HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1903-01-08, Page 2TROUBLE IN MOROCCO OVER SULTAN'S BROTHER Who Has Been Held a Prisoner, but is Now Liberated. The 5o•Calied Pretender tV tints the Throne for tilm---A Spanish Sloop of War Has Arrived at Tangkrs and Morocco is Qulet—Turks and Bulgarians Fight and Fifteen of the Turkish 'troops Are Killed o Wounded—Bulgarians Escaped—The Turkish Commander Fell-- GermanTradeWith the United States. Gibraltar, Jan. 5. -Tho despatch of Spanish reinforcements to Morocco hast been countermanded. The latest advices from Fez. Morocco, say that city remains calm. Fighting for Sultan's Brother. Tangier, Morocco, Jan. 5. -The pre- tender has lamed a proclamation that he 1s not fighting for the throne for hlnteelf, but for the Sul- tau's tmprlsenel brother, Mural Mohammed. It'1s now confirmed that the Sul- tan has ordered his brother's re- learn, and that the honors of his rank be paid to hint. The Governor at a recent confer- ene:e with the Kalinin ('filets pointed Out to them that they were res-pon- slblo for the safety of the roadn run- ning through their territory. The Spantett sloop of war Infanta Dube( l]as arrived here. Turks awl Bulgarians Fight. Conetantinople, Jan. 3. -In a re- eent fight between Bulgarians and Turkish troops at the village of Dre- nova, in the Monastlr district, fif- teen of the latter were killed or wounded. The Turkish commander was among the killed. The Bulgari- ans, who were hatri'tcaded in a bonne, also e118t0lero losses, but the sur- vivors escaped. German C. S. Trade. Berlin, Jan. 5.- Partial returns from the coneular district intricate that Germany's exports to the 11. S. Increased in 1002 by about $5,- 000000 over those of 1001. The im- ports from the 1'. S. fell off, but no reliable figures are available. MINE EXPLOSION KILLS FOUR. Statistics of Mines Sent Into the Strike Commission. Pottertllo, Pa., despatch -By an ex- employees. 11,202; average earn- ings of ruiners $628.9:3; average earnings of laborers, $363.72; per contuge of ears docked, two; aver- age of ten hour days' breakers worker, 203; average number of days breaker; started, 260; aver- age number of hours breaker vvork- ed per day, 7 8.10; average num.• her of hours contract miner's work - plosion at the Oak 11111 colliery to- day six or more mine workers were killed and a score severely burned. Among the killed are Hugh Curran,, l'atrick Martin and Michael Under. Coal' Mine StatIoties. Scranton, Pa., Jan. 5.-Statistice ora hours and wages for 1:101 have , ell per 10 hours day, 6.53; number been forwarded to the Mine Strike of company !tends, 2,01/6; average Commission by the Delaware, Lack- earnings of company hands, awanna & Wosteru. Among the $514.95; average earnings of bays ltotne of the xunuuary aur, thea : $204.10; average earnings of all Number of collieries lir; number of employees, ;1482.83. rfltrvdvre "..PCVrelel NEWS IN BRIEF W Vtl'�gfistf'\ftCV i,h LANAINAN. Toronto's building record for last year amounted to $5,034,000. ear Oliver Mowat personally wel- comed Ids 300 New Year's callers, Winnipeg now stands third in the list of importing centres in Canada. The first fire of the year did $500 damage to Staudey, Barracks, To- ronto, Dr. A. Y. Scott, of Toronto, wax reported much worse, with little hope of recovery. News has been received at Ottawa that a recent storm played havoc witia the Yukon telegraph line. There were 375 entries at the To- ronto Canary and Cago Bird Society's show, 54 more than the record. The Toronto Conservatory of Mottle has purchasitd the property to the south of Its preeent premises. Thomas K, Haywood was eentenc,- ed at Braeabridge to three yearsit Kingston Penitentiary for robbery. Mr. Chris Foley hat consented to stand as independent labor candi- date in But'rard for the Common's. At the anauetl ball of the Guelph fire brigade, Mayor Kennedy, on behalf of the business men of the city, presented the firemen with a new billion! table. Several changes are reported 1n the Winnipeg Tribune staff. Mr. 1t. L. Ri- chardson becomes; business manager, and is outmoded in the editorial, obalr by Mr. J. J. Mancrief, news editor. Retro to the Eli Hyman estate, To- ronto, are springing up all over the country. The latest claimants are heard from 1n Jan Francisco, where