HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-08, Page 7Proverbs " When the butter won't come put a penny in the churn," is aa old time dairy proverb. It often seems to work though no one has ever told why. When mothers are worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh we say give them Scott's Emu'. sion. It is like the penny in the milk because it works and because there is something astonishing about it. Scott's Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especiallylprepared for delicate stomachs. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be- cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. For all weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treat- ment. We will send you the penny, 1. e., a sample free. B. sore that the !Amore In the foto nl a label s oe the wrappf of every bottle ot Lot utilise roe fly. SCOTT at BOWNiE, Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. Secand f roo; .ii druggists, Su^day School rendered n. a proper nano. Help thee° women—Help 1:uodlnx and iSyn- t,v(rLr, They lnhorrxl—From the earl - lest limes women have rendered valu- able aselstaueo in the propagation of the gospel. The goptel open. wide the rkx,r of CLIikotlnu nett oily to women. Clement—Bishop of Monte shortly- after the death of Peter and Paul. lie wrote an epls(le to then l'orlittltkInit which Is 11111 extant. 7th) book of ilfe—Tits register book Of those whom) citizenship In In Heaven (Luke s. 20; chap. 0 20). Anciently free eltle dutd a roll book containing the nauu's of ail those having the right of eitlzonsldp.— J., F.&11. III. Exhortations to the thiole Church (vit. 4-0). 4,. Rejoice In the Lord—True joy can only be found In tho Lord. Alwny—Even in the mldet of afflictions and trials, There ie a joy 1n earthly things, but this le not lasting, "Tito believer's joy towers above 011 external circumstances, and may always abide, even in the most distressing conditions." Note, 1. Christians may and should rejoice, Modr'ratlon—forbearance—Mild- nez.r, pt.ttenoe, gentlenee0. 'The word moans forbearance, yr1d{mi•rneee. It is the grace which le slow to take of- feneet and swift to forgive; which suffers wrong rrther than quarrel. Thaw who are expo eting n. Saviour from whom they need clemency may wr11 show Itll ern float they are of a like character. The Lord ix at hand --Tho Lord 11 judge, isn't 1l' at hand to met=h.—Cir roe. e, In nothing be anxious—See Matt. O. 215 There Ie IV care of diligence which 1d our duty, and conular in a wits+ forecast and date concern : Lilt there la a care of distrust, which la our mon and folly, and wh'eh only per- plexes :and distracts the tttlnd.— Ilenry. By prayer, rte.—The tree antidote if/ that constant prayer which melee evcrythln4;, great and sine& with no exception, to God. "Suppliootlon nrosrnts specific peti- tions to (sod. The thOnkxgiving which should necomodny prayer 1's general, a.nd Could corer all 911 Kt 1.1 11.C1111." Prayer makes known our deelree to God end casts our 0111Th and burdens upon 111m. 7. Pence of (nod --Thee follow na natural result. It 14 the rest and eon- flderoe which 1 od elves to tleu,'e who surrender all lido ills bends, Sae John 14, 27; Pea. 110, i65; ism. 20, 3. Shall keep—guard—"As n watchman guards a city." blends—The heart Is the seat of the 11fhetione, the deieres and the motivrs. Thoug'h1n—liven our thoughts, or purposes, are to be gu trdrel. 8. Finally—fn order for ns tO be 1110 happy reetlent0 of (lal'e love 0nd favor, If will he epeessexy for ux to take the oouree hero out - There Are Plenty of People wino have obisection t dr s c, pre s 1 and dlscout•nged, btrause that dry, hack- il lug eouglt hangs to Gm continual - 1 13. They have taken emelt medicine, mostly of rho adverlhu'd tittnck sort, nothing like Dr. August Kee - night hamburg Breast Tea, the dis- covery or a then notal German phy- rletan 00 petite ago. We do not soy that this will euro 0 ensue where the lunge are badly dt€easml, for 1t will not, and ftp to this date, there le nothing that will cure under these rondltlone; but, on the other lotted, 11 the lungs are not hard lilt, the patient should take Dr. August Km, Melo hamburg Breast Tea, a imp- Iul every night on going to bel; have 1t hot, drink hlowls, then every other night, rub the throat and top portion of the lungs