HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-08, Page 8Living Up
If yon want Cheap Groceries now ie
your time as evel,rthiug is going to be
Malley Street BLYTH
An Interesting case.
The came of Hunt vs.Town of Palmer-
ston, heard at the Guelph assizes, is
.trot without interest here: At a meeting
in March of the pesent year, Palmerston
pssed a resolution agreeing to give
ear to maintain a public library,
on condition that Andrew Carnegie give
*MO to put up a building, which he
agreed to do. The council also agreed
to purchase a site for the public library.
On the lt'th of June a deputation from
the free library board waited upon the
,council crd asked thein to snake an
appropriation of 813:10 for the purpose of
buying a site. The council gave the
*at, second and third readings to a
bylaw agreeing to levy, a rate on the
taxable property of the town, eufcient
to rales 8050 for the purchase of a bite.
The plaintiff, Hunt, then got out an
interim injunction, restraining the town
from giving effect to the bylaw to pur-
chase a site or going into trey further
agreen.ut with Carnegie until the trial
Or the action; the plaintiff's reason for
:asking for the injunction being that the
public Library had been formed under
ort tiVo of the Public Libraries Act,
and plaintiffs contend that there must
be • submission of the question to the
ratepayers of the municipality before
the council is justified in making the
((taut. The order granting the injunc-
tion was appealed to the divisional
,court, which has decided ill favor of
the corporation, and the aotiotl (tried
.before Boyd, C., suhjact to the result
of this motion) dismissed. One half
she costs to be paid by plaintiff to de-
samples of Choles Gram.
/fr. Wm. Saundere, director of the
lesoadian experimental fume, writes
Tim STANDARD as follows:
"By instruction of the Canadian
minister of agriculture another diatri-
.bation will be made this .Season of
samples of the most productive aotts of
:grain to Canadian farmers for the
Improvement of seed. filo stock for
•dlstribution is of the very best and hem
been secured by the director of the
experimental farms from the excellent
,grope recently had in the Canadian
northwest. The distribution this spring
NMI consist of samples of oats, Spring
wheat, barley, Inoian tarn and put-
tees. The quantities of oats, wheat and
barley to be gent this year will be
suMo1ent to sow one -twentieth of an
sore. The samplei of Indian corn and
.potatoes will weigh three pounds ea
heretofore. Every farmer may apply,
.but only one sample call be sent to each
applicant, hence if an iudit idual re-
-selves a sample of oats lie cannot also
receive one of wheat, barley or pota-
toes, and applications for more than
o11e simple for one household cannotbe
entertained. These temples will be
eent.free of charge through the metl.
"Applicatiotte should be addressed to
the director of experimental fauns,
Ottawa, and may be sent in any time
before the let of March, after which
the lista will be closed, an that all the
samples asked for may be sent out in
good time for sowing. Parties writing
should mention the sort or variety
they would prefer, and should the
available stock of the kind asked for be
exhausted, some other good Bort will be
sent in its place,"
Three bye -elections to fill vacancies in
the legislative assembly were held in
Ontario yesterday. North Grey elected
a Liberal by 290 majority; North Nor-
folk a Liberal by 64 majority, and
North Perth a Liberal by 221 majority.
Wedding Delia.
A very pretty wedding took place in
Toronto at aix o'clock on Wednesday
ovetting of last creek, when Miss Sadie
Stewart, daughter of Mr. James Stew-
art, cf Blyth, was united fu marriage to
Mr. Choler; Eraser, one of Blyth's pros-
perous young business men. The in-
teresting event took place at the reei-
dence of Mr. George Steuart, cousin of
the bride, in the presence of 20 invited
guests, Rev. S, Carruthers performing
the ceremony, The bride looked charm-
ing in a stylish suit of blue French
broadcloth, with blouse of white liberty
silk trimrned with a beautiful Dollar of
silk applique, wearing orange blossoms
in her hair and carrying a bouquet of
white carnations and maiden'', hair
ferns. The bride received a number of
handsome and useful presents. After
the ceremony and congratulations they
all proceeded to the dinipg-room, where
a beautiful and tastily decorated table
was spread and en excellent supper
served, which was followed by music
and social games, all of which the
guests enjoyed. Among the guests
were Mr. and Mrs. 51cLarty, of Gode-
rich; Mr. and Mrs, Scott, of Morris;
Mr. Fred Haggitt, of Blyth ; Mr. Hugh
McLean, of Harriston; Mr. George
Boyle, of Goderich ; Mies Dora Stewart,
of Toronto; Miss Jennie Fowley, of
Toronto; Mies Sutherland, of St.