the first wife and one of the daugh- ters of the Toronto miser have been located. Lawyers claim to have all the proof that to neeessary to ee- tablish their position re the estate. BRI tisH AND t-OIkEIiiN. The Indian staff cordae is to be 411)01 - Mot - The cable from $an F raneiseo to Honolulu wan completed. Fifty-eight men were killed it a mining Meader at Bochum t, ltuxsia. Austria and Hungary have reaehe;l an agreement which settles their customs policies disputes, It is believed that the cattle dle- ease in the State of Dfatetaehusctts has passed the dangerous stage. The National review for January repeats the story- that Emperor Wil- liam attacked the Ktng and the ,Brit- Uh people. Tha Times' correspondent in Parra stave that pilgrianagea to Mecca have I hot n forbidden in Tunis during 1003 bocautsn of the prevalence ui cholera in Egypt. The British table Company In at - 1 tr•atping to purelutse Fanning Island, now under .iiritish protection, where their first ruble station (Alt of Van - convoy is locate(. Hong Kong despatches to Japan- ese papers dated Dec. 10th sav that one -halt of Iiwangnt Province is now in the hands of bandits. News from Wel-Hal-Wei tette of a gold miming Incnt there. The Central News announces that the claim of May Yohe for $45,000 against the estate of Lord Francis Ho)os has .been eI tiled tuuleably. The terms of tic settlement have not yet Noon publlxhet. Frederick S. Shaw, of Columbia University, yesterday broke the strength tent record of 2,010 points by himself, aceurding to the Strgcnt system of measurement, In Novem- ber In et. The new figures Maude by Shaw are 2,1.96. Tho Mayor of the city of Leon, Mex[co, which has a population of 80,000, has issued an order that ovrry house to .the city must be re- painted within a month. Paint deal- ers have had their stocks ilepleted as a result of tile remarkable ord'r. CURlON'SSPEECH AT DELHI Deplores Decadence of Indian Native Arts. LACK OF HOME SUPPORT Delhi, Despatch -This was the sec- ond day 0: tiro ceremonies of the coronation durbar, at which King Edward in to be proclahnol Emperor of India. Lord Curzon, the Viceroy of India, carried out the programme for to -day by opening the Indian Arte Exhihttion In the presence of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught and a brilliant gathering of native princes. Lord Curzon rondo a noteworthy 'speech on the decadence of Indian na- tive arts Ile deplored that native taste was declining, and that many � olorn models were deb,xeed. It was the hone of arresting the prog- ress of decay that the exhibition had been organized. He appealed to na- tive artists and their patrons to study and imitate the beautiful spe- cimens of the last collected at the exhibition. They were witnessing In India ono aspect of a process that was going on throughout tho world, wahas long ago had extlugulshet the manual Industries or Great &Itwlu, and was rapidly extingnlxlting those of China and Japan. Nothing could stole It, because It was Inevitable In an age which wanted things cheap, irol did not mind their being ugly; which eared touch for comfort and little for beauty, which, ever assert- ing its own models, was seeking mane - thing, new or strange. It wall cer- tain that if many old Indian arts and int ;liberalist were to be revived and placed In at flourlxbing condition it could only be done by the patt'on- agd of the Indian chlefn, the aristo- cracy- and cultured persons. But so long as these preferred to fill their piercer with flaming Bruxselx car- pet, cheap Britleh furniture, Italian Monica, French oleugrapbs, ,1tte- trhut luetrex, and German brocades, (hero wax not much hole. Lord Curzon said that Ito did not ,,near to eoeclally reproach the East In- dies (or their pursuit of foreign gentle Matters were Pet ns bad ht Great Britain, but 'ho wished to Impress upon his hearers that Sup- port of native art trust como from hullo. Outside patronage alone could not support it. He was con- vinced that In an artlxtle xrneo In- dia was not dead. She could stilt inmgino and create. The art collection is the result of at prolonged and careful research. It includes priceless brocades, enamels, gold and silver Plato, carpets woven to order for moguls turd 'emperors, Jewelry from the treasure houses of Hindoo rajahs, and