HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-15, Page 8K
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$Att Or 1111 OCU6GISTS PRlct f (a
JOINND IN Wiimocg.-A pretty wed-
ding took place at the residence of Mr,
John Burgess, when his grand-daugh•
t• r, Miss Lillian May Oliver, was
)tad in marriage to Mr, W. J. t4iilea-
;.ie, of Toronto. The bride was prettily
ttired in white and carried a bunch of
white roses. She was attended by Mise
Louise Ball, of Godetich, and the groom
Was assisted by Mr• James Burgess, of
Toronto, uncle of the bride, Rev. W.
Lowe performed the ceremony, The
happy couple left for their Toronto
Ap'K OP.
WEDDtNII Brt.ts.-A very pretty
wedding took place at the comfortable
residence of Mr. and Mra. J, t}, Grieve
on Nee, Year's eve, when their only
dttugher, Lizzie, was united in mar-
riage to `dr.'rhomae A. Beattie, a much
respected and promising young farmer
of Hallett. The ceremony was per-
formed by their pastor, Rev, Peter
Musgrave, in the presence of about 90
invited guests, relatives and friends of
the bridal couple. At the hour of six
o'clock the wedding march was played
byMies Phoemia Common, cousin of
te bride, when the bride, leaning on
the arm of her father, entered the par-
lor, where the groom had preceded her.
They were unattended save by little
Marlon Soarlett, who acted as maid of
honor, carrying a basket of flowers in
which was concealed the wedding ring,
Me was dressed in white organdie
trimmed with lace. The bride was
beautifullyend tastefully attired in
white silgrenadine, trimmed with
pearls, lace and ribbon, over %t'hite
satin, and wore white carnations in her
hair. After the congratulations were
overt the guests ware invited to the
specious dining room, which was teste-
fully decorated with bunting and
Sowers, and where were tables taste -
ally d 'cerate) and laden with such
,,ppetizit' %•tends and confections as
detlgt'ted the eyes as well as satisfying
the wants of everyone present. Be(ore
leaving the tallies, the health of the
hrale gas proposed by Dir, John Searlett
nod reepnndrd to by Air. 31. G. Robert-
son. of Grand Rapids, North Dakota,
and Rev. Mr. Musgrsve, in telietione
speeches, After this they returned to
the parlor, where it Very pleasant time
lynx in music, singing, playing
games and social chat until midnight,
when all joined in singing "Auld Lang
Syne its the old year went and entered
ou the new year of 1903. The youttn
eonple were the recipients of many
n ui and fleetly presents, showing the
esteem in which they tiro held, some
being seat from Bakota, Calgary,
Northwest Territory, Lon,Ln, Wood-
stock, and other distant points, Mr,
and Mrs. Beattie start married li(o
under the most favorable circumstances
with many wishes for their prosperity
and happiness,
Death of Ira Lewis.
There died iu Goderich at two o'clock
on Tuesday the oldest official in Huron
county, in the person of Mr. Ira Lewis,
county crown attorney, who some time
ago passed into the octogenarian class.
In 1851 Mr. Lewis was appointed crown
attorney for this county by the govern•
meet, cf which the late Sir John A.
Macdonald was then prime minister,
and from the day of hie appointment
Mitis Met Friday continued to diecharge
his official duties with vigor and rare
ability. Mr. Lewis graduated from
Yale university in the class of 1843, and
came to Goderich in the year 1818, when
he conunenced the practice of the law,
and where he has been a prominent
fignro for 55 years. !lir. Lewis was one
of the first mayors of Goderich, and his
eon, Mr. E. N. Lewis, barrister, was
elected mayor last week. Mr. Lewis
was t. courteous and cultivated gentle-
man, and was beloved by all who had
the pleasure of his acquainiance.
The Courts of the Connty.