with St. Ja- cobs 011, cover with ell silk, let it remain an hour, then remove. Edit good, plain, louriehing food, live In rho open air as nivel' as possible. By alt meows sleep an near out of doors as possible, that, is, windows wide open, exeopt in the very severe wea- ther. Take a cold sponge bath every morning'; then immediately rah the holy vigorously with n coarse towel. Take Dr. August Koe- n1g's IIamberg Drope every other day tweordIng to directions. One can buy the three rennslies for $1.215 of any reliable druggist. Ilegin the treatment nt once, and see how nevelt better you will be almost within a week's time. INTERNATIONAL LESSON NO. 11. JANUARY 11, 1003. Christian Living.-1'uil. 1: 1-IJ,—Ileal Oho NV holo Epistle. Commentary:—Pile epistle reveal, something of the eharacttr of thy', i Church at Philippi. Paul wrote nothing to them by way of r0- 1 proof, Their great love for the apostle' had canecd them to nand Ep- apltralltus to Reno with gifts to support him In prison, and Paul sent this letter to theta' when the messen- ger returned. \\ n also nee the peace and joy that filled the emit of the great apostle. "As In the Philip - plan prison he sang songs of praise eleven years before, so flow it Ito - man prisoner, worn, fettered and bated, Ile rejoiced. It has been said that the sum of his whole letter is, rejoice, rejoice ye' ' 3. Paula love for the saints (v.1). L Tfterefere—This refers to the preceding chapter. Dearly beloved— Paul pours out the fulr ems of his boart'e affection. Nee are not Wevrds of flattery but of sincere lover Longed for—See chap. i. 8. Ile long- ed to see them and hear from thou, and was earnestly desirous of their welfare. My joy—Ile had no great - o' joy than to learn of their pros- perity. And crown—See 1 These. 2. 19. "Tho crown wags the garland of victory. In Nero'e prison, aged, worn with trouble, manacled, uncer- tain of Me, ho rejoiced at being a successful minister of Christ—a con- queror wreathed with a crown of glory. Si. Exhortations to individuate (vas 2, 8). 2. Euodlas 4,yntyehe — Tltese were two women of promin- ence In tate church, who unhappily bad fallen Into dlssonelons. , The (lounge! given to all in step. 11. 2 is specifically repeated to them both, Mowing that they were troth at fault, and must each seek Et better and a Christian spirlt'4 3. Yokefellow—There Is ranch dif- ference of opinion as to whom the apoetio here addresses. /Some think kpapttroditns is meant. Others think' the elder or the bishop of the Church is meant, and that Piaui is urging trim to help the women just named In a reconciliation of their ditkerencee," Still (We're think tltmt the Greek ward "maligns," which mane "yokefellow," should here he lined by tke apostle. True—Ability to discern truth from 'error 1s he 0 recognized. Pure — Freedom from fleshly impurity whish defiler hotly and souk—Tr'encil. It denotes chu8- tity to every part of life. 8. These thhtge do—The apostle I8 So conotloux that In all these things he its followed Christ that he does not heeitato to commend his life to them as worthy of imitation, "What they saw In Mils ons the same is what they had heard from hhn." 1V. Thankfulness for the gift emit (vs. 10-111), 10. But I rejoiced— 'The renewed prod of their regard in tho relief sent by Epaphroditus awoke in the apostle a hol,v Joy. 1'1. I have learned, etc.—Tho apos- tle (Wee net say he hath not been In want, but hue httd learned to meet adversity with that cheerful- ness which the grace of God In the heart can give. 12. I know how, etc.—Ile had Leen In poverty and want, and again h had abonntltel with blessings. Ile knew the two extremes, and was not east down In 1ln one or elated In the other. Ile took whatever We make Granby Rubbers and Overshoes out of pure new rubber. Can as much be said of anv other make i Granby Robbers cost the maker more, hut they cost the wearer less, for one pair docs the work of two pairs of ordinary rubhcrs. "Granby Rubbers wear like iron." TRIALS OF AN OLD LADY Could Scarcely Walk. and Sleep and She Were Strangers Kidney ('ompinito was the Trouble — Aodd's Kidney Pills Cured it and now She can 01)011 Sleep and Walk. Bear Mover, ]high} To., N. w„ flee. 22, (8.peciab)—Of peculiar i1110re14 to eget people Is the ml*U'1110111 made by Mite. Elizabeth Berry, of this place, Mrs. Berry 18 WI year's of age, and for over eight years she ons troubled with Clu'oule Kid- ney Complatut. She was so bad that she could 8000(.1'13 walk from one room to another, she mulct not sleep and sill' required axstalltnce even to dress li er4elf. ikodd')) Kid- ney Pills curial her. here's what veto says herself "A friend advised me to take Dodd s Kidney fills, 1 look one box, but that not helping me t left off taking any more for three retire. t at last got so that 1 could not dross or undress myself ;and could scut•cel,v weep more than five min- utes et a time Then 1 resolved to give Dodi). Kidney fills a thor- ough trial. 