HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-15, Page 7• 1101.••••••••••.•••••••1110•16..011.
(net Augueitt Promote)
The oft,y point to dream upon which
a. umn is it jiittgo 10 11.8 grano, and
meet ere tteriainly critics on this
quality. A men likes very long Alan;
he Mee I, lie well -fit tett hips that meg,
1.1 wonted loots teller and more w1-
tow ; he lees the gown that makes
her sientlert, and he likes the tiny
flounces which 'soften the augles and
make the waist becoming.
The petite wittuatt well dreeeed is
the =len delight" and if File will for-
get the severity in which elle loves to
olotho herself, and if elle will put 011
the chiffon, the laces, the flounces
Bad the long, sweeping (trees skirt bin
sulefugatien will bo complete.
VIM° never lived tt tatii #w110 dit
not admire 0 !mint cletspskit
Made over taffeta, Even so there
80110 who would not like to beliol,
this crepe ile chine skirt (relents
stetted the hips with bands or 111ect in
settee fuel nettle beautiful around
the bottom trite a deep (emcee of In
eertion deeper than the kuees 11 Id
lined with chiffon ref fee and rape
Let theri, he a Resit of lace Inser-
tion and border the neck of the bodice
with a pointed trimming of lace. Let
the sleeves be puffy et the elbow mid
let there be a very deep fell of lace
over the wrists; and right down to
the knuckne
The Fetching Black Gown.
It is undcluotecily the black gown
whtolj 1/4 wont Melling, and yOu unit
deem, yourself to Woe as if you lied
Jot $t 110(1 e.f the (nivel' of a u1.lga-
1.1we. Tao lovelieet of ail black evenmg
oi the eetoon belungs to one
0( the Astor laditee it le a lusarrete
lovely brick lace, not as expensive
us you might imagine, and certainiy
it could ou duplicated in an ineNpoii...
Rive leee.
The particular feature of It. Se a
trimming m corale the broken, Ireen-
lex kind, which are put on, sewed into
the 1,10e 11 1111 so arranged as to form
a very handsome and effective pat-
you HO deelre to trim a Ince gown
take tv string of coram, a rouge as
you can (Intl them, all sizes and
length% and outline ft figure In the
lace with them, stringing them upon
fs, fine needle and sewing them into
tho lace. Outline the figure, then out-
line 'teener to correspond with it.
Place on each sleeve 0 coral figure,
three across tho bust, arid then if
your corale hold Od 1 place a feet upon
the skirt at the head of the flouticce
to look sometldng like fagot eliteli-
'no coral trimming le advised to
weaten who la making up her
own sweet, for there is nothing diffi-
cult about It and elm can easily work
out a handsome patteru for her-
For the woman who 111 making her
own gown there are other things to
be recommended. Very often a Waist
min be treato.1 eo teat it 144 (10(201 -
let° and yet capable of beteg worn
for other outution8 ufterware, When
Mei, neck is requirel.
'TL' ol I expedient of a removable
neeker and vest Is one that can al-
way.o bo resorteil to, and for this
OH' 01111 inne oues' oil white chif-
fon elvirtwaist, tut the sleeve@ out
of Ulu waist, elide the chiffon neck
and wet and the ,gown is trans-
formed Into n ItIgh-neeked affair.
Then 169114 400.0.1 velvet for this:
ale° two:m(1111 crepe de chine, with
Raselatt cusbroldery,,
wite the Omit hare 1111 the neck
era int go back to the colonial.