Division court sittings will be held in
Huron county during the present year
as follows: Goderich, February and,
March 2nd, April let, May lst, June
let, ,July turd, September 1st, October
1st, November and, December 1st; Sea -
forth, February 18th, April 7th, Jetie
8th, September 14th, November 26th;
Clinton, February 14th, April 8th, June
nth, September 15i h, November 7th;
Brussele, February 5th, April 3rd, June
3rd, September 9th, November 4th;
Exeter, February lOth, May 6th, Sep-
tetnber3rd, December 8rd; Dungannon,
February 17th, May lith, September
17th, December 8th; Bayfield, February
18th, May 12th, September 18th, Decem-
ber 9th; Winghatn, February 9th, April
4th, ,June 4th, September lOth, Novem-
ber 5th; Gorrie, Fehruary 4th, April
2nd, June 2nd, September 801, Novem-
ber Srd; Zurich, February 9th, May
4th, September and, December 2nd;
Crediton, February 11th, May 9th,
September 4th, Deaetnber 4th; Blyth,
February, 3rd, May 7th, September 7th,
December 6th, County court and sur-
rogate quarterly sittings for motions,
ate., January 12th to 17th, April 9th to
11th, July 0th to Ilttt, October 6th to
lOth. County court sittings for trials,
etc., and general sessions, June 9th and
December 811,. County court sittings
for trials without jury, April 7th and
October fith, at noon, and on any other
day specially appointed. Chambers on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at
11 o'clock a.m.
Blyth Connell.
The first meeting of Blyth council for
19011 was held in Industry hall on Mon-
day forenoon at 11 o'clock. Those pres-
ent were Reeve Simo, Coun. Sloan
Coun. McNally, Coun. Stothers and,
Coun. Milne. Each subscribed to the
neceasary declaration and qualification
of office and took their meats.
Minutes of the last regular and statu-
tory inectinp5 were read and passed.
Coun, McNally moved, seconded by
�N r T�d3yp(55 990 Yy t
'CeT IfN3MBle 3e 511
oadonE 1M0•rcal.Go Bosco„
dl iNuggi5l-5 a Lbem
Price In Congas : 00;
Slxbottles for 55.00
Women and men who suffer from
weak back or pain in the lumbar
region should take ST. JAMES WA -
FRES, which possess rclnarkahle cura-
tive influence on functional derange-
ments of the kidneys, and exert
special tonic action on the whole
urinary system.
ST. JAMES WArliJts cure bladder
troubles and pains of micturition,
helping the flow of urine and clear-
ing it from any sediment. ST. JAMES
WAFERS are also a potent sexual
Sr. JAMES WArItRs help stomach,
digest toed and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accom-
plishes much.
"The value of Bt. James Wafers
cannot be overestimated. In the
most °bode aced cases ofkidnera
and actuary troubles they have
rendered me remarkable sneces-
Do. Charles M. Powell,
Fitzgerald, Scotland.
.Tl Inm<r i',Vire art no n ,surf
re.wrly: 1,114ennmereet aurler, n-
nrnn,e,1,,, nr t1,fa !nth. patients
rye 1,1(111 the fo,tnila ./en repeat.
tyherc dealer, ore not ml ling the
\Tafel+ they are veiled neon re-
coipt of ttrice nl the Canadian
branch : It. Jenks Wafers Ca, 1118
St Cathartcs 8t., hostrsel.
at Wingham.
First-class Maple logs $14 per M
First-class Soft Elm logs 114 "
First-class Rock Elm loge=19 "
First-class Basswoodlogs ,,,$t6 "
First -close Beech logs 112 "
All kinds and grades wanted.
Call and get our prices.
to Canada laratars I &t Li>aitsd
The Batton & Fessant Chalr Factory
Wingham, Ont.
Conn, Sloan, that the following accounts
he paid: -Blyth Fire Brigade, salaries
for 1902, *80.78; R, Sellars, drayage
account, 600; R. R. Douglas, supplies
and repairs, $H; J. E. Cootnbs, wood
for fire hall, 8750: E. Livingston, elec-
tric light for December, 141.25; T. W,
Stott, salary, postage, stationery, etc.,
1118; Grand Trunk Railway, rent for
weigh scales elle, 11; It. McWilliam,
chief of Blyth Fire Brigade from April
to December, 17.08; A. Gloushor, draw-
ing dirt, 1160; Municipal World, sup-
plies, 14.87; John F. Nivius, 811 months'
salary as first engineor,$40.-harried,
Coun. Sloan moved, emended by
Coun. McNally, that Messrs N. H.
Young and Win. Campbell be appointed
ruditors for 19)11 at a salary of 18 each.
Coun. Milne moved, seconded by
Coun. Sloan, that Dr. Lindeay be ap-
pointed a member of the Board of
Health for the ensuing three yeats.-
Coun. McNall,v moved, seconded by
Coun. Stothsrs, that the council as a
whole be Fire, Water and Light com-
mittee with Coun. Milne as chairman.