1 took- tive boxes 01111 they prove] 4401711 0 success 1 took sell more boxes. Now 1 can sleep much better, and am completely curet of Kidney Trouble. "When 1 started taking lkxdd's Kidney Pills 1 could only walk from time room to another. Now 1 Dun walk 0 mile." ltrxh1'1 Kidney Fills make the old feel young again. came as from the Lord. 13. 1 can du, etc.—St. Poul "now passes from knowledge to power." 'rhes ability canto through talth in Christ. PRACTICAL/ StiltVE,Y. tile, first verse of the 1104011 shodd be read in' connection wile the third tempter, to tvhlc1 it furies tl fitting conclusion. The apostle closes Rho exalted discussion of that chapter w111, the d)elurat ion, "(Mr (itlzeumhip IN in heaven" (R. V.), and a refer- ence to the +second coming of the Lord to eousen units the work of sal- tation. Unity (vs. 2, 3), 'Eno.11a8 and 8,' n- 1 yl'bll', two women, who were doubt - lees prominent and influential In C.es cimreh at Philipp' had, 1't app^are, leen at tannic°. Poul boberciles liven to be reconclletl, and littreats 1lx "trio yoke fellow" to lend Ills influ arse tells that of others to leap thecae women to fin adjustment of their difficulties. Joytulmoss (v. 4). ('hristianbty has Its origin in a P10e8nge of joy and pinctness—good, nows to sten. (Luke II„ 811). 'Gu funeral dirge is not 1„11 suitable e411eg)i011 of our wet. - stain.” Tho spirit of Christianity in tine hearts of ;mien lifts them up above Gee minor key of earth's lamen- tation end smite the song of the spirit to the major settle of triumph, Forbearance (v, 1t). This Is a bet- ter rendering of the Greek than "n.o.lerniton." Witit the disogrce- memt of Euotllas and ;etyntyelo ht mind th;- misrule exhorts, "Let your' forbrnraaee he known tumul- t ettl) uanl- f",o.t) to all. The Lord 111 1tt hand rrrnu"tire," Wo 11 e ell 011111111, euh- jaat to infirmity nml 'wenknewl. Frer'.lolti' from anxiety (vas. ti. 71 The ('lutstiale0 0110 care ehoull be to know that' all his ways are cote- m'itte:1 to Gad, and tli;ol his life is continual acknowledgment of hint. Every other les= should bo trust- ingly committed to (103., 'Aoph'.ttion after tt.ao txsst (vs. R A PROMINENT FARMER. natty farmers, especially those who have ltttelded the Agricultural Colleges, are familiar with the name, John Flxter. Mr. Fixter Ix 101'010.111 of the Donl- Inlon-Experhnentitl Farm al Ottawa. Ile has been enjoying a diversion fent Ids regular duties of late, in- specting the 4,0X) harrows made by Massey -Harris Co., Limited , for the British lioverument Ior use In South Africa. Mr. l'lxter says that he luta per- sonally marked each harrow with the Government stamp. The whole shipment of 4,09)0 was matte within one month of the date the order 01)04 received, which re- flects touch credit mt Massey-Ifar- ris Company and Canadians gener- ally. The Harrows `'ora made in the Brantford Factory of Massey -Har- ris Company. `ante idea of the eap- nalty of this plant may be gathered when it is known that file big or- der was tilled while the regular work of supplying implements of 111 1110104 khlds 1011 the world's hest farmers was still In progress. Speaking of the world's best farm- ers, 11 Is astonishing that this cont - poly Omuta h eve gathered togeth- er such an enviable list of patrons lu almost all quarters of the globe. The fame of the 5faasey-Itarris lm- reateentn evil udo among the farm - lug community of time entire %cored. The only conclusion we can draw is that the buss;1104 ham been built up on Ir,ne•st reale is—the company has given Its tsarists, the farmers, final vibe" for their money, ;and dealt honestly and fairly with them at all times. • IP. F1rt 110 rrprescntol rn lo'ty :1111 ('51114 1 heti fel principles. Teo to:,", tee hocor.illntho just, the let re, 1.101lovable, the things w^Il spoken of, the e,"ellent or pre -c cal- m nl five thing, worthy of ptalee or tmenet) lellm (v. 07. F. rood. 010 rear r 'geed;! 