.111 stylcs at o iteeteet 111 Erie 1:18(1-
i01114 Of 1 0 -ILL', and km, 01111(10) le -
)14( vete. fee fom
rtiles 1.0110 ISI1
(1) ('OnS1/11r 11,011. Tito .1o,./.11111n1.
and 4111 1110 1,011111.1, gowns aro in
vogue, n 1111 one can truly wear (1.1)exnet reproduction of the gowns
welch Napoleon wineetel Wi 1 11011 1
4(011,1111; 11S 1101101 1810 Were 111 fait- f
lila if the ;lethal picture 4I('('0.14.the (envy tete-etc Is desired, there le f-
ee objection to the teltirred skirt and 1
the poistM bodlre and none to the, 411
luigo ref(. The Robespierre coat f
Wit(1 lief meet curb; and the coat 14
with the long Mile and the light o
waist ere 1101h. 80011. Carrievi out In 1
(1 Lite eilk they are deliglit fully be-
coming (00 "1' the decollete bodieo,
tenet,. Be.'.toK ON
; eat (end
01,1',1{111.01 It)
.111,, 011 11111,
11 e
0:111,,rveN 111111
111. 1 t is hilly
41 ll1(41I Ir, (he nett.
.11.11Nin. .‘11111VMS,H110.••
New 'test ret ,lay t111.1 4110
Ind nothing II, 70,01.r. Flora Lee
Flinisey tie,. it, ser in a ((ors:, (night
nue lin. 11:1.1s 111.111 their nrrivtel
I, let ta r from ll,II.(II0 Heal girl
friend staling: flint ste wee (.0min(4
to yond the NItt. 04.1) ((((4,.
rhing U11(3 101`11,
(toiler telt !pekes to the bargain
tailiter (his (1 1111.11 proa urea onougb
daelf Iueo 414 nriko it nive, deop hand
1 441(11 the iivitit of lie,. gown, which
(44(11. (11(1 lined I
ti 1 11 ()ll
1(1(1 (.1,)1.0 of burnt orang....
hoil 11(11' put IA% 8tr11s down the
rout of the 4(44(01, retie to the helt.
tied elate. twist burnt 1') 11(41'
or the Lee.. liettteeli the (((44 front
tries she set little liner !Meting
f metered chile et petite at
unite and tett tit all hoe.
Aretniti the fiet«if ekirt,
mar tie, 'lo'', /,01. n 1,0(141 or
the, hien awl 1111141 it with
burnt 011111(41, (111(1 trete (het 1(0(4 she
1(1 fall e hince lave flakier, (chilli
11 418 0.11110 1111 Of ince skirt, The
betel (14044brouelit down 111puha in
the front tisimiate w
Ili • 'an ',tee
court ;solves of the 14111'u(( of tesee.
Ties (1.1114. furl H110 10111 1 (111 01., pod 11,
441111111111' (1(1 ttne 11 ,111I'41N.
A New bare Set.
.A new wrinkle is the Mee set. if
you love nay woman web you oan
purelasee for her such a set. Let
11 b..1 In eovoral parts. Mrs. Fred.
,Vainderbilt has a lace set_ ceideli be-
gins with a lace Collar all in points.
Mho collar meets in the front and
is legh In the neck,
31re lace set Is to be worn In-
doors or out of doors, for it looks
equally well upon a street suit and
tupOtt a bowie 411'048. The cuffs fire
emade of lace, and arc eery dm)
and pointed, They aro of a sort to
wear with the full 4110(100, and It
takes eight or nine points to reach
arouwl fees baggy erne
The remarkable par1 of the ince
aeL tito ekirt trinuning, cutt-
sIsts of eight long etre% of lake
meta in a stroll design to 1m laid
aeound the foot of tim skirt so that
terry Just 'touch. The utmost Mei-
Orbs is allowed In the put titer of these
upon ilea skirt, mei they can be
curved to make 11 Very 11100 pattere
if so desired. 'Phoee upou etre Van-
ce:1.1;M's skirts are placed so tent
teey dip in front and again 111 the
middle of tho back.
The fancy droas will bo quite a
feature of 1603. Thee 14 a dress
thee iR chosen by the hostems or by
her geode One Can tirebn as In Ilia
1/11 Parry (lays, the fifteenth cen-
tury. or 11,41 dressed at the
dawn of the lase. One can ehoose
the rather peculiar early Victorian
The Gown Without a (toiler.