Coun. Brothers moved, seconded by
Corm. Sloan, that Reeve Sims and
Conn. Milne be a Charity committee. -
Coun. Milne moved, seconded by
Coun. McNally, that Industry hall be
re-engaged for all municipal and school
purposes at an annual rental of $90. -
Corm. Milne moved, eeoonded by
Coun, Stothers, that the regular meet-
ingc of this council be held on the first
Tuesday evening in each month, -Car-
Coun. Sloan moved, seconded by
Coun, Stothsrs, that Mr. C. Hamilton
be appointed assessor for 1903 at a
salary of 540. -Carried.
Coun, Sloan moved, aeconded by
Coun. Stothsrs, that the council as a,
whole be a Street committee with Conn.
McNally as chairtnan,-Carried.
Bylaw No, 1, re the appointment of
auditors; Bylaw No. 2, re the appoint-
ment of asseseor, and Bylaw No, 8, re
borrowing money from the Bank of
Hamilton, were read three tunes end
passed on - motion of Coune. Brothers
and Milne,
The treasurer's bonds were laid on
the table and accepted on motion of
Couns. Milne and McNally.
Mr. J. A. Jackson, B A., was appoint•
ed village solicitor on motiou of Coune.
Milne and Sloan.
Coun. Milne moved, seconded by
Coun. Stothers, that we grant 16 to the
Sick Children's hospital, Toronto. -
Council then adjourned.
What Enterprise Nae Done.
The London Free Press Printing
Company, Limited have entered upon
the new year with fresh evidence of
the abundant enterprise which has
alwaye characterized that newsiest and
most wideawake of the pig dailies of
the west. No expense 18 spared to ob-
tain the latest news.
The management of this important
daily have just established a special
corps of vigilant news gatherers in
every section of the western part of the
province, These special correspondents
have had placed at their immediate
service the telegragh wires of the
country, and can be relied upon to
furnish in quick and crisp style every
happening of interest.
The great news -collecting agencies t f
the world will continue to supply the
Free Press with complete cable and
telegraphic reports.
The sporting events of the day, with
readable comment upon past and pros-
pective incidents in all departments o!
sport, will be given in comprehensive
AS an illustrated newspaper, the Free
Press leads in Canadian journalism.
Portraits of notable people, and repro-
ductions of scenes of interest, are regu-
larly furnished.
The latest and accurate market re-
ports are made a specially important
feature. Farmers and business men
who have experienced the value of these
reports find them indispensable.
The women's page is a feature of
Saturday's Free Press; it contains in-
tereetiug news for the women of On.
A serial story of engrossing interest
le among the numerous other depart-
ments of this popular journal.
The Free Press is now a l0 -page
newspaper daily, with 19 pages ou
Saturday. It is issued in three oditione
-morning, two o'clock chid evening.
IThe early morning issue covers the
west from five to eight hours ahead of
other competitors. It 1s circulated i i
Cheap Groceries!
We know our customers are eagerly watching
this space, so not to disappoint you we are going to
quote a few of the many bargains we are giving,
which are worthy of special notice.
A lovely Golden Brown Sugar 8 lbs, for 25c.
Chgice Tapioca 81bs. for 25c.
Nice Fresh Lemon Biscuits... 8f Ins. for 25c.
Nice New Figs, just arrived 6 lbs. fur 25c.
Nice Fresh Raisins .. , .6 lbs. for 26c.
We bought our Groceriee early before the advance in pricee,
so our customers are reaping the benefit thereof.
Highest market cash price paid for Butter and Eggs.
Bring your Produce to us. 6c per pound for Dried Apples.
Bargains in Furniture.
We have a few very fine pieces of Furniture left which we are offering at
exceedingly low prices. We are offering big bargains in
Large Easy Chairs, Couches, Morris Chairs
and Parlor Suites.
To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription
for men, women and children than Ripens Tabules. They
ere easy to take. They are made of a combination of medi-
cines approved and used by every physician. Ripens Tit-
bules are widely used by all soros of people -but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need.
Ripens 'Wales have become their standard family remedy.
They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and sue•
cessful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepet, habitual and
stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism,
sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints. They strengthen
weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pare
blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody
derives constant benefit from a regular use of Rime Tabules.
Your druggist sells them. The five -cent packet is enough
for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, con-
tains a supply for a year.
K&K Kb<K Ke4K_ K&K K K K
ipndallata 10 the Treatment el Nervous, Blood, Private aed Sued Diseases et
Nen and Women. 2e Years In Detroit.
1110 -No Names seed withoat Written Consent, Cures Ouaranteed.
Thouaanda of young and middle•.Ped men are annually swept
to a premature grave through early abuse or later excesses. Chas.