Marys; Mies H. Burrell, of St. Cathar-
ines; Miss N. Sutherland, Miss N.
Wheeler, Mr. Hall and Mr. Brachia,
at Wingham.
First-class Maple loge 814 per If
First-class Soft Eltn loge 814 "
First-class Rock Elm logs116 "
First-clase Basswood logs..,$15
First-class Beech logs ‘12
All kinds and grades wanted.
Call and get our prices.
Rha Canada Yarrntare Limited
The Button & Fessaat Chair Factory
Wingham, Ont.
iryE 57RENGTri i0 Y f Rt p%
DIRIf8 The Rot 5TRE,,,,
l'iMorif r'eaitan 1305—f)-:::.,.
Price In Canada: $1.00 ;
Six bottles for :5 C0 ,
Debility of system causes neural-
gia, and whatever tends to produce
cnfeeblements induces it. This affec-
tion is undeniably due to lack of
vitality, and its very existence is
evidence of deficient strength.
Remedial measures should there-
fore be directed to improve the whole
system, for when strength returns to
the system, the neuralgic condition
of the nerves will disappear.
This now is supplied by Sr. JAMES
WAFERS; they seldom fail to relieve;
their effect is a general building up
of the system.
ST. JAMES WAFERS help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accom-
plishes much,
"St. James W afars Error varies.
They are a remedy "without
peer, without a rival." Di alt
cases, of neuralgia they have pro.
vet 'noble and true ally."
Dr. Petrick Doyle,
Dublin, Ireland.
St. James Wafer.; are Rot a tearer
rens.v :1,, Mennacetas:drclarse-
cammiedng (hernia lam patiealr
we mail the Anemia wpm rrquea,
Where dealereare not selling the
Wafers they Inc mailed upon re-
ceipt of bice at the Canadlan
branch : et. Jamas Wafers Ct., 17111
Bt Catherine 31„ Montreal.
Anyone accepting any of the below
clubbing offers will receive a copy of
The Standard and Daily Globe114 25
The Standard and Daily Mail and
Empire 4 25
The Standard and Scientific
American 860
The Standard and Evening Mail
and Empire 8 25
The Standard and Evening Globe 8 25
The Standard and Daily Free
Prean 8 25
The Standard and Daily Witneee 8 00
The Standard and Hamilton Daily
Times 8 00
The Standard and Hamilton Daily
Spectator 8 00
The Standard and Toronto Daily
WoiId 600
The Standard and Noon Free
Press 2 75
The Standard and Evening Free
Press.... . 2 7s
The Standard and Toronto Daily
Star 260
The Standard and Daily Adver-
tiser .,.. 260
The Standard and Toronto Daily
News 250
The Standard and Torouto Sun-
day World 2 59
'fife Standard and Louden Daily
News 200
The Standard and Hamilton
Twice.a-Week Speetator, bal-
ance of 191+22 free 1 75
The Standard and Termite Week-
ly Sun, balance of 1902 free1 75
The Standard and Farmer's Ad-
vocate 1 75
The Standard and Weekly Free
Press 1 75
The Standard and Hamilton Semi -
Weekly Times, balance of 1902
free 1 76
The Standard and Weekly Mail
and Empire end two pictures,
"'Phe Doctor " and " Content -
men," balance of 1902 free 1 75
The Standard and New York
Thrice -s.- Week World 1 75
The Standard and Family Herald
and Weekly Star, and two pic-
tures, ''Alone " and "Purity ". 1 75
Tha Standard and Weekly Adver-
tiser and Farming World 1 75
The Standard and Chicago Week-
ly Inter Ocean 1 70
The Standard and Word and
Works and Hicks' 1908 Alma-
nac 1 70
The Standard and Weekly Globe
and picture of the Governors of
the Province of Ontario since
1791, balance of 1902 free 1 65
The Standard and Weekly Wit -
nese 100
The Standard and Weekly Adver-
tiser 150
The Standard and }hot and West,
n paper for young Canadians1 50
The Standard and Canadian Boy
Magazine ... 1 60
The Standard and Toledo Weekly
Blade t 50
The Standard and Northern Mess-
enger 1 25
The Standard and Christmas
Number, balance of 1902 free 1 00
The above rates are for new subscrib-
ers and oleo old subscribers who pay a
year in advance. Cush must accom-
pany each order. All weekly subscrip.
tions must he for a year.