Tho prayer of the hostess should
he that some kind hand will ittelew
her tette (1(14' 11,1 1111%41 l. 81081 of
the gowns are low, but (liege that
are not low are mit without the
collar. lleve 31011 noticed how fuaa,v
of these emcees without !lecke are
1 0111g 1110.110 and 110W the turnover
colter of lace and the turtmeer keels
of silk are supplying the place of the
high etock reel tee a egressively lm -
Many women and doctors do
not recognize the real symptoms
of derangement of the female
organs until too late.
"I, had terrible pains along my
spinal eord for two years and suffered
dreadfully. I was given different
medicines, wore plaster); none Of
these things helped me. Refuting of
the cures that Lydia E.Pinkhant's
Vegetable Compound has brought
about, I somehow felt that it was
what I needed and bought a bottle to
take. How glad I am that I did so;
two bottles brought me immense re-
lief, and after tieing time bottles more
I felt new life and blood surging
through my veins. It seemed ets
thouglethere had been a regular house
cleaning through any tsystem, that all
the sickness and poison had been taken
out and new life given ate instead. I
have advised dozens of my friends to nee
Lydia E. Pinkbant's Vegetable
Compound. Good health is indite
pensiable to complete heppiness, and
Lydia E. Pinklittnes Vegetable
Compound has secured this toles)."
-Mei. Leone L. BREMER, Crown
Point, Indiana, Secretary Ladies Relief
oras.- 0000 forfeit 1! 1019(30! of (boos letter
11.7penumeness cannot be produced.
Every sick woman who does not
understand her ailment dhould
write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn,
Mass. Her advice is free and
always helpful.
portant tall ?
It takes it flirted of alabaster
purity to ceear theme dresees trite -
out neeke. put 00011 ahtbaster enn
he Imitated, and the girt who can
oeiv (hew bones and cellars, dies
ark hollows nail uo ruryett at all,
can put on at gown without a neck,
1113' the fiat lave collar itroond her
shoulders, and rely on the lined dog
oollar to protect her from the sharp
eye of critical man.
Blessed is the woman with a Mee,
tong twee (0(11 1(1 round, shining throat.
Bite need wear nothing of valtto ; her
gown can 110 a two-year-old with-
out style or tone; yet, if she will
tuck a roto 111 her hair and another
INTERNATIONAL lee:esti\ NO. 1 1 1
JANUARY Its, 11(061.
('1(1(1 10. Tlicealuniet eel iter,,a. Arts 17:1.0.
Conuitentere-t. Pet:fleeing. Se Ties -
sidemen (vs. Dee 1. Tote -.Luke
Change!: from "(0c" 1(1 ''1111), ' Wh1.r11
tillOws 1111(1 III' iin111 hale been iert
takes southwest of ithilemi, on the
lever eitrjentra, 11 the toad of the
gut( of lieu mime, on the northern
cease of tim Aegean eee.-.1., & it.
Ammonia -Thirty eeles southwest of
-01141114101118; 1110 vinyl. Site is 11111
known. 11040. 11' oil icit -.0110;11, thirty -
',even mites west of Apittionia. Tem
was the principal city in 01001',1011in.
1. As Ins nusetter ease -To allVilys
11(1(411 will, 1.110 ,10100, Ida 1.1 turn
10 the 1411101 unlit 1111' Jews 141114011
the govol, that their mouths inigil
he stopped (roil clamoring against
1(1(11 beeitusteshe preached to the Gen-
tiee." Three debbatit days -This 11004
1101 111110,y that Pala kept the j0WMII
as a littered day, but thu
Jews would Itssemble ou that tiny In
greeter number. Tads does not indi-
cate the length of l'aulte key in the
city. Rearmed -Here we see hie
method of work.
11. Opening and elleging-"Proeing
by eitatious, lile inet11011 80011111 to
tweet been this; 1. lie collected the
Seripturet that spoke 0( 111(7 elemmialt
lie .apphei these to Jesus Christ,
ehowing that hi lieu all these Scrip-
tures were fulfiliftte and 11011 Ile wee
the Saviour of *emit they Were 18
4. (0n111 belleved-were persuaded
-Of Jewe., 10 small minority ; of the
Gentile% u multitude became Chris-
tians; so that at Theesaioniea there
was Draftee a, Gentlle elturcit.-Whe-
don. Consorted-•Caet 1n their lot
with. They clave to l'aul and elitte,
end attended them wherever they
went -Com. Com. Devout Greeks, -
That 10, Genteel( who were proselytes
to the Jewish religion, 80 far OH to
renounce ittoletry and live a tuoral
life. -(3 lite. Chief women-"Firet 1(1
crank and 000111 postilion ; also prose-
lytes to the Jewish religion."