exquisite carv- ings' in wood, marble and Ivory. One oi' tho carpets In the tent of Gook - war of Baroda is embroidered with pearls, rubles, emeralds and dln- nlonds. It cost sixty (skis of ru- pees. OYSTER TRADE RUINED. Effect of the Scare Over Fatal Weyard Banquet. ALL. ENGLAND IS ALARMED London, Jan. 5. -No patter how Loudon may determine to throw off the excitement of its C'Wintmas- tide, cometldng extraordinary al- ways trope up to keep people awake. P111 year the excitement is over oysters. The falai mayotal banquet at 11am:heater has muted no end of sensation. Toe post-mortems which declared the death of many peomitot victims to be due to ty- pho.d from avvallowing dra;atsei rats tors, fohowed by the death of the Doan or 111ncueeter, also from hav- ing tateu oysters, have had a most uhaxtroan efte:t ou the Fmiish oya- ter trade Mr. Uat,n, one of the largest wholesale oyster merchants In Eng - hula, In an interview, stud toe stile of oysters (tad fatten by about 75 per tent. "My own biose,' be surd, "snow Coat 1 have taueu In about £3,Ulh) Iia durbtd tee last three day than I should have, had utas typhoid scare not occurred. 1 e'stt- nstte r'•ut during the present oys- ter set.,om this outbreak will cost the trade about $500,000 worth of business." A corset feature, however, than trio loss to the large morchauts will be tee (ming oft In the employment of those who gel their daily bread In the oyster producing districts, For leetatce, along the Kent and Essex shores there trust be 500 or 600 men enteloyod on the oyster Wein. The Wore means a shortage to 500 or 600 families -several thou- sand persons. The extent of the Ems - worth's less is best set forth in the foiowlu;g statement by Mr. Foster, o.re o; tie largest merahanls in Lon- don: "in the week before ehrietmaswe reckon to sell 100,1)00 oysters, but what hats happened its that in the week before the 'stare we sold from :11,0011 to 40,000. On Monday, the day previous to the first publication of the typhoid outbreak, we told 5,- 000; on Tuesday the number was 3,- 000. Sine then we have ,tot disposed of 1,001) a day. On Saturday wo did not get rid of; a tingle oyster. On Monday 60,000 art'Ived by smack. They are melees. This week 50,000 more are due; they will bo useless. I have at pr'esen't in the beds about 500,000 oyster's, valued at between $5,000 and $10,000, but they cannot be cold. "Again, 1 bare oysters laid in other farts 10 which no suspicion attaches, but the present snare will render their dI•posal exceedingly difficult" NAVAL PRISONERS MUTINY. Discharged Revolver*, but. Were Cowed by Brave OOle.rs. Boston, Jan. 5. -It was learned to-, day that an officer of mariner( quelled all Incipient mutiny, in widen two prisoners of war were the chief actors, on board the 'Sound line steamer 1'lyme,alh last nisltt. On beard were twelve general court - Mai (Lal naval prisoners, who were being taken from the ,Brooklyn navy y oral to the naval prison Miro, to serve out their terms. An escort of marines accotupanird the (nen. Two of the long-term prisoners were unthacklel and sent below to charge of two marines. These ,pris- oners disarmed their guards of their revolvers and began it general Leal - ode. The officer In charge, when he appeared, wale confronted by one of the men will] a drawn revolver. The officer said: " Now, don't do anything foolioh," and his words had the effect of bring- ing the tinnily men Into eubmleslou, The men were reshaokled, Ten theta in all were fired. The prlsonere were donde( nt fall River and brought here by train today SAMUEL WATSON 11111ESPON511311. Middleport Tragedy Investi- gated by Coroners' Jury. ARRESTS AT ANCASTER. Allred ilanley and Mdotu'tl Ray, Well Known Doodlers, Charged. With the Previous Hold-up at the Home o1 the Midmost Brothers -Much Interest In Cage. Brantford despatch -The inquest Into the circumstances atteudtng the tragic death of Wesley .Watson, which occurred last Tuesday morn - Ing itt its house near Middleport, was resumed yesterday In the ball of that village. The session occu- pied about five hours. The chief evi- dence was that presented by Jamie Watson, a brother of the deceased. Ur. Ftehette, of title city, presided, and A. J, Wilkes, K. C'., Crown .at- torney, represented the Crown. W. C. Livingston looked after the i