HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-15, Page 6■ ++++++++++++++++++++++++,: ABOUT KINGS $ AND THEIR FADS. f. ,1.,; Louie hummer waiv•. 414, h'uquutly have 0:Oamaa1 to . hhlthge their p,acc of abate, even though 11 may wily bo to one of the other loyal p,.J.a:e.s aoe,uly (urultahad with every eMourt at mOiall'ol1 oath de - ▪ Nevertheless there are a hun- dred aau one articles required for daily use watch the King lakes with him wherever he gory, and e011s0- fluently moving le :views a Deletion Of commentate importance ill the eyes of tae offlekv11 at Whldsor. 1t is ant generally known that an Inventory comma -ma of sixty vol- umes contains a lull deeeriptlon of every artm..1. at Wirehair, 11'0111 the Wad goat ul,haor service, valued at £/300,000, down to tIto Nina ilea rid, via. It Was 10J411s] at Queen lotorla's be11err rows years logo, oed is always eal;od 11110 requisition on these ow/cabin14. In the turtle workshop the pack - 111g chose Ihav0 bleu made by a 014811 of carpenters, amt under the wiper - vision 01 an luspoltor, who is di- rectly resp011atb,e to the muster of the house„old hot' tW•ir safety, the artix.los are pacaed by the royal servants and not by outside work- men. In the inventory every article lies a mummer, 110 each case as it Is packed le sealed and ticketed with the umbers bers o1 the items IL con- tains before being placed) In the vans. 111 thl0 way it is imJ40S8lble for anyone to (teteet which cases twataJn valm8Wee, Kin; Moony t.4 very methodical, a11.1 not Int vett uently super, n Lewis the packing 111 person. Whenever he awe into reeldenve elsewlfere he lleesta on taking several small eboria 0. drawers, tables, desks, etc., OOataln,ng 11!s private papers, 18 - sides toy orite inkstands, pal trays Mel other milt hacks wlt.ch he Iles to'eoe about Ham. In addition several thousand poen la' worth 0, plate and china have to be taken for dinner parolee, all of which must be most uara.udy ptcko 1, e p-clalfy 480 among the ct'wknry pitiLye valued at £,;0 apleoe are numbered, and It says much for the ability of the royal patter,/ that a breakage la very sel- dom recorde 1. F.acb cause 1s checked three timer (luring the journey—un befog pla'-e.1 in the van, when trans- ferred to the 1 11, uud 011 arrival at Its destination. A servant *vii acts as a detective Is sent by the train fie an ordinary passenger. The King admit8 a fail for collect- ing walklug sticks, and his collection numbers over a thousand specimens, at lettat a 'mere of which lie will DYSPEPSIA r ►{ 'r A public-spirited 1xx1"halhlil, anxious to rcncve dakheis,will be glad to need dyspepsia euaerers an Illustrated nook explaining the, valise of dye), WWI 141111 4011[111u out n run•. It has bruugnt Guy and health to thuusunds. It Is absolutely Inv. 1y rate ,u-1111). Lo nut page by thin generous Quer. Adllrres Auterl- 4ttu Ueaitl lu.prnvennent Association, 1'. U. Sur 1810, Buen,1. . Watt to take with hun. It Is not of- ten that ne uses the same stick on two 00liseeti(ve days, and be makes a point of persunaiy selecting the stoke he mimeo to be packed. Yet iw great amount of preparation An necessary for the royal hitting; in- deed; the -packing is rarely uegu ll till two days beforehand. Some sovereigue are very particu- lar as to their moving and cannot bear strange surroundings. The kat - ear is one of these, and when lie gone Into residence elsewhere every article In his study at Pots- dam—even to the ptutures and knickknacks with which Iris eye Is famhlar—ghee with him, and is No eXpeditlololy packed and unpacked that his roow Is never long In a agate of chaos. Other monareas have �roftnr whims, us, for (uOtnnee, the King of the Belgians, who cannot agoep in a strange bat, anti the Em- peror of Austria, who 10818114 on din - tag at the same table wherever he may be, but as he strongly objects to using a tablecloth. this is, per- haps, execrable. rite moat dltncult monarch to "move” le undoubtedly the Czar, and the transfer of his fittings from the winter palace to Taverna Is al- ways a matter of enormous prepare - t1011, and 111 onuseequenee, 1s 4101 of- ten undertaken. Mi the furniture in every room, with very few excep- tiun', Is moved bodily, even down to the carpets and tile greater part of kis library, consisting of 80,000 vol- umes., maker the journey also. The oemfort of the royal diadem), too, la Tory oare(ally etudiet, the toys and entire contents of the nursery being inroad en masme to the new re- sidence, if only for .t stay covering a few weeks.