HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-22, Page 11 tb t l ttb A fb. VOL. XVI. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1903. No. 24. Huron County Council Elections. The following are the full returns for the county council elections, as furnished rby County Clerk Lane DIVISION No. 1. Ashfield Colborne Goderich Total 'T E. Durnin 447 260 489 1202 Alex. Young 274 482 861 1117 Hugh.Chembors 660 111 807 978 DIVISION No. 2. Goderich Tp. Mullett Clinton David Cantelon 888 807 660 1800 James Connolly 728 186 185 1078 Abe. Leitch 180 746 129 1005 DIVISION No. 8. Stanley Hay Hensel, Wm. Lamont 845 609 115 J. McNaughton 874 282 54 Wm. Consit...,...... 148 846 ..,... 117 Robert MOMordie .... 86 91 109 Bayfield 28 1092 218 928 13 619 10 858 DIVIa10N No. 7, W.Wawanosh j .Wawanosh Matthew Lockhart... 860 178 Donald Patterson .... 158 286 John Webster 428 188 ., .,, John T. Currie 60 186 Blyth Wingham 81 251 . 870 224 187 805 88 109 756 84 285 518 DIVISION N0. 8. Turnberry Howick Wroxeter S..7. Ferguson 220 598 21 888 Robert Miller 478 278 69 825 Andrew Doig 206 470 112 783 Dimon No. 4,—R. Hicko H. Spackman, by acclamation. Divisxow No. 5.—J. B. McLeau, B. B. Gunn, by acclamation. D,vlaloN No. 6,—W. H. Kerr, Jamea Bowman, by acclanatien. The county council for 1906-1909 will be composed of Messrs. Durnin, Young, Cantelon, Connolly, Lamont, McNaughton, Hicks, Speakman McLean, Gunn, Kerr, Bowman, Lockhart, Patterson, Ferguson and Miller. The new member/ are Mesere. Durnin and Young in Div. No. 1; Mr. McNaughton in Div. No. 8, and Mr. Gunn in Div. No. 5. EXETER. Squills,—Mr, Nelson Taylor, who has been in Washington Territory for the past few years, returned home Monday and will visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John W. Taylor, for few weib.,,, Mr, and lira. Frank Oke, of Toronto, formerly of Exeter, have lost their little eon, Roger Earl, by death. „There died at her horse, Lake road, Hay, on Tuesday last, Maggie David- son, beloved wife of Mr. David Alward, Ott the age of 80 years. Mrs. Alward had been suffering from consumption. She le survived by her husband and two children....MMfr. J. F. Russell lost a valuable bores last week, The beset died from an attack of inflammation and was valued at 1150....Mra. James Westoott and daughter, of Douglas, Manitoba, have arrived here and will %gait friends in and about Exeter for a few weeks,.., Mr. Joseph Davis, who has been in Gravenhorat attending the ssnitsrlum for his health, has returned home, his general condition having much improved. WEST iF ELD. Itsmi.—Messrs. Robert Buchanan and John Rodger have a contract for outUnit wood for Mr. Alex. Scott.... )jr. Jamie Scott, Si.,'is at present seriously ill, having recently been etrioken with paralyse. Mrs. James Anderson has gone to Guelph, London end St. Thomas, where she will spend a month with relatives preparatory to going to her home in the west Mr. Wm. Johneten is buying up horses to take to Manitoba for the spring work. ,,,,Mr. Campbell, accompanied by his grand -daughter, Miss Lurenia Camp- bel1, attended the marriage of Miss Riles in 'Kincardine hast week..,. Mr. Menlo McDowall disposed of his driver icor a good sum Messrs. Arthur Kingsbury and Thomas Cook are en- gaged cutting wood for Mr. Davit Scott. They have a large contract.... $louts are being made to organize a beat ring for the coming.summer, A meetinghae already been held at Mr. Wm. teckhouse's, when a number .consented to take shares. Another 'meeting will be held in the school 'house next Saturday to elect officers. Thfa will be a good idea and we wish theta' every success Miss Mamie Auld' leayee for Toronto this week where ship :spews to get u good sena- don Sunday school lies • beep re-orgegiznd but not much of It ebangetvas made. Mr. W. J. Wight - teas is superintendent, Mr. W. F. Campbell secretary, end Mr. James Hoover librarian. The some teachers were sleeted for another year. LAST WAMNANQRM. Cott(1toir MEETING.