111 the tent type., o' chau•r,c- 10r tv' 3). )'o-lrtn"y (vo. '!u.I 1 r. No finer ex - fee a r,l•t ;'til loon whlelt prone -Keit it can bre found t,un0 is h re recorded. With what dig- nity he expresses the idea that he doom not reeler ten gift as a ntendi- cent, and 3rd hon, careful not to woumt lh,' feelings of those who haul thus ',membered 111111 ! ANCIENT ADVERTISEMENTS How the Old Itoman8 Solicited i'ubin' Patronage. Latin inscriptions, advcrtIceutents of trades nest, form an interesting class, mays Macmillan's Magazine. Here Is 000 near Rome: "If you waist inserfptbon11 made, or have any need of marble work, you'll gest it here." Another enterprising man at Bol- ogna announces: ''A bath in town 'style and every convenience." A simper notice meets us only elgnt miles from Roue, where, of course, most of the customers would be able to know whether they, really, had "town styli" or not. A curious example comes from Lyons, whish may he paraphrased Mimi: "Dere Mercury promises pro- fit, Apollo mately, and Septum/01ex heed and breakfast. Ile who has been here before will he treated till the better a merond time. Stranger, set- tle on your lodging beforehand." A more independent tone Is taken by another Innkeeper, who doesn't hesitate to declare that him 1101140 is not Intender) for people of moiler - ate 111011 1111. "If you Ilse In good style, here's the house for you if in poor fashion, I'll put up with you, but 1 shall be nshanued of having you." Perkins there are a good many modern hotels eotidnoted on them principle, but the proprietors aro not, tie a rule, quite xo frank In ex- pressing their sentiments. TO WORKING GIRLS FREE MEDICAL ADVICE Every working girl who is not well Is cordially invited to write to Iilrs. Pinl(h(tm, Lynn, Mass,, for advice; it is i'reely given, and has restored thousands to health. 1"liss Paine's Experience. "1 want to thank you for what you have done for me, and recommend Lydia 11. Pfnkhnin's Vegetable Compound to all girls whose work keeps them standing on their feet in the store. The doctor said I must atop work; he did not seem to renllzc that a girl cannot afford to stop worn - Ing. My leek ached, my appetite was poor, I could not sleep, and menstrua- tion was scanty and very painful. One day when suffering 1 eomru'mcrd to take Lydia E. Pinkhaln's Vege- table Compound, and found that it helped me. I coutinued its use, and soon found that my menstrual periods were free from pain and natural; everyone is surprised at the change in me, and I am well, and cannot he too grateful for whet you have done for me."—Mims JANET PA1)1, 130 West 135th St., New York City.— 85000 forfeit If original of oboes letter proving genuineness can- not be produced, Take no substitute, for It is Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vegetable Compound that cures. PLAVINO WIN DEATH, Testing an Electrician's Salley Drees of Wire Gauze. Experiments Imre been made with Prof. Artemieff's wifely dress, In the high tension laboratory of !desert'. Siemens and ifalska. Tills dress (8 constructed entirely of fine but thickly woven wire gauze, It com- pletely inclose1 ,the wearer, inclu- sive of hands, feet and head. Its total weight is 3,3 pounds, its resistance from hand to hand, 0.017 ohms, and its capacity varies from .0002 up to 00025 mlcrofarads, according as the wearer is tar away front or near to a wall. The cooling surface is 110 great that a current ot 200 nnl- pere8 can pass through the dress for some seconds from lined to hand without perceptible heating effect. Standing =insulated on the ground, and clad with this 111110, Prot. Ar- tenileff drew up:u'ke from the sec- ondary terminals of a transformer 10111011 wile g1vLtg n tension of 715,- 000 volt8, the peti..od being 150 cycles per second. Ile next seizr.l the main, and later on, the 1100'!) 