—Tit-IIitS, What 84441( 4 Mott right ? What makes men fight? This is 11 question asked by the Russian Gee- eral Skobeleff In lir. Frederic Vil- liers' new volume, "Pictures of Many Wars," It owe; from the replies that the motive Volios with the nationality. S,puakiug of the Turks, the general remarked: "I woad^l• why those men fight like fiends?" "It's probably their fanaticism," I replied "Then," I pointed out, "gar men are just as fanatical. They fight for their particular ',ori, the Great White Cstr, and Boy Ruaola." "Yes, that's so," laughed Skobeleff. Then turning to his french guest, 'And yon, monsieur—what do you fight for?" Gesticulating, as Nome Frenchmen well, he sprang up, posed heroically, anti said, "All, Pule la plolro." "Drava. Alin now, you EnglIeh?" "Welk prphnliy the greatest aepir- ation of all." "Vat's t1'it ? smiled the Frenchman. "Why, British ITlterente, of course" IaaI. Both he and Sko'rc'eff laughed heartily nt t1riv.—t, Nadia A. May- Stldltn Lealle'o,Ne(kly. Lcss of flash When you can't eat break- fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't eat bread and butter, take Scott's Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat. Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. hr invalids, for con- valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and core, fortable food, and a natural tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will send you a free sample. He lure that this picture In the form of a label Is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS, Toronto, Ontario. 5011 and $I, all dnigglah. The Hocialt$N4 Tendency. Del runt Free Press. The people are coning to believe that organitts1 capital realm to have little eerier of responsibility and in seeking to avoid 11118 ('harbydis of Irrceponnible capital they are Mell- ing toward the Scylla of socisilem. Tito tendency be not to be mistaken, and in awakening to the serlouR- nese of the situation 10411 cannot af- ford to blind themselves .10 the true causes. Piles^o pedes ro you thee 1)n ' es ,'base's Ointment ie a certain and absolute cure for each and every torn[ of Itching, bleodingand protruding piles, the manutacturera have guaranteed it. Seo ton- timenials In the dally press 011 ask your neigh - bore whatthoy think es it, You con use It and get your money hook if not enrol. enn n box, at all dealers or EDNAneon,I1ATrg & Co.,Torouto, Dra Chase's Ointment Beginning Early. (1h•ng0 New,. Ethel, aged 10—Mamma, where is your compiexion powder? Mamma—What do you want with it, dear ? Ethel—I'm going on a hunting trip. Mamma—Bat it le not the pow- der that bunters use. Ethel—But It's the kind that wo- men use when they hunt husbands, isn't It ? They Were Agreed, but — Phlledelrhla Pe0e11, "Pretty tiresome, Isn't It ?" re- marked the first man at a reception. "It is no," replied the other. "I'd sneak out if I could, but my wile would get mud. She's a friend of the hoctese," "I'd sneak out, too, but my wile would be furiou0. She's the hostess." psollaslomosimissimesumsemor 40th Anniversary Far owe Forty were fray's Syrup of Red Spruce fium A8 A SPECIFIC FOR COUGHS, COLDS, Etc. Has been tested and hes become the Family cough Specific of thou.ands throughout Canada and the United Staten. It never was mo e popular our more largely used than it is today, MERIT ALWAYS TELLS. Cough Remedies come and go New preparations are lied and abandon- ed, but the old reliable remains. The renal le a trying season for both old mud young, ono ro'da easily caught now are art to remain for the winter u,dem