—The firer -council meeting for 1908 wee held on Monday of last week, members present, being Mr. Ji'hn McCallum, reeve;Messrs John E. Ellis, John Menzies, ar., and, ..Davin Wilson, councillors. Mr, Wm. Beecroft was absent: Having each severally euhacribed to the declaration of Qualification and of office. the' reeve In the chair, the minutes of the Decem- ber meeting were read and peeped. Moved by Mr. Ellis seconded by Mr. Menefee, that P. Puverfield be re- appointed clerk, salary $85. -Carried. Finlay Anderson was also re -appointed treasurer on lame co,ditiona 514 last yeer, salary 180; and Janne: W. Bone and Peter W. Scott auditors of accounts of 1902. Moved by Sir. xllie, aectmded , by Mr. Menzies. that Wm. Robinson be aiseASOr for 1908, salary same is for- merly, $55.—Carried. The following will be the hoard of health for 1908: The reeve, clerk, Jamie McGee, Walter McGowan and James McCallum ; Dr. )1cAeh, of Belgrare, me'lica) laealrh officer. Communication from Mr. J. Roes Robertseo, Resin salting for a donation in aid of Sick Children's lies- pital, 'Toronto, was received, and on motion of Messrs. Wilson and Menzies 85 was granted for that purpose. Moved by Mr. Ellie, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that seven conies of the Muni. cipal World be ordered for the council and treaenrer for 190t3.—Carried. The clerk reported that according to the returns received by him, 118 rate - pavers had, on Monday, January 5th last, voted in favor of the bridge on river bylaw, and 274 had voted against it. The council therefore considered that no further action on their part was necessary to be taken on this matter in the meantime. Accounts of George Quinn, Andrew Auld and John Jeffer- Ron, for services rendered as scrutineers on the vote taken January 5th last, on bridge bylaw, reooived and laid over for further consideration. The clerk was instructed to notify the collector to have his roll returned to the treasurer not later than February let next. De- bentures were passed and signed for payment of the following accounts:— Fraser A Logan, tile, 84,75 ; F. Gutte- ridge, account in- full for tile in 1902, 8147.81 ; do., East Wawanoeh share of building culvert on southern boundary, 860; Municipal World, account in full for stationery, supplies, etc., to date, 87.12; P. Porterfield, part expeaees of last municipal election, 885; do„ ser- vices as rlerk in 1902, 885; do., postgge, stationery and ex regia charges, 85.25. Council adjourned till February 10th next. BONFiELD. Bit 208.—The I.O.F. ball held in the gown hall passed off very pleasant! and there was s large attendance, al- though the weather was cold and rough. Excellent musio was furnished by the Excelsior orchestra of Zurich. Lunch was served at 12 o'clock when dancing was continued until after four..,,A very successful social, under the aus- pices of the Epworth League, was keld at the parsonage on Friday evening tart. A very pleasant time was spent and about 825 realized .... A eonaert under the auspices of the choir was hell in the Presbyterian church on Wedneaday evening. The program consisted of selections by the choir, instrumentals by Mr. .Passmore, of Mitchell, and vocal soloe by Mr, Stan - bury. As the weather was stormy there was not as large an audience se the concert merited,,,,'1he bell for tate PHOTO BARGAINS .. A'T .. 