HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-15, Page 4JAMEES IllcinUACHIE BANKER. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. BLYTH, ONT .RIO. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Sete Notes a specialty. Advances made to farmers on their own notes. No additional security re- quired. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS M Current Rites, We offer every accommodation con- sistent with safe and conservative banking principles. UNLiIITID PRIVATE FUNDS To loan on Real Estate at lowest rates of interest. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Persona wishing to sell will do well to place their property on our list for ogle. Rents collected. ONVETANCING Of all kinds promptly attended to. INSURANCE, We represent tate leading Fire and Life Assurance companies, and re- spectfully solicit your aecoant. OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. 102 P.M. Daiwa. Garda. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, ETC., Splinter issan Beek n. 40 Odes, Yg'oWl dam. J, 4. JACKSON, B.A., BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 'sok sr Haammiian Notary t Mon, Pretoria. block. oleitor ver Povelee alae, Blyth. Mossy to lend, J1, MOMS, LDa., DENTIST. oleoe to the Pretoria blest, Blytb. Special sU uttIWt paid 40 /ha prsearn4ion fouthedeloa4•snt e Math, Ait piles. es low Y b o wisepad work. Gold work a.peotalty, J. a LINDSAY, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. e.Ns.or 40 Dr. Talk Graduate of the Unt unity of Toronto, Member of College of Pby- dNsne end Sturgeons of Ontario. Formed of London, Zealand and gdlnburgh,Bootland, hue piMla Mika and maidens*, gat lately own. pled by Dr. Tait, Blyth. W. J. MILNZ, M,D.0,11. PHYSICIAN AND sunaNON, M,D.C.M.. University of Trinity College,• M.P., Q�eowof oftytCollege. of CollegemmberTrinity and impose of Ontario. Coroner for the County of flan, OSloe, one door north et Ibe Command hotel, Qosea street, Blyth. T./. EUCKSTIP, BARBER AND TOBACCONIST. Choke stook of Tofawaes, Cigars and Pipes on hand. Agent for the Parisian Stam Lauudry, Qt1At1' Anes Blyth. C. HAMILTON, AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. Lend, Loan end Iostuanee ADM. Office, on Dae odes wSink. ill rewire t prompt ettotlou. rden left at Tn. bran. A. IL BALDWIN, STEAMSHIP AGENT. The Zldsr•Dentpeter Ilusarepr.eeetd. Oesan tickets Mad to any part of Europe. Low win- ter rake" now. le torn. Hamer of steamer' and doges of Dai Iur 1oda,4abodoo'polloation to Tru Irastom Pool. K L. TAUSZ, MANUFACTURING OPTICISN AND K6 BPSOLAILST. All kinds of Bpeotee'se and Enslaves made to order. Bpeoial attention given to fitting the eye. Orden by mil promptly etteodad 40, Bevan of parts" using nay name as I employ se tnnllin agents whatever. Batlofaetloh guaranteed. g_ 1878. 934 lltohmond street W., Toronto. ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE It. Thomas, Ont. (TWENTY-SECOND YEAR) The farthest south, and one of the largest and hest equipped in Canada. Preparatory studies. Graduating Courses—M,L.A„ M.E. L., Plano, Organ, Singing, Violin, Fine Art, Elocution and Physical Culture, Domestic Science, Commercial. Healthiest location. Moderate char- ges. Write for catalogue to REV. PRIN. WARNER, M.A., B.D, Money'Making Eduoatlon ! Yoaog men and women, what are yon worth 7 That depends upon whet you are worth to Where A baldness or shorthand education will eiways enable you to get a so.d poetlon but the Mt oaken must be strictly tlrst olen. Oise w en eprortanitr 40 tell you what WA are dung 1st Otters Write today f,r our catalogue. Stee'm admitted al any time. W. ELLIOTT PRINCIPAL A. 0. U. W. W f en meets latheWorkmen hall Minos oa the god end 4th Monday iu every el .4 ti m. Visiting brethren ere y fevN• 1. It Coast. W.Y. T. J. Hurl. neeap,'a• W she !Olt Pitnbarb. A. E. BRADWIN, Domain, Den BLYTH STANDARD, published every Thursday morning, is a live foal DOWN paper, and has a large circulation in Blyth and surrounding country, making it a