promptly cured. No better remedy au be found than Gray's Syrup SOLO IIT All DRUGGISTS. ISM SI ORM 11111 111111111.111Sal Maltsg All the Aooeaorles. New York World, "I was doming along New Jersey avenue the gther day," said San - tor Dubois and I saw two little boys playing horse, as I thought. One boy was la a small cart and the other boy wag drawing him. Trailing along behind the cart came a most disconsolate looking little girl, n. sister of one of the little boys. I ,topper( the boys, whom I knew, and saidd to one of them : "Tommy, what aro you playing 7" "'We're pito Mg automobile; re- plievi Tommy. "'Well,' I equal. 'why don't' you let sister ploy, too 7' " .She Is playing; said Tommy, 'She's the gaoollue smell. ' A BOON To BOa1EMEN—One bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely removed acerb from my burse. 1 take pleasure In recommending the remedy, as It abet; with myxterkiux promptnr8a fn the removalfrom horses of pard, soft or eaIionxed lampps, blood spavin, opltutx, curbs, Sweeny, etlfea and sprains. GEORGE 11'(1111, Former, Markham, Out. Nola by all druggists. Glaring Misnomer. "At least, Miss Tioklowcll," said the young man, pale but firm, and etanef- ing before her with folded firma, "I nm entitled to en explanation," "1 nt ver supposed, lir. Doswell," she replied, facing lam with equal firmness, "you would tisk me to marry you." "That in ❑ot 1111 explanation. Leav- ing out of the question the fact that you have accepted toy attentions lot a period of it year or more, which 1 might plead as ample Justification for fay presumption, if you No con- sider it, In proposing marriage to yowl I can wholly at IL Wag to under- stand the meg:mance, amounting to horror, with wi1C11 you lu•vo turned me down. Ant I ho dlsagretlble, per - sunnily, that--" "Not it is not Hutt," she inter- rupted„ covering her fare with her hands. "1 admire you toe It gentleman and esteem you highly ns it friend, but can you not sec—O, can you not neo?—why any nearer lie ler inves- table ?" "No! For the life of mo I can't!" "Mr. -Boswell," she sold, with re- stored calmness, "1 !11(11 hopal there would be no nrtteswlty for Ude ex- plauatlon, but I On 11 never, never marry a man with blank hair and 0b grotestluely inappropriate a name as Butes!"—Chicago Tribure. HOW'S THIS ? We otter One Hundred Dollars' Reword for 0ey emu. of Catarrh that ennuot be cured by Halle Catarrh Cure. F. J. (311 ENI:Y & Co., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, hnvo known F. J Cheney for the last 111 yearn rind behove him perfectly honorable la all business trans- unione and (Inn nclumr able to carry out say ohllgatlons mode by their firm. WENT a The Ax, Wholesale Druggists, To- ludo, 0, WAI.nigo, &Oilcan & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Enll'e Catarrh Cure to taken tnternally,act. lug directly upon the blood and mucous sur- face of the eyetem, 'Testimonials sent tree. Prise -75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Palle ore the beet. In Days of Old. In days of old, the long ago, Wine Mashing belle and dashing beau Drew round the cheerful Inglealde To play rho games of Christmastide. Those merry games, wldch-c0mnle 11 taut— Wo of to -day vote rather slow; Grandfather never golfed, I trove, And ',Bridge" was not the social guide In daya of old. A quotut obi ago of calico, Of ruffle, frill and furbelow, An age of honcwt, simple pride (When gran ;mamma was made a brl:fo); TL4cy domed, they kissed, and did not know Mat microbes lurked In mistletoe. —John N. Hilliard, In Lite. M'FS1R4. C. C. 1lIC'IIARDS & CO. dente,—I have used your MIN altD'S LINIMENT In my family and aleo In my stables for years, and consider it the hest med!Clne obtainable. Yours truly, ALFRED ROC,AAY, Proprietor Roston fond Hotel and Livery Stables. Roston Pond, July 4, ,190 1. The puling Passion. The ruling passion la strong In doath, It le averred, and many stor- ies are told to illustrate the fact. Not long ago a young New Yorker of good family and education, but prone to dissipation, Was