8BRIRIS 110T, S ITT8m We have just received all the Latest .Up-to-date City Styles in Photo Cards, Burtons; Beck Grounds, Floor t'lot.he and Tone*, and we are pow prepared to turn outwork as good as the best, We also Enlarge Portraits from the dullest phbtografcha in Crayon, Water- color and Sepia tones. PgrO-For bargains call and see our samples. Gallery . will be open every week day. Call and see us. All work guaranteed. H. R. BREWER PROPRIETOR. JEROMF MANAGER. Preahyterian church was received only BANK in titne to he placed in position the day before Chriotmas....Itev. Joseph El- liott, of Nairn, was here on heftiness last week. ...Stone is being drawn for a fine summer residence Dr. Metcalf, of Detroit, purposes having erected next season on his property overlooking the lake.... Quite a large uumbor are here for the winter from Dakota, Manitoba and the Northwest, Among thein are Thomas Parker, H. Young and wife, Robert Eagleson, wife and family, August Wild, Peter Wild and daughter, John Wild, Robert Scotchmer, wife and family....Miss Ethel Marks rate returned to the ladies' college at Ottawa. .The receetly elected councillors, A. E. Erwin, F. A. Edwards, John Fraser and James Thompson, with Dr, R. Stanbury am reove, are determined to carry through any scheme that will tend to advance the interests of Bay- field. The first matters of importance to receive attention are the establish- ing of a grist mill and remodelling of our town hall. 4.14044. WINCMAM. TOOTS.—Mr. H. itansford, who has been teller in the Dominion bank here for Nome months, hue been transferred to Orillla..,. Wingham merchants aro busy stock -taking.... Mr. Peter Fisher, jr., is able to be around again after his severe illness Mr. E. J. Skelton was elected a member of the Walkerton council, Mr. Skelton is a former Wingham citizen.... Mr. Albert Mar- tin and Miss Mary R. Stark, former Wingham residents, were married in London the other day. They will reside in Aaainiboia.... t\ir, Ernest But- ton and Miss Edna Batton have gone to Toronto.... Dfr. T. J. McGuire is ill at present.... Mist.; Olive Sanderson, of Orangeville, is visiting her sister, Mrs, I. Davidson Mrs. Gifford, of Detroit, IS visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J..1. Honnutb Miss Pansy Reynolds is home from Essex... Mr. M. Walker is suffering from blood poisoning in one of his legsMr. Arthur Flack, of Emerson, Manitoba, recently visited his parents here.... Mr. Charles Henderson has been an office -)colder in the Turnberry Agricul- tural iaociety for 40 years Mr. and Mrs, E. Smith have again been celled upon to pass through bereavement. This three it is their youngeet child, aged nine months and 19 days. It is only a few weeks since another of their little ones passed away. MULLETT. A Ptoxani's DNATu.—Not alone in this township but throughout a good portion of Huron county will it he learned with deep regret of the death of one of Huron's pioneere, in the person of Mr. Win. Collinson, of the 18th con., who passed away on January 9th at the ripe old age of 74 years, six months and 24 days. lleceated had been in failing health for some time with cancer of the liver, which was the direct cause of hie death. Born in Yorkshire, Eng- land, in the year 1828, he carne to this country in the year 1857. Me was always a hard working man, and ammo of good principles. Ne was married in the year 1857 to his now Borrowing widow. In politics he was a Liberal, end a staunch and consistent member of the Londeeboro Methodist church, where he will be missed. Besides his widow, he leaves one son, Mr. James W. Collinson, to mourn the loss of a kied and indulgent husband and father. The funeral took place on the 12th inst., interment being made in the Uttion oemetery. GHITUAnv.—Mr, John Cumiog, whose death was brie2ly referred to last week, was born in Devonshire, England, near- ly 75 years ago and came to Canada when 20 years of Ree, living for a couple nI years in Chinguacousy township, Peel county, and thin moviug to the Huron tract, which was in its primitive state. He took up a hush farm on the 18th con. of this township, which he soon converted into one of the finest iu the neighborhood. Ho was always a hard worker, a man of sturdy and sterling principles and determination, a,;d once he settled in his own mind certain course of action, nothing could turn him therefrom. That be enjoyed the esteem and good will of hie ac- quaintances, goes without saying For a number of years he was kesident o` the Morrie Branch Agricultural society, and was