valuable advertising medium. Sub- scription price to any part of Canada or the United States only One Dollar per annum in advance ; 11.60 will be charged U not so paid. Advertising rates on application. Job Printing neatly and cheaply executed. Correspondence of a 'away nature respectfully solicited. THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1908, Fifty Years Married. From last week's 'Seaforth Expositor we take the following reference to the golden wedding of Rev. and Mrs. lreorge Buggin, former well-known and popular citizens of our village: "At the residence of Mr. James Beattie, the 60th anniversary of the marriage o Rev. George Buggin was celebrated on January let. The happy couple were united in wedlock in Birmingham, Eng land, They carne to Toronto three years later, and about three years after wards Mr. Buggin entered the Metho dist ministry of the New Connection Methodist church. After the union o that church with the Weeleyn Metho dist church, Mr. Buggin was stationed for three years in Seaforth. While in chalice of the wcrk here, the loosen Methodist church was built. While living in Seaforth, Mr, and Mrs. Bug - gin celebrated their silver wedding At the semi -centennial gathering there were present their three daughters, 11 Ire. C W Rutledge, of Markdale ; Mrs. F. Noble, of Badjeroo, and Mre. James Beattie, and their families, Their suns, who are living in the tar west, were unable to be present. Mr. Buggin is still engaged 111 the active ministry, and as both he and hie estimable part- ner are in the fortunate posession of the best of health, they look forward 60 BOMB years of service yet. We meu deratand it is Mr, Bu gtu's intention, when he retires to enjoy the rest to which his long service entitles him, to take up his residence in Seaforth. In commemoration of the occasion, the membere of the family presented fur coats to their father and mother. Hosts of friends, not only in Seaforth, but throughout the province end in the many sections where Mr. Buggin's work has taken him, will wish Mr. and Mrs. Buggin many years of health, strength and happiness." Along with the many Mende of this highly esteemed old couple, THE STAN- DAND joins in extending coiigratula- tiolta and hearty best wishes for their future good health end prosperity. • A Dead Beggar's Wealth. Application to the surrogate court for permanent administration was made by the National Trust Co., of Toronto, on Monday in the estate of Ely Hyman, the Jewish beggar, otherwise known as Henry Davis, or Henry Zalyneki, wbo died on December 17th. Temporary administration was granted for two month. .on December 19th last, upon the security being given of 110,000, that the succession duty would be paid, Sophia Hyman, of Peel township, widow of the deceased, renounces her right of administration in favor of the company. In an affidavit she says she was married to Ely Hyman, otherwise known as Eli and Elijah Hyman on August 80th, 1870, by Rev, Dr. Jen- nings. He had lived with her until about three years ago, when she moved from Toronto and then he visited her frequently. Site knew he had a con- siderable number of investments, but knew nothing of the amount. The inventory of the estate totals 168,064, most of it invested in gilt-edged bonds and stocks, there being only `221 in cash. It is understood a woman in San Francisco alep claims to be Hym'n's wife, and there is likely to be a lengthy law suit over the old miser's estate. THE TOMB. CoLLINaoN,—In Hullett, on January 9th, Mr. Wm. Collinson, aged 74 years, 6 months and 24 days. Custtno.—In Mullett, on January 18th, Mr, John Curring, aged 74 years and 8 months. BLYTH MARKItTB. Birch, San. 14.