taken In hand by his friends, who thought to euro 'him of his fondness for liquor by heroic means. They procured a coffin and Cho next time he come home under the Influence they dregs - (.1 11110 like a cot'pso, put ltim In the coffin, darkened the room, but plac- ed a few lighted candler; 100(10(1 the coffin and left oho friend to witch film, He nwoke shortly, and appeared groatly puzz40d by the eurrouthdinge, when, catching sight of somobody In the room, he remarked; "Say, whore am I?" "You'ro dead," answered hie friend. "Dead I um I that's awkward. Say, how logg have I boon dead?" "Titre& days." "Um I and you aro dead, too?" "Yes, I am dead, too." "Um, that'a funny I Say, how long intro you been dead ?" "Three w^eks" "Um, good gond I I' you hn?obeen dont throe w^eke and I have on!. been dead three days you must know Dur', chow' 8140 011,e than I do. Where din w" go rte !'r `'a drink?" How to Get RIoh, Take a quantity of silica costing one-fourth the price of oil ; mix it with oil, and sell the compound to the public at the price 01 pure oil ; offer "prime" with the compound to make It sell. It 1s such a compound the public get when they buy common soaps. In Sunlight Soap—Octagon Bar—the public buy a pure and well -made soap. Sun- light Soap reduces expense by prolonging the lite of the articles washed with It, which le much more profitable to the nubile, than com- mon soaps with "prizes." 2414 The Prayerful Ashman. Ch1cngo Record. "A neighbor of mine out at Rye hag a most observant youngster,' said Francis Wilson at the Players' Club, New Yolk, the other night. "Not long ago he said to 1110 mo- ther: "'Mother, I think the man who takes away ally 14141(1119 1n the best tan I kIioay. I think lie is even bet- ter than father.' "Ills another expressed aurprlse, and asked why lie thought the neh- men better than hie father. "'Well,' said the boy, 'he came with a poor old mule the other day, and after Ile had filled his wagon he told the mule to get up. But the mule was tired and would not go, The Haan whipped the mule hard, but even then it would not go. Then that good man mat down on the grass and told the poor mule all about Jesus and the had places" If you are coughing, take De. Au- gust Koenig's Jlnmburg :Breast Tea. How Scandals Arise. Buffalo Commercial, A religious paper published in Eng- land mikes au expunatlun that slows toe misleading character of half-truths and garbled quotations, A rumor is abroad in London that our minister at Cauonbury in ab010 to remove to another sphere. There is no foundation whatever for the ru- mor. On the occasion of Mr. Craig's return from his bollhayo, and in viow of lila winter's campaign, lid preached from the text, of will go in the atrougth of the Lord God." An old lady who wee pr(went went home and raid, "Mr. Craig Is going." Bence the, rumor. % , , lltnard's Liniment Cures Di8tem- per, The Rights of the Court. Buffalo News, In an Iowa court recentiy a law- yer arguing his ease became very earnest. Then lie paused a moment, and Rath, "1 00° Your Honor shakos your head ag to that statement, but I desire to reaffirm what I have re- marked." The court retorted: "I have not intimated how j shall construe y'ollr evidence or wn,nt my decision shall be. Your remarks are uncalled for." " You shook your head," retorted the court. " There arias a fly on my oar, and I reserve the right to remote it in any man- ner I see fit. Proceed with your argument." Mknard'e Liniment Cures Gorget 1n Cows. Diseases of the Writing Trade. Froin M. A. P. Many occupations have diseases which are more or lens incidental to them, and literature 1s not exempt. The two most prcvuleat literary maladies are writer's cranhp and swelled head. The unfortunate thing about writer's cramp 18 that it is never cured. The unfortunate thing about swelled head is that it never kills. litnard'a Llutmeut Corea Colds, etc, A Classical Diplomatist. Baltimore Sun. "I thought your wlfo's ❑x01(4 was Elizabeth. "So it 1s." • " Then why do you call Iter Peggy ?w "Short for Peg00." "What