Anderson was one of the victims, but was rescued is time. M.
ma: I learned an evil habit. A change soon came over me.
1 could feel 0; my friends noticed It. I became nervous, deepon-
deat, gloomy, had no ambition, easily tired, evil forebodings,
poor circulation, pimple. on face, back weak, dreams and drains
at night, tired and weak mornings, burning nennation. To make
matters worse, I became « ckleee and contrarled a blood diseaas.
I tried many doctors and medical arms -all failed till Dos. Kee-
aedy & Kergan took my case. In one week 1 felt tetter, and to a
few weeks was entirely cured. They ars the only reliable sod
honed Specialist.' in the country."
RBADBR-Ws guarantee W cure you or no pay. You ran so
risk. We have a reputation and business at stake. Beware of
frauds and Impostors. We will pay 81,000 for any case we take that our NEW
M*TBOD TREATMENT will not care.
We treat and core Nervous Debility, Verleocele, Stricture, Weak Parts, Kidney
end Bladder Diseases. Consultation free. Books free. Call or writs for gueetlose
List for Home Treatment.
DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN Cor, IakblgreclnlAavle`Shheroy n.
K Kix K&K K KK
every city, town and village in Western
Ontario. The price is 83 per year, de-
livered at any post. office. The two
o'clock attd evening editions are each 12
per annum et your post office.
The ever-increasing circulation has
made it necessary to install the very
latest improved fast -running presses,
and visitors to the city will always he
welcome callers. The preteen can be
seen in operation at the hours of four
a.m. and one and 8.80 p.m.
Estray Sheep.
Strayed ou to tie premises of the ander.
slimed, 1'J 1.1 lot 38, con. 4, East Wawaoosh, o0
or smut December 1st lest ono Leicester ewe.
Owner ass have same by proving property end
t'syi011 5.11 expenses. deltas VINT, Mlyth P.0,
House For Sale,
A good dwelling bonne and one sere of land,
P� a ell birth. th.n 1 here isoatlarstreet, me duelliu
no mn with kitoli n and woodshed attached, ele,
a hood frame rt:,b,. The tou.e ae,dal-ie eh;bt
room, ad well i; ,.fined, good atooe cellar, Burd
and eon water. There ares 100 of pone beansg
batt Lreea, grapes, shrub'', etc , auto harden and
lash Will be meld roannnbte. For full par.
Neuters oi.gaire of Cit e0.:te r„Oonr on the
pcc.m1414, or C. ti4lillat f, 1013 tb. 5011
Good Farms and Saw Mill
For Sale.
No I -WI lot 88, eon. e, 'East Wawanotb, eon•
tal. ins 100 earn, 80 aures sleeted and Ina good
state of cultivation, 2a acres partially cleared
and 2e ecus of umbar lend. The .oil fs a good
loam. There Is on the place a good hrlek dwe16
Ing house 29104, one and a half etorsye, with
kbohen ettauhet, wood -shod 20r00, and alone
cellar under full des of home; 'mod cistern;
goat well and wind min oouvenieul to hones
and oul-hulid cgs; frau,, barn r006, with atone
.tables underneath; two frame dwellings lenge,
one end a half etoreya; a steam sew mid wen,
two storeys with boiler, engine sun all nenM•
gory losobtne•y tor moautantming lamber,
lath and mnh,gles, .111n goon order.
Na. 4-43 lot 54, oon. d. East Wawentieb, eon -
Lathing 100 acres, S) acres cleared and in a good
date of cultiva long 110 sores of timber land.
There le on the plane a good tratne baro 4000
and 90 feet high with ',One stables under the
full else; good frame dwelling SOWS, one and a
halfstcreya without Morey kitchen attached.
No. 0-F} lot 38 nun. 7, East Wawanoeb, con.
twining 1W scree, 110 corns cleared end to a d
state of oultiv:etlon, 10 acres of timber lanA
The soil lee gold clay loam. On the plias
there is 0 good frame o 9100, Mane eel•
ler ul'h kitohen attae'.ed ;5028, ode and a 1,aII
etor.•ya; Lard and t ft water; .•cued frame barn
4(1x0, with atone etaider. and r; frame otehtee
and abed 24100 trod orchard, 31.61 place 11
well drained end hu t notes 18ifieg 'lento ran.
inns throaI•.
e'nr lull vagb tttcn6srp apply to 7'0 t*. B. Tav-
rnR, Westfield P.O., Out., Or to C. liattit'roie,
111)01i P.O., Out, gut