—Wheat 66o to 07e. Berlet', Mo to 490. Pees, 98, to elo. Oats, 90e to 30a ages, 14o to 1t. Butner, 90o te 90o. Potaton, 40o tetra. Hides, 6a to 60. Hay, $2 to $7. Lard, no to 14'. Pore, $7 to $e. Flour, $1,90 to $9.96. Wood, 19 to 49.50. Wool, Ito to 16o. Turkeys, 110 to 190. Geese, 8o to 9o. Duds, 8o to 100. Ohtokeos, eo to Ib. Annual Meeting. The annual general meeting of the khan• holders of the Lood,.borough Creamery Go, will be held to Hill's ball, Londeaberough, on Fri. dal, January Mrd, at one o'clock p m. A meet. Ing of the patrons will be held in the same hall et two o'olook p.m. A full attendance of shone bolder" and t+atroos is requested. JOHN WATT, President. W. L. COIaCTT*, oeoralaty. 141 Executors' Notice to Creditors Executors' Notice to Creditors of Alex- ander Wilson, late of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, Deceased. Novoo hi hereby given, pursuant to the Btatutee In that bAtelt, that all creditors and others having cabala ogaivat the estate 01 Alex- ander Wilson, deceased, who died In the year 1W1 at mid Township of Morris, are re ut.ed, Oil 1,110.110 J. OmithH aamilton, barrister, LIxto- wen. Out, or to J. A. Jaos800 banister, Blyth, Ont., irritator for nndonignerl executor" of the 1s4e Alexander Milano, a written statement of their names, addresses and occupations, with full particulars of their claims and of the .,Conde. `if any) held by them. And notice is further Riven that atter said 9044 day of JeI uaryy, 1003, the said executors will proceed to ditriPre1e the estate of the said deceased, beving Regard only to those 01,10,0 of which they may bare notice, end that 6bey will DOS be liable fur the proceeds of the estate eo Mari need to soy person of whet claim they had not Hotta at rite dam of inch distribution. JOsRtIA WAWA t..senton Joys Maass, Dated tbte 1866 jay of,ceoambsr, 1g99. 908 Huron County Council. The Connell et the Oorporatioo of the County of Huron w 11 meet In the oouneit chamber to the gown of aodorinb on Tuesday, the Writ day t the present month, at $ o'clock pm. W. LANs, Clerk Dated sl Ooderish, this 18441 day of January, 1900, 9912 BLYTH LIVERY and SALE STALES e Qv silo vv 0 Dr. J. N. Perdue, V.S. PROPRIETOR. oo Oo oo o First-class Horses and Rigs for hire at reasonable rates, Best of accommodation to Com meroial Travellers and others requirin rigs. Veterinary office at livery stable. KING AND QUEEN STREETS, BLYTH, 60 YEARS', EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE MARKS Minna a CDPYRIINTS &C. Anyone pending n xkelrh nn4 deneription may qulotl xarernalnour opnnon free whether en Inven11011 4, probably patentable. eommunloOr tlon,nlrlotly confidential. nnndbook on Parente tent free. rndont agent, for noeurlug patents. Patent, token through Munn A W. receive medal notice, without chew, In the Scientific Rmerican. A handsomely llluetrate4 weekly. tersest olr- colauon of any Relent Me journal. Terms, 13 a ear; Nur mouth., 81. 0.411 by all newsdealer'. �MUNN ! CodFigetn, Wdisey' NPI!! trk MilMirmelmy R WHY YOUR HELP. Bensons Urged for Helping. the Free Hospital for Consumptive's. Ix the letters being received by Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Mr. W. J. Gage and other trustees of the National Santer- tum Association, containing contribu- tions for the furnishing of the new Free Hospital for Consumptives in Muskoka, some very forceful reasons are given why this work should be completed with the least possible delay. The fact that so many are waiting for admittance to the fm hospital—those whom death may overtake 11 too great delay is experienced—is perhaps the moll urgent of all reasons for opening the doors of the Free Consumption I3ospi• tai quickly. The splendid record of the work done in the Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium—the many cures effected and the many helped to new life—is evidence that the Associa- tion is working along right linea But of the letterer Mr. H. P. Dwight, in sending a contribution of 1100, says :— "I have had special opportunities of knowing of the good that has been dons by means of the Muskoka Sanatorium, and I feel that it to only right to state that it 1s hardly possible to conceive of any enterprise in the Dominion more worthy of support and encouragement" A prominent Toronto manufacturer, who stipulated that his name