Send all subscriptions direct to
of Toronto. The newly married couple
visited with Toronto friends until Fri-
day noon, when they left, amid showers
of rice end good wishes, for Harriston,
where they, visited with relatives of the
bride until. Monday forenoon, arriving
in Blyth in the afternoon. They were
met et the train by a number of near
relatives and driven to their future
home on Boundery street. In the even-
ing a surprise party, to the number of
80, called on the happy couple and ex-
tended hearty conuretulatimisantl good
wishes. The house was given over to
the invaders and the night spent in
music, dancing and other social games.
THE STANDARD extend,' congratulations
to the newly married coeple.
Holmes vs. Town of Goderich.
This case was argued in the divieional
court in Toront, before Falcoubridge,
C.J., and Street, J. Judgment (C.) on
appeal from judgment of Robertson, J.,
at trial dietnissing the action. This
was brought by plaintiff, on behalf of
himself and all ratepayers of the Town
of Goderich, to restrain the defendant
corporation, its mayor and treasurer,
and the Bank of Montreal, from dis-
oountint, or in any way dealing with
a mote or the proceeds thereof, made
to the Bank of Montreal to provide
funds to pay into the Supreme Court of
Canada 12000 security on an appeal
taken by the town from a judgment of
the Court of Appeal in another action,
in which the present plaintiff was plain-
tiff, and the town de andante. During
the course of the present action the
money was paid lute the supreme court,
which heard the appeal, and allowed it
with costs, whereupon the 82004) secur-
ity was taken out and repaid to the
Back of Montreal. The only question
in this Nivea!, was, therefore, one of
costs. Held, that the court was bound
to hear and decide the merits of the
appeal (Fleming v. City of Toronto, 19
A.R. 818), and that the plaintiff's per-
sonal interest was no bar to his bring-
ing the action. Held, on the merits,
that the town had no power to procure
the loan, for two reasons; First, be-
cause, lookuig at sub -section 4of section
485 of the Municipal Act (11.8.0, eh.
228), it was clear that, in order to ascer-
tain tke amount which a municipality
may borrow for current expenses under
that section, the amount of taxes col-
lected for school purpose,' in the pie-
lf kelt year must bo deducted from ,the
whole stun collected, and BO p.c, of the
d.Q ro ce only borrowed. Siut:c the
Cheap Groceries!
We know our customers are eagerly watching
this space, so not to disappoint you we arc going to
quote a few of the many bargains we are giving,
which are worthy of special notice.
A lovely Golden Brown Sugar
Choice Tapioca
Nice Fresh Lemon Biecuits
Nice New Figs, just arrived
Nice Fresh fl,aisins
B lbs. for 25c.
8 Ibe. for 25c.
811 lbs. for 25e.
6 lbs. for 25c.
6 lbs. for 25c,
Wo bought our Groceries early before the advance in prices,
so oar customers are reaping the benefit thereof.
Highest market cash price paid for Butter and Eggs.
Bring your Produce to us, 6c per pound for Dried apples.
Bargains in Furniture.
A lame aOsorhnenr of fine goods just arrived, eonsit.ting of Bedroom Sete,
Sideboards, Extension Tables, Fancy Rockers and Couches. Prices are marked
down to rho lowest point for cash.
We have 25 Tables to son at (dB cents eaoh.
Bring in your Pictures and gat them neatly framed.
To preserve or restore tt, there is Ito better prescription
for men, women and children than Lipa is Tabules. They
are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medi-
cines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Ta-
bules are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain, every -day fele they are a veritable friend in need,
Ripens Tul•ules have become their standard f;unily remedy.
They are a dependable, honest remedy, with a long and suc-
cessful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and
stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, museular rheumatism,
sour stomach, bowel and liver complaints, They strengthen
weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure
blood, good appetite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody
derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripens Tabules.
Your druggist sells them, The five -cent packet is enough
for an ordinary occasion. file Family Mottle, GO cents, con-
tains a sapply for a year.