II. Paul and elks iteconed (VS. 541).
G. Which believed not -These words
ern not 111 the fireek, and shoulff be
•noitted here. Etivy-",1ettiousy," 301(1.
hatred, spite at treeing perfume of
reek hicoanteg Christians, by which
the Jodie' influence was weakened.
Lewd fellows-Vegabonde who hung
faceted the markets, serving for pay
to mob% ea in the present. instance,
6. I/ingest(' Jason -The Jews were
bent 00 carrying their ease; and not
feeling Paul and Silas, they ectized
their host, with some other Hirt,-
tlans, and dragged them before the
megistrates of the city. World iip-
sklo doWn-"After having Made
140'111 10/1 and disturhate e, 00.1,008
charged it ail on the peaceable an I
ferment apostles,"
Beth reeelved-The ineinnatloa
Gait by harboring these seditious
J.!,..on 11 18 mire 1111118811 11 pir.
ker its their etelltion.-Spence. 1)0
ntrary, ete.-"Therc was 11.01 yet
law against Christianity, bet
e necusation was Meant to leciare
e Huistians eneinteR to the es-
bllelted governmen t, told oppose I
Caesar's; power, in general, to
"Ice deciteee." There 114 another king
HP' followere rail, indeed. Jesus is
Ring but not an earthly Icing,
t a rival of Caesar ; nut' did his or -
melees inteefere with the decrees
Crueler, for he metie it a law
11)1, kingdom to "render unto Cae-
r the things that are (11)1111111 '41.''
S. Troubled the people -They had
no 111 opinion 0( 11(0 apostles or their
doctrine end could not nee that
there was any danger to the kat,.
from them end were, there'ore, *li-
the to tieerlook them; bet when they
were represented eft permit:e of Cae-
Rale the rulers; were, obliged to mro-
press theln lost 1 try themseltes
should be eharand with treason.
R. Fecurey-Whetimr b.V depemit-
leg a sum or nviney In not (tette
clear. What they did Wan In ae-
cold/met, with the Remelt (league, and
gave stiffed( n)4 security for the good
elt of (''0'nt -ntl
C0ec;11. Fonedine of the church in
Berea (vs. 10 He. 10 gent many -
They did not m aft V0lliPnin0(1
Mit 1)10^.4.114" 't reeeted riper
in her bosom she will be lnautifully th
and (4( 11(111111(11 le• altired-fer of such ta
is the kingdom of beauty. to
IVIty, mum neon a time there was 1(1
a getve No, Mt the ictory be told -
Me way : a
This; ear, in a certain elty, there no
lived a woman with an old (Melt di
skirt and an eli taffeta shirt waist. of
Neither 11044 absolutely riddled with of
holes, hut both were badly cracked se
Why do we %kcal
Rubbers and
Dealers all over Dominion say they give better satis-
faction than any others. The people say they fit better,
look better, wear better. -Because they are honestly
made out of pure new rubber.
"Granby Rubbers wear like iron."
isilk ink
t1111 44(11 tHrtn., offorte e•ere 1111e -
(*1176 at thttt. time. Unto lierea-Viity
Or +-leer te Ifs gout !tweet or Thesma-
!mien, n teen teen still of emeriti-
pealet• popelellott .1., 1". & 11
1 I '('111 41 e. 019r1. 111,148,
o,,iiiir10011 111 1101.100011 11O. .18814 or
titp two plai.es for the real ph of
he gespel at. Th11im110111,m, Wail 1,111111-
1y llIIi0II44 1110 (1(1141111 14. They were
not se bigoted 1(1(11 prelliiiIeeti-- not
so pm.% 10,11 II 1111 111-11111.111Cd. They
1111.1 it freer thought, lay more open
to lel MI; WOre welling to hear
04(14011. and 1111mit the force of It,
n nil l(ubseriI, 1 to w lint ppen red lo
ho truth, Heedgh rary to thelr
former senuments.