should not be used, and enclosing e50, says l—" I wish you great success, and on behalf of the whole community, for whom yon ars eo strenuously and practically working, I offer yuu sincere thanks." A citizen of. one of our.northern towns, who has opportunity from time to time to study conditions in Grevenbnnt, sends $50, and writes :—" We often speak of the good work in which you are engaged, and often while at Gravenhurstwe had an opportunity of seeing some of the benefits of the came. May God prosper you in your noble work is our, Mame wish." Crossley and Hunter, the well- known evangelists, in sending their cheque for $5u from their home .lit St. Thomas on New Year's Day, say 1=-" We feel confident that it people could visit the Sanatorium that has been in exlst- onceforyears, and become impressed, we were by our visit, as to the excellence and necessity of, the Institution and the good work that is being done, they would eel it a most desirable opportunity and a rareoy to have a share in furnishing the new Free Hospital." Thew lettere might be largely multi- plied, They all tell the one story of 'the practical and helpful character of the methods adopted to assist the canine*. live to health. The new hospital draws very nearly to completion. Within a few weeks It will be sate to announce that workmen are entirely out of the building, so generously given by two Toronto citisene. Furnishing and nip- ping is the immediate work. Whilst the trustees feel grateful for the hearty Te- apenws in many ways to their appeal Yet a much larger sum must be seonred 1n order to furnish and equip so that patients can be at once admitted.g. Con- tributions, large or small, will help to this end, and the hope is that the r' sponse will be prompt. The gum of 160 will furnish a bed. Contributions may bo sent to Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Chief Justice, 4 Lamport Avenue, Toronto; Mr, W. J. Gage, 64 Front Street West, Toronto; or to the National Trost Co., Limited, Treasurer, 22 lfistg Street Fasts Toronto. ii YES f1 And no mistake we are headquarters for bargains in Dress Goods, Etc. Until stock -taking which will be in about 20 days. An almost reckless cutting of prices for the sake of clearing the left -overs. A FEW PRICES $4, /6 and e8 Coats for et, 51.60 and V. 10c Wrapperettee for 80. l2jc Wrapperettes for 10c. Some very special lines in Dress floods worth 50o, for 80c, Etc„ Etc. Come and see. J. A. Anderson Up -to -Date Dress Every woman likes to look well-dressed, yet every woman cannot afford the constant ex- pellee of dressmaking. Buy Standardat- terns and be your own dressmaker, They will give you style. They ere seam allow - in; ; they are well -fitting ; they are scien- tific; they are cheap. ,,,In the February Patterns,,, Soat received, we hove Bayadere ,racket and kirte, Monte CArlo Shirt Waists, Tea Gowns and Box -Plaited Skirts, simple end complex, If You Value Kitchen Time and Toil Here is True Arithmetic of Food Value. We don't cook our food from mere habit; we cook it to retest* its strength and nutriinent, so that it can bo digested. The food that reieaaes moat strength with least cooking is therefore the most valuable. There are tooth( which can be cooked in less time than Quaker Oets, but they do not give eo much good to the body, even in proportion to the time it takee to prepare them. There are many foods, too, that mutt be cooked longer than QUAKER OATS hut there is no food thet gives so much strength and so mach flesh, blood and bone, either with short cooking or long cooking, as Quaker Oats gives when it in cooked twenty minutes. Quaker Date not only gives moil fol the amount of raonell, but most for the amount of time. S. ERRI}MTO, BLYTH r► m► ia►, i► ins i► iL i iii i► ixg► rA 2 The Popular Clothing House A .4 Our Big Annual $TOgEITAK!!a . SALE Is now going on. Al] Winter Goads will be cleared out regardless of cost COME EARLY AND SECURE . THE BARGAINS . . S. H. GIDLEY .. BLYTH . . D:► i► i� Ire► iI I 4 i► i► t► t