warden, and his appointment will no doubt give general satiefaction, —A story is going the rounds that a farmer who had asked an extortionate price for his wood had tate tables turned on him by his blacksmith. The trades- man just raised his rate a dollar a shoe. The farmer objected hut was met by the unanewereble logic that as wood had gone up, horse shoes had followed its example. The agriculturalist so the tale rung w, ut to the magistrate, but learned that he had no case. —It might be as well for the country if the old rule described as follows wee now in force:—At one time the mem- bers of the old Upper Canada parlia- ment, who received something like $260 Rs idemnity, were paid in addition $8 per diem for each day parliament sat, but this latter charge, instead of com- ing out of the provincial funds, wee collected from the different constituen- cies, eo that the sessions might he kept as short as possible. A similar arrange- meni if rut into force these days, would curtail a good many six -hour speeches. —The number of committals to the jails of Ontario in the year ending September 80th, 1902, was 8280. This was 208 less than in the previous year, and in only two years since 1878 was the number lees than this year. In 1818 the number was 18,600. The steady decrease in the number of cow mittale, in Reim of the constant mul- tiplication of punishable offenses, ie gratifying. The causes for it are not easily determined, but it seems reason- able to suppose that there has been a general improvement in the habits of the people, with improved education and refinement, —Mrs, John Gowan, who lived on the town line of Blenahard and Fuller- ton townshipe, Perth county, poisoned herself Friday afternoon with anemic, Some time ago her husband sold his farm and purchased another one. This did net please his wife, and she worried to get the old farm beck. Meanwhile the old fano had peered into the hands of her husband's brother, Mr, W. M. Gowan, and after some dickering John bought it back but at a lose of 8800. This lose ceeme, in have preyed on her mind, and she was very unhappy. Friday see prepared an early dinner for her husband who went to St. Marys on beeineae. When he returned about five iiy E s„ And no mistake we are headquarters for bargains in Dress Goods, Eto. Until stock -taking which will be in about 20 days. D An almost reckless cutting of prices for the sake of clearing the left -overs, e A FEW PRICES $4, 88 and 58 Coats for 51, $1.50 and 82. 10e Wrapperettes for 8p, 1211c Wrapperettee for 10c, Some vary special linea in Dress Goods worth 60e, for 80c, Etc,, Etc. Come slid we. J. A. Anderson ~ pp•+11•—�S4LYTH( U p -to -Date Dress Every woman likes to look well-dressed, yet every women cannot afford the 001101681 ex- pense of dressmaking, Buy Standard pat - tame and be your own dressmaker. They will give you style. They are seam allow- ing ; they aro well -tatting ; they are ecien- tiflc; they are cheap. ,,,In the February Patterns,,, jest received, we heve Bay,dere Jacket and Skirt:t, Monte Carlo Shirt Waists, Tea Gowns and Box Plaited Skirt%, simple and complex. If You Value Kitchen Time and Toll Kure is True Arithmetic of Food Value, We don't cook our food from mere habit; wo,o:sok it to release its strength and nutriment, so that it can be digested. The food that releasee most strength with lead, cooking is therefore the most valuable. There are foods which eau be cooked in lees time than Quaker Oats, but they do not give so much good to the body, even in proportion to the time it takes to prepare them. There are many foods, too, that must be 000ked longer than QUAKER OATS but there is no food that ghee so touch strength and so much flesh, blood and bone, either with short cooking or long cooking, as Q,iaker Oats gives when It is cooked twenty mieutee. Quaker Oats not only gives most for the amount of money, but most for the amount of time, S, XERI!ITO!, BLYTH Cedar Posts For Sale. The undersigned hats large number of odor poets whish I o wl0 .ell reasnuabie, They aro et N 1 Itot a0, eon.,, E ut Wawanosh, WoLTaa Scam, Reign:ye Y.i,,, Ont. std Estray Sheep. Strayed on to toe premises of the under. tipped, W 1A lot BB, coo. 4, Eur Wawanoeb, oa or snout Decanter let last one Leicester ewe. Owucr cat hare &erne by proving proper and paying all expnbaw. Jeasa VIOT, }Myth P.O., Oot. 888 Huron County Council. The Cowell of the Corrppoonttlon of the County el Rumo w11 wove di tic anonoll chamber to the town of uoderioh on Tuesday, the 97111 day of the present mutat, at 8 o'clock p.m. W. Leser, Clark Dated at Ooderkb, 1010 day of .Ianuary,1001. _ 8801 House For Sale. A gone dwelling boas and one sore of land, lpart of Lot No. G. on North street, In the V11- ege of li�01ytb. 