le. 31 111)' or them believed - The
n11110111 VON 1 t 0° honest (41 (1(1.)' of
the Scripture... Honorable wo-
nten--The pre.m.1 wee proulairned to
all, end each Individual was left to
tip;•ititt for hineelf. These Greeks were
hentliene, oe proxelytem, to the Jetv-
telt ritligiott. The gimlet! made uo flee
1111e1105 Isetweet tintioue, therefore
tile Cle•istion chattel' at Benet watt
es 1 de up of 10.111 and (mittens.
, 5. As (coon as the .14(114 1(1 Thee.
%Mullet lea nut I thee l'aul 41(144
preaching (111' go.pel with seine 'em-
cees at Mara, they moue thither
also, and stlf•red up the peoplo. The
brittliren VII 1111111041M 101.1 11021 Nal
10 Athens by limit, but 'seas; end
Timothy remained it Berea.
ressachings -- 1 leek's ministers
(Mould b•• 111110;031 1111.1 Neely 10 suf-
fer for their Master. Opp081LIOn can-
not stop the spread of gospel truth.
The 0:04 effeeive Style of preaching
is that whet] is beset ea the word
of 11041. An 11110041 Keari'll of the
1111017 Milii11t44 in great
gool. Bee° Bleeders tire ofteu heeled
a tea lest (1(17 Wort e rs of tinted.
Tho incidents narrated in the les-
son Decturred daring the see,»111
sionary Iklur110y of Paid, the orirC-
inel purpose or which waa to re-
ibit tormna Lob, of labor, to wit-
te•sm he progress anti eoefirm the
faith of ileee who threugh his in-
etrumentality had embraced Chris-
tie 1111y. His pomp:thine on this
Jonriley Wag Saila; Darr, 118 Was
jollied by Thnotliy, (0130411' Oil-
vort, and also 1..y Luke. The jour-
ney attended with events of
thrilling interest, Perils end per-
sccutione awaited thein on every
hand, and '400.1(1(11410 with
glorifier+ vietoreef truth, and
Inirtemions dispinys of divine p017.-
er (Or their thliceratice. "Meet, as
everywhere, Paul 18 the model of
a true Cliristlicti preacher." be ;deco 1 0:1 their te Hence. 11111
Truth retablishml. Here, ((14 00013'- eel 11,111,401(111(11 ;e0e,
where, two great funtiantenod that this le not the ease. A greet
truths from the burden of evoke- Ma 1.10' 1 11011,In cl 1141:n111 pri
1411 preaching; the tleitth and the
resurt.c....thai 01 Jesus ((141181. On
lhoge two hangs the 0 hely gospel
diepensation. Both are equallj
80(1111(1, the former (toweling, Lite
latter attesting and making
dont the redemptitsu tines wee -bl-
ed. ''IliI flied for our sins, end rose
again for our justifictatittn."
truths form at once the haste of
IlOpo anti the ground or opposition.
Joseph Boone, Seven Years a
Hopeless Invalid, Cured by
Dodd's Kidney Pills
Discharged Prom Hospital sae Incur.
able, (elven up by Doctors-ne 11
Now Back at His Work Again.
Cott elte Cote, Nfld., Dec. 29. -(Spec -
Mb -Among the lobster flehernme
here 1110 wonderful eure of Joseph
Boone, one of heir number, has ere-
aetel a ament. ion. T1 ey leek on 11 1(8
Oppr011ehing the miraculous.
For eight ;sears Joseph 000110 was
a 11111)•lee8 Invalid, For Nevelt years be
Wan unable to work. lie was die -
...barged (ram the hospdal after seven
months' treatment as Incurable. Sev-
eral feelers tiled in vain (0 ides'
hen relief foe those terrible pains'
and aches arising 1(.0111 kidney mine
The cUrfi Of ;I friend by Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills tempted hem to try them
Ho used threo dozen boxes, and to-
day 110 18 working at lobster
feel tieing as big a day's *0(111 1144 an,
of his metes.