KorK Ktx K K&K
K&K, Kr3trt KuK
THOUSANDS of men are prisoners of disease as securely
• as though they were confined behind the bare. Macy
have forged their own chains by the viral, of early youth,
exposure to contagion, disease, or the eacesces of manhood.
They feel they are not the men they oa,ght to be or used to be.
The vim, vigor, and vitality of manhood are tacking. Are
yen nets. es and deepondeut? tired ill t,.e morning? have you
to tome yourself through the day's work 7 have you little am.
bition and energy? aro you irritable and excitable? eye
sunken, depressed and hnr;g►rdlooking: nter.,ory poor and
brain fagged? have you weak back with dream:• and loase$,M
night? eposit la ague? weak sexually 7—you have
Nervous Debility and Seminal Weakness.
.0 Our NEW METHOD TEELTMP:WT laguaran,ssd to
Cure or No Pay. 00 years an Dettolt. Hoak
B.c. rlty. Beware of quacks—Caasutt old established,
• reliable _physicians. Consultation Wree. Reeks
Free. Write for Question Blank for Rome Treatment,
Drs, Kennedy & Kergan,
K. K Kiat K.Kn X. KtxK K I( rR,
town lied, in 1900, only collected 821,774,
deducting •nhool rates, they could in
1901 only borrow for current expellees
817,119; and since, before this loan was
made, they had already borrowed 117,-
000, this loan caused the legal limit to
be exceeded. Secondly, became' the
borrowing power, under section 485 (3)
is limited to what is required for the
ordinary expenses of the mueioipelity,
and an net hay which bad not been cot,
tomplated when the estimat. s worn
prepared, and for which no provision,
either special or as a possible contin-
gency, had been made in the eatinlatea
could not possibly be deemed part of
'ha "ordinary expeni,itu.e" for the
year. Appeal allowed, coats of action
and appeal againet defendants, other
than the Bank of Montreal, W. Proud -
foot, 14.C., for plaintiff, appellant, E.
L, Dickinson (Goderich) for defendants
other than the Bank of Montreal,
WANTED.—Choice Roll Butter, 20e.
Fresh Eggs, 200. Turkeys, undrawn,
121c, No. 1 Mink or Fox, 84.00 Our
81.110 prise given away, weekly with
82,00 purchaee was won by John Eagle-
tua.—C. E. Kist!, Wiu,hata, 2dtf
Good Farms and Saw Mill
For Sale.
No 1— WI at SS, non. 6, Neat W awanoeb, amp.
tWWuleg 100 aorta, 00 anrea cleared euo lu • good
mate of cul tampon, 7o sexes partially cleared
and 90 acne of t tuber lend. The moil 11 1 good
loam. Thera a on the place a gond Wok dwell-
ing hone. 20084, one and a hall storeys, wag
hbobea attache 1, wood -abed '0080, and stone
cellar ander full Ilse of house; good oiitem;
g.,al welt end wind Mill oouveufeulto hoop
uoi ou 'Au l idmge • Rano, town 10061, with atop.
'tablet under oath; two fr,' a fine lingq. Senn,
one and a half storeys; a ntea'n maw ml;l Nixed,
two story.. wdh boder, eagtun cud all oe.as-
tay machine, y for mahufaotu'iog limber,
lath sod will ogles, all In goat order.
No. 1—t f lot Ol. con. if. Nat Wewanotb, ea-
tsiuing 100 sere., 00 aeras clewed and to a good
state of oultimlon, 20 sores of timber land.
TM re Is 00 the purr a goad frame 610 40a10
and SO feet 6151 vith stone t tables mdse the
full Mae; Rood frame dwelling 1Orin, ono sod a
ball storeys, w.tb cue its 7y kltobeb attache..
No. 1-E1 lot 18, eon.7, Mut Wianonnh, eon"
raining 100 sere', 90 novas cleared and in a Ro d
state of cultivation, 10 acres of timber land,
The Noll Is a good clay loam. On the phot
there Is a good frame d welling £I0a0, stone twit
ler, whit kitchen attached Tat£/, one sod a half
storeys; lard and alt water; Rood frame beau
40140, with stone stables under; frame stable
and shed £(000; good orcbard. Tho pleat to
welt drtiond Bud lies a novel falling spring ri,.
Mug :trough 1..
t or Til perttad:1re IPPIC to Tanaas H. TAT -
Westfield P.O.,out., of to C. llaattUPoa,
1111th P.0„ qct. Ill