hoe that to do with It ?" "Why, y, Pegasa is feminine for Pe- gasus.". "Well 7" "Well, Pegasus Is an immortal steed." "What of that Y" "Sh 1 'Not so loud. She's In the next room. Yott see, an immortal steed 1s an everlasting nag, and there you are." Lifebuoy Soap—disinfectant—is strongly recommended by the medical profession ea eoafeguard against infectious diseases, „ (beat Presence of Mind. Tit.Bite. The presence of mild of nn Impe- cunious lover was Illustrated re- eently at a bazaar where there was a stall Lor the sale 01 watch eitartna. "Oh, George," she said, ''bray Inc a (311411(1," "Sarah," answered he, "you have too many already." Minard's Liniment Cores Diph- theria. And the Cardinal Wondered. When Cardinal Manning watt roc - tor of Lavington, he went to visit a parishioner, whew, ten children had married and left her. Evet'y- body's Magazine tells of the car- dinal's effort to sympathize with her, "Dame, you must feel It lonely now, after having had so large a family," "Yes, sir," she said. 'I de feel It tonesom". I've brought np a large family, and (here I am, living '.lone. An' I missies 'em and I wants em: bat f -mases 'em mare th I wants 'em," ISSUE NO. iia 1903. Dire. Winglow'a booming Syrup should stweye be need for Children ''net Ing. 10 soothes the child, softens Magnin.ouree wind code and N the beat remedy l'or Diarrhoea TEN COURSES BY MAIL r.rand l.eq thoroughlypr,re. 1 mos ornngbiy taught. Expert, Instruction. ludo rhinal at tendon. Saud for linndsome rata- logue for partteullini, Correspp)ndenoe Depart- ment CENTRAL 8USINE88 COLLE11E, Toronto Can. WANTED, AGENTS Inuud vll ie`'''rrynggt°uw111n Cannan to sell mile to nnr,isure LADIFa' Sults, Jackets and Skirts: good r°anhl Inions. L'ruwn'I'nllurlug Cu., Couuda's Largest Tall. urs, Toronto, WANTED, AGENTS ;tttderVIe tt: Canada to sell MEN'S ordered clothing; good commixslone; union label. Crowe Tailoring Co. , Canada's Largest 'Pallors, 'Toronto. WANTED—FAIN HAND, 01 41 14 111 1141 luau (without Ineunhbntuce preferred) must be experienced le general farming and Dare of stook, 1111111W null recommended; also n nmIgRle nuns. Address font Omce drawer 27, Hamilton, Ont. HELP WANTED Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy your evenlage at home by snaking from $5 to$10 per week. Address, with two rent atom), BOX 240, LONDON, ONT. Butter Wanted It any choice 1 -pound roll butter to offer lease advise by letter. Choice large rolls are 10 good demand. wanted, a quantity of young chicken*, dry picked. W III pay 110 cue. per lh, for beeswax delivered In Toronto. Consignments and correspondence solicited. JOHN J, FEB. 02 Front St. Emit, Toronto SIVIOKIC BARRISTER 10 cent. Cigar Guaranteed Clear Havana Puled 1'1 the usrhaneseof your camera by getting a set 01 our Improved Multiplying Slides Stakes etc different pictures on 418 Increase plate. Can he marl In any focussing camera. Sample photo Hud price hat mailed upon request. S. VISE 61J TORONTO esti tri-�►•1-..��,►�H�.�. Ilorse llealth is one of the most important things for every farmer to consider. Dick's Blood Purifier will build up a run down horse. It tones up the system, rids stomach of bots, worms and other parasites which under- mine an animal's health, 50 cts. a package. LEEMING MILES 4 CO. AGENTS. - - - MONTREAL. 20 MILLION BOTTLES SOLD EVERY YEAR. .1 Happiness Is the absence of pain, and mil- lions have been trate happy through being cured 1y Sr Jn;nr Cll. C RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. TOOTI !ACHE, HEAD- ACHE, LAMENFF$, SCALDS, nIJRNS, SPRAINS, 4RUISES and all rains for which an external rem^11.1 can he applied. It never MN to cur. Thousands who have been de- clared incurable at Laths and In hospitals have thrown sway their crutches, being cured after using Er. Jacor:; OIL. Directions In eleven languages accompany every bola,. TRADE MARK. CONQUERS PAIN Enibrcement in Any Event. Washington Post, There aro a great many people who don't know exactly what the Stamm, Doctrine to, tuft Wits ore red hot for Ito enforcem^n:.