This In brier Is the atory of ;loser.
Ileum.. IIe has to tell It often et
people 41110 never expected to sti••
him do a tett es work again, and 11..
ate flys wide:
'I am kill using leaddte Kitin,••
Pills, and 1 find a great benefit 11
every box 1 IIHO 1 can scarcely is•
Hove It 18 niyHolf at all af
ter Smell y0a114 oI meet mufferin
from eolindleated complaint of th
Back and kidneys.
4.11f...11, 41,41 -At +..tlf....1G.110, atti
Ivy vr-or-sr.sr...: 711,- -or -or Ir,k
11 mar se0 111 al 1111' firkt
that the 1 1,141 call,' simple
011 1111 thumb cannot p11,,,ibl3
such a oritei ion. .1 loong 14 numb*,
of melt 1110 101(11' 11111 1 kings will stele;
be mix:teal, so that 110 reiiillre e .11
made 111 perinaliont Ink on collV0111.0111
cards for reference (1(1(4: (.0 •
301111101, and 110 two alike have eel
leen discovered. 11,1 a ealeulation
10111111 depends on the metheinatited
Ines of iwobalillity, and has b:o'
purpo.;ply " watetaxi flown,' so far Ile
to be certain 00 the safe elite, Mr.
un, I torn lins sh0W11 that there ar.
at least. 61 thous:Del mines') 0:t1-
ifles:I In the et•rattgement of these
Truth rejected and (element Prom lineR, any 01111 of It 111011 it, as 1i111.13
the one to the other Is but ft short to 0:cti1' 1101 any i,11101.1 ill 011111)'
words, If we assume the »umber '1'
OP 'email rave to be 16 liundroi
Millions, Ahe thaw° of any two right
timeliest presenting the same markm
15 one In forty. If we take imprets-
pions; of all ten digits, the eharie,.
that two 111011 Will is, found with
wine sets of marku le but one le
the tenth poem. or forty, which le
104 near 118 certainty that no two
such 111311 will be ftiami as human
intelligenee eau de et 0. Most juice
will convh•t 0
NUT and is quickly and e0:01:13'0:01:13'tak-
en. Moral trath le the itivi111001411,10 tint
emphatic and arbitrary Eno which
,411','1111944 the rime. Moral relation -
'chips are 1401)1! ('0131 defined, and ('((11neither be neutral nor double. They
are aim steltecletertuliwil. Jesne
said,. "lie that is 1101 fur me is
Itgainet nue and he that gethereth
not with me sentlereth abroad."
Truth welcomed and received. We
may infer that the (1111140(0(40(1111140(0(40(1111140(0(40
ere(' by Paul and hie companione it 11,,,i1 that. 1 will !Phi; mign1 evitlente.
111,11 that
Berea 001114 the 410110 /11.1 that (110(4(1"
e tiein:tile etiely of finger
to the Thesealonlans. The attitude thprints; 'Ist sta mod Nitlinilile alai tO the
anstow. 1 toward it, hoWel or, is butees himself
etriklue contrivet. Open-minded- with thr, ructilo,L, or kivntitying
ewe lithely in order that habitual.
criminals may bc defeated with ease.'
and tertainty. Me Galion main-
tains that feet system to which he
ham done No 111111.11 10 call attention •
is imp 'riot' in (94 114' Of (1111111(101)011 and
staleness; of 1' '.101:14 to the well known
11011 111,7') syntein, wideh is now in
operation In most. elegized countriee,
spite of the I1egerV001 diecredit
which its insentor drew upon him-
self wheu in the Dreyfus ease be
entities I 18,3 on .1 1118 own speck( I
grou(s), tr a record is made of
a erhidnal's finger-print/8 When he
al (test sent to prison, he can itl-
waym b' identified on bIM neet
appearatme. Even if be submits
to the painful eroceee deetroying
his skin with fire or (wide, the same
marke emerge once more
WilfIn the new slcin grows. IL Is 011.8y
to classify and index ony number of
such recorde, and it ist nest 111(114(115
Ing thnt the r•rintineerristi; of mest
(devilries( are ro,trardIng the finger -
;stint method with increasing raver.