117(1 1101114 1.118011 10 1 5000 vol10, he 11)410' 0)1101-1)17 from both lerudmtl4, and handled the latter. The machine tate- plying title transformer watt of CIO- kilowatt 70.kilowatt capacity. In cencludinxthe experiments, the inventor s'tott rlr- ONE YEAR'S SUPPLY OF HAVANA CiGARS FREE... AU ,the tobacco t)tat I use is gro'vu 1n Cuba, therefore nothing' nut Ila atm tobacco over goes Into any part of any of my cigars. I employ CObaa workmen oils'. No wholesalers, re- commission enlistees' nor bad eoconnts—that's all I11 the cigars CIGARS DIRECT from MAKER to SMOKER. No dealers tired apply. 381,000 sold In the taut year, ONE 11OX AND 70U ARE A RE;(IPLtit CUSTOMER References—ANY BANK IN TORONTO. I supply you, THE NE\V WAY, TWO YEARS, for the sa.me money you pay the old way one year. These Clgare are superior to Imported 15 - cent Havana& The name of my cigar le No. 72. Price $2.5OFOR A BOX OF 50 being equal to five cents each. i propety all express or postage (regle- deredi, and thus dcLlver to you free all over Canada Bend money with order, one or more bores, and you shall he a customer of mine. Some bare ordered the fiftieth time. 893 whether mild, medium or strong - R. K. FERRIS Toronto Canada (37 King St. East culled this generator by clutching hold of the terurinalo, the potential difference between the two being 1,- 11011 volts, and the carrentt passed 200 ampere°. The circuit was broken by simply letting go of one electrode. Throughout these experiments Prof, trtrlmicff declared he telt not the slightest sensation of tory current through his holy, --from Engineer- ing. Wise and Otherwise. De Ta nque—('lever fellow, that. AI- 0•nve stye the right thing in the right place. Spiggott—l'vo never noticed It, De Tanquo-1111,1 lent night. IIe was In 1Loy'le's saloon, and he said; 'What'll 3'l' have, Goys?'" He that is down need fear no fall. —Bunyan. lingson Tatters—ler lookln' ner- (01404 div mornlu'. Cray Ekxlges—Yes, i nl'nys git ner- vous aster Sunday. Ragxon Tatters—'t'ausekle day o' rest le over, ell Fray Dodges—New, 'Cause it's wash day. Gol Melte, and tile doctor takes the fee.—Franklln. -- "Boo, hoo," whimpered the little boy. "What's the matter, my child?' asked the kind old lady. "Have you 110 mother to love you?" "Yoe, I got one that loves me tee blamed hard. She rxtye It's 'cause she loves me that she licks me." The men who make history have not time to write it.—Metternich, The King's Shilling. Rather curiously, It appears, that the new King Edward shilling hag found iris way to London from Rei- gnite. While not In general circula- tion as yet in the Anglo-Saxon cape. ital, a few of them were pald out in the city within the last few days, having arrived la a consign - moat of coil's received from abroad, The )tank of England, it seems, 011718 not aware that there had been 11 new issue from the royal taint. The new coin has the advantage of bring at least original in de• sign, and, while severely plain, o0 the obverse, 04 sufficiently decora- tive in Its arrangement to lead us to hope that the medallists who have charge of the designing and mttting of the dies from which aha British toles are struck aro learn- ing something of the delicacies of the art from the French. It IN to (re presumed that they will shortly be in general olrcula- tion, though further Inquiry at tilt bank draws forth no further Intor- ntatlou as to when this may be ex- pected, and the puzzle le still un- solved as to how the coins Bette. ally tirade their appearance abroad before they were known In Lon- don. What Happened to Mary. Mary tcsok a little lamb, She found It rather tough. And when elm couldn't oat it, why She kicked up rather rough. Site grabbed the waiter by the faoe And on )tint wiped her feet. "That lamb," she sold, "Is a dis- grace ; It isn't fit to eat." "Why should you use an old man .0 7" In grief the waiter cried. "Because you are a stiff, you know," The Saucy 11100l replied. Just then a "copper" wandered in, And took her to the calls, The recant that they kept in jell Poor 'Mary's fttlsh tells. They openeol wide the prison doors. Such conduct never pays. You'll find poor glary scrubbing flours Jin Iasi for 0ivty days. :Page. i.":'Je,intli C rirssmental Fence 1!audao .x•, ,i unable and low-priced. Epecially suitable fur free) aad df vision f,mee 1 in town Iota, cemeteries, orchards, eta Retails ter20 CENTS PER RUNNING FOOT. Just about tho cheapest Pones yon can put up. Writ. for full par11oalerl. En page Farm Pence, and Poultry Notting. 'Ihs race Wi1:a Tease Co., Limited, Walkorvnls, tMtaris. -.seal, P.Q, and at. J01sm, 21 B. 7