deeply interested in tlioro'-bred stock improvement, giving his attention specially to Cotswold sheep, Suffolk pigs and Shorthorn cattle. In early lile he married Mise Shobbrook, sister of the Metiers,8hobbrook, of thio township, who survives Irina, together with seven RODS, one on the homestead, the others being comfortably settled in the Northwest. He wee a Liberal in politica, and a member of the Londes- hero Methodist church. The remains were interred iti the Union cemetery on Thursday last, a large number attend- ing the funeral. Coosctl. MRennin. —The council -elect for 1908 met in Londeohoro on jilt ; cry 12t1i aur) commenced huainasa f,r th, year. 'Those present were Reeve Ferris, Conn. Patterson, Comm. Moon, Coup, Wen en and Coun. Mcylillan, The fol. lowing communications were received and rend: From the chairman of the trust fund of the Sick Children's hospi- tal, '1 oronto, and 011 motion of Comm. Warren anti Moon, the sum of 810 wait granted as a donation to the institution ; from Angus Smith, civil engineer, Stretford, asking for the position of OF HAMILTON Capital, all paid up $2,000,000, Reserve, $1,600,000. "Total Assets, over $20,000,000. JAMES TURNBULL, GENERAL MANAGER. BLYTII AGENCY. Notes Discounted and Collected. Drafts Issued. General Banking Business Transacted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Sums of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed, compounded half yearly. H. V. HOLMES, AGENT. THE GREAT CASH STORE We are clearing Winter Goods at sweeping reductions during January. In many cases they are sold at less than manufacturer's prices, but we need the room for Spring Goods. Just a few Men's Fur Coats which will be cleared out regardless of coat Tremendous reductions in all lines of Clotbiog. Heavy Rubbers and Overshoes will be cleared out at bargain prices, See our Heavy Wool Blankets. They are the best value in the trade. Men's Heavy Winter Shirts et 25 per cent under the usual price. See the bargains in our Carpet and Lace Curtain depart- ment. Some great value in Ladies' Ready-made Skirts. Millinery at half price. lr Don't forget that these reductions are for January, before we take stock, D. M. McBEATH r I •o..._EtLYT t.:. t' ,.?.,17.7 S!1 !t 1.u`w '1::?,MC t % .4i tonmship Us IR*Tl+ W.Cnrter,rapplying ieer, µiso beers -a c mitten acid will meet again itt the Township p hall, Londeaboro, on February , lowusbip assessor. The usual ln v y' 'th, ar, PRETORIA BLOCK . . y is were passed fixing salaries and appoint- ing township officers, George Stephen- son and M. Braithwaite, being appoint- ed auditors and will meet to examine and audit the treasurer's books, on Thursday- January 22nd; Wm. Carter, assessor ; Robert Smith, collector. The local board of health will be the reeve, clerk, John Garbutt John Sprung and George Watt. Ten.era for the supply of a quantity of reek elm and also for a quentity of tamarae plank, mostly 16 feet long and three inches thick will be reeeivsd up to February 7th. Couna. McMillan and Patterson moved that the reeve and clerk petition the warden and council of the county of Huron to call a public meeting of ratepayers municipal eflicere generei.y of the county, to conr:oider the advise hiliry of taking hold of the grant made by the Ontario governnten' 'or the improve- ment of highways. Reeve Ferris was authorised by 'he council to rurchns° the Tecups ance hall, Loudeshoro, which has been for sale for some time, for the use, of the township, nhieh a understand he has done on very favor- able terms, and it will henceforth be used as a council room or for ant other township bualooas. Council adjonrncd to a.m. BLYTH LVL and SALE MULES • GG GG GG 0 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRI£TOB. • GG WV GG G First .lass Hot -Nes and Rigs for lire .,t cexson+ahle:ates. Best of aerlimmodation to Cum utercia! TravoUcra and others rgquirieg ri n.e. Veterinary office at livery stable. KING AND QUEEN STREET3, BLYTR.