111(100 1894 it Kari been in regular
use by our own authoritlen, eon -
junction with photography and the
Itertilion measurements. Of course
it Is only ramie- that finger prints
ete actually he nsol in the detection
or erinle, and the case alreade men-
tioned la the first that one reefing
In real life, therigh a novelist 1 rT
rhainhor's Journal 111111 Ma rk Twain
" Litv on 1111. 'Med, tempi" have
shown how murel,•rers might be (ma -
)hie/ he tho viden.‘i. or their 1,1(1131-
41111 1111',1 1111!ti..1' nrirh, on 11 lit! ninalory,
It, hole t',lot and w0sl, in ancient
nod mod, 1.14 OM'S, 111.10011, finger -
;eine, het. ,, put le pea...Gerd 048.
111,110, 1111,1 (Tina flirni811 Many in-
stance+, in wheel signature of a
deed mei rorli 111e
11 ef a ringer nin,arod with
1111; though it Is doubtful how
ete this was 1101.1 in the present
.1s1., 11 11.0i eVell been rliggC81811
11(111 1410 1 1 1110 nopecrently meaning,
fernot of our LLW neev be traced
to a survival 01 1.401110 forgotten fte-
t tion of Mr. fle I tent N ecoveri es.
let leg as finger on a wafer as yoe
11 '1119rk that you dense r a bent 08
114111' net 111101 1100(1 poRslittly alludes
to an ancient practice of leaving s
fInger-eritit on the feeurnent, just at
In home savage tribes a meetie valet
IN RU1'0111'1.4 to the 1114,11"01181011 of
vilest's] frery hand on 11 sacred 81004
or Wetnpon.-Loinlon Spectator.
netts Is the first great 01450(11 1111 to
it clear grump mei acting knee ledge
of the 1r11111. This the Bereans pos-
sessed, They nreeeiVed the wont
teeth ail rfeeliness of ineel."
Wet of us (1(11111of Polska ars to land,
of tinOW and bp, and are Unaware of
the fact that excellent oi•ops are set -
literati there in the Rummer season.
in July last a field trial of hind-
ers, 41i0NV0I.8 101111 levapers WaS heid at
twinge', ltessi•t, the emeinet of
Meet, 'a'n m remarkable for 1111 lhor-
ouglinees. The detaIle of the inspee-
mill and jefiging were 80 minute that
010 101110011 1 few extraets from the
official ('04)0 rt for the benefit of our
farming readere.
The Items invitel to compete were
ileetteeellerme, Deering, ()shortie,
Piano, Aill:aiwo Platt, Walter A.
Wood, McCormick, Milwaukee and
Plano, Adrionee Platt and McCor-
mick did not answer the invite late
the lletwasikee emeined to take part
hemetee they deemed one menthe;
notice Mime wick ; Waiter A. Wood
sent machinee, but did not partici-
The )(try tosameisted the President
of the Agrieultural elociety, who le
1080 member of the Provittelal
Council ; a delegate from the Min-
istry uf Agriculture, two membere
of the Provincial Council, three (ef-
fete owners, seven district agricul-
tural inspectors, and two agricul-
We refrain front giving the names,
because they are Russian and very
hard to spell.
The ground waft lumpy, and a hill
shie tete Was ellOtlell. T401 Crop was
very long rye, heavily mixed with
weeds% and partly laid.
Te 11,• binder trial, the ntelthies,
worked for about 4% hours. The
wor4,if4 of 'mot machine WaS Watch -
01, ,,y tour judges.
"The hinettey-J1.(rrlit Rieder did
well in cutting the laid grata, hut
the -- Reler, which 11:01 lege laid
greet Gs eope with, Neel to take it
tWfrIO Panning over Cm rye."
The remit of the binder end other
teeth *110 tll,'ut Nfassey.lIarriti CO.
were elven lee highest award In