't bare is a large frame dwelling house wnh kitchen rad woodehed attached, also a good trema stable. The bonne contains eight rooms 111 well dabbed, good stone cellar, hard and Bolt water. There area lot of gond bearing Irult tree, grapes, shrubs, etc., good garden and limo Will be odd reasonoble. For tun par - thulium enquire of Cowan FiooDT on the premises, or C ReHwLrou, Myth. 2011 SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE MARas Clemons CoPYRIOHTS AO. Anyone sending a ekeleh end desorption stay nventiolctlyn le probably pa�tentabie. inion whether tions etrlotly confidential. 1landboot on Patea4 seer rea 01.1eet Agency fur eecurIngpetente. Patents taken thumb Munn ale. tetefee sinal notice, without charge, la ae Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I,ar. est nth euletion of any eeteatteeoum Terms. N • ream i lour months, eL d Wall newsdealer., p.m., be found his wife lying at the top of the stairs in much agony. She con- fessed to having taken arsenic. The deceased was only about 82 yearn of age and had no children. Her mother resides in Manitoba. —Mr. J. B. Laing, provincial auditor of municipal accounts. Pays there is a growing feeling in thee province that municipal treasuture should be better paid, " What would you think," he said, "of a treasurer getting 55 a year for his work? Township treasurers rarely get as high as 8100, and 551) pr 885 is quite a common remuneration. In towns the scale is higher, but not a great deal." Mr. Laing, in hie report, will strongly recommend Inuuicipalities to "loosen up" a bit on this matter. During the year there have been five deficits among municipal treasurers, and Mr. Laing thinks titin is not many considering that there are 800 treas- arere, —Mr. David Rogers, of !Stilton, nae a breeding sow which rivet the Paris well -digger for staying powers, On December ath Mr. Rogers commenced threshing, and the next day bib sow was missing. From that day until January 9th, just ave weeks, nothing was heard Of it. The idea then struck Mr. Rogers that the sow might be buried in the 'pack. Ile commenced et once to taut out the straw, and when he had gone in about 18 feet he heard the suer grunting. Cutting iu about five. feet furthee he came acmes her, but so weak that aha could scarcely take nourishment. He finally revived her, however, and on Sunday, two days after being rescued, she gave birth to a litter of nine pigs. —I( your adv. isnot in Tun STAttDA RD you are missing trade. Our annual sale of Dry Goods, Mant- les end Overcoats is now on. 75c, 81 and $1,25 Homespun' and Suitings, 60c. 50c, 60e and 75c French Flannele, 86c. 18 All -Wool Stylish Raglan Overcoats, worth 810 for 85.M—Gm E, Ktxo, Wingnam. 211t1 TAM TOMB, LITTLE.—In Biandtord ou Jaey 1811'. Agnea Craig, relict :sown the late Jape LOSS, and "literal the l4N Jamie Orale, M Wow.aped 78 years, 7 mgatba and 1800)0, McCOCB.—le Blytb, on January pia. Mr. Jamas McComb, aged Hoare. McDOLE.—In Mullett, on IMAJtebeeelt n, ' Little, wife of Mr, Hobert 0C • aged 70all months seeps da7". BLYTH MARKETS. Blyth, Jan, 81.—Whsat 080 eo see..sertoy. Bea to 4k. Peas, 08. to e, Oats, gee' b J,gO0ea. F&goi sea to gib. Butter,to 15e alhss. t to 45e, Rides, 60 to ga. RPol Rey, le in id, yard. Igo to 14. Pore, e7 to e9. Flour, 58 50 Saes. W -sed, e9 to 58.80 Wool, ego b leo. Turkel, 110 to Ito. Geese, eo to gd. Deeks, Saito tb. ()blotto', b to W. Hurrah for Christmas I Which is the season for mt. making and exohanging of ooe- gratnlatfone and festivity so this le the spot to procure ytgtr supplies for the occasion. Bon Bons at various prices, and Candios•In abundance of wit kinds, the latest out. Fruits and Oysters unexcelled. Gone Yresh Groceries and ,Eatables.in Bakery line always on hand, and as cheap as the cheapest -- quality considered. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Re R. DOUGLAS e. BLYTH